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Provincial Grand Lodge Of East Lancashire.
Bro . J . C LEES , P . S . G . W ., also thanked them sincerely for the ' kind manner in which tbey bad drunk his health . He thanked the R . W . Prov . G . M . for the honour he had conferred upon him , and hoped that by walking in the footsteps of his predecessors he should merit their kindness . Bro . J . COLLINGE , P . J . G . W ., also acknowledged the
compliment . . The seventh toast on the list was " The Masonic Chanties . " This was proposed by Bro . J . A . BIRCH , who , in the course of an eloqucntspecch , suggested that each lodge in the province should appoint an additional officer as Almoner or Charity Steward . The toast was acknowledged by Bro . H INE in suitable
terms . "The Visitors " was proposed by Bro . J AMES POTTER ( Tudor Lodge ) , who said he was glad to have such a toast to propose , " and he could assure them that it was highly gratifying to the brethren of the Friendship and 'Tudor Lodges That such an honour had been paid them , and even-thin " - had been done to make their visit a pleasure to
them , and bring it to a successful and happy issue . He hoped they had succeeded in their efforts , and gave a cordial invitation to either of their lodges , and trusted to meet them again as visitors in Oldham . Bro . ALI . PASS , P . G . S . West Lancashire , responded . He said in coming to Oldham he anticipated they would lie well received , hut " the reality had exceeded the anticipation , as
the kindness and cordiality he had received was far greater than he expected . The CHAIRMAN proposed "The W . M . 's of Oldham Lodges , " and thanked the Oldham brethren for thc reception he had met with . He had found the Oldham lodges thoroughly efficient , and was glad that some of their brethren had been rewarded by appointments of high
standing in the province . He hoped they would always meet in harmony , happiness , and love . Bro . COLEMAN , W . M . ( Tudor Lodge ) responded , as did also Bro . A . CLEGG , W . M . ( Friendship Lodge ) . The last toast on the list , " All Poor and Distressed Freemasons , " was proposed by Bro . COLLINGE , P . G . J . W ., and suitably acknowledged . The proceedings were then brought to a close .
National Great Priory.
The following is the agenda paper for the National Great Priory , to be heldon Friday , the 14 th inst . : — Upon the Great Prior taking the throne , the National Great Priory will be opened in ample form . The Registrar will call the muster roll . The minutes of the last Great Priory meeting will be read .
A motion that the minutes are correctly recorded will be made . The report of thc Council will be read . Motions arising out of the report will bc made . A motion will be made that the report bc received and adopted . The Great Prior will nominate and invest his officers for the ensuing year .
The Treasurer will be elected . 'The members oi the Council will be appointed anil elected . Three members of the Grand Master ' s Council will be elected . The Almoner will collect the alms . The National Great Priory will be closed in ample form . A Priory of the Order of Malta will afterwards bc held . By order . \ V . TINKLER , K . C . T ., Vice-Chancellor .
Visit Of H.R.H. The Prince Of Wales To Truro.
Brethren intending to visit 'Truro on the occasion of the laying of the foundation stone of the 'Truro Cathedral by H . R . H . the Grand Master will be glad to learn that the Great Western Railway Company will issue first , second , and third class return tickets from any station on their
extensive system of railways to Truro at a single fare-and-aquartcr for the double journey , such tickets being available ( except in the case of tickets issued from London ) from the 19 th to the 21 st inst . inclusive . 'Tickets issued in London will be available from the 1 Sth to the 22 nd inclusive . Special meetings of the Exeter , Plymouth , ancl Plympton lodges will be held on the 19 th inst ., and a similar
concession ( but , in this case , restricted to first and second class passengers ) is announced by the Great Western Company in favour of visitors to those lodges , the tickets being available from the iStli to the 21 st inst . inclusive . Holders of tickets from London to Truro may break their journey at Plymouth . The only voucher required will be the card of admission or lodge summons , as the case may be .
Death Of The Grand Master Of Italy.
Bro . GIUSEPPE MAZZONI , the Grand Master of the Italian Freemasons , and Triumvir of 'Tuscany conjointly with Guerrazzi and Montanelli in 1 , 849 , died on Tuesday last , the nth inst ., at Prato , after four days'illness . He had been four times re-elected Grand Master , and had represented Prato in four Parliaments . In the Parliament of 1 S 76 he was elevated to the Senate , and appeared therefor the last time this year . His funeral on the 14 th was attended hy representatives of the various Masonic societies .
The Irish Masonic Female Orphanage .
On Saturday , the Sth inst ., without ostentation or ceremonial , a truly great work of charity was inaugurated . For some years past the modest schoolhouse in Burlington-road , which has been maintained by the Freemasons of Ireland as a home for the orphan daughters of deceased members
< if thc Oreler , has proved too small for the numbers of deserving children seeking admission to its benefits . 'The spread of Masonry in Ireland , especially remarkable during the last ten years , while it has vastly increased tbe influence and resources of the Order , has multiplied the demands upon its characteristic charity , and , for some time , the project of erecting a school woithy of thc brother-
The Irish Masonic Female Orphanage .
hood and capable of affording adequate relief has occupied the minds of many leading Masons of Dublin and thc provinces . After some hesitation , we believe confident and vigorous counsels have prevailed , and Messrs . M'Curdy arid Mitchell have prepared the designs , and Messrs . Gahan ancl Son obtained the contract for a building which , when completed , will be a noble monument of that benevolence which Freemasons claim as one of their
especial virtues . 'The new school will stand upon a healthy and well-selected site between the Blackrock-road and Simmonscourt-avenue , where about nine acres of land have been secured . The proposed expenditure will , we understand , be little short of £ 12 , 000 , to be laid out upon useful ancl substantial , but handsome rather than showy work , and thc buildings will be sufficiently extensive to accommodate ( should funds permit ) no less than seventy or eighty
orphans . 'Though their movements arc not made public , we have every reason to believe that the Masons of Ireland arc bestirring themselves to keep pace with thc builders , and to provide the necessary funds—of which about £ 6500 have been already promised—by special subscriptions , in the hope of preserving the invested capital of the Institution to meet the increased cost of maintaining thc school when enlarged . The urgent necessity for the completion
of this work is too plainly proved by the large number of children who arc in vain seeking admission to the existing school , which , for more than twenty years , has been quietly doing a vast amount of good , but has become crowded even beyond its capacity . 'The Governors must be much gratified and encouraged b y the marked distinction recently attained at thc 'Trinity College examinations for women byone of their pupils , who won the second place under circumstances most creditable to her . In several important
branches she distanced all her competitors , ancl seems to have missed thc first place only from not talcing up sonic very advances ! subjects not taught in thc school . It will need but a slight effort on the part of each member of the Order to complete the new school , and we are much mistaken in our estimate of Freemasonry if those who have courageously begun this great work fail to receive prompt , general , and open-handed support in carrying ! out their undertaking .
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
Craft fHasonrg . STRONG MAN LODGE ( No . 45 ) . —A meeting of this lodge was held on the Gth inst . at Masons' Hall Tavern , Masons' Avenue , Basinghall-street , E . C . There were present Bros . S . B . Halle , W . M .-, C . Cordingly , S . W . ; H . A . S . Humphries , J . W . ; H . Fallett , P . M ., Treas . ; A . A . Wing , P . M ., Sec ; C . 11 . Home , S . D . ; J . Smith , D . C ; Wi Balls , I . G . ; H . T . Nell , Steward ;
Steed , Tyler ; Defriez , P . M . ; Driver , P . M . ; G . G . Symons , P . M . ; H . Moss , P . M . ; J . Vass , P . M . ; Nicholls , Siddall , Fountaine , Frcelove , H . N . Symons , Glennie , Wood , E . H . Dove , Cubbon , Hindi , Thomas , Callow , Greenfield , and Herbert . Visitors : Bros . Ridge , S . D . 1347 ; Phillips , Macpherson , 354 ; ancl Packe , 4 88 . The lodge was opened in due form , according to ancient custom , and the minutes of last lodge were read nnd
confirmed . The lodge was opened in the Second Degree , nnd Bros . I- ' reelove and Fountaine , candidates forthe Third Degree , were examined , found qualified , entrusted , and retired . 'The lodge was opened in the 'Third Degree , when Bros . I- ' reelove and Fountaine were re-admitted , and raised to the Sublime Degree of Master Mason . 'The lodge was resumed in the First Degree , and the ballot was taken , anel
proved unanimous , in favour of Bro . G . J . Packe , 4 . 8 S , New York , as a joining member . Mr . Samuel Challc-n Greenfield was eluly initiated into the mysteries ancl privileges of ancient Freemasonry . 'The W . M . rose for the first and second time . Bro . Wood proposed , and Bro . Halle , W . M ., seconded , " 'That Mr . Joseph John Curtis be a member of this lodge . " It was proposed by Bro . l ' ollctt ,
and seconded by Bro . Humphries , to have a summer banquet , which was unanimously carried . The W . M ., Bro . Halle , ancl P . M . ' s Follett , Symons , Moss , nnd Wing , were appointed as a committee to make thc necessary arrangements . Nothing more being found for thc good . of Freemasonry , & c , the lodge was closed in due form , and adjourned .
PHCENIX LODGE ( No . 173 ) . —A meeting of this lodge was held on Saturday , the Sth inst ., at Freemasons' Hall , Great Oueen-street . 'There were present Bros . I- ! . W . Allen , W . M . ; Jas . Blyth , S . W . ; J . Andrews , J . W . ; C . J . Jekvll , Org . ; J . Burford , Treas . ; K . W . " Matthews / Sec " . ; F . Foxley , " S . D . ; F . D . Vine , J . I ) . ; G . Giiterbock , I . G . ; IL W . Davie , Steward ; C . T . " Speight ,
Tyler ; Wilson , P . M . ; Green , P . M . ; Witt , P . M . ; Salmon , P . M . ; Vine , P . M . ; Phillips . P . M . ; Finch , P . M . ; Midler , Pearce , Mabey , Russell , Humphreys , 'Tatham , Simpson , Gilbert , Stanham , Viney , Wood , Filmer , Molt , Kearley , Holcombc , New , Kinnimond , Williams , Ferguson , Gairdncr , and Boulting . Visitors : Bros . I lytic Pullen , P . G . S . B . ; W . Ough , P . G . P . ; J . H . Jewell , P . P . G . O . ;
T . Wood , P . P . G . J . ; I * . G . Maker , P . M . 7 ¦*¦*¦¦ : A . W . Duret , P . M . 122 V , | . . ' -. 'icholson , P . M . 59 ; W . Shepherd , W . M . G 9 ; J . Cantle , P . M . 12 * 57 j I- Johnson , W . M . 1 * 70 . 1 ; J . Schofield , 172 ; A . Thomas , P . M . 144 G ; \ V . R . Lister , W . M . 145 ; J . Pearson , P . M . 119 G ; and others to the number of thirty-six . 'The formal business of thc loelge having been performed ,
thc W . M ., Bro . Allen , installed Bro . Jas . Blyth as his successor . 'The ceremony was performed in a very able and impressive manner , to the evident satisfaction of the numerous brethren present . Bro . Blyth , as W . M ., invested the officers—the present officers down to thc I . G . having advanced in rotation . Bro . Davie was appointed Secretary of the lod . ge , in thc place of Bro . Matthews , who did not desire to be re-appointed , and Bro . Holcombc was appointed W . S .
Ihe lodge having closed , the brethren adjourned to a superb banquet . 'The usual loyal and Masonic toasts were given by the W . M . in pleasing and felicitous terms , anel Bro . II . Pullen , in returning thanks in eloquent terms for the Grand Officers , paid a warm tribute of praise to the W . M ., whom lie esteemed as a friend for his efficiency ns a Mason ; and he alluded to the fact that he had on the last installation meeting of thc lodge recommended the ; then
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
W . M ., Bro . Allen , to instal hissuccessor , and he was gratified to observe that he had taken his advice , and the result was the Installing Master had gained great credit to himself , and had done honour to the lodge by the very efficient manner in which lie had performed the duty . The VV . M . then presented the jewel of the lodge to the I . P . M ., and in doing so acknowledged on behalf of the members the
uniform kindness anel urbanity with which the duties of the W . M . had been performed during his year of office . The toast of " 'The Visitors" was responded to by Bro . Baker , P . M ., who stated that it had given him great satisfaction to witness the able manner the ceremony of installation had been performed by his pupil .
The musical arrangements were of a very efficient character , and gave great pleasure to the brethren assembled . 'The W . M . was warmly congratulated upon the success which had attended his installation , and received many expressions of goodwill for continued success during his year of office .
PRINCE LEOPOLD LODGE ( No . 1445 ) . — A meeting of the above lodge was held on Thursday , the Gib inst ., at Mitford Tavern , Sandringham-roacl , Dalston , E . Present : Bros . S . I ... Green , W . M .-T . Goddard , S . W . ; N . D . Partridge , J . W . ; W . II . Myers , P . M ., Treas . ; G . I * :. Walters , P . M ., Sec ; S . Lewis , S . D . ; W . McDonald , J . A . Robson , I . G . ; G . C . Young , Org . ; Marsh , Tyler ; H . Seymour , Clark , Potter , Kimbell , Gooch , Winkley , Newman , Edwards , Stevenson . Visitors : Bros . B . Lyons , P . M . Upton Lodge , No . 1227 , and J . Miller , Neptune Lodge , No . 22 . Lodge having been opened , and the minutes read and confirmed , the ballot was taken for the admission of Mr . 1 Ierman Gabriel , which proved unanimous , and , being in
attenelance , was duly initiated into the Order according to ancient rite . Lodge opened in the Second Degree , and Bro . Edwards examined ancl entrusted . Lodge opened in the 'Third Degree , and Bro . Edwards raised to the Sublime Degree of M . M . Lodge was then closed , and the brethren adjourned to supper , served b y the host , Bro . Stevenson . Some excellent songs were given , Bro . Young , Organist , presiding at thc piano .
DUKE OF CORNWALL LODGE ( No . 1 S 39 ) . —A meeting was held on Thursday , the 29 th of April , 1 S 80 , at the Freemasons' Hall , Lonelon . Present : Bros . J . W . Brooke , W . M . ; J . C . Corpe , S . W . ; W . P . Gibson Bott , J . W . ; Dewsnap , ' Treasurer ; Cruse , Sec ; Dewsnap acting J . D ., 'Treasurer ; Stokes , J . D ., Acting Senior I ) . ; Wilkins , I . G . ; Bauman , Steward ; Goddard , Tyler ;
Malony , P . M . Members : Bros . Furse , Ouoadt , Averbach , Williams , Holmes , Cattermole , Owen , Bertie , Jenkins , ancl others . Visitors : Bros . Dann , P . M . 72 ; Jakins , M . M . 13 S 5 ; Jakins , M . M . 343 ; Hodson , W . M . 1706 ; Runaclcs , 1358 and 15 G 3 , W . M . ; Day , M . M . ; Hook , P . M . iSG ; anel other brethren . Lodge was opened in due form with solemn prayer . The minutes of the previous
meeting were read and confirmed . The ballot was then taken for ( as joining member ) Bro . M . Keith-Frith , Great City Lodge ( proposed b y the W . M . and seconded by I . P . M ., Bro . Malony ) and for Bro . Walter B . Marcus , Industry Lodge ( proposed by the W . M . and seconded by Bro . Dr . Bott , J . W . ) , which ballot proving unanimous , the Secretary ( in the absence of the brethren from
unavoidable causes ) was instructed to inform them thereof . The lodge was then opened in the Second Degree , and Bros . Ouoadt , Averbach , Holmes , and Cattermole having answered the usual questions in a highly creditable manner were entrusted , ancl withdrew . 'The lodge was then opened in the Third Degree , when Bros . Quoadt ancl Averbach were raised to the Degree of M . M ., and afterwards Bros .
Holmes and Cattermole were also raised to the same 1 ) egree . 'The lodge was then resumed to the First Degree . The ballot was then taken for Mr . J . Bertie and Mr . liowel Jenkins , _ which proving unanimous , the brethren were duly initiated into the Order . 'The ceremony was impressive . 'The ballot was then taken for W . M . for thc ensuing year , and it proved unanimous in favour of Bro
C . T . Corpe , S . W ., who made a suitable reply to the congratulatory remarks of the W . M . Bro . Dewsnap was then re-elected Treasurer , and Bro . Goddard re-elected 'T yler for the ensuing year . 'The W . M . then proposed that Bros . Captain Furse , Williams , and Owen , being the three senior members of the lodge , should be appointed the Audit Committee . The W . M . then rose for the first and second
time , at which the S . W . proposed that a Past Master ' s jewel of the value of te-n guineas be presented to the outgoing W . M . Bin . Dr . Bott seconded this , and it was carried unanimously . 'The W . M . suitably acknowledged the vote . 'The \ V .. \ I . then rose for the third time , and thc lodge was closed in due form . The brethren then adjourned to a banquet , provided by
Bro . Best . 'The usual Masonic toasts were then proposed , and Bro . Corpe , VV . M . elect , ancl Bro . Bott , J . W ., took occasion to refer in glowing terms lo the services rendered to the Duke of Cornwall Lodge by the present W . M ., both as founder and first W . M . The " W . M . maele suitable acknowledgments , and in proposing the toast of "Tbe Visitors , " expressed the great pleasure it gave him to
welcome liro . J . b . Hudson , W . M . of the Orpheus Lodge , and Bro . j . Dann , P . M . 1558 , inasmuch as that the lodge was indebted to the former for their having recommended thc petition for the warrant to the Grand Lodge , and to the latter for his large amount of Masonic knowledge , which he had imparted to him ( the W . M . ) The toasts ' were replied to in . 1 feeling manner , and the other toasts ( interspersed
with capital songs ) were given and well received , thc evening being spent in a very agreeable manner . We understand that an emergency meeting is already mooted as becoming necessary , and we feel we are breaking no confidence in asserting that the Duke of Cornwall Lodge is likely to be as complete a success as any of its predecessors .
BATH . —Royal Cumberland Lodge ( No . 41 ) .- — The last regular meeting of the season was held at the Masonic Hall on 'Thursday , the Gth inst ., at 7 . 30 . 'There were present Bros . Dr . Hopkins , P . P . G . W . Warwick , P . M ., etc ., W . M . ; F . Wilkinson , P . P . G . S . of Wks ., as
I . P . M . ; Hunt , S . W . ; Railway , J . W . ; Ashley , P . P . G . J . W ., Treas . ; T . Wilton , P . P . G . J . W ., D . C ; Cater , Sec ; " Mercer , S . D . ; - Holmes . J . D . ; Ames , I . G . ; W . L . Baldwin , Org . ; Peach , S . S . ; T . K . Wilton , J . S . ; Bigwood , Tyler ; F . O . Brown , P . P . G . S . W ., P . M . ; Clark , P . M . ; Moutrie , P . P . G . S . W ,, P . M . j ttubie , P . P . G . J . W ., P . M . ;
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Provincial Grand Lodge Of East Lancashire.
Bro . J . C LEES , P . S . G . W ., also thanked them sincerely for the ' kind manner in which tbey bad drunk his health . He thanked the R . W . Prov . G . M . for the honour he had conferred upon him , and hoped that by walking in the footsteps of his predecessors he should merit their kindness . Bro . J . COLLINGE , P . J . G . W ., also acknowledged the
compliment . . The seventh toast on the list was " The Masonic Chanties . " This was proposed by Bro . J . A . BIRCH , who , in the course of an eloqucntspecch , suggested that each lodge in the province should appoint an additional officer as Almoner or Charity Steward . The toast was acknowledged by Bro . H INE in suitable
terms . "The Visitors " was proposed by Bro . J AMES POTTER ( Tudor Lodge ) , who said he was glad to have such a toast to propose , " and he could assure them that it was highly gratifying to the brethren of the Friendship and 'Tudor Lodges That such an honour had been paid them , and even-thin " - had been done to make their visit a pleasure to
them , and bring it to a successful and happy issue . He hoped they had succeeded in their efforts , and gave a cordial invitation to either of their lodges , and trusted to meet them again as visitors in Oldham . Bro . ALI . PASS , P . G . S . West Lancashire , responded . He said in coming to Oldham he anticipated they would lie well received , hut " the reality had exceeded the anticipation , as
the kindness and cordiality he had received was far greater than he expected . The CHAIRMAN proposed "The W . M . 's of Oldham Lodges , " and thanked the Oldham brethren for thc reception he had met with . He had found the Oldham lodges thoroughly efficient , and was glad that some of their brethren had been rewarded by appointments of high
standing in the province . He hoped they would always meet in harmony , happiness , and love . Bro . COLEMAN , W . M . ( Tudor Lodge ) responded , as did also Bro . A . CLEGG , W . M . ( Friendship Lodge ) . The last toast on the list , " All Poor and Distressed Freemasons , " was proposed by Bro . COLLINGE , P . G . J . W ., and suitably acknowledged . The proceedings were then brought to a close .
National Great Priory.
The following is the agenda paper for the National Great Priory , to be heldon Friday , the 14 th inst . : — Upon the Great Prior taking the throne , the National Great Priory will be opened in ample form . The Registrar will call the muster roll . The minutes of the last Great Priory meeting will be read .
A motion that the minutes are correctly recorded will be made . The report of thc Council will be read . Motions arising out of the report will bc made . A motion will be made that the report bc received and adopted . The Great Prior will nominate and invest his officers for the ensuing year .
The Treasurer will be elected . 'The members oi the Council will be appointed anil elected . Three members of the Grand Master ' s Council will be elected . The Almoner will collect the alms . The National Great Priory will be closed in ample form . A Priory of the Order of Malta will afterwards bc held . By order . \ V . TINKLER , K . C . T ., Vice-Chancellor .
Visit Of H.R.H. The Prince Of Wales To Truro.
Brethren intending to visit 'Truro on the occasion of the laying of the foundation stone of the 'Truro Cathedral by H . R . H . the Grand Master will be glad to learn that the Great Western Railway Company will issue first , second , and third class return tickets from any station on their
extensive system of railways to Truro at a single fare-and-aquartcr for the double journey , such tickets being available ( except in the case of tickets issued from London ) from the 19 th to the 21 st inst . inclusive . 'Tickets issued in London will be available from the 1 Sth to the 22 nd inclusive . Special meetings of the Exeter , Plymouth , ancl Plympton lodges will be held on the 19 th inst ., and a similar
concession ( but , in this case , restricted to first and second class passengers ) is announced by the Great Western Company in favour of visitors to those lodges , the tickets being available from the iStli to the 21 st inst . inclusive . Holders of tickets from London to Truro may break their journey at Plymouth . The only voucher required will be the card of admission or lodge summons , as the case may be .
Death Of The Grand Master Of Italy.
Bro . GIUSEPPE MAZZONI , the Grand Master of the Italian Freemasons , and Triumvir of 'Tuscany conjointly with Guerrazzi and Montanelli in 1 , 849 , died on Tuesday last , the nth inst ., at Prato , after four days'illness . He had been four times re-elected Grand Master , and had represented Prato in four Parliaments . In the Parliament of 1 S 76 he was elevated to the Senate , and appeared therefor the last time this year . His funeral on the 14 th was attended hy representatives of the various Masonic societies .
The Irish Masonic Female Orphanage .
On Saturday , the Sth inst ., without ostentation or ceremonial , a truly great work of charity was inaugurated . For some years past the modest schoolhouse in Burlington-road , which has been maintained by the Freemasons of Ireland as a home for the orphan daughters of deceased members
< if thc Oreler , has proved too small for the numbers of deserving children seeking admission to its benefits . 'The spread of Masonry in Ireland , especially remarkable during the last ten years , while it has vastly increased tbe influence and resources of the Order , has multiplied the demands upon its characteristic charity , and , for some time , the project of erecting a school woithy of thc brother-
The Irish Masonic Female Orphanage .
hood and capable of affording adequate relief has occupied the minds of many leading Masons of Dublin and thc provinces . After some hesitation , we believe confident and vigorous counsels have prevailed , and Messrs . M'Curdy arid Mitchell have prepared the designs , and Messrs . Gahan ancl Son obtained the contract for a building which , when completed , will be a noble monument of that benevolence which Freemasons claim as one of their
especial virtues . 'The new school will stand upon a healthy and well-selected site between the Blackrock-road and Simmonscourt-avenue , where about nine acres of land have been secured . The proposed expenditure will , we understand , be little short of £ 12 , 000 , to be laid out upon useful ancl substantial , but handsome rather than showy work , and thc buildings will be sufficiently extensive to accommodate ( should funds permit ) no less than seventy or eighty
orphans . 'Though their movements arc not made public , we have every reason to believe that the Masons of Ireland arc bestirring themselves to keep pace with thc builders , and to provide the necessary funds—of which about £ 6500 have been already promised—by special subscriptions , in the hope of preserving the invested capital of the Institution to meet the increased cost of maintaining thc school when enlarged . The urgent necessity for the completion
of this work is too plainly proved by the large number of children who arc in vain seeking admission to the existing school , which , for more than twenty years , has been quietly doing a vast amount of good , but has become crowded even beyond its capacity . 'The Governors must be much gratified and encouraged b y the marked distinction recently attained at thc 'Trinity College examinations for women byone of their pupils , who won the second place under circumstances most creditable to her . In several important
branches she distanced all her competitors , ancl seems to have missed thc first place only from not talcing up sonic very advances ! subjects not taught in thc school . It will need but a slight effort on the part of each member of the Order to complete the new school , and we are much mistaken in our estimate of Freemasonry if those who have courageously begun this great work fail to receive prompt , general , and open-handed support in carrying ! out their undertaking .
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
Craft fHasonrg . STRONG MAN LODGE ( No . 45 ) . —A meeting of this lodge was held on the Gth inst . at Masons' Hall Tavern , Masons' Avenue , Basinghall-street , E . C . There were present Bros . S . B . Halle , W . M .-, C . Cordingly , S . W . ; H . A . S . Humphries , J . W . ; H . Fallett , P . M ., Treas . ; A . A . Wing , P . M ., Sec ; C . 11 . Home , S . D . ; J . Smith , D . C ; Wi Balls , I . G . ; H . T . Nell , Steward ;
Steed , Tyler ; Defriez , P . M . ; Driver , P . M . ; G . G . Symons , P . M . ; H . Moss , P . M . ; J . Vass , P . M . ; Nicholls , Siddall , Fountaine , Frcelove , H . N . Symons , Glennie , Wood , E . H . Dove , Cubbon , Hindi , Thomas , Callow , Greenfield , and Herbert . Visitors : Bros . Ridge , S . D . 1347 ; Phillips , Macpherson , 354 ; ancl Packe , 4 88 . The lodge was opened in due form , according to ancient custom , and the minutes of last lodge were read nnd
confirmed . The lodge was opened in the Second Degree , nnd Bros . I- ' reelove and Fountaine , candidates forthe Third Degree , were examined , found qualified , entrusted , and retired . 'The lodge was opened in the 'Third Degree , when Bros . I- ' reelove and Fountaine were re-admitted , and raised to the Sublime Degree of Master Mason . 'The lodge was resumed in the First Degree , and the ballot was taken , anel
proved unanimous , in favour of Bro . G . J . Packe , 4 . 8 S , New York , as a joining member . Mr . Samuel Challc-n Greenfield was eluly initiated into the mysteries ancl privileges of ancient Freemasonry . 'The W . M . rose for the first and second time . Bro . Wood proposed , and Bro . Halle , W . M ., seconded , " 'That Mr . Joseph John Curtis be a member of this lodge . " It was proposed by Bro . l ' ollctt ,
and seconded by Bro . Humphries , to have a summer banquet , which was unanimously carried . The W . M ., Bro . Halle , ancl P . M . ' s Follett , Symons , Moss , nnd Wing , were appointed as a committee to make thc necessary arrangements . Nothing more being found for thc good . of Freemasonry , & c , the lodge was closed in due form , and adjourned .
PHCENIX LODGE ( No . 173 ) . —A meeting of this lodge was held on Saturday , the Sth inst ., at Freemasons' Hall , Great Oueen-street . 'There were present Bros . I- ! . W . Allen , W . M . ; Jas . Blyth , S . W . ; J . Andrews , J . W . ; C . J . Jekvll , Org . ; J . Burford , Treas . ; K . W . " Matthews / Sec " . ; F . Foxley , " S . D . ; F . D . Vine , J . I ) . ; G . Giiterbock , I . G . ; IL W . Davie , Steward ; C . T . " Speight ,
Tyler ; Wilson , P . M . ; Green , P . M . ; Witt , P . M . ; Salmon , P . M . ; Vine , P . M . ; Phillips . P . M . ; Finch , P . M . ; Midler , Pearce , Mabey , Russell , Humphreys , 'Tatham , Simpson , Gilbert , Stanham , Viney , Wood , Filmer , Molt , Kearley , Holcombc , New , Kinnimond , Williams , Ferguson , Gairdncr , and Boulting . Visitors : Bros . I lytic Pullen , P . G . S . B . ; W . Ough , P . G . P . ; J . H . Jewell , P . P . G . O . ;
T . Wood , P . P . G . J . ; I * . G . Maker , P . M . 7 ¦*¦*¦¦ : A . W . Duret , P . M . 122 V , | . . ' -. 'icholson , P . M . 59 ; W . Shepherd , W . M . G 9 ; J . Cantle , P . M . 12 * 57 j I- Johnson , W . M . 1 * 70 . 1 ; J . Schofield , 172 ; A . Thomas , P . M . 144 G ; \ V . R . Lister , W . M . 145 ; J . Pearson , P . M . 119 G ; and others to the number of thirty-six . 'The formal business of thc loelge having been performed ,
thc W . M ., Bro . Allen , installed Bro . Jas . Blyth as his successor . 'The ceremony was performed in a very able and impressive manner , to the evident satisfaction of the numerous brethren present . Bro . Blyth , as W . M ., invested the officers—the present officers down to thc I . G . having advanced in rotation . Bro . Davie was appointed Secretary of the lod . ge , in thc place of Bro . Matthews , who did not desire to be re-appointed , and Bro . Holcombc was appointed W . S .
Ihe lodge having closed , the brethren adjourned to a superb banquet . 'The usual loyal and Masonic toasts were given by the W . M . in pleasing and felicitous terms , anel Bro . II . Pullen , in returning thanks in eloquent terms for the Grand Officers , paid a warm tribute of praise to the W . M ., whom lie esteemed as a friend for his efficiency ns a Mason ; and he alluded to the fact that he had on the last installation meeting of thc lodge recommended the ; then
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
W . M ., Bro . Allen , to instal hissuccessor , and he was gratified to observe that he had taken his advice , and the result was the Installing Master had gained great credit to himself , and had done honour to the lodge by the very efficient manner in which lie had performed the duty . The VV . M . then presented the jewel of the lodge to the I . P . M ., and in doing so acknowledged on behalf of the members the
uniform kindness anel urbanity with which the duties of the W . M . had been performed during his year of office . The toast of " 'The Visitors" was responded to by Bro . Baker , P . M ., who stated that it had given him great satisfaction to witness the able manner the ceremony of installation had been performed by his pupil .
The musical arrangements were of a very efficient character , and gave great pleasure to the brethren assembled . 'The W . M . was warmly congratulated upon the success which had attended his installation , and received many expressions of goodwill for continued success during his year of office .
PRINCE LEOPOLD LODGE ( No . 1445 ) . — A meeting of the above lodge was held on Thursday , the Gib inst ., at Mitford Tavern , Sandringham-roacl , Dalston , E . Present : Bros . S . I ... Green , W . M .-T . Goddard , S . W . ; N . D . Partridge , J . W . ; W . II . Myers , P . M ., Treas . ; G . I * :. Walters , P . M ., Sec ; S . Lewis , S . D . ; W . McDonald , J . A . Robson , I . G . ; G . C . Young , Org . ; Marsh , Tyler ; H . Seymour , Clark , Potter , Kimbell , Gooch , Winkley , Newman , Edwards , Stevenson . Visitors : Bros . B . Lyons , P . M . Upton Lodge , No . 1227 , and J . Miller , Neptune Lodge , No . 22 . Lodge having been opened , and the minutes read and confirmed , the ballot was taken for the admission of Mr . 1 Ierman Gabriel , which proved unanimous , and , being in
attenelance , was duly initiated into the Order according to ancient rite . Lodge opened in the Second Degree , and Bro . Edwards examined ancl entrusted . Lodge opened in the 'Third Degree , and Bro . Edwards raised to the Sublime Degree of M . M . Lodge was then closed , and the brethren adjourned to supper , served b y the host , Bro . Stevenson . Some excellent songs were given , Bro . Young , Organist , presiding at thc piano .
DUKE OF CORNWALL LODGE ( No . 1 S 39 ) . —A meeting was held on Thursday , the 29 th of April , 1 S 80 , at the Freemasons' Hall , Lonelon . Present : Bros . J . W . Brooke , W . M . ; J . C . Corpe , S . W . ; W . P . Gibson Bott , J . W . ; Dewsnap , ' Treasurer ; Cruse , Sec ; Dewsnap acting J . D ., 'Treasurer ; Stokes , J . D ., Acting Senior I ) . ; Wilkins , I . G . ; Bauman , Steward ; Goddard , Tyler ;
Malony , P . M . Members : Bros . Furse , Ouoadt , Averbach , Williams , Holmes , Cattermole , Owen , Bertie , Jenkins , ancl others . Visitors : Bros . Dann , P . M . 72 ; Jakins , M . M . 13 S 5 ; Jakins , M . M . 343 ; Hodson , W . M . 1706 ; Runaclcs , 1358 and 15 G 3 , W . M . ; Day , M . M . ; Hook , P . M . iSG ; anel other brethren . Lodge was opened in due form with solemn prayer . The minutes of the previous
meeting were read and confirmed . The ballot was then taken for ( as joining member ) Bro . M . Keith-Frith , Great City Lodge ( proposed b y the W . M . and seconded by I . P . M ., Bro . Malony ) and for Bro . Walter B . Marcus , Industry Lodge ( proposed by the W . M . and seconded by Bro . Dr . Bott , J . W . ) , which ballot proving unanimous , the Secretary ( in the absence of the brethren from
unavoidable causes ) was instructed to inform them thereof . The lodge was then opened in the Second Degree , and Bros . Ouoadt , Averbach , Holmes , and Cattermole having answered the usual questions in a highly creditable manner were entrusted , ancl withdrew . 'The lodge was then opened in the Third Degree , when Bros . Quoadt ancl Averbach were raised to the Degree of M . M ., and afterwards Bros .
Holmes and Cattermole were also raised to the same 1 ) egree . 'The lodge was then resumed to the First Degree . The ballot was then taken for Mr . J . Bertie and Mr . liowel Jenkins , _ which proving unanimous , the brethren were duly initiated into the Order . 'The ceremony was impressive . 'The ballot was then taken for W . M . for thc ensuing year , and it proved unanimous in favour of Bro
C . T . Corpe , S . W ., who made a suitable reply to the congratulatory remarks of the W . M . Bro . Dewsnap was then re-elected Treasurer , and Bro . Goddard re-elected 'T yler for the ensuing year . 'The W . M . then proposed that Bros . Captain Furse , Williams , and Owen , being the three senior members of the lodge , should be appointed the Audit Committee . The W . M . then rose for the first and second
time , at which the S . W . proposed that a Past Master ' s jewel of the value of te-n guineas be presented to the outgoing W . M . Bin . Dr . Bott seconded this , and it was carried unanimously . 'The W . M . suitably acknowledged the vote . 'The \ V .. \ I . then rose for the third time , and thc lodge was closed in due form . The brethren then adjourned to a banquet , provided by
Bro . Best . 'The usual Masonic toasts were then proposed , and Bro . Corpe , VV . M . elect , ancl Bro . Bott , J . W ., took occasion to refer in glowing terms lo the services rendered to the Duke of Cornwall Lodge by the present W . M ., both as founder and first W . M . The " W . M . maele suitable acknowledgments , and in proposing the toast of "Tbe Visitors , " expressed the great pleasure it gave him to
welcome liro . J . b . Hudson , W . M . of the Orpheus Lodge , and Bro . j . Dann , P . M . 1558 , inasmuch as that the lodge was indebted to the former for their having recommended thc petition for the warrant to the Grand Lodge , and to the latter for his large amount of Masonic knowledge , which he had imparted to him ( the W . M . ) The toasts ' were replied to in . 1 feeling manner , and the other toasts ( interspersed
with capital songs ) were given and well received , thc evening being spent in a very agreeable manner . We understand that an emergency meeting is already mooted as becoming necessary , and we feel we are breaking no confidence in asserting that the Duke of Cornwall Lodge is likely to be as complete a success as any of its predecessors .
BATH . —Royal Cumberland Lodge ( No . 41 ) .- — The last regular meeting of the season was held at the Masonic Hall on 'Thursday , the Gth inst ., at 7 . 30 . 'There were present Bros . Dr . Hopkins , P . P . G . W . Warwick , P . M ., etc ., W . M . ; F . Wilkinson , P . P . G . S . of Wks ., as
I . P . M . ; Hunt , S . W . ; Railway , J . W . ; Ashley , P . P . G . J . W ., Treas . ; T . Wilton , P . P . G . J . W ., D . C ; Cater , Sec ; " Mercer , S . D . ; - Holmes . J . D . ; Ames , I . G . ; W . L . Baldwin , Org . ; Peach , S . S . ; T . K . Wilton , J . S . ; Bigwood , Tyler ; F . O . Brown , P . P . G . S . W ., P . M . ; Clark , P . M . ; Moutrie , P . P . G . S . W ,, P . M . j ttubie , P . P . G . J . W ., P . M . ;