Article Scotland. ← Page 2 of 2 Article PROVINCIAL GRAND LODGE OF GLASGOW. Page 1 of 1 Article PROVINCIAL GRAND LODGE, RENFREWSHIRE EAST. Page 1 of 1 Article Royal Ark Mariners. Page 1 of 1 Article Amusements. Page 1 of 1 Article Literary and Antiquarian Notes. Page 1 of 1 Article Literary and Antiquarian Notes. Page 1 of 1 Article Masonic and General Tidings. Page 1 of 2 →
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and reconsidered their recommendation , and that on a division fifty voted for Sir James Bain and eighteen for Bro . Pearce ; and he submitted a petition in favour of each . Thc Grand Secretary stated that the petition in favour of Sir James Bain was signed by sixty-three members of Grand Lodge resident in the Glasgow Province , and that of Bro . William Pearce by tiiirty-five . Bro . Johnston , in proposing that Sir James Bain be elected ,
remarked that the business had been gone about in a proper Masonic spirit , and that the petition in his favour was signed by two-thirds of thc members of Provincial Grand Lodge . Out of thirty-one lodges in the province twenty Masters had put their signatures to the petition of the gentleman he had named , and be hoped Grand Lodge would support the prayer of their petition . Bro . Officer seconded the motion , and argued that it was the duty of
the Grand Lodge to give effect to thc wishes of their provincial brethren . Both the brethren nominated were total strangers to him , and the course he had adopted was to deal impartially , and with a desire to conciliate the majority . Dr . George Buchanan ( Sub-Provincial Grand Master ) proposed that Bro . William Pearce should be appointed Provincial Grand Master . Bro . Pearce was Senior Warden of Prince ' s Lodge , and was well known as a most enthusiastic Mason ;
while , on the other . hand , those who supported Sir James Bain were bound to admit that it was on exceedingly rare occasions that he was to be seen at any Masonic meetings . Bro . Crichton seconded the nomination , and said he could endorse every word that had been said in favour of Bro . Pearce , who would make an admirable Provincial Grand Master . Grand Lodge then proceeded to the election , when Sir James Bain was appointed by seventy-one votes ,
fifty-four voting for Bro . Pearce . A letter had been submitted to Grand Committee , in which'Bro . Lord Ramsay , M . P ., resigned the Provincial Grand Mastership of Forfarshire , the duties of which , through pressure of other business , he felt himself unable to perform ; and , on the recommendation of Grand Committee , Grand Lodge accepted
Lord Ramsay's resignation , and thanked his lordship for his services . In complance with a request of the Provincial Grand Lodge , the appointment of a successor was deferred . On the application of the Lodge St . James ' Operative , Edinburgh , No . 97 , authority was given that lodge to change its designation to " Edinburgh St . James . " Grand Lodge was then closeel in ample form .
Provincial Grand Lodge Of Glasgow.
The regular Quarterly Communication of this Provincial Grand Lodge was held in St . Mark's Hall , 213 , Buchananstreet , on Tuesday , the 4 th inst ., Bro . W . J . Easton , Dep . Prov . Grand Master , in the chair ; Bro . W . Kyle in his place as P . G . S . W . ; and Bro . A . Lawrence , R . W . M . 117 ,
acting as P . G . J . W . There were also present Bros . J . Morgan , P . G . T . ; G . Sinclair , P . G . T . of B . F . ; J . Booth , P . G . S . D . ; A . Bain , P . G . B . B . ; Wm . Phillips , P . G . Architect ; T . Halket , P . G . D . of M . ; J . Harlev , P . G . Jeweller ; J . Balfour , P . G . D . C ; A . Holmes , P . G . I . G . ; W . H . Bickerton , P . G . Sec . ; and a very large attendance of members of the Provincial Grand Lodge and visitors .
The Provincial Grand Lodge having been opened in full form , the minutes were read and adopted . Bro . J . M . Oliver , R . W . M . Lodge Commercial , No . 3 60 , was heartil y thanked by the Provincial Grand Lodge for his valuable services and kindness , voluntary given , in writing up back records of the Provincial Grand Lodge . The resignation of Bro . W . 11 . Bickerton , P . G . Secretary ,
was accepted with regret ; the Provincial Grand Lodge acknowledging in the warmest tec ins the very efficient manner Bro . Bickerton had discharged the duties of his office , and the zeal he had shown for the . good of Freemasonry in general . Bro . Sir James Bain was nominated as successor to Bro . Col . Neilson for the ollice of P . G . Master of Glasgow . The Provincial Grand Lodge was then closed .
Provincial Grand Lodge, Renfrewshire East.
The Quarterl y Communication of the members of this lodge was held in the hall of Renfrew County Kilwinning Lodge , No . 370 , Paisley , on Saturday , the 1 st inst ., Bro . Sir Arch . C . Campbell , Bart ., the Provincial Granel Master , in the chair .
Before the regular business of the meeting * was proceeded with , Bro . j . Caldwell , Craigielea , S . M ., referred to the high distinction which had been conferred on the P . G . M ., and proposed that they record in their minutes an expression of the pleasure with which they hacl heard of the conferring of the high honour . None knew better than the brethren did how well he deserved the honour , and none rejoiced
more than he did that his high personal character hacl been so nobly recognised by the Queen . Bro . George Fisher , S . W ., seconded the motion , which was agreed to unanimously . The Benevolent Committee recommended that a grant of jC-j ]" - * gi yen to a brother in ill-health , which was approved of . The Treasurer reported that there was at the credit of the general fund £ 20 , and at the credit of the benevolent fund £ 112 .
GLASGOW . —Dramatic Lodge ( No . 571 ) . —The regular monthly meeting of this lodge was held in the Masonic Hall , 30 , Hope-street , on Wednesday , the -jth inst ., at 2 . 30 p . m . Bro . Tute , R . W . M ., occupied the chair , and was supported on the dais by Bros . A . Holmes , R . W . M . 413 ; G . Weir , S . M . ; D . Peachey , D . M . ; with the Senior and Junior Wardens in their respective chairs . The lodge being opened in the K . A . Degree , the minutes of last regular and emergency meetings were read and
approved of . An application for admission to the Order was read from Mr . Ted Jarratt , and , there being no objections lodged , he was admitted to the lodge , and duly initiated into the mysteries of this Degree ; Bro . Tute , R . W . M ., administering the oath and obligation . It was resolved to hold the annual picnic of the lodge towards the end of May , a committee being-appointed to make the necessary arrangements . There being no further business the lodge was closed in due form .
Royal Ark Mariners.
Royal Ark Mariners .
BRIXTON LODGE ( No 234 ) . —A meeting of this lodge was held on Saturday week , after the meeting of the Brixton Lodge of Mark Masters , to which lodge it is moored . At the request ofthe W . C . N ., Bro . H . Lovegrove , the chair was taken by Bro . T . Poore , P . C . N ., with Bros . G . Clark , as J . ; H . Lovegrove , S . ; C . I . McKay , S . D . ; Baldwin , Scribe ; Dunkley , Organist ; and Axford ,
Guardian . Bros . Curtis , Madeley , and Thomas were introduced and elevated , thc quaint ritual of thc Degree being most impressively rendered . Bro . Lovegrove then assumed the chair , and , this being election night , Bro . George Clark was elected W . C . N . ; Bro . H . Lovegrove , Treasurer ; and Bro . Potter , Warden .
Amusements .
DRURY LANE . — Mr . Augustus Harris s energetic management of Drury Lane bids fair to be very successful . The ever popular " La Fille de Madame Angot " is now re-inforccd by a new spectacular ballet of action called , " Les Sirenes , " which for splendour of effects equals , if not surpasses , anything of the kind that has been seen , even at Drury Lane . The enormous stage is peculiarly fitted for entertainments of this sort , and all its resources are brought
into requisition on this occasion . Ihe scenery painted by Mr . Cuthbert , represents a sea shore , and a coral palace beneath the wafers , the abode of Naida . The lively music and bright costumes thoroughly delighted the audience , and judging from the hearty plaudits with which the different changes of scene and effects were received , we should pronounce it a decided success , ancl likely to hold the boards for a considerable time .
MOHAWK MINSTRELS . —The Mohawk Minstrels , which number several brethren among the proprietors , announce their usual novelties for the Whitsuntide holidays . These established public favourites have occupied the Agricultural Hall at Islington for seven years , with constantly-increasing repute , and there efforts to ' amuse the
holiday makers are always attended with the success their energy deserves . The principal numbers promised are a screaming travestie sketch "The Dunites , " and Messrs . Mason and Dixon in their wonderful acrobatic performance . Morning performances will be given at three o'clock on Monday , the 17 th , and Tuesday , the 1 Sth , in addition to the usual entertainment at eight o ' clock .
Literary And Antiquarian Notes.
Literary and Antiquarian Notes .
In the columns ol the Gloucester Mercury "Local Notes anel Queries" are to be commenced under the editorship of Bro . T . B . Trowsdale . The Bioirrnpli of thc current month contains a notice of William Black , thc popular novelist ; also capital sketches of about twenty notable men , Bcmtifiillv-execiitcd portraits of Sir James K .
Alexander , C . B ., Alderman Cotton , M . P ., and W . H . Wills , M . I ., appear in " Colburn ' s New Monthly" for May . Bro . Ackrill lias jusl issued tlie 201 I 1 edition of " Thorpe ' s Illustrated Guide to Harrogate . " It is a capital local book , and is in every respect satisfactory , for it is well written , and printed in good style , and nicely illustrated .
1 nomas Burbridge , of Coventry , has just published an able booklet by Mr . W . G . Fretton , F . S . A ., on the "Municipal Regalia , Seals , and Coinage of the City of Coventry . " The work is of great merit , and a welcome addition to local literature . The author is favourably known as a writer on antiquarian subjects .
At a recent meeting ol the Hull Literary Club , Mr . John Cook , F . R . H . S ., read an able paper on "The History of the Hull Charterhouse , " an institution which was founded by Sir Michael de la Pole in 13 S 4 . lt has been decided to issue the paper in book form , as it contains much important information not included in the local histories . A portrait of Lad y Monckton is given in the Whitehall Review .
I HK STUDY OF THK PAST . —A great and growing- interest in the doings of other days has of late years made itself manifest in all classes of the community . This is " all as it should be . " No man can know too much of the history of his country . The more we learn of Britain ' s glorious past the deeper becomes our patriotism .
Wc are pleased to notice the interest taken by the periodical press , metropolitan and provincial , in matters historical and antiquarian . Nearly all the popular magazines are giving much attention to this entertaining and instructive branch of our national literature . With the beginning of the present year , too , was commenced a high-class monthly , specially devoted to the study of the past . Wc
refer to "The Antiquary , " which , under the able editorship of Mr . Edward Walford , M . A ., has already achieved a pronounced success . Again , in the provinces , a number of the leading country newspapers are bestirring themselves to supply their readers with historical information , chiefly of a local character . Two of our own contributors , Mr . Win . Andrews , F . R . H . S ., and Mr . Thomas B . Trowsdale ,
have done much of late to popularise archieology by their numerous newspaper articles . Mr . Andrews has recently concluded simultaneous publication of the charming chapters of his highly interesting and very valuable work , " Historic Romance , " in a large number of English and . Scotch journals , and is now engaged in writing a scries ol" papers entitled "Strange Stories of the
Midlands . Mr . I rowsdale is contributing carefully compiled antiquarian articles , containing much curious information , presented in pleasant style , to seven or eight country newspapers . The establishment of "Local Notes and Queries " columns in several new quarters , by
representatives of the provincial press , is also further facilitating archaeological research in no small degree . We are glad to see that so much attention is being * given to the elucidation of our national and local history by the all-powerful public instructor , the press ; and the marked interest which the reading public evinces in thc same important matter . ¦ _
Literary And Antiquarian Notes.
The "Masonic Magazine" for May contains many papers which will be read with interest outside the charmed circle of Freemasonry . Notable amongst these are an article entitled " The Rod , in and out of School , " from the pen of Mr . J . H . Leggot , an able and pleasing historical writer ; "Customs and Superstitions connected with Judas Iscariot , " by Mr . H . C . Appleby , a paper which shows the author to have an
intimate acquaintance with legendary lore ; and a contribution on "Whitsuntide Customs , " written by Mr . T . B . Trowsdale , author of " Glimpses of Old Kent , " & c . — " Brief , " May 7 . An Act against swearing and cursing was passed in the re /' gn of James I ., and another for the more effectually suppressing of cursing and swearing in that of William
and Mary . Both these , however , were repealed in the reign of George II ., and another passed " more effectually to prevent profane swearing , " which was ordered to be read quarterly in all parish churches and public chapels . A curious case of the non-observance of this clause is
noticed in the " Gentleman's Magazine , xiii ., p . 339 : "On July Gth , 1772 , a rich vicar and a poor curate paid into the bands ofthe proper officer £ 15 , the first £ 10 , the latter £ 5 , for neglecting to read in church the act against cursing and swearing , —From "The Derbyshire Gatherer , " edited by William Andrews , F . R . H . S .
1 his month a new magazine for ladies is issued under the title of "The Princess , " by Roberts and Co . lt is a good addition to our monthlies , and merits success . PRINTERS' KISSES . Print on my lips another kiss ; The picture of thy glowing passion ; Nay this won't do , nor this—nor this—But now—ay , that ' s a proof impression ! But yet methinks it might be mended ; Oh , yes , 1 see it in those eyes ; Our lips again together blended , Will make the impression a REVISE .
Masonic And General Tidings.
Masonic and General Tidings .
We understand that Bro . E . Matier wishes not to serve on the House Committee of the Boys' School , he having expressly refused to be nominated . A meeting of the Metropolitan Lodge , Order of St . Lawrence , will be held at 2 , Red Lion-square , W . C , on Saturday , the 22 nd inst ., at 3 . 30 o ' clock in the afternoon . There are various candidates to bc admitted as members of the Order .
I * or the convenience of the public Kingston s Railway Ollice , Southampton-street , I'itzroy-square , will be open late every evening next week for the sale of Great Western Railway excursion tickets . The Fifteen Sections will be worked at the West Smithfield Lodge of Instruction , No . 1 C 23 , on Wednesday . the 3 istMay , at tbe New Market Hotel , King-street , West
Smithfield , by the brethren of the Dalhousie Lodge of Instruction , No . SGo , Bro . C . Lorking , S . D . 1524 , in the chair , to commence at seven o'clock . The annual Communication of the Provincial Grand Chapter of N . and TC . Yorkshire will take place next 'Ihursday , at York , under the banner of the Zetland Chapter , No . 2 i (> .
'I'hc future meetings of the Camden Lodge of Instruction , No . 704 , will be held at the Guildhall Tavern , King-street , City . We arc asked to slate that the future meetings of the St . Michael's Lodge of Instruction , No , 211 , will be held at Bro . Kent ' s , Moorgate Station Restaurant , Moorgate-street , K . C , every Thursday evening at eight o ' clock . It may be gratif ying lo our readers to learn
that on the occasion of our esteemed Grand Master the Prince of Wales ' s visit to Truro , for the purpose of laying the foundation stone of the new Cathedral in the evening of that day , Bro . J . Pain , P . M . of the Stockwell Lodge , 133 Q , has been specially engaged to furnish a pyrotechnic display of a most elaborate character , and which it is stated will far eclipse any thing that has heretofore been seen in that part of the kingdom .
Thc first Masonic Hall erected in Georgia is still standing . Its corner-stone was laid in I 7 ycj ; it was occupied in 1 S 01 , and sold in 1 S 54 . It is a frame building , the farthest remove in appearance from our modern ideas of a Masonic Temple . The Masonic Age lor April gives . -i rut of the old Hall .
Bro . Sir James Macnaglilen M'Garel-Hogg , Bart ., K . C . B ., ALP . for Truro , completed his 57 th year on Monday , the 3 rd inst ., having been born at Calcutta on May the 3 rd , 1 S 23 . He is thc oldest son of the late Right Hon . Sir James Weir Hogg , Bart ., whom he succeeded in the baronetcy in 187 ( 1 , having been previously created a K . C . B . ( Civil ) in 1 S 74 .
A quarterl y communication of the Grand Lodge of Scotland was held on Thursday , the fith inst . —thc Grand Maimer Mason , Sir Michael R . Shaw-Stewart , on Ihe throne —when , after a division as between Sir James Bain and Bro . William Pearce , the former was appointed by a majority to be Provincial Grand Master of the Glasgow City Province . A letter was submitted from Lorel Ramsay ,
M . P ., resigning his oflice of Provincial Grand Master of Forfarshire , owing lo pressure of other duties . A statement of the finances for last quarter showed that the income of Grand Lodge had exceeded the expenditure by £ 720 , and that there had been 1050 entrants to the Craft . Prince Leopold left Liverpool on Thursday afternoon , in the- Allan Royal Mail steamer " Sardinian , " for the Canadian tour which has been for some time in
prospect . The Prince arrived at the London ancl North-Western Terminus in Lime-street about live o ' clock , and drove in the Mayor's carriage lo the landing-stage , whence he embarked on the steamer . His Royal Highness expressscel the desire that no municipal demonstration should be made in Liverpool , and there was , therefore , nothing in the form of a public ceremonial . The Prince was accompanied by the Hon . A . Yorke , Colonel McNeill , and Dr , Rhyl , his private physician ,
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
and reconsidered their recommendation , and that on a division fifty voted for Sir James Bain and eighteen for Bro . Pearce ; and he submitted a petition in favour of each . Thc Grand Secretary stated that the petition in favour of Sir James Bain was signed by sixty-three members of Grand Lodge resident in the Glasgow Province , and that of Bro . William Pearce by tiiirty-five . Bro . Johnston , in proposing that Sir James Bain be elected ,
remarked that the business had been gone about in a proper Masonic spirit , and that the petition in his favour was signed by two-thirds of thc members of Provincial Grand Lodge . Out of thirty-one lodges in the province twenty Masters had put their signatures to the petition of the gentleman he had named , and be hoped Grand Lodge would support the prayer of their petition . Bro . Officer seconded the motion , and argued that it was the duty of
the Grand Lodge to give effect to thc wishes of their provincial brethren . Both the brethren nominated were total strangers to him , and the course he had adopted was to deal impartially , and with a desire to conciliate the majority . Dr . George Buchanan ( Sub-Provincial Grand Master ) proposed that Bro . William Pearce should be appointed Provincial Grand Master . Bro . Pearce was Senior Warden of Prince ' s Lodge , and was well known as a most enthusiastic Mason ;
while , on the other . hand , those who supported Sir James Bain were bound to admit that it was on exceedingly rare occasions that he was to be seen at any Masonic meetings . Bro . Crichton seconded the nomination , and said he could endorse every word that had been said in favour of Bro . Pearce , who would make an admirable Provincial Grand Master . Grand Lodge then proceeded to the election , when Sir James Bain was appointed by seventy-one votes ,
fifty-four voting for Bro . Pearce . A letter had been submitted to Grand Committee , in which'Bro . Lord Ramsay , M . P ., resigned the Provincial Grand Mastership of Forfarshire , the duties of which , through pressure of other business , he felt himself unable to perform ; and , on the recommendation of Grand Committee , Grand Lodge accepted
Lord Ramsay's resignation , and thanked his lordship for his services . In complance with a request of the Provincial Grand Lodge , the appointment of a successor was deferred . On the application of the Lodge St . James ' Operative , Edinburgh , No . 97 , authority was given that lodge to change its designation to " Edinburgh St . James . " Grand Lodge was then closeel in ample form .
Provincial Grand Lodge Of Glasgow.
The regular Quarterly Communication of this Provincial Grand Lodge was held in St . Mark's Hall , 213 , Buchananstreet , on Tuesday , the 4 th inst ., Bro . W . J . Easton , Dep . Prov . Grand Master , in the chair ; Bro . W . Kyle in his place as P . G . S . W . ; and Bro . A . Lawrence , R . W . M . 117 ,
acting as P . G . J . W . There were also present Bros . J . Morgan , P . G . T . ; G . Sinclair , P . G . T . of B . F . ; J . Booth , P . G . S . D . ; A . Bain , P . G . B . B . ; Wm . Phillips , P . G . Architect ; T . Halket , P . G . D . of M . ; J . Harlev , P . G . Jeweller ; J . Balfour , P . G . D . C ; A . Holmes , P . G . I . G . ; W . H . Bickerton , P . G . Sec . ; and a very large attendance of members of the Provincial Grand Lodge and visitors .
The Provincial Grand Lodge having been opened in full form , the minutes were read and adopted . Bro . J . M . Oliver , R . W . M . Lodge Commercial , No . 3 60 , was heartil y thanked by the Provincial Grand Lodge for his valuable services and kindness , voluntary given , in writing up back records of the Provincial Grand Lodge . The resignation of Bro . W . 11 . Bickerton , P . G . Secretary ,
was accepted with regret ; the Provincial Grand Lodge acknowledging in the warmest tec ins the very efficient manner Bro . Bickerton had discharged the duties of his office , and the zeal he had shown for the . good of Freemasonry in general . Bro . Sir James Bain was nominated as successor to Bro . Col . Neilson for the ollice of P . G . Master of Glasgow . The Provincial Grand Lodge was then closed .
Provincial Grand Lodge, Renfrewshire East.
The Quarterl y Communication of the members of this lodge was held in the hall of Renfrew County Kilwinning Lodge , No . 370 , Paisley , on Saturday , the 1 st inst ., Bro . Sir Arch . C . Campbell , Bart ., the Provincial Granel Master , in the chair .
Before the regular business of the meeting * was proceeded with , Bro . j . Caldwell , Craigielea , S . M ., referred to the high distinction which had been conferred on the P . G . M ., and proposed that they record in their minutes an expression of the pleasure with which they hacl heard of the conferring of the high honour . None knew better than the brethren did how well he deserved the honour , and none rejoiced
more than he did that his high personal character hacl been so nobly recognised by the Queen . Bro . George Fisher , S . W ., seconded the motion , which was agreed to unanimously . The Benevolent Committee recommended that a grant of jC-j ]" - * gi yen to a brother in ill-health , which was approved of . The Treasurer reported that there was at the credit of the general fund £ 20 , and at the credit of the benevolent fund £ 112 .
GLASGOW . —Dramatic Lodge ( No . 571 ) . —The regular monthly meeting of this lodge was held in the Masonic Hall , 30 , Hope-street , on Wednesday , the -jth inst ., at 2 . 30 p . m . Bro . Tute , R . W . M ., occupied the chair , and was supported on the dais by Bros . A . Holmes , R . W . M . 413 ; G . Weir , S . M . ; D . Peachey , D . M . ; with the Senior and Junior Wardens in their respective chairs . The lodge being opened in the K . A . Degree , the minutes of last regular and emergency meetings were read and
approved of . An application for admission to the Order was read from Mr . Ted Jarratt , and , there being no objections lodged , he was admitted to the lodge , and duly initiated into the mysteries of this Degree ; Bro . Tute , R . W . M ., administering the oath and obligation . It was resolved to hold the annual picnic of the lodge towards the end of May , a committee being-appointed to make the necessary arrangements . There being no further business the lodge was closed in due form .
Royal Ark Mariners.
Royal Ark Mariners .
BRIXTON LODGE ( No 234 ) . —A meeting of this lodge was held on Saturday week , after the meeting of the Brixton Lodge of Mark Masters , to which lodge it is moored . At the request ofthe W . C . N ., Bro . H . Lovegrove , the chair was taken by Bro . T . Poore , P . C . N ., with Bros . G . Clark , as J . ; H . Lovegrove , S . ; C . I . McKay , S . D . ; Baldwin , Scribe ; Dunkley , Organist ; and Axford ,
Guardian . Bros . Curtis , Madeley , and Thomas were introduced and elevated , thc quaint ritual of thc Degree being most impressively rendered . Bro . Lovegrove then assumed the chair , and , this being election night , Bro . George Clark was elected W . C . N . ; Bro . H . Lovegrove , Treasurer ; and Bro . Potter , Warden .
Amusements .
DRURY LANE . — Mr . Augustus Harris s energetic management of Drury Lane bids fair to be very successful . The ever popular " La Fille de Madame Angot " is now re-inforccd by a new spectacular ballet of action called , " Les Sirenes , " which for splendour of effects equals , if not surpasses , anything of the kind that has been seen , even at Drury Lane . The enormous stage is peculiarly fitted for entertainments of this sort , and all its resources are brought
into requisition on this occasion . Ihe scenery painted by Mr . Cuthbert , represents a sea shore , and a coral palace beneath the wafers , the abode of Naida . The lively music and bright costumes thoroughly delighted the audience , and judging from the hearty plaudits with which the different changes of scene and effects were received , we should pronounce it a decided success , ancl likely to hold the boards for a considerable time .
MOHAWK MINSTRELS . —The Mohawk Minstrels , which number several brethren among the proprietors , announce their usual novelties for the Whitsuntide holidays . These established public favourites have occupied the Agricultural Hall at Islington for seven years , with constantly-increasing repute , and there efforts to ' amuse the
holiday makers are always attended with the success their energy deserves . The principal numbers promised are a screaming travestie sketch "The Dunites , " and Messrs . Mason and Dixon in their wonderful acrobatic performance . Morning performances will be given at three o'clock on Monday , the 17 th , and Tuesday , the 1 Sth , in addition to the usual entertainment at eight o ' clock .
Literary And Antiquarian Notes.
Literary and Antiquarian Notes .
In the columns ol the Gloucester Mercury "Local Notes anel Queries" are to be commenced under the editorship of Bro . T . B . Trowsdale . The Bioirrnpli of thc current month contains a notice of William Black , thc popular novelist ; also capital sketches of about twenty notable men , Bcmtifiillv-execiitcd portraits of Sir James K .
Alexander , C . B ., Alderman Cotton , M . P ., and W . H . Wills , M . I ., appear in " Colburn ' s New Monthly" for May . Bro . Ackrill lias jusl issued tlie 201 I 1 edition of " Thorpe ' s Illustrated Guide to Harrogate . " It is a capital local book , and is in every respect satisfactory , for it is well written , and printed in good style , and nicely illustrated .
1 nomas Burbridge , of Coventry , has just published an able booklet by Mr . W . G . Fretton , F . S . A ., on the "Municipal Regalia , Seals , and Coinage of the City of Coventry . " The work is of great merit , and a welcome addition to local literature . The author is favourably known as a writer on antiquarian subjects .
At a recent meeting ol the Hull Literary Club , Mr . John Cook , F . R . H . S ., read an able paper on "The History of the Hull Charterhouse , " an institution which was founded by Sir Michael de la Pole in 13 S 4 . lt has been decided to issue the paper in book form , as it contains much important information not included in the local histories . A portrait of Lad y Monckton is given in the Whitehall Review .
I HK STUDY OF THK PAST . —A great and growing- interest in the doings of other days has of late years made itself manifest in all classes of the community . This is " all as it should be . " No man can know too much of the history of his country . The more we learn of Britain ' s glorious past the deeper becomes our patriotism .
Wc are pleased to notice the interest taken by the periodical press , metropolitan and provincial , in matters historical and antiquarian . Nearly all the popular magazines are giving much attention to this entertaining and instructive branch of our national literature . With the beginning of the present year , too , was commenced a high-class monthly , specially devoted to the study of the past . Wc
refer to "The Antiquary , " which , under the able editorship of Mr . Edward Walford , M . A ., has already achieved a pronounced success . Again , in the provinces , a number of the leading country newspapers are bestirring themselves to supply their readers with historical information , chiefly of a local character . Two of our own contributors , Mr . Win . Andrews , F . R . H . S ., and Mr . Thomas B . Trowsdale ,
have done much of late to popularise archieology by their numerous newspaper articles . Mr . Andrews has recently concluded simultaneous publication of the charming chapters of his highly interesting and very valuable work , " Historic Romance , " in a large number of English and . Scotch journals , and is now engaged in writing a scries ol" papers entitled "Strange Stories of the
Midlands . Mr . I rowsdale is contributing carefully compiled antiquarian articles , containing much curious information , presented in pleasant style , to seven or eight country newspapers . The establishment of "Local Notes and Queries " columns in several new quarters , by
representatives of the provincial press , is also further facilitating archaeological research in no small degree . We are glad to see that so much attention is being * given to the elucidation of our national and local history by the all-powerful public instructor , the press ; and the marked interest which the reading public evinces in thc same important matter . ¦ _
Literary And Antiquarian Notes.
The "Masonic Magazine" for May contains many papers which will be read with interest outside the charmed circle of Freemasonry . Notable amongst these are an article entitled " The Rod , in and out of School , " from the pen of Mr . J . H . Leggot , an able and pleasing historical writer ; "Customs and Superstitions connected with Judas Iscariot , " by Mr . H . C . Appleby , a paper which shows the author to have an
intimate acquaintance with legendary lore ; and a contribution on "Whitsuntide Customs , " written by Mr . T . B . Trowsdale , author of " Glimpses of Old Kent , " & c . — " Brief , " May 7 . An Act against swearing and cursing was passed in the re /' gn of James I ., and another for the more effectually suppressing of cursing and swearing in that of William
and Mary . Both these , however , were repealed in the reign of George II ., and another passed " more effectually to prevent profane swearing , " which was ordered to be read quarterly in all parish churches and public chapels . A curious case of the non-observance of this clause is
noticed in the " Gentleman's Magazine , xiii ., p . 339 : "On July Gth , 1772 , a rich vicar and a poor curate paid into the bands ofthe proper officer £ 15 , the first £ 10 , the latter £ 5 , for neglecting to read in church the act against cursing and swearing , —From "The Derbyshire Gatherer , " edited by William Andrews , F . R . H . S .
1 his month a new magazine for ladies is issued under the title of "The Princess , " by Roberts and Co . lt is a good addition to our monthlies , and merits success . PRINTERS' KISSES . Print on my lips another kiss ; The picture of thy glowing passion ; Nay this won't do , nor this—nor this—But now—ay , that ' s a proof impression ! But yet methinks it might be mended ; Oh , yes , 1 see it in those eyes ; Our lips again together blended , Will make the impression a REVISE .
Masonic And General Tidings.
Masonic and General Tidings .
We understand that Bro . E . Matier wishes not to serve on the House Committee of the Boys' School , he having expressly refused to be nominated . A meeting of the Metropolitan Lodge , Order of St . Lawrence , will be held at 2 , Red Lion-square , W . C , on Saturday , the 22 nd inst ., at 3 . 30 o ' clock in the afternoon . There are various candidates to bc admitted as members of the Order .
I * or the convenience of the public Kingston s Railway Ollice , Southampton-street , I'itzroy-square , will be open late every evening next week for the sale of Great Western Railway excursion tickets . The Fifteen Sections will be worked at the West Smithfield Lodge of Instruction , No . 1 C 23 , on Wednesday . the 3 istMay , at tbe New Market Hotel , King-street , West
Smithfield , by the brethren of the Dalhousie Lodge of Instruction , No . SGo , Bro . C . Lorking , S . D . 1524 , in the chair , to commence at seven o'clock . The annual Communication of the Provincial Grand Chapter of N . and TC . Yorkshire will take place next 'Ihursday , at York , under the banner of the Zetland Chapter , No . 2 i (> .
'I'hc future meetings of the Camden Lodge of Instruction , No . 704 , will be held at the Guildhall Tavern , King-street , City . We arc asked to slate that the future meetings of the St . Michael's Lodge of Instruction , No , 211 , will be held at Bro . Kent ' s , Moorgate Station Restaurant , Moorgate-street , K . C , every Thursday evening at eight o ' clock . It may be gratif ying lo our readers to learn
that on the occasion of our esteemed Grand Master the Prince of Wales ' s visit to Truro , for the purpose of laying the foundation stone of the new Cathedral in the evening of that day , Bro . J . Pain , P . M . of the Stockwell Lodge , 133 Q , has been specially engaged to furnish a pyrotechnic display of a most elaborate character , and which it is stated will far eclipse any thing that has heretofore been seen in that part of the kingdom .
Thc first Masonic Hall erected in Georgia is still standing . Its corner-stone was laid in I 7 ycj ; it was occupied in 1 S 01 , and sold in 1 S 54 . It is a frame building , the farthest remove in appearance from our modern ideas of a Masonic Temple . The Masonic Age lor April gives . -i rut of the old Hall .
Bro . Sir James Macnaglilen M'Garel-Hogg , Bart ., K . C . B ., ALP . for Truro , completed his 57 th year on Monday , the 3 rd inst ., having been born at Calcutta on May the 3 rd , 1 S 23 . He is thc oldest son of the late Right Hon . Sir James Weir Hogg , Bart ., whom he succeeded in the baronetcy in 187 ( 1 , having been previously created a K . C . B . ( Civil ) in 1 S 74 .
A quarterl y communication of the Grand Lodge of Scotland was held on Thursday , the fith inst . —thc Grand Maimer Mason , Sir Michael R . Shaw-Stewart , on Ihe throne —when , after a division as between Sir James Bain and Bro . William Pearce , the former was appointed by a majority to be Provincial Grand Master of the Glasgow City Province . A letter was submitted from Lorel Ramsay ,
M . P ., resigning his oflice of Provincial Grand Master of Forfarshire , owing lo pressure of other duties . A statement of the finances for last quarter showed that the income of Grand Lodge had exceeded the expenditure by £ 720 , and that there had been 1050 entrants to the Craft . Prince Leopold left Liverpool on Thursday afternoon , in the- Allan Royal Mail steamer " Sardinian , " for the Canadian tour which has been for some time in
prospect . The Prince arrived at the London ancl North-Western Terminus in Lime-street about live o ' clock , and drove in the Mayor's carriage lo the landing-stage , whence he embarked on the steamer . His Royal Highness expressscel the desire that no municipal demonstration should be made in Liverpool , and there was , therefore , nothing in the form of a public ceremonial . The Prince was accompanied by the Hon . A . Yorke , Colonel McNeill , and Dr , Rhyl , his private physician ,