Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
T ONDON MASONIC CHARITY ! _/ ASSOCIATION—MAY ELECTION . lRSo . —Thc Cjmmittcc have . selected the following Candidates , and request the Votes of the London Brethren on their behalf : — AGED FREEMASONS . No . iG . William . John Helps . ,, 19 . Samuel Genese . „ 24 . John Wm . Claisen . WIDOWS OF F REEMASONS . No . 15 . E . T . Maynard . ,, 40 . Marianne Rig-by . „ 41 . Harriet Palmer . „ 4 *; Sarah White . „ * . Elizabeth M . A . Child . ,, ' 24 . Rebecca Martin . ,, 37 . Louisa E . Chandler . * Two Candidates of tbe same name . Proxies to bc sent to Bro . A . TISLEY , lion . Secretary , L . M . C . A ., No . 1 , Clifford ' s Inn , Fleet-street , London , E . C
ROYAL MASONIC BENEVOLENT INSTITUTION . —SECOND APPLICATION . —MAY ELECTION , iSRo .--Your Votes and Interest arc earnestly solicited on behalf of BRO . GEORGE ELLIOTT , ( Now of yi , Kent Street , Grimsby ) , aged 70 years , who was initiated in Lodge No . 24 S ( formerly 30- *)) , at Brixham , in the year 1 S 46 , and subscribed to it for the last 32 years . He was formerly a fisherman , but had the misfortune to lose-his vessel in 1 S 65 , since which time , owing * to failing sight , rheumatism , Sic , he conld do very little for the support of himself ancl family , and lias been unable to make any provision for declining years . This case is strongly recommended .
DOYAL MASONIC BENEVOIV LENT INSTITUTION FOR AGED FREEMASONS . A Subscriber , having several hundred votes of the above Institution to exchange for those of Widows , will be pleased to arrange the same at ( 17 , Knightrielcr-street , St . Paul ' s , between four and six , personally ( or by letter ) , until thc 19 th inst . W . A .
TO OUR READERS . Tur . KI-. !" . I"M . \ SON is published every Friday mornini-, price ; 3 d ., and contains the fiille-st .-mil latest information relating to Freemasonry in every degree . Subscriptions , including Postn-tc : — ,,. . .,..- , r- U"iril , f * ' * i "; n ,, * India . China , Australia United \ mi-doin . Canada , the Lout ,. . yx : iklnA & c . IK'llt , * V-C . ' 13 s . 15 s . 6 d . 17 s . 6 d . Remittances may be- made in Stamps , but Post Ollice- Orders or Chc' -ncs .-ire- pre-fe-lTe ' il , the former payable- to ( iKoitia : KKNNINO , Chief Ollice-, London , the totter crossed London Joint Stock Hank
$ 0 ( LZovxcsxtanticnts . E . W . NICHOLSON . —1 . Not at all . 2 . Certainly not . 3 . Yes ; entirely . 4 . Certainly nut . 5 . Yes . fi . No . BOOKS , etc ., RECEIVED . " * Monro ' s Masonic Messenger , " "Thc Egyptian Gazette , " " The Freemason " ( Sydney ) , " Montreal Herald , " "The I-. iiic -t .-t , " "Der Long Islaender , " " 'The Citizen , " " 'The Liberal Freemason , " "Proceedings nf the Grand Council nf Koyal nnd Select Musters ol the State of l-ouisiana , " "Hull Packet , " "Tbe Freemason ' s Monthly , " " The Jewish Chronicle , " "The Croydon Guardian , " "The Chelmsford Chronicle . "
OVR readers will notice all tlie announcements relative to lire great gathering at Truro on Thursday , the 20 th inst . A very numerous inusler of the bretliren is expected , and we have every reason to
believe , from what wc licar on all sides , that tliis ' * Grand Assembly" will bca most notable one , and lo be long remembered in the annals of ( lie Cornisli and English Craft . * * WE call attention to the notification relative to the Boys' School on the ist of July , at the Crystal Palace , Sj-dcnhnn-i . The Earl of LATHOM , our most distinguished D . G . M ., will bc in thc chair , nnd Col . Li : GENDRE STARKIE , Prov . G . M . E .
Lancashire , is President of llic Board of Stewards , tlie acting Chairman being our well-known and esteemed liro . RUCKER . SO far 270 Stewards have sent in their names . Tliis number , we hope ,
will be largely augmented by ' thc time the l * " estival arrives ; but we would urge upon all the brethren wlui intend qualify ing as Stewards to lose no lime in forwarding their names lo liro . IiiNCKES .
Wr . may add to the above that a good dea ! of anxiety and much annoyance is caused to the Secretaries of our great Institutions by the laic period
at which brethren oflcn send in their names as Stewards . Wc have heard of a case positively where a brother did so on thc day of thc Festival itself , and though il is true always " that it is belter lalethan never , " yet , as regards our Stewards , lhis is surely one of thc cases where thc "breach " of thc axiom is almost better than its " observance . "
* * Wi : understand that W . Lancashire is making great efforts to send up a goodly contribution to the Boys' School Festival . Some of ihe W .
Lancashire brethren declare ihcy mean to "beat" K . Lancashire ' s return lo the Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution , which was a noble one , as some of us remember well .
* * BY a communication from Bro . HEDGES we hear wilh p leasure lhat the amount received for the Girls' School Festival , as increased by tard y returns , is now £ 13 , 759 2 s . 6 d .
* * WE note with much satisfaction that St . John ' s Lodge , No . 6 73 , has voted fifty guineas for thc Royal Masonic Institution for Boys , and wc hope this good example will be followed .
* * BRO . \ VliYTEHE \ n \ s address on Mark Masonry , reviewed in another column , deserves thc perusal of all interested in arch ; cological curiosities and history
of Freemasonry . Thc " Marks " of thc old operative Masons form a most interesting , if mysterious , chapter , alikc in the annals of thc Masonic Guilds and thc development of thc building art .
* * THE report of the \ V . Lancashire Masonic Educational Institution , as printed in our columns last week , suggests many serious considerations , lt is quite clear that all such institutions are advisable ,
and useful , and helpful , even to the central Institution . Some have seen in tliem a weakening tendency in respect of our great Charities ; we , on thc contrary , believe that they will become most
valuable subsidiary institutions . ' 1 he W . Lancashire Institution , which appears lo bc admirably administered , is spending £ 660 , in round numbers , petannum , and has / j 5 , 360 invested .
* * THK lasl accounts from Paris seem to shew ilial ¦ 1 belter spirit is arising in the Rite F . cossais Though we arc a purely Craft journal , wc have , nvcr , concealed our sympathy with the rulin-j
powers , the Grand Conseil , in this untoward agitation . Wc entirely disapprove of this attempt to set up a separated and schismatic Grand Lodge , and can only repeat that English brethren can and will have nothing to do with it .
WE understand that an animated contest will take p lace at the next monthly meeting of thc General Committee of the Girls' School , as regards thc House Committee . We are very sorry
to see such continued agitation , and advise all Life Governors to be present and vote for committeemen whose name and position will be an augury of unanimity and peace , It will be a great pity if personal feelings or private piques
should upset the harmony of thc House Committee . Latterl y a very bad personal spirit has been manifested i » wore than one instance , lo which wc
need not advert , which has even descended to encourage the animosity of a part ) -, and thc malevolent assertions of deliberate slander of the brethren .
* * Ir is now , we apprehend , clear , that this effort of change is intended to turn out thc whole House Committee . Without slopping la point out the impropriety and ingratitude of such
a course , which wc fear is a "Remand' from some recent undignified and most personal controversies , we urge upon all brethren Life Governors to be present , and by an overwhelming majority defeat so audacious an attempt , and such pe-
culiarly unwise and unprecedented proceedings . The present House Committee deserves thc thanks and support of us all .
* * IN Moore ' s Masonic Messenger of March , 1 SS 0 , wc find , curiously enough , an American endorsement of our views respecting the expenditure in American Grand Lodges on "mileage" and
" member ' s expenses . " We do not wish to revert to a discussion , but we cannot help feeling that a good deal may bc said on both sides , and that the opinions we have expressed in all deference are
those of many American Masons themselves . Wc feci sure it is a matter worthy of consideration . We shall reprint the remarks of Moore ' s Masonic Messenger in our next .
* * THE statement of the Secretary of thc Boys ' School , in a very characteristic circular . That the Boys' School has not been " so fortunate as the sister Institution in thc approving advocacy of a
portion of thc Masonic press , " has a reference , probably , to thc Freemason , though we do not profess to understand how any such assertion can justifiably bc made of thc Freemason . The
Freemason has from thc first moment of its foundation most earnestl y supported all the Masonic Charities , and especially the Boys' School , though its motto has always been " Institutions , " not " men . "
ifi -Je THE Freemason has been manfull y maintained b y one proprietor , and one proprietor alone , and has earned , and will earn , we venture to believe , thc
honest approval and fraternal confidence of the entire Craft at home , and of countless friends abroad . Its circulation is increasing as week follows week , and it is now read b y thousands of Masons all thc world over .
* * THE remarks which seem to have given such needless oflence to some very sensitive minds were intended to help the Secretaries and thc Institutions , as il is quite clear b y Bro . BINCKES ' own
admission of his need of a wished for repose , lhat thc present system is unfair to all , and is too onerous in the sacrifice it cntails ' upon , ancl thc loss of health and thc interference wilh domestic comforts , and home enjoyments , il so ruthlessly demands of those
who have , night after night , to visit lodges , and plead on behalf of thc Charities . Wc venture lo think , as wc have always said , that thc more expedient , and wiser , and more dignified course is that which has been followed so successfull y by thc
Secretary of the Girls' School , namely , to allow the School and Charity to appeal lo thc Craft on its own merits . That course seems to commend itself to thc approval and S 3 * mpalhy of the Craft if wc may judge by the last triumphant festival .
* * ALL personality , as such , has , however , been excluded , and always is , from thc pages of the
Freemason , and if any feel aggrieved at our honest suggestions and friendly advice , the fault is with them , not with us . Perhaps theirs may practically bc the avowal , still , for want of anything better—I do not like thee , Dr . Fell , The reason wh y 1 cannot tell , I do not like thee , Dr . Fell .
. * * * WE understand that at thc meeting of the General Committee of thc Royal Masonic Benevolent
Institution 0 / 1 Wednesday . 1 very unpleasant affair in the office was dealt with b y thc members present . Even Masonic oflicers require surveillance and control .
* * FROM information which wc have received , it is beyond a doubt that ( his movement to change the whole House Committee in the Girls' School is thc result of a petty cabal . Some names arc mixed up
with the proceedings which are , in our opinion , altogether misplaced , and wc are sorry that some worthy bretliren have become the cat ' s paw of a clique . What thc opinion of thc subscribers is will soon be unmisUtkeably demonstrated to the Craft .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
T ONDON MASONIC CHARITY ! _/ ASSOCIATION—MAY ELECTION . lRSo . —Thc Cjmmittcc have . selected the following Candidates , and request the Votes of the London Brethren on their behalf : — AGED FREEMASONS . No . iG . William . John Helps . ,, 19 . Samuel Genese . „ 24 . John Wm . Claisen . WIDOWS OF F REEMASONS . No . 15 . E . T . Maynard . ,, 40 . Marianne Rig-by . „ 41 . Harriet Palmer . „ 4 *; Sarah White . „ * . Elizabeth M . A . Child . ,, ' 24 . Rebecca Martin . ,, 37 . Louisa E . Chandler . * Two Candidates of tbe same name . Proxies to bc sent to Bro . A . TISLEY , lion . Secretary , L . M . C . A ., No . 1 , Clifford ' s Inn , Fleet-street , London , E . C
ROYAL MASONIC BENEVOLENT INSTITUTION . —SECOND APPLICATION . —MAY ELECTION , iSRo .--Your Votes and Interest arc earnestly solicited on behalf of BRO . GEORGE ELLIOTT , ( Now of yi , Kent Street , Grimsby ) , aged 70 years , who was initiated in Lodge No . 24 S ( formerly 30- *)) , at Brixham , in the year 1 S 46 , and subscribed to it for the last 32 years . He was formerly a fisherman , but had the misfortune to lose-his vessel in 1 S 65 , since which time , owing * to failing sight , rheumatism , Sic , he conld do very little for the support of himself ancl family , and lias been unable to make any provision for declining years . This case is strongly recommended .
DOYAL MASONIC BENEVOIV LENT INSTITUTION FOR AGED FREEMASONS . A Subscriber , having several hundred votes of the above Institution to exchange for those of Widows , will be pleased to arrange the same at ( 17 , Knightrielcr-street , St . Paul ' s , between four and six , personally ( or by letter ) , until thc 19 th inst . W . A .
TO OUR READERS . Tur . KI-. !" . I"M . \ SON is published every Friday mornini-, price ; 3 d ., and contains the fiille-st .-mil latest information relating to Freemasonry in every degree . Subscriptions , including Postn-tc : — ,,. . .,..- , r- U"iril , f * ' * i "; n ,, * India . China , Australia United \ mi-doin . Canada , the Lout ,. . yx : iklnA & c . IK'llt , * V-C . ' 13 s . 15 s . 6 d . 17 s . 6 d . Remittances may be- made in Stamps , but Post Ollice- Orders or Chc' -ncs .-ire- pre-fe-lTe ' il , the former payable- to ( iKoitia : KKNNINO , Chief Ollice-, London , the totter crossed London Joint Stock Hank
$ 0 ( LZovxcsxtanticnts . E . W . NICHOLSON . —1 . Not at all . 2 . Certainly not . 3 . Yes ; entirely . 4 . Certainly nut . 5 . Yes . fi . No . BOOKS , etc ., RECEIVED . " * Monro ' s Masonic Messenger , " "Thc Egyptian Gazette , " " The Freemason " ( Sydney ) , " Montreal Herald , " "The I-. iiic -t .-t , " "Der Long Islaender , " " 'The Citizen , " " 'The Liberal Freemason , " "Proceedings nf the Grand Council nf Koyal nnd Select Musters ol the State of l-ouisiana , " "Hull Packet , " "Tbe Freemason ' s Monthly , " " The Jewish Chronicle , " "The Croydon Guardian , " "The Chelmsford Chronicle . "
OVR readers will notice all tlie announcements relative to lire great gathering at Truro on Thursday , the 20 th inst . A very numerous inusler of the bretliren is expected , and we have every reason to
believe , from what wc licar on all sides , that tliis ' * Grand Assembly" will bca most notable one , and lo be long remembered in the annals of ( lie Cornisli and English Craft . * * WE call attention to the notification relative to the Boys' School on the ist of July , at the Crystal Palace , Sj-dcnhnn-i . The Earl of LATHOM , our most distinguished D . G . M ., will bc in thc chair , nnd Col . Li : GENDRE STARKIE , Prov . G . M . E .
Lancashire , is President of llic Board of Stewards , tlie acting Chairman being our well-known and esteemed liro . RUCKER . SO far 270 Stewards have sent in their names . Tliis number , we hope ,
will be largely augmented by ' thc time the l * " estival arrives ; but we would urge upon all the brethren wlui intend qualify ing as Stewards to lose no lime in forwarding their names lo liro . IiiNCKES .
Wr . may add to the above that a good dea ! of anxiety and much annoyance is caused to the Secretaries of our great Institutions by the laic period
at which brethren oflcn send in their names as Stewards . Wc have heard of a case positively where a brother did so on thc day of thc Festival itself , and though il is true always " that it is belter lalethan never , " yet , as regards our Stewards , lhis is surely one of thc cases where thc "breach " of thc axiom is almost better than its " observance . "
* * Wi : understand that W . Lancashire is making great efforts to send up a goodly contribution to the Boys' School Festival . Some of ihe W .
Lancashire brethren declare ihcy mean to "beat" K . Lancashire ' s return lo the Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution , which was a noble one , as some of us remember well .
* * BY a communication from Bro . HEDGES we hear wilh p leasure lhat the amount received for the Girls' School Festival , as increased by tard y returns , is now £ 13 , 759 2 s . 6 d .
* * WE note with much satisfaction that St . John ' s Lodge , No . 6 73 , has voted fifty guineas for thc Royal Masonic Institution for Boys , and wc hope this good example will be followed .
* * BRO . \ VliYTEHE \ n \ s address on Mark Masonry , reviewed in another column , deserves thc perusal of all interested in arch ; cological curiosities and history
of Freemasonry . Thc " Marks " of thc old operative Masons form a most interesting , if mysterious , chapter , alikc in the annals of thc Masonic Guilds and thc development of thc building art .
* * THE report of the \ V . Lancashire Masonic Educational Institution , as printed in our columns last week , suggests many serious considerations , lt is quite clear that all such institutions are advisable ,
and useful , and helpful , even to the central Institution . Some have seen in tliem a weakening tendency in respect of our great Charities ; we , on thc contrary , believe that they will become most
valuable subsidiary institutions . ' 1 he W . Lancashire Institution , which appears lo bc admirably administered , is spending £ 660 , in round numbers , petannum , and has / j 5 , 360 invested .
* * THK lasl accounts from Paris seem to shew ilial ¦ 1 belter spirit is arising in the Rite F . cossais Though we arc a purely Craft journal , wc have , nvcr , concealed our sympathy with the rulin-j
powers , the Grand Conseil , in this untoward agitation . Wc entirely disapprove of this attempt to set up a separated and schismatic Grand Lodge , and can only repeat that English brethren can and will have nothing to do with it .
WE understand that an animated contest will take p lace at the next monthly meeting of thc General Committee of the Girls' School , as regards thc House Committee . We are very sorry
to see such continued agitation , and advise all Life Governors to be present and vote for committeemen whose name and position will be an augury of unanimity and peace , It will be a great pity if personal feelings or private piques
should upset the harmony of thc House Committee . Latterl y a very bad personal spirit has been manifested i » wore than one instance , lo which wc
need not advert , which has even descended to encourage the animosity of a part ) -, and thc malevolent assertions of deliberate slander of the brethren .
* * Ir is now , we apprehend , clear , that this effort of change is intended to turn out thc whole House Committee . Without slopping la point out the impropriety and ingratitude of such
a course , which wc fear is a "Remand' from some recent undignified and most personal controversies , we urge upon all brethren Life Governors to be present , and by an overwhelming majority defeat so audacious an attempt , and such pe-
culiarly unwise and unprecedented proceedings . The present House Committee deserves thc thanks and support of us all .
* * IN Moore ' s Masonic Messenger of March , 1 SS 0 , wc find , curiously enough , an American endorsement of our views respecting the expenditure in American Grand Lodges on "mileage" and
" member ' s expenses . " We do not wish to revert to a discussion , but we cannot help feeling that a good deal may bc said on both sides , and that the opinions we have expressed in all deference are
those of many American Masons themselves . Wc feci sure it is a matter worthy of consideration . We shall reprint the remarks of Moore ' s Masonic Messenger in our next .
* * THE statement of the Secretary of thc Boys ' School , in a very characteristic circular . That the Boys' School has not been " so fortunate as the sister Institution in thc approving advocacy of a
portion of thc Masonic press , " has a reference , probably , to thc Freemason , though we do not profess to understand how any such assertion can justifiably bc made of thc Freemason . The
Freemason has from thc first moment of its foundation most earnestl y supported all the Masonic Charities , and especially the Boys' School , though its motto has always been " Institutions , " not " men . "
ifi -Je THE Freemason has been manfull y maintained b y one proprietor , and one proprietor alone , and has earned , and will earn , we venture to believe , thc
honest approval and fraternal confidence of the entire Craft at home , and of countless friends abroad . Its circulation is increasing as week follows week , and it is now read b y thousands of Masons all thc world over .
* * THE remarks which seem to have given such needless oflence to some very sensitive minds were intended to help the Secretaries and thc Institutions , as il is quite clear b y Bro . BINCKES ' own
admission of his need of a wished for repose , lhat thc present system is unfair to all , and is too onerous in the sacrifice it cntails ' upon , ancl thc loss of health and thc interference wilh domestic comforts , and home enjoyments , il so ruthlessly demands of those
who have , night after night , to visit lodges , and plead on behalf of thc Charities . Wc venture lo think , as wc have always said , that thc more expedient , and wiser , and more dignified course is that which has been followed so successfull y by thc
Secretary of the Girls' School , namely , to allow the School and Charity to appeal lo thc Craft on its own merits . That course seems to commend itself to thc approval and S 3 * mpalhy of the Craft if wc may judge by the last triumphant festival .
* * ALL personality , as such , has , however , been excluded , and always is , from thc pages of the
Freemason , and if any feel aggrieved at our honest suggestions and friendly advice , the fault is with them , not with us . Perhaps theirs may practically bc the avowal , still , for want of anything better—I do not like thee , Dr . Fell , The reason wh y 1 cannot tell , I do not like thee , Dr . Fell .
. * * * WE understand that at thc meeting of the General Committee of thc Royal Masonic Benevolent
Institution 0 / 1 Wednesday . 1 very unpleasant affair in the office was dealt with b y thc members present . Even Masonic oflicers require surveillance and control .
* * FROM information which wc have received , it is beyond a doubt that ( his movement to change the whole House Committee in the Girls' School is thc result of a petty cabal . Some names arc mixed up
with the proceedings which are , in our opinion , altogether misplaced , and wc are sorry that some worthy bretliren have become the cat ' s paw of a clique . What thc opinion of thc subscribers is will soon be unmisUtkeably demonstrated to the Craft .