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Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
STA 1 TOAED WORKS ON FREEMASONRY . KENNING'S CYCLOPAEDIA OF FREEMASONRY . —It having been forcibly represented to Bro . George Kenning that the present price of his Masonic Cyclopaedia has acted as a "deterrent" to many of the Craft , and that a lower amount might induce many brethren to purchase so compendious and complete a work of Masonic reference , he has determined , in order to meet these representations and extend the study of Masonic Literature , to make a considerable sacrifice as well as a liberal offer to the Cosmopolitan Craft . If he can receive thc names of 2000 brethren at 5 s . 6 d . each , he will issue , early in May , the "CycIopa : dia of Freemasonry" in a plain cloth binding , and post free to all such subscribers . The subscription list will remain open until May ist . As this is a bona fide offer , it will not be repeated , for the advantage to the subscribers is so great as not to require further remarks . Bro . Kenning has still copies of the 10 s . 6 d . issue on hand in the original binding . A circular will , in proper course , be sent to all the lodges , and names may be transmitted forthwith to Bro . W . Lake , igS , Fleetstreet , London , E . C . If the applications for the new issue should render it necessary , the book msy be delivered even before May .
Handsomely printed in antique type , large 4 to , cloth , 7 s . Gd . KENNING'S ARCHAEOLOGICAL LIBRARY . Edited by Rev . A . F . A . WOODFORD , Past Grand Chaplain . Vol . I . contains Anderson's Constitutions of 1723 , being the first complete reprint in England of that memorable book . It is admirably printed and illustrated as it was first issued , and will be found a work of the greatest interest to all Masons , and especially to those who like still to pore over the ancient records of the Craft . The Wilson MS . Constitutions , which forms the Second Part of Vol . I ., is also of much value to antiquarians and the Craft . It is first mentioned in the manifesto of the " Lodge of Antiquity " in 177 S , and the story of its discovery by the editor has been told in the pages of the Freemason . It is hoped that this will lead to the discovery of missing MSS ., and the future volumes of the " Archaiological Library " will lead . Masonic students to a clearer conception of the real history of Freemasonry and the true bearing of its very curious and ancient MSS .
i 4 to , cloth , & c , 12 s . Gd . NUMERICAL AND NUMISMATICAL REGISTER OF LODGES UNDER THE UNITED GRAND LODGE OF ENGLAND . Compiled by WILLIAM J AMES HUGHAN , Author of " History of Freemasonry at York , " " Memorials of the Masonic Union of 1813 , " "Old Charges of the British Freemasons , " & c . It contains a sketch of Freemasonry in England , the " Articles of Union of 1 S 13 , " lists of alt special and centenary medals , with full descriptions , rolls of Lodges distinguished with special and centenary warrants , regulations of the Grand Lodge respecting Masonic jewels , particulars as to Masonic medals and tokens , list of existing lodges which formed the Grand Lodge of England , Dec , 1 S 13 , with their numbers before and as altered in 1 S 14 , 1 S 32 , and 1 SG 3 , their names and places of meeting in 1 S 7 S , their years of constitution , either by the Grand Lodge of England ( modern ) or by thc Grand Lodge of England according to thc old institutions ( ancient ); also a list of extinct Union . -Lodges , with their numbers , & c . The illustrations comprise lithographs in colours of most of thc medals above referred to . Dedicated to R . W , Bro . Sir Albert William Woods , Garter P . G . W ., G . D . C .
Imperial Svo , cloth , 31 s . Cd . HISTORY OF THE LODGE OF EDINBURGH , MARY ' CHAPEL ( NO . I ) EMBRACING AN ACCOUNT OF THE RlSE AND PROGRESS OK FREEMASONRY IN SCOTLAND . BY D . MURRAY LYON , Grand Secretary Grand Lodge of Scotland , P . Prov . S . G . W . of Ayrshire , & c . This history is based on the oldest Lodge records extant , and other manuscripts of ennuestionablc authenticity . It treats of the ancient laws and usages of the Operative Fraternity , and traces the development of that association into one of Theoretical Masons , lt has been got up at great expense , and contains twenty-six beautifully-executed facsimihes , embracing the Masonic Statutes of 159 S , the History and charges of Masonry used h y the Scotch Lodges two hundred years ago , thc St . Clair Charters of 1 G 00 and 1 GS 2 , Mason Marks , Seals , etc . ; also Authentic Portraits and Autographs of eminent Craftsmen of thc past and present time , & c .
•* £ ** ! Soo pages , Svo , with Index , cloth gilt . ios . Cd . THE HISTORY of FREEMASONRY from its Orgin to the Present Day . By I 3 ro . J . G . FINDEL . Drawn from the best sources and the most recent investigations . Second edition , revised and preface written h y Bro . D . MURRAY LYON , R . W . Grand Secretary of thc Grand Lodge of Scotland . Oi-l . VJO . VS OF THE I'KES . S . Uro . Findel , who has written a sober , earnest , and elaborate history of Freemasonry in all quarters of tlie world , dees not i-a to so remote a period for tlie origin of the Fraternity . \ Ve do not suppose that such a mass of material for a history o [ the Craft was ever leathered together as may be found in this volume , in which the author seems to have fairly exhausted the subject . —TV ; , ' sltlui ; ii , ni . Herr Findel has brought together a large number of facts ; his hook is a valuable addition to the literature of Freemasonry . — -The Isuihkr .
THE LIFE ° OF CONSTANTINE . Wri'len in Greek , by EirsKinrs I'A . - iii'iin . i's ( Bishop of ('¦ ¦ i-sarea . in I ' alestine ) . Translated into Enidirh from that edition , set forth by MALHSIUS , and printed in Paris in the year H ' . ; y . Preface by Daw . N . WEN nvoKTH LITTLE , Trc-as . Gen ., and the Kev . A . F . A . WOODI-IIKD , P . G . C . o Wiih Engraving * -, of Constantine Cue Gival ; Lord KaiiilifiV of Inland , Grand Commander of the Orderi of Constantine ancl I'hilipi ; H . K . I 1 . the Duke of Stissi- * , K . G ., Grand Sovereign from iKifi to i !* . i . * j- the Fail of lierlive , M . P ., Grand Sovereign i . S-Vi lo 1 V 74 ; Sir Frederick . Martin Williams , Hart ., M . P ., Grand Viceroy 1 SC 6 to 1 S 74 , Grand Sovereign i . ' - ' 7 . i and 1 S 75 ; Colonel Francis Uurclett , Grand Viceroy 1 S 74 iind 1 S 75 j Robert Wentworth Little , Grand Recorder 1 . S 05 to 1 S 72 , Grand Treasurer , 1 S 7 . 5-. 1-5 ; The Knights of Constantine and the Vision of thc Ctoss , etc .
Svo , cloth , Third edition , revised and enlarged , 15 s . THE EARLY HISTORY AND ANTIQUITIES OF FREEMASONRY . As connected with the Nors Guilds , the Oriental and Mediaeval building Fraternity . By GEORGE F . FORT . EXTRACT FROM AUTHOR ' S PREFACE . The Work is the result of years o £ labour , whose original and persistent desii ; n has uniformly been to arrive at truth . In no instance are traditions resting on unsubstantial ground adduced as corroborative testimony of the line of research which , after careful examination o £ tacts , he has adopted . Mere legends or guildic tales do not appear in this book , unless produced in that portion o £ the treatise abandoned expressly to the traditional history of the Fraternity . In a word , the constant and invariabletcndency of the author in the ensuing pages is to bring the history and antiquities of the Craft down to an undisputed historical basis ; and , in the pursuance of this subject , he was frequently compelled to abandon the usual track followed by writers on this subject , and to rely upon authorities whose testimony—found noted in the margin—will be accepted without suspicion of intemperate or uncritical zeal . The immediate argument and scope of the treatise may be briclly stated as follows : To commence with a narrative of thc state of line arts at the decline of the Roman Empire , and also of thc propagation of architecture and its kindred sciences by bodies of builders , who developed into the Middle-Age Freemasons , whose history is carried down to the formal extinction of the society as an operative brotherhood in the year 1717 . Among the several appendices will be found a contribution to the History of the Lost Word , together with other valuable documentary evidence , which is added to make the same more acceptable to the public and Fraternity at large . G . KENNING , 198 , FLEET ST ., LONDON .
Just Published . Price Sixpence . THE BAR , SOLICITORS , AND THE PUBLIC . RESTRICTIONS IIV THE INNS OF COURT AS VOLUNTARY INSTITUTIONS CONSIDERED : THE REMOVAL or ANOMALIES ADVOCATED : Tin-. ADVANTAGE ro LITIGANTS , AND THE GAIN TO THE Pl'lll . lC : OPINIONS or EMINENT MEN UPON THK . SI : BIKCT : Al'I'KAl . TU THE l . ECJISI . ATCKK : THE COMING CHANCE POIRTRAYED , & C , & C , & C , r . v J . PERRY GODFREY , Of C . r . iy ' s Iun , Sii . i ,-itur . Author of " Tlie Shipowners * , Shippers , and ( lenernl ( luide to . Marine Insurance , " " Strikes and Combinations , " & c . LONDON : EVISON & BRIDGE , 22 , Chancery Lane , W . C . ""THE CITIZEN . This "pTllTcJTIZEN . CilyT ? ev ^ aper , T ~ 'pHE CITIZEN . Published 'pHE ^ i mETri : ^" Frid ^ ~ p"iK ~ CmZEN 7 " Price Chic Penny , 'pIFcmzENr ^ •• pHE CITIZEN . Rcports ^ ind ~ cHsctisscs "pHE " aflZEN . City Affairs ! 'pi-IE " CITIZEN . I-ndays ! ' ¦ piIK ' cri'IZKN ! ' On-Tl ^ nny . ¦ " [ -HE CITIZEN ? ( : ) nTce 7 Ti 77 chcapsidc . ~~~ npIpfcTriZEN ! "The only 'pIE CITIZEN . Weekly Newspaper "pIE ^ ITTzEN . ~ Eor " the ' pTiFLrnzEl ' -r ^ r ri . llTcrTl ^ ZENr'Eveiy ^ I'riday . One Penny . " "PHE CITIZEN . "" Office ! 11 TTcheapsidc . "p IE ! " CITIZEN . Every Friday .
Now ready , prico f , i \ ., post free 7 ( 1 . npHE MASONIC MAGAZINE for X MAY , ( - ( intaining The Kc .-oc . nls of an Aiineiil I Ice Unci in ami mil of S < liiml l . iuli-i * lb , » Adulteration noes , on The Soi-ielv of the- Rose ( mix Whit .-iintide Customs 'I he- 'I rcvor Family . Masonic : and ( ieuenil Arcli .-.--Fu-iii * li Masonry . 'Ihe- Sane loi-ia tuarv of Mc-mphU Little Britain I . if < - I-I ' AK I ' rimv I ' mi-ort Su ; , cT-. titioi ; s aial I iistcuns con- I ' ocjtrv : lulled will , Indas Iscaiiot ' What more can 1 say ? Tin- . Masonic ' Mall on Filbert : llenot Wealth Street , near Fi ;; lith , I'liiladel- I Out nf Tunc phia ' l . iltle Clara ' s ( iraie L ONDON ; GEORGE KENNING , 10 S , 1 ' LEET STREET .
SOVEREIGN LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY , FOUNDED 1 S 45 . THE REPORT Of the Directors just submitted to the Proprietors states that the office had issued 415 Policies for £ 168 , 985 , yielding a new premium income of £ 5433 2 s . nd . Assurances , Endowments , and Annuities granted on liberal terms . H . D . DAVENPORT , Secretary .
Notice of Removal from 23 to 2 G ( opposite ) . TO RESTAURANT & HOTEL PROPRIETORS , & c . GAIN , BUTCHER , 2 fi , SEETHING LANE , GREAT TOWER STREET , Supplies Hotels , Luncheon-Bars , Coffee Houses , & c , with Joints , Chops , Steaks , & c , at lowest possible rates . Branch Establishments—GIPSY HILL , NORWOOD ; 306 , WALWORTH ROAD .
W . FIGES , So , CANNON STREET , LONDON , E . G ., MANUFACTURER OK THE LOCK-RIB UMBRELLA , Unequalled for Strength and Neatness . Also thc NEW DAGMAR CLOTH UMBRELLA , more durable than Silk and equal in appearance .
BRO . ADLARD'S JEWEL ATTACHER , 7 s . 6 cl . If with Pocket , 6 d . each pocket extra . 225 , HIGH HOLBORN , W . C .
" TKI ' TH MI ' I ' l-tKVAit ., "— Common Sense . Lamps , Itatlis , Cutlery , r . rushcs , l-Vmlers , and I ire Irons , KlcctrolMatc and Nickle-Silvcr ( lootls . R . DTPARR , GENERAL HOUSE FURNISHING IRONMONGER , . * :, lil . ACKMAN STRKl-VI " , UOKOUtill , Oilers withini ** extraordinary but Keally (" mini Articles at fair and reasonable j'riecs . lleilnes not keep an * ' Immense Stock , " but siillicientlv lnr ^ e fci- any person to select from . Me does not sell " cheaper " than eve-y other house in the Trade , " but quite as cheap as anv . A visit will , at all times * , lie- very much appreciated .
ACCIDENT INSURANCE COMPANY , LIMITED . 7 , BANK BUILDINGS , LOTH BURY , E . C . General Accidents . 1 Personal Injuries Railway Accidents . | Deaths by Accident . C . HARDING , Manager .
X . / 'DILLIARD BALLS , Chalks , /** jT D Cues , and Tips , at HI-. NNIO ISKOS ., e ^ SL * jZK IVORY WORKS , 11 , 1111 * 11 STRKI' -T * \ J 75 * L \ m ) LONDON , W . C . Cheapest house in the j' 7 *^ trade for billiard table requisites and ivory m ^ yi r- ' A . V ^ l-. I ' IKXI * - * in «***** - * r .-il . Old balls adjusted or ' ir I—r v »* KxchaiiKcil and . Tables recovered . Price lists on application . Kstublis ' ied i 8 < i ; .
COALS . —M . J . ROWLEY & CO ., COLLIERY AND SHIPPING AGENTS , COAL , COKE , AND BKEI ' . / . K MERCHANTS , By appointment to Her Mnjesiy ' s Royal Household Troops . Nell Cash prices delivered : — Per Ten . Ingham ' s Old Hards -. is . Best Wallseiid - - *' - I lent Silkstone - - New Silkstone - - Best Derby Brights iSs . Large Brights 17 s . fed . Eureka Hartley ' 7 - Dudley Breeze , 2 5 - Best Gas Coke , per 12 Sacks - - - 12 s . LONDON OK KICKS : In , GT . OUEBEC-ST ., MARYLEBONE ROAD ; „ , , NORTI 1 AlJDl . KY-ST ., GROSVENOR SQUARE , W-, -JOHN * CAMPBELL RD ., STORK NKWING I ON , N . a ' udatiO , MILTON STREET , SPRING BANK , HULL .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
STA 1 TOAED WORKS ON FREEMASONRY . KENNING'S CYCLOPAEDIA OF FREEMASONRY . —It having been forcibly represented to Bro . George Kenning that the present price of his Masonic Cyclopaedia has acted as a "deterrent" to many of the Craft , and that a lower amount might induce many brethren to purchase so compendious and complete a work of Masonic reference , he has determined , in order to meet these representations and extend the study of Masonic Literature , to make a considerable sacrifice as well as a liberal offer to the Cosmopolitan Craft . If he can receive thc names of 2000 brethren at 5 s . 6 d . each , he will issue , early in May , the "CycIopa : dia of Freemasonry" in a plain cloth binding , and post free to all such subscribers . The subscription list will remain open until May ist . As this is a bona fide offer , it will not be repeated , for the advantage to the subscribers is so great as not to require further remarks . Bro . Kenning has still copies of the 10 s . 6 d . issue on hand in the original binding . A circular will , in proper course , be sent to all the lodges , and names may be transmitted forthwith to Bro . W . Lake , igS , Fleetstreet , London , E . C . If the applications for the new issue should render it necessary , the book msy be delivered even before May .
Handsomely printed in antique type , large 4 to , cloth , 7 s . Gd . KENNING'S ARCHAEOLOGICAL LIBRARY . Edited by Rev . A . F . A . WOODFORD , Past Grand Chaplain . Vol . I . contains Anderson's Constitutions of 1723 , being the first complete reprint in England of that memorable book . It is admirably printed and illustrated as it was first issued , and will be found a work of the greatest interest to all Masons , and especially to those who like still to pore over the ancient records of the Craft . The Wilson MS . Constitutions , which forms the Second Part of Vol . I ., is also of much value to antiquarians and the Craft . It is first mentioned in the manifesto of the " Lodge of Antiquity " in 177 S , and the story of its discovery by the editor has been told in the pages of the Freemason . It is hoped that this will lead to the discovery of missing MSS ., and the future volumes of the " Archaiological Library " will lead . Masonic students to a clearer conception of the real history of Freemasonry and the true bearing of its very curious and ancient MSS .
i 4 to , cloth , & c , 12 s . Gd . NUMERICAL AND NUMISMATICAL REGISTER OF LODGES UNDER THE UNITED GRAND LODGE OF ENGLAND . Compiled by WILLIAM J AMES HUGHAN , Author of " History of Freemasonry at York , " " Memorials of the Masonic Union of 1813 , " "Old Charges of the British Freemasons , " & c . It contains a sketch of Freemasonry in England , the " Articles of Union of 1 S 13 , " lists of alt special and centenary medals , with full descriptions , rolls of Lodges distinguished with special and centenary warrants , regulations of the Grand Lodge respecting Masonic jewels , particulars as to Masonic medals and tokens , list of existing lodges which formed the Grand Lodge of England , Dec , 1 S 13 , with their numbers before and as altered in 1 S 14 , 1 S 32 , and 1 SG 3 , their names and places of meeting in 1 S 7 S , their years of constitution , either by the Grand Lodge of England ( modern ) or by thc Grand Lodge of England according to thc old institutions ( ancient ); also a list of extinct Union . -Lodges , with their numbers , & c . The illustrations comprise lithographs in colours of most of thc medals above referred to . Dedicated to R . W , Bro . Sir Albert William Woods , Garter P . G . W ., G . D . C .
Imperial Svo , cloth , 31 s . Cd . HISTORY OF THE LODGE OF EDINBURGH , MARY ' CHAPEL ( NO . I ) EMBRACING AN ACCOUNT OF THE RlSE AND PROGRESS OK FREEMASONRY IN SCOTLAND . BY D . MURRAY LYON , Grand Secretary Grand Lodge of Scotland , P . Prov . S . G . W . of Ayrshire , & c . This history is based on the oldest Lodge records extant , and other manuscripts of ennuestionablc authenticity . It treats of the ancient laws and usages of the Operative Fraternity , and traces the development of that association into one of Theoretical Masons , lt has been got up at great expense , and contains twenty-six beautifully-executed facsimihes , embracing the Masonic Statutes of 159 S , the History and charges of Masonry used h y the Scotch Lodges two hundred years ago , thc St . Clair Charters of 1 G 00 and 1 GS 2 , Mason Marks , Seals , etc . ; also Authentic Portraits and Autographs of eminent Craftsmen of thc past and present time , & c .
•* £ ** ! Soo pages , Svo , with Index , cloth gilt . ios . Cd . THE HISTORY of FREEMASONRY from its Orgin to the Present Day . By I 3 ro . J . G . FINDEL . Drawn from the best sources and the most recent investigations . Second edition , revised and preface written h y Bro . D . MURRAY LYON , R . W . Grand Secretary of thc Grand Lodge of Scotland . Oi-l . VJO . VS OF THE I'KES . S . Uro . Findel , who has written a sober , earnest , and elaborate history of Freemasonry in all quarters of tlie world , dees not i-a to so remote a period for tlie origin of the Fraternity . \ Ve do not suppose that such a mass of material for a history o [ the Craft was ever leathered together as may be found in this volume , in which the author seems to have fairly exhausted the subject . —TV ; , ' sltlui ; ii , ni . Herr Findel has brought together a large number of facts ; his hook is a valuable addition to the literature of Freemasonry . — -The Isuihkr .
THE LIFE ° OF CONSTANTINE . Wri'len in Greek , by EirsKinrs I'A . - iii'iin . i's ( Bishop of ('¦ ¦ i-sarea . in I ' alestine ) . Translated into Enidirh from that edition , set forth by MALHSIUS , and printed in Paris in the year H ' . ; y . Preface by Daw . N . WEN nvoKTH LITTLE , Trc-as . Gen ., and the Kev . A . F . A . WOODI-IIKD , P . G . C . o Wiih Engraving * -, of Constantine Cue Gival ; Lord KaiiilifiV of Inland , Grand Commander of the Orderi of Constantine ancl I'hilipi ; H . K . I 1 . the Duke of Stissi- * , K . G ., Grand Sovereign from iKifi to i !* . i . * j- the Fail of lierlive , M . P ., Grand Sovereign i . S-Vi lo 1 V 74 ; Sir Frederick . Martin Williams , Hart ., M . P ., Grand Viceroy 1 SC 6 to 1 S 74 , Grand Sovereign i . ' - ' 7 . i and 1 S 75 ; Colonel Francis Uurclett , Grand Viceroy 1 S 74 iind 1 S 75 j Robert Wentworth Little , Grand Recorder 1 . S 05 to 1 S 72 , Grand Treasurer , 1 S 7 . 5-. 1-5 ; The Knights of Constantine and the Vision of thc Ctoss , etc .
Svo , cloth , Third edition , revised and enlarged , 15 s . THE EARLY HISTORY AND ANTIQUITIES OF FREEMASONRY . As connected with the Nors Guilds , the Oriental and Mediaeval building Fraternity . By GEORGE F . FORT . EXTRACT FROM AUTHOR ' S PREFACE . The Work is the result of years o £ labour , whose original and persistent desii ; n has uniformly been to arrive at truth . In no instance are traditions resting on unsubstantial ground adduced as corroborative testimony of the line of research which , after careful examination o £ tacts , he has adopted . Mere legends or guildic tales do not appear in this book , unless produced in that portion o £ the treatise abandoned expressly to the traditional history of the Fraternity . In a word , the constant and invariabletcndency of the author in the ensuing pages is to bring the history and antiquities of the Craft down to an undisputed historical basis ; and , in the pursuance of this subject , he was frequently compelled to abandon the usual track followed by writers on this subject , and to rely upon authorities whose testimony—found noted in the margin—will be accepted without suspicion of intemperate or uncritical zeal . The immediate argument and scope of the treatise may be briclly stated as follows : To commence with a narrative of thc state of line arts at the decline of the Roman Empire , and also of thc propagation of architecture and its kindred sciences by bodies of builders , who developed into the Middle-Age Freemasons , whose history is carried down to the formal extinction of the society as an operative brotherhood in the year 1717 . Among the several appendices will be found a contribution to the History of the Lost Word , together with other valuable documentary evidence , which is added to make the same more acceptable to the public and Fraternity at large . G . KENNING , 198 , FLEET ST ., LONDON .
Just Published . Price Sixpence . THE BAR , SOLICITORS , AND THE PUBLIC . RESTRICTIONS IIV THE INNS OF COURT AS VOLUNTARY INSTITUTIONS CONSIDERED : THE REMOVAL or ANOMALIES ADVOCATED : Tin-. ADVANTAGE ro LITIGANTS , AND THE GAIN TO THE Pl'lll . lC : OPINIONS or EMINENT MEN UPON THK . SI : BIKCT : Al'I'KAl . TU THE l . ECJISI . ATCKK : THE COMING CHANCE POIRTRAYED , & C , & C , & C , r . v J . PERRY GODFREY , Of C . r . iy ' s Iun , Sii . i ,-itur . Author of " Tlie Shipowners * , Shippers , and ( lenernl ( luide to . Marine Insurance , " " Strikes and Combinations , " & c . LONDON : EVISON & BRIDGE , 22 , Chancery Lane , W . C . ""THE CITIZEN . This "pTllTcJTIZEN . CilyT ? ev ^ aper , T ~ 'pHE CITIZEN . Published 'pHE ^ i mETri : ^" Frid ^ ~ p"iK ~ CmZEN 7 " Price Chic Penny , 'pIFcmzENr ^ •• pHE CITIZEN . Rcports ^ ind ~ cHsctisscs "pHE " aflZEN . City Affairs ! 'pi-IE " CITIZEN . I-ndays ! ' ¦ piIK ' cri'IZKN ! ' On-Tl ^ nny . ¦ " [ -HE CITIZEN ? ( : ) nTce 7 Ti 77 chcapsidc . ~~~ npIpfcTriZEN ! "The only 'pIE CITIZEN . Weekly Newspaper "pIE ^ ITTzEN . ~ Eor " the ' pTiFLrnzEl ' -r ^ r ri . llTcrTl ^ ZENr'Eveiy ^ I'riday . One Penny . " "PHE CITIZEN . "" Office ! 11 TTcheapsidc . "p IE ! " CITIZEN . Every Friday .
Now ready , prico f , i \ ., post free 7 ( 1 . npHE MASONIC MAGAZINE for X MAY , ( - ( intaining The Kc .-oc . nls of an Aiineiil I Ice Unci in ami mil of S < liiml l . iuli-i * lb , » Adulteration noes , on The Soi-ielv of the- Rose ( mix Whit .-iintide Customs 'I he- 'I rcvor Family . Masonic : and ( ieuenil Arcli .-.--Fu-iii * li Masonry . 'Ihe- Sane loi-ia tuarv of Mc-mphU Little Britain I . if < - I-I ' AK I ' rimv I ' mi-ort Su ; , cT-. titioi ; s aial I iistcuns con- I ' ocjtrv : lulled will , Indas Iscaiiot ' What more can 1 say ? Tin- . Masonic ' Mall on Filbert : llenot Wealth Street , near Fi ;; lith , I'liiladel- I Out nf Tunc phia ' l . iltle Clara ' s ( iraie L ONDON ; GEORGE KENNING , 10 S , 1 ' LEET STREET .
SOVEREIGN LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY , FOUNDED 1 S 45 . THE REPORT Of the Directors just submitted to the Proprietors states that the office had issued 415 Policies for £ 168 , 985 , yielding a new premium income of £ 5433 2 s . nd . Assurances , Endowments , and Annuities granted on liberal terms . H . D . DAVENPORT , Secretary .
Notice of Removal from 23 to 2 G ( opposite ) . TO RESTAURANT & HOTEL PROPRIETORS , & c . GAIN , BUTCHER , 2 fi , SEETHING LANE , GREAT TOWER STREET , Supplies Hotels , Luncheon-Bars , Coffee Houses , & c , with Joints , Chops , Steaks , & c , at lowest possible rates . Branch Establishments—GIPSY HILL , NORWOOD ; 306 , WALWORTH ROAD .
W . FIGES , So , CANNON STREET , LONDON , E . G ., MANUFACTURER OK THE LOCK-RIB UMBRELLA , Unequalled for Strength and Neatness . Also thc NEW DAGMAR CLOTH UMBRELLA , more durable than Silk and equal in appearance .
BRO . ADLARD'S JEWEL ATTACHER , 7 s . 6 cl . If with Pocket , 6 d . each pocket extra . 225 , HIGH HOLBORN , W . C .
" TKI ' TH MI ' I ' l-tKVAit ., "— Common Sense . Lamps , Itatlis , Cutlery , r . rushcs , l-Vmlers , and I ire Irons , KlcctrolMatc and Nickle-Silvcr ( lootls . R . DTPARR , GENERAL HOUSE FURNISHING IRONMONGER , . * :, lil . ACKMAN STRKl-VI " , UOKOUtill , Oilers withini ** extraordinary but Keally (" mini Articles at fair and reasonable j'riecs . lleilnes not keep an * ' Immense Stock , " but siillicientlv lnr ^ e fci- any person to select from . Me does not sell " cheaper " than eve-y other house in the Trade , " but quite as cheap as anv . A visit will , at all times * , lie- very much appreciated .
ACCIDENT INSURANCE COMPANY , LIMITED . 7 , BANK BUILDINGS , LOTH BURY , E . C . General Accidents . 1 Personal Injuries Railway Accidents . | Deaths by Accident . C . HARDING , Manager .
X . / 'DILLIARD BALLS , Chalks , /** jT D Cues , and Tips , at HI-. NNIO ISKOS ., e ^ SL * jZK IVORY WORKS , 11 , 1111 * 11 STRKI' -T * \ J 75 * L \ m ) LONDON , W . C . Cheapest house in the j' 7 *^ trade for billiard table requisites and ivory m ^ yi r- ' A . V ^ l-. I ' IKXI * - * in «***** - * r .-il . Old balls adjusted or ' ir I—r v »* KxchaiiKcil and . Tables recovered . Price lists on application . Kstublis ' ied i 8 < i ; .
COALS . —M . J . ROWLEY & CO ., COLLIERY AND SHIPPING AGENTS , COAL , COKE , AND BKEI ' . / . K MERCHANTS , By appointment to Her Mnjesiy ' s Royal Household Troops . Nell Cash prices delivered : — Per Ten . Ingham ' s Old Hards -. is . Best Wallseiid - - *' - I lent Silkstone - - New Silkstone - - Best Derby Brights iSs . Large Brights 17 s . fed . Eureka Hartley ' 7 - Dudley Breeze , 2 5 - Best Gas Coke , per 12 Sacks - - - 12 s . LONDON OK KICKS : In , GT . OUEBEC-ST ., MARYLEBONE ROAD ; „ , , NORTI 1 AlJDl . KY-ST ., GROSVENOR SQUARE , W-, -JOHN * CAMPBELL RD ., STORK NKWING I ON , N . a ' udatiO , MILTON STREET , SPRING BANK , HULL .