Article Reports of Masonic Meetings. ← Page 3 of 3 Article Reports of Masonic Meetings. Page 3 of 3 Article ROYAL ARCH. Page 1 of 1 Article MARK MASONRY. Page 1 of 1 Article ROYAL ARK MASONRY. Page 1 of 1 Article ROYAL ARK MASONRY. Page 1 of 1 Article K. H. S. Page 1 of 1 Article ANCIENT AND PRIMITIVE RITE. Page 1 of 1 Article A FREEMASONRY for TEETOTALLERS. Page 1 of 1
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Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
reciprocity of feeling , and mutuality of confidence and love . It strives to establish and to inculcate those high moral principles of integrity and uprightness , the decline of which would inevitably ring out the death-knell of our glory as a nation . Our noble Craft seems to me to be the beacon light , pointing the way to yet higher aims and aspirations , raising the thought to scenes above that of
sense and of time . We should then see to it , that our profession be not mere idle words , but that our walk and conversation—our relation with our fellow-man—our loyalty to our Queen and devotion to our country—our life of purity and holiness—are conformed to our principles , and shed abroad the light of the faith that should be in us . —The W . M ., in proposing "The healths of the M . W .,
the Earl de Grey and Ripon , G . M , and the Prince of Wales , P . G . M ., " said : The high and honourable offices in our noble Craft , held by the noblemen who fill them , afford a certain guarantee that they are men endowed with certain pre-eminent merit . The pinnacle of our imposing structure is occupied by the Earl de Grey and Ripon , who , I believe , worthily discharges the duties of his high office ;
next to him comes the future King of England . Amongst the great roll of names , forming our honourable body , may be found that of Kings and Emperors ; but speaking as an Englishman , I think we , of this country at least , have reason to congratulate ourselves on the accession of the heir-apparent to our ancient Craft . Freemasonry levels all social distinctions ; it breathes that fraternal
spirit which makes the peer and peasant kin . Will this not help royalty itself to descend from a pinnacle of isolation imposed on it by the trammels of an obsolete tradition ,, and by the presumed requirements of a certain icy decorum ? I trust the Prince may be constrained so to act as to succeed his mother , our beloved Queen , not alone upon the throne , but also to occupy and retain her place
m the affections of the people , and thus may his reign shed a lustrous splendour around the British throne . I may observe that I have had the honour of sitting in the Grand Lodge with the Grand Master , Earl de Grey and Ripon , and also the Past G . M ., the Prince of Wales , with whom I was particularly struck . A kindly disposition , simplicity of demeanour and condescension ,
appears to me to be the prominent features of his character . —The I . P . M ., Bro . Harris , in proposing " The health of the W . M ,, " spoke of him in very flattering terms , and said the lodge had elected a most worthy and straightforward brother to fill the chair . —Bro Ley , in responding , said it would be difficult to find words suitable to the occasion to convey to the brethren an expression of the
depth of his gratitude for the generous response which had been accorded to the toast of his health . He had looked forward to this great honour with a feelingof pride , and it afforded him much pleasure to receive such a cordial welcome . It would be his earnest endeavour so to discharge the duties of his high office as to merit a continuance of the confidence of which he had that evenin "
received so tangible an expression . — "The health of the I . P . M ., Bro . Harris , " was then proposed by Bro . Hawton , who paid him a high compliment for the able manner in which he had discharged the duties of W . M . for two years , at the same time presenting him with a solid gold P . M . ' s jewel ( manufactured by Bro . George Kenning ) , subscribed for by the members of the lodge , for his
efficient services during his two years' Mastership . —Bro . Harris , in very feeling terms , thanked the brethren for the flattering manner in which they had drank his health , and also for the beautiful jewel which they had been pleased to present him with . —The healths of the visiting brethren , office-bearers , & c , having been drunk , the meeting separated , having spent a most pleasant evening .
MARKET HARBOROUGH . —St . Peters Lodge , No . 1330 . —A regular monthly meeting of this lodge was held at he Assembly Rooms , Three Swans Hotel , on Friday , he 31 st ult ., under the presidency of the W . M ., Bro . W . Kelly , P . G . M . The other officers and brethren present were Sir Henry St . John Halford , Bart ., S . W . ; Rev . John F . Halford , J . W . ; R . Waite , P . M ., Treas . ; W . H .
Marris , P . M ., Sec . ; r . Kemp , S . D . ; I homas Macaulay , M . R . C . S ., I . G . ; Freestone , Steward ; Clark , Tyler ; Dr . Grant , Fuller , Harrison , Martin , Lawrence , Rev . F . M . Beaumont , Platford , Gibbs , and Hcalcy . Bro . Gibbs having been duly examined in the first degree , was passed a Fellow Craft , after which Bros . Rev . F . M . Beaumont and Ilealey , having also passed a highly satisfactory
examination in the second tlegree , were severally raised to the sublime degree of M . M . The W . M . reported lo the lodge an offer made by Bro . Charles Johnson , P . M ., of Leicester , to present to the lodge photographic likenesses of the members , which was accepted with thanks . The lodge was then closed and refreshment succeeded labour . AI . DERSIIOT . —Aldershol CampLod : v , No . 1351 . —The
regular monthly meeting of this lodge was held at the Royal Hotel on Thursday , 6 th inst . The W . M ., Bro . E . Carnegie , P . M ., P . Prov . G . Supt . of Works Essex , occupied the chair of K . S ., and was supported by Bros . Fcnn , S . W . ; Captain Richardson , R . K , as J . W . ; M'Kcnzic , as S . D . ; Bennett , as J . D , ; and Laveity , as I . G . There were about thirty brethren present , including
two visitors from the lanmure Lodge . 'I lie lodge was opened in the first degree in flue form and with solemn prayer . The minutes of the last regular meeting , ami the emergency meeting held on the 23 rd of . March , were separately read ami confirmed . A ballot was then taken for Bros . Irvin , 4 th Regiment , and Laikin , ioist Regiment , as joining members , which proved unanimous in each case . A ballot was also taken for . Sergt . ( lartlyne ,
R . E ., and Colour-Sevgt . Griffith * , Ath Regiment , as candidates for initiation , which was unanimous in their favour . They were then initiated by the W . M . accordingto ancient custom , the J . \ V ., Bro . Capt , Richardson , presenting and explaining the working tools . The questions appertaining b the first degree were put by the W . M ., and answt . 'cd by the brethren for the information of the newly initiated . The lodge was then opened in the
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
second degree , when Bros . Shillington and Beach were presented for advancement , and having proved themselves worthy , were entrusted , and retired . The lodge was then opened in the third degree , and Bros . Shillington and Beach were raised to the sublime degree by the W . M ., the working tools being explained by Bro . Fenn , S . W . The lodge was then closed down to the second and first degrees . The W . M . announced that a lodge of
instruction would be held on the 27 th inst . A brother having been proposed as a joining member , and Sergt . A . Swann , 107 th Regt ., as a candidate for initiation , the lodge was closed in due form , and the brethren sat down to an excellent supper , and a very pleasant evening was spent , Bros . White and Peers contributing materially by their excellent singing . A collection having been made for the Charity Fund , the brethren separated in peace , love , and harmony .
Royal Arch.
LIVERPOOL . —Temple Chapter , No . 1094 . —The members of this chapter held their regular meeting at the Masonic Temple , 22 , Hope-street , on Tuesday , 28 th March . The officers , & c , present were Comps . James Hamer , Z ., P . Z ., P . G . Treas , West Lancashire ; Robinson , H . ; Pemberton , J . ; P . Macmuldrow , Scribe E . ; Winstanley , Scribe N . ; Dawson , V . Soj . ; Dr . Speer ,
Treas . ; Dr . J . K . Smith , P . Z . ; Dr . R . If . D . Johnson , P . Z . ; J . Wood , & c , & c . After the minutes of the last meeting had been read and confirmed , the ballot-box went round for Bros . Thomas Tibson , jun ., Lodge No . 1094 , and James Hope , Lodge No . 1013 , who were declared duly elected , and then introduced for the ceremony of exaltation , which was ably performed . Three candidates
were proposed for the next meeting , and the progress of this young chapter is being marked in a most satisfactory manner . A letter of condolence written to the widow of the late Comp . Dilworth was read , and a supplement in the shape of three guineas was voted for the benefit of the family . This being all the business , the chapter was closed in due form , and the companions sat down to a
substantial plain supper , after which the usual . Masonic toasts were proposed and responded to . Comp . Thomas Aslmiore , Z . S 23 , P . G . P . Soj . West Lancashire , responded for the other visitors , who were Comps . Dr . Ridley ( 477 ) , Thomas II . Ashmore ( S 23 ) , and Cottcrclt ( S 23 ) . Several companions sang excellently during the evening . The next meeting of this chapter will be held on the 23 rd ( 4 th Tuesday ) of May .
Mark Masonry.
METROPOLITAN . NorthwnbcrlandLod ge , No . 118 . —The quarterly regular meeting of this young Mark lodge was held at Masons ' Hall , Masons ' -avcnue , Basinghall-strect , E . C ., on Thursday , 23 rd March . Present : Bros . Morton Edwards , W . M . ; Harris , W . Koch , E . II . Thicllay , H . W . Binckes , A . D . Loewcnstark , J . T . G . ; and M . A . Loewenstark , Past Grand Steward , Woodstock ,
Ty ler . Visitors : Bros . T . Meggy , P . G . M . O . ; F . Walters , P . G . T . G . ; C . Lacey , J . S . Bulmcr , and W . Lowder . The lodge was opened in due form , and Bio . T . Verrey being in attendance was admitted and advanced to the honourable degree of a Mark Master Mason by Bro . A . D . Loewenstark . The minutes of two emergencies and the last regular meeting having been read and confirmed , the lodge was closed in due form , and the brethren adjourned to banquet .
PROVINCIAL . IVYRRIDGE . —ILa-oton Lodge , A o . 100 . —The members of this lodge assembled on the 30 th ultimo , for the purpose of installing the W . M .-elect , V . W . Bro . J . Harris , P . P . G . T ., as W . M . for the ensuing year . The installation ceremony was very ably and impressively performed by V . W . Bro . Gover , P . M ., P . P . G . O ., assisted by V . W .
Bros . Watts , P . M . ; Harvey , P . M . ; Hawton , P . M . ; Nicholls , P . M . ; Price , P . M . ; Littleton , P . M . ; & c . Bro . Harris , after being duly proclaimed W . M ., appointed and invested the following officers : V . W . Bro . W II Ley , P . P . G . O ., S . W . ; Bro . W . Boxall , J . W . ; Bro . J . Toms , Treas . ; V . W . Bro . Hawton , P . P . G . T ., Treas . and Bro . Whittell , M . O .
Royal Ark Masonry.
Royal Clarence Lodge , No . 1 . —The third regular mectinf of this lodge was held at the Masons' Hall , Masons ' * avenue , Basinghali-stvcet . E . C .. on Thursday , 23 rd March . Present : Bros . A . Harris . Inspector-General , Commander ; A . Lacey , G . G ., S . W . : A . 1 ) . Loewenstark , Inspector-General ; . 11 . A . Loewenstark , G . S . : F .
Walters ( St . Mark ' s ) , II . W . Binckes ( Royal Suss-.-: ;) , K . II . Thiellay ( Prince of Wales , No . 2 ) , T . S . Bulmcr ( Dove , No . 4 ) , an-. l V . W . Koch ( I'riiic .- of Wales , No . 2 ) . The lodge was opened in due firm b y the Commander , and the minutes of the last meeting were read and confirmed . Bro . T . Meggy , P . G . M . O ., ' being in attendance , was properly prepared and duly elevated to the degree of
a Royal Ark Mariner by the Grand Commander , Bro . Morton Edwards . The warrant for this lodge was then delivered lo lhe Commander by the Grand Scribe . An Assembly of Commanders was ' then duly formed , and Bros . T . Meggy ami W . Louder had the rank of Commander conferred on them . The lodge was then closed
according to ancient custom , ami adjourned to June next . The lodge was in mourning owing to the decease of one of its members , Bro . T . Dorringlon , Past Grand Commander , 33 , P . Z ., P . M ., Past Grand Mark Master , & c , who was a very active member of most of the ancient orders in Masonry , and indeed had attained the highest honours in them . Bro . Dorrington was one of the guar .
Royal Ark Masonry.
dians of the Emperor Napoleon at St . Helena , and had enjoyed for many years a pension from the Government for long , faithful , and meritorious services . He was , as will be known to many of our readers , a most ardent Mason , and able before he died to see the Royal Ark Mariners' Degree restored to regular working , which , as
he expressed himself , enabled him to die happy , for it had been the dream of his life to endeavour to thoroughly revive the degree ; but until quite lately , and until some zealous Masons had assisted him , he had been unable to do more than keep it alive by meetings from time to time . The Mark Degree has been also indebted some years back to Bro . Dorringlon for the same assistance .
K. H. S.
K . H . S .
Mount of Olives Sanctuary . —A meeting of the members of this sanctuary , now attached to the Rose and Lily Conclave Red Cross , No . 3 , was held at Masons' Hall , Masons ' -avenue , Basinghall-street , on Saturday , the 25 th ult . The sanctuary having beea opened , Bra . Knight C . H . Rogers-Harrison , P . P .-designate , was enthroned by Kni
Bro . ght Morton Edwards , assisted by Bro . Knight T . W . Barrett . The newly-throned P . P . then inquired whether any candidates for reception were in attendance , and the reply being in the affirmative , Sir Knights H . M . Green ( Conclave No . 35 ) , T . S . Buhver ( Conclave No . 6 ) , E . II . Thiellay ( Conclave No . 2 ) , and J . B . Payne ( Premier Conclave ) were duly admitted and received into
the Order of IC . fi . S ., and expressed themselves very gratified with the ceremonial : The P . P . havingappointed some of his officers for the year , it was proposed that as the meeting convened at Freemasons' Tavern on the 3 rd May , 1 S 70 , to organize commanderies and sanctuaries decided that the members of the Order be dividetl equally into three sanctuaries , and a meeting of the Executive
afterwards allotted the following members to this sanctuary , viz ., Bro , Knights T . W . Barrett , T . W . Boord , T . Brett , C . Burmcister , Morton Edwards , C . H . Rogers-Harrison , R . Ord , W . W . Smith , D . R . Still , T . Terry W . Tweedy , with the following officers of the Council , viz ., as honorary members , Bro . Knights W . H . Hubbard , W . J . Hughan , J . G . Marsh , Capt . J . W . C . Whitbrcad ,
and A . A . Pcndlebury ; that they be considered as founders . That the regular meetings of the sanctuary be twice in the year , on the same evening as the Rose and Lily Conclave , to which it is now attached . That the subscription be one guinea , and the reception fee be two guineas , for the present . That the number , in accordance
with the regulation in the statutes , be strictly limited to 33 ; and that a committee from both sanctuary and conclave arrange details so as to work harmoniously with the conclave . Knights of the Red Cross are informed that those wishing to take this degree are requested to address the Registrar , Bro . Morton Edwards , as above .
Ancient And Primitive Rite.
Becthe Sanctuary . —A large and influential meeting of the members of this sanctuary was held at the Caledonian Hotel , Adelphi-tcrrace , W . C ., on Wednesday , the 6 th instant . The whole of the ceremonial of the 33 ° was worked , excepting the oration on the building of the Tabernacle in the wilderness and the mystical explanation
of the seven lights . Five candidates were received , and instructed in the symbolism of the Rite , after which a committee of twelve brethren , comprising members of the 33 ° , 66 ° , 77 ° and 90 ° , was appointed to take the future organization of the Order into consideration for report at a future meeting . The brethren then separated .
A Freemasonry For Teetotallers.
Lately a meeting of temperance reformers was held in the Temperance Hall , Grosvcnor-street , Manchester , under the presidency of Mr . Robert Whitworth , for the purpose of taking steps to organise a Grand Lodge of Teetotallers in England . Mr . Rodgers , of Dumfries , attended as the representative of the Grand Lodge of Scotland , the
members of which are enrolled under the title of " The Free Templars of St . John . " The object of the movement is to form a fraternity of teetotallers somewhat akin to the principles of many other existing societies , with the important difference , however , in the case of the teetotallers , of enrolling and initiating women as members of the craft . The
lodge is to consist of fifteen officers , the chief of which will have the title of the Worthy Master . The door of the lodge is to be guarded by an outer and an inner sentinel , so as to protect the society from intruders , or those who have not been properly initiated into the mysteries of the Craft , and are unable to give the current password . Every
candidate lor initiation will be required to enter into an obligation not to divulge to the outer world the ceremonies of the order ; but Mr . Rodgers assured the audience that there were no secrets to disclose , and that the ceremony was of an edifying and instructive character . The object of the order was , he explained , to improve upon the old mode of
taking the pledge , and to make the temperance movement more attractive than it had been . A resolution was passed approving of the project as explained by Mr . Rodgcrs , and itWas stated that between seventy and eighty teetotallers in Manchester had expressed their readiness to become candidates for initiation .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
reciprocity of feeling , and mutuality of confidence and love . It strives to establish and to inculcate those high moral principles of integrity and uprightness , the decline of which would inevitably ring out the death-knell of our glory as a nation . Our noble Craft seems to me to be the beacon light , pointing the way to yet higher aims and aspirations , raising the thought to scenes above that of
sense and of time . We should then see to it , that our profession be not mere idle words , but that our walk and conversation—our relation with our fellow-man—our loyalty to our Queen and devotion to our country—our life of purity and holiness—are conformed to our principles , and shed abroad the light of the faith that should be in us . —The W . M ., in proposing "The healths of the M . W .,
the Earl de Grey and Ripon , G . M , and the Prince of Wales , P . G . M ., " said : The high and honourable offices in our noble Craft , held by the noblemen who fill them , afford a certain guarantee that they are men endowed with certain pre-eminent merit . The pinnacle of our imposing structure is occupied by the Earl de Grey and Ripon , who , I believe , worthily discharges the duties of his high office ;
next to him comes the future King of England . Amongst the great roll of names , forming our honourable body , may be found that of Kings and Emperors ; but speaking as an Englishman , I think we , of this country at least , have reason to congratulate ourselves on the accession of the heir-apparent to our ancient Craft . Freemasonry levels all social distinctions ; it breathes that fraternal
spirit which makes the peer and peasant kin . Will this not help royalty itself to descend from a pinnacle of isolation imposed on it by the trammels of an obsolete tradition ,, and by the presumed requirements of a certain icy decorum ? I trust the Prince may be constrained so to act as to succeed his mother , our beloved Queen , not alone upon the throne , but also to occupy and retain her place
m the affections of the people , and thus may his reign shed a lustrous splendour around the British throne . I may observe that I have had the honour of sitting in the Grand Lodge with the Grand Master , Earl de Grey and Ripon , and also the Past G . M ., the Prince of Wales , with whom I was particularly struck . A kindly disposition , simplicity of demeanour and condescension ,
appears to me to be the prominent features of his character . —The I . P . M ., Bro . Harris , in proposing " The health of the W . M ,, " spoke of him in very flattering terms , and said the lodge had elected a most worthy and straightforward brother to fill the chair . —Bro Ley , in responding , said it would be difficult to find words suitable to the occasion to convey to the brethren an expression of the
depth of his gratitude for the generous response which had been accorded to the toast of his health . He had looked forward to this great honour with a feelingof pride , and it afforded him much pleasure to receive such a cordial welcome . It would be his earnest endeavour so to discharge the duties of his high office as to merit a continuance of the confidence of which he had that evenin "
received so tangible an expression . — "The health of the I . P . M ., Bro . Harris , " was then proposed by Bro . Hawton , who paid him a high compliment for the able manner in which he had discharged the duties of W . M . for two years , at the same time presenting him with a solid gold P . M . ' s jewel ( manufactured by Bro . George Kenning ) , subscribed for by the members of the lodge , for his
efficient services during his two years' Mastership . —Bro . Harris , in very feeling terms , thanked the brethren for the flattering manner in which they had drank his health , and also for the beautiful jewel which they had been pleased to present him with . —The healths of the visiting brethren , office-bearers , & c , having been drunk , the meeting separated , having spent a most pleasant evening .
MARKET HARBOROUGH . —St . Peters Lodge , No . 1330 . —A regular monthly meeting of this lodge was held at he Assembly Rooms , Three Swans Hotel , on Friday , he 31 st ult ., under the presidency of the W . M ., Bro . W . Kelly , P . G . M . The other officers and brethren present were Sir Henry St . John Halford , Bart ., S . W . ; Rev . John F . Halford , J . W . ; R . Waite , P . M ., Treas . ; W . H .
Marris , P . M ., Sec . ; r . Kemp , S . D . ; I homas Macaulay , M . R . C . S ., I . G . ; Freestone , Steward ; Clark , Tyler ; Dr . Grant , Fuller , Harrison , Martin , Lawrence , Rev . F . M . Beaumont , Platford , Gibbs , and Hcalcy . Bro . Gibbs having been duly examined in the first degree , was passed a Fellow Craft , after which Bros . Rev . F . M . Beaumont and Ilealey , having also passed a highly satisfactory
examination in the second tlegree , were severally raised to the sublime degree of M . M . The W . M . reported lo the lodge an offer made by Bro . Charles Johnson , P . M ., of Leicester , to present to the lodge photographic likenesses of the members , which was accepted with thanks . The lodge was then closed and refreshment succeeded labour . AI . DERSIIOT . —Aldershol CampLod : v , No . 1351 . —The
regular monthly meeting of this lodge was held at the Royal Hotel on Thursday , 6 th inst . The W . M ., Bro . E . Carnegie , P . M ., P . Prov . G . Supt . of Works Essex , occupied the chair of K . S ., and was supported by Bros . Fcnn , S . W . ; Captain Richardson , R . K , as J . W . ; M'Kcnzic , as S . D . ; Bennett , as J . D , ; and Laveity , as I . G . There were about thirty brethren present , including
two visitors from the lanmure Lodge . 'I lie lodge was opened in the first degree in flue form and with solemn prayer . The minutes of the last regular meeting , ami the emergency meeting held on the 23 rd of . March , were separately read ami confirmed . A ballot was then taken for Bros . Irvin , 4 th Regiment , and Laikin , ioist Regiment , as joining members , which proved unanimous in each case . A ballot was also taken for . Sergt . ( lartlyne ,
R . E ., and Colour-Sevgt . Griffith * , Ath Regiment , as candidates for initiation , which was unanimous in their favour . They were then initiated by the W . M . accordingto ancient custom , the J . \ V ., Bro . Capt , Richardson , presenting and explaining the working tools . The questions appertaining b the first degree were put by the W . M ., and answt . 'cd by the brethren for the information of the newly initiated . The lodge was then opened in the
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
second degree , when Bros . Shillington and Beach were presented for advancement , and having proved themselves worthy , were entrusted , and retired . The lodge was then opened in the third degree , and Bros . Shillington and Beach were raised to the sublime degree by the W . M ., the working tools being explained by Bro . Fenn , S . W . The lodge was then closed down to the second and first degrees . The W . M . announced that a lodge of
instruction would be held on the 27 th inst . A brother having been proposed as a joining member , and Sergt . A . Swann , 107 th Regt ., as a candidate for initiation , the lodge was closed in due form , and the brethren sat down to an excellent supper , and a very pleasant evening was spent , Bros . White and Peers contributing materially by their excellent singing . A collection having been made for the Charity Fund , the brethren separated in peace , love , and harmony .
Royal Arch.
LIVERPOOL . —Temple Chapter , No . 1094 . —The members of this chapter held their regular meeting at the Masonic Temple , 22 , Hope-street , on Tuesday , 28 th March . The officers , & c , present were Comps . James Hamer , Z ., P . Z ., P . G . Treas , West Lancashire ; Robinson , H . ; Pemberton , J . ; P . Macmuldrow , Scribe E . ; Winstanley , Scribe N . ; Dawson , V . Soj . ; Dr . Speer ,
Treas . ; Dr . J . K . Smith , P . Z . ; Dr . R . If . D . Johnson , P . Z . ; J . Wood , & c , & c . After the minutes of the last meeting had been read and confirmed , the ballot-box went round for Bros . Thomas Tibson , jun ., Lodge No . 1094 , and James Hope , Lodge No . 1013 , who were declared duly elected , and then introduced for the ceremony of exaltation , which was ably performed . Three candidates
were proposed for the next meeting , and the progress of this young chapter is being marked in a most satisfactory manner . A letter of condolence written to the widow of the late Comp . Dilworth was read , and a supplement in the shape of three guineas was voted for the benefit of the family . This being all the business , the chapter was closed in due form , and the companions sat down to a
substantial plain supper , after which the usual . Masonic toasts were proposed and responded to . Comp . Thomas Aslmiore , Z . S 23 , P . G . P . Soj . West Lancashire , responded for the other visitors , who were Comps . Dr . Ridley ( 477 ) , Thomas II . Ashmore ( S 23 ) , and Cottcrclt ( S 23 ) . Several companions sang excellently during the evening . The next meeting of this chapter will be held on the 23 rd ( 4 th Tuesday ) of May .
Mark Masonry.
METROPOLITAN . NorthwnbcrlandLod ge , No . 118 . —The quarterly regular meeting of this young Mark lodge was held at Masons ' Hall , Masons ' -avcnue , Basinghall-strect , E . C ., on Thursday , 23 rd March . Present : Bros . Morton Edwards , W . M . ; Harris , W . Koch , E . II . Thicllay , H . W . Binckes , A . D . Loewcnstark , J . T . G . ; and M . A . Loewenstark , Past Grand Steward , Woodstock ,
Ty ler . Visitors : Bros . T . Meggy , P . G . M . O . ; F . Walters , P . G . T . G . ; C . Lacey , J . S . Bulmcr , and W . Lowder . The lodge was opened in due form , and Bio . T . Verrey being in attendance was admitted and advanced to the honourable degree of a Mark Master Mason by Bro . A . D . Loewenstark . The minutes of two emergencies and the last regular meeting having been read and confirmed , the lodge was closed in due form , and the brethren adjourned to banquet .
PROVINCIAL . IVYRRIDGE . —ILa-oton Lodge , A o . 100 . —The members of this lodge assembled on the 30 th ultimo , for the purpose of installing the W . M .-elect , V . W . Bro . J . Harris , P . P . G . T ., as W . M . for the ensuing year . The installation ceremony was very ably and impressively performed by V . W . Bro . Gover , P . M ., P . P . G . O ., assisted by V . W .
Bros . Watts , P . M . ; Harvey , P . M . ; Hawton , P . M . ; Nicholls , P . M . ; Price , P . M . ; Littleton , P . M . ; & c . Bro . Harris , after being duly proclaimed W . M ., appointed and invested the following officers : V . W . Bro . W II Ley , P . P . G . O ., S . W . ; Bro . W . Boxall , J . W . ; Bro . J . Toms , Treas . ; V . W . Bro . Hawton , P . P . G . T ., Treas . and Bro . Whittell , M . O .
Royal Ark Masonry.
Royal Clarence Lodge , No . 1 . —The third regular mectinf of this lodge was held at the Masons' Hall , Masons ' * avenue , Basinghali-stvcet . E . C .. on Thursday , 23 rd March . Present : Bros . A . Harris . Inspector-General , Commander ; A . Lacey , G . G ., S . W . : A . 1 ) . Loewenstark , Inspector-General ; . 11 . A . Loewenstark , G . S . : F .
Walters ( St . Mark ' s ) , II . W . Binckes ( Royal Suss-.-: ;) , K . II . Thiellay ( Prince of Wales , No . 2 ) , T . S . Bulmcr ( Dove , No . 4 ) , an-. l V . W . Koch ( I'riiic .- of Wales , No . 2 ) . The lodge was opened in due firm b y the Commander , and the minutes of the last meeting were read and confirmed . Bro . T . Meggy , P . G . M . O ., ' being in attendance , was properly prepared and duly elevated to the degree of
a Royal Ark Mariner by the Grand Commander , Bro . Morton Edwards . The warrant for this lodge was then delivered lo lhe Commander by the Grand Scribe . An Assembly of Commanders was ' then duly formed , and Bros . T . Meggy ami W . Louder had the rank of Commander conferred on them . The lodge was then closed
according to ancient custom , ami adjourned to June next . The lodge was in mourning owing to the decease of one of its members , Bro . T . Dorringlon , Past Grand Commander , 33 , P . Z ., P . M ., Past Grand Mark Master , & c , who was a very active member of most of the ancient orders in Masonry , and indeed had attained the highest honours in them . Bro . Dorrington was one of the guar .
Royal Ark Masonry.
dians of the Emperor Napoleon at St . Helena , and had enjoyed for many years a pension from the Government for long , faithful , and meritorious services . He was , as will be known to many of our readers , a most ardent Mason , and able before he died to see the Royal Ark Mariners' Degree restored to regular working , which , as
he expressed himself , enabled him to die happy , for it had been the dream of his life to endeavour to thoroughly revive the degree ; but until quite lately , and until some zealous Masons had assisted him , he had been unable to do more than keep it alive by meetings from time to time . The Mark Degree has been also indebted some years back to Bro . Dorringlon for the same assistance .
K. H. S.
K . H . S .
Mount of Olives Sanctuary . —A meeting of the members of this sanctuary , now attached to the Rose and Lily Conclave Red Cross , No . 3 , was held at Masons' Hall , Masons ' -avenue , Basinghall-street , on Saturday , the 25 th ult . The sanctuary having beea opened , Bra . Knight C . H . Rogers-Harrison , P . P .-designate , was enthroned by Kni
Bro . ght Morton Edwards , assisted by Bro . Knight T . W . Barrett . The newly-throned P . P . then inquired whether any candidates for reception were in attendance , and the reply being in the affirmative , Sir Knights H . M . Green ( Conclave No . 35 ) , T . S . Buhver ( Conclave No . 6 ) , E . II . Thiellay ( Conclave No . 2 ) , and J . B . Payne ( Premier Conclave ) were duly admitted and received into
the Order of IC . fi . S ., and expressed themselves very gratified with the ceremonial : The P . P . havingappointed some of his officers for the year , it was proposed that as the meeting convened at Freemasons' Tavern on the 3 rd May , 1 S 70 , to organize commanderies and sanctuaries decided that the members of the Order be dividetl equally into three sanctuaries , and a meeting of the Executive
afterwards allotted the following members to this sanctuary , viz ., Bro , Knights T . W . Barrett , T . W . Boord , T . Brett , C . Burmcister , Morton Edwards , C . H . Rogers-Harrison , R . Ord , W . W . Smith , D . R . Still , T . Terry W . Tweedy , with the following officers of the Council , viz ., as honorary members , Bro . Knights W . H . Hubbard , W . J . Hughan , J . G . Marsh , Capt . J . W . C . Whitbrcad ,
and A . A . Pcndlebury ; that they be considered as founders . That the regular meetings of the sanctuary be twice in the year , on the same evening as the Rose and Lily Conclave , to which it is now attached . That the subscription be one guinea , and the reception fee be two guineas , for the present . That the number , in accordance
with the regulation in the statutes , be strictly limited to 33 ; and that a committee from both sanctuary and conclave arrange details so as to work harmoniously with the conclave . Knights of the Red Cross are informed that those wishing to take this degree are requested to address the Registrar , Bro . Morton Edwards , as above .
Ancient And Primitive Rite.
Becthe Sanctuary . —A large and influential meeting of the members of this sanctuary was held at the Caledonian Hotel , Adelphi-tcrrace , W . C ., on Wednesday , the 6 th instant . The whole of the ceremonial of the 33 ° was worked , excepting the oration on the building of the Tabernacle in the wilderness and the mystical explanation
of the seven lights . Five candidates were received , and instructed in the symbolism of the Rite , after which a committee of twelve brethren , comprising members of the 33 ° , 66 ° , 77 ° and 90 ° , was appointed to take the future organization of the Order into consideration for report at a future meeting . The brethren then separated .
A Freemasonry For Teetotallers.
Lately a meeting of temperance reformers was held in the Temperance Hall , Grosvcnor-street , Manchester , under the presidency of Mr . Robert Whitworth , for the purpose of taking steps to organise a Grand Lodge of Teetotallers in England . Mr . Rodgers , of Dumfries , attended as the representative of the Grand Lodge of Scotland , the
members of which are enrolled under the title of " The Free Templars of St . John . " The object of the movement is to form a fraternity of teetotallers somewhat akin to the principles of many other existing societies , with the important difference , however , in the case of the teetotallers , of enrolling and initiating women as members of the craft . The
lodge is to consist of fifteen officers , the chief of which will have the title of the Worthy Master . The door of the lodge is to be guarded by an outer and an inner sentinel , so as to protect the society from intruders , or those who have not been properly initiated into the mysteries of the Craft , and are unable to give the current password . Every
candidate lor initiation will be required to enter into an obligation not to divulge to the outer world the ceremonies of the order ; but Mr . Rodgers assured the audience that there were no secrets to disclose , and that the ceremony was of an edifying and instructive character . The object of the order was , he explained , to improve upon the old mode of
taking the pledge , and to make the temperance movement more attractive than it had been . A resolution was passed approving of the project as explained by Mr . Rodgcrs , and itWas stated that between seventy and eighty teetotallers in Manchester had expressed their readiness to become candidates for initiation .