Article Masonic and General Tidings. ← Page 2 of 2 Article Masonic and General Tidings. Page 2 of 2 Article METROPOLITAN MASONIC MEETINGS Page 1 of 2 →
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Masonic And General Tidings.
A bust of Major Chard , thc " Hero of Rorke ' s Drift , " executed bv Mr . Edgar G . Papworth , is now being exhibited in the Grosvenor Gallery . Major Chard gave sittings for this bust simultaneousl y with those given to Mrs . " Butler for her picture , commissioned by the Queen . Ever ) ' effort is being made to obtain an influential list of Stewards to . give eclat as well as commercial strength to thc occasion of thc Lord Mayor's presiding over the festival of the Royal General 'Theatrical Fund .
Thc Mercers' Company have voted thc sum o one hundredguineasinaid of the extension ancl maintcnanc of the Brompton Consumption Hospital . The Fifty-third Anniversary Festival of the Licensed Victuallers' Asylum will take place at the Crystal Palace on Thursday , the 20 th inst ., under the presidency of Mr . James Hiscuft Grossman , of the firm of Messrs .
Mann , Grossman , ancl Paulin . The conversazione of the Pharmaceutical Society is fixed for Wednesday , the njth inst ., at thc South Kensington Museum . A model ol the monument in Si . Paul ' s Cathedral erected to the memory of the soldiers who fell in the
Crimean war has been presented to the Corporation museum at Brighton . H . R . H . thc Prince of Wales will hold a levee at St . James ' s Palace on Monday , the 31 st inst . A convocation of Mount Lebanon Chapter , No . 73 , was held at thc Bridge House Hotel , Southwark-, on Thursday last . A report will appear in our ncxt .
The Press Association have made a present of £ 100 to Mr . John Lnvell , their late manager , who has accepted the editorship of the Liverpool Mercury . Mr . Robbins , present secretary , assistant manager , is mentioned as likely to take the place vacated in June by Mr . Lovell . The Graphic of Saturday , May Rth , contains an
cngravingof anew Masonic Hall at Koolangsu , China , erected to accomodate the members of the Ionic and Corinthian Lodges . It was designed by Bro . W . Dnnbv , of Hong Kong , and contains a spacious hall of fifty-feet in length by twenty-five feet in breadth . The engravingis from a photograph by Bro . St . J . H . Edwards , ofthe American Consulate .
A bazaar will bc held at thc Holloway Hall on the gth , 10 th , and nth June , in aid of the building fund of Holy Trinity Church , Crouch-hill , Hornsey , the Rev . John Robertson , ALA ., Vicar designate . The Right Hon . the Lord Mayor , thc Lady Mayoress , and the Sheriffs of London and Middlesex will attend in state and open the bazaar on Wednesday , June ijth , at , ; p . m . At the levee on Friday , the 7 th insi ., Bro .
Horace Jones , City Architect , and Capt . Gray , of thc 7 th Surrey Volunteers , were presented to H . R . H . the Prince of Wales by thc Lord Mayor . Mr . Edward Clarke , Q . C , was presented by the Lord Chancellor . Amongst those who attended the levee were Alderman Sir C . Whctham , Bro . Sir John 13 . Monckton ( Town Clerk ) , Bro . Baron dc Worms , M . P ., Baron de Rothschild , the Rev . Piebendarj Mackenzie , Rev . S . Flood Jones , & c .
Ihe Post Ollice authorities announce that notice has been received from the Royal Mail Steam Packet Company that , in future , their packets leaving Southampton on the nth ancl 24 th of each month will go on from Rio de Janeiro to Monte Video and Buenos Ayres , instead of stopping short at Santos ; and thai the packet which now leaves Southampton on the 30 th of each month for the
River Plate direct will bc discontinued . 'This alteration will commence with the packet leaving Southampton on the 24 th inst . The Gazette of Tuesday night stales that thc Oueen has been pleased to signify her intention tn confer the decoration of the Victoria Cross upon Captain Richard
K . Ridgeway , Bengal Staff Corps , for conspicuous gallantry throughout the attack on Konoma on November 22 nd , 1 S 70 , more especially in thc final assault , when , under a heavy fire from the enemy , he rushed up to a barricade and attempted to tear down the planking surrounding it , to enable him to effect an entrance , in which act be received a very severe rifleshot wound in the left shoulder .
The " hardly ever of " Pinafore " is certainly a plagiarism . It is taken from the story of an ecclesiastic who was confused by the honour of preaching before Louis XIV . During his discourse he had occasion to say , "We all must die . " Then , catching breath , he turned in a complimentary way to Louis , and added , " Nearly all of us . "
A shiftless patent attorney 111 Washington has gotten up an anti-Masonic sheet , in which he exposes himself much more than he does Masonry . All of its blows are only mouthfuls of wind . One of its facts is most telling against itself . It gives a list of ten churches in Washington , of different denominations , all " presided over by Freemasons . "
Our townsman , Bro . R . F . Bower , is removing his library to more commodious and safer quarters , in a convenient room over his wholesale grocery store . Bro . Bower takes just pride in his library . It is said ( and we believe with truth ) to be the largest and most exhaustive collection of works on Freemasonry in the world . It represents the works of thc Craft in the languages of
continental Europe , as well as those in thc English tongue . And this Masonic library is only a section of the wonderful collection he has made . It has cost him many thousands of dollars , and like every intelligent man who has gratified himself in ministering to to his pleasure in this respect , he is glad to have his friends enjoy it with him . When Bro . Bower has his books and pamphlets and manuscripts in
. shape he will not only derive great comfort from them , but will gladly share with any who appreciate his labour in securing such a magnificent library . May his book be spared from ( ire , from the attacks of predac-eous insects , from all injurious influences , and be a blessing to bim and his friends , and the generations following . —TVie Daily Gate City , Keokuk , Iowa .
Constitutions of the Ancient Fraternity of Free and Accepted Masons , containing the Charges , Regulations , E . A . Song , & c . A copy should be in the possession of every brother . It may he obtained for 2 s . at the office of the I ' reemasnn , or will be sent post-free to any part of the United Kingdom on receipt of twenty-five penny stamps . Address , Publisher , 10 S , Fleet-street , London . —[ ADVT . ]
Masonic And General Tidings.
Thc Alexandra Palace will be rc-opened this day ( Saturday ) . Mr . Willing , the new lessee , has adopted a bold anel liberal policy , for which he deserves thc sympatic * and support of thc public . An excellent portrait of Bro . the Ri ght Hon . the Marquis of Hartington , Secretary of State for India , was issued last week as an extra supplement to thc Illustrated London Nans . It is taken from a photograph by
Mayall , and is most life-like and characteristic . Bangor Cathedral was rc-opened on Tuesday , after a restoration , effected by Messrs . 'Thompson , of Peterborough , from the late Sir Gilbert Scott ' s designs . 'The present work is a continuation of that completed in 1 S 73 , and embraces the renovation of the nave and transepts ; the erection of new chapter ancl muniment rooms ; ancl the external improvement of the edifice and its
approaches . 'Through the efforts of Bro . Jarvis , the Masonic lodges of the Province of North Wales and Shropshire , presented Bishop Campbell with a throne bearing emblems of the Craft , designed by Mr . Hathawayc . The moiety of the cost of thc present restoration has been borne by the Lord-Lieutenant of Carnarvonshire and Mr . Assheton Smith . 'The preachers at the opening services , which will
bc continued during thc week , were thc Bishop of Derry , Archdeacon Griffith , anel thc Rev . Dr . Forrest . The ordinary choir was supplemented by those from Chester , Hereford , and St . Asaph Cathedrals . A musical festival was given on Wednesday , a cantata , " Prayer and Praise , " composed by Dr . Roland Rogers , the cathedral Organist , being included in the programme .
On Saturday , thc Sth inst ., thc "Adelaide , " a steel paddle steamer , intended for the Great Eastern Railway Company's Harwich route to the Continent , was successfully launched from the yard of the Barrow Shipbuilding Company . The christening ceremony was performed by-Mrs . Simpson , the wife of Mr . Lightly Simpson , one of the directors of thc Great Eastern Railway Company . Thc
dimensions of the " Adelaide " arc—length , 260 feet , beam 32 feet , with a gross tonnage of ofio tons , and accommodation for nearly 200 passengers . She is fitted with compound oscillation surface condensing engines of ifioo indiralcd horse power . She is expected to be running between Harwich and the Continent next month . 'The " Lady Tyler , " another addition to thc Company's fleet , built on the Tync , is expected to commence running at thc same time .
Our attention has been called to thc fact thai out of twelve Masonic M . P . ' s belonging to the Westminster anel Keystone Lodge * , No . 10 , wc only alluded to four ; the other eight are Bros . Win . Amhurst Tyssen Amherst , P . G . S . W . Norfolk , representing West Norfolk ; Sir Michael E . Hicks Beach , Bart ., P . G . W ., representing Gloucestershire ; Sir George Macpherson Grant , P . P . G . Reg . Oxon , representing Elgin and Avin ; Thos . Fredk . Halsey , P . G . M . Herts .,
representing Hertfordshire ; Lieut .-Col . Edward Hcgan Kennard , representing Lymington ; Hon . Thos . Chas . Agar-Robartes , representing East Cornwall ; Percy Brodcrick Bernard , P . P . G . Snp . of Wks . Oxon , P . P . S . G . W . Connaught , representing Bandon ; and Col . Sir Henry James Edwards , P . G . M . Yorks ., representing Weymouth . MASONIC S ONGS . —A selection of Masonic
Songs , set to popular airs , written by Bro . ]• .. P . Philpots , M . D ., I'M" ! . G . S ., is now ready , forming a handsome volume bound in cloth , with gilt edges , 3 s . Sent post free from the office of this paper on receipt of stamps or P . O . O . value 3 s . 2 d . —[ Any r . ] For the better ancl more costly kind of Masonic Jewels a great saving can be made by getting them direct from the manufactory . Messrs . J . R . Williams and Son made
the most costly badge in the kingdom for the Mayor of Liverpool , and many others , and many of the sheriffs ' badges and chains . 'The firm are now supplying thc nobility and gentry ( direct ) at the same prices as they have for forty years served the best houses in London and the country , and co-operative stores . Messrs . J . R . Williams and Son have always been celebrated for specially fine diamond work and choice * -rem rimrs . 'The two
advantages thus offered to the public are far superior quality ancl an immense saving in price . Manufactory and warehouse , 10 S , Hatton-garden , K . C . The usual saving is 20 to Go per cent . Bridesmaids' lockets and all kinds of jewellery for wedding presents . Dealers in diamonds , pearls , and coloured gems , loose or mounted . Elegant designs furnished ( gratis ) for re-mounting diamond work . Catalogues sent post free on application . —[ Anyr" ] .
Hcii . l . iHV . cv ' s Pll . l . s . —W ' KAK STUM cms , — The wisest c .-innnt enumerate one * ciuarter nf the- clNtrcs * ini- symptons arising frenn enfeebled tliecestion , all ol which miitht he readily dispelled by these admirable * Pills . They remove . 'ill miple . 'isrint tastes from the- mouth , llatulency , and constipation . HoIIoway's Pill * ron-. e Ihe stomach , liver , and every other orc-an , hclpinc- diircstion lo that he .-illhv tone
which fully enables it to convert : ill we cut nnd drink lo thc * nourish ment of our hodies . Hence- these Pills are- Ihe surest strcnt-thencr-: and tlie- safest restoratives in nervousness , wa ^ tint-, and chronic debility . HoIIoway ' s Pills are infallible remedies for impaired appetite , eructations , and a multitude of other disagreeable symptoms . — [ Al . VT . 1
Metropolitan Masonic Meetings
For thc Week ending I * nday , May 21 , 1 SS 0 . Thc Editor will bc glad to receive notice from Secretaries of Craft Lodges , Royal Arch Chapters , Mark Lodges , Fncampmenls , Conclaves , * \ rc , of any change in place , day , or month of meeting .
SATURDAY , MAY 15 . Lodge 11 S 5 , Lewis , King's Anns , Wood Green . ,, 132 ^ 1 , Lebanon , Lion Hot ., Hampton . ,, 1329 , Sphinx , S . M . 11 ., Camberwell New-rd . ,, 1 "iS . | , Loyalty and Charity , Star it Garter , Kew Bclg . ,, l / f' 7- Kensington . King ' s Arms , Kensington . Chap . 110 , 4 , Royal Middlesex , Mitre Hot ., Hampton Court . Mark 205 , Beaconsfield , Chequers , Walthamstow .
LonoKs OF INSTRUCTION" . Manchester , 17 , London-st .. Kitzroy-sq ., nt S . Star , Marquis of Granby , Nc * v Cross-rd ., nt 7 . Percy , Jolly Farmers , Sonlhgatr--1 ., N .. at S . Krrleston . King ' s Head , Ebury Bridge , Pimlico . Sph'iix , Stirling Castle , Camberwell . Alexandra Palace , Masonic Club , Loughborough , at 7 . 30 .
MONDAY , MAY 17 . Lodge 1 , Grand Master ' s , F . M . Tav . „ 21 , Emulation , Albion 'Tav ., Aldersgate-st . „ 720 , Panmure , Balham Hot ., Balham . ,, 1150 , Marquis Dalhousie , F . M . H . K . T . 127 , Bard of Avon , 33 , Goldcn-sq ,
LODGES OF INSTRUCTION . Lily , Greyhound , Richmond , at 7 . London Masonic Club , 101 , Queen Victoria-st ., E . C , at 6 . Wellington , White Swan Hot ., High-st ., Deptford , S to 10 . St . John , Gun Hot ., Wapping , S to 10 . Prince Leopold , MitfordTav ., Sandringham-rd ., Dalston , 7 . 30 . Sincerity , Railway Tav ., Fcncliurch- ' st . Station , at 7 . Camden , Guildhall Tav ., King-st ., City , at S .
Tredegar , Royal Hot ., Mile End-rd ., at S . St . James's Union , Union Tav ., Air-st ., Rcgcnt-st ., at S . Perfect Ashlar , Victoria Tav ., Lower-rd ., Rotherhithe , at S . Upper Norwood , White Hart Hot ., Church-rd ., at S . Marquis of Ripon , Pembury Tav ., Amherst-rd ., Hackney , S . Loughborough , Cambria 'Tav ., Loughborough J une , at 7 . 30 . Hyde Park , 'The Westbourne , 1 , Craven-rd ., at S . West Smithfield , New Market Hot ., West Smithfield .
West Kent , Forest-hill Hot ., Forest-hill , at 7 . 30 . St . George ' s , Gbbe 'Tav ., Royal Hill , Greenwich , at 7 . Doric Chapter , 24 S , Globe-rd ., Mile End-rd ., at S . Royal Commemoration , R . Hot ., High-st ., Putney , S till 10 . British Oak Bank of Friendship'Tav ., Mile End . Eastern Stai , Royal Hot ., Mile End-rd ., 7 . -JO .
High Cross , Coach and Horses , Lower 'Tottenham , at S . St . Mark ' s , S . M . H ., Camberwell New-rd . John Hervey , Albion Hall , London Wall , at S . New Finsbury Park , Plimsoll Arms , St . Thomns-rd ., N ., at S . Kilburn , South Molton . Hot ., South Molton-st ., W ., at 7 . 30 . Strong . Man , George Hot ., Australian AvenueBarbicanS .
, , TUESDAY , MAY iS . Board of Gen . Purposes , at 4 . Lodge HJ 4 , St . Paul's , Cannon-st . Hot . „ 704 , Camden , Bull and Gate , Kentish Town . S 37 , St . Mark ' s , S . M . H .
„ 1 4 20 , I--irl Spencer , Swan I lot ., Battersea Old Brdg . Chap . io , Mount Sinai , Anderton ' s Hot ., Flcet-st . ,, 4 ( 1 , Old Union , Albion , Aldersgatc-st . „ 22 S , United Strength , Guildhall 'Tav ., Gresham-st . Mark 23 S , Prince Leopold , Anelerton ' s Hot ., Flect-st . Rose Croix 72 , Canterbury , 33 , Golden-sq ., W .
LODGKS OF IXSTKl'CTIOX . Pilgrim , F . M . H ., ist and last Tucs . Metropolitan , Moorgatc-st . Station Restaurant , at 7 . 30 . Narborough , Green Dragon , Stepney , at 7 . Domatie , Surrey M . IL , Camberwell New-rd ., at 7 . 30 . Faith , 2 , Westminster Chambers , Victoria-st ., S . W ., at S . Prince Fredk . Win ., Lord ' s Hot ., St . John ' s Wood , at 7 . Prosperity , Hercules 'Tav ., Leadenhall-st ., at 7 . 30 .
Dalhousie , I he Sisters''Tav ., Pownall-rd ., Dalston , K ., 7 . 30 . Florence Nightingale , M . IL , William-st ., Woolwich , 7 . 30 . Constitutional , Bedford Hot ., Southampton Bdgs ., at 7 . Israel , Rising Sun lav ., Globc-rd . Wandsworth , Star ancl Garter Hot ., Wandsworth , at 7 . Royal Arthur , Prince ' s Head , York-rd ., Battersea , at S . Beacontree , Red Lion , Leytonstone , at S . Excelsior , Commercial Dock 'Tav ., Rotherhithe , at S .
St . John of Wapping , Gun Hot ., High-st ., Wapping , at S . Islington , Moorgate Station Restaurant , at 7 . Leopold , Gregorian Arms , Jamaica-rd ., Bermondsey , at S . Mount Edgcumbe , jej , Jermyn-st ., St . James's , at ft . Duke of Connaught , Palmerston Arms ' , Grosvenor Park , S . Sir Hugh Myddelton , 162 , St . Jobn ' s-st .-rd ., at S . St . Marylebone , Eyre Arms , Finchley-rd ., at S . Corinthian , George Hot ., Millwall Docks , at - .
Henley , I luce Crowns , North Woolwich , at 7 . 30 . Royal Naval College , Greenwich Hospital Schools , at S . Eleanor , Angel Hot ., Edmonton . Metropolitan Chapter , Jamaica Coffee I Io ., Cornhill . WEDNESDAY , MAY in . Gen . Com . Grand Lodge , at fi . Lodge of Benevolence , at fi . ,, 174 , Sincerity , Guildhall Tav ., Gresham-st .
,, fiicj , Beadon , Greyhound Tav ., Dulwich . ,, 700 , Nelson , M . IL , Woolwich . ,, Sfij , Dalhousie , 'Town Hall , Hounslow . ,, ijfic ) , Maybury , Inns of Court Hot ., l . incoln ' s-lnn . ,, 13 S 2 , Corinthian , George Hot ., Cubitt Town , E . Chap . 141 , Faith , Anderton ' s Hot ., Flcct-st . Mark 144 , Grosvenor , M . H ., Regent-st .
K . T . Precep . 135 , Bosbury , 33 , Golden-sq . LoiiGi-. s ov INSTRUCTION . Confidence , Railway Tavern , Fcncliurch-st ., 7 till 9 . New Concord , Jolly Farmers , Southgatc-rd ., N ., at S . Mt . Lebanon , Horse Shoe 'Tav ., Newington Causeway , S . Pythagorean , Poitland Hot ., Greenwich , at S , Burdett Coutts , Salmon & Ball , Bethnal Grccn-rd ., at S . 30 . La Tolerance , 2 , Maddox-st ., W . at S . 45 .
Peckham , Maismorc Arms , Park-rd ., Peckham , at S . Finsbury Park , Alwyne Castle , St . Paul ' s-rd ., N . Southwark , Southwark Park 'Tav ., Southwark Park , at S . Dukcof Connaught , Ryl . Edwd . I lot ., Marc-st ., Hackney , S . United Strength , Hope & Anchor , Crowndalc-rd ., N . W ., S . Whittington , Red Lion , Poppin ' s-court , Fleet-st ., at S . Royal Jubilee , Si , Long Acre , at 8 .
Langthorne , Swan I lot ., Stratford , at R . Temperance in the East . Geo . the Fourth , Ida-st ., E ., at 7 .-to . Thistle , M . M . M ., The I larp Tav ., at S . Eleanor , 'Trocadero Hot ., Liverpool-st ., Edmonton . Zetland , King ' s Arms Hot ., High-st ., Kensington , at S . Merchant Navy , Silver'Tav ., Burdett-rd ., Limehouse , 7 . 30 . Creaton , Prince Albert 'Tav ., Portobello-tcr ., Nottirig-liill , S .
THURSDAY , MAY 20 . House Com . Girls' School , at 4 . Lodge 55 , Constitutional , Innsof Court I lot ., Lincoln ' s Inn . ,, S 13 , New Concord , Guildhall 'Tav ., Gresham-st . ,, 1227 , Upton , Spotted Dog , Upton . ,, 127 S , Burdett Coutts , Approach 'Tav .. Victoria Park . „ 1 3 20 , Blackheath , Green Man , Blackheath . „ 1305 , Clapton , White- Hart'Tav ., Clapton .
if-23 , West . Smithfield , New Market Hot ., King-st . Chap . ( V ; , St . Mary , Star and Gaiter , Kew Bridge . „ 217 , Stability , Anderton ' s Hot ., ITcet-st . ii 507 , United Pilgrims , Horns'Tav ., Kennington . „ 742 , Crystal Palace , 'Thicket Hot ., Anerley . ,, S 34 , Andrew , Bell & Anchor Hot ., Hammcrsmith-rd . „ 1216 , Macdonald , ! Id .-qts ., ist Surrey Rifles , CambwI . Mark 7 , Carnarvon , Mitre Tav ., Hampton Court .
LODGES OF INSTRUCTION . Union Waterloo , Karl of Chatham , Thomas-st ., Woolwich . Kent , Duke of York . Borough-rd ., Southwark , 7 . 30 . Egyptian , Hercules Tav ., Leadenhall-st ., 7 . 30 ,
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Masonic And General Tidings.
A bust of Major Chard , thc " Hero of Rorke ' s Drift , " executed bv Mr . Edgar G . Papworth , is now being exhibited in the Grosvenor Gallery . Major Chard gave sittings for this bust simultaneousl y with those given to Mrs . " Butler for her picture , commissioned by the Queen . Ever ) ' effort is being made to obtain an influential list of Stewards to . give eclat as well as commercial strength to thc occasion of thc Lord Mayor's presiding over the festival of the Royal General 'Theatrical Fund .
Thc Mercers' Company have voted thc sum o one hundredguineasinaid of the extension ancl maintcnanc of the Brompton Consumption Hospital . The Fifty-third Anniversary Festival of the Licensed Victuallers' Asylum will take place at the Crystal Palace on Thursday , the 20 th inst ., under the presidency of Mr . James Hiscuft Grossman , of the firm of Messrs .
Mann , Grossman , ancl Paulin . The conversazione of the Pharmaceutical Society is fixed for Wednesday , the njth inst ., at thc South Kensington Museum . A model ol the monument in Si . Paul ' s Cathedral erected to the memory of the soldiers who fell in the
Crimean war has been presented to the Corporation museum at Brighton . H . R . H . thc Prince of Wales will hold a levee at St . James ' s Palace on Monday , the 31 st inst . A convocation of Mount Lebanon Chapter , No . 73 , was held at thc Bridge House Hotel , Southwark-, on Thursday last . A report will appear in our ncxt .
The Press Association have made a present of £ 100 to Mr . John Lnvell , their late manager , who has accepted the editorship of the Liverpool Mercury . Mr . Robbins , present secretary , assistant manager , is mentioned as likely to take the place vacated in June by Mr . Lovell . The Graphic of Saturday , May Rth , contains an
cngravingof anew Masonic Hall at Koolangsu , China , erected to accomodate the members of the Ionic and Corinthian Lodges . It was designed by Bro . W . Dnnbv , of Hong Kong , and contains a spacious hall of fifty-feet in length by twenty-five feet in breadth . The engravingis from a photograph by Bro . St . J . H . Edwards , ofthe American Consulate .
A bazaar will bc held at thc Holloway Hall on the gth , 10 th , and nth June , in aid of the building fund of Holy Trinity Church , Crouch-hill , Hornsey , the Rev . John Robertson , ALA ., Vicar designate . The Right Hon . the Lord Mayor , thc Lady Mayoress , and the Sheriffs of London and Middlesex will attend in state and open the bazaar on Wednesday , June ijth , at , ; p . m . At the levee on Friday , the 7 th insi ., Bro .
Horace Jones , City Architect , and Capt . Gray , of thc 7 th Surrey Volunteers , were presented to H . R . H . the Prince of Wales by thc Lord Mayor . Mr . Edward Clarke , Q . C , was presented by the Lord Chancellor . Amongst those who attended the levee were Alderman Sir C . Whctham , Bro . Sir John 13 . Monckton ( Town Clerk ) , Bro . Baron dc Worms , M . P ., Baron de Rothschild , the Rev . Piebendarj Mackenzie , Rev . S . Flood Jones , & c .
Ihe Post Ollice authorities announce that notice has been received from the Royal Mail Steam Packet Company that , in future , their packets leaving Southampton on the nth ancl 24 th of each month will go on from Rio de Janeiro to Monte Video and Buenos Ayres , instead of stopping short at Santos ; and thai the packet which now leaves Southampton on the 30 th of each month for the
River Plate direct will bc discontinued . 'This alteration will commence with the packet leaving Southampton on the 24 th inst . The Gazette of Tuesday night stales that thc Oueen has been pleased to signify her intention tn confer the decoration of the Victoria Cross upon Captain Richard
K . Ridgeway , Bengal Staff Corps , for conspicuous gallantry throughout the attack on Konoma on November 22 nd , 1 S 70 , more especially in thc final assault , when , under a heavy fire from the enemy , he rushed up to a barricade and attempted to tear down the planking surrounding it , to enable him to effect an entrance , in which act be received a very severe rifleshot wound in the left shoulder .
The " hardly ever of " Pinafore " is certainly a plagiarism . It is taken from the story of an ecclesiastic who was confused by the honour of preaching before Louis XIV . During his discourse he had occasion to say , "We all must die . " Then , catching breath , he turned in a complimentary way to Louis , and added , " Nearly all of us . "
A shiftless patent attorney 111 Washington has gotten up an anti-Masonic sheet , in which he exposes himself much more than he does Masonry . All of its blows are only mouthfuls of wind . One of its facts is most telling against itself . It gives a list of ten churches in Washington , of different denominations , all " presided over by Freemasons . "
Our townsman , Bro . R . F . Bower , is removing his library to more commodious and safer quarters , in a convenient room over his wholesale grocery store . Bro . Bower takes just pride in his library . It is said ( and we believe with truth ) to be the largest and most exhaustive collection of works on Freemasonry in the world . It represents the works of thc Craft in the languages of
continental Europe , as well as those in thc English tongue . And this Masonic library is only a section of the wonderful collection he has made . It has cost him many thousands of dollars , and like every intelligent man who has gratified himself in ministering to to his pleasure in this respect , he is glad to have his friends enjoy it with him . When Bro . Bower has his books and pamphlets and manuscripts in
. shape he will not only derive great comfort from them , but will gladly share with any who appreciate his labour in securing such a magnificent library . May his book be spared from ( ire , from the attacks of predac-eous insects , from all injurious influences , and be a blessing to bim and his friends , and the generations following . —TVie Daily Gate City , Keokuk , Iowa .
Constitutions of the Ancient Fraternity of Free and Accepted Masons , containing the Charges , Regulations , E . A . Song , & c . A copy should be in the possession of every brother . It may he obtained for 2 s . at the office of the I ' reemasnn , or will be sent post-free to any part of the United Kingdom on receipt of twenty-five penny stamps . Address , Publisher , 10 S , Fleet-street , London . —[ ADVT . ]
Masonic And General Tidings.
Thc Alexandra Palace will be rc-opened this day ( Saturday ) . Mr . Willing , the new lessee , has adopted a bold anel liberal policy , for which he deserves thc sympatic * and support of thc public . An excellent portrait of Bro . the Ri ght Hon . the Marquis of Hartington , Secretary of State for India , was issued last week as an extra supplement to thc Illustrated London Nans . It is taken from a photograph by
Mayall , and is most life-like and characteristic . Bangor Cathedral was rc-opened on Tuesday , after a restoration , effected by Messrs . 'Thompson , of Peterborough , from the late Sir Gilbert Scott ' s designs . 'The present work is a continuation of that completed in 1 S 73 , and embraces the renovation of the nave and transepts ; the erection of new chapter ancl muniment rooms ; ancl the external improvement of the edifice and its
approaches . 'Through the efforts of Bro . Jarvis , the Masonic lodges of the Province of North Wales and Shropshire , presented Bishop Campbell with a throne bearing emblems of the Craft , designed by Mr . Hathawayc . The moiety of the cost of thc present restoration has been borne by the Lord-Lieutenant of Carnarvonshire and Mr . Assheton Smith . 'The preachers at the opening services , which will
bc continued during thc week , were thc Bishop of Derry , Archdeacon Griffith , anel thc Rev . Dr . Forrest . The ordinary choir was supplemented by those from Chester , Hereford , and St . Asaph Cathedrals . A musical festival was given on Wednesday , a cantata , " Prayer and Praise , " composed by Dr . Roland Rogers , the cathedral Organist , being included in the programme .
On Saturday , thc Sth inst ., thc "Adelaide , " a steel paddle steamer , intended for the Great Eastern Railway Company's Harwich route to the Continent , was successfully launched from the yard of the Barrow Shipbuilding Company . The christening ceremony was performed by-Mrs . Simpson , the wife of Mr . Lightly Simpson , one of the directors of thc Great Eastern Railway Company . Thc
dimensions of the " Adelaide " arc—length , 260 feet , beam 32 feet , with a gross tonnage of ofio tons , and accommodation for nearly 200 passengers . She is fitted with compound oscillation surface condensing engines of ifioo indiralcd horse power . She is expected to be running between Harwich and the Continent next month . 'The " Lady Tyler , " another addition to thc Company's fleet , built on the Tync , is expected to commence running at thc same time .
Our attention has been called to thc fact thai out of twelve Masonic M . P . ' s belonging to the Westminster anel Keystone Lodge * , No . 10 , wc only alluded to four ; the other eight are Bros . Win . Amhurst Tyssen Amherst , P . G . S . W . Norfolk , representing West Norfolk ; Sir Michael E . Hicks Beach , Bart ., P . G . W ., representing Gloucestershire ; Sir George Macpherson Grant , P . P . G . Reg . Oxon , representing Elgin and Avin ; Thos . Fredk . Halsey , P . G . M . Herts .,
representing Hertfordshire ; Lieut .-Col . Edward Hcgan Kennard , representing Lymington ; Hon . Thos . Chas . Agar-Robartes , representing East Cornwall ; Percy Brodcrick Bernard , P . P . G . Snp . of Wks . Oxon , P . P . S . G . W . Connaught , representing Bandon ; and Col . Sir Henry James Edwards , P . G . M . Yorks ., representing Weymouth . MASONIC S ONGS . —A selection of Masonic
Songs , set to popular airs , written by Bro . ]• .. P . Philpots , M . D ., I'M" ! . G . S ., is now ready , forming a handsome volume bound in cloth , with gilt edges , 3 s . Sent post free from the office of this paper on receipt of stamps or P . O . O . value 3 s . 2 d . —[ Any r . ] For the better ancl more costly kind of Masonic Jewels a great saving can be made by getting them direct from the manufactory . Messrs . J . R . Williams and Son made
the most costly badge in the kingdom for the Mayor of Liverpool , and many others , and many of the sheriffs ' badges and chains . 'The firm are now supplying thc nobility and gentry ( direct ) at the same prices as they have for forty years served the best houses in London and the country , and co-operative stores . Messrs . J . R . Williams and Son have always been celebrated for specially fine diamond work and choice * -rem rimrs . 'The two
advantages thus offered to the public are far superior quality ancl an immense saving in price . Manufactory and warehouse , 10 S , Hatton-garden , K . C . The usual saving is 20 to Go per cent . Bridesmaids' lockets and all kinds of jewellery for wedding presents . Dealers in diamonds , pearls , and coloured gems , loose or mounted . Elegant designs furnished ( gratis ) for re-mounting diamond work . Catalogues sent post free on application . —[ Anyr" ] .
Hcii . l . iHV . cv ' s Pll . l . s . —W ' KAK STUM cms , — The wisest c .-innnt enumerate one * ciuarter nf the- clNtrcs * ini- symptons arising frenn enfeebled tliecestion , all ol which miitht he readily dispelled by these admirable * Pills . They remove . 'ill miple . 'isrint tastes from the- mouth , llatulency , and constipation . HoIIoway's Pill * ron-. e Ihe stomach , liver , and every other orc-an , hclpinc- diircstion lo that he .-illhv tone
which fully enables it to convert : ill we cut nnd drink lo thc * nourish ment of our hodies . Hence- these Pills are- Ihe surest strcnt-thencr-: and tlie- safest restoratives in nervousness , wa ^ tint-, and chronic debility . HoIIoway ' s Pills are infallible remedies for impaired appetite , eructations , and a multitude of other disagreeable symptoms . — [ Al . VT . 1
Metropolitan Masonic Meetings
For thc Week ending I * nday , May 21 , 1 SS 0 . Thc Editor will bc glad to receive notice from Secretaries of Craft Lodges , Royal Arch Chapters , Mark Lodges , Fncampmenls , Conclaves , * \ rc , of any change in place , day , or month of meeting .
SATURDAY , MAY 15 . Lodge 11 S 5 , Lewis , King's Anns , Wood Green . ,, 132 ^ 1 , Lebanon , Lion Hot ., Hampton . ,, 1329 , Sphinx , S . M . 11 ., Camberwell New-rd . ,, 1 "iS . | , Loyalty and Charity , Star it Garter , Kew Bclg . ,, l / f' 7- Kensington . King ' s Arms , Kensington . Chap . 110 , 4 , Royal Middlesex , Mitre Hot ., Hampton Court . Mark 205 , Beaconsfield , Chequers , Walthamstow .
LonoKs OF INSTRUCTION" . Manchester , 17 , London-st .. Kitzroy-sq ., nt S . Star , Marquis of Granby , Nc * v Cross-rd ., nt 7 . Percy , Jolly Farmers , Sonlhgatr--1 ., N .. at S . Krrleston . King ' s Head , Ebury Bridge , Pimlico . Sph'iix , Stirling Castle , Camberwell . Alexandra Palace , Masonic Club , Loughborough , at 7 . 30 .
MONDAY , MAY 17 . Lodge 1 , Grand Master ' s , F . M . Tav . „ 21 , Emulation , Albion 'Tav ., Aldersgate-st . „ 720 , Panmure , Balham Hot ., Balham . ,, 1150 , Marquis Dalhousie , F . M . H . K . T . 127 , Bard of Avon , 33 , Goldcn-sq ,
LODGES OF INSTRUCTION . Lily , Greyhound , Richmond , at 7 . London Masonic Club , 101 , Queen Victoria-st ., E . C , at 6 . Wellington , White Swan Hot ., High-st ., Deptford , S to 10 . St . John , Gun Hot ., Wapping , S to 10 . Prince Leopold , MitfordTav ., Sandringham-rd ., Dalston , 7 . 30 . Sincerity , Railway Tav ., Fcncliurch- ' st . Station , at 7 . Camden , Guildhall Tav ., King-st ., City , at S .
Tredegar , Royal Hot ., Mile End-rd ., at S . St . James's Union , Union Tav ., Air-st ., Rcgcnt-st ., at S . Perfect Ashlar , Victoria Tav ., Lower-rd ., Rotherhithe , at S . Upper Norwood , White Hart Hot ., Church-rd ., at S . Marquis of Ripon , Pembury Tav ., Amherst-rd ., Hackney , S . Loughborough , Cambria 'Tav ., Loughborough J une , at 7 . 30 . Hyde Park , 'The Westbourne , 1 , Craven-rd ., at S . West Smithfield , New Market Hot ., West Smithfield .
West Kent , Forest-hill Hot ., Forest-hill , at 7 . 30 . St . George ' s , Gbbe 'Tav ., Royal Hill , Greenwich , at 7 . Doric Chapter , 24 S , Globe-rd ., Mile End-rd ., at S . Royal Commemoration , R . Hot ., High-st ., Putney , S till 10 . British Oak Bank of Friendship'Tav ., Mile End . Eastern Stai , Royal Hot ., Mile End-rd ., 7 . -JO .
High Cross , Coach and Horses , Lower 'Tottenham , at S . St . Mark ' s , S . M . H ., Camberwell New-rd . John Hervey , Albion Hall , London Wall , at S . New Finsbury Park , Plimsoll Arms , St . Thomns-rd ., N ., at S . Kilburn , South Molton . Hot ., South Molton-st ., W ., at 7 . 30 . Strong . Man , George Hot ., Australian AvenueBarbicanS .
, , TUESDAY , MAY iS . Board of Gen . Purposes , at 4 . Lodge HJ 4 , St . Paul's , Cannon-st . Hot . „ 704 , Camden , Bull and Gate , Kentish Town . S 37 , St . Mark ' s , S . M . H .
„ 1 4 20 , I--irl Spencer , Swan I lot ., Battersea Old Brdg . Chap . io , Mount Sinai , Anderton ' s Hot ., Flcet-st . ,, 4 ( 1 , Old Union , Albion , Aldersgatc-st . „ 22 S , United Strength , Guildhall 'Tav ., Gresham-st . Mark 23 S , Prince Leopold , Anelerton ' s Hot ., Flect-st . Rose Croix 72 , Canterbury , 33 , Golden-sq ., W .
LODGKS OF IXSTKl'CTIOX . Pilgrim , F . M . H ., ist and last Tucs . Metropolitan , Moorgatc-st . Station Restaurant , at 7 . 30 . Narborough , Green Dragon , Stepney , at 7 . Domatie , Surrey M . IL , Camberwell New-rd ., at 7 . 30 . Faith , 2 , Westminster Chambers , Victoria-st ., S . W ., at S . Prince Fredk . Win ., Lord ' s Hot ., St . John ' s Wood , at 7 . Prosperity , Hercules 'Tav ., Leadenhall-st ., at 7 . 30 .
Dalhousie , I he Sisters''Tav ., Pownall-rd ., Dalston , K ., 7 . 30 . Florence Nightingale , M . IL , William-st ., Woolwich , 7 . 30 . Constitutional , Bedford Hot ., Southampton Bdgs ., at 7 . Israel , Rising Sun lav ., Globc-rd . Wandsworth , Star ancl Garter Hot ., Wandsworth , at 7 . Royal Arthur , Prince ' s Head , York-rd ., Battersea , at S . Beacontree , Red Lion , Leytonstone , at S . Excelsior , Commercial Dock 'Tav ., Rotherhithe , at S .
St . John of Wapping , Gun Hot ., High-st ., Wapping , at S . Islington , Moorgate Station Restaurant , at 7 . Leopold , Gregorian Arms , Jamaica-rd ., Bermondsey , at S . Mount Edgcumbe , jej , Jermyn-st ., St . James's , at ft . Duke of Connaught , Palmerston Arms ' , Grosvenor Park , S . Sir Hugh Myddelton , 162 , St . Jobn ' s-st .-rd ., at S . St . Marylebone , Eyre Arms , Finchley-rd ., at S . Corinthian , George Hot ., Millwall Docks , at - .
Henley , I luce Crowns , North Woolwich , at 7 . 30 . Royal Naval College , Greenwich Hospital Schools , at S . Eleanor , Angel Hot ., Edmonton . Metropolitan Chapter , Jamaica Coffee I Io ., Cornhill . WEDNESDAY , MAY in . Gen . Com . Grand Lodge , at fi . Lodge of Benevolence , at fi . ,, 174 , Sincerity , Guildhall Tav ., Gresham-st .
,, fiicj , Beadon , Greyhound Tav ., Dulwich . ,, 700 , Nelson , M . IL , Woolwich . ,, Sfij , Dalhousie , 'Town Hall , Hounslow . ,, ijfic ) , Maybury , Inns of Court Hot ., l . incoln ' s-lnn . ,, 13 S 2 , Corinthian , George Hot ., Cubitt Town , E . Chap . 141 , Faith , Anderton ' s Hot ., Flcct-st . Mark 144 , Grosvenor , M . H ., Regent-st .
K . T . Precep . 135 , Bosbury , 33 , Golden-sq . LoiiGi-. s ov INSTRUCTION . Confidence , Railway Tavern , Fcncliurch-st ., 7 till 9 . New Concord , Jolly Farmers , Southgatc-rd ., N ., at S . Mt . Lebanon , Horse Shoe 'Tav ., Newington Causeway , S . Pythagorean , Poitland Hot ., Greenwich , at S , Burdett Coutts , Salmon & Ball , Bethnal Grccn-rd ., at S . 30 . La Tolerance , 2 , Maddox-st ., W . at S . 45 .
Peckham , Maismorc Arms , Park-rd ., Peckham , at S . Finsbury Park , Alwyne Castle , St . Paul ' s-rd ., N . Southwark , Southwark Park 'Tav ., Southwark Park , at S . Dukcof Connaught , Ryl . Edwd . I lot ., Marc-st ., Hackney , S . United Strength , Hope & Anchor , Crowndalc-rd ., N . W ., S . Whittington , Red Lion , Poppin ' s-court , Fleet-st ., at S . Royal Jubilee , Si , Long Acre , at 8 .
Langthorne , Swan I lot ., Stratford , at R . Temperance in the East . Geo . the Fourth , Ida-st ., E ., at 7 .-to . Thistle , M . M . M ., The I larp Tav ., at S . Eleanor , 'Trocadero Hot ., Liverpool-st ., Edmonton . Zetland , King ' s Arms Hot ., High-st ., Kensington , at S . Merchant Navy , Silver'Tav ., Burdett-rd ., Limehouse , 7 . 30 . Creaton , Prince Albert 'Tav ., Portobello-tcr ., Nottirig-liill , S .
THURSDAY , MAY 20 . House Com . Girls' School , at 4 . Lodge 55 , Constitutional , Innsof Court I lot ., Lincoln ' s Inn . ,, S 13 , New Concord , Guildhall 'Tav ., Gresham-st . ,, 1227 , Upton , Spotted Dog , Upton . ,, 127 S , Burdett Coutts , Approach 'Tav .. Victoria Park . „ 1 3 20 , Blackheath , Green Man , Blackheath . „ 1305 , Clapton , White- Hart'Tav ., Clapton .
if-23 , West . Smithfield , New Market Hot ., King-st . Chap . ( V ; , St . Mary , Star and Gaiter , Kew Bridge . „ 217 , Stability , Anderton ' s Hot ., ITcet-st . ii 507 , United Pilgrims , Horns'Tav ., Kennington . „ 742 , Crystal Palace , 'Thicket Hot ., Anerley . ,, S 34 , Andrew , Bell & Anchor Hot ., Hammcrsmith-rd . „ 1216 , Macdonald , ! Id .-qts ., ist Surrey Rifles , CambwI . Mark 7 , Carnarvon , Mitre Tav ., Hampton Court .
LODGES OF INSTRUCTION . Union Waterloo , Karl of Chatham , Thomas-st ., Woolwich . Kent , Duke of York . Borough-rd ., Southwark , 7 . 30 . Egyptian , Hercules Tav ., Leadenhall-st ., 7 . 30 ,