Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Masonic And General Tidings.
V . W . Bro . Col , Shadwell H . Clerke , Grand Sec , will consecrate the Clerkenwell Lodge , No . 19 G 4 , at the Holborn Viaduct Hotel , to-day ( Saturday ) , at half-past three o ' clock . Bro . Gierke will be assisted by XV . Bro . Captain N . G . Philips , P . G . D ., and R . W . Bro . R . W . H . Giddy , District G . AL Griqualand , as Wardens ; V . W . Bro . the RevA F . A . Woodford , P . G . Chap ., as Chaplain ; and
. . W Bro . James Terry , P . G . S . W . Norths and Hunts , as Dir of Cers . W . Bro . Edgar Bowyer , P . AL 1471 and 15 S 0 , P Prov . S . G . W . Herts , is the W . AL designate ; XV . Bro . T . Hastings Miller , P . AL 907 and 14 S 9 P . Prov . G . Org . Middx ., the S . W . designate ; and Bro . Joseph John Goode , 15 S 0 , the J . W . designate .
Bro . Sir Michael Hicks Beach , Bart ., M . P ., G . M . Gloucestershire , has gone to WilUamstress . Park foe the Easter holidays . Bro . the Pro Grand Master and the Countess of Lathom are staying during the recess at Ormskirk , their seat in Lancashire .
Those who are disposed to take a gloomy view of the present prospects of English commerce will find much to cheer them in an article entitled " England ' s Balance Sheet , " which proves by a simple and picturesque statement of actual facts , that England has made wonderful commercial advances during the past ten years . This paper is to be found in the April number of " Cassell ' s
Alagazine . " Bros , the Lord Mayor , Alderman Sheriff Hanson , and Sir John B . Alonckton , President Board of General Purposes , attended the usual Spital Sermon at Christ Church , Newgate-street , on Easter Tuesday , when the sermon was preached by the Bishop of St . Asaph . On the same afternoon the boys of Christ Hospital went to the
Alansion House to receive a new coin from the Lord Alayor , and a bun and glass of wine or milk . Bro . J . D . Allcroft , the Treasurer of the Hospital , was this year absent . Bro . the Karl of Rosebery on Wednesday opened the Fishery Exhibition in the Grass Alarket , Edinburgh . Bro . the Duke of Albany is now making such
progress towards recovery that the wedding is fixed for the 27 th inst . His Royal Highness took a trip to sea in H . M . S . Cygnet a few days since , and daily takes drives . The injury was caused by slipping on a piece of orange-peel in the street at Alentone , and straining the knee-cap , which has so often caused our Royal brother much trouble and pain . Bro . the Lord Mayor presided at a meeting at
the Mansion House last " week , with a view to taking steps to raise a fund to assist the unemployed in London to emigrate to Canada . Some interesting speeches were made , specially those by the Lord Mayor and Sir Alexander Gait . There were present amongst others Baroness Burdett Coutts , Cardinal Alanning , the Bishop of Bedford , Bro . J . Booth , Sir R . Torrens , Mr . Torrens , ALP ., and the Alaster
of the Alercers' Company . Bro . the Earl of Rosebery has recently bought Alaldeney Estate for £ 125 , 000 , joining upon Edinburgh . Dalmeney Park is only six miles from the Scotch capital . Bro . Dr . Stainer conducted the Bach ' s Passion Alusic at St . Paul ' s the week before Easter , when 10 , 000 persons were present . The Stereoscopic Company ( Bro .
Nottage ) , has just published a portrait of Bro . Stainer . Bro . dc Keyser , C . C , is staying at Brighton for the holidays . Bro . Kwl ' ndersheriff Crawford is Treasurer and Secretary of a fund started for a testimonial to the Rev . Lloyd Jones , late Ordinary of Newgate , and Hon . Sec . of the Sheriffs' Fund Society .
Bro . the Lord Mayor has given £ 105 , Bro . Alderman Sir Benjamin Phillips , £ 21 , Bro . Sir Francis Truseott , P . G . D ., £ 21 , Bro . Alderman Staples , £ 21 , Bro . Sheriff Brown , £ 21 , Bro . Alderman Knight , £ 21 , and Bro . Alderman Hadley , £ 21 , to the Royal College of Alusic . Bro . the Grand Master of Ireland and the Duchess of Abereorn have arrived at Malvern from
Hampden House on their way to Baron ' s Court , Ireland . Bros . G . N . Johnson , P . G . S ., W . I-I . Pannell , Pearce Alorrison , A . J . Altman , and W . J . Scott were amongst the Commissioners at the recent meeting of the Committee of Sewers of the City of London . Bros . Alderman Stone , P . G . D ., Sir Charles Whetham , Henry Wright , Hadley , and Sheriff Hanson
were amongst those at the last Court of Alderman , convened and presided over by Bro . the Lord Alayor . Bro . the Karl and Countess of Derby are spending the Easter vacation at Fairhill , Tunbridge Wells . Bro . Kx-Under Sheriff Crawford , C . C , son-inlaw of Bro . Sir Francis Wyatt Truseott , has been elected , after a warm contest , a member of the Carshalton School Board .
We are requested to announce that the meeting night of the Burdett Coutts Lodge of Instruction is altered from Wednesday to Saturday . The next regular meeting is fixed for this day ( Saturday ) , at the Lamb Tavern , VVilmot-street , Bethnal Green ( opposite the Bethnal Green Junction , G . E . Railway ) .
Bro . John Alexander was installed W . M . of the Temple Lodge , No . 1094 , on Wednesday afternoon at the Masonic Hall , Hope-street , Liverpool . . HOI - UIWAY ' Oix-niF . xr AMI PILLS . —Diseases anil casualties incidental to vouth mav he safe-lv treatcit by the use of these excellent medicaments .-u-cnrilin-r to the printed directions folded round each pot and box . Nr r is this Ointment alone applicable to external ailments : conjoinllv with the Pill * it exercises the most
salutary influence in checking subtle diseases situated in the interior of the body ; when rubbed upon the back and chest it gives lie most sensible relief in asthma , bronchitis , pleurisy , and threatening consumption . Holloway ' s remedies arc especially serviceable ti liver and stomach complaints . For the cure of bad legs , all sons of wounds , sores , scrofulous ulcera tions , ami scorbutic alVections , this Ointment produces a cooling and soothing effect , inexpressibly grateful to the feelings . —[ A DVT . ]
Masonic And General Tidings.
Bro . Col . Sir Francis Burdett , P . G . M . Middx ., will be away from Ancaster _ Hou . se , Richmond , for the next two or three months . He is staying at Ramsbury Alanor Wilts . Bro . Henry Irving will preside at the Lyceum Provident and Benevolent Fund annual supper , which is fixed for Thursday , the 20 th inst ., at the Freemasons ' Tavern .
Bro . Sir John Bennett lectured on " F . lectrical Exhibitions , French and English , " at the City of London College , on Thursday evening last . The members of the Portsmouth Masonic Club held one of their popular Smoking Concerts in the large banqueting-hall of the club , on Saturday evening last , at which volunteers members of the Alasonic Brotherhood had
been invited to be present . A large muster was the result of this fraternal invitation , and a most successful evening was spent . The successof the proceedings was further enhanced by several additions to the advertised programme . Bro . G . Lancaster , of Gosport , rendered most valuable assistance , and Bro . Sergeant Jones , of London , " brought down the house" in his able rendering of the " Charge of
the Light Brigade . " Bro . James Stevens , a well-known member of the Craft , P . AI ., and honorary member of many lodges in London and the provinces , in a clever and most able speech responded to "The Health of the Visitors , " and thanked the Alasonic Club for the cordial welcome received . The following was the programme : Overture ( instrumental ) , Bros . Dr . Sykes , Abraham , Channing ,
Alelville , Robinson , and Dr . Wood ; song , Bro . J . Santo ; song , Bro . J . Alelville ; duet , Bros . J . Sperring and G . Pearman ,- song , Bro . G . Brookland ; song , Bro . G . Pearman ; duet , Bros . \ V . Allies and T . Sanders ; song , Bro . J . Sperring ; song , Bro . R . Barnes ; selection ( instrumental ) , Bros . Dr . Sykes , Abraham , Channing , Alelville , Robinson , and Dr . Wood ; song , Bro . W . Miles ; song ,
Bro . J . S . Dyer ; song , Bro . R . Beale ; glee , Bros . Miles , Drake , Sanders , and Brookland ; song , Bro . C . F . Brown ; song , Bro . F . Sanders ; song , Bro . J . Bechervaise ; selection ( instrumental ) , Bros . Dr . Skyes , Abrahams , Channing , Alelville , Robinson , and Dr . Wood ; " God Save the Queen . " The accompanyists were Bros . E . lzod , G . Robinson , and VV . Allies .
A special lodge of instruction was held at the Freemasons' Hall , Landport , on the nth inst ., when Bro . James Stevens , P . M ., P . / .., delivered a reading explanatory of the Iirst Degree . Bro . G . S . Alain ( Secretary of the club ) took the chair . There was a good attendance of brethren from the local lodges and many visitors from London lodges . The lecture occupied nearly two hours in
delivery , and was listened to with much attention , the remarks of the lecturer being very generally endorsed . At the close of the address , a hearty vote of thanks was accorded to Bro . Stevens , and a special invite to attend on a future occasion to again deliver the lecture , closed the proceedings . Bro . Matthew R . Webb has been appointed
Solicitor to the City Provident Dispensary and Surgical Appliance Association . Apropos of the forthcoming Royal visit to E pping Forest , a map has just been published Air . Henry Sell , of Bolt-court , Fleet-street , showing the new roads , paths , and improvements as arranged by the Commissioners up to the present date . To anyone desiring to follow the proposed
route of Her Alajesty from the Chingford railway station to the "Connaught Waters , " a fine chain of lakes , the adjacent Royal , or Green Ride , which when completed will completely traverse the forest , the charming glades of Fairmead , the retired thickets of the Monks and Hawkswood , the extensive prospect from Lippet ' s Hill , and the ascent towards High Beech , this map will be exceedingly useful . It shows almost at a glance the situation of the
new roads as well as of the forest rides leading from the line new building of the Royal Forest Hotel at Chingford , which is on the ascent leading immediately from the station to the most romantic scenery , by the route to be taken by Her Alajesty on her visit next month . Bro . the Earl of Lathom entertains the Marquis of Salisbury and Sir Stafford Northcote , at Lathom House , during their visit to South-West Lancashire , which is to last a week .
Men of an extremely advanced age are said b y Alontaigne to be invariably possessed by a desire to leave behind them some memoir or narrative exhibiting the rich and diversified experience of life which they have acquired during their long earthly pilgrimage . If Bro . Charles Marsh , who died last month , had chanced to leave a diary behind him , it is startling to think that its earlier pages
would carry us back to the days when the long reign of George III . was not so much more than half spent , when the great Napoleon was the rival of Moreau in the favour of their compatriots , when Pitt and Fox were shaking the Senate with the thunders of their eloquence , when George Canning was a rising young speaker in Parliament , when the Peninsular war had not commenced , when the streets were
unlighted by gas and unpatrolled by police , when gentlemen of fashion were called " Bucks" or " Maccaronies , " and wore blue coats with gilt buttons and nankin tights in the evening , when ladies of high degree , decked in ruffs and beplastered with patches , were carried to balls and routs in the gay days of the Regency , when Bath vvas at the highest of fashion , in sedan chairs . Bro .
Alarsh was a young man when the news of Nelson s death sent a sensation of intense grief through the country ; he had spoken to the famous Duchess of Devonshire , was acquainted with what is now Regent-street , in London , before the magnificent street was designed . To the end of his extremely long life Charles Alarsh , as a nonagenarian , retained a clear and unclouded recollection of the
past , and to hear him converse on the gaieties of Bath life in the eailier years of this century , was a treat of great interest . He was present in Sydney at the opening of the first railway in that vast continent of Australia , on September 26 th , 1 S 55 . PRESERVATION EXTRAORDINARY . — Every one
knows that for softening and preserving the skin , cleansing it from impurity , and thereby ensuring its healthy action , there is nothing equal to Wright ' s Coal Tar Soap . Use it constantly , and you will have neither an irritable skin or a disfigurement of the face from pimples and blotches . Refuse all other Coal Tar Soaps , which are but worthless mitations . —I . ADVT . 1
Masonic And General Tidings.
A meeting of the Metropolitan Council Allied Alasonic Degrees will be held at the Alasonic Hall , Red Lion-square , this day ( Saturtlay ) , at three p . m ., for the purpose of conferring degrees on candidates and the election of W . AI . and Treasurer .
Lord William Beresford ' s well-known steed Alariner was killed while carrying his owner through a pig-sticking expedition at Goalundo on Alarch 11 . An infuriated boar , foaming with rage and brought to bay , backed and made ready for a final charge . Mariner walked up , but before he could swerve in obedience to his rider ' s rein to allow him to deliver his spear , was ripped open by the boar , and was so fatally injured tha' he had to be destroyed .
The little-understood duties and responsibilities of the newpaper sub-editor will , in the Alay number of " Cassell ' s Alagazine , " be explained to the general reader by a gentleman who we believe has had a large experience in that capacity on a well-known northern journal . A specimen of " flimsy" will be engraved in facsimile for the inspection of thc uninitiated .
LONDON- COTTAGK MISSION . —Again the ever recurrent Wednesday I 'They follow each other so fast that there really seems to be more than one in a wee ::, at least , so Air . Austin might well think , seeing that funds have to be provided for the Irish stew dinners to which so many hundreds of the little " ragged brigade" of th ? East-end look forward Wednesday after Wednesday . Not one
week during the past winter has the good dinner failed to be ready at mid-day ; but now we regret to say these welcome meals must cease unless speedy assistance is sent to the London Cottage Alission ; all available funds being exhausted . It will be a sad thing to let these dinners cease for another month at least—till in fact we can be quite sure that winter has really departed . We trust our
readers will render all the help in their power to keep this good work going , and the poor children fed . No recommendation on our part is needed—the work recommends itself , as any one can convince themselves by paying a visit to the temporary home of the Mission , at Salmon'slane , Limehouse , on any dinner day . Failing this , they can forward their subscriptions or donations either to Aliss
Napton , the Lady Superintendent , 30 . 1 , Burdett-road , Umehouse , E ., or to Air . Walter Austin , 44 , Finsbury-pavement , E . C . On Wednesday , the exhibition of drawings sent in competition for the medals and certificates of the Coachmakers' Company , as well as those submitted for prizes by students of St . Alark ' s Drawing and Technical School for
Coach Workmen and Apprentices , was opened at the Alansion House , and was to remain open till yesterday ( Friday ) at four o ' clock p . m ., when Bro . the Lord Alayor purposed distributing the awards to the successful candidates . The Royal Botanic Society , Regent ' s Park , held a meeting on Saturday last , when several candidates were balloted for and elected fellows , and the names of others were proposed for election .
Bro . Horace Jones , the City Architect , has been appointed by H . R . H . the Prince of Wales Grand Superintendent of Works , and will be invested in that high office at the Grand Festiva 1 , at Freemasons' Hall , on Wednesday , the 2 GU 1 inst .
Bro . the Rev . H . G . Bonavia Hunt . B . Mus ., & c , was installed W . AL of the Trinity College Lodge , No . 244 , on the Cth inst . The annual supper of the Sincerity Lodge of Instruction and the City Alasonic Benevolent Association
will take place on Alonday next , the 17 th inst ., at the Three Nuns Hotel , Aldgate , E . G ., under the presidency of Bro . F . Brown . P . M ., W . M . 1741 . Bro . the Marquis of Bath is staying at his country seat , Longleat , Wiltshire .
The Lord Mayor ( Bro . Alderman Ellis ) will be the new Grand Junior Warden appointed and invested at Grand Festival on the 20 th inst . Bro . the Earl of Lathom , Deputy Grand Alaster , will most probably preside on the occasion .
Bro . Henry Evans was installed W . M . of the John Hervey Lodge , No . i 2 fio , on Wednesday last , at Freemasons' Hall . A new Masonic Hall was dedicated at Antrim on Alonday last , under the most favourable auspices . We hope to give a full account of the interesting proceedings next week .
Ihe Grand Lodge of the English Good Templars continued their sittings at York on Wednesday , and among other business proceeded to the election of officers . Bro . Alalins was re-elected for the thirteenth time Grand Worthy Chief Templar . Maclean ' s trial for the attempted assassination of Her Alajesty at Windsorwill take place at the Crown Court
, of the Reading Assize Courts next Wednesday . A collection of drawings sent in lo compete for prizes offered by the Coachn-. akers' Company was exhibited at the Alansion House on Wednesday . They comprise working drawings for coachmakers as well as designs
of vehicles and designs for ornamentation . " Men of Mark " for this month contains a por trait of Bro . Sir Michael Costa . James Simmons , one of the few surviving Water loo veterans , was interred at Carshalton , Surrey , on Wed nesday last . He died at the age of 94 years .
1 he following cable message has been received at the London office of the New York Herald , from the Herald Weather Bureau , New York : "A large depression which is crossing is likely to develope energy and affect the British , French , and Norwegian coasts between the 14 th and 16 th , attended by south east backing north gales or strong winds . The Atlantic will be stormy between 35 and 50 . "
MIIARO says : —" The Patentees of these Pens are the Guardian Angels of the Noblo Army of Mnrtvrs ee-lio live bv the Pen . " Just out—I'he " Bu : WAVEKLKV ' " anil the " liin J " PEN . " Tlie-y come as a boon and a blessing to men , The Pickwick , the Owl , and the Waverley Pen . " Sample Uox , with all the kinds , bv post , is . id .
Patentees—MACXIVEN ami CAMKKON , 25 '<• 33 , He . AH ! STREET , Edinburgh . ( Kstd . IJ 70 . ) Beware of the party ottering imitations .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Masonic And General Tidings.
V . W . Bro . Col , Shadwell H . Clerke , Grand Sec , will consecrate the Clerkenwell Lodge , No . 19 G 4 , at the Holborn Viaduct Hotel , to-day ( Saturday ) , at half-past three o ' clock . Bro . Gierke will be assisted by XV . Bro . Captain N . G . Philips , P . G . D ., and R . W . Bro . R . W . H . Giddy , District G . AL Griqualand , as Wardens ; V . W . Bro . the RevA F . A . Woodford , P . G . Chap ., as Chaplain ; and
. . W Bro . James Terry , P . G . S . W . Norths and Hunts , as Dir of Cers . W . Bro . Edgar Bowyer , P . AL 1471 and 15 S 0 , P Prov . S . G . W . Herts , is the W . AL designate ; XV . Bro . T . Hastings Miller , P . AL 907 and 14 S 9 P . Prov . G . Org . Middx ., the S . W . designate ; and Bro . Joseph John Goode , 15 S 0 , the J . W . designate .
Bro . Sir Michael Hicks Beach , Bart ., M . P ., G . M . Gloucestershire , has gone to WilUamstress . Park foe the Easter holidays . Bro . the Pro Grand Master and the Countess of Lathom are staying during the recess at Ormskirk , their seat in Lancashire .
Those who are disposed to take a gloomy view of the present prospects of English commerce will find much to cheer them in an article entitled " England ' s Balance Sheet , " which proves by a simple and picturesque statement of actual facts , that England has made wonderful commercial advances during the past ten years . This paper is to be found in the April number of " Cassell ' s
Alagazine . " Bros , the Lord Mayor , Alderman Sheriff Hanson , and Sir John B . Alonckton , President Board of General Purposes , attended the usual Spital Sermon at Christ Church , Newgate-street , on Easter Tuesday , when the sermon was preached by the Bishop of St . Asaph . On the same afternoon the boys of Christ Hospital went to the
Alansion House to receive a new coin from the Lord Alayor , and a bun and glass of wine or milk . Bro . J . D . Allcroft , the Treasurer of the Hospital , was this year absent . Bro . the Karl of Rosebery on Wednesday opened the Fishery Exhibition in the Grass Alarket , Edinburgh . Bro . the Duke of Albany is now making such
progress towards recovery that the wedding is fixed for the 27 th inst . His Royal Highness took a trip to sea in H . M . S . Cygnet a few days since , and daily takes drives . The injury was caused by slipping on a piece of orange-peel in the street at Alentone , and straining the knee-cap , which has so often caused our Royal brother much trouble and pain . Bro . the Lord Mayor presided at a meeting at
the Mansion House last " week , with a view to taking steps to raise a fund to assist the unemployed in London to emigrate to Canada . Some interesting speeches were made , specially those by the Lord Mayor and Sir Alexander Gait . There were present amongst others Baroness Burdett Coutts , Cardinal Alanning , the Bishop of Bedford , Bro . J . Booth , Sir R . Torrens , Mr . Torrens , ALP ., and the Alaster
of the Alercers' Company . Bro . the Earl of Rosebery has recently bought Alaldeney Estate for £ 125 , 000 , joining upon Edinburgh . Dalmeney Park is only six miles from the Scotch capital . Bro . Dr . Stainer conducted the Bach ' s Passion Alusic at St . Paul ' s the week before Easter , when 10 , 000 persons were present . The Stereoscopic Company ( Bro .
Nottage ) , has just published a portrait of Bro . Stainer . Bro . dc Keyser , C . C , is staying at Brighton for the holidays . Bro . Kwl ' ndersheriff Crawford is Treasurer and Secretary of a fund started for a testimonial to the Rev . Lloyd Jones , late Ordinary of Newgate , and Hon . Sec . of the Sheriffs' Fund Society .
Bro . the Lord Mayor has given £ 105 , Bro . Alderman Sir Benjamin Phillips , £ 21 , Bro . Sir Francis Truseott , P . G . D ., £ 21 , Bro . Alderman Staples , £ 21 , Bro . Sheriff Brown , £ 21 , Bro . Alderman Knight , £ 21 , and Bro . Alderman Hadley , £ 21 , to the Royal College of Alusic . Bro . the Grand Master of Ireland and the Duchess of Abereorn have arrived at Malvern from
Hampden House on their way to Baron ' s Court , Ireland . Bros . G . N . Johnson , P . G . S ., W . I-I . Pannell , Pearce Alorrison , A . J . Altman , and W . J . Scott were amongst the Commissioners at the recent meeting of the Committee of Sewers of the City of London . Bros . Alderman Stone , P . G . D ., Sir Charles Whetham , Henry Wright , Hadley , and Sheriff Hanson
were amongst those at the last Court of Alderman , convened and presided over by Bro . the Lord Alayor . Bro . the Karl and Countess of Derby are spending the Easter vacation at Fairhill , Tunbridge Wells . Bro . Kx-Under Sheriff Crawford , C . C , son-inlaw of Bro . Sir Francis Wyatt Truseott , has been elected , after a warm contest , a member of the Carshalton School Board .
We are requested to announce that the meeting night of the Burdett Coutts Lodge of Instruction is altered from Wednesday to Saturday . The next regular meeting is fixed for this day ( Saturday ) , at the Lamb Tavern , VVilmot-street , Bethnal Green ( opposite the Bethnal Green Junction , G . E . Railway ) .
Bro . John Alexander was installed W . M . of the Temple Lodge , No . 1094 , on Wednesday afternoon at the Masonic Hall , Hope-street , Liverpool . . HOI - UIWAY ' Oix-niF . xr AMI PILLS . —Diseases anil casualties incidental to vouth mav he safe-lv treatcit by the use of these excellent medicaments .-u-cnrilin-r to the printed directions folded round each pot and box . Nr r is this Ointment alone applicable to external ailments : conjoinllv with the Pill * it exercises the most
salutary influence in checking subtle diseases situated in the interior of the body ; when rubbed upon the back and chest it gives lie most sensible relief in asthma , bronchitis , pleurisy , and threatening consumption . Holloway ' s remedies arc especially serviceable ti liver and stomach complaints . For the cure of bad legs , all sons of wounds , sores , scrofulous ulcera tions , ami scorbutic alVections , this Ointment produces a cooling and soothing effect , inexpressibly grateful to the feelings . —[ A DVT . ]
Masonic And General Tidings.
Bro . Col . Sir Francis Burdett , P . G . M . Middx ., will be away from Ancaster _ Hou . se , Richmond , for the next two or three months . He is staying at Ramsbury Alanor Wilts . Bro . Henry Irving will preside at the Lyceum Provident and Benevolent Fund annual supper , which is fixed for Thursday , the 20 th inst ., at the Freemasons ' Tavern .
Bro . Sir John Bennett lectured on " F . lectrical Exhibitions , French and English , " at the City of London College , on Thursday evening last . The members of the Portsmouth Masonic Club held one of their popular Smoking Concerts in the large banqueting-hall of the club , on Saturday evening last , at which volunteers members of the Alasonic Brotherhood had
been invited to be present . A large muster was the result of this fraternal invitation , and a most successful evening was spent . The successof the proceedings was further enhanced by several additions to the advertised programme . Bro . G . Lancaster , of Gosport , rendered most valuable assistance , and Bro . Sergeant Jones , of London , " brought down the house" in his able rendering of the " Charge of
the Light Brigade . " Bro . James Stevens , a well-known member of the Craft , P . AI ., and honorary member of many lodges in London and the provinces , in a clever and most able speech responded to "The Health of the Visitors , " and thanked the Alasonic Club for the cordial welcome received . The following was the programme : Overture ( instrumental ) , Bros . Dr . Sykes , Abraham , Channing ,
Alelville , Robinson , and Dr . Wood ; song , Bro . J . Santo ; song , Bro . J . Alelville ; duet , Bros . J . Sperring and G . Pearman ,- song , Bro . G . Brookland ; song , Bro . G . Pearman ; duet , Bros . \ V . Allies and T . Sanders ; song , Bro . J . Sperring ; song , Bro . R . Barnes ; selection ( instrumental ) , Bros . Dr . Sykes , Abraham , Channing , Alelville , Robinson , and Dr . Wood ; song , Bro . W . Miles ; song ,
Bro . J . S . Dyer ; song , Bro . R . Beale ; glee , Bros . Miles , Drake , Sanders , and Brookland ; song , Bro . C . F . Brown ; song , Bro . F . Sanders ; song , Bro . J . Bechervaise ; selection ( instrumental ) , Bros . Dr . Skyes , Abrahams , Channing , Alelville , Robinson , and Dr . Wood ; " God Save the Queen . " The accompanyists were Bros . E . lzod , G . Robinson , and VV . Allies .
A special lodge of instruction was held at the Freemasons' Hall , Landport , on the nth inst ., when Bro . James Stevens , P . M ., P . / .., delivered a reading explanatory of the Iirst Degree . Bro . G . S . Alain ( Secretary of the club ) took the chair . There was a good attendance of brethren from the local lodges and many visitors from London lodges . The lecture occupied nearly two hours in
delivery , and was listened to with much attention , the remarks of the lecturer being very generally endorsed . At the close of the address , a hearty vote of thanks was accorded to Bro . Stevens , and a special invite to attend on a future occasion to again deliver the lecture , closed the proceedings . Bro . Matthew R . Webb has been appointed
Solicitor to the City Provident Dispensary and Surgical Appliance Association . Apropos of the forthcoming Royal visit to E pping Forest , a map has just been published Air . Henry Sell , of Bolt-court , Fleet-street , showing the new roads , paths , and improvements as arranged by the Commissioners up to the present date . To anyone desiring to follow the proposed
route of Her Alajesty from the Chingford railway station to the "Connaught Waters , " a fine chain of lakes , the adjacent Royal , or Green Ride , which when completed will completely traverse the forest , the charming glades of Fairmead , the retired thickets of the Monks and Hawkswood , the extensive prospect from Lippet ' s Hill , and the ascent towards High Beech , this map will be exceedingly useful . It shows almost at a glance the situation of the
new roads as well as of the forest rides leading from the line new building of the Royal Forest Hotel at Chingford , which is on the ascent leading immediately from the station to the most romantic scenery , by the route to be taken by Her Alajesty on her visit next month . Bro . the Earl of Lathom entertains the Marquis of Salisbury and Sir Stafford Northcote , at Lathom House , during their visit to South-West Lancashire , which is to last a week .
Men of an extremely advanced age are said b y Alontaigne to be invariably possessed by a desire to leave behind them some memoir or narrative exhibiting the rich and diversified experience of life which they have acquired during their long earthly pilgrimage . If Bro . Charles Marsh , who died last month , had chanced to leave a diary behind him , it is startling to think that its earlier pages
would carry us back to the days when the long reign of George III . was not so much more than half spent , when the great Napoleon was the rival of Moreau in the favour of their compatriots , when Pitt and Fox were shaking the Senate with the thunders of their eloquence , when George Canning was a rising young speaker in Parliament , when the Peninsular war had not commenced , when the streets were
unlighted by gas and unpatrolled by police , when gentlemen of fashion were called " Bucks" or " Maccaronies , " and wore blue coats with gilt buttons and nankin tights in the evening , when ladies of high degree , decked in ruffs and beplastered with patches , were carried to balls and routs in the gay days of the Regency , when Bath vvas at the highest of fashion , in sedan chairs . Bro .
Alarsh was a young man when the news of Nelson s death sent a sensation of intense grief through the country ; he had spoken to the famous Duchess of Devonshire , was acquainted with what is now Regent-street , in London , before the magnificent street was designed . To the end of his extremely long life Charles Alarsh , as a nonagenarian , retained a clear and unclouded recollection of the
past , and to hear him converse on the gaieties of Bath life in the eailier years of this century , was a treat of great interest . He was present in Sydney at the opening of the first railway in that vast continent of Australia , on September 26 th , 1 S 55 . PRESERVATION EXTRAORDINARY . — Every one
knows that for softening and preserving the skin , cleansing it from impurity , and thereby ensuring its healthy action , there is nothing equal to Wright ' s Coal Tar Soap . Use it constantly , and you will have neither an irritable skin or a disfigurement of the face from pimples and blotches . Refuse all other Coal Tar Soaps , which are but worthless mitations . —I . ADVT . 1
Masonic And General Tidings.
A meeting of the Metropolitan Council Allied Alasonic Degrees will be held at the Alasonic Hall , Red Lion-square , this day ( Saturtlay ) , at three p . m ., for the purpose of conferring degrees on candidates and the election of W . AI . and Treasurer .
Lord William Beresford ' s well-known steed Alariner was killed while carrying his owner through a pig-sticking expedition at Goalundo on Alarch 11 . An infuriated boar , foaming with rage and brought to bay , backed and made ready for a final charge . Mariner walked up , but before he could swerve in obedience to his rider ' s rein to allow him to deliver his spear , was ripped open by the boar , and was so fatally injured tha' he had to be destroyed .
The little-understood duties and responsibilities of the newpaper sub-editor will , in the Alay number of " Cassell ' s Alagazine , " be explained to the general reader by a gentleman who we believe has had a large experience in that capacity on a well-known northern journal . A specimen of " flimsy" will be engraved in facsimile for the inspection of thc uninitiated .
LONDON- COTTAGK MISSION . —Again the ever recurrent Wednesday I 'They follow each other so fast that there really seems to be more than one in a wee ::, at least , so Air . Austin might well think , seeing that funds have to be provided for the Irish stew dinners to which so many hundreds of the little " ragged brigade" of th ? East-end look forward Wednesday after Wednesday . Not one
week during the past winter has the good dinner failed to be ready at mid-day ; but now we regret to say these welcome meals must cease unless speedy assistance is sent to the London Cottage Alission ; all available funds being exhausted . It will be a sad thing to let these dinners cease for another month at least—till in fact we can be quite sure that winter has really departed . We trust our
readers will render all the help in their power to keep this good work going , and the poor children fed . No recommendation on our part is needed—the work recommends itself , as any one can convince themselves by paying a visit to the temporary home of the Mission , at Salmon'slane , Limehouse , on any dinner day . Failing this , they can forward their subscriptions or donations either to Aliss
Napton , the Lady Superintendent , 30 . 1 , Burdett-road , Umehouse , E ., or to Air . Walter Austin , 44 , Finsbury-pavement , E . C . On Wednesday , the exhibition of drawings sent in competition for the medals and certificates of the Coachmakers' Company , as well as those submitted for prizes by students of St . Alark ' s Drawing and Technical School for
Coach Workmen and Apprentices , was opened at the Alansion House , and was to remain open till yesterday ( Friday ) at four o ' clock p . m ., when Bro . the Lord Alayor purposed distributing the awards to the successful candidates . The Royal Botanic Society , Regent ' s Park , held a meeting on Saturday last , when several candidates were balloted for and elected fellows , and the names of others were proposed for election .
Bro . Horace Jones , the City Architect , has been appointed by H . R . H . the Prince of Wales Grand Superintendent of Works , and will be invested in that high office at the Grand Festiva 1 , at Freemasons' Hall , on Wednesday , the 2 GU 1 inst .
Bro . the Rev . H . G . Bonavia Hunt . B . Mus ., & c , was installed W . AL of the Trinity College Lodge , No . 244 , on the Cth inst . The annual supper of the Sincerity Lodge of Instruction and the City Alasonic Benevolent Association
will take place on Alonday next , the 17 th inst ., at the Three Nuns Hotel , Aldgate , E . G ., under the presidency of Bro . F . Brown . P . M ., W . M . 1741 . Bro . the Marquis of Bath is staying at his country seat , Longleat , Wiltshire .
The Lord Mayor ( Bro . Alderman Ellis ) will be the new Grand Junior Warden appointed and invested at Grand Festival on the 20 th inst . Bro . the Earl of Lathom , Deputy Grand Alaster , will most probably preside on the occasion .
Bro . Henry Evans was installed W . M . of the John Hervey Lodge , No . i 2 fio , on Wednesday last , at Freemasons' Hall . A new Masonic Hall was dedicated at Antrim on Alonday last , under the most favourable auspices . We hope to give a full account of the interesting proceedings next week .
Ihe Grand Lodge of the English Good Templars continued their sittings at York on Wednesday , and among other business proceeded to the election of officers . Bro . Alalins was re-elected for the thirteenth time Grand Worthy Chief Templar . Maclean ' s trial for the attempted assassination of Her Alajesty at Windsorwill take place at the Crown Court
, of the Reading Assize Courts next Wednesday . A collection of drawings sent in lo compete for prizes offered by the Coachn-. akers' Company was exhibited at the Alansion House on Wednesday . They comprise working drawings for coachmakers as well as designs
of vehicles and designs for ornamentation . " Men of Mark " for this month contains a por trait of Bro . Sir Michael Costa . James Simmons , one of the few surviving Water loo veterans , was interred at Carshalton , Surrey , on Wed nesday last . He died at the age of 94 years .
1 he following cable message has been received at the London office of the New York Herald , from the Herald Weather Bureau , New York : "A large depression which is crossing is likely to develope energy and affect the British , French , and Norwegian coasts between the 14 th and 16 th , attended by south east backing north gales or strong winds . The Atlantic will be stormy between 35 and 50 . "
MIIARO says : —" The Patentees of these Pens are the Guardian Angels of the Noblo Army of Mnrtvrs ee-lio live bv the Pen . " Just out—I'he " Bu : WAVEKLKV ' " anil the " liin J " PEN . " Tlie-y come as a boon and a blessing to men , The Pickwick , the Owl , and the Waverley Pen . " Sample Uox , with all the kinds , bv post , is . id .
Patentees—MACXIVEN ami CAMKKON , 25 '<• 33 , He . AH ! STREET , Edinburgh . ( Kstd . IJ 70 . ) Beware of the party ottering imitations .