Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
The New Masonic Hall At Derby.
This handsome building is being rapidly erected in Gower-street . On Saturday last the Trustees met at three o ' clock to place a memorial tablet in the banquetting-room . This simple and unostentatious ceremony was performed by Bro . J . Smith , P . Prov . G . J . W ., the Mayor of Derby , Chairman of the Trustees . The stone was
beautifully engraved , and the initials painted in , and is a permanent record of the originators and trustees of the entei prise . The following is the inscription : — " This Masonic Hall was erected in 1873 , by the following Trustees ; the Marquis of
Hartington , P . G . M . ; Haughton Charles Okeover , D . P . G . M . ; Charles Robert Colvile , P . D . P . G . M . ; Thomas Cox , P . S . G . W . ; James Crossley , P . S . G . W . ; Thomas Horsley , P . S . G . W . ; Henry Hillam , P . S . G . W . ; Frank Campion , P . S . G . W . ; William Naylor , S . G . W . ; George Wright , P . S .
G . W . ; Charles Brentnall , P . J . G . D . ; James Worsnop , P . J . G . W . ; Frank Iliffe , P . D . C . ; Thomas Roe , Jun . ; Henry Gocdall , John Smith , G . J . W , Mayor of Derby , Chairman of Trustees , Geo . Woodiwiss , Builder ; G . H . Sheffield P . G . S . of W ., Architect . "
The following were present at the ceremony —Bros . J . Smith ( Mayor ) , H . Hillam , T : Horsley , F . Iliffe , LI . Goodall , Jas . Worsnop , G . T . Wright , T . Roe , jun ., F . Campion , W . Naylor , G . R . Sheffield ( architect ) , and G . Woodiwiss ( builder ) .
The Mayor said—Gentlemen and brethren , having assembled at this building as the Committeeof Trustees for the | Provincial Grand Lodge for the Freemasons of Derbyshire , I , as Chairman of the Committee , have very great pleasure in laying this memorial stone and tablet , and I hope
it will remain for generations to come . I also hope that Freemasonry may prosper within its walls , and that the brethren of all lodges in the province will do their best lo promote the interest of so noble a work , and assemble vmd <» . r their respective banners to further ' g the interests of thc Order .
This concluded the interesting ceremony , and subsequently his Worship the Mayor hospitably entertained the trustees , architect , and builder at a sumptuous dinner at the St . James ' s Hotel . The Mayor has been a large donor to this new institution in Derby , and contributed c £ 100 towards the building fund .
Consecration Of A Military Lodge At Canterbury.
On Tuesday , 4 th inst ., an interesting ceremony in connection with Freemasonry took place in St . George ' s Hall . The large number of noncommissioned officers in our Cavalry Depot includes a goodly proportion of Freemasons , and lately several of their comrades have indicated
their wishes to join thc Craft . Accordingly in the true spirit of Freemasonry three or four brethien determined upon promoting a scheme for the founding a Military Lodge for Canterbury , and they were generously joined in the movement by Colonel Cureton , the respected
Commandant of the Depot , and the necessary preliminaries having been gone through , a warrant was granted by the Grand Lodge of England . General Brownrigg , C . B ., who is now the Provincial Grand Master of Surrey , and who
performed the ceremony of consecration for the Military Lodge at Chatham some three years since , and which is called by his name , wis invited to do the same oflice for this new Military Lodge at Canterbury and at one ; kindly consented .
There was a gathering of about 150 brethren , consisting of deputations from several of the lodges in Kent , the brethren of the newly-formed lodge , and several officers of the army and volunteers , being Masons . The hall had been very
appropriately prepared for the ceremony , which commenced with a procession into the room , headed by the Master of the Ceremonies ( Capt . Watson ) , who kindly officiated in the absence of Bro . Cooley , who was prevented by illness from attending ) . The Consecrating Master then appointed Bro . Winch , S . W ., and Bro . J . R . Hall , J . W ., pro
Consecration Of A Military Lodge At Canterbury.
tent ., and the lodge was opened in the three degrees . General Brownrigg then delivered a short address , conveying some truly kind and valuable advice to the founders of the lodge ; and this was followed by prayer by the Provincial Grand
Chaplain , Bro . the Rev . — Hill . The founders of the lodge , with Colonel Cureton at their head , were then arranged in order , and Bro . Mate ( of Sandwich ) acting for the Provincial Grand Secretary in his unavoidable absence through illness , read the Petition and
Warrant , add this waf followed by an admirable oration "On the Nature and Princi ples ofthe Institution , " by the Provincial Grand Chaplain ; followed by the Dedication Prayer and the cere - monies incidental . The whole of these ceremonies
were increased in their impressiveness by the singing ° of appropriate psalms by the brethren , and selections of music on the grand harmonium , at which Brother . A . Cannon ably presided .
General Brownrigg having dedicated and constituted the lodge , deputed Brother Adamson ( of Dover ) to perform thc ceremony of Installation of the Worshipful Master elect , Brother Alfred Wade , which was done in impressive and complete style ; and the other officers of the lodge
were then inducted into their several officee as follows : — Bros . W . Greenwood , S . W . ; Moorhouse , J . W . ; Plume , Treas . ; Ormond , Sec . ; Tomkins , S . D . ; Archer , J . D . ; Cutting , I . G . ; FYisby , Org . ; Christian , Tyler . The lodge was then " closed down " with the usual solemnities .
The banquet was held at the Guildhall Concert Room , ( which will in future be the lodge room for the Royal Military Lodge , as the Ancient United No . 31 , and the 972 81 . Augustine Lodges . ) And excellent dinner was well served by the Shaxby . General
Brownrigg presided until he was compelled to leave , when the chair was occupied for the remainder of the evening by the W . M . During the banquet , the Band of the Cavalry Depot , under Bandmaster Hardy , occupied the stage of the theatre , adjining the Concert Room , and played selections of favourite and appropriate music .
1 he loyal and Masonic toasts were followed by others of a complimentary character , and the evening was enlivened by some excellent singing and speeches of mutual congratulation at the great success of the entire business anil ceremonies of the day .
Provincial Grand Lodge Of Leicestershire And Rutland.
The Annual General Meeting of the above Provincial Lodge was held at Freemasons' Hall , Leicestershire , on Wednesday , the jjth c' ; 1 ) r of November , inst ., under the auspices of St . John Lodge , No . 279 , the chair beiiia ; taken by the R . W . P . G M ., the Rig ht Hon . the Kail Ferrers ,
who was supported by Bro . W . Kelly , P . Prov . G . M . ; the Prov . G . Wardens , Bros . J . J . Fast , and Clement Stretton , and most ofthe Provincial Grand Officers . There was also a lair attendance of members of private lodges , though not so numerous as on recent previous occasions .
Tho business of the lodge , beyond that of installing the Deputy Provincial Grand Master , was of an ordinary routine character . The Committee of General Purposes reported favourably upon ihe Treasurer ' s accounts , and as to thc progress of Masonry and the condition of the several lodges in the Province .
The ceremony ol installing Bro . Sir Henry St . John Holford Bart , P . M . 1 . 330 , P . Prov . S . G . W . as Deputy Provincial Grand Master was very ably performed by the R . W . Provincial Grand Master . The officers for thc ensuing year were then
appointed and invested as follows : — G . Toller jun Prov . S . GW . W . Adcook Prov . J . G . W . W . T . Fry Prov . G . Chaplain . W . B . Smith Prov . G . Treas J . H . Douglass Prov . G . Reg . S . Partridge Prov . G . Sec .
Provincial Grand Lodge Of Leicestershire And Rutland.
E . Falkner prov . G . S . D . J . G . Bennett Prov . G . J . D . J . Barnard Prov . G . S . ofW . T . B . Hall Prov . G . D . C . R . Boughton Smith Prov . G . A . D . C . Capt . P . P . Goodchild Prov . G . S . B .
W . T . Rowlett Prov . G . Org . G . Clifton Prov . G . Purst . A Palmer Prov . A . G . Purst M . H . Lewis Prov . Stand . B . Wm . Crow Prov . G . Steward John Lorrimer „ „
Walter S . Allen „ „ „ Henry James „ Thomas Macaulay ,, „ „ A . A . Barber „ ., „ C . Bembridge P . ov . G . Tylers . T - D ™ n „
Bro . W . Beaumont Smith , who has , forseveral years , held the important post of Treasurer , was re-elected to that office , and a vote of thanks was unanmonsly accorded to him for his past services .
Bro . Robert Waite , P . M ., was nominated to represent the P . G . Lodge , as Steward at the next festival of the Girls' School . The Provincial Grand Lodge was then closed , and the b r ethren sat down to an excellent
banquet , which had been provided by the Stewards of thc local lodge . The chair was taken by the Deputy Prov . G . M ., Sir Henry Holford , in the absence of the R . W . P . G . M . who was unable to remain for this portion of the proceedings The
usual loyal and Masonic toasts were duly honoured , those of the " Masonic Charities" and "The Visitors" be" ing very ably responded toby Bro . Robert Wentworth Little , Prov . G . Sec , Middx . and Sec . to the Royal Masonic Institution for Girls .
The enjoyment of the evening was very materially enhanced by the efforts of the musical brethren , and in particular , by the instrumental selections performed by Bros . Henry Nicholson , G . L . Vaughan , J . A . Wykes and W . T . Rowlett , on flutes , oboe and bassoon , which were very highly applauded .
Masonic Tidings.
Masonic Tidings .
Bro . Manoah Rhodes has been selected as Mayor of Bradford for the ensuing year . Bro . Edward Wates , Deputy Grand Master for Kent , Mayor of Gravesend , died on Wednesday nig ht , at the age of 42 , after an illness
extending over several months . We regret also to record the deaths of Bro . Henry Arthur Hoare , P . G . W ., Vice-patron of all the charities , and Bro . Jabez Samuel Gower , 31 , a Grand Officer , K . T ., also of the Red Cross Order , and a liberal donor to the charities .
The post of Secretary at the Crystal Palace is vacant , and will be filled up at Christinas . Bro . the Rev . R . N . Sanderson , 30 ° , Sub Prior of Suffolk and Cambridge , Prior of the Temple , P . G . Chaplain , Mark Grand Lodge , P . Prov . Grand Chaplain . Suffolk , Preceptory of the
Perfect Ashlar Lodge of Instruction , is a candidate for the head Mastership of the Masonic Institution for Boys . Bro . Sanderson is well known in Ipswich and its neig hbourhoo 1 , as a very distinguished Mason . He is the second Master at Oueen Elizabeth ' s Grammar School
at Ipswich , and it is no secret that in the event ofthe Head Mastership of that school becoming vacant through the advancement of the Rev . Dr . Holden ( one of the greatest scholars in England ) there are l . irge numbers who would wish to see Bio . Sanderson , who is deservedly popular and
admirably qualified as an experienced teacher ot considerable attainments , take the place of the Rev . Doctor . Should Bro . Sanderson succeed as Head Master of the Boys' School , Ipswich will have lost one of its trreatest luminaries in
Masonic lore , and erudite scholarship , and the Masonic Institution will have gained a Head who will bring to it all that tends most to make so admirable an ins . itution even more successful in the future , tlmn it has been in the pa-t .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
The New Masonic Hall At Derby.
This handsome building is being rapidly erected in Gower-street . On Saturday last the Trustees met at three o ' clock to place a memorial tablet in the banquetting-room . This simple and unostentatious ceremony was performed by Bro . J . Smith , P . Prov . G . J . W ., the Mayor of Derby , Chairman of the Trustees . The stone was
beautifully engraved , and the initials painted in , and is a permanent record of the originators and trustees of the entei prise . The following is the inscription : — " This Masonic Hall was erected in 1873 , by the following Trustees ; the Marquis of
Hartington , P . G . M . ; Haughton Charles Okeover , D . P . G . M . ; Charles Robert Colvile , P . D . P . G . M . ; Thomas Cox , P . S . G . W . ; James Crossley , P . S . G . W . ; Thomas Horsley , P . S . G . W . ; Henry Hillam , P . S . G . W . ; Frank Campion , P . S . G . W . ; William Naylor , S . G . W . ; George Wright , P . S .
G . W . ; Charles Brentnall , P . J . G . D . ; James Worsnop , P . J . G . W . ; Frank Iliffe , P . D . C . ; Thomas Roe , Jun . ; Henry Gocdall , John Smith , G . J . W , Mayor of Derby , Chairman of Trustees , Geo . Woodiwiss , Builder ; G . H . Sheffield P . G . S . of W ., Architect . "
The following were present at the ceremony —Bros . J . Smith ( Mayor ) , H . Hillam , T : Horsley , F . Iliffe , LI . Goodall , Jas . Worsnop , G . T . Wright , T . Roe , jun ., F . Campion , W . Naylor , G . R . Sheffield ( architect ) , and G . Woodiwiss ( builder ) .
The Mayor said—Gentlemen and brethren , having assembled at this building as the Committeeof Trustees for the | Provincial Grand Lodge for the Freemasons of Derbyshire , I , as Chairman of the Committee , have very great pleasure in laying this memorial stone and tablet , and I hope
it will remain for generations to come . I also hope that Freemasonry may prosper within its walls , and that the brethren of all lodges in the province will do their best lo promote the interest of so noble a work , and assemble vmd <» . r their respective banners to further ' g the interests of thc Order .
This concluded the interesting ceremony , and subsequently his Worship the Mayor hospitably entertained the trustees , architect , and builder at a sumptuous dinner at the St . James ' s Hotel . The Mayor has been a large donor to this new institution in Derby , and contributed c £ 100 towards the building fund .
Consecration Of A Military Lodge At Canterbury.
On Tuesday , 4 th inst ., an interesting ceremony in connection with Freemasonry took place in St . George ' s Hall . The large number of noncommissioned officers in our Cavalry Depot includes a goodly proportion of Freemasons , and lately several of their comrades have indicated
their wishes to join thc Craft . Accordingly in the true spirit of Freemasonry three or four brethien determined upon promoting a scheme for the founding a Military Lodge for Canterbury , and they were generously joined in the movement by Colonel Cureton , the respected
Commandant of the Depot , and the necessary preliminaries having been gone through , a warrant was granted by the Grand Lodge of England . General Brownrigg , C . B ., who is now the Provincial Grand Master of Surrey , and who
performed the ceremony of consecration for the Military Lodge at Chatham some three years since , and which is called by his name , wis invited to do the same oflice for this new Military Lodge at Canterbury and at one ; kindly consented .
There was a gathering of about 150 brethren , consisting of deputations from several of the lodges in Kent , the brethren of the newly-formed lodge , and several officers of the army and volunteers , being Masons . The hall had been very
appropriately prepared for the ceremony , which commenced with a procession into the room , headed by the Master of the Ceremonies ( Capt . Watson ) , who kindly officiated in the absence of Bro . Cooley , who was prevented by illness from attending ) . The Consecrating Master then appointed Bro . Winch , S . W ., and Bro . J . R . Hall , J . W ., pro
Consecration Of A Military Lodge At Canterbury.
tent ., and the lodge was opened in the three degrees . General Brownrigg then delivered a short address , conveying some truly kind and valuable advice to the founders of the lodge ; and this was followed by prayer by the Provincial Grand
Chaplain , Bro . the Rev . — Hill . The founders of the lodge , with Colonel Cureton at their head , were then arranged in order , and Bro . Mate ( of Sandwich ) acting for the Provincial Grand Secretary in his unavoidable absence through illness , read the Petition and
Warrant , add this waf followed by an admirable oration "On the Nature and Princi ples ofthe Institution , " by the Provincial Grand Chaplain ; followed by the Dedication Prayer and the cere - monies incidental . The whole of these ceremonies
were increased in their impressiveness by the singing ° of appropriate psalms by the brethren , and selections of music on the grand harmonium , at which Brother . A . Cannon ably presided .
General Brownrigg having dedicated and constituted the lodge , deputed Brother Adamson ( of Dover ) to perform thc ceremony of Installation of the Worshipful Master elect , Brother Alfred Wade , which was done in impressive and complete style ; and the other officers of the lodge
were then inducted into their several officee as follows : — Bros . W . Greenwood , S . W . ; Moorhouse , J . W . ; Plume , Treas . ; Ormond , Sec . ; Tomkins , S . D . ; Archer , J . D . ; Cutting , I . G . ; FYisby , Org . ; Christian , Tyler . The lodge was then " closed down " with the usual solemnities .
The banquet was held at the Guildhall Concert Room , ( which will in future be the lodge room for the Royal Military Lodge , as the Ancient United No . 31 , and the 972 81 . Augustine Lodges . ) And excellent dinner was well served by the Shaxby . General
Brownrigg presided until he was compelled to leave , when the chair was occupied for the remainder of the evening by the W . M . During the banquet , the Band of the Cavalry Depot , under Bandmaster Hardy , occupied the stage of the theatre , adjining the Concert Room , and played selections of favourite and appropriate music .
1 he loyal and Masonic toasts were followed by others of a complimentary character , and the evening was enlivened by some excellent singing and speeches of mutual congratulation at the great success of the entire business anil ceremonies of the day .
Provincial Grand Lodge Of Leicestershire And Rutland.
The Annual General Meeting of the above Provincial Lodge was held at Freemasons' Hall , Leicestershire , on Wednesday , the jjth c' ; 1 ) r of November , inst ., under the auspices of St . John Lodge , No . 279 , the chair beiiia ; taken by the R . W . P . G M ., the Rig ht Hon . the Kail Ferrers ,
who was supported by Bro . W . Kelly , P . Prov . G . M . ; the Prov . G . Wardens , Bros . J . J . Fast , and Clement Stretton , and most ofthe Provincial Grand Officers . There was also a lair attendance of members of private lodges , though not so numerous as on recent previous occasions .
Tho business of the lodge , beyond that of installing the Deputy Provincial Grand Master , was of an ordinary routine character . The Committee of General Purposes reported favourably upon ihe Treasurer ' s accounts , and as to thc progress of Masonry and the condition of the several lodges in the Province .
The ceremony ol installing Bro . Sir Henry St . John Holford Bart , P . M . 1 . 330 , P . Prov . S . G . W . as Deputy Provincial Grand Master was very ably performed by the R . W . Provincial Grand Master . The officers for thc ensuing year were then
appointed and invested as follows : — G . Toller jun Prov . S . GW . W . Adcook Prov . J . G . W . W . T . Fry Prov . G . Chaplain . W . B . Smith Prov . G . Treas J . H . Douglass Prov . G . Reg . S . Partridge Prov . G . Sec .
Provincial Grand Lodge Of Leicestershire And Rutland.
E . Falkner prov . G . S . D . J . G . Bennett Prov . G . J . D . J . Barnard Prov . G . S . ofW . T . B . Hall Prov . G . D . C . R . Boughton Smith Prov . G . A . D . C . Capt . P . P . Goodchild Prov . G . S . B .
W . T . Rowlett Prov . G . Org . G . Clifton Prov . G . Purst . A Palmer Prov . A . G . Purst M . H . Lewis Prov . Stand . B . Wm . Crow Prov . G . Steward John Lorrimer „ „
Walter S . Allen „ „ „ Henry James „ Thomas Macaulay ,, „ „ A . A . Barber „ ., „ C . Bembridge P . ov . G . Tylers . T - D ™ n „
Bro . W . Beaumont Smith , who has , forseveral years , held the important post of Treasurer , was re-elected to that office , and a vote of thanks was unanmonsly accorded to him for his past services .
Bro . Robert Waite , P . M ., was nominated to represent the P . G . Lodge , as Steward at the next festival of the Girls' School . The Provincial Grand Lodge was then closed , and the b r ethren sat down to an excellent
banquet , which had been provided by the Stewards of thc local lodge . The chair was taken by the Deputy Prov . G . M ., Sir Henry Holford , in the absence of the R . W . P . G . M . who was unable to remain for this portion of the proceedings The
usual loyal and Masonic toasts were duly honoured , those of the " Masonic Charities" and "The Visitors" be" ing very ably responded toby Bro . Robert Wentworth Little , Prov . G . Sec , Middx . and Sec . to the Royal Masonic Institution for Girls .
The enjoyment of the evening was very materially enhanced by the efforts of the musical brethren , and in particular , by the instrumental selections performed by Bros . Henry Nicholson , G . L . Vaughan , J . A . Wykes and W . T . Rowlett , on flutes , oboe and bassoon , which were very highly applauded .
Masonic Tidings.
Masonic Tidings .
Bro . Manoah Rhodes has been selected as Mayor of Bradford for the ensuing year . Bro . Edward Wates , Deputy Grand Master for Kent , Mayor of Gravesend , died on Wednesday nig ht , at the age of 42 , after an illness
extending over several months . We regret also to record the deaths of Bro . Henry Arthur Hoare , P . G . W ., Vice-patron of all the charities , and Bro . Jabez Samuel Gower , 31 , a Grand Officer , K . T ., also of the Red Cross Order , and a liberal donor to the charities .
The post of Secretary at the Crystal Palace is vacant , and will be filled up at Christinas . Bro . the Rev . R . N . Sanderson , 30 ° , Sub Prior of Suffolk and Cambridge , Prior of the Temple , P . G . Chaplain , Mark Grand Lodge , P . Prov . Grand Chaplain . Suffolk , Preceptory of the
Perfect Ashlar Lodge of Instruction , is a candidate for the head Mastership of the Masonic Institution for Boys . Bro . Sanderson is well known in Ipswich and its neig hbourhoo 1 , as a very distinguished Mason . He is the second Master at Oueen Elizabeth ' s Grammar School
at Ipswich , and it is no secret that in the event ofthe Head Mastership of that school becoming vacant through the advancement of the Rev . Dr . Holden ( one of the greatest scholars in England ) there are l . irge numbers who would wish to see Bio . Sanderson , who is deservedly popular and
admirably qualified as an experienced teacher ot considerable attainments , take the place of the Rev . Doctor . Should Bro . Sanderson succeed as Head Master of the Boys' School , Ipswich will have lost one of its trreatest luminaries in
Masonic lore , and erudite scholarship , and the Masonic Institution will have gained a Head who will bring to it all that tends most to make so admirable an ins . itution even more successful in the future , tlmn it has been in the pa-t .