Article INSTRUCTION. ← Page 2 of 2 Article Royal Arch. Page 1 of 1 Article Mark Masonry. Page 1 of 1 Article Mark Masonry. Page 1 of 1 Article Births, Marriages and Deaths. Page 1 of 1
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section working was as follows , First from the chair , Third and fourth by Bro . Christian and the lodge . Bro . Smyth was unanimously elected VV . M ., for the ensuing lodge meeting , and all business being ended lodge was closed .
BURDETT COUTTS LODGE ( No . 127 S ) . — This lodge met on the 5 th inst ., at the Lamb Tavern , Wilmot-street , Bethnal-green . Bro . Hand , W . AI . ; Clark . S . W . ; Brittain , J . W . ; Ford , S . D . ; Stewart , J . D . ; Bonner I . G . ; Moss , acting Preceptor ; Hand , lion . Sec ; Sturtevant , Chitson , Bromley , and others . Lodere was duly opened and the minutes read . The rr-remonv of initiation was worked , Bro . Ford , candidate .
Bro . B . Stewart worked the First , Second , and Third Sections of the Lecture , assisted by the brethren . Bro . Clark , was elected W . AL for the next meeting . After discussing the matter it was unanimously agreed to change the ni ^ ht of meeting from Wednesday to Saturday evenings . Another change introduced was , that the funds of the lod""e should be balloted for amongst the members , when they reach the sum of £ 5 5 s . Lodge was then closed and adjourned .
EARL OF ZETLAND LODGE ( No . 1364 ) . —At the regular meetingof this lodge , held at Bro . Richardson's , Royal Edward , Alare-street , Hackney , on the ist inst ., Bro . Fitrgerald was W . M ., supported by Bros . Forss , S . W . ; Whitford , J . W . ; B . Humphry , S . D . ; Pope , I . G . ; Ernest Wright , P . AL , Secretary ; W . Fieldwick , P . AL , Preceptor ; Blunt , 14 S 9 ; Crook , Stephens , and others .
Lodge was opened in due form , and the minutes of the previous lodge meeting were read and confirmed . The ballot was next taken for the aelmission of Bros . Paget and Ayersas members of the lodge , and was unanimously favourable . The ceremony of initiation was then carefully worked , Bro . Crook being the candidate . Bro . Forss
worked the First and Second Sections of the Lecture , assisted by the brethren . Some discussion ensued upon the advisability of working the Fifteen Sections before the close of the session , and it was finally determined to work the ceremony of installation on the 2 yth inst . Bro . H . Forss was elected W . M . for the ensuing lodge meeting , and the lodge was closed in harmony and adjourned .
DUKE OF CONNAUGHT LODGE ( No . 1524 ) . —At the last meeting of the above lodge , on the 29 th ult ., the evening was devoted to working the Fifteen Sections . Bro . G . H . Stephens was W . AL , and had been invited to bring brethren to assist him in the work—chiefl y from the Doric Lodgeof Instruction . Bro . Stephens was honoured by the support of Bros . T . J . Barnes , P . AL , as
S . W . ; C . H . Webb , P . M ., J . W . ; VV . Fieldwick , P . AL , I . P . AL ; and about forty brethren . The whole of the work was done in a highly efficient and praiseworthy manner by the following brethren : First Lecture . —First Section , Bro . Diamond , 1327 ; Second , Bro . T . j . Barnes , P . AL 554 ; Third , . Bro . Christian , S . D . S 60 ; Fourth , Bro . H . Forss , 917 ; Fifth ,
Bro . Stewart , 127 S ; Sixth , Bro . Alass , S . D . 1275 ; and Seventh , Bro . Pringle , I . G . 7 S 1 . Second Lecture . —First Section , Bro . Richardson , 174 ; Second , Bro . Alusto , P . M . i * 49 ; Third , Bro . Barnes , P . AL 554 ; Fourth , Bro . Webb , P . AL 174 ; and Fifth , Bro . Job , VV . AL 1076 . Third Lecture . —First Section , Bro . Myers , P . AI . 1445 ; Second , Bro . Job , W . AL 1076 ; and Third , Bro . Alacdonald , I . W . 1445 . The VV . M . received the congratulations of the brethren
at the conclusion of the working , and expressed his indebtedness to the many eminent brethren who had come such long distances , and had by their support rendered the meeting so successful . Bros . B . Stewart , 12 S 7 ; J . H . Pringle , I . G . 7 S 1 -, W . Richardson , T . Beck , 14 S 9 ; J . Poulter , 554 ; VV . Wright , 1524 ; and F . Kemball , W . AL 1445 , were elected members
and the compliment of honorary membership evas conferred upon Bros . Past Alasters T . J . Barnes and VV . H . Myers , for their able assistance ; Bro . Stephens remarking that thc lodge of instruction would be the gainers by conferring this honour upon two such eminent Preceptors . The thanks of the lodge were next voted to Bro . G . H . Stephens-, together with the honorary membership of the
In returning thanks , Bro . Stephens expressed the pleasure it gave him to accept the invite from the VV . AL of the mother lodge to preside on that occasion , with the view of assisting the lodge of instruction and its funds . If his endeavours had met with their approval , he was amply rewarded . " Hearty good wishes " were given , and the lodge was closed , a most interesting meeting having been held .
Royal Arch.
Royal Arch .
WEST KENT CHAPTER ( No . 1279 ) . —The first convr cation of this chapter was held at the Thicket Hotel , Anerley , on Saturday , the Sth inst . 'There were present Comps . Robert H . Crowden , Al . E . Z . ; Pound , acting H . ; Grabham , acting J . ; Woodrow , S . E . ; T . Perrin , S . N . ; Fullwood , P . S . ; Basbry , Osmond , and others .
The minutes of the consecration meeting , in March , having been duly confirmed , Bro . James Crowden was exalted into Royal Arch Masonry by his brother , Comp . Robert H . Crowden , Al . E . Z ., and very much impressed was he with the excellence and the solemnity "in which the ceremony was conducted . Bros . II . D . Stead and Jenkins sent apologies for their absence , and their exaltation was thereupon postponed till next meeting in lunc . Bro . Lavintrton . Ss 7 . was nrooosed
by the ALF .. Z . for election also at the next meeting . Lct-, {\ ° f apology were received from Comps . Lake ' IL , and J-K . Stead , J ., on their being unable to attend . The banquet was served in Comp . Lassom ' s best style , and gave much satisfaction and pleasure to all present , the regular toasts were duly proposed and responded to by the various companions ; and the exaltee , Comp . Janies Crowden , showed his warm appreciation of the beauty and impressiveness of the ceremony , and the kindness and good fellowship of the companions present .
Mark Masonry.
Mark Masonry .
TRINITY COLLEGE LODGE ( No . 244 ) . —The installation meeting of this lodge was held on the 6 th inst ., at Trinity College , Mandeville-street , Alanchester-square , Bro . Humphrey J . Stirk , B . Mus ., L . Mus .,- P . G . O ., W . AL , presiding . The other brethren present were : Bros , the Rev . IL G . Bonavia Hunt , B . AIus ., L . A ., L . AIus ., P . P . G . Chap ., AI . O . and Chaplain , S . W . ; E . J . Hoare , J . W . and Sec ; J . Gabriel , S . O . and Treas . ; Plant
Alartin , AI . O . ; J . Bradbury turner , B . Mus ., L . AIus ., J . D . ; Professor J . Gordon Saunders , D . AIus ., L . AIus .. S . D . ; A . W . Sebastian Hoare , A . AIus ., I . G . ; R . } ' . Ward , Registrar ; T . E . Biddlecombe , Org . ; C . E . Aloser , and G . Harrison , Tyler . Hon . Members : Bros . Colonel Sir Francis Burdett , Bart ., 32 ° , Prov . G . Alaster , Aliddlesex and Surrey ; and D . M . Dewar , 1 S , P . AL , P . G . S . O ., Grand Asst . Sec . Visitors : Bros . ] . N .
Hammond , S ; Venn , S ,- John Hodges , 22 ; and H . Alassey , P . AI . 22 ( Freemason ) . After the lodge had been opened and the minutes read and confirmed accordingly , Bro . James Alfred Hammond , S , w-as unanimously elected a joining member . After this the ballot was taken for a candidate for advancement , Bro . Charles 'Tayler , 17 G 5 , and the ballot having proved unanimous in his favour he was advanced to the Degree
of a Alark Alaster by the W . AI . in splendid style , liros . Don . Al . Dewar and Professor J . Goidon Saunders , acting as Deacons ; Bro . T . E . Biddlecombe performing on the beautiful organ , and all the brethren singing the musical accompaniments , which it is scarcely necessary to say rendered the interesting ceremony additionally attractive . When the ceremony was completed , the W . AL installed Bro . the Rev . IT . G . Bonavia Hunt , B . Mus ., L . A ., L . AIus .,
P . Prov . G . Chap . Aliddx ., AI . O ., Chap ., S . W ., and W . AL elect as W . AL , a dispensation having been obtained tor the purpose from Grand Lodge on account of his not being or having been a Alaster ot a Craft lodge . 'This ceremony was faultlessly performed by the retiring W . AL , and the following brethren were then appointed as officers of the lodge for the ensuing year : Bros . Humphrey J . Stark , P . Prov . G . Org . Aliddx . and Surrey , I . P . AL -, Ii . J . Hoare ,
S . W . ; Plant Alartin , J . W . ; J . Gabriel , AI . O . ; Professor J . Gordon Saunders , S . O . ; J . Bradbury Turner , J . O . ; J . Gabriel , Treas . ; Charles Tayler , Sec . ; A . VV . Sebastian Hoare , S . D . ; R . J . Ward , J . D . ; T . E . Biddlecombe , I . G . ; C . E . Moser , Stwd . ; F . Ayers . D . C ; Dr . Saunders , Org . ; and G . Harrison , Tyler . The I P . AL then delivered the addresses to the Alaster , Wardens , Overseers , and brethren , and was complimented
on the efficiency of his performance by a general salute . A Past Alaster's jewel was voted to him at the former meeting , but Bro . Gabriel , the Treasurer , informed the lodge that the skilful Craftsman who was entrusted with its manufacture had not completed his task , and he obtained permission of the lodge to forward it to Bro . Stark as soon as it was finished . The VV . M . stated that he had been deprived of a very
great pleasure by the delay of the aforesaid Craftsman , but on the next occasion when the lodge met he should ask to be allowed to present the jewel in open lodge with the complimentary observations which Bro . Stark's year of Alastership so well deserved . The lodge then transacted some other Alasonic business consequent upon the action taken by some former members , and afterwards accepted the balance sheet , which showed that by the skilful
management of the present officers and members , more particularly Bros . Stark and Gabriel , the lodge had been brought from a condition of indebtedness into the possession of over £ 15 , exclusive of the fees and subscriptions received at the installation meeting . Lodge was then closed down and adjourned , and the brethren partook of an elegant cold collation . 'The speeches afterwards were brief , the hour being late , and the musical
programme full . Colonel Sir Francis Burdett replied to the toast of "The Grand Alaster and Grand Officers , " and expressed his regret at not having appeared at the lodge more frequently than he had . He said he responded with great pleasure on behalf of Grand Lodge , because it was at present in so good a position ; and if every Alason of Grand Lodge had been present that evening , he was certain they
would have been very much pleased with the way in which the work was performed . Th ; Immediate Past Alaster had certainly done the work not only in a creditable way , but in a manner to be envied by any Mark Alason—in a way , to be sure , that be ( Colonel ilunlett ) had never seen or heard . It was a great credit to the lodge that it had had such a Alaster . The in-coining Alaster had given proof of his ability to do the work in the same way .
Bro . Humphrey J . Stark , I . P . M ., in proposing "The Health of the W . AL , " said it had given him the utmost pleasure to instal Bro . Hunt , who was not only one of the original members of the lodge , but also an old and dear friend of his own for many years past . Nothing could have given him greater pleasure than to instal such a brother in the chair . The VV . AL , in reply , said he would copy the example so
excellently set by Bro . Stark of making but a short speech ; and his whole year of oflice would be employed in following that brother ' s example as far as it was possible . However , the brethren knew there were other ways of conveying one ' s feelings except by words , and his gratitude would bc shown in a practical form by proving himself as little unworthy as he could of the confidence the brethren had reposed in him by electing him to the chair of Alaster to this lodge .
The VV . AL then gave "The Health of the Installing Alaster , " and said he could only regret the jewel had not arrived which the lodge so worthily voted to Bro . Stark . He could only look forward very impatiently to the next meeting when he would have an opportunity of expressing the thanks of the brethren to Bro . Stark , for his admirable mastership durinr- the past year . He would , however , at once ask Bro . Stark to accept the gratitude of the brethren for the way in which he had released the lodge from
entanglement and placed it in its prosperous condition . Bro . H . J . Stark , ) . P . AL , thanked the brethren most heartily for the kind way in which they had received the toast so pleasantly proposed by the VV . AL It gave him sincere pleasure to feel that those efforts he had made during his year of office for thc well being of the lodge had met with approval . He need not remind the brethren of the state the lodge was in twelve months ago , but if he did so it was only to point out that if he had not been supported by every member of the lodge matters would not
Mark Masonry.
have righted themselves . He took no credit to himself for the altered state of things , because they had all pulled together and refused ID be dictated to b y members who thought to set them at defiance . Me hoped the brethren woultl remember that if he found at any time a smilar state of things there , was a way of dealing with it , and of restoring a lodge to that state of peace and harmony which all Alasons had a ri ght to expect . Everything he had elone
for the lodge had been done with the most sincere pleasure ,-and his year of oliice had beeu a very happy one from the cordial way in which he had been supported by his officers . Bro . IL Venn , S , replying for the Visitors said it had been his pleasure and good fortune to enjoy thr .: evening one of the great privileges of the Order . They all remembered that when they joined they wished to be initiated in the mysteries and privileges of the Order
He always felt and maintained that one of the greatest benefits they had was by the kindness of their friends ta witness the labour of other lodges , and he was only repeating what had been well said ' that evening , when he said how thoroughly the work had been carried or . ; . He had never 111 his experience witnessed work done better than it had been done there thai evening , and it ovH to be announced widely and well that this 'Trinity Collie Lod <* e of Alark Alasters
could boast of having such a '' P . M . as Bro . Stark-. As an old Alason who took delight in good working ; he had thoroughly enjoyed himself that evening . Bros . Alassey and Hodges in returning thanks for the same toast expressed similar opinion . The W . AL proposed "The Honorary Alembers . " among whom , he said , not thc least was Bro . Dewar , who had so ably assisted in Ihe ceremony of advancement .
Bro . Donald M . D ,: war , Assistant Grand Secretary , said he had always felt the very greatest pleasure and satisfaction in becoming an honorary member of such a lodge as the 1 rinity College Lodge , and as an honorary r . -. emfjer of the lodge , he considered it his duty to undertake any office on au emergency which might be of service to the lodge . If he had done so that night to the satisfaction of the brethren he was amply rewarded . He appreciated
everything that had been said LS to the working , though he did not wish to weary the brethren by repeating it . It was an immense charm to him , and must be to everyone who saw it . Nothing could be better , nothing more beautiful than the music introduced on this and on other occasions when he had been in the lodge . At any time he could be of service to the executive they mi ght rely on him as an honorary member to come and helat the workin "
p . r > ' i » ' i 1 , , next P P oselJ "The Newly-Advanced Brother , who he hoped was much edified by the ceremony through which he had passed . When he had had a little leisure , and had got over the excitement , he would be able to see the relation that this Degree bore ta the ordinary Fellow Craft Degree in the Craft Lodge . 'The whole would be still further plain to him when he was thoroughly indoctrinated in Alark Alasonry , and seen its peculiarly sublime
teaching , which was well worthy of the study of Alasons in every Degree . Bro . Tayler said although he could not at present fully appreciate the Degree , a greater knowled geof itsmysteries would , he hoped , enable him to do so , and he further hoped that he should carry out the duties of the office to which he had been lhat evening appointed to the satisfaction of the brethren .
In giving "The Health of the Officers , " the VV . AL said the W . AI . of a lodge almost entirel y depended upon the kind co-operation and assistance of his officers . Without them he was simply powerless and could do nothing , and therefore , in proposing their health perhaps he was performing rather a selfish function ; but he felt how entirely he ivas dependent on those brethren , and especially , without making any invidious distinction the
indis-, upon pensable assistance of the I . P . AL Bro . E . J . Hoare , S . W ., in replying , said , as far as he was- concerned , and speaking only for himself , the VV . AL had evidently got the right man in the right place . ( Laughter . ) 'J he brethren appreciated what he said . It was pleasing to him to have risen gradually to this high office . He hoped some day to be still more elevated . It gave him , as well as the other brethren , great pleasure to be associated
with Bro . Stark , who had really done wonders in and to the lodge . Whatever Bro . Stark did , whether in music or in Masonry , or in anything else , he always did it well ; he was , in fact , the coming man , as had had been said by another brother . His own opinion was that he was the come man . Bro . Plant Martin , J . W ., also replied . Bro . Gabriel , Treas ., said the lodge had had placed before it that evening a balance-sheet which showed a
good balance in hand . His poor old father always told him to " hold fast that which is good . " On previous occasions he had been somewhat held up as being llintv , and as possessed of too much tenacity as regarded pecuniary matters ; but he intended to stick to that course , and in spite of County Court summonses and other derogatory documents
which might . be sent to the lodge , they would take up their stand , and say , " Come on , Alacdulf , and hanged be he who first cries ' Hold , enough . ' " The Tyler ' s toast concluded the proceedings . Several of the brethren entertained the company with some beautiful singing .
Births, Marriages And Deaths.
Births , Marriages and Deaths .
[ The charge is 2 s . Gd . for announcements not exceeding Four Lines under this heading . ] BIRTH . CKESSWEI . 1 .-On the ioth inst ., at 2 , Prince ' s-terrace , Dowan-hill , Glasgow , the wile of Air . Gilfrid Baker Cresswell , of a son .
MARRIAGE . COTTRELL-WILSON . —On the ioth inst ., at the parish church , Dore , Derbyshire , by the Rev . J . T . F . Aldred , M . A ., vicar , assisted by the Rev . Thos . Spratt Bro ' William Foulkes Cottrell , P . D . G . S . W . Gibraltar 27
, I . P . M . S , W . AI . M . M . M . Lodge 27 S , Al E Z Chapter 27 S PEP . Knight Templars , P . K . P . Knights of Ala ta , H . P . Rose Croix , No . 14 , ALE . Viceroy Red Cross , No . 11 , Gibraltar , to Sarah , second daughter of the late Robert Wilson , Esq ., veterinary surgeon , of Barmby-on-the-Marsh , Yorkshire .
DEATH . MAN - Ti . i-.-On the 30 th ult ., at Glanville Villa , Wickham , Chichester , Sussex , Hannah , the beloved wife of Mr . George Alantle , aged G 7 years .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
section working was as follows , First from the chair , Third and fourth by Bro . Christian and the lodge . Bro . Smyth was unanimously elected VV . M ., for the ensuing lodge meeting , and all business being ended lodge was closed .
BURDETT COUTTS LODGE ( No . 127 S ) . — This lodge met on the 5 th inst ., at the Lamb Tavern , Wilmot-street , Bethnal-green . Bro . Hand , W . AI . ; Clark . S . W . ; Brittain , J . W . ; Ford , S . D . ; Stewart , J . D . ; Bonner I . G . ; Moss , acting Preceptor ; Hand , lion . Sec ; Sturtevant , Chitson , Bromley , and others . Lodere was duly opened and the minutes read . The rr-remonv of initiation was worked , Bro . Ford , candidate .
Bro . B . Stewart worked the First , Second , and Third Sections of the Lecture , assisted by the brethren . Bro . Clark , was elected W . AL for the next meeting . After discussing the matter it was unanimously agreed to change the ni ^ ht of meeting from Wednesday to Saturday evenings . Another change introduced was , that the funds of the lod""e should be balloted for amongst the members , when they reach the sum of £ 5 5 s . Lodge was then closed and adjourned .
EARL OF ZETLAND LODGE ( No . 1364 ) . —At the regular meetingof this lodge , held at Bro . Richardson's , Royal Edward , Alare-street , Hackney , on the ist inst ., Bro . Fitrgerald was W . M ., supported by Bros . Forss , S . W . ; Whitford , J . W . ; B . Humphry , S . D . ; Pope , I . G . ; Ernest Wright , P . AL , Secretary ; W . Fieldwick , P . AL , Preceptor ; Blunt , 14 S 9 ; Crook , Stephens , and others .
Lodge was opened in due form , and the minutes of the previous lodge meeting were read and confirmed . The ballot was next taken for the aelmission of Bros . Paget and Ayersas members of the lodge , and was unanimously favourable . The ceremony of initiation was then carefully worked , Bro . Crook being the candidate . Bro . Forss
worked the First and Second Sections of the Lecture , assisted by the brethren . Some discussion ensued upon the advisability of working the Fifteen Sections before the close of the session , and it was finally determined to work the ceremony of installation on the 2 yth inst . Bro . H . Forss was elected W . M . for the ensuing lodge meeting , and the lodge was closed in harmony and adjourned .
DUKE OF CONNAUGHT LODGE ( No . 1524 ) . —At the last meeting of the above lodge , on the 29 th ult ., the evening was devoted to working the Fifteen Sections . Bro . G . H . Stephens was W . AL , and had been invited to bring brethren to assist him in the work—chiefl y from the Doric Lodgeof Instruction . Bro . Stephens was honoured by the support of Bros . T . J . Barnes , P . AL , as
S . W . ; C . H . Webb , P . M ., J . W . ; VV . Fieldwick , P . AL , I . P . AL ; and about forty brethren . The whole of the work was done in a highly efficient and praiseworthy manner by the following brethren : First Lecture . —First Section , Bro . Diamond , 1327 ; Second , Bro . T . j . Barnes , P . AL 554 ; Third , . Bro . Christian , S . D . S 60 ; Fourth , Bro . H . Forss , 917 ; Fifth ,
Bro . Stewart , 127 S ; Sixth , Bro . Alass , S . D . 1275 ; and Seventh , Bro . Pringle , I . G . 7 S 1 . Second Lecture . —First Section , Bro . Richardson , 174 ; Second , Bro . Alusto , P . M . i * 49 ; Third , Bro . Barnes , P . AL 554 ; Fourth , Bro . Webb , P . AL 174 ; and Fifth , Bro . Job , VV . AL 1076 . Third Lecture . —First Section , Bro . Myers , P . AI . 1445 ; Second , Bro . Job , W . AL 1076 ; and Third , Bro . Alacdonald , I . W . 1445 . The VV . M . received the congratulations of the brethren
at the conclusion of the working , and expressed his indebtedness to the many eminent brethren who had come such long distances , and had by their support rendered the meeting so successful . Bros . B . Stewart , 12 S 7 ; J . H . Pringle , I . G . 7 S 1 -, W . Richardson , T . Beck , 14 S 9 ; J . Poulter , 554 ; VV . Wright , 1524 ; and F . Kemball , W . AL 1445 , were elected members
and the compliment of honorary membership evas conferred upon Bros . Past Alasters T . J . Barnes and VV . H . Myers , for their able assistance ; Bro . Stephens remarking that thc lodge of instruction would be the gainers by conferring this honour upon two such eminent Preceptors . The thanks of the lodge were next voted to Bro . G . H . Stephens-, together with the honorary membership of the
In returning thanks , Bro . Stephens expressed the pleasure it gave him to accept the invite from the VV . AL of the mother lodge to preside on that occasion , with the view of assisting the lodge of instruction and its funds . If his endeavours had met with their approval , he was amply rewarded . " Hearty good wishes " were given , and the lodge was closed , a most interesting meeting having been held .
Royal Arch.
Royal Arch .
WEST KENT CHAPTER ( No . 1279 ) . —The first convr cation of this chapter was held at the Thicket Hotel , Anerley , on Saturday , the Sth inst . 'There were present Comps . Robert H . Crowden , Al . E . Z . ; Pound , acting H . ; Grabham , acting J . ; Woodrow , S . E . ; T . Perrin , S . N . ; Fullwood , P . S . ; Basbry , Osmond , and others .
The minutes of the consecration meeting , in March , having been duly confirmed , Bro . James Crowden was exalted into Royal Arch Masonry by his brother , Comp . Robert H . Crowden , Al . E . Z ., and very much impressed was he with the excellence and the solemnity "in which the ceremony was conducted . Bros . II . D . Stead and Jenkins sent apologies for their absence , and their exaltation was thereupon postponed till next meeting in lunc . Bro . Lavintrton . Ss 7 . was nrooosed
by the ALF .. Z . for election also at the next meeting . Lct-, {\ ° f apology were received from Comps . Lake ' IL , and J-K . Stead , J ., on their being unable to attend . The banquet was served in Comp . Lassom ' s best style , and gave much satisfaction and pleasure to all present , the regular toasts were duly proposed and responded to by the various companions ; and the exaltee , Comp . Janies Crowden , showed his warm appreciation of the beauty and impressiveness of the ceremony , and the kindness and good fellowship of the companions present .
Mark Masonry.
Mark Masonry .
TRINITY COLLEGE LODGE ( No . 244 ) . —The installation meeting of this lodge was held on the 6 th inst ., at Trinity College , Mandeville-street , Alanchester-square , Bro . Humphrey J . Stirk , B . Mus ., L . Mus .,- P . G . O ., W . AL , presiding . The other brethren present were : Bros , the Rev . IL G . Bonavia Hunt , B . AIus ., L . A ., L . AIus ., P . P . G . Chap ., AI . O . and Chaplain , S . W . ; E . J . Hoare , J . W . and Sec ; J . Gabriel , S . O . and Treas . ; Plant
Alartin , AI . O . ; J . Bradbury turner , B . Mus ., L . AIus ., J . D . ; Professor J . Gordon Saunders , D . AIus ., L . AIus .. S . D . ; A . W . Sebastian Hoare , A . AIus ., I . G . ; R . } ' . Ward , Registrar ; T . E . Biddlecombe , Org . ; C . E . Aloser , and G . Harrison , Tyler . Hon . Members : Bros . Colonel Sir Francis Burdett , Bart ., 32 ° , Prov . G . Alaster , Aliddlesex and Surrey ; and D . M . Dewar , 1 S , P . AL , P . G . S . O ., Grand Asst . Sec . Visitors : Bros . ] . N .
Hammond , S ; Venn , S ,- John Hodges , 22 ; and H . Alassey , P . AI . 22 ( Freemason ) . After the lodge had been opened and the minutes read and confirmed accordingly , Bro . James Alfred Hammond , S , w-as unanimously elected a joining member . After this the ballot was taken for a candidate for advancement , Bro . Charles 'Tayler , 17 G 5 , and the ballot having proved unanimous in his favour he was advanced to the Degree
of a Alark Alaster by the W . AI . in splendid style , liros . Don . Al . Dewar and Professor J . Goidon Saunders , acting as Deacons ; Bro . T . E . Biddlecombe performing on the beautiful organ , and all the brethren singing the musical accompaniments , which it is scarcely necessary to say rendered the interesting ceremony additionally attractive . When the ceremony was completed , the W . AL installed Bro . the Rev . IT . G . Bonavia Hunt , B . Mus ., L . A ., L . AIus .,
P . Prov . G . Chap . Aliddx ., AI . O ., Chap ., S . W ., and W . AL elect as W . AL , a dispensation having been obtained tor the purpose from Grand Lodge on account of his not being or having been a Alaster ot a Craft lodge . 'This ceremony was faultlessly performed by the retiring W . AL , and the following brethren were then appointed as officers of the lodge for the ensuing year : Bros . Humphrey J . Stark , P . Prov . G . Org . Aliddx . and Surrey , I . P . AL -, Ii . J . Hoare ,
S . W . ; Plant Alartin , J . W . ; J . Gabriel , AI . O . ; Professor J . Gordon Saunders , S . O . ; J . Bradbury Turner , J . O . ; J . Gabriel , Treas . ; Charles Tayler , Sec . ; A . VV . Sebastian Hoare , S . D . ; R . J . Ward , J . D . ; T . E . Biddlecombe , I . G . ; C . E . Moser , Stwd . ; F . Ayers . D . C ; Dr . Saunders , Org . ; and G . Harrison , Tyler . The I P . AL then delivered the addresses to the Alaster , Wardens , Overseers , and brethren , and was complimented
on the efficiency of his performance by a general salute . A Past Alaster's jewel was voted to him at the former meeting , but Bro . Gabriel , the Treasurer , informed the lodge that the skilful Craftsman who was entrusted with its manufacture had not completed his task , and he obtained permission of the lodge to forward it to Bro . Stark as soon as it was finished . The VV . M . stated that he had been deprived of a very
great pleasure by the delay of the aforesaid Craftsman , but on the next occasion when the lodge met he should ask to be allowed to present the jewel in open lodge with the complimentary observations which Bro . Stark's year of Alastership so well deserved . The lodge then transacted some other Alasonic business consequent upon the action taken by some former members , and afterwards accepted the balance sheet , which showed that by the skilful
management of the present officers and members , more particularly Bros . Stark and Gabriel , the lodge had been brought from a condition of indebtedness into the possession of over £ 15 , exclusive of the fees and subscriptions received at the installation meeting . Lodge was then closed down and adjourned , and the brethren partook of an elegant cold collation . 'The speeches afterwards were brief , the hour being late , and the musical
programme full . Colonel Sir Francis Burdett replied to the toast of "The Grand Alaster and Grand Officers , " and expressed his regret at not having appeared at the lodge more frequently than he had . He said he responded with great pleasure on behalf of Grand Lodge , because it was at present in so good a position ; and if every Alason of Grand Lodge had been present that evening , he was certain they
would have been very much pleased with the way in which the work was performed . Th ; Immediate Past Alaster had certainly done the work not only in a creditable way , but in a manner to be envied by any Mark Alason—in a way , to be sure , that be ( Colonel ilunlett ) had never seen or heard . It was a great credit to the lodge that it had had such a Alaster . The in-coining Alaster had given proof of his ability to do the work in the same way .
Bro . Humphrey J . Stark , I . P . M ., in proposing "The Health of the W . AL , " said it had given him the utmost pleasure to instal Bro . Hunt , who was not only one of the original members of the lodge , but also an old and dear friend of his own for many years past . Nothing could have given him greater pleasure than to instal such a brother in the chair . The VV . AL , in reply , said he would copy the example so
excellently set by Bro . Stark of making but a short speech ; and his whole year of oflice would be employed in following that brother ' s example as far as it was possible . However , the brethren knew there were other ways of conveying one ' s feelings except by words , and his gratitude would bc shown in a practical form by proving himself as little unworthy as he could of the confidence the brethren had reposed in him by electing him to the chair of Alaster to this lodge .
The VV . AL then gave "The Health of the Installing Alaster , " and said he could only regret the jewel had not arrived which the lodge so worthily voted to Bro . Stark . He could only look forward very impatiently to the next meeting when he would have an opportunity of expressing the thanks of the brethren to Bro . Stark , for his admirable mastership durinr- the past year . He would , however , at once ask Bro . Stark to accept the gratitude of the brethren for the way in which he had released the lodge from
entanglement and placed it in its prosperous condition . Bro . H . J . Stark , ) . P . AL , thanked the brethren most heartily for the kind way in which they had received the toast so pleasantly proposed by the VV . AL It gave him sincere pleasure to feel that those efforts he had made during his year of office for thc well being of the lodge had met with approval . He need not remind the brethren of the state the lodge was in twelve months ago , but if he did so it was only to point out that if he had not been supported by every member of the lodge matters would not
Mark Masonry.
have righted themselves . He took no credit to himself for the altered state of things , because they had all pulled together and refused ID be dictated to b y members who thought to set them at defiance . Me hoped the brethren woultl remember that if he found at any time a smilar state of things there , was a way of dealing with it , and of restoring a lodge to that state of peace and harmony which all Alasons had a ri ght to expect . Everything he had elone
for the lodge had been done with the most sincere pleasure ,-and his year of oliice had beeu a very happy one from the cordial way in which he had been supported by his officers . Bro . IL Venn , S , replying for the Visitors said it had been his pleasure and good fortune to enjoy thr .: evening one of the great privileges of the Order . They all remembered that when they joined they wished to be initiated in the mysteries and privileges of the Order
He always felt and maintained that one of the greatest benefits they had was by the kindness of their friends ta witness the labour of other lodges , and he was only repeating what had been well said ' that evening , when he said how thoroughly the work had been carried or . ; . He had never 111 his experience witnessed work done better than it had been done there thai evening , and it ovH to be announced widely and well that this 'Trinity Collie Lod <* e of Alark Alasters
could boast of having such a '' P . M . as Bro . Stark-. As an old Alason who took delight in good working ; he had thoroughly enjoyed himself that evening . Bros . Alassey and Hodges in returning thanks for the same toast expressed similar opinion . The W . AL proposed "The Honorary Alembers . " among whom , he said , not thc least was Bro . Dewar , who had so ably assisted in Ihe ceremony of advancement .
Bro . Donald M . D ,: war , Assistant Grand Secretary , said he had always felt the very greatest pleasure and satisfaction in becoming an honorary member of such a lodge as the 1 rinity College Lodge , and as an honorary r . -. emfjer of the lodge , he considered it his duty to undertake any office on au emergency which might be of service to the lodge . If he had done so that night to the satisfaction of the brethren he was amply rewarded . He appreciated
everything that had been said LS to the working , though he did not wish to weary the brethren by repeating it . It was an immense charm to him , and must be to everyone who saw it . Nothing could be better , nothing more beautiful than the music introduced on this and on other occasions when he had been in the lodge . At any time he could be of service to the executive they mi ght rely on him as an honorary member to come and helat the workin "
p . r > ' i » ' i 1 , , next P P oselJ "The Newly-Advanced Brother , who he hoped was much edified by the ceremony through which he had passed . When he had had a little leisure , and had got over the excitement , he would be able to see the relation that this Degree bore ta the ordinary Fellow Craft Degree in the Craft Lodge . 'The whole would be still further plain to him when he was thoroughly indoctrinated in Alark Alasonry , and seen its peculiarly sublime
teaching , which was well worthy of the study of Alasons in every Degree . Bro . Tayler said although he could not at present fully appreciate the Degree , a greater knowled geof itsmysteries would , he hoped , enable him to do so , and he further hoped that he should carry out the duties of the office to which he had been lhat evening appointed to the satisfaction of the brethren .
In giving "The Health of the Officers , " the VV . AL said the W . AI . of a lodge almost entirel y depended upon the kind co-operation and assistance of his officers . Without them he was simply powerless and could do nothing , and therefore , in proposing their health perhaps he was performing rather a selfish function ; but he felt how entirely he ivas dependent on those brethren , and especially , without making any invidious distinction the
indis-, upon pensable assistance of the I . P . AL Bro . E . J . Hoare , S . W ., in replying , said , as far as he was- concerned , and speaking only for himself , the VV . AL had evidently got the right man in the right place . ( Laughter . ) 'J he brethren appreciated what he said . It was pleasing to him to have risen gradually to this high office . He hoped some day to be still more elevated . It gave him , as well as the other brethren , great pleasure to be associated
with Bro . Stark , who had really done wonders in and to the lodge . Whatever Bro . Stark did , whether in music or in Masonry , or in anything else , he always did it well ; he was , in fact , the coming man , as had had been said by another brother . His own opinion was that he was the come man . Bro . Plant Martin , J . W ., also replied . Bro . Gabriel , Treas ., said the lodge had had placed before it that evening a balance-sheet which showed a
good balance in hand . His poor old father always told him to " hold fast that which is good . " On previous occasions he had been somewhat held up as being llintv , and as possessed of too much tenacity as regarded pecuniary matters ; but he intended to stick to that course , and in spite of County Court summonses and other derogatory documents
which might . be sent to the lodge , they would take up their stand , and say , " Come on , Alacdulf , and hanged be he who first cries ' Hold , enough . ' " The Tyler ' s toast concluded the proceedings . Several of the brethren entertained the company with some beautiful singing .
Births, Marriages And Deaths.
Births , Marriages and Deaths .
[ The charge is 2 s . Gd . for announcements not exceeding Four Lines under this heading . ] BIRTH . CKESSWEI . 1 .-On the ioth inst ., at 2 , Prince ' s-terrace , Dowan-hill , Glasgow , the wile of Air . Gilfrid Baker Cresswell , of a son .
MARRIAGE . COTTRELL-WILSON . —On the ioth inst ., at the parish church , Dore , Derbyshire , by the Rev . J . T . F . Aldred , M . A ., vicar , assisted by the Rev . Thos . Spratt Bro ' William Foulkes Cottrell , P . D . G . S . W . Gibraltar 27
, I . P . M . S , W . AI . M . M . M . Lodge 27 S , Al E Z Chapter 27 S PEP . Knight Templars , P . K . P . Knights of Ala ta , H . P . Rose Croix , No . 14 , ALE . Viceroy Red Cross , No . 11 , Gibraltar , to Sarah , second daughter of the late Robert Wilson , Esq ., veterinary surgeon , of Barmby-on-the-Marsh , Yorkshire .
DEATH . MAN - Ti . i-.-On the 30 th ult ., at Glanville Villa , Wickham , Chichester , Sussex , Hannah , the beloved wife of Mr . George Alantle , aged G 7 years .