Article Reports of Masonic Meetings. Page 1 of 1 Article Reports of Masonic Meetings. Page 1 of 1 Article ORDERS OF CHIVALRY. Page 1 of 1 Article INSTALLATION MEETING OF MACDONALD LODGE, No. 1216. Page 1 of 2 →
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Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
Reports of Masonic Meetings .
? THE GRAFT . METROPOLITAN . Eavotian Lodae . No . 27 . —This excellent
worlnnolodge met on Thursday , the 6 th inst ., at Anderton's Hotel , Fleet-street ,. The W . M . Bro . W . H . Libbis , having taken the chair , supported by P . M . ' s B . Todd , Buss , Payne , Berri , D . H . Jacobs , and Tonilinson .
The minutes of the former lodge having been read and confirmed , Bro . C . H . AA ' alter having answered the usual questions retired , and was duly passed to the degree of a F . C , iu a very impressive manner . There being no other business before the lodge , it was closed in due form until October next . The
brethren then sat down to a very sumptuous banquet , provided by Bro . Clemow . After the usual toasts , Bro . Farnfield , P . A . G . S . and Sec . to the R . M . Benevolent Institutions , returned thanks for the Grand Officers and the Masouic Charities . The visitors were Bros . Long , W . M . 435 ; Hickey , W . M . 534 ;
Stokes , J . D . S 61 ; G . Dudley , 9 . ; and Geo . Tedder . The W . M . in proposing the health of the P . M . 's , stated how delighted he , as well as the brethren present were , to see Bro . Todd , P . M . and Treasurer , on that occasion , being his first appearance since his severe indisposition . Bro . Todd rising met with an
enthusiastic reception , said he felt equally pleased that the G . A . of T . U . had spared him , and hoped to have their wishes fulfilled in being spared , and trusted he would ever remember with gratitude , their good and kind wishes . The P . M . ' s present
severally returned thanks . There was some excellent harmony from Bro . Skidmore , Dawson , Stokes , D . H . Jacobs , P . M . ( who was in excellent voice ) , G . Tedder and Cook . After spending a very delightful evening , the brethren separated iu peace and harmony .
PEOVINCIAL . LEICESTER . —St . John's Lodge , No . 279 . — A regular monthly meeting of this lodge was held at the Freemasons' Hall , Halford-street , on AVednesday the 5 th inst . ; the AV . M ., Bro . Kelly , D . P . G . M ., in the chair . All the officers , except the I . G ., were in
their places , and twenty-five brethren were present . Among the visitoi-s were the Rev . Bro . N . Haycroft , D . D ., of the Universal Lodge , No . 181 ; and the W . M ., S . and J . AV ., and other brethren , of the John of Gaunt Lodge , No . 523 . After the preliminary business had been transacted , Bros . J .
Wright , Smith , Pegg , AViddowson , Astill , and Skeviugton passed a satisfactory examination as F . C . ' s , after which they retired , and , the lodge having been opened in the third degree , they were severally raised to the sublime degeee of M . M . The impressive effect of the ceremony was greatly
increased by the full musical service , as arranged by Bros . C . Johnson and Dr . Hopkins , being performed , Bro . Crow , the talented Organist and Secretary of thc lodge , presiding at the instrument . The ceremony of passing six candidates to the second degree
was postponed until a future day , a lodge of emergency being arranged to be held for the purpose . After being at work from G . 30 p . m ., the lodgo was finally closed , and the brethren adjourned to refreshment at 9 . 30 , and spent a short timo very pleasantly .
COLCHESTER . —United Lodge , No . 097 . —An adjourned meeting of this lodge took place at the George Hotel , Colchester , on Monday , April 2 Gth . Present : Bros . Newman , AV . M . ; Rix , S . AV . pro . tem . ; Bigley , J . AV . pro . tern . ; Ray , Sec ; Calthorpe , S . D . ; Eustace , J . D . ; Gill , J . G . ; J . S . Smith , P . M ., 325 ;
AVoodland ; and O'Malley . Visitors : The Prov . Grand Master , Bro . R . J . Bagshaw ; Bros . Mathews , P . M ., P . G ., I . G . ; Carr , Prov . Grand Sec ; Rev . V . B . Sheppard , AV . M . 270 ; AV . Spalding , Sec . 114 . The lodge was opened in due form in the first degree , and the summons convening the meeting read .
The Prov . Grand Master was then introduced by Bro . P . Mathews , and received with tho usual honours . The minutes of the last two regular meetings were then read and afterwards confirmed . Tho brethren having met for the installation of the AV . M ., all those below the degree of Master Mason
were requested to withdraw , and Bro . J . G . Trenman was then duly installed , and received an excellent address from Bro . Mathews , highly complimenting him upon having been chosen a second year to fill the office of AV . M . The AV . M . was then saluted with the usual honours . The lodge was then closed
to second degree , and again saluted ; and afterwards to tho first , when the E . A . were admitted and the brethren again saluted the AV . M . The AV . M . next appointed his officers , and they were severally invested by Bro . P . Matthews with an appropriate
address . The officers appointed were : Bro . George II . Ray , as S . AV . ; J . S . Smith , P . M . 325 ( J . C . ) , J . AV . ; AV . Calthorpe , S . D . ; T . Eustace , J . D . ; W . Gill , I . G . ; AVitten , Tyler ; Rix , Treasurer ; Ray , Sec , pro . tem . Proposed by Bro . Ray , seconded by Bro . Trenman , that a vote of thanks be given to Bro . P . Matthews , for attending the United Lodge
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
as Installing Master . Bro . Matthews briefly responded , and thanked the brethren for the kind reception given not only to him , but the Prov . Grand Master , Secretary , and the other visitors . The Prov . Graud Master and Secretary briefly addressed the brethren . Proposed by Bro . Ray ,
seconded by Bro . Captain J . S . Smith , P . M ., 325 , that Captain Sadler and Lieutenant Gray be permitted to enter their names as joining members of the United Lodge . Proposed by Bro . Gill , seconded by Bro . Ray , that Sergeant J . Fenn , 41 st Regiment , be allowed to enter his name as a candidate for
initiation . The lodge was then closed , and the brethren afterwards sat down to a superb banquet , provided by Bro . Guiver in his usual first-class style . MONKWEAUMOUTH , DURHAM . —Williamson Lodge , No . 949 . —The ceremony of installing the AV . M .
and officers for the ensuing twelve months took place on the 3 rd of May , Brother AV . Adamson , P . M ., officiating as Installing Master . Bro . John Tillman , P . P . G . S . of W ., was installed AV . M ., and he appointed and invested the following brethren , viz .: —John Trewhitt , P . G . R ., I . P . M . ; Robert
Hudson , S . AV . ; AV . Liddell , P . G . St ., J . W . ; R . AV . Halfnight , P . M . and P . P . G . P ., Treasurer ; Charles Bell , Secretary ; AVilliam Bryans , P . P . G . St ., S . D . ; J . H . Smith , J . D . ; AValter Scott , I . G . ; AV . M . Laws , P . M . and P . G ., Tyler ; J . H . Marrison . D . C . ; J . H . Coates and J . H . Sanderson , Stewards ; Thomas
Atkinson and C . F . Austin , Auditors ; and J . H . Sanderson , O . Amongst others present were Bros . Cook , P . M . ; Maddison , P . M . ; AVade , P . G . D . C , AV . M . of St . John's , 80 , and Sangster , P . M . and ancl P . P . G . P . ; John Potts , P . M , Phcenix , 94 , P . G . J . D . ; Lord , AV . M . of the Palatine , 97 ; Levy ,
P . M . and P . P . G . J . W . Reed , AV . M . ; and R . Candlish , P . M . ; ofthe Fawcett Lodge , Seaham . At the annual festival , which was held in the evening , about 00 sat down , and did ample justice to Bro . Richardson ' s excellent dinner , and the evening was spent in the usual harmonious manner .
IRELAND . BELFAST . —Hiram ' s Lodge , No . 97 . —The regular monthly meeting of this lodge was held on Friday evening , 7 th inst ., in the Masonic Hall , Donegallplace , the AV . M ., Bro . McKeuna , presiding . The lodge being opened in thc E . A . degree , Mr . AVilliam
Elliott Roberts , who proved fully prepared , received the degree of E . A . from Bro . Mooney . The election of officers was then proceeded with , thc following brethren being elected : —Thomas Simpson , AV . M . ; AVm . Kerry , S . AV . ; AV . AVhite , J . AV . ; W . Murphy , Secretary ; F . Henderson , Treasurer ; AV .
McGladdery , I . G . ; Jno . H-ur . p . on , S . D . ; James Maxwell , J . D . ; Hugh M'Cormick and AV . Graham , Stewards . No other business being before the lodge , it was closed in due form . The brethren then adjourned to the refreshment board , where tho usual toasts were duly honoured .
MARK MASONRY . IPSWICH . —Albert Victor Lodge , No . 70 of M . M ., which meets quarterly , held their usual lodgo 20 th April , when three brethren belonging lo lodges in
the province were advanced . AVe find it is in contemplation to apply for a warrant to hold a M . M . Lodge in a neighbouring town , the Albert "Victor being the only lodge in the province of Suffolk .
Orders Of Chivalry.
KNIGHTS TEMPLAR . IPSWICH . —Royal Plantagcnct Encampment . —This Conclave having been called to the field of Encampment at their usual place of meeting , on Ascension Day , for the installation of officers for the ensuing year , who were elected at the last regular meeting , on the 19 th April . After the usual preliminary
business , Sir Kt . Henry Thomas , P . E . C . and Grand Standard-bearer , in an appropriate speech , presented the newly-elected E . G ., Sir Kt . Francis Barnard Jennings , to the Installing Commander , Sir Kt . Sanderson , D . P . G . Com . for Suffolk , who in his usual excellent manner performed the ceremony . The
Knights having been marshalled , a procession waa formed , and Sir Kt . Jennings saluted in due form . The E . C . then appointed and invested his ofiicers , and having thanked the Knights and Companions for the confidence they had reposed in him , by unanimously placing him at head-quarters in the East ,
the D . P . G . C . for and on behalf of the Provincial Grand Commander , Sir Kt . N . G . Philips , presented to the Encampment a very handsome baton , for the use of the E . O . Sir Kt . Jennings upon receiving the baton expressed the great pleasure he felt in being the first EC . to wield the same , and that ho should be wanting in his duty if he did not at onco
propose that the thanks of the Royal Plantagenet Encampment bo voted to the P . G . C ., for his very beautiful present , and that such vote be recorded on the minutes . The same having been seconded by the 1 st Captain , was carried unanimously . There being no further business before tho Encampment , it was closed in ancient form .
Installation Meeting Of Macdonald Lodge, No. 1216.
The first annual Meeting of this lodge was held at the lodge-rooms , Head-quarters ofthe 1 st Surrey Rifle Volunteers , Camberwell , on Wednesday evening , the 5 th inst ., aud was exceedingly well-attended . The representatives of several corps , both regular and
volunteer , were present , and their varied uniforms with the Masonic regalia of their several ranks in the Craft , contributed , together with the handsome appointments of the lodge , to form a most perfect and imposing ensemble . The Brethren present were : —Bros . Major A . L . Irvine , AV . M . ; James
Stevens , P . M . aud S . AV . ; P . de Keyser , J . AV . ; Dr . Eugene Cronin , Treas . ; J . J . Curtis , Sec . ; Ensign F . T . Dubois , S . D . ; S . H . Wa . staffe , J . D . ; G . H . N . Bridges , D . C . ; G . Waterall , Steward ; also Bros . T . Meggy , P . M ., Jas . Vickers , P . M ., J . H . Hastie , J . A . Patton , M . S . Larlham , H . Puckle , H . Fraucis , Rissam late in Ab
H ( prisoner yssinia ) , T . W . Carnell , A . Fletcher , W . J . Messinger , D . Fourdrinier , A . Kethro , C . Phare , G . England , jun ., W . A . AVillis , C . Fountain , AV . H . Thomas , J . Allen , R . Plews , H . Hammond , & c . ; also visiting brethren , Henry Bridges , P . G . S . B ., D . P . G . M ., Somerset ; J . C . Fourdrinier , P . G . J . AV . North AVales , and P . M .
of 2 , 755 , 1113 , & c . ; Major E . D . Smith , H . M . 95 th Foot ; S . Rosenthal , P . M . 92 , 435 , & c . ; S . Poynter , P . M . 902 ; C . Hammerton , 254 ; J . J . Wilkinson , 176 ; F . Sanderman , 478 ; AV . F . Brandreth , 357 ; J . AVeaver , S . AV . 802 ; C . Harris , 107 ; C . P . Stevens , 870 ; R . Coghlan , 170 ; C . Hampton , 179 ; F . W . Bryant , & c , & c .
This being the Installation Meeting , and the highly-respected AV . M . Bro . Major Major Irvine , having , at the earnest solicitation of his AVardens aud the unanimous voice of the brethren , consented toserve the office for another year , the lodge was opened by Bro . Stev ens P . M , the Senior AVarden , in thcseveral
degrees , and prepared for the reception of the AV . M . and Master elect ; on whose arrival , for the due instruction of the newly-initiated brethren , and in accordance with the desire of all present , Bro . Stevens performed the Ceremony of Installation in full detail , and according to ancient custom , most
impressively reciting the concluding addresses . The AV . M . reinvested hia former officers , with tho addition of Bros . Waterall , H . Puckle , and W . J .. Messenger , to offices not previously filled up . The report of the audit committee , which had been printed and sent to all members with a
financial statement , was taken as read , and being of a most satisfactory character was unanimously received aud adopted . AVe were favoured with a copy of this report , and its perusal gave us much pleasure , for through it wo learnt that this fine lodge has been established on a firm basis , has had a first
year of unparalleled prosperity , and has before it prospects of a most brilliant career . Commencing with eleven members as founders , it now numbers 49 , of whom 23 are initiates and 10 joining members , and theso are all members of the corps with which the lodge is connected . The lodge possesses
furniture and appointments of a most recherche character and of great value , the principal portion of which have been donated by the individual members . Great ingenuity and taste have been displayed by the several donors to make the aggregate collection of gifts unique , and the result is perfect .
AVith all our experience of lodges we know of none so thoroughly approaching perfection , whether in regard to appointments or , which is of more consequence , working , than the " Macdonald . " AVe were also pleased to observe by the report that tha Masonic charities had not been forgotten , stewards
having either represented , or being about to represent , the lodge at each festival , and funds having been voted for life governorships . After the adoption of the report , Bro . RASSAM ( late of Abyssinia ) proposed his former comrade in captivity , Dr . Henri Blanc , for initiation at the
ensuing meeting ( June 2 nd , ) , when a strong muster of the lodge may bo anticipated . Bros . Major E . D . Smith , H . M . 95 th Foot ; Henry Bridges , P . G . S . B . and D . P . G . M ., Somerset ; aud F . AV . Bryant , were proposed as joining members . Bro . STEVENS , S . AV ., then presented , for Bro .
Larlham and himself , three very handsome gavels made from portions of the wreck of TI . M . S . Ferret , and which those Brethren had secured during tho storm at Dover on Easter Monday last . Each gavel , bearing its appropriate emblem , is engraved with a record of thc event , and together these
implements will form an heirloom in the lodge which we trust will interest future generations of Masons . The gift was accepted with cordial thanks . The lodge was then closed , and tho brethren adjourned to the large mess-room forming part of
tho head-quarters of the corps , whero , under the arrangements of Bro . F . Gordon , of Crosby Hall , Bishopsgate , whoso manager , Mr . Zollcr , is butler to the corps , they partook of a banquet the only possible defect in which was tho redundancy ot service . Tho menu comprised every delicacy of the season , and the viands being served a la Itusst ^
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
Reports of Masonic Meetings .
? THE GRAFT . METROPOLITAN . Eavotian Lodae . No . 27 . —This excellent
worlnnolodge met on Thursday , the 6 th inst ., at Anderton's Hotel , Fleet-street ,. The W . M . Bro . W . H . Libbis , having taken the chair , supported by P . M . ' s B . Todd , Buss , Payne , Berri , D . H . Jacobs , and Tonilinson .
The minutes of the former lodge having been read and confirmed , Bro . C . H . AA ' alter having answered the usual questions retired , and was duly passed to the degree of a F . C , iu a very impressive manner . There being no other business before the lodge , it was closed in due form until October next . The
brethren then sat down to a very sumptuous banquet , provided by Bro . Clemow . After the usual toasts , Bro . Farnfield , P . A . G . S . and Sec . to the R . M . Benevolent Institutions , returned thanks for the Grand Officers and the Masouic Charities . The visitors were Bros . Long , W . M . 435 ; Hickey , W . M . 534 ;
Stokes , J . D . S 61 ; G . Dudley , 9 . ; and Geo . Tedder . The W . M . in proposing the health of the P . M . 's , stated how delighted he , as well as the brethren present were , to see Bro . Todd , P . M . and Treasurer , on that occasion , being his first appearance since his severe indisposition . Bro . Todd rising met with an
enthusiastic reception , said he felt equally pleased that the G . A . of T . U . had spared him , and hoped to have their wishes fulfilled in being spared , and trusted he would ever remember with gratitude , their good and kind wishes . The P . M . ' s present
severally returned thanks . There was some excellent harmony from Bro . Skidmore , Dawson , Stokes , D . H . Jacobs , P . M . ( who was in excellent voice ) , G . Tedder and Cook . After spending a very delightful evening , the brethren separated iu peace and harmony .
PEOVINCIAL . LEICESTER . —St . John's Lodge , No . 279 . — A regular monthly meeting of this lodge was held at the Freemasons' Hall , Halford-street , on AVednesday the 5 th inst . ; the AV . M ., Bro . Kelly , D . P . G . M ., in the chair . All the officers , except the I . G ., were in
their places , and twenty-five brethren were present . Among the visitoi-s were the Rev . Bro . N . Haycroft , D . D ., of the Universal Lodge , No . 181 ; and the W . M ., S . and J . AV ., and other brethren , of the John of Gaunt Lodge , No . 523 . After the preliminary business had been transacted , Bros . J .
Wright , Smith , Pegg , AViddowson , Astill , and Skeviugton passed a satisfactory examination as F . C . ' s , after which they retired , and , the lodge having been opened in the third degree , they were severally raised to the sublime degeee of M . M . The impressive effect of the ceremony was greatly
increased by the full musical service , as arranged by Bros . C . Johnson and Dr . Hopkins , being performed , Bro . Crow , the talented Organist and Secretary of thc lodge , presiding at the instrument . The ceremony of passing six candidates to the second degree
was postponed until a future day , a lodge of emergency being arranged to be held for the purpose . After being at work from G . 30 p . m ., the lodgo was finally closed , and the brethren adjourned to refreshment at 9 . 30 , and spent a short timo very pleasantly .
COLCHESTER . —United Lodge , No . 097 . —An adjourned meeting of this lodge took place at the George Hotel , Colchester , on Monday , April 2 Gth . Present : Bros . Newman , AV . M . ; Rix , S . AV . pro . tem . ; Bigley , J . AV . pro . tern . ; Ray , Sec ; Calthorpe , S . D . ; Eustace , J . D . ; Gill , J . G . ; J . S . Smith , P . M ., 325 ;
AVoodland ; and O'Malley . Visitors : The Prov . Grand Master , Bro . R . J . Bagshaw ; Bros . Mathews , P . M ., P . G ., I . G . ; Carr , Prov . Grand Sec ; Rev . V . B . Sheppard , AV . M . 270 ; AV . Spalding , Sec . 114 . The lodge was opened in due form in the first degree , and the summons convening the meeting read .
The Prov . Grand Master was then introduced by Bro . P . Mathews , and received with tho usual honours . The minutes of the last two regular meetings were then read and afterwards confirmed . Tho brethren having met for the installation of the AV . M ., all those below the degree of Master Mason
were requested to withdraw , and Bro . J . G . Trenman was then duly installed , and received an excellent address from Bro . Mathews , highly complimenting him upon having been chosen a second year to fill the office of AV . M . The AV . M . was then saluted with the usual honours . The lodge was then closed
to second degree , and again saluted ; and afterwards to tho first , when the E . A . were admitted and the brethren again saluted the AV . M . The AV . M . next appointed his officers , and they were severally invested by Bro . P . Matthews with an appropriate
address . The officers appointed were : Bro . George II . Ray , as S . AV . ; J . S . Smith , P . M . 325 ( J . C . ) , J . AV . ; AV . Calthorpe , S . D . ; T . Eustace , J . D . ; W . Gill , I . G . ; AVitten , Tyler ; Rix , Treasurer ; Ray , Sec , pro . tem . Proposed by Bro . Ray , seconded by Bro . Trenman , that a vote of thanks be given to Bro . P . Matthews , for attending the United Lodge
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
as Installing Master . Bro . Matthews briefly responded , and thanked the brethren for the kind reception given not only to him , but the Prov . Grand Master , Secretary , and the other visitors . The Prov . Graud Master and Secretary briefly addressed the brethren . Proposed by Bro . Ray ,
seconded by Bro . Captain J . S . Smith , P . M ., 325 , that Captain Sadler and Lieutenant Gray be permitted to enter their names as joining members of the United Lodge . Proposed by Bro . Gill , seconded by Bro . Ray , that Sergeant J . Fenn , 41 st Regiment , be allowed to enter his name as a candidate for
initiation . The lodge was then closed , and the brethren afterwards sat down to a superb banquet , provided by Bro . Guiver in his usual first-class style . MONKWEAUMOUTH , DURHAM . —Williamson Lodge , No . 949 . —The ceremony of installing the AV . M .
and officers for the ensuing twelve months took place on the 3 rd of May , Brother AV . Adamson , P . M ., officiating as Installing Master . Bro . John Tillman , P . P . G . S . of W ., was installed AV . M ., and he appointed and invested the following brethren , viz .: —John Trewhitt , P . G . R ., I . P . M . ; Robert
Hudson , S . AV . ; AV . Liddell , P . G . St ., J . W . ; R . AV . Halfnight , P . M . and P . P . G . P ., Treasurer ; Charles Bell , Secretary ; AVilliam Bryans , P . P . G . St ., S . D . ; J . H . Smith , J . D . ; AValter Scott , I . G . ; AV . M . Laws , P . M . and P . G ., Tyler ; J . H . Marrison . D . C . ; J . H . Coates and J . H . Sanderson , Stewards ; Thomas
Atkinson and C . F . Austin , Auditors ; and J . H . Sanderson , O . Amongst others present were Bros . Cook , P . M . ; Maddison , P . M . ; AVade , P . G . D . C , AV . M . of St . John's , 80 , and Sangster , P . M . and ancl P . P . G . P . ; John Potts , P . M , Phcenix , 94 , P . G . J . D . ; Lord , AV . M . of the Palatine , 97 ; Levy ,
P . M . and P . P . G . J . W . Reed , AV . M . ; and R . Candlish , P . M . ; ofthe Fawcett Lodge , Seaham . At the annual festival , which was held in the evening , about 00 sat down , and did ample justice to Bro . Richardson ' s excellent dinner , and the evening was spent in the usual harmonious manner .
IRELAND . BELFAST . —Hiram ' s Lodge , No . 97 . —The regular monthly meeting of this lodge was held on Friday evening , 7 th inst ., in the Masonic Hall , Donegallplace , the AV . M ., Bro . McKeuna , presiding . The lodge being opened in thc E . A . degree , Mr . AVilliam
Elliott Roberts , who proved fully prepared , received the degree of E . A . from Bro . Mooney . The election of officers was then proceeded with , thc following brethren being elected : —Thomas Simpson , AV . M . ; AVm . Kerry , S . AV . ; AV . AVhite , J . AV . ; W . Murphy , Secretary ; F . Henderson , Treasurer ; AV .
McGladdery , I . G . ; Jno . H-ur . p . on , S . D . ; James Maxwell , J . D . ; Hugh M'Cormick and AV . Graham , Stewards . No other business being before the lodge , it was closed in due form . The brethren then adjourned to the refreshment board , where tho usual toasts were duly honoured .
MARK MASONRY . IPSWICH . —Albert Victor Lodge , No . 70 of M . M ., which meets quarterly , held their usual lodgo 20 th April , when three brethren belonging lo lodges in
the province were advanced . AVe find it is in contemplation to apply for a warrant to hold a M . M . Lodge in a neighbouring town , the Albert "Victor being the only lodge in the province of Suffolk .
Orders Of Chivalry.
KNIGHTS TEMPLAR . IPSWICH . —Royal Plantagcnct Encampment . —This Conclave having been called to the field of Encampment at their usual place of meeting , on Ascension Day , for the installation of officers for the ensuing year , who were elected at the last regular meeting , on the 19 th April . After the usual preliminary
business , Sir Kt . Henry Thomas , P . E . C . and Grand Standard-bearer , in an appropriate speech , presented the newly-elected E . G ., Sir Kt . Francis Barnard Jennings , to the Installing Commander , Sir Kt . Sanderson , D . P . G . Com . for Suffolk , who in his usual excellent manner performed the ceremony . The
Knights having been marshalled , a procession waa formed , and Sir Kt . Jennings saluted in due form . The E . C . then appointed and invested his ofiicers , and having thanked the Knights and Companions for the confidence they had reposed in him , by unanimously placing him at head-quarters in the East ,
the D . P . G . C . for and on behalf of the Provincial Grand Commander , Sir Kt . N . G . Philips , presented to the Encampment a very handsome baton , for the use of the E . O . Sir Kt . Jennings upon receiving the baton expressed the great pleasure he felt in being the first EC . to wield the same , and that ho should be wanting in his duty if he did not at onco
propose that the thanks of the Royal Plantagenet Encampment bo voted to the P . G . C ., for his very beautiful present , and that such vote be recorded on the minutes . The same having been seconded by the 1 st Captain , was carried unanimously . There being no further business before tho Encampment , it was closed in ancient form .
Installation Meeting Of Macdonald Lodge, No. 1216.
The first annual Meeting of this lodge was held at the lodge-rooms , Head-quarters ofthe 1 st Surrey Rifle Volunteers , Camberwell , on Wednesday evening , the 5 th inst ., aud was exceedingly well-attended . The representatives of several corps , both regular and
volunteer , were present , and their varied uniforms with the Masonic regalia of their several ranks in the Craft , contributed , together with the handsome appointments of the lodge , to form a most perfect and imposing ensemble . The Brethren present were : —Bros . Major A . L . Irvine , AV . M . ; James
Stevens , P . M . aud S . AV . ; P . de Keyser , J . AV . ; Dr . Eugene Cronin , Treas . ; J . J . Curtis , Sec . ; Ensign F . T . Dubois , S . D . ; S . H . Wa . staffe , J . D . ; G . H . N . Bridges , D . C . ; G . Waterall , Steward ; also Bros . T . Meggy , P . M ., Jas . Vickers , P . M ., J . H . Hastie , J . A . Patton , M . S . Larlham , H . Puckle , H . Fraucis , Rissam late in Ab
H ( prisoner yssinia ) , T . W . Carnell , A . Fletcher , W . J . Messinger , D . Fourdrinier , A . Kethro , C . Phare , G . England , jun ., W . A . AVillis , C . Fountain , AV . H . Thomas , J . Allen , R . Plews , H . Hammond , & c . ; also visiting brethren , Henry Bridges , P . G . S . B ., D . P . G . M ., Somerset ; J . C . Fourdrinier , P . G . J . AV . North AVales , and P . M .
of 2 , 755 , 1113 , & c . ; Major E . D . Smith , H . M . 95 th Foot ; S . Rosenthal , P . M . 92 , 435 , & c . ; S . Poynter , P . M . 902 ; C . Hammerton , 254 ; J . J . Wilkinson , 176 ; F . Sanderman , 478 ; AV . F . Brandreth , 357 ; J . AVeaver , S . AV . 802 ; C . Harris , 107 ; C . P . Stevens , 870 ; R . Coghlan , 170 ; C . Hampton , 179 ; F . W . Bryant , & c , & c .
This being the Installation Meeting , and the highly-respected AV . M . Bro . Major Major Irvine , having , at the earnest solicitation of his AVardens aud the unanimous voice of the brethren , consented toserve the office for another year , the lodge was opened by Bro . Stev ens P . M , the Senior AVarden , in thcseveral
degrees , and prepared for the reception of the AV . M . and Master elect ; on whose arrival , for the due instruction of the newly-initiated brethren , and in accordance with the desire of all present , Bro . Stevens performed the Ceremony of Installation in full detail , and according to ancient custom , most
impressively reciting the concluding addresses . The AV . M . reinvested hia former officers , with tho addition of Bros . Waterall , H . Puckle , and W . J .. Messenger , to offices not previously filled up . The report of the audit committee , which had been printed and sent to all members with a
financial statement , was taken as read , and being of a most satisfactory character was unanimously received aud adopted . AVe were favoured with a copy of this report , and its perusal gave us much pleasure , for through it wo learnt that this fine lodge has been established on a firm basis , has had a first
year of unparalleled prosperity , and has before it prospects of a most brilliant career . Commencing with eleven members as founders , it now numbers 49 , of whom 23 are initiates and 10 joining members , and theso are all members of the corps with which the lodge is connected . The lodge possesses
furniture and appointments of a most recherche character and of great value , the principal portion of which have been donated by the individual members . Great ingenuity and taste have been displayed by the several donors to make the aggregate collection of gifts unique , and the result is perfect .
AVith all our experience of lodges we know of none so thoroughly approaching perfection , whether in regard to appointments or , which is of more consequence , working , than the " Macdonald . " AVe were also pleased to observe by the report that tha Masonic charities had not been forgotten , stewards
having either represented , or being about to represent , the lodge at each festival , and funds having been voted for life governorships . After the adoption of the report , Bro . RASSAM ( late of Abyssinia ) proposed his former comrade in captivity , Dr . Henri Blanc , for initiation at the
ensuing meeting ( June 2 nd , ) , when a strong muster of the lodge may bo anticipated . Bros . Major E . D . Smith , H . M . 95 th Foot ; Henry Bridges , P . G . S . B . and D . P . G . M ., Somerset ; aud F . AV . Bryant , were proposed as joining members . Bro . STEVENS , S . AV ., then presented , for Bro .
Larlham and himself , three very handsome gavels made from portions of the wreck of TI . M . S . Ferret , and which those Brethren had secured during tho storm at Dover on Easter Monday last . Each gavel , bearing its appropriate emblem , is engraved with a record of thc event , and together these
implements will form an heirloom in the lodge which we trust will interest future generations of Masons . The gift was accepted with cordial thanks . The lodge was then closed , and tho brethren adjourned to the large mess-room forming part of
tho head-quarters of the corps , whero , under the arrangements of Bro . F . Gordon , of Crosby Hall , Bishopsgate , whoso manager , Mr . Zollcr , is butler to the corps , they partook of a banquet the only possible defect in which was tho redundancy ot service . Tho menu comprised every delicacy of the season , and the viands being served a la Itusst ^