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Royal Masonic Institution For Girls.
The Quarterly Court of thc Governors and Subscribers of this Institution was held last Saturday at Freemasons' Tavern , Lieut .-Col . John Creaton , Grand Treasurer , Treasurer and Trustee of tho Institution , in the chair . Among a large number of other brethren present were : Bros . J . Wordsworth , Henry Smith , Rev . A . F . A . Woodford , A . Pratt , R . B . Webster , A . J . Duff Filer , Alfred Williams , C . F . Matier , W . F . Smithson , Alfred W . Stanlield , W . H . Spaull , F . R . Spaull , John Sampson Peirce , ll . A Dubois , Edgar Bowyer , John
Bellerby , Charles John Perceval , Jno . O . Stevens , James Moffatt , W . W . Morgan , jun ., H . Dehane , John French , Samuel H . Parkhouse , George Cooper , Baron Stone , Fdwin Thomas , Robert Bradley , Frederick Walters , Lieut .-Col . H . S . Somerville Burney , Edward B . Grabham , C . H . Webb , J . Mertin , J . P . Piatt , H . S . Alpass , John Chadwick , Thomas Hargreaves , George J . McKay , Charles S . Lane , Samuel Hill , Henry Muggeridge , E . F . Storr , P . M . 22 ; XV . Wynn Westcott , F . W . Tyerman , S . P . Norris , Geo . Brown , J . J . Berry , H . Hacker , J . R . Gallant , H . Phythian , G . M . Gurton , Geo . King , F . R . W . Hedges ( Secretary ) , and H . Massey ( Freemason ) .
The notice convening the meeting having been read by Bro . HEDGES , and the minutes of the January Court having been read and confirmed , and the summonses of the subsequent General Committee Meetings read for information , Bro . HENRY SMITH , Prov . G . Sec . West Yorkshire , proposed that Col .
Creaton should be re-elected as Treasurer of the Institution , stating lhat in the discharge of his duties as Treasurer hitherto Col . Creaton had displayed the gieatest interest in the Institution , and had devoted a large amount of his time and a great deal of labour in advancing its concerns . Bro . A . I . DUFF FILER , P . G . S . B ., seconded the motion .
The motion was carried unanimously . Col . CREATON , Grand Treasurer , in acknowledging the vote , said he thanked the brethren very much for this compliment and honour , and he should do his best , as hitherto , to discharge his duties faithfully . The following brethren were then elected on the General Committee : — J . VV . Berrie , J . J . Caney , Capt . Colvill , J . F . Corben , W . Dickenson , Win . Dodd , E . C . Massey , Henry Massey , A . Moore , and C . Pugsley . Thc remaining two vacancies remained to be filled up .
Col . CREATON said that since the notice of motion had been given which stood in his name , for declaring six further vacancies in thc school , one other approved candidate had been withdrawn , so that his motion would now be for declaring five extra vacancies . Bro . J . S . CUMBERLAND , Past Prov . G . W . N . and E . Yorkshire , moved " That the day of election for the Girls' School be altered to Thursday
instead of Saturday , as at present , except when the Boys election falls on a Thursday , then on Wednesday , and that the rules of the Institution be altered according . " In making the motion he said what he had to propose was with the most sincere wish for the interest of the Institution , and also for the convenience and interest of the brethren from the provinces who had to attend the elections . He hoped to receive the generous support of the
London brethren . He thought it must have been patent to the provincial brethren that the election of the Girls' School taking place on the Saturday , and the Boys' on the Monday , entailed on the provincial brethren a great loss of time , as they had to remain in town over the Sunday . Consequentl y it was to their interest , at any rate , that some alteration should be made , and made as early as possible . He thought it would be much better for all
concerned to avoid the compulsory attendance of provincial brethren over Saturday , and it was for this reason he had placed his notice on the paper . It had been pointed out to him by some brethren , and no doubt there was some force in the remark , lhat the elections should take place on Wednesday and Thursday instead of Thursday - . nd Friday as he proposed ; and it had also been pointed out to him that supposing this alteration was carried , to
some extent only one alteration took p lace—that the Boys' might be held on the Wednesday ; but whatever the alteration was he had understood there would be some opposition . Still the alteration was worthy of serious consideration . He was not sure that the time would not come when it would be convenient to have the two elections in one day . To place the brethren in possessisn of the facts apply ing to himself he would say he left York early that morning and he had lo go back that night . If he came up on
Monday he would have to leave York early in the morning . 1 his might not occur again in a man ' s lifetime , but such were the difficulties which the provincial brethren had to contend wilh , and therefore he asked the brethren to consider the matter in the interest of the greater convenience of the greater number . Bro . Cumberland concluding by moving the resolution of which he had given notice . The motion bavins ' ' been seconded ,
Col . SOMERVILLE BURNEY enquired what the state of things would be if the motion was now carried , and the corresponding motion at the Quarterly Court of the Boys' School , on Monday , was not carried . Col . CREATON said , no doubt if this motion was carried , it would be carried in the Boys' School .
A BROTHER asked whether the motion was intended to apply only to Quarterly Courts when there were elections , or to the whole of the Quarterly Courts . If it did not apply to all he thought there would bc some rnnfiminn .
Bro . W . W . SPAULL would move an amendment . He would like to propose that Saturday , the day fixed by the present rules , be the day fixed for the election . The proposed alteration was a very serious one to make . He had known many provincial brethren prefer Saturday , and lo stay in town till Monday . He thought Saturday was much the best , and he also thought they should adjourn the consideration ol the subject till the next meeting . It ought not to bc hastily passed .
Bro . C . V . MATIER supported the last brother . Ihe subject was thoroughly discussed at the last revision of the laws of the Instution , when a very large number of brethren stated it was more convenient to them to meet on Saturday and finish the week in London . Bro . J . SAMPSON * PEIRCE , G . D . would like the matter to be made
perfectly clear to everybody . Did Bro . Cumberland intend the alteration to apply only to the two Quarterly Courts at which there were elections , or to the other Quarterly Courts as well ? Rro . CUMBERLAND said he meant it to apply only to the elections . Col . CREATON said he thought it would be inconvenient to have the two
Royal Masonic Institution For Girls.
Election Quarterly Courts on I hursdays , and the other two Courts on Saturdays . AH the Quarterly Courts should be on the same day of the week . ~ Bro . CUMBERLAND would be very happy to meet the brethrens' wishes in this respect . Bro . A . J . CUFF FILER , P . G . S . B ., said he had been waiting in the hope
that some country brother would get up and support the proposition ; but , in the absence of such a brother , it appeared to him lhat the country brethren did not desire the alteration , and it would be better to leave well alone . The subject was well considered when the present laws were settled , and if so many alterations were made from time lo time , the brethren would not know where thev were .
A BROTHER from Warwickshire thought it would be well to let the provinces speak out for themselves in this matter . It was extremel y inconvenient lor him to be at the meeting that day and come up again to the Boys ' Election on Monday . The brethren he had spoken to , in the country thought it would be belter to have the two elections in one week , and not have a Sunday intervene .
A BROTHER asked whether the Committee of Management had had the subject under thoir consideration ' ! Bro . Col . CREATON thought not—at least , not recently . Bro . DEHANE , an Essex brotlu-r , said the Essex brethren suffered from meeting or . Saturday . Bro . Capt . HOMFRAY ' Monmouthshire ) felt bound to support the keeping the meeting on Saturday . That was certainly the most convenient day for him , and he should have very great difficulty in making other arrangements .
Bro . GEORGE E . SNOW enquired what good would result to the Institutions from the alteration . An alteration was made some years ago , when the present days were fixed as being most suitable to the convenience of the majority of thc provincial brethren . Suit all they could not . If the alteration would increase the revenues of the Institutions he should say alter it , but there would be no increase in the revenue ; and it would be just as inconvenient lo some brethren as the present plan was to others , ancl it might have to be altered back again . He trusted that matters would be kept as they were .
Bro . BINCKES suggested that as a very awkward state of affairs would ensue if this motion was carried that day and negatived on Monday , or negatived to-day and carried on Monday , it would be better to withdraw the motion and refer the matter to a Committee . When an alteration was formerly made it was thought the best possible arrangement for the
convenience of the majority both of thc country and of the metropolitan brethren . He had received letters both for and against thc proposition . Whatever day was fixed it must be inconvenient for somebod y . If it was referred to a Committee the } ' could take evidence and report to the next Court .
Bro . W . W . SPAULL proposed : " That a joint Committee be appointed to enquire as to the most convenient day for the April and October Quarterly Courts , and that they also consider when the April Court falls on Easter the desirability of adjourning it one week . " Bro . C . F . MATIER seconded the motion .
The motion was carried , Bro . Cumberland withdrawing his motion . The following brethren were appointed the Committee : Bros . Colonel Creaton , J . S . Cumberland , Capt . Homfray , A . J . Duff-Filer , C . F . Matier , and H . E . Dehane . Col . CREATON said the next business was ihe consideration of the motion which stcod in his name . The brethren had heard that there were two withdrawals , so that there had been now only twenty-seven candidates on
the list . He wished to s- * y before putting the motion it onl y occurred to him on the morning of the day on which thc last meeting of the General Committee was held . He had latel y been occupied very much thinking over other matters , but on the morning he referred to it struck him lhat having , as they were all aware , spent a large sum of money in providing a house which they turned into a junior school for fifty girls , in which they had only twenty-live , and as they had the means of keeping the extra live he proposed to put on , it would be a good opportunity to propose to the brethren to
admit all the candidates . 1 hese were the sole reasons which induced him to give this notice of motion . He would therefore propose "That the additional vacancy ( caused by the retirement of one girl through ill-health ) reported by the General Committee be filled al this . election , and that five further vacancies be declare J , making in all twenty-seven vacancies for this election , and lhat the twenty-seven approved candidates now on the list be declared duly elected accordingly , thereb y raising the number of elected girls in the Institution to 235 . "
Bro . G . J . MCKAY seconded the motion , which was then put and carried unanimously . Col . CREATON then declared the following twenty-seven candidates duly elected :
Hill , Maude Mary F 1245 McMillan , Charlotte A . ( First Application ) Shrapnel , Lilian Mary S 1212 Besley , Annie Lucy Jane „ Sherrington , Mary Louisa 1147 Brockbank , Annie ... „ Banister , Charlotte Elizabeth ... 547 Habgood , Florence Kate „ Nicholls , Augusta Helen 4 6 5 Mildred , Fanny ... „ Hopkins , Mary Elizabeth no Matthews , Eleanor ... „ Lister , Elsie 2 S Owens , Eva Mary ... „
rry , Martha Jane Choules 19 Skurray , Gertrude Maud „ Fyfe , Agnes ( First Application ) Stephenson , Agnes Wilfrida „ Newman , Hilda Maud „ Webb , Charlotte E . Frecland „ Sykes , Mary Lilian ... „ Wright , Florence Emily ,, Turner , Jane ,, Greethurst , Maude Kate „ Robey , Esther Elizabeth „ Gooding , Agnes Frazer ,, Buckley , Ada Hannah ,,
On the motion of Bro . H . A . DUBOIS , seconded b y Bro . E . F . STORR , P . M . 22 , a vote of thanks was accorded lo Col . Creaton for presiding . Col . CREATON thanked the brethren for this and all their other kindnesses , and the meeting separated .
Royal Masonic Institution For Boys.
The Quarterly Court of the Governors and Subscribers to this Institution was held last Monday at Freemasons' Tavern . Bro . Col . Creaton , Grand Treasurer , presided , and there were also present , amongst a large number of other brethren : Bros . J . Wordsworth , Henry Smith , S . George Homfray , George Wyatt , J . Urlse , Geo . Taylor , W . H . Spaull , W . Douglas Dugdale , Henry C . Burt , Rev . A . F . A . Woodford , Thos . Hoskins , Chas . Godtschalk , A . Pratt , F . R . Spaull , A . J . Duff Filer , John Bodenham , D . Mount Humphries , Leopold Ruf , Arthur E . Gladwell , H . Hacker , Richard Eve ,
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Royal Masonic Institution For Girls.
The Quarterly Court of thc Governors and Subscribers of this Institution was held last Saturday at Freemasons' Tavern , Lieut .-Col . John Creaton , Grand Treasurer , Treasurer and Trustee of tho Institution , in the chair . Among a large number of other brethren present were : Bros . J . Wordsworth , Henry Smith , Rev . A . F . A . Woodford , A . Pratt , R . B . Webster , A . J . Duff Filer , Alfred Williams , C . F . Matier , W . F . Smithson , Alfred W . Stanlield , W . H . Spaull , F . R . Spaull , John Sampson Peirce , ll . A Dubois , Edgar Bowyer , John
Bellerby , Charles John Perceval , Jno . O . Stevens , James Moffatt , W . W . Morgan , jun ., H . Dehane , John French , Samuel H . Parkhouse , George Cooper , Baron Stone , Fdwin Thomas , Robert Bradley , Frederick Walters , Lieut .-Col . H . S . Somerville Burney , Edward B . Grabham , C . H . Webb , J . Mertin , J . P . Piatt , H . S . Alpass , John Chadwick , Thomas Hargreaves , George J . McKay , Charles S . Lane , Samuel Hill , Henry Muggeridge , E . F . Storr , P . M . 22 ; XV . Wynn Westcott , F . W . Tyerman , S . P . Norris , Geo . Brown , J . J . Berry , H . Hacker , J . R . Gallant , H . Phythian , G . M . Gurton , Geo . King , F . R . W . Hedges ( Secretary ) , and H . Massey ( Freemason ) .
The notice convening the meeting having been read by Bro . HEDGES , and the minutes of the January Court having been read and confirmed , and the summonses of the subsequent General Committee Meetings read for information , Bro . HENRY SMITH , Prov . G . Sec . West Yorkshire , proposed that Col .
Creaton should be re-elected as Treasurer of the Institution , stating lhat in the discharge of his duties as Treasurer hitherto Col . Creaton had displayed the gieatest interest in the Institution , and had devoted a large amount of his time and a great deal of labour in advancing its concerns . Bro . A . I . DUFF FILER , P . G . S . B ., seconded the motion .
The motion was carried unanimously . Col . CREATON , Grand Treasurer , in acknowledging the vote , said he thanked the brethren very much for this compliment and honour , and he should do his best , as hitherto , to discharge his duties faithfully . The following brethren were then elected on the General Committee : — J . VV . Berrie , J . J . Caney , Capt . Colvill , J . F . Corben , W . Dickenson , Win . Dodd , E . C . Massey , Henry Massey , A . Moore , and C . Pugsley . Thc remaining two vacancies remained to be filled up .
Col . CREATON said that since the notice of motion had been given which stood in his name , for declaring six further vacancies in thc school , one other approved candidate had been withdrawn , so that his motion would now be for declaring five extra vacancies . Bro . J . S . CUMBERLAND , Past Prov . G . W . N . and E . Yorkshire , moved " That the day of election for the Girls' School be altered to Thursday
instead of Saturday , as at present , except when the Boys election falls on a Thursday , then on Wednesday , and that the rules of the Institution be altered according . " In making the motion he said what he had to propose was with the most sincere wish for the interest of the Institution , and also for the convenience and interest of the brethren from the provinces who had to attend the elections . He hoped to receive the generous support of the
London brethren . He thought it must have been patent to the provincial brethren that the election of the Girls' School taking place on the Saturday , and the Boys' on the Monday , entailed on the provincial brethren a great loss of time , as they had to remain in town over the Sunday . Consequentl y it was to their interest , at any rate , that some alteration should be made , and made as early as possible . He thought it would be much better for all
concerned to avoid the compulsory attendance of provincial brethren over Saturday , and it was for this reason he had placed his notice on the paper . It had been pointed out to him by some brethren , and no doubt there was some force in the remark , lhat the elections should take place on Wednesday and Thursday instead of Thursday - . nd Friday as he proposed ; and it had also been pointed out to him that supposing this alteration was carried , to
some extent only one alteration took p lace—that the Boys' might be held on the Wednesday ; but whatever the alteration was he had understood there would be some opposition . Still the alteration was worthy of serious consideration . He was not sure that the time would not come when it would be convenient to have the two elections in one day . To place the brethren in possessisn of the facts apply ing to himself he would say he left York early that morning and he had lo go back that night . If he came up on
Monday he would have to leave York early in the morning . 1 his might not occur again in a man ' s lifetime , but such were the difficulties which the provincial brethren had to contend wilh , and therefore he asked the brethren to consider the matter in the interest of the greater convenience of the greater number . Bro . Cumberland concluding by moving the resolution of which he had given notice . The motion bavins ' ' been seconded ,
Col . SOMERVILLE BURNEY enquired what the state of things would be if the motion was now carried , and the corresponding motion at the Quarterly Court of the Boys' School , on Monday , was not carried . Col . CREATON said , no doubt if this motion was carried , it would be carried in the Boys' School .
A BROTHER asked whether the motion was intended to apply only to Quarterly Courts when there were elections , or to the whole of the Quarterly Courts . If it did not apply to all he thought there would bc some rnnfiminn .
Bro . W . W . SPAULL would move an amendment . He would like to propose that Saturday , the day fixed by the present rules , be the day fixed for the election . The proposed alteration was a very serious one to make . He had known many provincial brethren prefer Saturday , and lo stay in town till Monday . He thought Saturday was much the best , and he also thought they should adjourn the consideration ol the subject till the next meeting . It ought not to bc hastily passed .
Bro . C . V . MATIER supported the last brother . Ihe subject was thoroughly discussed at the last revision of the laws of the Instution , when a very large number of brethren stated it was more convenient to them to meet on Saturday and finish the week in London . Bro . J . SAMPSON * PEIRCE , G . D . would like the matter to be made
perfectly clear to everybody . Did Bro . Cumberland intend the alteration to apply only to the two Quarterly Courts at which there were elections , or to the other Quarterly Courts as well ? Rro . CUMBERLAND said he meant it to apply only to the elections . Col . CREATON said he thought it would be inconvenient to have the two
Royal Masonic Institution For Girls.
Election Quarterly Courts on I hursdays , and the other two Courts on Saturdays . AH the Quarterly Courts should be on the same day of the week . ~ Bro . CUMBERLAND would be very happy to meet the brethrens' wishes in this respect . Bro . A . J . CUFF FILER , P . G . S . B ., said he had been waiting in the hope
that some country brother would get up and support the proposition ; but , in the absence of such a brother , it appeared to him lhat the country brethren did not desire the alteration , and it would be better to leave well alone . The subject was well considered when the present laws were settled , and if so many alterations were made from time lo time , the brethren would not know where thev were .
A BROTHER from Warwickshire thought it would be well to let the provinces speak out for themselves in this matter . It was extremel y inconvenient lor him to be at the meeting that day and come up again to the Boys ' Election on Monday . The brethren he had spoken to , in the country thought it would be belter to have the two elections in one week , and not have a Sunday intervene .
A BROTHER asked whether the Committee of Management had had the subject under thoir consideration ' ! Bro . Col . CREATON thought not—at least , not recently . Bro . DEHANE , an Essex brotlu-r , said the Essex brethren suffered from meeting or . Saturday . Bro . Capt . HOMFRAY ' Monmouthshire ) felt bound to support the keeping the meeting on Saturday . That was certainly the most convenient day for him , and he should have very great difficulty in making other arrangements .
Bro . GEORGE E . SNOW enquired what good would result to the Institutions from the alteration . An alteration was made some years ago , when the present days were fixed as being most suitable to the convenience of the majority of thc provincial brethren . Suit all they could not . If the alteration would increase the revenues of the Institutions he should say alter it , but there would be no increase in the revenue ; and it would be just as inconvenient lo some brethren as the present plan was to others , ancl it might have to be altered back again . He trusted that matters would be kept as they were .
Bro . BINCKES suggested that as a very awkward state of affairs would ensue if this motion was carried that day and negatived on Monday , or negatived to-day and carried on Monday , it would be better to withdraw the motion and refer the matter to a Committee . When an alteration was formerly made it was thought the best possible arrangement for the
convenience of the majority both of thc country and of the metropolitan brethren . He had received letters both for and against thc proposition . Whatever day was fixed it must be inconvenient for somebod y . If it was referred to a Committee the } ' could take evidence and report to the next Court .
Bro . W . W . SPAULL proposed : " That a joint Committee be appointed to enquire as to the most convenient day for the April and October Quarterly Courts , and that they also consider when the April Court falls on Easter the desirability of adjourning it one week . " Bro . C . F . MATIER seconded the motion .
The motion was carried , Bro . Cumberland withdrawing his motion . The following brethren were appointed the Committee : Bros . Colonel Creaton , J . S . Cumberland , Capt . Homfray , A . J . Duff-Filer , C . F . Matier , and H . E . Dehane . Col . CREATON said the next business was ihe consideration of the motion which stcod in his name . The brethren had heard that there were two withdrawals , so that there had been now only twenty-seven candidates on
the list . He wished to s- * y before putting the motion it onl y occurred to him on the morning of the day on which thc last meeting of the General Committee was held . He had latel y been occupied very much thinking over other matters , but on the morning he referred to it struck him lhat having , as they were all aware , spent a large sum of money in providing a house which they turned into a junior school for fifty girls , in which they had only twenty-live , and as they had the means of keeping the extra live he proposed to put on , it would be a good opportunity to propose to the brethren to
admit all the candidates . 1 hese were the sole reasons which induced him to give this notice of motion . He would therefore propose "That the additional vacancy ( caused by the retirement of one girl through ill-health ) reported by the General Committee be filled al this . election , and that five further vacancies be declare J , making in all twenty-seven vacancies for this election , and lhat the twenty-seven approved candidates now on the list be declared duly elected accordingly , thereb y raising the number of elected girls in the Institution to 235 . "
Bro . G . J . MCKAY seconded the motion , which was then put and carried unanimously . Col . CREATON then declared the following twenty-seven candidates duly elected :
Hill , Maude Mary F 1245 McMillan , Charlotte A . ( First Application ) Shrapnel , Lilian Mary S 1212 Besley , Annie Lucy Jane „ Sherrington , Mary Louisa 1147 Brockbank , Annie ... „ Banister , Charlotte Elizabeth ... 547 Habgood , Florence Kate „ Nicholls , Augusta Helen 4 6 5 Mildred , Fanny ... „ Hopkins , Mary Elizabeth no Matthews , Eleanor ... „ Lister , Elsie 2 S Owens , Eva Mary ... „
rry , Martha Jane Choules 19 Skurray , Gertrude Maud „ Fyfe , Agnes ( First Application ) Stephenson , Agnes Wilfrida „ Newman , Hilda Maud „ Webb , Charlotte E . Frecland „ Sykes , Mary Lilian ... „ Wright , Florence Emily ,, Turner , Jane ,, Greethurst , Maude Kate „ Robey , Esther Elizabeth „ Gooding , Agnes Frazer ,, Buckley , Ada Hannah ,,
On the motion of Bro . H . A . DUBOIS , seconded b y Bro . E . F . STORR , P . M . 22 , a vote of thanks was accorded lo Col . Creaton for presiding . Col . CREATON thanked the brethren for this and all their other kindnesses , and the meeting separated .
Royal Masonic Institution For Boys.
The Quarterly Court of the Governors and Subscribers to this Institution was held last Monday at Freemasons' Tavern . Bro . Col . Creaton , Grand Treasurer , presided , and there were also present , amongst a large number of other brethren : Bros . J . Wordsworth , Henry Smith , S . George Homfray , George Wyatt , J . Urlse , Geo . Taylor , W . H . Spaull , W . Douglas Dugdale , Henry C . Burt , Rev . A . F . A . Woodford , Thos . Hoskins , Chas . Godtschalk , A . Pratt , F . R . Spaull , A . J . Duff Filer , John Bodenham , D . Mount Humphries , Leopold Ruf , Arthur E . Gladwell , H . Hacker , Richard Eve ,