Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
careful manner of the W . M ., who afterwards briefly explained to the newly initiated brethren the tracing board in that degree . Bro . Radley then introduced the subject of the Boys' School , informing the brethren that a resolution was about to be adopted by the committee appointed
to revise the laws of the two schools , which moved for the future reduce the number of votes procured by donations to half the quantity so obtainable . After explanation by Bro . Radley , and discussion by the brethren , it was proposed by Bro . Poole , S . W ., and seconded by Bro .
Bland , P . M ., that this lodge do give , « io ios . out of its funds to make the W . M . a Vice-President of the Boys' School , providing that the remaining amount , together with A ? 26 jjs ., already subscribed , be subscribed by the brethren . The lodge was then closed , and the brethren
afterwards sat down to the usual monthly banquet , spending a most pleasant and instructive evening . ALTRINCHAM . —Hanj ' ord Lodge ( No . 1045 ) . — The annual meeting of this young and flourishing lodge , numbering now seventy members , was held at the Town Hall , Altrincham , on Monday
the 3 rd inst ., there was a large assemblage of Past Masters present , and visitors , to witness the installation of the W . M . The lodge was opened at a 3 o , and Bro . Fn . dk . A . Church was passed to the degree of a F . C , after which the ceremony of the installation took place Bro . James , A .
Birch , P . M ., took the chair , as Installing Master . The W . M ., elect , Bro . John Siddelcy , was prcsentedby Bro . Kir '; W . M . The Secretary having read the usual obi gation and the W . M . elect having assented thereto the brethren below the
rank of Installed Master retired . Bro . Siddelcy received the obligation and retired with due tests of merit . The Board of Installed Masters was then opened , there being twenty-four present , and Bro . Siddeley having been admitted in due form was Installed into the chair of K . S . The Board
of Installed Masters was closed . The W . M . then appointed , and Bro . Birch invested , the following brethren as officers for the ensuing year . Bros . J . IT . Kirk , I . P . M . ; II . Kenyon , S . W . ; Robt . Fergusson , J . W . ; The Rev . R . Hodgson , P . G . C . Chaplain ; Mort , P . M .,
Treasurer ; R . Newhouse , P . M ., Secretary ; R .. Baker , S . D . ; T- Burgess , j . D . ; E . Simpson , P . M . O . ; J . S . Owen , l . G . ; and Bro . Worthington , Tyler . The entire ceremony was listened to by more than seventy brethren with the greatest amount of pleasure , as it was rendered by Bro .
Birch in a manner seldom heard , being a comparatively young Mason ( initiated 186 , ) he can render the ritual in a manner rarely equalled and seldom surpassed . After the after the lodge was closed tlie brethren sat down to a splendid banquet , provided by Bro . Harvey , the newly Installed W . M . in the chair , justice being done
to the dinner , the W . M . pioposed the usual loyal and Masonic toasts , and in proposing the health of the Queen expressed the great pleasure they all felt that this year they had not , as on the occasion of their last festival , to sympathise with the Sovereign in moments of domestic anxiety , and trusted it would be loner before sickness
again invaded the Royal household . 'The health of the newly Installed W . M . was pioposed b y Bro . Kirk , P . M ., in a happy and pleasant manner , he referred in warm terms to the way Bro . Siddelev had filled every office in the lodge , and did not doubt his year of office would be prosperous . Bro . Bro . Birch proposed the Masonic Charities
in a very eloquent speech , which was responded toby Bro . Forshaw , who said he could nots | : eak , but could give , and offered Bro . Birch £ 2 ^ for the Boy ' s School . All the other toasts were duly drunk and replied to , and the brethren separated , well pleased with each other and every tiling , at 11 o ' clock .
ROYAL STANDARD LOIICK ( NO . 129 S ) . —The installation meeting of ( his flourishing lodge was held at the Marquess , Canonbury , on Tuesday , the 4 th instant . Present : Bro Ballantyne , P . M . 754 , W . M ., in the chair ; Bros . Woodman , S . W . ; Dudden , J . W . ; Rutterford , Treas . ; R . Shackell
P . M . 30 , P . Prov . G . P . Hants , Hon . Sec . ; Cattlin , S . D . ; Rafter , J . D . ; Dupont , l . G . ; Dickinson , Org . ; Wright and Jameson , Stewards , and about 40 other brethren ; among the visitors we observed : — Bros . Younghusband , P . M ., P . Prov . J . G . W . West Lancashire ; J . Terry , P . M ., P .. Prov . G . S . B . Herts ; J . Shackell ,
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
W . M . 193 ; Bellaby , P . M . 6 j ; Batchelor and Preston , 1365 ; H . Lyon , J . D . Tranquility ; C . E . Thompson , 1158 ; George , 742 ; J . Woodman , 813 ; Godson , 13 S 5 ; Badtrin , Taylor , Bass , & c . The lodge was opened and minutes confirmed . Bro . Rodwell was raised to the
degree of M . M ., Bro . C H . Webb was passed to the degree of Fellow-Craft , and Messrs . W . A . Mott , A . J . P . Stevens , and A . Le Grand , were initiated into the mysteries of Freemasonry , —all of which was done in Bro . Ballantyne ' s usual misterly manner . The W . M . then resigned the
chair in favour of Bro . Younghusband , the two Warden ' s chairs being ably filled by Bros . Terry and R . Shackell . Bro . Ballantyne having presented Bro . W . J . Woodman , Bro . Younghusband , in a very able and fluent manner , installed him into the chair of K . S . Bro . Woodman
then appointed and invested his officers as follows : —Bros . Dudden , S . W . ; Cattlin , j . W . ; Rev . R . J . Simpson , M . A ., P . G . Chap . ; Rutterford , Treas . ; R . Shackell , P . M . . 30 , P . Prov . G . P . Hants , Hon . Sec . ; Rafter , S . D . ; Dupont , J . D . ; Wright , l . G . j Dickinson , Org . ;
Woodman , D . C ; and Jameson and Cohen , Stewards . Bro . Terry gave the several addresses as thi officers were invested in a very pleasing manner . The newly-installed Master then presented the I . P . M ' .. Bro . Ballantyne , with a handsome Gold Past Master ' s Jewel , which bore the following
inscription : — " Presented by the Royal Standard Lodge , No . 129 S , to Bro . Hugh Ballantyne , P . M . 7 . ^ 4 , to mark their appreciation of his truly Masonic conduct , firmness and urbanity of manners , and zeal evinced for the prosperity of the lodge , 4 th March , 1 S 7 3 . " Votes of thanks to
Bros . \ ounghusband and Terry were passed , and the brethren adjourned to a first class banquet , provided in excellent style by Bro . Tullett , to which some . ^ 0 sat down and did ample justice . The usual loyal and Masonic toasts were given , those of the I . P . M ., Bro .
Ballantyne , " The Visitors , " responded by Bro . Bellaby , "The Masonic Charities , " b y Bro . Terry , and the officers , with which was coupled the name of Bro . 11 . Shackell , were all particularly well received . The brethren separated at an early hour , much pleased with what they had seen and heard that day .
ALDERSHOT . —Aldershot Camp Lodge ( No . 1 3 . 3 J ) - —I'he regular monthly meeting of this lodge was held at the Royal Hotel , on the 6 th inst . The chair of K . S . was occupied by the W . M ., Captain Richardson , R . E ., who was
supported by the following officers : —Bros . C Carnegie , P . M ., P . Prov . G . Purst . Hants , as I . P . M . ; A . McKenzic , S . W . ; R . Bennett , J . W . ; U . Lucas , Secretary : j . Osmond , P . M . as S . D . ; F . Anderson , J . D . ; J . Smith , as l . G . ; J .
Marversly , O . G . There was a numerous attendance of the brethren , and several visitors . The lodge was opened in form in the first degree , and the minutes of the last meeting were read and confirmed . A ballot was taken for Bro .
Smith , 3 , I . C . as a joining member , and for Sergeant Olphert , R . E . a candidate for initiation , which proved satisfactory in each case . Bros . O'Leary and Brown , candidates for the F . C . degree , were then examined respecting their proficiency in the former degree , which proving
satisfactory , they were entrusted , and retired . The lodge was opened in the second degree , and Bros . O'Leary 'and Brown were passed to that degree ; Bro . Carnegie giving the charge , and the W . M . putting round the questions for the information of t ' ne newly passed brethren , and also
explaining the tracing board of the second degree . Tlie lodge was closed to the first degree , and Sergeant Ol phert was initiated into the mysteries of the Order . On the proposition of Bro . C . Carnegie , five guineas were voted from the Charity Fund of the lodge for the list of Bro . R . Eve , P . P . G . S . W ., Hants , who is one of the
Stewards for the Annual Festival of the Boys ' School on the 12 th inst . Two pounds were voted to the widow of a deceased brother , on the proposition of the Worshipful Master . Some other business having been transacted , the lodge was closed in peace , harmony , and brotherly love , about nine p . m .
STOCKWF . LL LODGE ( NO . 1 . 339 ) . —A meeting of the above lodge was held at the Half Moon , Heme Hill , on Thursday , 20 th February , 1873 .
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
There were present : —Bros . Wm . Worrell , W . M . ; C . Pain , S . W . ; Brighter , J . W . ; Klirck , J . D . ; Francis , P . M ., Sec . ; also Bros . Benham , Bowyer , Coe , Hinksman , Basnett , Webbe , R , and J . Knibbs . Visitors : —Bros . N . H . Turner . P . P . G . S . Norfolk ; Dann . W . M ., 72 ; Garwood ,
P . M . 769 . ; Webb , 890 ; Nunn , P . M ., 72 ; Hart , 97 j ; Ringwell , Stanhope , Lodge ; Durkin , J . D ., 72 jLasky , P . M ., 72 ; Dodson , P . M ., 72 . The occasion of the meeting was to install Bro . Brighter , J . W ., the Master for the ensuing year , the present S . W ., having wished to retain his
office for a further term . Bro . Brighter had been unanimously elected to that important office . The ceremony was performed by Bro . Worrell , the outgoing Master , the addresses biing impressively given and the brethren who were aware it was a maiden effort on the part of the worthy P . M ., appeared much gratified with the
ceremony . Bro . Brighter appointedhis ollcers for the year viz . Bros . Pain , S . W . ; Benham , S . D . ; Klirck , J . W . ; Basnett , J . D . ; and Francis , Sec . Bro . Worrell was then presented with a jewel for past services , and the W . M ., as is the custom in this lodge , presented the lodge with a handsome silk banner of his arms and tnnttoe
" clanore tenebns . " After some further business the lodge was closed and the brethren sat down to a banquet in a most chaste and elegant repast that reflected much | credit on the host , Bro . Coles . After the usual loyal and Masonic toasts , the
worthy P . M . proposed "The Health of the W . M . " paying a deserved tribute to his capabilities . The W . M . returned thanks in feeling terms , and eloquently expressed his thanks to the brethren of the lodge for the honour they had done him . The toast of " The Initiates" was
given and duly responded to by Bro . Mills , who was initiated at a previous emergency meeting . The W . M . gave " The Health of the Visitors , " expressing his thanks for the compliment they had paid him in being present at his initiation , he was particularly grateful for the attendance of his
friend , Bro . Fraser , P . P . G . S . whom he had known and whose friendship he had enjoyed for many years , he , the W . M ., being quite a boy when he first made the acquaintance of Bro . Eraser , and now Bro . Eraser had specially journeyed many miles to be present at the installation . He was sure that the brethren of the Stockwell Lodge
gave him a heart y and cordial welcome . Bro . F ' raser returned thanks in happy terms , and the toast was also replied to by the other visitors . "The toast of the Installing Master" was received with acclamation and duly responded to by Bro . Worrell , Bro . Francis also replied to the toast of the Secretarv and P . M . " The Officers "
was then given and responded to , and the Tyler ' s toast was the finale to a most happy evening , which had been enlivened by the musical abilities of the W . M ., Bro . Worrell and others .
EARL DE GREY . —The last telegram from Cannes , dated March 11 , says : " A good night . Symptons continue favourable . " The Marquis of Ripon , writing to Sir Bruce Seaton on the
1 oth . reports that Lord de Grey was going on very well , but three weeks mut pass on befote he can be considered out of danger . Consequently , until that period has elapsed , the Alarquis of Ripon cannot leave Cannes for London .
" I cannot express to you my gratitude for the cure your l ' ain Killer has wrought on me . I had rheumatism all over my body , accompanied with headache , so severe that I could get no sleep . As my doctor seemed to do me no good , my friends induced me , as a last resort , to try the Vegetable Pain Killer , and 1 am thankful to say that I am now in perfect health , and again at business . — J AMES ALSTON , Goosnaragh , September , 1871 . —To I'erry , Davis & Son , London , W . C . "
HOM . OWAY ' S l ' i I . I . S : —The World is a hard place enough to make one ' s way through without illness , ytt somewhere or other disease is ever life , and everywhere its surest opponent , this purifying medicine is to be found and should always be handy to parry and turn the first attack of the enemy . When symptoms of sickness first set in , they may
be easily subdued by this grand remedy , which gives great and prompt relief to every oppressed organ or disordered function , these pills regulate and strengthen digestion , more readily , more efficiently and with more certainty than any other combination of drugs , be it ever so scientifically prescribed . Nothing can exceed the ability of Ilolloway ' s medicine to secure natural functional action .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
careful manner of the W . M ., who afterwards briefly explained to the newly initiated brethren the tracing board in that degree . Bro . Radley then introduced the subject of the Boys' School , informing the brethren that a resolution was about to be adopted by the committee appointed
to revise the laws of the two schools , which moved for the future reduce the number of votes procured by donations to half the quantity so obtainable . After explanation by Bro . Radley , and discussion by the brethren , it was proposed by Bro . Poole , S . W ., and seconded by Bro .
Bland , P . M ., that this lodge do give , « io ios . out of its funds to make the W . M . a Vice-President of the Boys' School , providing that the remaining amount , together with A ? 26 jjs ., already subscribed , be subscribed by the brethren . The lodge was then closed , and the brethren
afterwards sat down to the usual monthly banquet , spending a most pleasant and instructive evening . ALTRINCHAM . —Hanj ' ord Lodge ( No . 1045 ) . — The annual meeting of this young and flourishing lodge , numbering now seventy members , was held at the Town Hall , Altrincham , on Monday
the 3 rd inst ., there was a large assemblage of Past Masters present , and visitors , to witness the installation of the W . M . The lodge was opened at a 3 o , and Bro . Fn . dk . A . Church was passed to the degree of a F . C , after which the ceremony of the installation took place Bro . James , A .
Birch , P . M ., took the chair , as Installing Master . The W . M ., elect , Bro . John Siddelcy , was prcsentedby Bro . Kir '; W . M . The Secretary having read the usual obi gation and the W . M . elect having assented thereto the brethren below the
rank of Installed Master retired . Bro . Siddelcy received the obligation and retired with due tests of merit . The Board of Installed Masters was then opened , there being twenty-four present , and Bro . Siddeley having been admitted in due form was Installed into the chair of K . S . The Board
of Installed Masters was closed . The W . M . then appointed , and Bro . Birch invested , the following brethren as officers for the ensuing year . Bros . J . IT . Kirk , I . P . M . ; II . Kenyon , S . W . ; Robt . Fergusson , J . W . ; The Rev . R . Hodgson , P . G . C . Chaplain ; Mort , P . M .,
Treasurer ; R . Newhouse , P . M ., Secretary ; R .. Baker , S . D . ; T- Burgess , j . D . ; E . Simpson , P . M . O . ; J . S . Owen , l . G . ; and Bro . Worthington , Tyler . The entire ceremony was listened to by more than seventy brethren with the greatest amount of pleasure , as it was rendered by Bro .
Birch in a manner seldom heard , being a comparatively young Mason ( initiated 186 , ) he can render the ritual in a manner rarely equalled and seldom surpassed . After the after the lodge was closed tlie brethren sat down to a splendid banquet , provided by Bro . Harvey , the newly Installed W . M . in the chair , justice being done
to the dinner , the W . M . pioposed the usual loyal and Masonic toasts , and in proposing the health of the Queen expressed the great pleasure they all felt that this year they had not , as on the occasion of their last festival , to sympathise with the Sovereign in moments of domestic anxiety , and trusted it would be loner before sickness
again invaded the Royal household . 'The health of the newly Installed W . M . was pioposed b y Bro . Kirk , P . M ., in a happy and pleasant manner , he referred in warm terms to the way Bro . Siddelev had filled every office in the lodge , and did not doubt his year of office would be prosperous . Bro . Bro . Birch proposed the Masonic Charities
in a very eloquent speech , which was responded toby Bro . Forshaw , who said he could nots | : eak , but could give , and offered Bro . Birch £ 2 ^ for the Boy ' s School . All the other toasts were duly drunk and replied to , and the brethren separated , well pleased with each other and every tiling , at 11 o ' clock .
ROYAL STANDARD LOIICK ( NO . 129 S ) . —The installation meeting of ( his flourishing lodge was held at the Marquess , Canonbury , on Tuesday , the 4 th instant . Present : Bro Ballantyne , P . M . 754 , W . M ., in the chair ; Bros . Woodman , S . W . ; Dudden , J . W . ; Rutterford , Treas . ; R . Shackell
P . M . 30 , P . Prov . G . P . Hants , Hon . Sec . ; Cattlin , S . D . ; Rafter , J . D . ; Dupont , l . G . ; Dickinson , Org . ; Wright and Jameson , Stewards , and about 40 other brethren ; among the visitors we observed : — Bros . Younghusband , P . M ., P . Prov . J . G . W . West Lancashire ; J . Terry , P . M ., P .. Prov . G . S . B . Herts ; J . Shackell ,
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
W . M . 193 ; Bellaby , P . M . 6 j ; Batchelor and Preston , 1365 ; H . Lyon , J . D . Tranquility ; C . E . Thompson , 1158 ; George , 742 ; J . Woodman , 813 ; Godson , 13 S 5 ; Badtrin , Taylor , Bass , & c . The lodge was opened and minutes confirmed . Bro . Rodwell was raised to the
degree of M . M ., Bro . C H . Webb was passed to the degree of Fellow-Craft , and Messrs . W . A . Mott , A . J . P . Stevens , and A . Le Grand , were initiated into the mysteries of Freemasonry , —all of which was done in Bro . Ballantyne ' s usual misterly manner . The W . M . then resigned the
chair in favour of Bro . Younghusband , the two Warden ' s chairs being ably filled by Bros . Terry and R . Shackell . Bro . Ballantyne having presented Bro . W . J . Woodman , Bro . Younghusband , in a very able and fluent manner , installed him into the chair of K . S . Bro . Woodman
then appointed and invested his officers as follows : —Bros . Dudden , S . W . ; Cattlin , j . W . ; Rev . R . J . Simpson , M . A ., P . G . Chap . ; Rutterford , Treas . ; R . Shackell , P . M . . 30 , P . Prov . G . P . Hants , Hon . Sec . ; Rafter , S . D . ; Dupont , J . D . ; Wright , l . G . j Dickinson , Org . ;
Woodman , D . C ; and Jameson and Cohen , Stewards . Bro . Terry gave the several addresses as thi officers were invested in a very pleasing manner . The newly-installed Master then presented the I . P . M ' .. Bro . Ballantyne , with a handsome Gold Past Master ' s Jewel , which bore the following
inscription : — " Presented by the Royal Standard Lodge , No . 129 S , to Bro . Hugh Ballantyne , P . M . 7 . ^ 4 , to mark their appreciation of his truly Masonic conduct , firmness and urbanity of manners , and zeal evinced for the prosperity of the lodge , 4 th March , 1 S 7 3 . " Votes of thanks to
Bros . \ ounghusband and Terry were passed , and the brethren adjourned to a first class banquet , provided in excellent style by Bro . Tullett , to which some . ^ 0 sat down and did ample justice . The usual loyal and Masonic toasts were given , those of the I . P . M ., Bro .
Ballantyne , " The Visitors , " responded by Bro . Bellaby , "The Masonic Charities , " b y Bro . Terry , and the officers , with which was coupled the name of Bro . 11 . Shackell , were all particularly well received . The brethren separated at an early hour , much pleased with what they had seen and heard that day .
ALDERSHOT . —Aldershot Camp Lodge ( No . 1 3 . 3 J ) - —I'he regular monthly meeting of this lodge was held at the Royal Hotel , on the 6 th inst . The chair of K . S . was occupied by the W . M ., Captain Richardson , R . E ., who was
supported by the following officers : —Bros . C Carnegie , P . M ., P . Prov . G . Purst . Hants , as I . P . M . ; A . McKenzic , S . W . ; R . Bennett , J . W . ; U . Lucas , Secretary : j . Osmond , P . M . as S . D . ; F . Anderson , J . D . ; J . Smith , as l . G . ; J .
Marversly , O . G . There was a numerous attendance of the brethren , and several visitors . The lodge was opened in form in the first degree , and the minutes of the last meeting were read and confirmed . A ballot was taken for Bro .
Smith , 3 , I . C . as a joining member , and for Sergeant Olphert , R . E . a candidate for initiation , which proved satisfactory in each case . Bros . O'Leary and Brown , candidates for the F . C . degree , were then examined respecting their proficiency in the former degree , which proving
satisfactory , they were entrusted , and retired . The lodge was opened in the second degree , and Bros . O'Leary 'and Brown were passed to that degree ; Bro . Carnegie giving the charge , and the W . M . putting round the questions for the information of t ' ne newly passed brethren , and also
explaining the tracing board of the second degree . Tlie lodge was closed to the first degree , and Sergeant Ol phert was initiated into the mysteries of the Order . On the proposition of Bro . C . Carnegie , five guineas were voted from the Charity Fund of the lodge for the list of Bro . R . Eve , P . P . G . S . W ., Hants , who is one of the
Stewards for the Annual Festival of the Boys ' School on the 12 th inst . Two pounds were voted to the widow of a deceased brother , on the proposition of the Worshipful Master . Some other business having been transacted , the lodge was closed in peace , harmony , and brotherly love , about nine p . m .
STOCKWF . LL LODGE ( NO . 1 . 339 ) . —A meeting of the above lodge was held at the Half Moon , Heme Hill , on Thursday , 20 th February , 1873 .
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
There were present : —Bros . Wm . Worrell , W . M . ; C . Pain , S . W . ; Brighter , J . W . ; Klirck , J . D . ; Francis , P . M ., Sec . ; also Bros . Benham , Bowyer , Coe , Hinksman , Basnett , Webbe , R , and J . Knibbs . Visitors : —Bros . N . H . Turner . P . P . G . S . Norfolk ; Dann . W . M ., 72 ; Garwood ,
P . M . 769 . ; Webb , 890 ; Nunn , P . M ., 72 ; Hart , 97 j ; Ringwell , Stanhope , Lodge ; Durkin , J . D ., 72 jLasky , P . M ., 72 ; Dodson , P . M ., 72 . The occasion of the meeting was to install Bro . Brighter , J . W ., the Master for the ensuing year , the present S . W ., having wished to retain his
office for a further term . Bro . Brighter had been unanimously elected to that important office . The ceremony was performed by Bro . Worrell , the outgoing Master , the addresses biing impressively given and the brethren who were aware it was a maiden effort on the part of the worthy P . M ., appeared much gratified with the
ceremony . Bro . Brighter appointedhis ollcers for the year viz . Bros . Pain , S . W . ; Benham , S . D . ; Klirck , J . W . ; Basnett , J . D . ; and Francis , Sec . Bro . Worrell was then presented with a jewel for past services , and the W . M ., as is the custom in this lodge , presented the lodge with a handsome silk banner of his arms and tnnttoe
" clanore tenebns . " After some further business the lodge was closed and the brethren sat down to a banquet in a most chaste and elegant repast that reflected much | credit on the host , Bro . Coles . After the usual loyal and Masonic toasts , the
worthy P . M . proposed "The Health of the W . M . " paying a deserved tribute to his capabilities . The W . M . returned thanks in feeling terms , and eloquently expressed his thanks to the brethren of the lodge for the honour they had done him . The toast of " The Initiates" was
given and duly responded to by Bro . Mills , who was initiated at a previous emergency meeting . The W . M . gave " The Health of the Visitors , " expressing his thanks for the compliment they had paid him in being present at his initiation , he was particularly grateful for the attendance of his
friend , Bro . Fraser , P . P . G . S . whom he had known and whose friendship he had enjoyed for many years , he , the W . M ., being quite a boy when he first made the acquaintance of Bro . Eraser , and now Bro . Eraser had specially journeyed many miles to be present at the installation . He was sure that the brethren of the Stockwell Lodge
gave him a heart y and cordial welcome . Bro . F ' raser returned thanks in happy terms , and the toast was also replied to by the other visitors . "The toast of the Installing Master" was received with acclamation and duly responded to by Bro . Worrell , Bro . Francis also replied to the toast of the Secretarv and P . M . " The Officers "
was then given and responded to , and the Tyler ' s toast was the finale to a most happy evening , which had been enlivened by the musical abilities of the W . M ., Bro . Worrell and others .
EARL DE GREY . —The last telegram from Cannes , dated March 11 , says : " A good night . Symptons continue favourable . " The Marquis of Ripon , writing to Sir Bruce Seaton on the
1 oth . reports that Lord de Grey was going on very well , but three weeks mut pass on befote he can be considered out of danger . Consequently , until that period has elapsed , the Alarquis of Ripon cannot leave Cannes for London .
" I cannot express to you my gratitude for the cure your l ' ain Killer has wrought on me . I had rheumatism all over my body , accompanied with headache , so severe that I could get no sleep . As my doctor seemed to do me no good , my friends induced me , as a last resort , to try the Vegetable Pain Killer , and 1 am thankful to say that I am now in perfect health , and again at business . — J AMES ALSTON , Goosnaragh , September , 1871 . —To I'erry , Davis & Son , London , W . C . "
HOM . OWAY ' S l ' i I . I . S : —The World is a hard place enough to make one ' s way through without illness , ytt somewhere or other disease is ever life , and everywhere its surest opponent , this purifying medicine is to be found and should always be handy to parry and turn the first attack of the enemy . When symptoms of sickness first set in , they may
be easily subdued by this grand remedy , which gives great and prompt relief to every oppressed organ or disordered function , these pills regulate and strengthen digestion , more readily , more efficiently and with more certainty than any other combination of drugs , be it ever so scientifically prescribed . Nothing can exceed the ability of Ilolloway ' s medicine to secure natural functional action .