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Masonic Notes And Queries.
Wilshaw , Sec . ; T . L . Kennett , S . D . ; H . J . Hancock , J . D . ; XV . j . Rundell , I . G . ; Leonard Potts , I . P . AL ; Smith , 'V . Pearson , Hailand , West , Nichols , Jones , Pittam , Knowles , Gainsford , and others . Amongst the visitors were Bros . Keable and Dr . Aloorc . The agenda contained a large amount of business , there
being seven candidates for the different degrees , but the nearness of thc Easter holidays prevented four of them from attending . Bros . Jones and Nichols were raised to the Third Degree , and Bro . West was passed to the Second Degree , the W . AI . delivering the ancient charge and Ihe lecture on the tracing board in each degree in a manner which elicited the warm commendation of the
brethren . Bro . House , J . W ., announced that , with ( he approval of the W . AI . and brethren , he hoped shortl y to deliver an address which lie bad in preparation on Freemasonry . He had hardly settled the form the address would take , but in the courer ; of extensive reading he had come across many facts bearing upon , and throwing light upon Freemasonry , which he thought would be of interest .
Bro . Hancock , J . D ., invited contributions to his list for the forthcoming festival of the Girls' Institution , and on the motion of Bro . Leonard Potts , I . P . AL , the sum of £ 5 5 s - was voted from the lodge funds thereto . Bro . Young , W . AL , informed the brethren that his list at thc last festival of the Benevolent Institution amounted to over £ < J 6 . Other business of a routine character having been transacted , the lodge was closed in due form and adjourned .
CAXTON LODGE ( No . 1 S 23 ) . —The installation meeting of this highly -successful lodge was held at Freemasons' Hall , Great Queen-street , on Monday , the 3 rd inst ., when a large muster of brethren assembled to witness the cerer . ony , which was performed in a most effective and impressive manner by the retiring W . AL , Bro . G . J . Dawson . Amongst the brethren present were Bros . G . J . Dawson ,
W . AL ; ' A . Woods , S . W . and W . AI . elect ; F . Butterworth , J . W . ; E . Cole , Treas . ; T . II . Meredith , P . AL , Sec ; J . Oakman , S . D . ; J . F . Bech , J . D . ; W . Richards , I . G . ; T . J . Gilbert , M . C ; 11 . L . Diprose , Steward ; J . Lashland , Tyler ; G . Smith , P . M . ; XV . H . Kempst , P . AL ; S . Alorley , R . Moody , G . Alellish , J . Watmcre , B . Wymer , J . Gibson , J . Thompson , J . Bristo , J . Parsons ,
I . Gibbs , II . XV . Percy , XV . J . Stephens , W . Thomas , H . " L . Watkin , W . J . Welsh , J . Appleton , IL Hasmer , F . C . Thomas . F . Reed , J . H . Lewis , j . Black , D . Simmons , D . Ballard , ' H . J . Appleton , H . Wiles , J . Terry , Sec . Royal Alasonic Benevolent Institution ; and the following visitors : Bros . G . E . Carie Jackson , W . AI . 534 ; W . G . Hanson , P . M . 59 W . SargentP . M . 54 S ; T . C . Pratt , P . AL
; , 957 ; E . Spooner and J . Hiscox , P . M . 's 1420 ; 1-. J . Wray , P . M . KI 04 ; A . Alartin , J . W . iSS ; D . Hughes , I . W . ejoi ; I . Wilkinson , I . G . 1420 ; A . C . New , 7 "" i G . ' Thomas , 37 * ; G . Ward , 144 ; J . Arnold , 209 ; j . Vale , 901 ; R . W . Duncan , 907 ; W . Alexander , 1348 ; XV H . Wingfield , 13 60 ; j . Kendal , 1420 ; C Jones , 1541 ; ] . Esson and F . J . Young , I 5 "" y ; J . London , 1 G 22 ; and
C . F . Ouickhurst , 1 GG 4 . TheTcdge was opened in due form , and the minutes of the previous meeting were read and confirmed . Bro . Stephens was raised to the Sublime Degree of AI . AI . 'The report of the Auditors was receiver " , which showed a very satisfactory stale cf affairs , more especially with respect to the financies , considering the lodge has only been two
years in existence ; and a vole of thanks was accorded to the Secretary for the excellent manner in which the accounts were kept . Bro . A . Woods was then presented to the W . AL , to receive at his hands the benefit of installation . The newly-installed Alaster having been dul y proclaimed and saluted , appointed and invested his officers for the ensuing - 'ar as follows : Bros . G . J . Dawson , I . P . AL ; F .
y Butterworth , S . W . ; J . Oakman , J . W . ; E . Cole , Treasurer ; T . H . Meredith , P . AL , becretary ; J . F . Beck , S . D . ; XV . Richards , J . D . ; T . J . Gillust , I . C ; H . Diprose , M . C ; S . Alorley , Steward ; and J . Lackland , Tyler . Bro . Hein dc Solla was appointed Organist , but owing to his unavoidable absence his investiture was postponed . Several propositions lor initiation were received ,
and all Masonic business being ended , the lodge was closed and the brethren adjourned to banquet , after which the usual toasts were given and responded to , and Bro . Dawson presented with a very handsome Past Alaster ' s jewel as an appreciation of his services during the past year .
In replying to the toast of the " Alasonic Chanties , " Bro . Terry , Secretary R . M . B . I ., thanked the lodge , and complimented the Steward of the late festival ( Bro . Alercdith , P . I ' . I . ) for the handsome list taken in by him in aid of the aged Alasons , viz ., £ 114 , being £ 24 more than was orig inally announced .
MONTAGUE GUEST LODGE ( No . 1900 ) . — The April meeting of this lodge was held on Wednesday evening , at thc Inns of Court Hotel , Bro . W . II . Dean , W . AL , presiding . There were also present Bros . G . E . P . Festa , S . XV . ; F . R . W . Hedges , J . W . ; J . D . Collier , Sec ; Herbert J . Capon , S . D . ; H . Slyman , J . D . * , Saul A . Brooke , D . C . ; W . IL Gardiner , I . G . ; W . IT . Staff ,
Org . ; a .: d Edmond AL Dobie , Steward . Visitors : Bros . D . S . Sl . inner , P . P . G . A . D . C . Dorset ; S . G . Bailey , P . AL 2 = ; 7 ; Edward Dunkley , S 74 ; John Docker , P . AL 1 GS 7 ; H . AL Levy , P . AL iSS ; J . P . Piatt , 537 , P . P . J . G . W . Cheshire ; and IL Alassey , P . M . G 19 and W . AI . 192 S ( Frcemi . on ) . The lay members of the lodge were Bros . E . I . Petty , C . Al . 'Tate , G . Stead , J . Goring , W . Arthur
Austen , and H . R . Pratt . After the opening of the lodge and the reading and confirmation of the minutes , a letter was read from Bro . Brooks , D . C , accompanying a gift of a handsome silver square for the W . AI . 's collar . The giftwas accepted , and a cordial vote of thanks to Bro . Brooks was unanimously passed , on the motion of the W . AL , seconded by
the S . W . 'The jewel was beautifully engraved with the name of Ihe lodge , anel on the obverse side was a list of the founders anil ollicers of the lodge . 'There was a notice on ihe paper of a motion to be proposed bv BID . Montague Guest , ALP ., P . G . D ., apd
P . G . AL Dorset , " 'That this lodge begs to express to llev Mobt Gracious Majesty the . Oueen its deep sense of indignation and horror at the recent atrocious attempt on her life , and its feelings of profound gratitude to the Great Architect of the Universe at Her Majesty ' s most providential c . cape therefrom . " Bro . Guest , however , was
Masonic Notes And Queries.
unable to be present , and the W . AL in his name submitted the motion to the brethren and then seconded it . The motion was carried with acclamation . Afterwards Bro . Austin was raised to the Third Degree and Bro . Goring passed to the Second Degree . Bro . Dr . David Shorter Skinner , G 65 , was unanimously elected a joining member , as was also Bro . C . Hambro , D . P . G . M . Dorset . Mr . Henry Nisbett Pratt was
balloted lor and formally initiated into the Iirst mysteries of the Order . After the bye-laws had been read by the Secretary , Bro . Festa , S . W ., was unanimously elected W . AL for the ensuing year , and the W . AI . said that this was a result he had anticipated , and he was sure the brethren could not have made a better choice , for having known him for many years he was certain he would cairy out the duties of the
uiair in an exemplary manner . Bro . Festa said , in thanking the brethren , that he hoped and believed that with the assistance of the present W . M . he should be able to conduct the affairs of the lodge with honour and satisfaction . Bro . Dean , W . AI ., was then elected Treasurer of the lodge , Bro . Guest having only taken that office for one year as one of the founders of the lodge .
Bro . Dean informed the lodge that he accepted the office with great pleasure , and he had no doubt that with the assistance of Bro . Festa and the other brethren he would be able to maintain the funds of the lodge in as satisfactory a state as they were at present . The Audit Committee was then elected , and Bro . Festa proposed , and Bro . Hedges , J . W ., seconded , that ten guineas be taken from the funds of the lodge for a P . AL
jewel for the W . AL , and two guineas and a half for a P . AL collar complete . The proposition was unanimouslyadopted . T he lodge was thereupon closed , and the brethren sat down to banquet , and afterwards honoured the usual toasts . Bro . Brooks , P . AL , D . C , proposed "The health ofthe W . AL , " who he described as an estimable and amiable Freemason , and whose working was a complete model and example of how Alasonic ceremonies should be performed .
The brethren were all proud of their W . AI ., and felt that he had set a standard of excellence as Alaster which they hoped and believed would be maintained in the lodge . It was not without great pains he had reached that point , but it was one of his qualifications that whatever he took in hand he did with his whole heart . The younger brethren of the lodge whose just ambition it was to look forward to attaining the higher ranks in Alasonry must see that it was
an incentive to them to do Alasonic work well . The W . AL , in reply , said if his work had given the brethren satisfaction he was doubly and trebly repaid . It had been a sincere pleasure to him during his year of oflice to perform his duties , but he had been well and ably assisted by his oflicers , without whose efficient aid it would have been impassible to carry out the duties of the chair properly . He trusted that the lodge would long continue a success .
It had hitherto been a success far beyond his expectations . They had not only started well but gone on well , and continued well to the present day ; and no doubt they would continue to do so from year to year . In giving the toast of " The Initiate , " the W . AL said that the brethren must have noticed that a good man and true had been lhat evening introduced into Freemasonry , and that Bro . Pratt would be a credit to the lodge .
Bro . Pratt , in responding , said he ought to feel , and did fed highly honoured by being admitted into such distinguished company , and he thanked the W . AL for the kind words he had used concerning him . He had long been desirous of becoming a Alasor , but had not before had an opportunity . His chief concern had been lo enter a lodge that he would be proud of , and this was not to be had every day ; but he had had the good fortune to become acquainted
with Bro . Stead , who kindl y introduced him to this lodge . When he stated his intention of joining a lodge of Freemasons io some friends some were horrified ; one good old lady especially said it was a wrong thing to do , it was going wrong altogether . He told her he did not know what the ordeal was , but she said it was very dreadful . She said " they hurt you . " He requested to know how she had found it out : she said she had read it in a book .
He asked her what book ; and she said in "Verdant Green . " ( Laughter . ) So he thought when lie entered the lodge there was something of that sort coming . In conclusion he said he should do his best to further the interests of ' ne Order , to follow the example of the W . AL , do what was right , and become an honour to the lodge to which he belonged . The W . AI . next gave "The Visitors . " Bro . Piatt , P . P . G . J . W . Cheshire , in replying , said he
should take back to his province very pleasing recollections of London working and London hospitality , which he had had the privilege of experiencing through the kindness of Bro . Hedges , the J . W . In Cheshire they worked very similarly to the working of this lodge , but he never visited lodges without deriving some instruction for himself and the brethren of his lodge . Bro . Dunkley ( Kent ) also replied .
The toast of " Bro . Brooks" was also given , to which Bro . Brooks replied , saying that he felt when a brother had passed through the chair he should devote his energies and his Alasonic knowledge to the benefit of others . He hoped that would be the guiding principle of all the members of this lodge . T he W . M . next gave the toast of "The Secretary , " in which he complimented Bro . J . D . Collier very highly for
the great assistance he had been in getting up the good working of the lodge . Bro . Collier replied . Bro . Dr . Skinner responded to the toast given specially in his honour , and detailed some of the difficulties that were experienced in working Alasonry in Dorsetshire , where the lodges were small and far apart . Hro . Festa , replying to the toast of " The Officers and
Worshipful Alaster Elect , " said in the ordinary course of the business of the lodge the honour which had been bestowed on him that evening was not unexpected ; still , for the way in which it had been given , he felt highly gratified . He could but express half what his feelings were on this occasion . He could but express his inmost thanks lor
the confidence shown hi in that evening , and he felt very gratified to see the way in which he hail been appointed to the chair . It would be his duty and earnest desire to follow in the arduous steps which the present W . AL had led . The W . AI . had been so perfect in his working and at the banquet-table that it would be difficult for the next Alaster to do so as well . However , if the bre-
Masonic Notes And Queries.
thren would give him the support they had given the present W . M . he had no doubt he should be able to go through the chair with that dignity which was becoming in a lodge like the Alontague Guest . From the starting of the lodge he had taken an earnest interest in its welfare , and the same feeling had actuated the other founders . By
this means it had gained much success , and it was the desire of all the brethren tbat the lodge should maintain the great prestige with which it was started . The brethren shortly afterwards separated . Several members of the lodge entertained the company with songs . Bro . Staff , Org ., ably presided at the pianoforte .
GALLERY LODGE ( No . 1928 ) . —An ordinary meeting of this lodge was held on Saturday , the Sth inst ., at Brixton Hall , Acre-lane , Brixton . There were present : Bros . H . Alassev , P . M ., VV . M . ; H . F . Bussey , S . W . ; 'Thos . Minserc'I . ' j . W . j J . Allen , I . P . AL ; W . Wentworth Duckworth , Treas . ; C . Bazil Cooke , Sec . ; Dr . Griffiths , Chap . ; Jas . Macintyre , S . D . ; W . A . Burn , J . D . ; R . G . J . Albery , I . G . ; R . Redman , W . S . ; J . Thomas , P . AL ;
J . turner , Chas . r . Pardon , J . Moore , J . Burnside , J . Bune , and others . Visitors : Bros . Gibson , John Read , P . AL , J . Hodges , of the Orpheus Lodge . Bros . Burnside and Bune were passed to the Second Degree , and Mr . Harry Baines was elected and afterwards initiated . At the supper which took place after the closing of the lodge , a Committee was appointed to organise a picnic to take place some time in June or July .
HASTINGS . —Derwent Lodge ( No . 40 ) . —The regular monthly meeting of the members of this old and efficient lodge was held on Alonday evening , the 3 rd inst ., at the Castle Hotel . Bro . Arthur Wells , I . P . AL , presided in the absence of Bro . Capt . Hennah , R . N ., W . M ., who was prevented from attending on account of severe indisposition . The following officers and members were
present : Bros . Charles W . Duke , P . P . G . J . D ., P . AL 40 and 11 S 4 ; T . H . Cole , P . AL ; XV . AL Glenister , P . AL ; Fred . Rossiter , P . M . ; C . Pearce , S . W . ; H . Russell . J . W . ; F . Duke , acting S . D . ; F . Plowman , J . D . ; F . H . Hallett , Org . ; H . F . Crossthwaite , I . G . ; Leslie , Tyler ; H . At . Baker , C . J . Lewns , F . J . Parsons , Walter Hudson , Chas . E . Hallett , George Nation , J . Bray , and H . GIoynes .
Visitors : Charles R . Chandler , Prov . G . P ., P . AL 11 S 4 ; Foord , 11 S 4 ; and Charles Pearson . 'The lodge having been duly opened and the usual preliminaries settled , Air . J . D . Hunter was presented , for initiation , the ceremony being most ably worked by Bro . Arthur Wells , I . P . AL lt was suggested by the brethren whether it would be advisable to approach the Grand Alaster , H . R . H . the Prince of
Wales , as a lodge on his proposed visit to this town . As the object ot his coming was simply to open the Convalescent Home for Poor Children at St . Leonards , it was thought desirable not to do so . A vote of condolence for the family of Bro . Greenaway , formerly a member of the lodge , who was buried at the cemetery that day , was proposed by Bro . T . H . Cole , P . AL , and seconded by Bro .
C . XV . Duke , P . AL Theie being r . o fuvtrer business before the lodge it was closed according to ancient custom , and the brethren adjourned to a substantial and well served collation . The usual loyal and Alasonic toasts having been drunk , "The Initiate " honoured and responded to , the meeting was bitught to a close .
WINDSOR . —Etonian Lodge of St . John ( No . acg ) . —The usual monthly meeting of this lodge was held on Tuesday , the 4 th inst ., at the Masonic Hall . After the ordinary business had been disposed of , the W . AL , Bro . A . Pears , presented Bio . J . O . Carter with a silver epergne , a tea and coffee service , and a handsome bracelet for Mrs . Carter , in appreciation of his services as Secretary during the past six years .
LANCASTER . —Rowley Lodge ( No . 1051 ) . — The regular monthly meeting of this lodge was held on the 3 rd inst ., in the Masonic Kooms , St . Ltonardgate . There was not a large attendance . Bro . J . E . Hannah , the W . AL , presided , and , in the course of the evening , delivered the third of a scries of lectures on the Freemasons' lodge , the subject treated being " An Oblong Square , due East and West . " The question was treated in a very exhaustive manner , and numerous well-known instances were quoted
in support of the contention taken up by Bro . Hannah in his able paper . An interesting discussion followed , and at the close a cordial vote of thanks was carried to the W . M . for his efforts to spread amongst the brethren a knowledge of Masonic lore . The usual proclamations were then made , eliciting " Hearty good wishes" Iron ) the visiting brethren , after which the lodge was closed with the customary formalities .
FRIZINGTON . —Arlecdon Lodge ( No . 1 G 60 ) . — The monthly meetingof this lodge was held on Wednesday , the 5 th inst ., Bro . R . Wilson , W . AL , in the chair , supported by his officers as follows : Bros . J . Harper , S . W . ; J . Ashworth , J . W . ; W . Martin , P . M ., Sec ; D . Bell , S . D . ; J . Banks , J . D . ; F . T . Allatt , I . G . ; B . Craig , Tyler ; J . F . Kirkconel , R . Baxter , John Johnston , and
several visitors from Kenlis 1-odge , No . 1267 , Egremont , viz ., Bros . Robson , P . AL ; Towerson , Caldcrwood , Bromley , Kelley , and Sharpe . The minutes of the previous meeting were read and confirmed , and Bro . J . Johnston raised to the Third Degree . There being nothing further but general routine business , the lodge was closed in form and good harmony .
DALHOUSIE LODGE ( No . S ( 5 o ) . —The regular meetings of the above lodge were continued on the 4 U 1 inst ., on which occasion Bro . Glass was W . M ., and had the support of Bros . Smyth . ' as S . W . ; Corbell , J . W . ; T . Clark , S . D . ; Rr . binson , J . D . ; Edwards , I . C ; F . Carr , Hon . Sec ; Blasted , P . AL , acting Preceptor ; and Bros . Wardell , Christian , Purvis , Gosling , and Bunker . After due formalities the ceremony of initiation was carefully rendered Bro . Purvis , candidate . This brother also answered the questions leading to the next Degree . The
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Masonic Notes And Queries.
Wilshaw , Sec . ; T . L . Kennett , S . D . ; H . J . Hancock , J . D . ; XV . j . Rundell , I . G . ; Leonard Potts , I . P . AL ; Smith , 'V . Pearson , Hailand , West , Nichols , Jones , Pittam , Knowles , Gainsford , and others . Amongst the visitors were Bros . Keable and Dr . Aloorc . The agenda contained a large amount of business , there
being seven candidates for the different degrees , but the nearness of thc Easter holidays prevented four of them from attending . Bros . Jones and Nichols were raised to the Third Degree , and Bro . West was passed to the Second Degree , the W . AI . delivering the ancient charge and Ihe lecture on the tracing board in each degree in a manner which elicited the warm commendation of the
brethren . Bro . House , J . W ., announced that , with ( he approval of the W . AI . and brethren , he hoped shortl y to deliver an address which lie bad in preparation on Freemasonry . He had hardly settled the form the address would take , but in the courer ; of extensive reading he had come across many facts bearing upon , and throwing light upon Freemasonry , which he thought would be of interest .
Bro . Hancock , J . D ., invited contributions to his list for the forthcoming festival of the Girls' Institution , and on the motion of Bro . Leonard Potts , I . P . AL , the sum of £ 5 5 s - was voted from the lodge funds thereto . Bro . Young , W . AL , informed the brethren that his list at thc last festival of the Benevolent Institution amounted to over £ < J 6 . Other business of a routine character having been transacted , the lodge was closed in due form and adjourned .
CAXTON LODGE ( No . 1 S 23 ) . —The installation meeting of this highly -successful lodge was held at Freemasons' Hall , Great Queen-street , on Monday , the 3 rd inst ., when a large muster of brethren assembled to witness the cerer . ony , which was performed in a most effective and impressive manner by the retiring W . AL , Bro . G . J . Dawson . Amongst the brethren present were Bros . G . J . Dawson ,
W . AL ; ' A . Woods , S . W . and W . AI . elect ; F . Butterworth , J . W . ; E . Cole , Treas . ; T . II . Meredith , P . AL , Sec ; J . Oakman , S . D . ; J . F . Bech , J . D . ; W . Richards , I . G . ; T . J . Gilbert , M . C ; 11 . L . Diprose , Steward ; J . Lashland , Tyler ; G . Smith , P . M . ; XV . H . Kempst , P . AL ; S . Alorley , R . Moody , G . Alellish , J . Watmcre , B . Wymer , J . Gibson , J . Thompson , J . Bristo , J . Parsons ,
I . Gibbs , II . XV . Percy , XV . J . Stephens , W . Thomas , H . " L . Watkin , W . J . Welsh , J . Appleton , IL Hasmer , F . C . Thomas . F . Reed , J . H . Lewis , j . Black , D . Simmons , D . Ballard , ' H . J . Appleton , H . Wiles , J . Terry , Sec . Royal Alasonic Benevolent Institution ; and the following visitors : Bros . G . E . Carie Jackson , W . AI . 534 ; W . G . Hanson , P . M . 59 W . SargentP . M . 54 S ; T . C . Pratt , P . AL
; , 957 ; E . Spooner and J . Hiscox , P . M . 's 1420 ; 1-. J . Wray , P . M . KI 04 ; A . Alartin , J . W . iSS ; D . Hughes , I . W . ejoi ; I . Wilkinson , I . G . 1420 ; A . C . New , 7 "" i G . ' Thomas , 37 * ; G . Ward , 144 ; J . Arnold , 209 ; j . Vale , 901 ; R . W . Duncan , 907 ; W . Alexander , 1348 ; XV H . Wingfield , 13 60 ; j . Kendal , 1420 ; C Jones , 1541 ; ] . Esson and F . J . Young , I 5 "" y ; J . London , 1 G 22 ; and
C . F . Ouickhurst , 1 GG 4 . TheTcdge was opened in due form , and the minutes of the previous meeting were read and confirmed . Bro . Stephens was raised to the Sublime Degree of AI . AI . 'The report of the Auditors was receiver " , which showed a very satisfactory stale cf affairs , more especially with respect to the financies , considering the lodge has only been two
years in existence ; and a vole of thanks was accorded to the Secretary for the excellent manner in which the accounts were kept . Bro . A . Woods was then presented to the W . AL , to receive at his hands the benefit of installation . The newly-installed Alaster having been dul y proclaimed and saluted , appointed and invested his officers for the ensuing - 'ar as follows : Bros . G . J . Dawson , I . P . AL ; F .
y Butterworth , S . W . ; J . Oakman , J . W . ; E . Cole , Treasurer ; T . H . Meredith , P . AL , becretary ; J . F . Beck , S . D . ; XV . Richards , J . D . ; T . J . Gillust , I . C ; H . Diprose , M . C ; S . Alorley , Steward ; and J . Lackland , Tyler . Bro . Hein dc Solla was appointed Organist , but owing to his unavoidable absence his investiture was postponed . Several propositions lor initiation were received ,
and all Masonic business being ended , the lodge was closed and the brethren adjourned to banquet , after which the usual toasts were given and responded to , and Bro . Dawson presented with a very handsome Past Alaster ' s jewel as an appreciation of his services during the past year .
In replying to the toast of the " Alasonic Chanties , " Bro . Terry , Secretary R . M . B . I ., thanked the lodge , and complimented the Steward of the late festival ( Bro . Alercdith , P . I ' . I . ) for the handsome list taken in by him in aid of the aged Alasons , viz ., £ 114 , being £ 24 more than was orig inally announced .
MONTAGUE GUEST LODGE ( No . 1900 ) . — The April meeting of this lodge was held on Wednesday evening , at thc Inns of Court Hotel , Bro . W . II . Dean , W . AL , presiding . There were also present Bros . G . E . P . Festa , S . XV . ; F . R . W . Hedges , J . W . ; J . D . Collier , Sec ; Herbert J . Capon , S . D . ; H . Slyman , J . D . * , Saul A . Brooke , D . C . ; W . IL Gardiner , I . G . ; W . IT . Staff ,
Org . ; a .: d Edmond AL Dobie , Steward . Visitors : Bros . D . S . Sl . inner , P . P . G . A . D . C . Dorset ; S . G . Bailey , P . AL 2 = ; 7 ; Edward Dunkley , S 74 ; John Docker , P . AL 1 GS 7 ; H . AL Levy , P . AL iSS ; J . P . Piatt , 537 , P . P . J . G . W . Cheshire ; and IL Alassey , P . M . G 19 and W . AI . 192 S ( Frcemi . on ) . The lay members of the lodge were Bros . E . I . Petty , C . Al . 'Tate , G . Stead , J . Goring , W . Arthur
Austen , and H . R . Pratt . After the opening of the lodge and the reading and confirmation of the minutes , a letter was read from Bro . Brooks , D . C , accompanying a gift of a handsome silver square for the W . AI . 's collar . The giftwas accepted , and a cordial vote of thanks to Bro . Brooks was unanimously passed , on the motion of the W . AL , seconded by
the S . W . 'The jewel was beautifully engraved with the name of Ihe lodge , anel on the obverse side was a list of the founders anil ollicers of the lodge . 'There was a notice on ihe paper of a motion to be proposed bv BID . Montague Guest , ALP ., P . G . D ., apd
P . G . AL Dorset , " 'That this lodge begs to express to llev Mobt Gracious Majesty the . Oueen its deep sense of indignation and horror at the recent atrocious attempt on her life , and its feelings of profound gratitude to the Great Architect of the Universe at Her Majesty ' s most providential c . cape therefrom . " Bro . Guest , however , was
Masonic Notes And Queries.
unable to be present , and the W . AL in his name submitted the motion to the brethren and then seconded it . The motion was carried with acclamation . Afterwards Bro . Austin was raised to the Third Degree and Bro . Goring passed to the Second Degree . Bro . Dr . David Shorter Skinner , G 65 , was unanimously elected a joining member , as was also Bro . C . Hambro , D . P . G . M . Dorset . Mr . Henry Nisbett Pratt was
balloted lor and formally initiated into the Iirst mysteries of the Order . After the bye-laws had been read by the Secretary , Bro . Festa , S . W ., was unanimously elected W . AL for the ensuing year , and the W . AI . said that this was a result he had anticipated , and he was sure the brethren could not have made a better choice , for having known him for many years he was certain he would cairy out the duties of the
uiair in an exemplary manner . Bro . Festa said , in thanking the brethren , that he hoped and believed that with the assistance of the present W . M . he should be able to conduct the affairs of the lodge with honour and satisfaction . Bro . Dean , W . AI ., was then elected Treasurer of the lodge , Bro . Guest having only taken that office for one year as one of the founders of the lodge .
Bro . Dean informed the lodge that he accepted the office with great pleasure , and he had no doubt that with the assistance of Bro . Festa and the other brethren he would be able to maintain the funds of the lodge in as satisfactory a state as they were at present . The Audit Committee was then elected , and Bro . Festa proposed , and Bro . Hedges , J . W ., seconded , that ten guineas be taken from the funds of the lodge for a P . AL
jewel for the W . AL , and two guineas and a half for a P . AL collar complete . The proposition was unanimouslyadopted . T he lodge was thereupon closed , and the brethren sat down to banquet , and afterwards honoured the usual toasts . Bro . Brooks , P . AL , D . C , proposed "The health ofthe W . AL , " who he described as an estimable and amiable Freemason , and whose working was a complete model and example of how Alasonic ceremonies should be performed .
The brethren were all proud of their W . AI ., and felt that he had set a standard of excellence as Alaster which they hoped and believed would be maintained in the lodge . It was not without great pains he had reached that point , but it was one of his qualifications that whatever he took in hand he did with his whole heart . The younger brethren of the lodge whose just ambition it was to look forward to attaining the higher ranks in Alasonry must see that it was
an incentive to them to do Alasonic work well . The W . AL , in reply , said if his work had given the brethren satisfaction he was doubly and trebly repaid . It had been a sincere pleasure to him during his year of oflice to perform his duties , but he had been well and ably assisted by his oflicers , without whose efficient aid it would have been impassible to carry out the duties of the chair properly . He trusted that the lodge would long continue a success .
It had hitherto been a success far beyond his expectations . They had not only started well but gone on well , and continued well to the present day ; and no doubt they would continue to do so from year to year . In giving the toast of " The Initiate , " the W . AL said that the brethren must have noticed that a good man and true had been lhat evening introduced into Freemasonry , and that Bro . Pratt would be a credit to the lodge .
Bro . Pratt , in responding , said he ought to feel , and did fed highly honoured by being admitted into such distinguished company , and he thanked the W . AL for the kind words he had used concerning him . He had long been desirous of becoming a Alasor , but had not before had an opportunity . His chief concern had been lo enter a lodge that he would be proud of , and this was not to be had every day ; but he had had the good fortune to become acquainted
with Bro . Stead , who kindl y introduced him to this lodge . When he stated his intention of joining a lodge of Freemasons io some friends some were horrified ; one good old lady especially said it was a wrong thing to do , it was going wrong altogether . He told her he did not know what the ordeal was , but she said it was very dreadful . She said " they hurt you . " He requested to know how she had found it out : she said she had read it in a book .
He asked her what book ; and she said in "Verdant Green . " ( Laughter . ) So he thought when lie entered the lodge there was something of that sort coming . In conclusion he said he should do his best to further the interests of ' ne Order , to follow the example of the W . AL , do what was right , and become an honour to the lodge to which he belonged . The W . AI . next gave "The Visitors . " Bro . Piatt , P . P . G . J . W . Cheshire , in replying , said he
should take back to his province very pleasing recollections of London working and London hospitality , which he had had the privilege of experiencing through the kindness of Bro . Hedges , the J . W . In Cheshire they worked very similarly to the working of this lodge , but he never visited lodges without deriving some instruction for himself and the brethren of his lodge . Bro . Dunkley ( Kent ) also replied .
The toast of " Bro . Brooks" was also given , to which Bro . Brooks replied , saying that he felt when a brother had passed through the chair he should devote his energies and his Alasonic knowledge to the benefit of others . He hoped that would be the guiding principle of all the members of this lodge . T he W . M . next gave the toast of "The Secretary , " in which he complimented Bro . J . D . Collier very highly for
the great assistance he had been in getting up the good working of the lodge . Bro . Collier replied . Bro . Dr . Skinner responded to the toast given specially in his honour , and detailed some of the difficulties that were experienced in working Alasonry in Dorsetshire , where the lodges were small and far apart . Hro . Festa , replying to the toast of " The Officers and
Worshipful Alaster Elect , " said in the ordinary course of the business of the lodge the honour which had been bestowed on him that evening was not unexpected ; still , for the way in which it had been given , he felt highly gratified . He could but express half what his feelings were on this occasion . He could but express his inmost thanks lor
the confidence shown hi in that evening , and he felt very gratified to see the way in which he hail been appointed to the chair . It would be his duty and earnest desire to follow in the arduous steps which the present W . AL had led . The W . AI . had been so perfect in his working and at the banquet-table that it would be difficult for the next Alaster to do so as well . However , if the bre-
Masonic Notes And Queries.
thren would give him the support they had given the present W . M . he had no doubt he should be able to go through the chair with that dignity which was becoming in a lodge like the Alontague Guest . From the starting of the lodge he had taken an earnest interest in its welfare , and the same feeling had actuated the other founders . By
this means it had gained much success , and it was the desire of all the brethren tbat the lodge should maintain the great prestige with which it was started . The brethren shortly afterwards separated . Several members of the lodge entertained the company with songs . Bro . Staff , Org ., ably presided at the pianoforte .
GALLERY LODGE ( No . 1928 ) . —An ordinary meeting of this lodge was held on Saturday , the Sth inst ., at Brixton Hall , Acre-lane , Brixton . There were present : Bros . H . Alassev , P . M ., VV . M . ; H . F . Bussey , S . W . ; 'Thos . Minserc'I . ' j . W . j J . Allen , I . P . AL ; W . Wentworth Duckworth , Treas . ; C . Bazil Cooke , Sec . ; Dr . Griffiths , Chap . ; Jas . Macintyre , S . D . ; W . A . Burn , J . D . ; R . G . J . Albery , I . G . ; R . Redman , W . S . ; J . Thomas , P . AL ;
J . turner , Chas . r . Pardon , J . Moore , J . Burnside , J . Bune , and others . Visitors : Bros . Gibson , John Read , P . AL , J . Hodges , of the Orpheus Lodge . Bros . Burnside and Bune were passed to the Second Degree , and Mr . Harry Baines was elected and afterwards initiated . At the supper which took place after the closing of the lodge , a Committee was appointed to organise a picnic to take place some time in June or July .
HASTINGS . —Derwent Lodge ( No . 40 ) . —The regular monthly meeting of the members of this old and efficient lodge was held on Alonday evening , the 3 rd inst ., at the Castle Hotel . Bro . Arthur Wells , I . P . AL , presided in the absence of Bro . Capt . Hennah , R . N ., W . M ., who was prevented from attending on account of severe indisposition . The following officers and members were
present : Bros . Charles W . Duke , P . P . G . J . D ., P . AL 40 and 11 S 4 ; T . H . Cole , P . AL ; XV . AL Glenister , P . AL ; Fred . Rossiter , P . M . ; C . Pearce , S . W . ; H . Russell . J . W . ; F . Duke , acting S . D . ; F . Plowman , J . D . ; F . H . Hallett , Org . ; H . F . Crossthwaite , I . G . ; Leslie , Tyler ; H . At . Baker , C . J . Lewns , F . J . Parsons , Walter Hudson , Chas . E . Hallett , George Nation , J . Bray , and H . GIoynes .
Visitors : Charles R . Chandler , Prov . G . P ., P . AL 11 S 4 ; Foord , 11 S 4 ; and Charles Pearson . 'The lodge having been duly opened and the usual preliminaries settled , Air . J . D . Hunter was presented , for initiation , the ceremony being most ably worked by Bro . Arthur Wells , I . P . AL lt was suggested by the brethren whether it would be advisable to approach the Grand Alaster , H . R . H . the Prince of
Wales , as a lodge on his proposed visit to this town . As the object ot his coming was simply to open the Convalescent Home for Poor Children at St . Leonards , it was thought desirable not to do so . A vote of condolence for the family of Bro . Greenaway , formerly a member of the lodge , who was buried at the cemetery that day , was proposed by Bro . T . H . Cole , P . AL , and seconded by Bro .
C . XV . Duke , P . AL Theie being r . o fuvtrer business before the lodge it was closed according to ancient custom , and the brethren adjourned to a substantial and well served collation . The usual loyal and Alasonic toasts having been drunk , "The Initiate " honoured and responded to , the meeting was bitught to a close .
WINDSOR . —Etonian Lodge of St . John ( No . acg ) . —The usual monthly meeting of this lodge was held on Tuesday , the 4 th inst ., at the Masonic Hall . After the ordinary business had been disposed of , the W . AL , Bro . A . Pears , presented Bio . J . O . Carter with a silver epergne , a tea and coffee service , and a handsome bracelet for Mrs . Carter , in appreciation of his services as Secretary during the past six years .
LANCASTER . —Rowley Lodge ( No . 1051 ) . — The regular monthly meeting of this lodge was held on the 3 rd inst ., in the Masonic Kooms , St . Ltonardgate . There was not a large attendance . Bro . J . E . Hannah , the W . AL , presided , and , in the course of the evening , delivered the third of a scries of lectures on the Freemasons' lodge , the subject treated being " An Oblong Square , due East and West . " The question was treated in a very exhaustive manner , and numerous well-known instances were quoted
in support of the contention taken up by Bro . Hannah in his able paper . An interesting discussion followed , and at the close a cordial vote of thanks was carried to the W . M . for his efforts to spread amongst the brethren a knowledge of Masonic lore . The usual proclamations were then made , eliciting " Hearty good wishes" Iron ) the visiting brethren , after which the lodge was closed with the customary formalities .
FRIZINGTON . —Arlecdon Lodge ( No . 1 G 60 ) . — The monthly meetingof this lodge was held on Wednesday , the 5 th inst ., Bro . R . Wilson , W . AL , in the chair , supported by his officers as follows : Bros . J . Harper , S . W . ; J . Ashworth , J . W . ; W . Martin , P . M ., Sec ; D . Bell , S . D . ; J . Banks , J . D . ; F . T . Allatt , I . G . ; B . Craig , Tyler ; J . F . Kirkconel , R . Baxter , John Johnston , and
several visitors from Kenlis 1-odge , No . 1267 , Egremont , viz ., Bros . Robson , P . AL ; Towerson , Caldcrwood , Bromley , Kelley , and Sharpe . The minutes of the previous meeting were read and confirmed , and Bro . J . Johnston raised to the Third Degree . There being nothing further but general routine business , the lodge was closed in form and good harmony .
DALHOUSIE LODGE ( No . S ( 5 o ) . —The regular meetings of the above lodge were continued on the 4 U 1 inst ., on which occasion Bro . Glass was W . M ., and had the support of Bros . Smyth . ' as S . W . ; Corbell , J . W . ; T . Clark , S . D . ; Rr . binson , J . D . ; Edwards , I . C ; F . Carr , Hon . Sec ; Blasted , P . AL , acting Preceptor ; and Bros . Wardell , Christian , Purvis , Gosling , and Bunker . After due formalities the ceremony of initiation was carefully rendered Bro . Purvis , candidate . This brother also answered the questions leading to the next Degree . The