Article TABLE OF CONTENTS. Page 1 of 1 Article FREEMASONRY in IRELAND. Page 1 of 1 Article FREEMASONRY in IRELAND. Page 1 of 1 Article FREEMASONRY in IRELAND. Page 1 of 1
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Table Of Contents.
Metropolitan 229 Provincial 230 & 231 ROYAL ARCH 231 MARK MASONRY — Metropolitan 231 Provincial 231
MULTUM IN PARVO ' 232 , 233 , & 234 ORIGINAL CORRESPONDENCE--The Mark Chair 234 Subordination in the Higher Degrees ... 234 & 235 No . 3 bis and its Proceedings ... 235 Biblical Account of the Creation 235
Qualification for Mastership of a Mark Lodge 235 Caution to the Craft 235 ROYAL MASONIC BENEVOLENT INSTITUTION ... 236 ROYAL MASONIC INSTITUTION FOR GIRLS ... 236 SCOTLAND 236
Freemasonry In Ireland.
BY BRO WILLIAM JAMES HUGHAN , ( Continuedfrom page 213 . ) GRAND LODGE .
The R . W . and Rt . Hon . Somerset , Earl of Belmore . G . M „ „ A . T . LordBlaney , J . G . W . SirG . F . Hill , M . P ., S . G . W . The Worshipful Gorges D'Arcy Irvine , Esq ., G . S „ Wm . Brownlow , Esq ., M . P .. G . T „ Alexander Scton , Esq ., D . G . S . Brother Robert Mitchell , G . Tyler . , > Henry M'Laughlin , G . Purs .
The Right Worshipful Grand Lodge , in its transactions of March last , had occasion to call the attention of the brethren to an imposition practised on them in the transaction of a Right Worshipful Grand Lodge meeting in Dublin , in which that Grand Lodge had the temerity to publish as true an extract from the alleged letter of an illustrious
personage , but which on inquiry manifestly appeared to be a fabrication . The Grand Lodge was then convinced that other statements in that Dublin transaction were equally unfounded , but did refrain from any observation until it was possessed of unquestionable testimony of their falsehood .
It was stated in that transaction " that brethren holding warrants or receiving certificates under the sanction of the G . L . of Ulster would not be received or acknowledged in any part of the world . " The Grand Lodge is now enabled to assure the brethren that such statement is absolutely and entirely void
of truth . There was this day laid on the G . L . table most authentic and unquestionable proof that the warrants and certificates issued under the authority of the Grand Lodge of Ulster are received with all Masonic honours by the brethren of England , Scotland , and America .
This Grand Lodge is not without sufficient proof that brethren from Ulster visiting in foreign countries have been refused admission into their lodges , and the reason was because they did produce certificates under the sanction of a Dublin Grand Lodge , and not under the sanction of the Ulster Grand
Lodge , to which they ought naturally to belong . It was further stated in that Dublin transaction that certain warrants therein mentioned , held in the province of Ulster , had applied to the Dublin G . Lodge for its sanction . This Grand Lodge has received letters from various lodges inserted in that
list , in which " they most unequivocally and positively denied the truth of that assertion , and express . their confidence that the Grand Lodge of Ulster will not look upon them as traitors through such false statements of the Dublin Lodge . " It being thus manifest that the statements in said
Dublin transaction are entirely unfounded , the brethren of Ulster will now see that the various obstacles so unmasonically and invidiously thrown in the way of their prosperity have vanished before the light of truth , and they will in future be on their guard against similar impositions .
Freemasonry In Ireland.
It remains therefore for the Grand Lodge to caution the brethren against the schemes of certain individuals , who are only known to the Order as traders in Masonry , and who , as such , are only active when Masonry can be converted to their own advantage . The experience of the brethren in
their respective neighbourhoods will readily point out the individuals of this description , and their knowledge of them will be a sufficient warning against their faithless devices . This Grand Lodge has great regret in being thus repeatedly obliged to animadvert upon the conduct of a Grand Lodge composed of their
fellow-countrymen ; and in the genuine spirit of Masonry , it would recommend to that Grand Lodge to prevent the recurrence of such animadversions by adopting truth , sincerity , and justice as its Masonic guides , instead of intrigue , mismanagement , and fallacy . No object can sanction or palliate the use of the latter in Masonry , no authority or power can dispense
with an adherence to the former . By Order , G . D . IRVINE , G . S . The next meeting of the Grand Lodge will be on Wednesday , the 5 th September , at the town of Dungannon .
A List of the Right Worshipful Grand Officers of the Grand East of Ulster , Elected the 3 rd June , 1812 . R . W . Bro . J . Craig , Esq ., M . P ., G . M . R . W . Bro . John Shaw , Esq ., D . G . M . R . W . & Rt . Hon . A . T . Lord Blayney , S . G . W .
R . W . Bro . Joseph Fulton , Esq ., J . G . W . W . Bro . Georges D . Irvine , Esq ., G . Sec . W . and Rev . Francis Burrows , G . Chap . W . Robert Bradshaw , Esq ., G . Treas . W . Alexander Seton , Esq ., D . G . Sec .
The Grand Master having opened the Grand Lodge , and being attended by his Deputy , and a very numerous and respectable representation of lodges , Bro . Joseph Fulton , Esq ., was introduced , and duly installed Junior Grand Warden . Pursuant to the Report of the Building Committee , it was
Resolved— That the Grand Officers , together with the Masters of all Lodges hailing from the Grand East of Ulster , be appointed a Committee to collect subscriptions for the purpose of building a Masonic Hall and Orphan School-house , in the town of Belfast .
Resolved—That in addition to the Grand Officers , Bros . Alexander Barr , Hugh Fisher , and Thomas Welsh , of 684 , George Lepper and John Ward , of 587 , Edward Alexander , of 88 , and Nathaniel Boyd , of 687 , and such other brethren as they may select , be appointed a Committee for the purpose of
collecting subscriptions in the town of Belfast . Bros . J . Fulton , J . G . W ., John J . Beers , 978 , David Murray , 112 , Mackay , 173 , Fulton , 749 , be appointed a similar Committee for the town of Lisburn . All subscriptions to be paid over to Bro . Robert Bradshaw , Banker , Grand Treasurer , at the Ouarterly
Meeting next after they are received . Resolved—That the several lodges in arrear be earnestly requested to settle their respective accounts previous to the next Grand Lodge meeting . Resolved—That the Grand Lodge take 200 copies
of a book , entitled "An Enquiry into the late disputes among Freemasons in Ireland ; " and that the several brethren of the Grand Lodge be requested to endeavour to dispose of them for the benefit of the fund .
The Committee having settled the accounts referred to them by the Grand Lodge , found a balance of ^ 79 18 s . Sd . to the credit of the Charity Fund , which was deposited with the Grand Treasurer .
Belfast , June 4 , 1812 . Sir and Brother , —I have the honour to transmit for your information , and that of the brethren of your lodge , a list of the Right Worshipful and Worshipful the Grand Officers of the Grand East of Ulster , together with the transactions of that
Right Worshipful Lodge , and resolutions entered into at its last Quarterly Meeting on the 3 rd inst . I am desired by the Grand East to express to you and the brethren at large the sincere satisfaction it feels at the approaching accomplishment of that most desirable and important object , " The
erection of a Grand Lodge Hall and Masonic Orphan School-house , " a measure no less honourable to the independent spirit of the brethren of Ulster , than consistent with the dearest feelings of humanity and the true principles of Masonry . I am , at the same time , instructed to impress particularly on the minds of the brethren the urgent
necessity of active exertions on their part , towards the accomplishment of the above objects ; and to express the confidence felt by the Grand Lodge , that it will meet with the cordial assistance and cooperation , not only of particular lodges , but of the brethren at large , in its measures for the advancement and honour of the Craft . To the Masters and Officers of lodges is earnestl y
Freemasonry In Ireland.
recommended an immediate settlement of their respective accounts , cpnformable to the regulations and principlesof Masonry ; and it is further hoped that each officer and brother will exert his best influence to forward the subscription which- has been opened in support of these truly Masonic establishments .
I have the honour to be , Sir and Brother , Your humble servant and brother , G . D . IRVINE , Grand Secretary . « 3 " Subscriptions will be received by the several Grand
Officers , and the Masters of the different lodges , who will remit the same to the Grand Treasurer , at or previous to each quarterly meeting . All communications to be addressed to A . Seton , Deputy Grand Secretary , Grenville-street , Dublin .
Sir and Brother , —Arrangements having been made with the Worship ful Brother Robert Bradshaw , Esq ., Grand Treasurer to the Grand Lodge of Ulster , that alimonies due to the Grand Lodge , and also such fees of office as may be due to me as Deputy Grand Secretary , shall in future be paid
into Commercial Bank " , Belfast , of which Brother Bradshaw is one of the proprietors , I have to request you will have the goodness to pay your dues , and such fees as may be due to me , into the Bank above-mentioned with a memorandum of how you wish the money should be placed to your
credit in form as underneath , and receipts will be given for such sums as you may there deposit . In order that the funds may be in as respectable a state as possible at the next Grand Lodge Meeting , on Wednesday , the 2 nd December next , and , as much of the success of the benevolent project
now on hand depends on that circumstance , you are particularly requested to settle your accounts previous to that day . You are also , Sir and Brother , earnestly entreated to forward with all your influence the subscription for building and establishing the
Grand Masonic Hall and Orphan School , now m the contemplation of the Grand Lodge of Ulstera measure so fraught with important advantages to the Masonic body of our province—a measure which will not onlv serve as a rallying point to the Masons of Ulster , a ' nd give permanency and stability
to the Order therein , but by it will be raised an asylum for the destitute children of deceased brethren , who mig ht otherwise be exposed to poverty and consequent wretchedness . Under those weighty considerations , it is confidently expected , that every true Mason will feel so much
interested in the cause , as to induce him to contribute towards carrying the benevolent design into the fullest effect . I have also to request that you will attend the meeting of the next Grand Lodge , as it is expected that plans of the building and the institution will
there be laid before the brethren for their discussion . You will please collect all the information in your power on such subjects , so as that the Grand Lodge , at that meeting , may be enabled finally to agree upon plans , both of the building and of the institution .
When the great importance and general utility of thisproject is considered—when it is contemplated what an eminent point of view the Masons of Ulster must stand in by carrying it into execution , and when the open and candid manner of
proceeding for which this Grand Lodge stands conspicuous is taken into view , it is not only unnecessary , but in some degree indecorous , in me to attempt to use any arguments to prevail upon the brethren of Ulster to come forward with their dues and their
subscriptions on the occasion . At the Bank , please enquire for Mr . Thomas Welsh or Mr . William Moore , who will receive the money , and give the receipts in the name of the Grand Treasurer . Form of the Memorandum to be left at the Bank
with the Money . LODGE , No , Master . Dues , up to i £ Deputy Grand Secretary ' s Fees I I am , Sir and Brother , your obedient Servant , A . SETON , D . G . S . ( To be continued )
THE BEST FRIENDS . —In cases of erysipelas , inflammation , ulceration , and all the varieties of cutaneous diseases , Holloway ' s Ointment never fails to give relief . Its very first application lessens the inflammation , and diminshes the heat and pain . This soothing ointment , by depurating the blood on its route to , or return from , the affected part , promotes healthy action ; old indolent ulcers
which have resisted every other treatment , speedily assume an improved appearance ; healthy grandulations spring up , the sore contracts and soon closes on the judicious use of Holloway ' s noted remedies . In severe and chronic cases , the pills should always be taken , as their purifying , alterative , and restorative qualities place the whole mass of solids and fluids in a wholesome condition . —[ Advt . J
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Table Of Contents.
Metropolitan 229 Provincial 230 & 231 ROYAL ARCH 231 MARK MASONRY — Metropolitan 231 Provincial 231
MULTUM IN PARVO ' 232 , 233 , & 234 ORIGINAL CORRESPONDENCE--The Mark Chair 234 Subordination in the Higher Degrees ... 234 & 235 No . 3 bis and its Proceedings ... 235 Biblical Account of the Creation 235
Qualification for Mastership of a Mark Lodge 235 Caution to the Craft 235 ROYAL MASONIC BENEVOLENT INSTITUTION ... 236 ROYAL MASONIC INSTITUTION FOR GIRLS ... 236 SCOTLAND 236
Freemasonry In Ireland.
BY BRO WILLIAM JAMES HUGHAN , ( Continuedfrom page 213 . ) GRAND LODGE .
The R . W . and Rt . Hon . Somerset , Earl of Belmore . G . M „ „ A . T . LordBlaney , J . G . W . SirG . F . Hill , M . P ., S . G . W . The Worshipful Gorges D'Arcy Irvine , Esq ., G . S „ Wm . Brownlow , Esq ., M . P .. G . T „ Alexander Scton , Esq ., D . G . S . Brother Robert Mitchell , G . Tyler . , > Henry M'Laughlin , G . Purs .
The Right Worshipful Grand Lodge , in its transactions of March last , had occasion to call the attention of the brethren to an imposition practised on them in the transaction of a Right Worshipful Grand Lodge meeting in Dublin , in which that Grand Lodge had the temerity to publish as true an extract from the alleged letter of an illustrious
personage , but which on inquiry manifestly appeared to be a fabrication . The Grand Lodge was then convinced that other statements in that Dublin transaction were equally unfounded , but did refrain from any observation until it was possessed of unquestionable testimony of their falsehood .
It was stated in that transaction " that brethren holding warrants or receiving certificates under the sanction of the G . L . of Ulster would not be received or acknowledged in any part of the world . " The Grand Lodge is now enabled to assure the brethren that such statement is absolutely and entirely void
of truth . There was this day laid on the G . L . table most authentic and unquestionable proof that the warrants and certificates issued under the authority of the Grand Lodge of Ulster are received with all Masonic honours by the brethren of England , Scotland , and America .
This Grand Lodge is not without sufficient proof that brethren from Ulster visiting in foreign countries have been refused admission into their lodges , and the reason was because they did produce certificates under the sanction of a Dublin Grand Lodge , and not under the sanction of the Ulster Grand
Lodge , to which they ought naturally to belong . It was further stated in that Dublin transaction that certain warrants therein mentioned , held in the province of Ulster , had applied to the Dublin G . Lodge for its sanction . This Grand Lodge has received letters from various lodges inserted in that
list , in which " they most unequivocally and positively denied the truth of that assertion , and express . their confidence that the Grand Lodge of Ulster will not look upon them as traitors through such false statements of the Dublin Lodge . " It being thus manifest that the statements in said
Dublin transaction are entirely unfounded , the brethren of Ulster will now see that the various obstacles so unmasonically and invidiously thrown in the way of their prosperity have vanished before the light of truth , and they will in future be on their guard against similar impositions .
Freemasonry In Ireland.
It remains therefore for the Grand Lodge to caution the brethren against the schemes of certain individuals , who are only known to the Order as traders in Masonry , and who , as such , are only active when Masonry can be converted to their own advantage . The experience of the brethren in
their respective neighbourhoods will readily point out the individuals of this description , and their knowledge of them will be a sufficient warning against their faithless devices . This Grand Lodge has great regret in being thus repeatedly obliged to animadvert upon the conduct of a Grand Lodge composed of their
fellow-countrymen ; and in the genuine spirit of Masonry , it would recommend to that Grand Lodge to prevent the recurrence of such animadversions by adopting truth , sincerity , and justice as its Masonic guides , instead of intrigue , mismanagement , and fallacy . No object can sanction or palliate the use of the latter in Masonry , no authority or power can dispense
with an adherence to the former . By Order , G . D . IRVINE , G . S . The next meeting of the Grand Lodge will be on Wednesday , the 5 th September , at the town of Dungannon .
A List of the Right Worshipful Grand Officers of the Grand East of Ulster , Elected the 3 rd June , 1812 . R . W . Bro . J . Craig , Esq ., M . P ., G . M . R . W . Bro . John Shaw , Esq ., D . G . M . R . W . & Rt . Hon . A . T . Lord Blayney , S . G . W .
R . W . Bro . Joseph Fulton , Esq ., J . G . W . W . Bro . Georges D . Irvine , Esq ., G . Sec . W . and Rev . Francis Burrows , G . Chap . W . Robert Bradshaw , Esq ., G . Treas . W . Alexander Seton , Esq ., D . G . Sec .
The Grand Master having opened the Grand Lodge , and being attended by his Deputy , and a very numerous and respectable representation of lodges , Bro . Joseph Fulton , Esq ., was introduced , and duly installed Junior Grand Warden . Pursuant to the Report of the Building Committee , it was
Resolved— That the Grand Officers , together with the Masters of all Lodges hailing from the Grand East of Ulster , be appointed a Committee to collect subscriptions for the purpose of building a Masonic Hall and Orphan School-house , in the town of Belfast .
Resolved—That in addition to the Grand Officers , Bros . Alexander Barr , Hugh Fisher , and Thomas Welsh , of 684 , George Lepper and John Ward , of 587 , Edward Alexander , of 88 , and Nathaniel Boyd , of 687 , and such other brethren as they may select , be appointed a Committee for the purpose of
collecting subscriptions in the town of Belfast . Bros . J . Fulton , J . G . W ., John J . Beers , 978 , David Murray , 112 , Mackay , 173 , Fulton , 749 , be appointed a similar Committee for the town of Lisburn . All subscriptions to be paid over to Bro . Robert Bradshaw , Banker , Grand Treasurer , at the Ouarterly
Meeting next after they are received . Resolved—That the several lodges in arrear be earnestly requested to settle their respective accounts previous to the next Grand Lodge meeting . Resolved—That the Grand Lodge take 200 copies
of a book , entitled "An Enquiry into the late disputes among Freemasons in Ireland ; " and that the several brethren of the Grand Lodge be requested to endeavour to dispose of them for the benefit of the fund .
The Committee having settled the accounts referred to them by the Grand Lodge , found a balance of ^ 79 18 s . Sd . to the credit of the Charity Fund , which was deposited with the Grand Treasurer .
Belfast , June 4 , 1812 . Sir and Brother , —I have the honour to transmit for your information , and that of the brethren of your lodge , a list of the Right Worshipful and Worshipful the Grand Officers of the Grand East of Ulster , together with the transactions of that
Right Worshipful Lodge , and resolutions entered into at its last Quarterly Meeting on the 3 rd inst . I am desired by the Grand East to express to you and the brethren at large the sincere satisfaction it feels at the approaching accomplishment of that most desirable and important object , " The
erection of a Grand Lodge Hall and Masonic Orphan School-house , " a measure no less honourable to the independent spirit of the brethren of Ulster , than consistent with the dearest feelings of humanity and the true principles of Masonry . I am , at the same time , instructed to impress particularly on the minds of the brethren the urgent
necessity of active exertions on their part , towards the accomplishment of the above objects ; and to express the confidence felt by the Grand Lodge , that it will meet with the cordial assistance and cooperation , not only of particular lodges , but of the brethren at large , in its measures for the advancement and honour of the Craft . To the Masters and Officers of lodges is earnestl y
Freemasonry In Ireland.
recommended an immediate settlement of their respective accounts , cpnformable to the regulations and principlesof Masonry ; and it is further hoped that each officer and brother will exert his best influence to forward the subscription which- has been opened in support of these truly Masonic establishments .
I have the honour to be , Sir and Brother , Your humble servant and brother , G . D . IRVINE , Grand Secretary . « 3 " Subscriptions will be received by the several Grand
Officers , and the Masters of the different lodges , who will remit the same to the Grand Treasurer , at or previous to each quarterly meeting . All communications to be addressed to A . Seton , Deputy Grand Secretary , Grenville-street , Dublin .
Sir and Brother , —Arrangements having been made with the Worship ful Brother Robert Bradshaw , Esq ., Grand Treasurer to the Grand Lodge of Ulster , that alimonies due to the Grand Lodge , and also such fees of office as may be due to me as Deputy Grand Secretary , shall in future be paid
into Commercial Bank " , Belfast , of which Brother Bradshaw is one of the proprietors , I have to request you will have the goodness to pay your dues , and such fees as may be due to me , into the Bank above-mentioned with a memorandum of how you wish the money should be placed to your
credit in form as underneath , and receipts will be given for such sums as you may there deposit . In order that the funds may be in as respectable a state as possible at the next Grand Lodge Meeting , on Wednesday , the 2 nd December next , and , as much of the success of the benevolent project
now on hand depends on that circumstance , you are particularly requested to settle your accounts previous to that day . You are also , Sir and Brother , earnestly entreated to forward with all your influence the subscription for building and establishing the
Grand Masonic Hall and Orphan School , now m the contemplation of the Grand Lodge of Ulstera measure so fraught with important advantages to the Masonic body of our province—a measure which will not onlv serve as a rallying point to the Masons of Ulster , a ' nd give permanency and stability
to the Order therein , but by it will be raised an asylum for the destitute children of deceased brethren , who mig ht otherwise be exposed to poverty and consequent wretchedness . Under those weighty considerations , it is confidently expected , that every true Mason will feel so much
interested in the cause , as to induce him to contribute towards carrying the benevolent design into the fullest effect . I have also to request that you will attend the meeting of the next Grand Lodge , as it is expected that plans of the building and the institution will
there be laid before the brethren for their discussion . You will please collect all the information in your power on such subjects , so as that the Grand Lodge , at that meeting , may be enabled finally to agree upon plans , both of the building and of the institution .
When the great importance and general utility of thisproject is considered—when it is contemplated what an eminent point of view the Masons of Ulster must stand in by carrying it into execution , and when the open and candid manner of
proceeding for which this Grand Lodge stands conspicuous is taken into view , it is not only unnecessary , but in some degree indecorous , in me to attempt to use any arguments to prevail upon the brethren of Ulster to come forward with their dues and their
subscriptions on the occasion . At the Bank , please enquire for Mr . Thomas Welsh or Mr . William Moore , who will receive the money , and give the receipts in the name of the Grand Treasurer . Form of the Memorandum to be left at the Bank
with the Money . LODGE , No , Master . Dues , up to i £ Deputy Grand Secretary ' s Fees I I am , Sir and Brother , your obedient Servant , A . SETON , D . G . S . ( To be continued )
THE BEST FRIENDS . —In cases of erysipelas , inflammation , ulceration , and all the varieties of cutaneous diseases , Holloway ' s Ointment never fails to give relief . Its very first application lessens the inflammation , and diminshes the heat and pain . This soothing ointment , by depurating the blood on its route to , or return from , the affected part , promotes healthy action ; old indolent ulcers
which have resisted every other treatment , speedily assume an improved appearance ; healthy grandulations spring up , the sore contracts and soon closes on the judicious use of Holloway ' s noted remedies . In severe and chronic cases , the pills should always be taken , as their purifying , alterative , and restorative qualities place the whole mass of solids and fluids in a wholesome condition . —[ Advt . J