Article ROYAL MASONIC INSTITUTION FOR BOYS. ← Page 4 of 4 Article ROYAL MASONIC BENEVOLENT INSTITUTION. Page 1 of 1 Article ROYAL MASONIC BENEVOLENT INSTITUTION. Page 1 of 1 Article PROVINCIAL GRAND CHAPTER EAST LANCASHIRE. Page 1 of 1 Article Masonic and General Tidings. Page 1 of 1 Article Masonic and General Tidings. Page 1 of 1
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Royal Masonic Institution For Boys.
l ,, but this institution was really almost in its infancy . He remembered when it was in debt , and when it bad no l ' u'ldin 1 " - worth speaking of ; now it had a splendid build-• «¦ and it was impossible to say what it might be in thc future ; and at that time they mig ht be able to reduce the expenses very much , so that the average expenditure per boy mig ht be more favourable than now . ( Hear , hear ,
and cheers . ) Bro . Moss , from West Yorkshire , rose to enter his solemn protest against Bro . Woodford , no doubt in all good feeling , having brought forward the question of the pamphlet and associating the brethren of West Yorkshire with it . Now , he repudiated the pamphlet , and the brethren of West Yorkshire had nothing to do with circulating it in other
provinces . _ Bro . John Sutcliffe , of Great Grimsby , * jmmediately rose and said that , so'far from this being the case , the pamphlets were distributed in Hull , which was in East Yorkshire , even as late as last week , by the Deputy Provincial Grand Master of West Yorkshire , and other brethren of that
pro-. Bro . Moss again tried to speak , but was met with cries « E " Vote , " and " Divide . " H 2 then advanced to the platform , thc brethren forming a semi-circle round him . Iu this position he was urged by some brethren from West Yorkshire to persist in speaking , and he appealed to the chairm m to obtain for him a hearing . The Chairman requested
the brethren to listen for a short while , and again Bro . Moss attempted to speak . The brethren , however , over and over again shouted for a division , as they had heard everything that could be urged on both sides . After much delay and great confusion , the Chairman found that it was utterly impossible to prolong the debate , and he therefore put the motion of Bro . the Rev . A . F . A . Woodford without a reply from that brother , and thc result was that almost
every hand was held up in its favour , amidst much cheering . When the " contrary " was put only five hands were held up . The Chairman then , declared the motion carried , anil the brethren adjourned to Freemasons' Hall , where they proceeded with thc election of thc boys . Bro . John Symonds took the chair , Bro . Clabon having another engagement . At a quarter to six o ' clock the poll was declared as follows : —
VOTES . Perrin , Gilbert Palmer S 2256 Dawson , George Arthur 2130 Trott , Richard James 1962 Cromwell , Charles Henry 1932 Keddell , Robert Walter 182 C Stansfield , William Ashton 1822 Jackson , Joseph 1818
Cooke , William Astle 1 S 16 Wain , Leonard 1781 Lee , Vincent John 1777 Vivian , Alfred Grevillc 175 8 Robinson , George Sampson 16 9 8 Gardner , Richard Thomas 1601 Adams , Donald Robert 1383 England , Herbert 1318 Rees , James Herbert 1272
Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution.
The committee of this institution met on Wednesday , at Freemasons' Hall , Colonel Creaton , V . P ., in the chair . There were also present Bros . Joseph Smith , Griffiths Smith , A 11 . Tattershall , James Brett , Wm . Stephens , John Constable , VV . Hale , II . M . Levy , John Gibson , J .
Newton , Thos . Cubitt , F . Adlard , Capt . Wordsworth , L . Stean , C . F . Hogard , C Lacey , J . E . Saunders , H . Massey ( " Freemason " ) and James Terry ( Secretary ) . The Secretary reported that since the last meeting thc death of two approved candidates had occurred , both of them West Yorkshire candidates . Bro . Cutbush had sent
in a panel of shrubs of trees for the use of the asylum at Croydon . The report of the Finance Committee was then received and ordered to be entered on thc minutes . £ 3000 were ordered to be invested . Bros . Farnfield , Col . Creaton , and Griffiths Smith were appointed a committee to draw up the annual reports . A female candidate was removed from the election list , she
having an annuity of £ 80 , and an invalid daughter a " compassionate" annuity of £ 16 . A letter was received from Bro . Farnfield acknowledging the letter of condolence with them by vote of the committee at last meeting on the death of his father . The letter having been read by Bro . Terry , was ordered to be entered on the minutes .
Application from an annuitant for leave to reside in the Institution was granteel ; and a brother in the Institution having been removed by order of thc committee at their last meeting , on account of his objectionable conduct , a letter was read from the other inmates , thanking the committee for the action they had taken . Bro . Griffiths Smith proposed a vote of thanks to Bro . Cutbush
for his gift . Every half year Bro . Cutbush was making as imilar gift , and he ( Bro . Smith ) would also propose that he should be elected an honorary life governor , ( Hear , hear . ) " ro , W . Stephens seconded thc motion , which was then put and carried . The Chairman then said that he had requested the Secretary to call a special meeting for Tuesday , the 215 th , for the
purpose of raising the annuities of the male and female annuitants . What he proposed was that the men's annuities should be raised from £ * 6 to £ " 40 . 1 year , and the women's from £ 28 to £ 32 . Bro , Joseph Smith said he should like to sec them raised lo £ s ° - Ihe Chairman thought his proposition was sufficient for the day . The success of the last festival , he was of opinion , bound them to do something of the kind he had proposed .
Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution.
Bro . James Brett was glad to hear the proposition ; but they must be careful not to make thc benefits too great , or they would be inundated with applicants . The Chairman said they must bear in mind that in doing this they were not doing it for young people . The
chances of the annuitants living long to enjoy their annuaties were rather remote . After a few remaiks from Bro . Hale , a vote of thanks was passed to thc Chairman , and the proceedings terminated .
Provincial Grand Chapter East Lancashire.
The annual meeting of the above Prov . G . Chapter was held in the Town Hall , Bury , on Thursday , 30 th March . There was a numerous attendance of companions from all parts of the province , amongst others present being Comps . Col . Legendre N . Starkie , M . E . Prov . G . Supt . ;
J . L . Hine , 2 nd Prov . G . Principal ; James A . Birch , 3 rd Prov . G . Principal ; Jno . Tunnah , Prov . G . Scribe E . ; Jno . 13 . Carr , Prov . G . Scribe N ; Jas . Hall , Prov . G . Principal Scj . ; Thos . Hargreaves , Prov . G . 2 nd Asst . Soj . ; Thos . Chorlton , Prov . G . Reg . ; Benj . Taylor , Prov . G . Swd . Br . -, Edwin Brookes , Prov . G . Std . Br . ; W . H . Hopkins , Prov . G . Dir . of Cer .: VV . Holt , Prov . G . Org . ;
and others . The Prov . G . Chapter having been openee , the minutes of . Jlie preceding meeting were read and confirmed . The Prov . G . Treasurer ' s accounts were presented and approved . Comp . Hy . Holder was unanimously re-elected as Prov . G . Treasurer .
The Prov . G . Superintendent appointed anil invested thc following companions as Prov . G . Officers for the ensuing year , viz .: —J . L . Hine , Prov . G . 2 nd Principal ; Jas . A . Birch , Prov . G . 3 rd Principal ; Jno . Tunnah , Prov . G . Scribe E ; Lawrence Booth , Prov . G . Scribe N . ; W . F . Towle , Prov . G . Principal Soj . ; A . Bleacklcy , Prov . G . 1 st Asst . Soj . ; 11 . Wadsworth , Prov . G . 2 nd Assist . Soj . ;
Thos . Charlton , Prov . G . Reg . ; J . F . Salton , Prov . G . Swd . Br . ; A . W . Siddall , Prov . G . Dir . of Cer . ; J . R . Fletcher , Prov . G . Org . ; VV . S . Balmer , T . W . Probert , and Josh . Senior , Prov . G . Stewards . A grant of £ -jn was made from the funds of thc Prov .
G . Chapter to thc East Lancashire Systematic Masonic Educational and Benevolent Institution . Comps . Ernst Linck and Jno . Smcthurst were appointed Auditors of the Prov . G . Treasurer ' s accounts . The Prov . G . Ch ? pter was closed , and the banquet was celebrated at thc Derby Hotel .
Masonic And General Tidings.
Masonic and General Tidings .
A Provincial Grand Chapter of the Western Division of the County of Lancashire will be held at the Masonio Hall , Hope-street , on Tuesday next , the iSth inst ., when Comp . the Rt . Hon . Lord Skelmersdale , P . G . Supt ., is exje-ted to preside . A special meeting of the Provincial Grand Lodge of the same division will be afterwarels held , to consider the steps to be
taken in connection with the proposed Masonic contribution from West Lancashire to the restoration of Chester Cathedral . The petition for a new lodge , 'to be called the Dramatic Lodge , has been forwarded . ' to head-quarters in London , highly recommended by Bro . the Rt . Hon . Lord Skelmersdale , R . W . P . G . M ., D . G . M . of England , and
Bro . II . S . Alpass , P . G . Sec . West Lancashire . the meetings of the new lodge will be held at the Masonic Hall , Liverpool , and there is every prospect that the latest addition to Freemasonry will prove a great success should thc prayer of the petitioners be granted . The committee appointed to make the requisite arrangements for the inauguration of the Walker Art Gallery , Liverpool , have decided , among other things , to
secure a loan collection of pictures for the occasion , so that an art exhibition worthy of the special object may be confidently looked for . The opening is expee ' ed to take place during the sittings of the Social Science Congress iu Octobct . Masons' Hall Tavern , near Basinghall-street , has changed hands , Messrs . Bell and Co . being now proprietors and managers .
Through the instrumentality of Bro . Alderman Hadley , who presided at the fifth annual festival of the United Kingdom Railway Officers and Servants' Association on the 30 th ult ., His Royal Highness Prince Leopold Provincial Grand Master Oxfordshire , has consented to become a patron and a donor of £ 25 .
His Royal Highness the Prince of Wales has accepted thc invitation of thc Lord Mayor and Corporation to attend thc grand ball to be given in the Guildhall , in honour of his return . As yet the date of the ball has not been fixed . The Marquis of Hertford , Lord Chamberlain , has issued instructions that the State apartments at Windsor Castle shall be open to thc public on Easier Monday and Tuesday .
ROYAL ALBERT HALL . —The Prince of Wales has accepted the invitation of the Council of the Royal Albert HaU to a congratulatory concert , in honour of the return of His Royal Highness to England . The conceit is fixed for Wednesday , the 17 th May next . THE LONDON * TAVERN . —The directors of thu
London Tavern Company , with a parly of the shareholders , dined together by private subscription at the tavern last week . The occasion was of considerable interest , as being the last dinner of the kind which will be
Masonic And General Tidings.
held in this renowned establishment . It transpired during the evening that the future business of this company is to be concentrated at the Albion , where it was fully anticipated that thc prosperity of the company would be assured . The directors were thanked for their services , and the utmost confidence was expressed in the managers of both houses , Bro . H . Whitfield , at the London Tavern , and Bro . W . G . Jennings , at the Albion .
Bro . the Rt . Hon . Lord Charles Beresford , Prov . S . G . Warden Devon , arrived at Malta on Monday in Her Majesty s ship Helicon , from Messina , with despatches for H . R . H . thc Prince of Wales . A moveable Grand Mark Lodge will be held at the Freemasons' Hall , Park-street , Bristol , on Friday , the
28 th inst . The consecration of the Merlin Lodge , No . 1578 , will take place on Thursday next at Pontypridd , the consecrating officer being Bro . Theodore Mansel Talbot , R . W . Provincial Grand Master , South Wales , Eastern Division .
Mr . Fuetin Brown has produced a pianoforte which is unequalled in its power to resist a foreign climate . The action itself of his pianos being of such an excellent quality , that it responds to the slightest touch of the performer , and yet does not easily get out of order . For the climate of India nothing better can be recommended . The backs are strengthened with additional iron buttresses properly muffled from erbration with felt .
A NEW IDEA IN SPELLING BEES . — On Wednesday , the 29 th ult ., a monster Spelling Bee was announced to come off . at Woodbridge , under the patronage of Capt . Round Turner , R . N ., Capt . Cobbold , Bro . Emra Holmes , and Bro . Dr . Keer . The promoters were Messrs . Ullathorne and Howell , who had previously got up a very successful Bee [ at Ipswich , on which occasion Alderman
Grimwade took the chair , and Bro . the Rev . R . N . Sanderson , M . A ., second master at the Grammar School , acted as interrogator , and thc prizes , which were both handsome and costly , were procured of Bros . Schulen & Boby , the leading jewellers in thc county . It was through their apparent respectability , and the way in which the Bee was conducted at Ipswich , that Messrs . Ullathorne and Howell
secured their patrons at Woodbridge . From various causes , however , the entertainment was not a success , and only an audience of some eighty or ninety responded to the invitations of these gentlemen , who , we understand , hail from Bristol , and it is said came to Ipswich with Herr Dobler , and probably have learnt to turn to account their knowledge of conjuring in a manner we fancy rather beneath
the notice of that eminent professor of legerdemain . However , they succeeded in getting Bro . Emra Holmes as chairman , whilst Bro . Dr . Keer acted as interrogator . They also brought a concert party over from Ipswich , who discoursed sweet music in the intervals of spelling , which was ralher above the average , whilst the singing was rather below . There were only eleven competitors for the
five money prizes , so the programme was quickly gone through , and everything went off smoothly and harmoniously till the time came for giving away the prizes , which were to be presented by the chairman , when [ it was found the promoters had disappeared . Bro . Holmes summonetl Mr . Booth , thc bookseller who had sold the tickets , & c , and Mr . Deaves , one of thc singers on the platform , to
explain to the audience what they knew of the people who had got up the entertainment , but it appeared they could say very little about them , except that they had behaved honourably at Ipswich , and , as one of them said naively , " so they no doubt would have done here if the room had been full . " As it was , however , they had decamped , taking with them the proceeds of the entertainment , and leaving
thc concert to take care of itself . The Chairman briefly announced the names of thc prize winners , and stated that the National Anthem should have concluded the proceedings , but he feared the feelings of the performers would be too many for them , and he would suggest , as was done in the case of an address , they should take it as read . The audience were fortunately very good humoured , and
treated the whole matter as a great joke , laughing immoderately when the chairman gravely announced , after a long pause , that the gentlemen who had got up the entertainment had omitted to leave the money for the prizes , and had gone out—let us hope , he said , for only a few minutes . However , it was no use waiting ; the prize winners , not , alas , the prize holders , looked very lugubrious
at the general hilarity which prevailed , and the meeting broke up . The chairman and several of the prizemen laid an information at the police station , but without any successful result . The " Ipswich Journal , " " East Anglian , " " Daily Times , " and " Suffolk Chronicle , " however , fully exposed the conduct of Messrs . Ullathorne and Howell , and it is not likely they will renew their attempts in the county of Suffolk , at all events .
Mr . Edward Payson Weston , the American pedestrian , has accomplished the great feat in walking 111 miles in 24 hours . He began his task at the Pomona Palace , Manchester , at ten minutes past nine on Monday night , and completed it at the same hour on Tuesday night . The only rest he took was for ten minutes forty seconds , after the conclusion of the 95 th mile . The last mile wa covered in thirteen minutes thirty-eight seconds .
The annual festival of the Wellington Lodge of Instruction , 'No . 548 , will be held at the White Swan Hotel , High-street , Deptford , on Monday , thc 24 th ins ., Bro . C . G . Dilley will preside .
DAVI . IOIIT reflected in dark rooms . Gas superseded in day time . Health , comfort , and economy promoted by adopting ; Chappuis' Patent Daylight Reflectors . — Manufactory , 6 9 , Fleet-street , London .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Royal Masonic Institution For Boys.
l ,, but this institution was really almost in its infancy . He remembered when it was in debt , and when it bad no l ' u'ldin 1 " - worth speaking of ; now it had a splendid build-• «¦ and it was impossible to say what it might be in thc future ; and at that time they mig ht be able to reduce the expenses very much , so that the average expenditure per boy mig ht be more favourable than now . ( Hear , hear ,
and cheers . ) Bro . Moss , from West Yorkshire , rose to enter his solemn protest against Bro . Woodford , no doubt in all good feeling , having brought forward the question of the pamphlet and associating the brethren of West Yorkshire with it . Now , he repudiated the pamphlet , and the brethren of West Yorkshire had nothing to do with circulating it in other
provinces . _ Bro . John Sutcliffe , of Great Grimsby , * jmmediately rose and said that , so'far from this being the case , the pamphlets were distributed in Hull , which was in East Yorkshire , even as late as last week , by the Deputy Provincial Grand Master of West Yorkshire , and other brethren of that
pro-. Bro . Moss again tried to speak , but was met with cries « E " Vote , " and " Divide . " H 2 then advanced to the platform , thc brethren forming a semi-circle round him . Iu this position he was urged by some brethren from West Yorkshire to persist in speaking , and he appealed to the chairm m to obtain for him a hearing . The Chairman requested
the brethren to listen for a short while , and again Bro . Moss attempted to speak . The brethren , however , over and over again shouted for a division , as they had heard everything that could be urged on both sides . After much delay and great confusion , the Chairman found that it was utterly impossible to prolong the debate , and he therefore put the motion of Bro . the Rev . A . F . A . Woodford without a reply from that brother , and thc result was that almost
every hand was held up in its favour , amidst much cheering . When the " contrary " was put only five hands were held up . The Chairman then , declared the motion carried , anil the brethren adjourned to Freemasons' Hall , where they proceeded with thc election of thc boys . Bro . John Symonds took the chair , Bro . Clabon having another engagement . At a quarter to six o ' clock the poll was declared as follows : —
VOTES . Perrin , Gilbert Palmer S 2256 Dawson , George Arthur 2130 Trott , Richard James 1962 Cromwell , Charles Henry 1932 Keddell , Robert Walter 182 C Stansfield , William Ashton 1822 Jackson , Joseph 1818
Cooke , William Astle 1 S 16 Wain , Leonard 1781 Lee , Vincent John 1777 Vivian , Alfred Grevillc 175 8 Robinson , George Sampson 16 9 8 Gardner , Richard Thomas 1601 Adams , Donald Robert 1383 England , Herbert 1318 Rees , James Herbert 1272
Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution.
The committee of this institution met on Wednesday , at Freemasons' Hall , Colonel Creaton , V . P ., in the chair . There were also present Bros . Joseph Smith , Griffiths Smith , A 11 . Tattershall , James Brett , Wm . Stephens , John Constable , VV . Hale , II . M . Levy , John Gibson , J .
Newton , Thos . Cubitt , F . Adlard , Capt . Wordsworth , L . Stean , C . F . Hogard , C Lacey , J . E . Saunders , H . Massey ( " Freemason " ) and James Terry ( Secretary ) . The Secretary reported that since the last meeting thc death of two approved candidates had occurred , both of them West Yorkshire candidates . Bro . Cutbush had sent
in a panel of shrubs of trees for the use of the asylum at Croydon . The report of the Finance Committee was then received and ordered to be entered on thc minutes . £ 3000 were ordered to be invested . Bros . Farnfield , Col . Creaton , and Griffiths Smith were appointed a committee to draw up the annual reports . A female candidate was removed from the election list , she
having an annuity of £ 80 , and an invalid daughter a " compassionate" annuity of £ 16 . A letter was received from Bro . Farnfield acknowledging the letter of condolence with them by vote of the committee at last meeting on the death of his father . The letter having been read by Bro . Terry , was ordered to be entered on the minutes .
Application from an annuitant for leave to reside in the Institution was granteel ; and a brother in the Institution having been removed by order of thc committee at their last meeting , on account of his objectionable conduct , a letter was read from the other inmates , thanking the committee for the action they had taken . Bro . Griffiths Smith proposed a vote of thanks to Bro . Cutbush
for his gift . Every half year Bro . Cutbush was making as imilar gift , and he ( Bro . Smith ) would also propose that he should be elected an honorary life governor , ( Hear , hear . ) " ro , W . Stephens seconded thc motion , which was then put and carried . The Chairman then said that he had requested the Secretary to call a special meeting for Tuesday , the 215 th , for the
purpose of raising the annuities of the male and female annuitants . What he proposed was that the men's annuities should be raised from £ * 6 to £ " 40 . 1 year , and the women's from £ 28 to £ 32 . Bro , Joseph Smith said he should like to sec them raised lo £ s ° - Ihe Chairman thought his proposition was sufficient for the day . The success of the last festival , he was of opinion , bound them to do something of the kind he had proposed .
Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution.
Bro . James Brett was glad to hear the proposition ; but they must be careful not to make thc benefits too great , or they would be inundated with applicants . The Chairman said they must bear in mind that in doing this they were not doing it for young people . The
chances of the annuitants living long to enjoy their annuaties were rather remote . After a few remaiks from Bro . Hale , a vote of thanks was passed to thc Chairman , and the proceedings terminated .
Provincial Grand Chapter East Lancashire.
The annual meeting of the above Prov . G . Chapter was held in the Town Hall , Bury , on Thursday , 30 th March . There was a numerous attendance of companions from all parts of the province , amongst others present being Comps . Col . Legendre N . Starkie , M . E . Prov . G . Supt . ;
J . L . Hine , 2 nd Prov . G . Principal ; James A . Birch , 3 rd Prov . G . Principal ; Jno . Tunnah , Prov . G . Scribe E . ; Jno . 13 . Carr , Prov . G . Scribe N ; Jas . Hall , Prov . G . Principal Scj . ; Thos . Hargreaves , Prov . G . 2 nd Asst . Soj . ; Thos . Chorlton , Prov . G . Reg . ; Benj . Taylor , Prov . G . Swd . Br . -, Edwin Brookes , Prov . G . Std . Br . ; W . H . Hopkins , Prov . G . Dir . of Cer .: VV . Holt , Prov . G . Org . ;
and others . The Prov . G . Chapter having been openee , the minutes of . Jlie preceding meeting were read and confirmed . The Prov . G . Treasurer ' s accounts were presented and approved . Comp . Hy . Holder was unanimously re-elected as Prov . G . Treasurer .
The Prov . G . Superintendent appointed anil invested thc following companions as Prov . G . Officers for the ensuing year , viz .: —J . L . Hine , Prov . G . 2 nd Principal ; Jas . A . Birch , Prov . G . 3 rd Principal ; Jno . Tunnah , Prov . G . Scribe E ; Lawrence Booth , Prov . G . Scribe N . ; W . F . Towle , Prov . G . Principal Soj . ; A . Bleacklcy , Prov . G . 1 st Asst . Soj . ; 11 . Wadsworth , Prov . G . 2 nd Assist . Soj . ;
Thos . Charlton , Prov . G . Reg . ; J . F . Salton , Prov . G . Swd . Br . ; A . W . Siddall , Prov . G . Dir . of Cer . ; J . R . Fletcher , Prov . G . Org . ; VV . S . Balmer , T . W . Probert , and Josh . Senior , Prov . G . Stewards . A grant of £ -jn was made from the funds of thc Prov .
G . Chapter to thc East Lancashire Systematic Masonic Educational and Benevolent Institution . Comps . Ernst Linck and Jno . Smcthurst were appointed Auditors of the Prov . G . Treasurer ' s accounts . The Prov . G . Ch ? pter was closed , and the banquet was celebrated at thc Derby Hotel .
Masonic And General Tidings.
Masonic and General Tidings .
A Provincial Grand Chapter of the Western Division of the County of Lancashire will be held at the Masonio Hall , Hope-street , on Tuesday next , the iSth inst ., when Comp . the Rt . Hon . Lord Skelmersdale , P . G . Supt ., is exje-ted to preside . A special meeting of the Provincial Grand Lodge of the same division will be afterwarels held , to consider the steps to be
taken in connection with the proposed Masonic contribution from West Lancashire to the restoration of Chester Cathedral . The petition for a new lodge , 'to be called the Dramatic Lodge , has been forwarded . ' to head-quarters in London , highly recommended by Bro . the Rt . Hon . Lord Skelmersdale , R . W . P . G . M ., D . G . M . of England , and
Bro . II . S . Alpass , P . G . Sec . West Lancashire . the meetings of the new lodge will be held at the Masonic Hall , Liverpool , and there is every prospect that the latest addition to Freemasonry will prove a great success should thc prayer of the petitioners be granted . The committee appointed to make the requisite arrangements for the inauguration of the Walker Art Gallery , Liverpool , have decided , among other things , to
secure a loan collection of pictures for the occasion , so that an art exhibition worthy of the special object may be confidently looked for . The opening is expee ' ed to take place during the sittings of the Social Science Congress iu Octobct . Masons' Hall Tavern , near Basinghall-street , has changed hands , Messrs . Bell and Co . being now proprietors and managers .
Through the instrumentality of Bro . Alderman Hadley , who presided at the fifth annual festival of the United Kingdom Railway Officers and Servants' Association on the 30 th ult ., His Royal Highness Prince Leopold Provincial Grand Master Oxfordshire , has consented to become a patron and a donor of £ 25 .
His Royal Highness the Prince of Wales has accepted thc invitation of thc Lord Mayor and Corporation to attend thc grand ball to be given in the Guildhall , in honour of his return . As yet the date of the ball has not been fixed . The Marquis of Hertford , Lord Chamberlain , has issued instructions that the State apartments at Windsor Castle shall be open to thc public on Easier Monday and Tuesday .
ROYAL ALBERT HALL . —The Prince of Wales has accepted the invitation of the Council of the Royal Albert HaU to a congratulatory concert , in honour of the return of His Royal Highness to England . The conceit is fixed for Wednesday , the 17 th May next . THE LONDON * TAVERN . —The directors of thu
London Tavern Company , with a parly of the shareholders , dined together by private subscription at the tavern last week . The occasion was of considerable interest , as being the last dinner of the kind which will be
Masonic And General Tidings.
held in this renowned establishment . It transpired during the evening that the future business of this company is to be concentrated at the Albion , where it was fully anticipated that thc prosperity of the company would be assured . The directors were thanked for their services , and the utmost confidence was expressed in the managers of both houses , Bro . H . Whitfield , at the London Tavern , and Bro . W . G . Jennings , at the Albion .
Bro . the Rt . Hon . Lord Charles Beresford , Prov . S . G . Warden Devon , arrived at Malta on Monday in Her Majesty s ship Helicon , from Messina , with despatches for H . R . H . thc Prince of Wales . A moveable Grand Mark Lodge will be held at the Freemasons' Hall , Park-street , Bristol , on Friday , the
28 th inst . The consecration of the Merlin Lodge , No . 1578 , will take place on Thursday next at Pontypridd , the consecrating officer being Bro . Theodore Mansel Talbot , R . W . Provincial Grand Master , South Wales , Eastern Division .
Mr . Fuetin Brown has produced a pianoforte which is unequalled in its power to resist a foreign climate . The action itself of his pianos being of such an excellent quality , that it responds to the slightest touch of the performer , and yet does not easily get out of order . For the climate of India nothing better can be recommended . The backs are strengthened with additional iron buttresses properly muffled from erbration with felt .
A NEW IDEA IN SPELLING BEES . — On Wednesday , the 29 th ult ., a monster Spelling Bee was announced to come off . at Woodbridge , under the patronage of Capt . Round Turner , R . N ., Capt . Cobbold , Bro . Emra Holmes , and Bro . Dr . Keer . The promoters were Messrs . Ullathorne and Howell , who had previously got up a very successful Bee [ at Ipswich , on which occasion Alderman
Grimwade took the chair , and Bro . the Rev . R . N . Sanderson , M . A ., second master at the Grammar School , acted as interrogator , and thc prizes , which were both handsome and costly , were procured of Bros . Schulen & Boby , the leading jewellers in thc county . It was through their apparent respectability , and the way in which the Bee was conducted at Ipswich , that Messrs . Ullathorne and Howell
secured their patrons at Woodbridge . From various causes , however , the entertainment was not a success , and only an audience of some eighty or ninety responded to the invitations of these gentlemen , who , we understand , hail from Bristol , and it is said came to Ipswich with Herr Dobler , and probably have learnt to turn to account their knowledge of conjuring in a manner we fancy rather beneath
the notice of that eminent professor of legerdemain . However , they succeeded in getting Bro . Emra Holmes as chairman , whilst Bro . Dr . Keer acted as interrogator . They also brought a concert party over from Ipswich , who discoursed sweet music in the intervals of spelling , which was ralher above the average , whilst the singing was rather below . There were only eleven competitors for the
five money prizes , so the programme was quickly gone through , and everything went off smoothly and harmoniously till the time came for giving away the prizes , which were to be presented by the chairman , when [ it was found the promoters had disappeared . Bro . Holmes summonetl Mr . Booth , thc bookseller who had sold the tickets , & c , and Mr . Deaves , one of thc singers on the platform , to
explain to the audience what they knew of the people who had got up the entertainment , but it appeared they could say very little about them , except that they had behaved honourably at Ipswich , and , as one of them said naively , " so they no doubt would have done here if the room had been full . " As it was , however , they had decamped , taking with them the proceeds of the entertainment , and leaving
thc concert to take care of itself . The Chairman briefly announced the names of thc prize winners , and stated that the National Anthem should have concluded the proceedings , but he feared the feelings of the performers would be too many for them , and he would suggest , as was done in the case of an address , they should take it as read . The audience were fortunately very good humoured , and
treated the whole matter as a great joke , laughing immoderately when the chairman gravely announced , after a long pause , that the gentlemen who had got up the entertainment had omitted to leave the money for the prizes , and had gone out—let us hope , he said , for only a few minutes . However , it was no use waiting ; the prize winners , not , alas , the prize holders , looked very lugubrious
at the general hilarity which prevailed , and the meeting broke up . The chairman and several of the prizemen laid an information at the police station , but without any successful result . The " Ipswich Journal , " " East Anglian , " " Daily Times , " and " Suffolk Chronicle , " however , fully exposed the conduct of Messrs . Ullathorne and Howell , and it is not likely they will renew their attempts in the county of Suffolk , at all events .
Mr . Edward Payson Weston , the American pedestrian , has accomplished the great feat in walking 111 miles in 24 hours . He began his task at the Pomona Palace , Manchester , at ten minutes past nine on Monday night , and completed it at the same hour on Tuesday night . The only rest he took was for ten minutes forty seconds , after the conclusion of the 95 th mile . The last mile wa covered in thirteen minutes thirty-eight seconds .
The annual festival of the Wellington Lodge of Instruction , 'No . 548 , will be held at the White Swan Hotel , High-street , Deptford , on Monday , thc 24 th ins ., Bro . C . G . Dilley will preside .
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