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Royal Masonic Institution For Boys.
George Brooks , XV . Chubb , Thos . F . Harvey , Janies Moffat , Thos . S . Carter , Edwin Thomas , liy . Longridge , Charles John Perceval , Benjamin Cundick , Lieut .-Col . H . S . Somerville Burney , Thomas Hargreaves , John Chadwick , Raynham XV . Stewart , Fredk . Arllard lames Eberall , K . F . Gould , Aaron Stone , VV . H . Ferryman , Frederick Walters , lJonaldM . Dewar , J . P . Piatt , Alfred W . Stansfield , J . Constable , Samuel H . Park-Stevens
house , R . B . Webster , J . lerry , Edgar Bowyer , | . | . berry , Jno . U . , Charles Pulman , C . H . Webb , Joyce Murray , H . M . Taylor , A . D . Loewenstark , M . Hicks , G . Bolton , C . I . lillbourne , Fdwarel Coste , Edward Johnson , George Drysdale , Henry Land-Held Geor" * e King , S . Rosenthal , William Stephens , Thomas Cubitt , J . Mason , H . T . Thornpson ° Thos . Armison , E . Powell , J . T . Pidditch , Philip Rawle , Charles S . Lane , H . Sadler , Griffiths Smyth , James Weaver , H . Venn , W . Seaman , Frederick Binckes ( Secretary ) , and H . Massey ( Freemason ) .
Bro . B INCKES having read the notice convening thc meeting , the minutes of the Quarterly Court of January were read and confirmed , and the minutes of the subsequent general committee meeting ' s were read for
information . On the motion of Bro . R AYNHAM W . STEWART , P . G . D ., seconded by Bro . A . J . Dui'l * FILER , P . G . S . B ., Bro . George Plucknett was unanimously re-elected Treasurer . On the motion of Bro . RAYNHAM W . STEWART , P . G . D ., seconded by Bro . FILER , P . G . S . B ., a vote of condolence with Bro . G . Plucknett , Treasurer in his recent domestic affliction , was also unanimously passed .
, Col . Creaton then left the room , and the chair was taken by Bro . Raynham W . Stewart , P . G . D . Bro . A . J . DUFF FILER , P . G . S . B ., thereupon rose and said , thai no doubt it was known to many of the brethren present , lhat their respected
Vice-Patron , the Grand Treasurer , Col . Creaton , had also had the misfortune to lose his wife , and he thought they could not on an occasion like this separate without passing a vote ol condolence with him on that sad event . He therefore moved that a vote of condolence with Col . Creaton on his recent domestic affliction be passed .
Bro . C ONSTABLE , P . M . 1 S 5 , seconded the motion . The motion was carried unanimously , and a letter conveying the vote was ordered to be sent to Col . Creaton . Col . Creaton afterwards returned to the room , and resumed his
chairmanship . On the motion of Bro . C . F . 'MATIER , seconded by Bro . S . H . PARKHOUSE , thc following brethren were re-elected the General Committee Bros . Brackstone Baker , W . B . Blackmoor , Charles T . Dore }' , Samuel Gale , Henry Law , Noah Martin , E . C . Massey , H . Massey , C . H . McKay , Perceval Sandford , Richard Tyrrell , Henry Wills .
On the motion of Bro . J CONSTABLE , P . M . 185 , seconded by Bro . C . F . M ATIER , the following motion of Bro . J . S . Cumberland , E . G ., charity representative of the Province of N . and E . Yorkshire , was referred to a committee : —* ' That the day of Election for the Boys' School be altered to Friday instead of Monday , except when the Friday falls upon Good Friday , then on Thursday ; and that the rules of the Institution be altered
accordingly- " Bro . W . W . SPAULL proposed "That a Joint Committee be appointed to enquire as to the most convenient day for the April and Oclober Quarterly Courts , and tliat they also consider when the April Court falls on Good Friday , the desirability of adjourning it one week . " Bro . G . J . MCKAY seconded the motion .
Bro . H . SMITH , Prov . G . Sec . W . Yorkshire , hoped it would be understood that thc brethren worked at this point many years ago , and many of them had at the present lin-ea very strong objection to the proposed change . ( Hear , hear ) . He did not speak disrespectfully , but he objected to tinkering with the laws of the Institution . He had no objection whatever—indeed he strongly desired—that when thc election fell on Easter Monday , that both the Girls' and the Boys' Elections should bc postponed a week , and he believed lhat in this he had the support of many brethren .
Bro . RAYNHAM W . S TEWART , P . G . D ., agreed with the observations of Bro . H . Smith . It very rarely happened that the Boys' Election fell on Easter Monday , but when it did he thought it might be postponed . Col . H . S . S OMERVILLE BURNEY , P . G . D ., begged to draw the attention of the London brethren to thc fact that they owed a certain duty to the provincial brethren . The London brethren could come to the meeting without inconvenience , or with very little inconvenience and no expense ; but some
of the provincial brethren had to go to great expense coming irom the north or west country . They should endeavour to meet their views as , much as possible . If the two elections could be held on two days , one following the other , provincial brethren would find the benefit . Say the Friday and Saturday . If any of them then chose to stop over Sunday they could do so . It mi g ht be an instruction to the Committee to ascertain exactly from the country brethren what their wishes were on the subject .
Bro . C . F " . MATIER said when the rules were revised before , thc brethren had full representations from the provinces , and they found that the Saturday and the Monday were the most convenient . He was very much opposed to tinkering the rules , and supported the motion of Bro . Spaull . Bro . Spaull's motion was carried , and Bros . Wordsworth ( West Yorkshire ) , F . R . Spaull ( North Wales and Shropshire ) , G . J . McKay ( Cumberland and Westmorland ) , Raynham W . Stewart ( London ) , and John Constable ( London ) were appointed a committee to consider thc subject .
Bro . RAYNHAM W . STEWART , P . G . D ., moved , "That the House and Building Committee be authorised to purchase the remaining four plots of land opposite the Institution at Wood Green , comprising nearly half-an-acre , al a price not exceeding £ 650 . " He said the motion spoke for itself , ll was very desirable that the Institution should possess this plot of land inasmuch as it adjoined the present building , where the Infirmary was situated . It was
very important that they ihould not allow any one else to come next door to the Institution , and if they had a preparatory school they would have the opportunity of making the property very valuable . It had already been arranged that there should be a preparatory school , and it was now necessary to give the Building Committee the power they asked for .
Bro . CONSTABLE P . M . 185 , seconded the motion . Negociations * for acquiring the site had been going on for some years to try and purchase it for £ 000 . They had failed , and £ 650 was the lowest it could be obtained for . The property would bc a great acquisition to thc Institution . The motion was carried .
Bro . HENRY SMITH enquired what progress had been made with the Preparatory School Fund . Br . BINCKES ( Secretary ) , said at the next meeting of the General Committee the brethren would be asked to purchase a plot for £ 1500 . There was 1000 guineas clear in the Fund , but no building operations were to be begun until / Soon was in hand .
I'he election of fifteen boys out of an approved list of sixty-six candidates , was then proceeded with , and at the declaration of the poll the following was fie result ;— -
Royal Masonic Institution For Boys.
Truman , Hugh Beckit 3 002 Lee , Sidney Howard ... 2427 Ashdown , Arthur Durham 2344 Fowke , Alexander W . 2285 Clark , Frederick Arthur ... ... 22711 Saville , Charles Edevard 22713 Jordison , Hugh Lloyd 2277 Burgess , Harold Thomas 2257
Crow , Charlie John .. ' 1326 Sanderson , Charles Jesse ... ... tiyS Botting , Alfred Henry 11 S 5 Willett , George Cross 11 S 3 Jones , Wm . Vincent B 11 S 2 Tustin , Harry Holman 1151 lones , Geoffrey Stuart ... im
UNSUCC Taylor , George William 1 S 42 Crabb , Tom Walcot 1721 Kcclcslone , Henry A 1603 Templeman , Jas . P . G . ... ... 136 4 Stanford , William Bryant 14 GS Hill , Georce Wm . Kino- ... ... infi
Stewart , Charles , Fdward ... ... 1112 Skelton , Fred . Francis 740 Hare , Harold Malcolm O 57 O'Doheity , Chas . Patrick C 31 Liversidge , Charles Percy 574 Goldsbrough , Jno . Loin 3 S- ;
Hooper , Lionel Charles ... ... 329 Williams , Arthur Fredk . ... .. 320 Hennah , Frederick Wolfe 31 S Sykes , Richard Alfred ... . 310 Pratt , Alfred - Simpson , Edward Henry 249 Watty , Augustine Wm 242
Lewis , Francis William 225 S Hewett , John Herbert 2230 Roe , Frederick Swyer ... ... ... 2225 Whittaker , William Henry 2119 Seller , Frank Russell ... ... ... 2115 Gurney , Charles Aubrey ... ... 2068 Jones , Cleophas C . B 2050
ESS 1 UL . Worthington , Walter R 240 Basham , Frederick Chas . V . ... 213 Tentenborn , Arthur J . 205 Dclafons , Richard Win 1 S 3 Long , Joseph William 154 Farrar , F . thelbert i-m
Woodward , Thomas 133 Rosier , Reginald Walter A 106 Gale , Horace .. 106 Cummings , Charles Brown 94 How , John ... ... ... ... S 7 Pudney , Frederick ... .. ... S 3 Mi ^ lir . l . Tc 1 ! . »» . > , ( . Til _/ r
... w . . v . « .., . IIUII . UJ .,,...- --- .-, jv Collinson , Janies 51 Searle , Richard Eardley 45 Windross , John Benjamin 42 Cook , Frederick John 42 Potter , George , ... 40 Hurden , lohn Henrv 12 .
Pratt , Robt . Williamson 16 Pringle , William James 9 Clark , William Edwards : Bell , Frank William 3 Hill , Reginald Aug . L . 3 Douglas , Francis C . A . 1 Beaumont , George Fredk . ( withdrawn ) .
Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution.
Ihe monthl y meeting of thc Committee of this Institution was held on Wednesday afternoon at Freemasons' Hall , Bro . the Rev . A . 1 <" . A . Woodford , P . G . C . in the chair . There were also present : Bros . C . A . Cottebrune , John Henry Leggott , Janies Brett , C . Bolton , C . G . Dilley , Charles Godtschalk , Charles Lamel , William Stephens , Charles Lacey , C . 11 . Webb Raynham W . Stewart , Thomas Cubitt , Edgar Bowyer , T . Hastings Miller , lames Willing , jun ., Charles John Perceval , S . Rawson , Charles Atkins , Thomas W . C . Bush , James lerry , Secretary , and H . Massey , Freemason .
After the reading and confirmation of the minutes , the Secretary read a letter from Col Creaton , acknowled ging in the kindest terms , the vote of condolence with him in his recent domestic afflictions , which was passed at last meeting of the Committee . This letter was ordered to bc entered on the minutes .
Ihe Wardens' report and the Finance Committee ' s report were read . 1 he latter recommended lhat certain cheques fir accounts should be signed , and also that , in consideration of the large increase in the work of the Secretary ' s office , the Secretary ' s salary bc increased b y /' a year . Bro . RAYNHAM W . STEWART , P . G . D . proposed the increase , and laid before the brethren a statement of the great addition that had taken place in the work of the Secretary from the great increase there was in the number
of subscribers to the Institution and the annual receipts . It was through Bro . Terry ' s exertions that these subscriptions had reached such an amount , which was most satisfactory . Thc brethren must remember that if they wanted work done well they must pay well for it , and where dn officer did his duly efficientl y he deserved some recognition , and such recognition he thought would be well conveyed by thc addition of /' too a year to the Secretary Salary .
Bro . hix ; AR BOWYER seconded thc motion . After a long discussion , in which both the advocates for and the opponents of the proposition were unanimous in acknowled ging the great services of Bro . Terry , his indefali guable exertions on behalf of thc Institution , and his desert of ample recognition of his servicesan amendment was
car-, ried , on the motion of Bro . LEOCOTT , seconded b y Bro . CHARLES ATKINS , P . M . 27 and 1260 , that the portion of thc report of thc Finance Committee relative to an increase in Bro . Terry ' s salary be adjourned for consideration at next monthly meeting , and notice of the motion to bc given to the members of the Committee .
A petition was read from a late resident in the Asylum at Croydon , who was removed from that building on account of his misbehaviour . Bro . RAYNHAM STEWART and Bro . PERCEVAL stated to the Committee the result of their interview with the Brother , and their inquiries at the Institution , and the Brother was then admitted to Committee-room and given opportunity of
answering interrogatories , his answers to which not being satisfactory / his petition was refused , and he wis warned by the Chairman that if he continued to spread unfavourable reports he would place his annuity in jeopard )' . J Bros . Col . Creaton , ] . A . Farnfield , W . H . Hale , and Charles Lacey were elected a Committee to draw up the annual report . The application of two widows for half of their late husband ' s annuities were granted
Bro . C . J . PERCEVAL gave notice that he would , at the next meeting of the Committee , move that Mrs . Farwell , the widow of the late Bro Farwell who had been very useful at thc Asylum in nursing and attending to the aged , but who was not entitled to come on thc annuity fund because she was married to her late husband less than three years before he obtained his annuity , bc granted a sum of £ 25 . The proceedings closed with a cordial vote of thanks to the Chairman .
Prov. Grand Lodge Of West Yorkshire.
Ihe annua meeting of the above Prov . Grand Lodge took place in the Masonic Hotel , South Parade , Huddersfield , on the 12 th inst . under the presidency of Bro . Lieut .-Col . Sir Henry Edwards , Bart ., C . B ., DI . 1 rov . Grand Master , assisted b y a large array of provincial officers . Previous to the entry of the Prov . Grand Lodge , the VV . M . and officers of the
Lodge of Harmony , No . 275 , opened their lod ge in the various Degrees , and received the brethren from various parts of the province to the number of 200 . I he Deputy Prov . Grand Master , who is now in Italy , was rcorcscnted b y Bro . Captain Clark , of Pontefract . Bro . Sir HENRY EDWARDS , in replying to the usual salutation , said—In the name of the Masonic Province of West Yorkshire , which to-day , as your Provincial Grand Master , I have the honour in thc Provincial
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Royal Masonic Institution For Boys.
George Brooks , XV . Chubb , Thos . F . Harvey , Janies Moffat , Thos . S . Carter , Edwin Thomas , liy . Longridge , Charles John Perceval , Benjamin Cundick , Lieut .-Col . H . S . Somerville Burney , Thomas Hargreaves , John Chadwick , Raynham XV . Stewart , Fredk . Arllard lames Eberall , K . F . Gould , Aaron Stone , VV . H . Ferryman , Frederick Walters , lJonaldM . Dewar , J . P . Piatt , Alfred W . Stansfield , J . Constable , Samuel H . Park-Stevens
house , R . B . Webster , J . lerry , Edgar Bowyer , | . | . berry , Jno . U . , Charles Pulman , C . H . Webb , Joyce Murray , H . M . Taylor , A . D . Loewenstark , M . Hicks , G . Bolton , C . I . lillbourne , Fdwarel Coste , Edward Johnson , George Drysdale , Henry Land-Held Geor" * e King , S . Rosenthal , William Stephens , Thomas Cubitt , J . Mason , H . T . Thornpson ° Thos . Armison , E . Powell , J . T . Pidditch , Philip Rawle , Charles S . Lane , H . Sadler , Griffiths Smyth , James Weaver , H . Venn , W . Seaman , Frederick Binckes ( Secretary ) , and H . Massey ( Freemason ) .
Bro . B INCKES having read the notice convening thc meeting , the minutes of the Quarterly Court of January were read and confirmed , and the minutes of the subsequent general committee meeting ' s were read for
information . On the motion of Bro . R AYNHAM W . STEWART , P . G . D ., seconded by Bro . A . J . Dui'l * FILER , P . G . S . B ., Bro . George Plucknett was unanimously re-elected Treasurer . On the motion of Bro . RAYNHAM W . STEWART , P . G . D ., seconded by Bro . FILER , P . G . S . B ., a vote of condolence with Bro . G . Plucknett , Treasurer in his recent domestic affliction , was also unanimously passed .
, Col . Creaton then left the room , and the chair was taken by Bro . Raynham W . Stewart , P . G . D . Bro . A . J . DUFF FILER , P . G . S . B ., thereupon rose and said , thai no doubt it was known to many of the brethren present , lhat their respected
Vice-Patron , the Grand Treasurer , Col . Creaton , had also had the misfortune to lose his wife , and he thought they could not on an occasion like this separate without passing a vote ol condolence with him on that sad event . He therefore moved that a vote of condolence with Col . Creaton on his recent domestic affliction be passed .
Bro . C ONSTABLE , P . M . 1 S 5 , seconded the motion . The motion was carried unanimously , and a letter conveying the vote was ordered to be sent to Col . Creaton . Col . Creaton afterwards returned to the room , and resumed his
chairmanship . On the motion of Bro . C . F . 'MATIER , seconded by Bro . S . H . PARKHOUSE , thc following brethren were re-elected the General Committee Bros . Brackstone Baker , W . B . Blackmoor , Charles T . Dore }' , Samuel Gale , Henry Law , Noah Martin , E . C . Massey , H . Massey , C . H . McKay , Perceval Sandford , Richard Tyrrell , Henry Wills .
On the motion of Bro . J CONSTABLE , P . M . 185 , seconded by Bro . C . F . M ATIER , the following motion of Bro . J . S . Cumberland , E . G ., charity representative of the Province of N . and E . Yorkshire , was referred to a committee : —* ' That the day of Election for the Boys' School be altered to Friday instead of Monday , except when the Friday falls upon Good Friday , then on Thursday ; and that the rules of the Institution be altered
accordingly- " Bro . W . W . SPAULL proposed "That a Joint Committee be appointed to enquire as to the most convenient day for the April and Oclober Quarterly Courts , and tliat they also consider when the April Court falls on Good Friday , the desirability of adjourning it one week . " Bro . G . J . MCKAY seconded the motion .
Bro . H . SMITH , Prov . G . Sec . W . Yorkshire , hoped it would be understood that thc brethren worked at this point many years ago , and many of them had at the present lin-ea very strong objection to the proposed change . ( Hear , hear ) . He did not speak disrespectfully , but he objected to tinkering with the laws of the Institution . He had no objection whatever—indeed he strongly desired—that when thc election fell on Easter Monday , that both the Girls' and the Boys' Elections should bc postponed a week , and he believed lhat in this he had the support of many brethren .
Bro . RAYNHAM W . S TEWART , P . G . D ., agreed with the observations of Bro . H . Smith . It very rarely happened that the Boys' Election fell on Easter Monday , but when it did he thought it might be postponed . Col . H . S . S OMERVILLE BURNEY , P . G . D ., begged to draw the attention of the London brethren to thc fact that they owed a certain duty to the provincial brethren . The London brethren could come to the meeting without inconvenience , or with very little inconvenience and no expense ; but some
of the provincial brethren had to go to great expense coming irom the north or west country . They should endeavour to meet their views as , much as possible . If the two elections could be held on two days , one following the other , provincial brethren would find the benefit . Say the Friday and Saturday . If any of them then chose to stop over Sunday they could do so . It mi g ht be an instruction to the Committee to ascertain exactly from the country brethren what their wishes were on the subject .
Bro . C . F " . MATIER said when the rules were revised before , thc brethren had full representations from the provinces , and they found that the Saturday and the Monday were the most convenient . He was very much opposed to tinkering the rules , and supported the motion of Bro . Spaull . Bro . Spaull's motion was carried , and Bros . Wordsworth ( West Yorkshire ) , F . R . Spaull ( North Wales and Shropshire ) , G . J . McKay ( Cumberland and Westmorland ) , Raynham W . Stewart ( London ) , and John Constable ( London ) were appointed a committee to consider thc subject .
Bro . RAYNHAM W . STEWART , P . G . D ., moved , "That the House and Building Committee be authorised to purchase the remaining four plots of land opposite the Institution at Wood Green , comprising nearly half-an-acre , al a price not exceeding £ 650 . " He said the motion spoke for itself , ll was very desirable that the Institution should possess this plot of land inasmuch as it adjoined the present building , where the Infirmary was situated . It was
very important that they ihould not allow any one else to come next door to the Institution , and if they had a preparatory school they would have the opportunity of making the property very valuable . It had already been arranged that there should be a preparatory school , and it was now necessary to give the Building Committee the power they asked for .
Bro . CONSTABLE P . M . 185 , seconded the motion . Negociations * for acquiring the site had been going on for some years to try and purchase it for £ 000 . They had failed , and £ 650 was the lowest it could be obtained for . The property would bc a great acquisition to thc Institution . The motion was carried .
Bro . HENRY SMITH enquired what progress had been made with the Preparatory School Fund . Br . BINCKES ( Secretary ) , said at the next meeting of the General Committee the brethren would be asked to purchase a plot for £ 1500 . There was 1000 guineas clear in the Fund , but no building operations were to be begun until / Soon was in hand .
I'he election of fifteen boys out of an approved list of sixty-six candidates , was then proceeded with , and at the declaration of the poll the following was fie result ;— -
Royal Masonic Institution For Boys.
Truman , Hugh Beckit 3 002 Lee , Sidney Howard ... 2427 Ashdown , Arthur Durham 2344 Fowke , Alexander W . 2285 Clark , Frederick Arthur ... ... 22711 Saville , Charles Edevard 22713 Jordison , Hugh Lloyd 2277 Burgess , Harold Thomas 2257
Crow , Charlie John .. ' 1326 Sanderson , Charles Jesse ... ... tiyS Botting , Alfred Henry 11 S 5 Willett , George Cross 11 S 3 Jones , Wm . Vincent B 11 S 2 Tustin , Harry Holman 1151 lones , Geoffrey Stuart ... im
UNSUCC Taylor , George William 1 S 42 Crabb , Tom Walcot 1721 Kcclcslone , Henry A 1603 Templeman , Jas . P . G . ... ... 136 4 Stanford , William Bryant 14 GS Hill , Georce Wm . Kino- ... ... infi
Stewart , Charles , Fdward ... ... 1112 Skelton , Fred . Francis 740 Hare , Harold Malcolm O 57 O'Doheity , Chas . Patrick C 31 Liversidge , Charles Percy 574 Goldsbrough , Jno . Loin 3 S- ;
Hooper , Lionel Charles ... ... 329 Williams , Arthur Fredk . ... .. 320 Hennah , Frederick Wolfe 31 S Sykes , Richard Alfred ... . 310 Pratt , Alfred - Simpson , Edward Henry 249 Watty , Augustine Wm 242
Lewis , Francis William 225 S Hewett , John Herbert 2230 Roe , Frederick Swyer ... ... ... 2225 Whittaker , William Henry 2119 Seller , Frank Russell ... ... ... 2115 Gurney , Charles Aubrey ... ... 2068 Jones , Cleophas C . B 2050
ESS 1 UL . Worthington , Walter R 240 Basham , Frederick Chas . V . ... 213 Tentenborn , Arthur J . 205 Dclafons , Richard Win 1 S 3 Long , Joseph William 154 Farrar , F . thelbert i-m
Woodward , Thomas 133 Rosier , Reginald Walter A 106 Gale , Horace .. 106 Cummings , Charles Brown 94 How , John ... ... ... ... S 7 Pudney , Frederick ... .. ... S 3 Mi ^ lir . l . Tc 1 ! . »» . > , ( . Til _/ r
... w . . v . « .., . IIUII . UJ .,,...- --- .-, jv Collinson , Janies 51 Searle , Richard Eardley 45 Windross , John Benjamin 42 Cook , Frederick John 42 Potter , George , ... 40 Hurden , lohn Henrv 12 .
Pratt , Robt . Williamson 16 Pringle , William James 9 Clark , William Edwards : Bell , Frank William 3 Hill , Reginald Aug . L . 3 Douglas , Francis C . A . 1 Beaumont , George Fredk . ( withdrawn ) .
Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution.
Ihe monthl y meeting of thc Committee of this Institution was held on Wednesday afternoon at Freemasons' Hall , Bro . the Rev . A . 1 <" . A . Woodford , P . G . C . in the chair . There were also present : Bros . C . A . Cottebrune , John Henry Leggott , Janies Brett , C . Bolton , C . G . Dilley , Charles Godtschalk , Charles Lamel , William Stephens , Charles Lacey , C . 11 . Webb Raynham W . Stewart , Thomas Cubitt , Edgar Bowyer , T . Hastings Miller , lames Willing , jun ., Charles John Perceval , S . Rawson , Charles Atkins , Thomas W . C . Bush , James lerry , Secretary , and H . Massey , Freemason .
After the reading and confirmation of the minutes , the Secretary read a letter from Col Creaton , acknowled ging in the kindest terms , the vote of condolence with him in his recent domestic afflictions , which was passed at last meeting of the Committee . This letter was ordered to bc entered on the minutes .
Ihe Wardens' report and the Finance Committee ' s report were read . 1 he latter recommended lhat certain cheques fir accounts should be signed , and also that , in consideration of the large increase in the work of the Secretary ' s office , the Secretary ' s salary bc increased b y /' a year . Bro . RAYNHAM W . STEWART , P . G . D . proposed the increase , and laid before the brethren a statement of the great addition that had taken place in the work of the Secretary from the great increase there was in the number
of subscribers to the Institution and the annual receipts . It was through Bro . Terry ' s exertions that these subscriptions had reached such an amount , which was most satisfactory . Thc brethren must remember that if they wanted work done well they must pay well for it , and where dn officer did his duly efficientl y he deserved some recognition , and such recognition he thought would be well conveyed by thc addition of /' too a year to the Secretary Salary .
Bro . hix ; AR BOWYER seconded thc motion . After a long discussion , in which both the advocates for and the opponents of the proposition were unanimous in acknowled ging the great services of Bro . Terry , his indefali guable exertions on behalf of thc Institution , and his desert of ample recognition of his servicesan amendment was
car-, ried , on the motion of Bro . LEOCOTT , seconded b y Bro . CHARLES ATKINS , P . M . 27 and 1260 , that the portion of thc report of thc Finance Committee relative to an increase in Bro . Terry ' s salary be adjourned for consideration at next monthly meeting , and notice of the motion to bc given to the members of the Committee .
A petition was read from a late resident in the Asylum at Croydon , who was removed from that building on account of his misbehaviour . Bro . RAYNHAM STEWART and Bro . PERCEVAL stated to the Committee the result of their interview with the Brother , and their inquiries at the Institution , and the Brother was then admitted to Committee-room and given opportunity of
answering interrogatories , his answers to which not being satisfactory / his petition was refused , and he wis warned by the Chairman that if he continued to spread unfavourable reports he would place his annuity in jeopard )' . J Bros . Col . Creaton , ] . A . Farnfield , W . H . Hale , and Charles Lacey were elected a Committee to draw up the annual report . The application of two widows for half of their late husband ' s annuities were granted
Bro . C . J . PERCEVAL gave notice that he would , at the next meeting of the Committee , move that Mrs . Farwell , the widow of the late Bro Farwell who had been very useful at thc Asylum in nursing and attending to the aged , but who was not entitled to come on thc annuity fund because she was married to her late husband less than three years before he obtained his annuity , bc granted a sum of £ 25 . The proceedings closed with a cordial vote of thanks to the Chairman .
Prov. Grand Lodge Of West Yorkshire.
Ihe annua meeting of the above Prov . Grand Lodge took place in the Masonic Hotel , South Parade , Huddersfield , on the 12 th inst . under the presidency of Bro . Lieut .-Col . Sir Henry Edwards , Bart ., C . B ., DI . 1 rov . Grand Master , assisted b y a large array of provincial officers . Previous to the entry of the Prov . Grand Lodge , the VV . M . and officers of the
Lodge of Harmony , No . 275 , opened their lod ge in the various Degrees , and received the brethren from various parts of the province to the number of 200 . I he Deputy Prov . Grand Master , who is now in Italy , was rcorcscnted b y Bro . Captain Clark , of Pontefract . Bro . Sir HENRY EDWARDS , in replying to the usual salutation , said—In the name of the Masonic Province of West Yorkshire , which to-day , as your Provincial Grand Master , I have the honour in thc Provincial