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Public Night Of The Prudent Brethren Chapter, No. 145.
( Continued from page 90 ) . H . R . H . subscribes to no other lodge in the kingdom , and has more than once honoured the Philanthropic with a visit . For many years it was under a cloud , but like all things in Lynn , since Sir L . Jarvis brought the docks into the town and Royalty took up its quarters in the neighbourhood , everything is changed for the better , and
prosperity reigns in the old western capital . The installation of a worthy Brother ( George W . Page , London and Prov . Bank Manager ) , last Monday afternoon , was well performed by P . M . C . T . Ives , P . P . G . A . D . C , assisted by P . M . G . S . Woodwark , P . P . G . J . D ., and a strong board of other P . M . ' s , visiting brethren , & c . After the ceremony the W . M . invested his officers thus-. —Bros . W . Seppins , S . W . ;
Sir W . H . B . Ffolkes , Bart ., J . W . ; Rev . J . Bullivant Slight , Chaplain ; R . Cruso , Treasurer ; J . Green , Secretary ; R . Binnington , S . D . ; John S . B . Glasier . J . D . ; G . H . Ladyman , I . G . ; Rev . E . J . Alvis , Organist ; C . Miller and J . D . Thew , Stewards ; Wm . Wolscy , Tyler . Banquet ( of which 45 brethren partook ) was served in Host Marshall ' s best style . Grace having been said by the Chaplain ,
the usual loyal and Masonic toasts were given in proper style from the chair . Then followed " The R . W . Prov . G . M . of Norfolk and the Prov . G . Officers "—for whom Bro . Sir W . H . B . Ffolkes and Bro . Morris , P . G . S . D ., respondedthe latter also acting as toastmaster throughout the evening . The W . M . next made a happy response for his health , anel the Installing Master—a most
useful aid to the Craft in Lynn—did ditto for his . Again Bro . Morris rose to reply for " The Immediate and other P . M . ' s . "; and for "The Visitors " ( poetically proposed by Bro . Thew ) Bros . Garrick , W . M ., and Phillips , of Wisbech Lodge ; Bell , Mayor of Saffron Walden ; and J . H . Lady man and P . Soman , from Norwich , said each a few words in response . The S . W . and J . W . replied for " Thc Lodge Officers" and
Bros . Allen and Green for " The Initiates . " "The Masonic Charities" found a warm advocate in Bro . E . J . AWt % and a handsome collection resulted . By the way , this worthy brother contributed some delightful harmonyvocal and instrumental—during the evening , while the Philanthropic is happy in the possession of a capital glee party . The Tyler ' s toast concluded a most pleasant evening .
WELLINGBORO . — "Wentworth Lodge ( No . 737 ) . —The installation of the W . M . took place on Monday week , the ceremony being performed by Bro . Butler Wilkins the D . P . G . M . Norths and Hunts , in his usual impressive manner . Bro . J . H . Hall was the W . M ., and immediately appointed the following officers : —Bros . W . T . Hewens , S . W ; Jno . Slinn , J . W . j Thos . Cook , P . M ., Treas ; L . C ,.
Knight , Sec ; E . Emsted , S . D ; "W . Renshaw , J . D ; C Mathews , I . G ; Jno . Wallis , Stwd . ; W . Mathews , Tyler ' Amongst the visiting brethren were Bros . C . E . Waller ' W . M . 87 ; J . T . Green , and J . U . Stanton , P . M . ; V . F . Gadsby , Jno . Baillie , A . Troup , 360 ; H . Hitchman , P M .-, E . HaU , W . Hanger , S . S . Harding , B . Genner , 453 ; W . Oldham , P . M . 466 ; & c , The brethren adjourned
From labour to refreshment , when an excellent banquet was served in Host Wallis ' s usual style . After the usual loyal and Masonic toasts , which were received in a most hearty manner , the brethren spent the remainder of the evening in harmony and thorough good fellowship . Bio . J . T . Green , P . M . 3 60 , officiated as D . C . in his usual happy manner , and added considerably to the pleasure of the
gathenng . The W . M . may look forward to his year of office being both a pleasurable one to himself and a prosperous one to the lodge . NORWICH . —Cabbell Lodge ( No . 807 . )—The brethren of this lodge met at the Rampant Horse Hotel for the purpose of installing Bro . A . J . Berry as W . M . for the ensuing year . There was a full lodge
and a goodly sprinkling of visitors , including Bro . J . C . Chittock ( Sincerity ) , Bros . Dunsford and Youngman ( P . M . Perseverance ) , Bro . J . A . Gooch ( W . M . Perseverance ) , Bro , Mackley ( W . M . Walpole ) , Bro . Riches ( W . M . Sincerity ) , & c . Tbe ceremony of installation was most ably performed by Bro . A . E . Atkinson , assisted by Bro . Campling , P . M . The W . M . then appointed his officers as under : —
Edward Pankhurst , S . W .: S . N . Berry , J . W . j G . Green , S . D . ; L . Butters , J . D . * , E . Crofts , I . G . ; R . A . Madge , Organist ; J . Boatwright and J . Hunt , Stewards ; J . W . Lacey , Treasurer ; and Geo . Baxter , Secretary . This brother on being appointed was thanked by the W . M . for the untiring manner in which he had always furthered the interests of Masonry , and the brethren enthusiastically
endorsed all the W . M . had said . The banquet was well served by Host Coleman , while his wines were choice as usual . When these latter were left on the table with dessert , the W . M . gave The Queen and the Craft , " Bro . H . J . Minns taking the National Anthem solos in fine style . This gentlemen ' s singing during the evening was loudly applauded . The healths of the M . W . Grand Master , the Pro
G . Master , and the D . G . Master of England ( the Prince of Wales , Earl of Carnarvon , and Lord Skelmersdale ) followed in quick succession . Then came the G . M . and D . G . M . of Norfolk ( Lord Suffield and Major Peniice ) with the officers of the Province . Bro . Dunsford , P . G . P ., replied for the past , and Bro . T . J . Mackley . A . G . D . C , for present officers . The latter brother took occasion to mention the warm
interest the Grand Master and his Deputy took in the Masonic Hall , which scheme was in a forward condition . For " The Visitor" Bro . P . G . Offord ( Perseverance ) offered a few appropriate remarks bearing testimony to the harmonious working of Lodge Cabbell ( applause ) . Bro . Regimental Sergt-Major Donald ( sth Lancers ) was called on to respond
to a toast novel in a Masonic lodge— "Thc Army , Navy , and Volunteers "—and he did it in gallant style , The I . P . M . spoke of the pleasurable year of office he had just passed through , and gave the W . M . ' s health . Cheers having subsided , the W . M . rose and declared that was the proudest moment of his life—a truism stale but true . He should endeavour to carry out the
Public Night Of The Prudent Brethren Chapter, No. 145.
duties of his position with credit to the lodge and honour to himself . Bro . T . Campling responded for the "Installing Master . " ThcS . W . ( in the vice-chair ) proposed "The Press , " for which Bro . Somon ( Freemason ) , replied . The Secretary ( Bro . Baxter ) , a very worthy officer , was cheered to to the echo . " The Lodge Officers , " " Past Masters , " and " The Ladies" having been toasted , the clock pointed to
high 12 ; and home was the word . CREWKERNE . —Parrett and i \ xe Lodge ( No . S 14 ) . —The installation of Bro . George Summers , of Yeovil , as W . M . of this lodge for thc year ensuing took place on Tuesday , at the George Hotel . The ceremony was conducted by the Deputy Provincial Grand Master for Somerset , Bro . R . C . Else , and the board of
Installed Masters numbered twelve . At the close Bro . Summers invested the following ; Bros . Dr . Westcott , I . P . M . ; Tompsett , S . W . ; Dr . Hughes , J . W . ; Harris , P . M ., Treasurer ; Ireland , P . M ., Secretary ; Coombs , S . D . ; Hussey , J . D . ; Nosworthy , P . G . O ., Organist ; Bennett , I . G . ; J . Budge , P . M ., D . C . ; Rugg , P . M ., and Foxlow , Stewards . A cordial vote of thanks was tendered to the Installing
Master for his attendance , and to the I . P . M ., and there was a good attendance of brethren at the subsec [ uent banquet . HAMPTON WICK . —Wolsey Lodge ( No , 16 5 6 ) . The members of this rapidly increasing Provincial Lodge met at thc White Hart Hotel on the 4 th inst ., for the despatch of business . Among those present were Bros .
W . Hammond , P . M . 201 , 132 ( 1 , 1512 . ; P . P . G . D . of Midx . W . M . ; Baldwin , P . M . 142 * . P . G . P . Midx . acting S . W . ; Bond , P . M . 889 , J . W . ; T . C . Walls , P . G . O . Midx . acting S . D ., ( Freemason ) ; Hurst , P . M . 1512 , J . D . ; Forge , acting I . G . ; The Rev . T . J . C de Crespigny , P . M . 708 , P . P . G . C . Midx . Chaplain ; J . Hammond , P . M . 201 , and Hon . I . P . M . ; T . W . Ockenden , S . D . 1 : 12 , Sec ; Marvin , D . C ; Scott ,
W . S , The visitors were Bros . Stokes , Irish Constitution , Eyres , Novia Scotia , Murphy , 1512 . The minutes of the previous meeting having been read and confirmed the W . M . assisted by the I . P . M ., raised Bros . Aylen and Dar ling , passed Bros . Humphries and Burchill , and initiated Messrs . Chandler , Abbott , Jobbins , Turner and W . S . White , the ceremonies of the three degrees being carried
out by Bro . Hammond with his accustomed ability . The election of W . M . resulted in favour of the J . W ., who had written a letter stating that in consequence of very severe indisposition he would be prevented from attending that evening . Bro . Nuthall was re-elected Treas . The byelaws having been read , a Past Master ' s jewel was voteel to Bro . Hammond . It was also resolved that a letter of
sympathy should be written by the Sec . and forwarded to the W . M . elect , expressing a hope for his speedy convalesence . The lodge after sitting nearly five hours was then adjourned until the first Monday in March next , and the brethren partook of a collation , and at its conclusion the W . M . stated that as they had scarcely a half-hour at their disposal he should propose the toasts but briefly . " The Provincial
Granel Officers" was acknowledged by Bro . thc Rev . C . de Crespigny , in a short but able speech , and he immediately after proposed " The Health of the W . M ., " whom he considered was one of the best working Masons and most genial Masters he had ever met . This toast having been briefly acknowledged '' The Initiates , " " The Visitors " and " The Officers " brought the proceedings to a close .
LEEK . —St . Edward Lodge ( No . 9 60 ) . —The festival of St . John and installation of Bro . Thomas Wardle , thc W . M . elect of the St . Edward Lodge , took place on Thursday , 30 th ult . There was a . good attendance of brethren , and the ceremony of installation was efficiently performed by Bro . W . Necdham , the retiring W . M ., who was assisted by Bros . Ball , P . M . ; Bedsmore
P . G . O . ; and J . Ingamells , P . M . 4 60 . The following officers were appointed and duly invested with their respective jewels : —Bros . E . Gailey , S . W . ; F . L . Milner , J . W . ; the Rev . C . C . W » rd , Chaplain , J . Flower , Treasurer ; J Ball , Secretary ; Wm . Allen , D . C ; J . M . Wright , S . D . ; W . Lowe , J . D . ; G . L . Magnier , I . G . ; W . Broster , Steward ; P . Hodgson , Tyler . After the lodge had been
closed thc brethren adjourned to the Swan Hotel , where an excellent banquet was provided , about thirty brethren being present . The W . M . presided . The usual loyal and Masonic toasts were honoured , amongst the speakers being Bros . J . S . Crapper , P . M . 418 , P . P . G . A . D . ; Bedsmore , P . G . O . ; H . Cartledgc , 418 ; Hallowes , P . M ., and others . Bro . Needham was highly complimented on the
admirable manner in which he had conducted the affairs of the lodge during the past year . Bro . Gibson , P . M ., proposed "The Masonic Charities , " to which toast Bro . the Rev . C . C Ward and Bro . Necdham responded . It was stated that last year a benevolent fund was instituted in connection with the lodge , the ibjtct of which is to rer . der instantaneous relief to any distressed past or pres-nt member
of thc lodge who may require assistance before application cin be made to the provincial or other charitable associations connected with the Order . The first year the sum of £ \ o 18 s . was contributed to this fund and placed in the bank . The sum of £ 10 ios . was contributed by the brethren present at the banquet , and it was expected that the fund would be considerably augmented this year by
absent members of the lodge . Bro . Bedsmore anel others supplied some excellent mus ' c , and the evening was spent very harmoniously and pleasantly . COCKERMOUTH . —Skiddaw Lodge ( No . 1002 ) . — The first monthly meeting of this lodge , after the installation , was held on Tuesday evening , the sth inst . There were present Bros . I . Black
W . M . ; Capt . F . R . Sewell , S . W . ; W . H . Lewthwaite , P . M . and Org . as J . W ., in the absence of Bro . Bird through severe illness ; R . Robinson , P . M . and Treas . ; T . C . Robinson , Sec ; C Gibson , S . D . ; H . Peacock , I . G . ; Dr . Dodgson , P . M . ; W . Shilton , P . M . ; J . Bolton , G . Brash , J . Evening , J . Fearon , T . Armstrong , J . Towers , and R . Harrison , Bro . R . Robinson kindly officiated as Tyler , Bro . Poth being con-
Public Night Of The Prudent Brethren Chapter, No. 145.
fined to his bed . After the lodge had been opened in form and the minutes of the preceding meeting read and confirmed , Bros . Armstrong , Fearon , Harrison , and Towers gave proof of their proficiency in the First Degree , and were all subsequently passed to the degree of F . C . by the W . M ., who performed the ceremony in the most workmanlike style , also explaining the tracir . g board . This being
Bro . Black ' s first official act in the chair , he cannot bc too highly complimented on the ability and energy thus early displayed ; and a word of praise must likewise be meted out to the S . W ., and the other new officers , more especially Bro . Capt . Sewell . The F . C . ' s lodge having been closed , the W . M . invested Bro . R . Robinson , P . M , as Treasurer for the year , which office he has been elected to four times
consecutively . Two candidates having been proposed for initiation , Bro . Dr . Dodgson proposed , and Bro . Captain Sewell seconded , Bro . L . L . B . Dykes , J . P ., of Dovenby Hall , Apollo Lodge , Oxford , as an affiliating member of Skiddaw Lodge . Bro . Dykes ' s la * e lamented father , we may mention , was Provincial Grand Master of Cumberlaid and Westmorland . He succeeded the late Right
Hon . Sir James Graham , Bart ., M . P ., and the next Prov . Grand Master was Bro . the Earl of Bective , M . P ., -who for ten years and upwards has ruled over the province so felicitously and successfully . After the last proclamation , the lodge was closed in form . DERBT . —Hartington Lodge ( 80 . 1085 ) . — Thc annual installation meeting of this lodge was held on
Wednesday , February 5 th , at the Masonic Hall . Present Bros . W . Heathcote , W . M . ; S . Pipes , I . P . M . ; M . II . Bobart , P . P . S . G . W ., Treasurer ; W . B . Hextall , Secretary ; S . Steele , J . D . ; J . E . Russell , M . of C ; W . L . Dodd as O . ; W . Buttcrfield as I . G . ; J . O . Manton , S . ; W . Stone , Tyler ; W . Naylor , P . G . Secretary and P . P . G . S . W . ; T Iliffe , P . P . S . G . W . ; Leech , Stokes , Griggs , Shepherd ,
Parkins , Lane , Mainprize , Gore , Walters , Popplewell , Coulthurst , Ratcliffe , and Pragnell . Visitors : Bros . T . Cox , P . P . S . G . W . ; J . Smith , P . P . J . G . W . ; G . T . Wright , P . P . J . G . W . ; A . G . Taylor , W . M . Tyrian Lodge ; J . Brown , W . M . Arboretum Lodge ; T . Roe , jun ., P . M . 802 ; J . Small , P . M . 787 ; W . Cox , P . M . Hartington Lodge , Barrow-in-Furness ; E . R . Ward , S . W . 233 ; T . Merry , W . M .
elect , 731 ; and T . Cay , 802 . The lodge was opened at 6 p . m ., and after the usual preliminary business Bro . M . H . Bobart took the chair , and Bro . Geo . Pipes was presented to him by two P . M . ' s for the benefit of installation . The ceremony was very ably performed , the customary addresses being delivered in a most impressive and efficient manner in the several elegrces . The newly appointed
Master invested Bros . J . Heathcote , S . W . j W . B . Hextall , J . W . ; M . H . Bobart , Treasurer ; J . O . M enton , Secretary ; S . Steele , S . D . ; J . E . Russell , J . D . ; T . H . Hepworth , M . of C . ; G . T . Edwards , O . ; W . Butterfield , I . G . ; J . Pateman , S . S . ; and W . Stone , Tyler . He then rose to perform the pleasing duty of presenting a handsome P . M . ' s jewel to his predecessor , Bro . W . Heathcote , subscribed
for by members of the lodge . The accounts were presented by thc auditors , and Grand Lodge certificates handed to and signed by Bros . W . Stokes , ancl C Leech . A circular from thc P . G . Sccietary , on behalf of the Institution for Aged Freemasons was then read , and . 1 sum of five guineas voted towards the funds of the charity , to be placed on the list of the . R . W . G . M . of the province , the
Marquis of Hartington , who undertook to act as a Steward at the annual festival . Two gentlemen were proposed as candidates for initiation into the mysteries of science , and , after " hearty good wishes " from the visiting brethren to the W . M ., the lodge was closed in ancient and solemn form . The brethren proceeded from their labours to sumptuous banquet , a pleasing souvenir ot the evening
being the " Freemason Masonic Apron , " Menu cards . "WREXHAM . — Square and Compass Lodge ( No . 1336 ) . —The festival of St . John was celebrated on Tuesday , thc 5 th inst ., by the officers and brethren of this lodge . There was a large gathering of members of the fraternity present . The proceedings were opened according to the rites and ceremonies ofthe institution , and
after some business had been disposed of , thc leading event of the meeting was commenced , viz ., the installation of Bro . E . Smith as W . M . for the ensuing year . The ceremony was ably carried out by Bro . J . Lewis . Not a few brethren belonging to lodges in other parts of the country attended to celebrate the anniversary , and all joined in solemn invocation for a blessing to rest on the
newlyinstalled Master . Bro . J . F . Edisbury undertook and carried out in a most able manner the musical portion of the proceedings . After the brethren had saluted the W . M . in the usual manner , he proceeded to invest the following officers with their respective badges—Bros . T . Eyton-Jones , S . W . ; J . C Owen , J . W . ; J . F . Edisbury , Treasurer and Organist ; John Williams , Secretary ; Howel Davies , S . D .
J . W . M . Smith , J . D . ; Rev . A . L . Taylor , Chaplain ; R . J . Williams , W . Garratt Jones , William Pierce , and J . A . Chadwick , Stewards ; C K . Benson , I . G . ; and Thos . Lee , Tyler . The lodge being closed , the members of the fraternity repaired to the Wynnstay Arms Hotel , where a high-class banquet had been spread by Bro . J . B . Murless . Among the visitors were : Bros . ' J . Salmon , P . P . G . J . W .,
W . M ., 1674 ; W . Matthews , P . G . A . D . C Cheshire , P . M , J 21 ; F . L . Wheeler , 721 ; N . Retcmeyer , 2 i ; R . C . Edwards , W . M . 721 ; H . P . Swindells , S . W . 721 ; E . Jones , J . W , 721 ; Thomas Goodier , P . M . 292 ; R . F . Brooker , 11 7 . Algernon Potts , W . M . 1477 ; James Knox , J . W . 423 ; F , A . Dickson , W . M . 423 ; W . Aston , S . W . 1432 ; J . B Murless , J . W . 1432 ; R . O . Anwyl , J . W . 1 - { Co ; W . James ,
1477 ; J . C . Robinson , P . M . 425 ; Walter Evans , 463 After the repast was finished the following toast list was gone through : — " Her Most Gracious Majesty the Queen and the Craft , " " His Royal Highness the Prince of Wales , M . W . G . M . of England , " "The M . W . ProG . M ., the Earl of Carnarvon , and the Officers ofthe Grand Lodge , " " The R . W . P . G . M ., Sir W . W . Wynn , M . P ., " " The R . W . D . P . G . M ., and the Past and Present Officers of Grand
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Public Night Of The Prudent Brethren Chapter, No. 145.
( Continued from page 90 ) . H . R . H . subscribes to no other lodge in the kingdom , and has more than once honoured the Philanthropic with a visit . For many years it was under a cloud , but like all things in Lynn , since Sir L . Jarvis brought the docks into the town and Royalty took up its quarters in the neighbourhood , everything is changed for the better , and
prosperity reigns in the old western capital . The installation of a worthy Brother ( George W . Page , London and Prov . Bank Manager ) , last Monday afternoon , was well performed by P . M . C . T . Ives , P . P . G . A . D . C , assisted by P . M . G . S . Woodwark , P . P . G . J . D ., and a strong board of other P . M . ' s , visiting brethren , & c . After the ceremony the W . M . invested his officers thus-. —Bros . W . Seppins , S . W . ;
Sir W . H . B . Ffolkes , Bart ., J . W . ; Rev . J . Bullivant Slight , Chaplain ; R . Cruso , Treasurer ; J . Green , Secretary ; R . Binnington , S . D . ; John S . B . Glasier . J . D . ; G . H . Ladyman , I . G . ; Rev . E . J . Alvis , Organist ; C . Miller and J . D . Thew , Stewards ; Wm . Wolscy , Tyler . Banquet ( of which 45 brethren partook ) was served in Host Marshall ' s best style . Grace having been said by the Chaplain ,
the usual loyal and Masonic toasts were given in proper style from the chair . Then followed " The R . W . Prov . G . M . of Norfolk and the Prov . G . Officers "—for whom Bro . Sir W . H . B . Ffolkes and Bro . Morris , P . G . S . D ., respondedthe latter also acting as toastmaster throughout the evening . The W . M . next made a happy response for his health , anel the Installing Master—a most
useful aid to the Craft in Lynn—did ditto for his . Again Bro . Morris rose to reply for " The Immediate and other P . M . ' s . "; and for "The Visitors " ( poetically proposed by Bro . Thew ) Bros . Garrick , W . M ., and Phillips , of Wisbech Lodge ; Bell , Mayor of Saffron Walden ; and J . H . Lady man and P . Soman , from Norwich , said each a few words in response . The S . W . and J . W . replied for " Thc Lodge Officers" and
Bros . Allen and Green for " The Initiates . " "The Masonic Charities" found a warm advocate in Bro . E . J . AWt % and a handsome collection resulted . By the way , this worthy brother contributed some delightful harmonyvocal and instrumental—during the evening , while the Philanthropic is happy in the possession of a capital glee party . The Tyler ' s toast concluded a most pleasant evening .
WELLINGBORO . — "Wentworth Lodge ( No . 737 ) . —The installation of the W . M . took place on Monday week , the ceremony being performed by Bro . Butler Wilkins the D . P . G . M . Norths and Hunts , in his usual impressive manner . Bro . J . H . Hall was the W . M ., and immediately appointed the following officers : —Bros . W . T . Hewens , S . W ; Jno . Slinn , J . W . j Thos . Cook , P . M ., Treas ; L . C ,.
Knight , Sec ; E . Emsted , S . D ; "W . Renshaw , J . D ; C Mathews , I . G ; Jno . Wallis , Stwd . ; W . Mathews , Tyler ' Amongst the visiting brethren were Bros . C . E . Waller ' W . M . 87 ; J . T . Green , and J . U . Stanton , P . M . ; V . F . Gadsby , Jno . Baillie , A . Troup , 360 ; H . Hitchman , P M .-, E . HaU , W . Hanger , S . S . Harding , B . Genner , 453 ; W . Oldham , P . M . 466 ; & c , The brethren adjourned
From labour to refreshment , when an excellent banquet was served in Host Wallis ' s usual style . After the usual loyal and Masonic toasts , which were received in a most hearty manner , the brethren spent the remainder of the evening in harmony and thorough good fellowship . Bio . J . T . Green , P . M . 3 60 , officiated as D . C . in his usual happy manner , and added considerably to the pleasure of the
gathenng . The W . M . may look forward to his year of office being both a pleasurable one to himself and a prosperous one to the lodge . NORWICH . —Cabbell Lodge ( No . 807 . )—The brethren of this lodge met at the Rampant Horse Hotel for the purpose of installing Bro . A . J . Berry as W . M . for the ensuing year . There was a full lodge
and a goodly sprinkling of visitors , including Bro . J . C . Chittock ( Sincerity ) , Bros . Dunsford and Youngman ( P . M . Perseverance ) , Bro . J . A . Gooch ( W . M . Perseverance ) , Bro , Mackley ( W . M . Walpole ) , Bro . Riches ( W . M . Sincerity ) , & c . Tbe ceremony of installation was most ably performed by Bro . A . E . Atkinson , assisted by Bro . Campling , P . M . The W . M . then appointed his officers as under : —
Edward Pankhurst , S . W .: S . N . Berry , J . W . j G . Green , S . D . ; L . Butters , J . D . * , E . Crofts , I . G . ; R . A . Madge , Organist ; J . Boatwright and J . Hunt , Stewards ; J . W . Lacey , Treasurer ; and Geo . Baxter , Secretary . This brother on being appointed was thanked by the W . M . for the untiring manner in which he had always furthered the interests of Masonry , and the brethren enthusiastically
endorsed all the W . M . had said . The banquet was well served by Host Coleman , while his wines were choice as usual . When these latter were left on the table with dessert , the W . M . gave The Queen and the Craft , " Bro . H . J . Minns taking the National Anthem solos in fine style . This gentlemen ' s singing during the evening was loudly applauded . The healths of the M . W . Grand Master , the Pro
G . Master , and the D . G . Master of England ( the Prince of Wales , Earl of Carnarvon , and Lord Skelmersdale ) followed in quick succession . Then came the G . M . and D . G . M . of Norfolk ( Lord Suffield and Major Peniice ) with the officers of the Province . Bro . Dunsford , P . G . P ., replied for the past , and Bro . T . J . Mackley . A . G . D . C , for present officers . The latter brother took occasion to mention the warm
interest the Grand Master and his Deputy took in the Masonic Hall , which scheme was in a forward condition . For " The Visitor" Bro . P . G . Offord ( Perseverance ) offered a few appropriate remarks bearing testimony to the harmonious working of Lodge Cabbell ( applause ) . Bro . Regimental Sergt-Major Donald ( sth Lancers ) was called on to respond
to a toast novel in a Masonic lodge— "Thc Army , Navy , and Volunteers "—and he did it in gallant style , The I . P . M . spoke of the pleasurable year of office he had just passed through , and gave the W . M . ' s health . Cheers having subsided , the W . M . rose and declared that was the proudest moment of his life—a truism stale but true . He should endeavour to carry out the
Public Night Of The Prudent Brethren Chapter, No. 145.
duties of his position with credit to the lodge and honour to himself . Bro . T . Campling responded for the "Installing Master . " ThcS . W . ( in the vice-chair ) proposed "The Press , " for which Bro . Somon ( Freemason ) , replied . The Secretary ( Bro . Baxter ) , a very worthy officer , was cheered to to the echo . " The Lodge Officers , " " Past Masters , " and " The Ladies" having been toasted , the clock pointed to
high 12 ; and home was the word . CREWKERNE . —Parrett and i \ xe Lodge ( No . S 14 ) . —The installation of Bro . George Summers , of Yeovil , as W . M . of this lodge for thc year ensuing took place on Tuesday , at the George Hotel . The ceremony was conducted by the Deputy Provincial Grand Master for Somerset , Bro . R . C . Else , and the board of
Installed Masters numbered twelve . At the close Bro . Summers invested the following ; Bros . Dr . Westcott , I . P . M . ; Tompsett , S . W . ; Dr . Hughes , J . W . ; Harris , P . M ., Treasurer ; Ireland , P . M ., Secretary ; Coombs , S . D . ; Hussey , J . D . ; Nosworthy , P . G . O ., Organist ; Bennett , I . G . ; J . Budge , P . M ., D . C . ; Rugg , P . M ., and Foxlow , Stewards . A cordial vote of thanks was tendered to the Installing
Master for his attendance , and to the I . P . M ., and there was a good attendance of brethren at the subsec [ uent banquet . HAMPTON WICK . —Wolsey Lodge ( No , 16 5 6 ) . The members of this rapidly increasing Provincial Lodge met at thc White Hart Hotel on the 4 th inst ., for the despatch of business . Among those present were Bros .
W . Hammond , P . M . 201 , 132 ( 1 , 1512 . ; P . P . G . D . of Midx . W . M . ; Baldwin , P . M . 142 * . P . G . P . Midx . acting S . W . ; Bond , P . M . 889 , J . W . ; T . C . Walls , P . G . O . Midx . acting S . D ., ( Freemason ) ; Hurst , P . M . 1512 , J . D . ; Forge , acting I . G . ; The Rev . T . J . C de Crespigny , P . M . 708 , P . P . G . C . Midx . Chaplain ; J . Hammond , P . M . 201 , and Hon . I . P . M . ; T . W . Ockenden , S . D . 1 : 12 , Sec ; Marvin , D . C ; Scott ,
W . S , The visitors were Bros . Stokes , Irish Constitution , Eyres , Novia Scotia , Murphy , 1512 . The minutes of the previous meeting having been read and confirmed the W . M . assisted by the I . P . M ., raised Bros . Aylen and Dar ling , passed Bros . Humphries and Burchill , and initiated Messrs . Chandler , Abbott , Jobbins , Turner and W . S . White , the ceremonies of the three degrees being carried
out by Bro . Hammond with his accustomed ability . The election of W . M . resulted in favour of the J . W ., who had written a letter stating that in consequence of very severe indisposition he would be prevented from attending that evening . Bro . Nuthall was re-elected Treas . The byelaws having been read , a Past Master ' s jewel was voteel to Bro . Hammond . It was also resolved that a letter of
sympathy should be written by the Sec . and forwarded to the W . M . elect , expressing a hope for his speedy convalesence . The lodge after sitting nearly five hours was then adjourned until the first Monday in March next , and the brethren partook of a collation , and at its conclusion the W . M . stated that as they had scarcely a half-hour at their disposal he should propose the toasts but briefly . " The Provincial
Granel Officers" was acknowledged by Bro . thc Rev . C . de Crespigny , in a short but able speech , and he immediately after proposed " The Health of the W . M ., " whom he considered was one of the best working Masons and most genial Masters he had ever met . This toast having been briefly acknowledged '' The Initiates , " " The Visitors " and " The Officers " brought the proceedings to a close .
LEEK . —St . Edward Lodge ( No . 9 60 ) . —The festival of St . John and installation of Bro . Thomas Wardle , thc W . M . elect of the St . Edward Lodge , took place on Thursday , 30 th ult . There was a . good attendance of brethren , and the ceremony of installation was efficiently performed by Bro . W . Necdham , the retiring W . M ., who was assisted by Bros . Ball , P . M . ; Bedsmore
P . G . O . ; and J . Ingamells , P . M . 4 60 . The following officers were appointed and duly invested with their respective jewels : —Bros . E . Gailey , S . W . ; F . L . Milner , J . W . ; the Rev . C . C . W » rd , Chaplain , J . Flower , Treasurer ; J Ball , Secretary ; Wm . Allen , D . C ; J . M . Wright , S . D . ; W . Lowe , J . D . ; G . L . Magnier , I . G . ; W . Broster , Steward ; P . Hodgson , Tyler . After the lodge had been
closed thc brethren adjourned to the Swan Hotel , where an excellent banquet was provided , about thirty brethren being present . The W . M . presided . The usual loyal and Masonic toasts were honoured , amongst the speakers being Bros . J . S . Crapper , P . M . 418 , P . P . G . A . D . ; Bedsmore , P . G . O . ; H . Cartledgc , 418 ; Hallowes , P . M ., and others . Bro . Needham was highly complimented on the
admirable manner in which he had conducted the affairs of the lodge during the past year . Bro . Gibson , P . M ., proposed "The Masonic Charities , " to which toast Bro . the Rev . C . C Ward and Bro . Necdham responded . It was stated that last year a benevolent fund was instituted in connection with the lodge , the ibjtct of which is to rer . der instantaneous relief to any distressed past or pres-nt member
of thc lodge who may require assistance before application cin be made to the provincial or other charitable associations connected with the Order . The first year the sum of £ \ o 18 s . was contributed to this fund and placed in the bank . The sum of £ 10 ios . was contributed by the brethren present at the banquet , and it was expected that the fund would be considerably augmented this year by
absent members of the lodge . Bro . Bedsmore anel others supplied some excellent mus ' c , and the evening was spent very harmoniously and pleasantly . COCKERMOUTH . —Skiddaw Lodge ( No . 1002 ) . — The first monthly meeting of this lodge , after the installation , was held on Tuesday evening , the sth inst . There were present Bros . I . Black
W . M . ; Capt . F . R . Sewell , S . W . ; W . H . Lewthwaite , P . M . and Org . as J . W ., in the absence of Bro . Bird through severe illness ; R . Robinson , P . M . and Treas . ; T . C . Robinson , Sec ; C Gibson , S . D . ; H . Peacock , I . G . ; Dr . Dodgson , P . M . ; W . Shilton , P . M . ; J . Bolton , G . Brash , J . Evening , J . Fearon , T . Armstrong , J . Towers , and R . Harrison , Bro . R . Robinson kindly officiated as Tyler , Bro . Poth being con-
Public Night Of The Prudent Brethren Chapter, No. 145.
fined to his bed . After the lodge had been opened in form and the minutes of the preceding meeting read and confirmed , Bros . Armstrong , Fearon , Harrison , and Towers gave proof of their proficiency in the First Degree , and were all subsequently passed to the degree of F . C . by the W . M ., who performed the ceremony in the most workmanlike style , also explaining the tracir . g board . This being
Bro . Black ' s first official act in the chair , he cannot bc too highly complimented on the ability and energy thus early displayed ; and a word of praise must likewise be meted out to the S . W ., and the other new officers , more especially Bro . Capt . Sewell . The F . C . ' s lodge having been closed , the W . M . invested Bro . R . Robinson , P . M , as Treasurer for the year , which office he has been elected to four times
consecutively . Two candidates having been proposed for initiation , Bro . Dr . Dodgson proposed , and Bro . Captain Sewell seconded , Bro . L . L . B . Dykes , J . P ., of Dovenby Hall , Apollo Lodge , Oxford , as an affiliating member of Skiddaw Lodge . Bro . Dykes ' s la * e lamented father , we may mention , was Provincial Grand Master of Cumberlaid and Westmorland . He succeeded the late Right
Hon . Sir James Graham , Bart ., M . P ., and the next Prov . Grand Master was Bro . the Earl of Bective , M . P ., -who for ten years and upwards has ruled over the province so felicitously and successfully . After the last proclamation , the lodge was closed in form . DERBT . —Hartington Lodge ( 80 . 1085 ) . — Thc annual installation meeting of this lodge was held on
Wednesday , February 5 th , at the Masonic Hall . Present Bros . W . Heathcote , W . M . ; S . Pipes , I . P . M . ; M . II . Bobart , P . P . S . G . W ., Treasurer ; W . B . Hextall , Secretary ; S . Steele , J . D . ; J . E . Russell , M . of C ; W . L . Dodd as O . ; W . Buttcrfield as I . G . ; J . O . Manton , S . ; W . Stone , Tyler ; W . Naylor , P . G . Secretary and P . P . G . S . W . ; T Iliffe , P . P . S . G . W . ; Leech , Stokes , Griggs , Shepherd ,
Parkins , Lane , Mainprize , Gore , Walters , Popplewell , Coulthurst , Ratcliffe , and Pragnell . Visitors : Bros . T . Cox , P . P . S . G . W . ; J . Smith , P . P . J . G . W . ; G . T . Wright , P . P . J . G . W . ; A . G . Taylor , W . M . Tyrian Lodge ; J . Brown , W . M . Arboretum Lodge ; T . Roe , jun ., P . M . 802 ; J . Small , P . M . 787 ; W . Cox , P . M . Hartington Lodge , Barrow-in-Furness ; E . R . Ward , S . W . 233 ; T . Merry , W . M .
elect , 731 ; and T . Cay , 802 . The lodge was opened at 6 p . m ., and after the usual preliminary business Bro . M . H . Bobart took the chair , and Bro . Geo . Pipes was presented to him by two P . M . ' s for the benefit of installation . The ceremony was very ably performed , the customary addresses being delivered in a most impressive and efficient manner in the several elegrces . The newly appointed
Master invested Bros . J . Heathcote , S . W . j W . B . Hextall , J . W . ; M . H . Bobart , Treasurer ; J . O . M enton , Secretary ; S . Steele , S . D . ; J . E . Russell , J . D . ; T . H . Hepworth , M . of C . ; G . T . Edwards , O . ; W . Butterfield , I . G . ; J . Pateman , S . S . ; and W . Stone , Tyler . He then rose to perform the pleasing duty of presenting a handsome P . M . ' s jewel to his predecessor , Bro . W . Heathcote , subscribed
for by members of the lodge . The accounts were presented by thc auditors , and Grand Lodge certificates handed to and signed by Bros . W . Stokes , ancl C Leech . A circular from thc P . G . Sccietary , on behalf of the Institution for Aged Freemasons was then read , and . 1 sum of five guineas voted towards the funds of the charity , to be placed on the list of the . R . W . G . M . of the province , the
Marquis of Hartington , who undertook to act as a Steward at the annual festival . Two gentlemen were proposed as candidates for initiation into the mysteries of science , and , after " hearty good wishes " from the visiting brethren to the W . M ., the lodge was closed in ancient and solemn form . The brethren proceeded from their labours to sumptuous banquet , a pleasing souvenir ot the evening
being the " Freemason Masonic Apron , " Menu cards . "WREXHAM . — Square and Compass Lodge ( No . 1336 ) . —The festival of St . John was celebrated on Tuesday , thc 5 th inst ., by the officers and brethren of this lodge . There was a large gathering of members of the fraternity present . The proceedings were opened according to the rites and ceremonies ofthe institution , and
after some business had been disposed of , thc leading event of the meeting was commenced , viz ., the installation of Bro . E . Smith as W . M . for the ensuing year . The ceremony was ably carried out by Bro . J . Lewis . Not a few brethren belonging to lodges in other parts of the country attended to celebrate the anniversary , and all joined in solemn invocation for a blessing to rest on the
newlyinstalled Master . Bro . J . F . Edisbury undertook and carried out in a most able manner the musical portion of the proceedings . After the brethren had saluted the W . M . in the usual manner , he proceeded to invest the following officers with their respective badges—Bros . T . Eyton-Jones , S . W . ; J . C Owen , J . W . ; J . F . Edisbury , Treasurer and Organist ; John Williams , Secretary ; Howel Davies , S . D .
J . W . M . Smith , J . D . ; Rev . A . L . Taylor , Chaplain ; R . J . Williams , W . Garratt Jones , William Pierce , and J . A . Chadwick , Stewards ; C K . Benson , I . G . ; and Thos . Lee , Tyler . The lodge being closed , the members of the fraternity repaired to the Wynnstay Arms Hotel , where a high-class banquet had been spread by Bro . J . B . Murless . Among the visitors were : Bros . ' J . Salmon , P . P . G . J . W .,
W . M ., 1674 ; W . Matthews , P . G . A . D . C Cheshire , P . M , J 21 ; F . L . Wheeler , 721 ; N . Retcmeyer , 2 i ; R . C . Edwards , W . M . 721 ; H . P . Swindells , S . W . 721 ; E . Jones , J . W , 721 ; Thomas Goodier , P . M . 292 ; R . F . Brooker , 11 7 . Algernon Potts , W . M . 1477 ; James Knox , J . W . 423 ; F , A . Dickson , W . M . 423 ; W . Aston , S . W . 1432 ; J . B Murless , J . W . 1432 ; R . O . Anwyl , J . W . 1 - { Co ; W . James ,
1477 ; J . C . Robinson , P . M . 425 ; Walter Evans , 463 After the repast was finished the following toast list was gone through : — " Her Most Gracious Majesty the Queen and the Craft , " " His Royal Highness the Prince of Wales , M . W . G . M . of England , " "The M . W . ProG . M ., the Earl of Carnarvon , and the Officers ofthe Grand Lodge , " " The R . W . P . G . M ., Sir W . W . Wynn , M . P ., " " The R . W . D . P . G . M ., and the Past and Present Officers of Grand