Article ROYAL MASONIC INSTITUTION FOR GIRLS. ← Page 2 of 2 Article Obituary. Page 1 of 1 Article Obituary. Page 1 of 1 Article METROPOLITAN MASONIC MEETINGS. Page 1 of 2 Article METROPOLITAN MASONIC MEETINGS. Page 1 of 2 →
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Royal Masonic Institution For Girls.
« My dear Bro . Creaton , —As 1 am not my own master , being at the call of a large practice , I may not be able , as I wish , t ° bc present at the Quarterly Court on Saturday next , to speak thc same views that I gave thc House Committee when I was last present , on the healthy condition of the spot on which the Royal Freemasons' School for Girls n () w stands .
• i I hatl a father in practice here for 48 years , and I have been in practice myself for 33 years ; so I hope the combined knowledge will satisfy the Court of my fitness to g ive an opinion . i' Wandsworth Common stands on a bed of gravel from 16 to 32 feet deep . I believe that it possesses a very pure air , free from miasma . I have never heard of or seen
any epidemic peculiar to thc spot , nor have I seen fever , ague , or any other disease that could be considered due to a local cause . The spot was selected by the late Prince Consort as the best place for the Royal Patriotic Girls ' School , and lately the committee of that School have so far approved his choice as to build a large Boys' School . The magistrates of thc county prison selected the edge of
the common to build some years ago a large House of Detention . I am not aware that their wisdom has ever been called in question on the score of healthiness . The health of thc residents in thc neighbourhood I may be supposed to know something of , and on all sides I could , if necessary , bring evidence of tha healthiness of Wandsworth Common .
"On looking back at the . health of thc schools since they came to Battersea Rise , I will openly challenge any member of the Craft to say that the health cf the children lias been in any way impaired by their residence ; but on the contrary , when the school first came there , two-thirds
of the children had enlarged cervicals glands . Now what is their state , though your numbers have more than doubled ? 1 think I have written enough to prove that there can be no just grounds for disturbing tlie schools on the score of want of healthiness . " Believe me , yours faithfully and fraternally ,
" ( Signed ) Tims . S . HOWKI . I .. " Col . Creaton . " lie would now put the amendment . Thc amendment was put and lost , and the report was put and adopted Bro . Joseph Smith moved that the report be referred back to the committee to carry out . He thought it very
satisfactory that in such a large meeting the report of the committee had been judged to be right . Bro . II . Browse having seconded the motion , it was put and carried ; and Col . Creaton was appointed permanent chairman of the committte . Scrutineers of votes for thc election were appointed ; Bro . Samuel Tomkins was re-elected Treasurer ; so
guineas were voted to Miss Moss ; and thc following motions were withdrawn : — By H . W . Hemswovth , Esq ., That not more than two children of same parents be admitted to this institution at the same time . By F . W . II . Ramsay , Esq ., M . D ., That every three years the four senior members of the
House Committee retire , but shall be elig ible for re-election , and the four who have been least frequent in attendance shall retire annually , and be ineligible for re-election for a space of twelve months . By John Boyd , Esq ., That Ten additional Children be eleUed at the forthcoming election in April next , thus increasing the number in thc School to 162 .
Thc election was then proceeded with , anti votes of thanks to the Chairman and Scrutineers closed the proceedings . The following is the result of the election : — Names . Votes . Bryant , Ida Mary 16 3 8 Ilerlan , Josephine Amelia 1352 Wright , Clara Isabel j ' l-io
Sanford , Mabel Elizabeth 1304 Bridgeman , Emma Lizzie 1214 Potts , Emma Mary 1181 Norrish , Susan Jane 1122 Walker , Mary 1107 Bellamy , Sarah Lissie 106 9 Boyd , Alice 1060 Fudge , Beatrice Helena 1030
Obituary .
BRO . JAMES PORTER , OF WIGTON . It is with very deep and sincere regret that it is our melanchol y duly to record to-day thc death of a brother who tw h'gl " - " tl e M'isonic world in the north , Bro . Porter , M Wigton , Past Master of Lodge Concord , Preston , and ' provincial Grand Senior Warden of Cumberland and
Westmorland . Bro . Porter was cut off after a very brief uut severe illness , on thc 29 th ult . Onl y on the Thursday previous he had gone off on a business journey , appaently in l , ls Usua i robust ileaitn and in good so ' rjts . Next ay he unfortunatel y got very wet , from whicli a cold set n , which rapidl y increased to a bad case of inflammation w 1 lie lungs and leurisyand BroPorter got until 1 ¦ l —¦ uiv uiin {*¦ ¦ ¦ ¦¦ Ul
p , . worse , ., ** - I "" J -. « * ,- " " *)' . ) Ullklt uain put an cnd to his sufferings at fouro - clock 0 I 1 Thurs . "ay afternoon . Bro . Porter was first initiated at Preston , (•>; j ? throa S" a » the offices of the lodge until he attained the rank of W . M . A few years ago he removed to ™ : ,, "' ,. Ierehe ha < l some years previously married the amiable
, lad y who survives him , and on his coming into trf , I " ^ Provlncc >»* enthusiasm for Freemasonry at-G M ! , ' , a e ntion of Earl Bective ( then Lord Kenlis ) , m ' innr « . Province > who soon gave him one of the Sd- ? . i c . province' In , 8 ? 4 Earl Bective ap-Und *„ 1 w . ' ?* Warden ot the Pr ° vince of Cumberana and Westmorland , and in 1875 his lordship again
appointed him to the same office . Bro . Porter's Masonic lore was great , and he was more than willing to impart it to any lodge or brother who stood in need of assistance . In the various Masonic charities he wrought hard , and was at various times of much assistance in obtaining votes for candidates , or in getting candidates into the schools and other charities . Permission had been given by Earl
Bective , Provincial Grand Master , for a Masonic funeral , but this , in deference to the wishes of the family , was not held . It took place on Monday afternoon , at the cemetery , Wigton . As it was , however , the melancholy news of the death of Bro . Porter had got spread to many lodges , and there was a large gathering of the brethren to pay a last sad tribute of respect to one so well known and respected
in life . Amongst others we noticed Bros , the Rev . Dr . James Simpson , of Kirkby Stephen , G . Chap , of England ; W . B . Gibson , P . M ., P . P . G . S . W ., and P . G . Sec . ; F . Hayward , P . M ., P . P . G . S . W . ; Routledge , P . M . 1200 , P . P . G . Purst . ; W . Court , Carlisle , P . P ., P . P . G . Purst . ; Cooke , Carlisle , 1532 , W . M ., P . G . Purst . ; Taylor , Carlisle , P . M ., P . P . G . D . C . ; Quarter-Master Sergeant Noakes , Carlisle ,
15-52 , S . D . ; Jobbing , Sec ; G . Thorpe , I . G . ; Mason , J . W . ; Potter , S . W . ; W . Hill , all of the Bective , Carlisle , 1532 ; R . Wharton , I . G . ; Webster , Pearson , Cousens , Cockfield , Dr . Horan , W . M ., Whitehaven , 119 ; Dr . Dinwoodie , W . M ., Appleby , 812 ; W . Carruthers , Carlisle ,
P . M . 310 ; John Murray , Carlisle , P . M . 310 ; and many other brethren from a distance , besides th ; bulk of the Wigton brethren . In addition to these there was a large attendance of townsmen and ladies of Wigton , so that the mournful procession was unusually large . Bro . Porter was only 30 years of age , and leaves a wife and four children .
BRO . J . D . BATH . The mortal remains of the late Bro . J . D . Bath , omnibus proprietor , of Aigburth , near Liverpool , were consigned to their final resting place in the burial ground of the old parish church of St . Michael ' s , Garston , on Thursday , the 6 th inst . The death of deceased , who was well known and highly
respected m the neighbourhood where he had so long conducted an extensive business , created a widespread sympathy , and there was consequently a large attendance at liis obsequies . All the shops in Garston were partially closed , and from the public buildings were displayed the usual symbols of mourning—namely , flags half-mast high . At the funeral service the church was crowded , and many who desired to be present failed to gain admission .
The burial service in the church was read by the Rev . J . F . Hewson , B . A ., vicar , and at the ordinances at the grave side the Rev . J . E . Evans , of St . Mary ' s , Grassendale , officiated . The funeral cortege included , besides thc deceased ' s relatives , a large number of private friends . There were also present several members of the Masonic Craft , to which the deceased belonged , and their esteem was testified by a contribution of sprigs of acacia placed upon the coffin previously to its being lowered into the grave .
BUO . J . J . R . ROBERTS , P . G . M . LIBERIA . On the 24 th February just past another link was sundered from our mystic chain in the death of our distinguished and very worthy brother , Joseph Jenkins Roberts , thc father of the country , late President of the Republic , for near twenty years president of Liberia College , and a Past Grand Master Mason of Liberia . A f ully-detailed obituary will appear in another issue .
THE LATE BRO . WM . ROMAINF . CALLENDER , M . P ., PROVINCIAL GRAND MARK MASTER , LANCASHIRE . —Thc ' ¦ Manchester Courier ) " states that in November last the Premier wrote to Bro . Callender , asking , in most flattering terms , his acceptance of a baronetcy as a recognition of distinguished public services . ~ Mr . Disraeli ' s exact words were : " It will mark Her Majesty's approbation of your increasing and successful efforts to enlist the working classes in favour of our admirable Constitution . "
Metropolitan Masonic Meetings.
For the Week ending Friday , April 21 , 1876 . The Editor will be glad to receive notice from Secretaries of Craft Lodges , Royal Arch Chapters , Mark Lodges , Preceptories , Conclaves , & c , of any change in place or time of meeting .
SATURDAY , APRIL 15 . Lodge 1364 , Earl of Zetland , Old Town Hall , Hackney . Chap . 1194 , Royal Middlesex , Mitre Hot ., Hampton-court . Mark Lodge , 10 4 , Macdonald , M . H ., Masons' Avenue .
LODGES OF INSTRUCTION . Lily , Greyhound , Richmond . Percy , 113 , Southgatc-rd ., N . Manchester , 179 , London-st ., Fitzroy-squarc . Star , Marquis of Granby , New Cross Road .
MONDAY , APRIL 17 . Lodge 1 , Grand Master ' s , F . M . Tav . „ 8 , British , F . M . H . „ 21 , Emulation , Albion Tav ., Aldersgatc-st . „ 5 8 , Felicity , London Tav ., Bishopsgate-st .
„ 185 , Tranquillity , Terminus Hot ., Cannon-st . „ 720 , Panmure , Balham Hot ., Balhamt „ 907 , Royal Alfred , F . M . H . „ 1159 , Marquis of Dalhousie , F . M . H . „ 1201 , Eclectic , F . M . H . Chap . 12 , Prudence , Ship and Turtle , Leadenhall-st .
LODGES OF INSTRUCTION . Prince Leopold , Lord Stanley Tav ., Kingsland . Strong Man , Jerusalem Tav ., St . John's Gate . Sincerity , Railway Tav ., Fenchurch-st . Station . R 1
Metropolitan Masonic Meetings.
Camden , Stanhope Arms , Up . James-st ., Camden To . Eastern , Royal Hot ., Mile-end-road . St . James ' s Union , Union Tav ., Air-st , Regent-st . Wellington , White Swan , Deptford . West Kent , St . Saviour ' s College , Forest-hill . Perfect Ashlar , Victoria Tav ., Lower-rd ., Rotherhithe . Sydney , White Hart Ho ., Church-rd ., Upper Norwood .
TUESDAY , APRIL 18 . Board of Gen . Purposes , at 4 . Lodge 30- United Mariners ' , Guildhall Tav ., Gresham-st . „ 95 , Eastern Star , Ship and Turtle , Leadenhall-st . „ 162 , Cadogan , F . M . H , „ 186 , Industry , M . H ., Basinghall-st . „ 194 , St . Paul ' s , Terminus Hot ., Cannon-st . „ 435 , Salisbury , F . M . H . Chap . 890 , Hornsey , Anderton ' s Hot ., Fleet-st .
LODGES OF INSTRUCTION . Yarborough , Green Dragon , Stepney . Domatic , Surrey M . H ., Camberwell New-road Faith , 2 , Westminster Chambers , Victoria-st . i ' rince Fredk . Wm ., Lord's Hot ., St . John's Wood . Dalhousie , King Edward , Triangle , Hackney . Prosperity , 1 , Camomile-st ., Bishopsgate .
St . Marylebone , British Stores Tav ., St . John ' s Wood . Constitutional , Wheatsheaf Hot ., Hand-court , Holborn . Israel , Rising Sun Tav ., Globe Road . Royal Arthur , Prince's Head , York-road , Battersea . Beacontree , Red Lion , Leytonstone , at 8 . Metropolitan Chapter , Jamaica Coffee Ho ., Cornhill . Excelsior , Commercial Dock Tav ., Rotherhithe .
WEDNESDAY , APRIL 19 . Gen . Com . Grand Chap ., at 3 . Lodge of Benevolence , at 6 . „ Grand Stewards ' . „ 140 , St . George's , Trafalgar Hot ., Greenwich . ,. 174 , Sincerity , Guildhall Tav ., Gresham-st . „ 190 , Oak , F . M . H . „ 700 , Nelson , M . H ., William-st ., Woolwich .
„ 9 6 9 . Maybury , F . M . H . „ 1044 , Wandsworth , Spread Eagle , Wandsworth . „ 1150 , Buckingham and Chanties , F . M . H . „ 1349 , Friars , Cheshire Cheese , Crutched Friars . „ 1382 , Corinthian , George Inn , Cubitt Town . „ 1540 , Chaucer , Bridge House Hot ., London Bridge . Chap . 192 , Lion and Lamb , Terminus Hot ., Cannon-st . „ 8 57 , St . Mark ' s , Half Moon Tav ., Heme Hill . Rose Croix Chap ., Bard of Avon , 33 , Golden-sq .
LODGES OF INSTRUCTION , Mt . Lebanon , Windsor Castle Tav ., Southwark-bdg .-rd . Pythagorean , Prince of Orange , Greenwich . New Concord , Rosemary Branch Tav ., Hoxton . Royal Union , Horse ' md Groom , Winsley-st ., Oxford-st . Confidence , M . H ., Basinghall-st . Peckham , Maismore Arms , Park-road , Peckham .
Stanhope , Thicket Hot ., Anerley . Finsbury Park , Finsbury Park Tav ., Seven Sistcrs' -rd . Southwark , Southwark Park Tav ., Southwark Park . Duke of Connaught , Havelock Tav ., Dalston , E . United Strength , Grafton Arms , Kentish-town . Mount Edgcumbe , ig , Jermyn-street , St James's . Islington , Crown and Cushion , London Wall .
THURSDAY . APRIL 20 . House Com . Girls' School , at 4 . Lodge 49 , Gihon , Guildhall Tav ., Gresham-st . „ 55 , Constitutional , London Tav ., Bishopsgate-st . „ 63 , St . Mary's , F . M . H . „ 169 , Temperance , White Swan , High-st ., Deptford .
„ 179 , Manchester , Anderton ' s Hot ., FJeet-st . „ 181 , Universal , F . M . H . 11 733 ' Westbourne , Lord's Hot ., St . John's Wood . „ 813 , New Concord , Rosemary Branch , Hoxton . „ 1227 , Upton , Spotted Dog Tav ., Upton . „ 1287 , Great Noithern , F . M . H .
11 1339 , Stockweil , Half Moon Tav ., Heme Hill . „ 1425 , Hytle Park , 1 , Craven-rd ., W . „ 1475 , Peckham , Surrey M . H . Chap . 29 , St . Albans , Albion Tav ., Aldersgate-st . i > 79 , Pythagorean , Ship Hot ., Greenwich . Mark Lodge , Bon . Accord , 2 , Red Lion-sq . Preceptory E ., Observance , 14 , Bedford-row .
LODGES OF INSTRUCTION . Egyptian , Hercules . Tav ., Leadenhall-st . Fidelity , Yorkshire Grey , London-st ., W . Finsbury , Jolly Anglers' Tav ., Bath-st ., City-road . Whittington , Black Bull Tav ., Holborn . Temperance in the East , Catherine-st ; , Poplar .
Ebury , 12 , Ponsonby-st ., Millbank . Highgate , Bull and Gate , Kentish-town . The Great City , in , Cheapside . High Cross , Coach & Horses , High-road , Tottenham . Salisbury , Union Tav ., Air-st ., Regent-st . Marquis of Ripon , Albion Tav ., Albion-rd ., Dalston . Prince Frederick William Chapter , St . John ' s Wood .
FRIDAY , APRIL 21 . House Com . Boys' School at 4 . Lodge 6 , Friendship , Willis ' s Rooms , St . James ' s . „ 143 , Middlesex , Albion Tav ., Aldersgate-street . „ 201 Jordan , F . M . H . „ 975 , Rose of Denmark , White Hart Hot ., Barnes . Chap . 92 , Moria , Lon . don Tav ., Bishopgate-st . Rose Croix Chapter , " Invicta , " 33 , Golden-square .
LODGES OF INSTRUCTION . Union Waterloo , Thoir tas-st ., Woolwich . St . George ' s , Globe Tav ., Royal-bill , Greenwich . Robert Burns , Union Tav ., Air-st ., Regent-st . Belgrave , Lyceum Tav ., 354 , Strand . Unions Emulation ( for . W . M . ' s ) , F . M . H .
Temperance , Victoria Tav ., Victoria-road , Deptford . Clapton , White Hart , Cl apton . Stability , Guildhall Tav ., Gresham-st . Metropolitan , Portugal IHot ., Fleet-st . Westbourne , Horse & Groom , Winsley-st ., Osford-st . Metropolitan , Pentonvillt ' .-road .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Royal Masonic Institution For Girls.
« My dear Bro . Creaton , —As 1 am not my own master , being at the call of a large practice , I may not be able , as I wish , t ° bc present at the Quarterly Court on Saturday next , to speak thc same views that I gave thc House Committee when I was last present , on the healthy condition of the spot on which the Royal Freemasons' School for Girls n () w stands .
• i I hatl a father in practice here for 48 years , and I have been in practice myself for 33 years ; so I hope the combined knowledge will satisfy the Court of my fitness to g ive an opinion . i' Wandsworth Common stands on a bed of gravel from 16 to 32 feet deep . I believe that it possesses a very pure air , free from miasma . I have never heard of or seen
any epidemic peculiar to thc spot , nor have I seen fever , ague , or any other disease that could be considered due to a local cause . The spot was selected by the late Prince Consort as the best place for the Royal Patriotic Girls ' School , and lately the committee of that School have so far approved his choice as to build a large Boys' School . The magistrates of thc county prison selected the edge of
the common to build some years ago a large House of Detention . I am not aware that their wisdom has ever been called in question on the score of healthiness . The health of thc residents in thc neighbourhood I may be supposed to know something of , and on all sides I could , if necessary , bring evidence of tha healthiness of Wandsworth Common .
"On looking back at the . health of thc schools since they came to Battersea Rise , I will openly challenge any member of the Craft to say that the health cf the children lias been in any way impaired by their residence ; but on the contrary , when the school first came there , two-thirds
of the children had enlarged cervicals glands . Now what is their state , though your numbers have more than doubled ? 1 think I have written enough to prove that there can be no just grounds for disturbing tlie schools on the score of want of healthiness . " Believe me , yours faithfully and fraternally ,
" ( Signed ) Tims . S . HOWKI . I .. " Col . Creaton . " lie would now put the amendment . Thc amendment was put and lost , and the report was put and adopted Bro . Joseph Smith moved that the report be referred back to the committee to carry out . He thought it very
satisfactory that in such a large meeting the report of the committee had been judged to be right . Bro . II . Browse having seconded the motion , it was put and carried ; and Col . Creaton was appointed permanent chairman of the committte . Scrutineers of votes for thc election were appointed ; Bro . Samuel Tomkins was re-elected Treasurer ; so
guineas were voted to Miss Moss ; and thc following motions were withdrawn : — By H . W . Hemswovth , Esq ., That not more than two children of same parents be admitted to this institution at the same time . By F . W . II . Ramsay , Esq ., M . D ., That every three years the four senior members of the
House Committee retire , but shall be elig ible for re-election , and the four who have been least frequent in attendance shall retire annually , and be ineligible for re-election for a space of twelve months . By John Boyd , Esq ., That Ten additional Children be eleUed at the forthcoming election in April next , thus increasing the number in thc School to 162 .
Thc election was then proceeded with , anti votes of thanks to the Chairman and Scrutineers closed the proceedings . The following is the result of the election : — Names . Votes . Bryant , Ida Mary 16 3 8 Ilerlan , Josephine Amelia 1352 Wright , Clara Isabel j ' l-io
Sanford , Mabel Elizabeth 1304 Bridgeman , Emma Lizzie 1214 Potts , Emma Mary 1181 Norrish , Susan Jane 1122 Walker , Mary 1107 Bellamy , Sarah Lissie 106 9 Boyd , Alice 1060 Fudge , Beatrice Helena 1030
Obituary .
BRO . JAMES PORTER , OF WIGTON . It is with very deep and sincere regret that it is our melanchol y duly to record to-day thc death of a brother who tw h'gl " - " tl e M'isonic world in the north , Bro . Porter , M Wigton , Past Master of Lodge Concord , Preston , and ' provincial Grand Senior Warden of Cumberland and
Westmorland . Bro . Porter was cut off after a very brief uut severe illness , on thc 29 th ult . Onl y on the Thursday previous he had gone off on a business journey , appaently in l , ls Usua i robust ileaitn and in good so ' rjts . Next ay he unfortunatel y got very wet , from whicli a cold set n , which rapidl y increased to a bad case of inflammation w 1 lie lungs and leurisyand BroPorter got until 1 ¦ l —¦ uiv uiin {*¦ ¦ ¦ ¦¦ Ul
p , . worse , ., ** - I "" J -. « * ,- " " *)' . ) Ullklt uain put an cnd to his sufferings at fouro - clock 0 I 1 Thurs . "ay afternoon . Bro . Porter was first initiated at Preston , (•>; j ? throa S" a » the offices of the lodge until he attained the rank of W . M . A few years ago he removed to ™ : ,, "' ,. Ierehe ha < l some years previously married the amiable
, lad y who survives him , and on his coming into trf , I " ^ Provlncc >»* enthusiasm for Freemasonry at-G M ! , ' , a e ntion of Earl Bective ( then Lord Kenlis ) , m ' innr « . Province > who soon gave him one of the Sd- ? . i c . province' In , 8 ? 4 Earl Bective ap-Und *„ 1 w . ' ?* Warden ot the Pr ° vince of Cumberana and Westmorland , and in 1875 his lordship again
appointed him to the same office . Bro . Porter's Masonic lore was great , and he was more than willing to impart it to any lodge or brother who stood in need of assistance . In the various Masonic charities he wrought hard , and was at various times of much assistance in obtaining votes for candidates , or in getting candidates into the schools and other charities . Permission had been given by Earl
Bective , Provincial Grand Master , for a Masonic funeral , but this , in deference to the wishes of the family , was not held . It took place on Monday afternoon , at the cemetery , Wigton . As it was , however , the melancholy news of the death of Bro . Porter had got spread to many lodges , and there was a large gathering of the brethren to pay a last sad tribute of respect to one so well known and respected
in life . Amongst others we noticed Bros , the Rev . Dr . James Simpson , of Kirkby Stephen , G . Chap , of England ; W . B . Gibson , P . M ., P . P . G . S . W ., and P . G . Sec . ; F . Hayward , P . M ., P . P . G . S . W . ; Routledge , P . M . 1200 , P . P . G . Purst . ; W . Court , Carlisle , P . P ., P . P . G . Purst . ; Cooke , Carlisle , 1532 , W . M ., P . G . Purst . ; Taylor , Carlisle , P . M ., P . P . G . D . C . ; Quarter-Master Sergeant Noakes , Carlisle ,
15-52 , S . D . ; Jobbing , Sec ; G . Thorpe , I . G . ; Mason , J . W . ; Potter , S . W . ; W . Hill , all of the Bective , Carlisle , 1532 ; R . Wharton , I . G . ; Webster , Pearson , Cousens , Cockfield , Dr . Horan , W . M ., Whitehaven , 119 ; Dr . Dinwoodie , W . M ., Appleby , 812 ; W . Carruthers , Carlisle ,
P . M . 310 ; John Murray , Carlisle , P . M . 310 ; and many other brethren from a distance , besides th ; bulk of the Wigton brethren . In addition to these there was a large attendance of townsmen and ladies of Wigton , so that the mournful procession was unusually large . Bro . Porter was only 30 years of age , and leaves a wife and four children .
BRO . J . D . BATH . The mortal remains of the late Bro . J . D . Bath , omnibus proprietor , of Aigburth , near Liverpool , were consigned to their final resting place in the burial ground of the old parish church of St . Michael ' s , Garston , on Thursday , the 6 th inst . The death of deceased , who was well known and highly
respected m the neighbourhood where he had so long conducted an extensive business , created a widespread sympathy , and there was consequently a large attendance at liis obsequies . All the shops in Garston were partially closed , and from the public buildings were displayed the usual symbols of mourning—namely , flags half-mast high . At the funeral service the church was crowded , and many who desired to be present failed to gain admission .
The burial service in the church was read by the Rev . J . F . Hewson , B . A ., vicar , and at the ordinances at the grave side the Rev . J . E . Evans , of St . Mary ' s , Grassendale , officiated . The funeral cortege included , besides thc deceased ' s relatives , a large number of private friends . There were also present several members of the Masonic Craft , to which the deceased belonged , and their esteem was testified by a contribution of sprigs of acacia placed upon the coffin previously to its being lowered into the grave .
BUO . J . J . R . ROBERTS , P . G . M . LIBERIA . On the 24 th February just past another link was sundered from our mystic chain in the death of our distinguished and very worthy brother , Joseph Jenkins Roberts , thc father of the country , late President of the Republic , for near twenty years president of Liberia College , and a Past Grand Master Mason of Liberia . A f ully-detailed obituary will appear in another issue .
THE LATE BRO . WM . ROMAINF . CALLENDER , M . P ., PROVINCIAL GRAND MARK MASTER , LANCASHIRE . —Thc ' ¦ Manchester Courier ) " states that in November last the Premier wrote to Bro . Callender , asking , in most flattering terms , his acceptance of a baronetcy as a recognition of distinguished public services . ~ Mr . Disraeli ' s exact words were : " It will mark Her Majesty's approbation of your increasing and successful efforts to enlist the working classes in favour of our admirable Constitution . "
Metropolitan Masonic Meetings.
For the Week ending Friday , April 21 , 1876 . The Editor will be glad to receive notice from Secretaries of Craft Lodges , Royal Arch Chapters , Mark Lodges , Preceptories , Conclaves , & c , of any change in place or time of meeting .
SATURDAY , APRIL 15 . Lodge 1364 , Earl of Zetland , Old Town Hall , Hackney . Chap . 1194 , Royal Middlesex , Mitre Hot ., Hampton-court . Mark Lodge , 10 4 , Macdonald , M . H ., Masons' Avenue .
LODGES OF INSTRUCTION . Lily , Greyhound , Richmond . Percy , 113 , Southgatc-rd ., N . Manchester , 179 , London-st ., Fitzroy-squarc . Star , Marquis of Granby , New Cross Road .
MONDAY , APRIL 17 . Lodge 1 , Grand Master ' s , F . M . Tav . „ 8 , British , F . M . H . „ 21 , Emulation , Albion Tav ., Aldersgatc-st . „ 5 8 , Felicity , London Tav ., Bishopsgate-st .
„ 185 , Tranquillity , Terminus Hot ., Cannon-st . „ 720 , Panmure , Balham Hot ., Balhamt „ 907 , Royal Alfred , F . M . H . „ 1159 , Marquis of Dalhousie , F . M . H . „ 1201 , Eclectic , F . M . H . Chap . 12 , Prudence , Ship and Turtle , Leadenhall-st .
LODGES OF INSTRUCTION . Prince Leopold , Lord Stanley Tav ., Kingsland . Strong Man , Jerusalem Tav ., St . John's Gate . Sincerity , Railway Tav ., Fenchurch-st . Station . R 1
Metropolitan Masonic Meetings.
Camden , Stanhope Arms , Up . James-st ., Camden To . Eastern , Royal Hot ., Mile-end-road . St . James ' s Union , Union Tav ., Air-st , Regent-st . Wellington , White Swan , Deptford . West Kent , St . Saviour ' s College , Forest-hill . Perfect Ashlar , Victoria Tav ., Lower-rd ., Rotherhithe . Sydney , White Hart Ho ., Church-rd ., Upper Norwood .
TUESDAY , APRIL 18 . Board of Gen . Purposes , at 4 . Lodge 30- United Mariners ' , Guildhall Tav ., Gresham-st . „ 95 , Eastern Star , Ship and Turtle , Leadenhall-st . „ 162 , Cadogan , F . M . H , „ 186 , Industry , M . H ., Basinghall-st . „ 194 , St . Paul ' s , Terminus Hot ., Cannon-st . „ 435 , Salisbury , F . M . H . Chap . 890 , Hornsey , Anderton ' s Hot ., Fleet-st .
LODGES OF INSTRUCTION . Yarborough , Green Dragon , Stepney . Domatic , Surrey M . H ., Camberwell New-road Faith , 2 , Westminster Chambers , Victoria-st . i ' rince Fredk . Wm ., Lord's Hot ., St . John's Wood . Dalhousie , King Edward , Triangle , Hackney . Prosperity , 1 , Camomile-st ., Bishopsgate .
St . Marylebone , British Stores Tav ., St . John ' s Wood . Constitutional , Wheatsheaf Hot ., Hand-court , Holborn . Israel , Rising Sun Tav ., Globe Road . Royal Arthur , Prince's Head , York-road , Battersea . Beacontree , Red Lion , Leytonstone , at 8 . Metropolitan Chapter , Jamaica Coffee Ho ., Cornhill . Excelsior , Commercial Dock Tav ., Rotherhithe .
WEDNESDAY , APRIL 19 . Gen . Com . Grand Chap ., at 3 . Lodge of Benevolence , at 6 . „ Grand Stewards ' . „ 140 , St . George's , Trafalgar Hot ., Greenwich . ,. 174 , Sincerity , Guildhall Tav ., Gresham-st . „ 190 , Oak , F . M . H . „ 700 , Nelson , M . H ., William-st ., Woolwich .
„ 9 6 9 . Maybury , F . M . H . „ 1044 , Wandsworth , Spread Eagle , Wandsworth . „ 1150 , Buckingham and Chanties , F . M . H . „ 1349 , Friars , Cheshire Cheese , Crutched Friars . „ 1382 , Corinthian , George Inn , Cubitt Town . „ 1540 , Chaucer , Bridge House Hot ., London Bridge . Chap . 192 , Lion and Lamb , Terminus Hot ., Cannon-st . „ 8 57 , St . Mark ' s , Half Moon Tav ., Heme Hill . Rose Croix Chap ., Bard of Avon , 33 , Golden-sq .
LODGES OF INSTRUCTION , Mt . Lebanon , Windsor Castle Tav ., Southwark-bdg .-rd . Pythagorean , Prince of Orange , Greenwich . New Concord , Rosemary Branch Tav ., Hoxton . Royal Union , Horse ' md Groom , Winsley-st ., Oxford-st . Confidence , M . H ., Basinghall-st . Peckham , Maismore Arms , Park-road , Peckham .
Stanhope , Thicket Hot ., Anerley . Finsbury Park , Finsbury Park Tav ., Seven Sistcrs' -rd . Southwark , Southwark Park Tav ., Southwark Park . Duke of Connaught , Havelock Tav ., Dalston , E . United Strength , Grafton Arms , Kentish-town . Mount Edgcumbe , ig , Jermyn-street , St James's . Islington , Crown and Cushion , London Wall .
THURSDAY . APRIL 20 . House Com . Girls' School , at 4 . Lodge 49 , Gihon , Guildhall Tav ., Gresham-st . „ 55 , Constitutional , London Tav ., Bishopsgate-st . „ 63 , St . Mary's , F . M . H . „ 169 , Temperance , White Swan , High-st ., Deptford .
„ 179 , Manchester , Anderton ' s Hot ., FJeet-st . „ 181 , Universal , F . M . H . 11 733 ' Westbourne , Lord's Hot ., St . John's Wood . „ 813 , New Concord , Rosemary Branch , Hoxton . „ 1227 , Upton , Spotted Dog Tav ., Upton . „ 1287 , Great Noithern , F . M . H .
11 1339 , Stockweil , Half Moon Tav ., Heme Hill . „ 1425 , Hytle Park , 1 , Craven-rd ., W . „ 1475 , Peckham , Surrey M . H . Chap . 29 , St . Albans , Albion Tav ., Aldersgate-st . i > 79 , Pythagorean , Ship Hot ., Greenwich . Mark Lodge , Bon . Accord , 2 , Red Lion-sq . Preceptory E ., Observance , 14 , Bedford-row .
LODGES OF INSTRUCTION . Egyptian , Hercules . Tav ., Leadenhall-st . Fidelity , Yorkshire Grey , London-st ., W . Finsbury , Jolly Anglers' Tav ., Bath-st ., City-road . Whittington , Black Bull Tav ., Holborn . Temperance in the East , Catherine-st ; , Poplar .
Ebury , 12 , Ponsonby-st ., Millbank . Highgate , Bull and Gate , Kentish-town . The Great City , in , Cheapside . High Cross , Coach & Horses , High-road , Tottenham . Salisbury , Union Tav ., Air-st ., Regent-st . Marquis of Ripon , Albion Tav ., Albion-rd ., Dalston . Prince Frederick William Chapter , St . John ' s Wood .
FRIDAY , APRIL 21 . House Com . Boys' School at 4 . Lodge 6 , Friendship , Willis ' s Rooms , St . James ' s . „ 143 , Middlesex , Albion Tav ., Aldersgate-street . „ 201 Jordan , F . M . H . „ 975 , Rose of Denmark , White Hart Hot ., Barnes . Chap . 92 , Moria , Lon . don Tav ., Bishopgate-st . Rose Croix Chapter , " Invicta , " 33 , Golden-square .
LODGES OF INSTRUCTION . Union Waterloo , Thoir tas-st ., Woolwich . St . George ' s , Globe Tav ., Royal-bill , Greenwich . Robert Burns , Union Tav ., Air-st ., Regent-st . Belgrave , Lyceum Tav ., 354 , Strand . Unions Emulation ( for . W . M . ' s ) , F . M . H .
Temperance , Victoria Tav ., Victoria-road , Deptford . Clapton , White Hart , Cl apton . Stability , Guildhall Tav ., Gresham-st . Metropolitan , Portugal IHot ., Fleet-st . Westbourne , Horse & Groom , Winsley-st ., Osford-st . Metropolitan , Pentonvillt ' .-road .