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JOHN GOW , V \ $ & ' NEW BROAD ST ., E . C . ^ r ( Outside Railway Station ) . , i- t ^ B . J- ' HONEY LANE MARKET , CHEAPSIDE . ¦ JO" 03 , THEOBALD'S RD ., H 0 LB 0 EN , W . C . 125 , BROMPTON ROAD , S . W . c \ N" ^ SP' JOHN COW always has on sale the VSJ >* ' * Largest Stock in London ot the Very Best n Qualitv at Lowest Prices . Barrelled ^ ¦ 05 , ' Oysters . Ojio ** * PERFECTLY-FITTED OYSTER SALOON Now Open at New Broad Street .
*£&CHARLESLANCASTER, If , CHARLES * JA / ( f im-ro JifmcM ( Awarded Three Medals International Exhibition , vio 5 ™ So " c Ml Calcutta , and Gold Medal International Inventions $ & i ^ M & Exhibition ) , ° V ^^^>^ r 1 KVEKTQR A >* U TATESTliE OP TUB I'OR KOOK , 4-BAKREL BKEECHLOADIHG HAMMERLESS £ Sk GUN , RIFLE , & PISTOL EXPRESS ( Weight 71 Ii . 4 oz . ) ( Weight lolb . ) (* r ; 0 tore , 21 b . Ooz . ) WTTTTAUV Illustrated Detailed Price-Lists Free on Application . JHJJ . llAK . lt , special l'rieesfor Cash . LARGE BORE 151 , NEW BOND ST ., LONDON , W . RIFLES . Established ISM .
J.B.KORNER, WHOLESALE & RETAIL CHINA & GLASS WAREHOUSE , 351 late 302 , OXFORD STEEET , LONDON , W . Merchant Shippers , Hotel Keepers and the Trade SUPPLIED AT WHOLESALE TRICES . A large assortment of Gas and Lamp Globes . Goods Packed for all parts of the Globe .
Bewlay ' s Celebrated Indian ^ TRICHINOPOLY / ^^ - Cigars and Cheroots . / / " ^ ( with Straws . ) cC ^ " Of peculiarly delicious flavour and A ^> fragrance . "—Vide Graphic , July 19 th , •" ^¦ j . 18 S 4 . Two Gold Medals . 53 s . and 18 s . ^^ i * per 100 . Samples four and live j / . ( 14 W / stamps ) . Sold only by DEWLAY & Co ., ^ v / Tobacconists to the Royal Family , 143 A ^* O / Cheapside and 49 Strand , London . Es-^•y tablishcd over 100 years . Price Lists post free . Liberal Terms to Clubs , Messes , & c .
< £ ) < , J . & W . TOLLEY , ^ . < £ Gun and Rifle Manufacturers , - •0-N CV -PIONEER WORKS , BIRMINGHAM ; Co AV 1 , Conduit Street , Regent Street , London , ^* \ * A . NEW LISTS FREE . \ V <> fi \ T Sole Makers of the "STANDARD " X ^ HAMMERLESS GUN .
SERJEANT'SPUKETEA, AT Two Shi / lings & Ha / f-a-Crown . I , COVENTRY ST ., LONDON , W .
G o * KENDAL & DENT , ¦ ^ •d » 106 , CHEAPSIDE , E . G ., •%$ > > , GOLD CHAIN AND PRESENTATION ^*> < < t WATCH MAKERS . £ >» . " ^ Av The Kew Royal Observatory have awarded > tV " * * 0 Kendal & Dent Certificates for Excellence Nl > v . in Watches . •Or / ,. Patentees nf IValehes for the Blind , Ihe y < % •-. DoubU-Dial Ifalch , e * c , Efc . "W o R ** 1 > Makers of thc Large Clock at the Inventions «( $ ¦ * % Exhibition , 1885 . •lluy direct Irom the Manufiicturer * -, and mive 25 per irnl .
By Appointment to the RoyalFamily SPECIALITY — ^ WEDDING _ CAKES . \ HERBERT and JONES g , xd ( 1-roiuOuiitci *' : *) ( From 11 . 31 . Kitchen ) ^ bA , C 5 Cooks and Confectioners * ^ ^ Dinners , Wedding breakfasts , and IJall -rfX S * ppers supplied . ¦ 18 , KENSINGTON HIGH STEEET , W . Ksttiblitlicil . 'JOO years .
<$$>Faulding,Stratton&Co., i < r ^ 9 . Q 13 , COVENTRY ST ., PICCADILLY , W „ ^ Q V Linen Manufacturers to the Queen . 0 4 Z \ * Kvcrv Description of TABLE and . CjV ^ A . HOUSEHOLD LINEN supplied at Cash * 0 * " ^ " ^^ Witts . Arms , Crests , ami Monograms ,-V **^ insett « d in Tatilc Linen . " ** <> WITNEY BLANKETS much under last ^ year ' s Prices .
GOUT . DIABETES . EPILEPSY . PATIENTS suffering from the above complaints should winter in NICE , where they can be successfully treated by a new cure at Dr . SCHNEE'S ( of Carlsbad ) WINTER SANATORIUM
cv rn -W . STAPLETOW & CO . \ *^ 0 ? ' JL •respcci fully beg to invite atten-X ^ V * tion to the undcrrrcntioned WINES , all •^ A **** - \ of which are shipped to them direct—C &* -0 \ P' d SHERRIES 20 s ., 24 s ., 2 Bs ., 30 s ., 36 s ., per don V * -oCVV * Avf v > PORTS 19 s ., 24 s ., 28 s ., 34 s ., 42 s . „ \ . ^\> CLARETS 12 s ., 16 s ., 20 s ., 24 s „ 30 s „ 36 s . „ ^ V . V CHAMPAGNES of all Brands at the ( J . V . 0 ^ -fiv )* 'owest quotations . Their celebrated f * A ^ S ^ S * Epernay , introduced by them in 1833 , at -. KVSe-** 3 6 s . per dozen , is specially recommended . v *^ S * Price List ot all other Wines and -rtp . v ** " Spirits will be sent on application to V ) ?*¦ 203 , REGENT ST ., comer of Condnit-st ., W .
OADBURY , PRATT d CO ., 24 & 25 NEW BOND STREET , W . ( Corner of Conduit Street ) . Purveyors to Her Majesty & the Royal Faviily . CHEESES OF ALL KINDS . FINE YORK AND OTHER HAMS .
etf J . C . CORDING AND Co ., £ ** ' FOR THE BEST 5TWATERPROOFS § O SHOOTING , «^ - FISHING , y § J TRAVELLING . & 7 ^/ ** Only Address—^ Corner of AIR STREE T , ^ PICCADILLY .
J ? h By Special Appointment to H . R . H . , 4 y The Prince of Wales . Jf*?JohnUnderwood&Sons, ^^v SCULPTORS & MASONS * V /^ ^ 6 ^ io , Duke . st ., Grosvenor . sq ., W ., < <¦ *? BUCKHURST HILL , N . E ., AXD CHINGFORD , £ » . A ^* . MOUNT CEMETERY . *^ y Reredoses , Pulpits , Screens , Fonts , A < ? y Mosaic in Glass or Marble , Inlaid and csS * Incised Work . Designs , Estimates and References free on application .
JOSEPH OFFORD'S J SPECIALITIES IN CAERIAGES 26 Prize Medals Awarded and Diploma Honour , London , 18 S 4 , Catalogues free . LANDAUS AND VICTORIAS , & c „ Suspended on Patent Silent or Cee-springs . Thc lightest , easiest , and most elegant of summer carriages for SALE or HIRE , with option of Purchase . On view , 6 ; , George-street , Baker-street , and 92-94 , Gloucester-road . South Kensington , S . W .
^ » LUND & BLOGKLEY . j & r J _ . CV' ' Watch It Clock Manufacturers to the Queen < sy v <^ an * Koyal Family . ** vSe * ' Keyless Half-Clironomcter Watciics , Turret and C rv * . Church Clocks , Patent Chiming Machines . ' ^ 0 r * A Chiming Clocks , House Clocks . . < A > i + ' v- Watch and Clock Manufacturers to ( he Ad-. * ft , > AVJ miralty , lioyal Gcoirraphical Society , Wa-^ A , x ^ vCy" ^ OUice , India Government . fgi > O 42 , PALI MALL , LONDON , S . W . ; and Rampart Bow , Bombay .
FUNERAL REFORM . Simple , Itcrcrcnt , and Incxpciuive Funerals . Explanatory Pamphlet grails . LONDON NECROPOLIS CO ., S , LANCASTER PLACE , STRAND , W . C . PATEBT SMITH 10 EAMH 5 EB . 18 HA 3 LZ COFFINS . ~ ~ DUER , / /*? 146 , NEW BOND ST ., W ., / &¦ ) ( Established 174 a " , < £ / BREAD AND BISCUIT BAKERS , jmA ^ / Vans toall parts Daily . Hampers packed I \ AJ / and sent to all parts o £ the Country with r ' TRENCH AND VIENNA FAN 0 Y EOLLS AND BREAD *
g HOBBS , HART & COMPANY , g 76 & 77 , Cheapside , London . 5 Xlaken to Her Majesty . ( fl * 5 Uy Special Appointment , A . D . May 13 th , 1876 . / j / "" " Strong Kooms , Doors , Locks , and Safes , " * ij To the Sank of lingland and its Branches . ° O cr > r \ r \ GUINEAS REWARD . •J | 2 p ) yij H ., H . and Co . renew their oiler from Q \ JJ January to June , 1886 , as at the Inter . ^ " national Kxhibition of 1863 , also at Paris , 1867 , and „ again at Vienna , in 1873 , to any person who could pick U ) tfi their locks ( then and now on exhibit and supplied to fc-j M < he public ) with their Patent Combined Protectors , ¦* 5 [ rJ but ihe challenge then made was not accepted , O *¦* al'houghthclorkswereexamlnedbyseveralmechanics . Q O These were the only locks exhibited under actual rrf J challenge to pick . W N . B . —Skilled mechanics accepting the above oiler are expected to master Eight Lever Locks as a <| iiali * i-, h cation . II ., II , and Co ., not being eligible to exhibit J ~ at the Inventions lixhibition , 188 J , again make thc Z above oiler as a test of the non-pickability of their Q Combined Protector Locks . « y N . B . —ILLUSTRAI ' KII LIST OK Tilt VARIOUS Stmts of •~* Suites of Locks , Safes , & c , as designed for Palaces , t-t Banks , Hotels , Cottages , & c , on application . CO Manufactories-ARLINGrON STREET , N .
SCHWEPPE'S TABLE WATERS . f SODA WATER . 3 s . 6 d . per Doz . ) POTASS WATER . ( Exclusive of Bottles . ) 1 SELTZER WATER . ( . GINGER ALE . 4 s . 6 d . per doz . MALVERN SELTZER . Carriage Paid on Full and Empties to and from any address in the United Kingdom . "Fountain" Trade Mark on all Labels , and all Corks branded . A list of leading Agents sent on application to J . SCHWEPPE & Co ., 5 1 , Berners-street , London .
/ The Gold Medal Inventions Exhibition , 1885 A ^ The Gold Medal of the Society of Arts , 1885 . w ^* The Report upon the Stetnxaay Pianos ay the A \ r Musical Jury of the Inventions Exhibition was A fy ^ . higher than that of any othcr Maker , £ ? STEINWAY Grand ^ A * and Upright PIANOS / CT ^ 5 V * Arc the Cheapest because the Best and Most f § V _^ Durable . " - £ > CQ STEINWAY & SONS are the only ManufacUl-V rers who make all thc component parts oE their * jv . / Pianofortes exterior and interior ( including jST / the casting ot the full Metal Frames ) , in their ^ v / / own Factories . % T / Descriptive Catalogues sent free on application . STEINWAY HALL , 15 & 17 , Lower Seymour Street , Fortman Square , Loudon , W .
TltY BOOTS !I.BEASLEY'SBOOTS, And ensure Ease and Elegance , _^ _» combined with BOOTS ! TKUE FIT , 28 , QUEEN VICTORIA ST . year tAe dianstoit House ) . BOOTS I Specialities-Hand-Sewn . Special Orders in a few days . Large Stock to select from . Gold Medal Awarded at the London International Kxhibition , Crystal Palace , ISM .
SPANISH FLY is the acting ingredient in ALEX . ROSS'S CANTHARIDES . Itactsquickly in producing Hair on the l-ace or Head , 3 s . 6 d ., 5 s . 6 d ., and ios . Od . ; sent post fur J 4 , 84 , or 144 stamps . —ROSS , ai , Lamb ' s Conduit-st .. London ( near the Foundling ) . Had of all Chemists . Established 18 Jo .
Estab . l THE [ 1804 . < $ > > «* " DUMENLY" CIGARETTES . ** <\ vV Possessing an aroma of passing excellence , VV \ V and unequalled in the world . Manufac ¦ WV ^ tuted by A - * PARASCHO 8 c CO ., of Xw A Dumenly , Yenijeh , Turkey . Each Cigarette . <\\) ^ J ^ o bears the Trade Mark , " DUMENLY , " v V > . ^ V *^ and Monograms . None others are gen-^\< V ^ V nine . One sample box ( sent post free •oT \\ > ' for 2 s . 6 d . ) is snfficient to convince any J WP * connoiseur of their superiority . r > $ iXi < Sole address in thc United Kingdom—V ) v 57 , Pall Mall , London , W
R . SLATER & CO ., A BUTCHERS , % 0 Supply the best quality of meat only , -0 " A on the most reasonable terms . Price < Q -. > < C * Lists post free . > U ^^ HI BUCKINGHAM PALACE RD „ S . YF ¦<
CHARLES E . ALLEN , Ladies'andGentlemen'sBootMaker, 69 , JERMYW STREET , 4 Doors from St . James ' s Street , London , S . W . ' Prize Medals at the Great Exhibitions of iSJr , « 86 a and 186 } . The Gold Medal , 1870 .
CHAMPAGNE ^ T o JS$m\ CCcv ^ vJaW A- < r ^ 36 s * " *^ U WW VV ^ A- ^ ^ ^ A Trial Solicited . * Q . V *^ . 19 , SWALLOW ST . 4 ^ ^•^ ^ PICCADILLY , LONDON , W . " ^
By Appointment to H . R . H . the Princess of Wales . 1 MA / SON ISIDORE . B ( J ) _ . ( EsTAULISHtD 1837 ) . fi . " 3 ? pc ^ a ! 'ic for l ! "" S <* ' Improvements in Coverings X ^ \? l ' 3 tldncss ,- ^ . "" y . description of CheVeux Q ^ Postiches . Ladies ' and Children ' s Haircutting on — ^ Scientific Princi ples . ( J ) 14 , BENTIHCK STREET , MANCHESTER SQUARE , W ~
A NEW VARNISH , * ( A SPIRIT COPAL ) , % JU Clear as water or pla ' e-glass ; never before M ^ •&> . produced . dries in live minutes . Hard . < V > ft * durable , and brilliant . A bottle , pof * t free < CV 13 I stamps .-Mr . STENT , J , Coventry ^ Street , London , W . Established 30 years . *•
THOMAS " AND SONS- ' /^ l- ^\ Specialities—/ w ^ ki & % tw Knio ' ( Covert Coat ( with detachable Skirt ) . "J v ^ S j O ^ 4 S , SOUTH MOLTON STREET , " ^ m ^ * OXFORD ST ., LONDON , W .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
JOHN GOW , V \ $ & ' NEW BROAD ST ., E . C . ^ r ( Outside Railway Station ) . , i- t ^ B . J- ' HONEY LANE MARKET , CHEAPSIDE . ¦ JO" 03 , THEOBALD'S RD ., H 0 LB 0 EN , W . C . 125 , BROMPTON ROAD , S . W . c \ N" ^ SP' JOHN COW always has on sale the VSJ >* ' * Largest Stock in London ot the Very Best n Qualitv at Lowest Prices . Barrelled ^ ¦ 05 , ' Oysters . Ojio ** * PERFECTLY-FITTED OYSTER SALOON Now Open at New Broad Street .
*£&CHARLESLANCASTER, If , CHARLES * JA / ( f im-ro JifmcM ( Awarded Three Medals International Exhibition , vio 5 ™ So " c Ml Calcutta , and Gold Medal International Inventions $ & i ^ M & Exhibition ) , ° V ^^^>^ r 1 KVEKTQR A >* U TATESTliE OP TUB I'OR KOOK , 4-BAKREL BKEECHLOADIHG HAMMERLESS £ Sk GUN , RIFLE , & PISTOL EXPRESS ( Weight 71 Ii . 4 oz . ) ( Weight lolb . ) (* r ; 0 tore , 21 b . Ooz . ) WTTTTAUV Illustrated Detailed Price-Lists Free on Application . JHJJ . llAK . lt , special l'rieesfor Cash . LARGE BORE 151 , NEW BOND ST ., LONDON , W . RIFLES . Established ISM .
J.B.KORNER, WHOLESALE & RETAIL CHINA & GLASS WAREHOUSE , 351 late 302 , OXFORD STEEET , LONDON , W . Merchant Shippers , Hotel Keepers and the Trade SUPPLIED AT WHOLESALE TRICES . A large assortment of Gas and Lamp Globes . Goods Packed for all parts of the Globe .
Bewlay ' s Celebrated Indian ^ TRICHINOPOLY / ^^ - Cigars and Cheroots . / / " ^ ( with Straws . ) cC ^ " Of peculiarly delicious flavour and A ^> fragrance . "—Vide Graphic , July 19 th , •" ^¦ j . 18 S 4 . Two Gold Medals . 53 s . and 18 s . ^^ i * per 100 . Samples four and live j / . ( 14 W / stamps ) . Sold only by DEWLAY & Co ., ^ v / Tobacconists to the Royal Family , 143 A ^* O / Cheapside and 49 Strand , London . Es-^•y tablishcd over 100 years . Price Lists post free . Liberal Terms to Clubs , Messes , & c .
< £ ) < , J . & W . TOLLEY , ^ . < £ Gun and Rifle Manufacturers , - •0-N CV -PIONEER WORKS , BIRMINGHAM ; Co AV 1 , Conduit Street , Regent Street , London , ^* \ * A . NEW LISTS FREE . \ V <> fi \ T Sole Makers of the "STANDARD " X ^ HAMMERLESS GUN .
SERJEANT'SPUKETEA, AT Two Shi / lings & Ha / f-a-Crown . I , COVENTRY ST ., LONDON , W .
G o * KENDAL & DENT , ¦ ^ •d » 106 , CHEAPSIDE , E . G ., •%$ > > , GOLD CHAIN AND PRESENTATION ^*> < < t WATCH MAKERS . £ >» . " ^ Av The Kew Royal Observatory have awarded > tV " * * 0 Kendal & Dent Certificates for Excellence Nl > v . in Watches . •Or / ,. Patentees nf IValehes for the Blind , Ihe y < % •-. DoubU-Dial Ifalch , e * c , Efc . "W o R ** 1 > Makers of thc Large Clock at the Inventions «( $ ¦ * % Exhibition , 1885 . •lluy direct Irom the Manufiicturer * -, and mive 25 per irnl .
By Appointment to the RoyalFamily SPECIALITY — ^ WEDDING _ CAKES . \ HERBERT and JONES g , xd ( 1-roiuOuiitci *' : *) ( From 11 . 31 . Kitchen ) ^ bA , C 5 Cooks and Confectioners * ^ ^ Dinners , Wedding breakfasts , and IJall -rfX S * ppers supplied . ¦ 18 , KENSINGTON HIGH STEEET , W . Ksttiblitlicil . 'JOO years .
<$$>Faulding,Stratton&Co., i < r ^ 9 . Q 13 , COVENTRY ST ., PICCADILLY , W „ ^ Q V Linen Manufacturers to the Queen . 0 4 Z \ * Kvcrv Description of TABLE and . CjV ^ A . HOUSEHOLD LINEN supplied at Cash * 0 * " ^ " ^^ Witts . Arms , Crests , ami Monograms ,-V **^ insett « d in Tatilc Linen . " ** <> WITNEY BLANKETS much under last ^ year ' s Prices .
GOUT . DIABETES . EPILEPSY . PATIENTS suffering from the above complaints should winter in NICE , where they can be successfully treated by a new cure at Dr . SCHNEE'S ( of Carlsbad ) WINTER SANATORIUM
cv rn -W . STAPLETOW & CO . \ *^ 0 ? ' JL •respcci fully beg to invite atten-X ^ V * tion to the undcrrrcntioned WINES , all •^ A **** - \ of which are shipped to them direct—C &* -0 \ P' d SHERRIES 20 s ., 24 s ., 2 Bs ., 30 s ., 36 s ., per don V * -oCVV * Avf v > PORTS 19 s ., 24 s ., 28 s ., 34 s ., 42 s . „ \ . ^\> CLARETS 12 s ., 16 s ., 20 s ., 24 s „ 30 s „ 36 s . „ ^ V . V CHAMPAGNES of all Brands at the ( J . V . 0 ^ -fiv )* 'owest quotations . Their celebrated f * A ^ S ^ S * Epernay , introduced by them in 1833 , at -. KVSe-** 3 6 s . per dozen , is specially recommended . v *^ S * Price List ot all other Wines and -rtp . v ** " Spirits will be sent on application to V ) ?*¦ 203 , REGENT ST ., comer of Condnit-st ., W .
OADBURY , PRATT d CO ., 24 & 25 NEW BOND STREET , W . ( Corner of Conduit Street ) . Purveyors to Her Majesty & the Royal Faviily . CHEESES OF ALL KINDS . FINE YORK AND OTHER HAMS .
etf J . C . CORDING AND Co ., £ ** ' FOR THE BEST 5TWATERPROOFS § O SHOOTING , «^ - FISHING , y § J TRAVELLING . & 7 ^/ ** Only Address—^ Corner of AIR STREE T , ^ PICCADILLY .
J ? h By Special Appointment to H . R . H . , 4 y The Prince of Wales . Jf*?JohnUnderwood&Sons, ^^v SCULPTORS & MASONS * V /^ ^ 6 ^ io , Duke . st ., Grosvenor . sq ., W ., < <¦ *? BUCKHURST HILL , N . E ., AXD CHINGFORD , £ » . A ^* . MOUNT CEMETERY . *^ y Reredoses , Pulpits , Screens , Fonts , A < ? y Mosaic in Glass or Marble , Inlaid and csS * Incised Work . Designs , Estimates and References free on application .
JOSEPH OFFORD'S J SPECIALITIES IN CAERIAGES 26 Prize Medals Awarded and Diploma Honour , London , 18 S 4 , Catalogues free . LANDAUS AND VICTORIAS , & c „ Suspended on Patent Silent or Cee-springs . Thc lightest , easiest , and most elegant of summer carriages for SALE or HIRE , with option of Purchase . On view , 6 ; , George-street , Baker-street , and 92-94 , Gloucester-road . South Kensington , S . W .
^ » LUND & BLOGKLEY . j & r J _ . CV' ' Watch It Clock Manufacturers to the Queen < sy v <^ an * Koyal Family . ** vSe * ' Keyless Half-Clironomcter Watciics , Turret and C rv * . Church Clocks , Patent Chiming Machines . ' ^ 0 r * A Chiming Clocks , House Clocks . . < A > i + ' v- Watch and Clock Manufacturers to ( he Ad-. * ft , > AVJ miralty , lioyal Gcoirraphical Society , Wa-^ A , x ^ vCy" ^ OUice , India Government . fgi > O 42 , PALI MALL , LONDON , S . W . ; and Rampart Bow , Bombay .
FUNERAL REFORM . Simple , Itcrcrcnt , and Incxpciuive Funerals . Explanatory Pamphlet grails . LONDON NECROPOLIS CO ., S , LANCASTER PLACE , STRAND , W . C . PATEBT SMITH 10 EAMH 5 EB . 18 HA 3 LZ COFFINS . ~ ~ DUER , / /*? 146 , NEW BOND ST ., W ., / &¦ ) ( Established 174 a " , < £ / BREAD AND BISCUIT BAKERS , jmA ^ / Vans toall parts Daily . Hampers packed I \ AJ / and sent to all parts o £ the Country with r ' TRENCH AND VIENNA FAN 0 Y EOLLS AND BREAD *
g HOBBS , HART & COMPANY , g 76 & 77 , Cheapside , London . 5 Xlaken to Her Majesty . ( fl * 5 Uy Special Appointment , A . D . May 13 th , 1876 . / j / "" " Strong Kooms , Doors , Locks , and Safes , " * ij To the Sank of lingland and its Branches . ° O cr > r \ r \ GUINEAS REWARD . •J | 2 p ) yij H ., H . and Co . renew their oiler from Q \ JJ January to June , 1886 , as at the Inter . ^ " national Kxhibition of 1863 , also at Paris , 1867 , and „ again at Vienna , in 1873 , to any person who could pick U ) tfi their locks ( then and now on exhibit and supplied to fc-j M < he public ) with their Patent Combined Protectors , ¦* 5 [ rJ but ihe challenge then made was not accepted , O *¦* al'houghthclorkswereexamlnedbyseveralmechanics . Q O These were the only locks exhibited under actual rrf J challenge to pick . W N . B . —Skilled mechanics accepting the above oiler are expected to master Eight Lever Locks as a <| iiali * i-, h cation . II ., II , and Co ., not being eligible to exhibit J ~ at the Inventions lixhibition , 188 J , again make thc Z above oiler as a test of the non-pickability of their Q Combined Protector Locks . « y N . B . —ILLUSTRAI ' KII LIST OK Tilt VARIOUS Stmts of •~* Suites of Locks , Safes , & c , as designed for Palaces , t-t Banks , Hotels , Cottages , & c , on application . CO Manufactories-ARLINGrON STREET , N .
SCHWEPPE'S TABLE WATERS . f SODA WATER . 3 s . 6 d . per Doz . ) POTASS WATER . ( Exclusive of Bottles . ) 1 SELTZER WATER . ( . GINGER ALE . 4 s . 6 d . per doz . MALVERN SELTZER . Carriage Paid on Full and Empties to and from any address in the United Kingdom . "Fountain" Trade Mark on all Labels , and all Corks branded . A list of leading Agents sent on application to J . SCHWEPPE & Co ., 5 1 , Berners-street , London .
/ The Gold Medal Inventions Exhibition , 1885 A ^ The Gold Medal of the Society of Arts , 1885 . w ^* The Report upon the Stetnxaay Pianos ay the A \ r Musical Jury of the Inventions Exhibition was A fy ^ . higher than that of any othcr Maker , £ ? STEINWAY Grand ^ A * and Upright PIANOS / CT ^ 5 V * Arc the Cheapest because the Best and Most f § V _^ Durable . " - £ > CQ STEINWAY & SONS are the only ManufacUl-V rers who make all thc component parts oE their * jv . / Pianofortes exterior and interior ( including jST / the casting ot the full Metal Frames ) , in their ^ v / / own Factories . % T / Descriptive Catalogues sent free on application . STEINWAY HALL , 15 & 17 , Lower Seymour Street , Fortman Square , Loudon , W .
TltY BOOTS !I.BEASLEY'SBOOTS, And ensure Ease and Elegance , _^ _» combined with BOOTS ! TKUE FIT , 28 , QUEEN VICTORIA ST . year tAe dianstoit House ) . BOOTS I Specialities-Hand-Sewn . Special Orders in a few days . Large Stock to select from . Gold Medal Awarded at the London International Kxhibition , Crystal Palace , ISM .
SPANISH FLY is the acting ingredient in ALEX . ROSS'S CANTHARIDES . Itactsquickly in producing Hair on the l-ace or Head , 3 s . 6 d ., 5 s . 6 d ., and ios . Od . ; sent post fur J 4 , 84 , or 144 stamps . —ROSS , ai , Lamb ' s Conduit-st .. London ( near the Foundling ) . Had of all Chemists . Established 18 Jo .
Estab . l THE [ 1804 . < $ > > «* " DUMENLY" CIGARETTES . ** <\ vV Possessing an aroma of passing excellence , VV \ V and unequalled in the world . Manufac ¦ WV ^ tuted by A - * PARASCHO 8 c CO ., of Xw A Dumenly , Yenijeh , Turkey . Each Cigarette . <\\) ^ J ^ o bears the Trade Mark , " DUMENLY , " v V > . ^ V *^ and Monograms . None others are gen-^\< V ^ V nine . One sample box ( sent post free •oT \\ > ' for 2 s . 6 d . ) is snfficient to convince any J WP * connoiseur of their superiority . r > $ iXi < Sole address in thc United Kingdom—V ) v 57 , Pall Mall , London , W
R . SLATER & CO ., A BUTCHERS , % 0 Supply the best quality of meat only , -0 " A on the most reasonable terms . Price < Q -. > < C * Lists post free . > U ^^ HI BUCKINGHAM PALACE RD „ S . YF ¦<
CHARLES E . ALLEN , Ladies'andGentlemen'sBootMaker, 69 , JERMYW STREET , 4 Doors from St . James ' s Street , London , S . W . ' Prize Medals at the Great Exhibitions of iSJr , « 86 a and 186 } . The Gold Medal , 1870 .
CHAMPAGNE ^ T o JS$m\ CCcv ^ vJaW A- < r ^ 36 s * " *^ U WW VV ^ A- ^ ^ ^ A Trial Solicited . * Q . V *^ . 19 , SWALLOW ST . 4 ^ ^•^ ^ PICCADILLY , LONDON , W . " ^
By Appointment to H . R . H . the Princess of Wales . 1 MA / SON ISIDORE . B ( J ) _ . ( EsTAULISHtD 1837 ) . fi . " 3 ? pc ^ a ! 'ic for l ! "" S <* ' Improvements in Coverings X ^ \? l ' 3 tldncss ,- ^ . "" y . description of CheVeux Q ^ Postiches . Ladies ' and Children ' s Haircutting on — ^ Scientific Princi ples . ( J ) 14 , BENTIHCK STREET , MANCHESTER SQUARE , W ~
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