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Public Night Of The Prudent Brethren Chapter, No. 145.
Lodge , " " Thc Worshipful Master , " "The Installing Master , " " The Visiting Brethren , " "The Retiring Master and Past Masters of the Lodge , " " The Officers of the Lodge , " "The Masonic Charities , " and thc Tyler ' s toast . "WATERLOO . —Skelmersdale Lodge ( No . 1380 ) . —Thc annual installation meeting of the members
of this thriving surburban lodge , of which Bro . Lord Skelmersdale , Deputy Grand Master of England , and R . W . P . G . M . of West Lancashire , was the first W . M . in 1872 , when it was consecrated , was held on Monday , thc 4 th inst ., at the Queen ' s Hotel , Waterloo , Bro . the Rev . T . W . Richardson , W . M ., was in his place in the E . at the opening , and the names , as per Tyler ' s book ,
embraced those of Bros . G . Broadbridge , P . M ., P . P . G . D . C , D . C ; E . Ford , jun ., S . W . ; R . Brown , P . M . 241 , Treas . ; R . H . Exton , Sec ; F . W . Barnes , S . D . ; and J . Almond , Org . Thc members present were Bros . H . A . Tobias , H . Davis , F . Smitton , J . Cobham , P . M . 241 ; R . Gittins , R . W . Hickson , S . Warner , W . Walt , ancl R . Lamb . The visitors included Bros . G . Peet , W . M . 241 ; J . W . Baker ,
P . M . 241 ; W . Harrison , I . P . M . S 97 ; W . Pughe , W . M . 1620 ; T . H . Sheen , J . W . 241 ; P . W . Juncker , 786 ; T . Smitton , 1570 ; H . Bullev , P . G . S . B . Eng . ; G . Turner , P . G . Treas " . ; and J . Wells , P . G . Purs . The lodge was opened according to ancient form , and the minutes were read and unanimously confirmed . Bro . G . Broadbridge , P . P . G . D . C , afterwards proceeded , in an effective manner ,
to instal Bro . E . Ford , jun ., as tbe W . M . of the lodge for the ensuing year ; and the usual charges weie given efficiently by Bro . R . Brown , P . M . 241 . The following were the officers invested : Bros . Rev . T . W . Richardson , I . P . M . ; J . Cobham , S . W . ; R . 11 . Exton , J . W . ; F . W . Barnes , Sec . ; R . Brown , Treas . ( re-elected ) ; John Brown , S . D . ; R . W . Hickson , J . D . ; F . Gittins , I . G . ; and W . H . Ball
Tyler . It was unanimously resolved to vote five guineas from the funds of the lodge , to be supplemented by private subscriptions , for the purchai e cf a testimonial to Bro . the Rev . T . W . Robertson , I . P . M ., in recognition of the zeal and courtesy he had displayed during his year's occupancy of the chair . The brethren after business sat down to a splendid banquet , and during the evening Bro . R .
Brown ( Treasurer ) presented the lodge with a most artistic portrait , in oil , of Bro . Lord Skelmersdale , thc work of art being executed by Bros . Brown , Barnes , and Bell , whose fame as photographic artists is known throughout the United Kingdom . HAMPTON . —Era Lodge . ( No . 1423 ) . —The installation meeting of this lodge was held on Saturday
last at "The Island Hotel , " when there were present Bro . Thiellay , P . P . G . S . B . of Middlesex , W . M . ; Sabine , P . M . P . P . G . S . B . of Middlesex , S . W . ; W . M . elect , Devereux J . W . ; Wolfe , J . D . ; Johnson , I . G . ; Dubois , P . M . 142 , P . P . G . S . D . of Middlesex , Treasurer ; F . Walters , P . M ., P . P . G . J . D . of Middlesex , Secretary ; Moss , P . M ., P . P . G . R . of Mid ilescx , Baldwin , P . M ., P . G . P . of Middlesex ; W . Hammond , P . M ,
1312 , P . P . G . D . of Middlesex ; Miller , P . M ., P . P . G . O . of Middlesex , Organist , and others . The visitors were Bros . H . Potter , P . M . ( Robert Bums ) ; T . C . Walls , ( Freemason ) , S . W . 1381 , P . G . O . Middlesex ; Ockenden , S . D . 1312 ; Aston , S . D . 165 ( 1 ; Scholcs , 19 *; Belinfantc , 435 ; Graham , 894 ; Weekes . The minutes of the previous meeting having been read and confirmed and
the report of the Audit Committee read and adopted , the ceremony of installing Bro . Sabine into the chair of K . S . was at once proceeded with . The officer elected by the lodge to perform this onerous duty was Bro . Baldwin , who appointed Bros . Dubois as S . W . Miller as J . W ., Hammond as J . G . and Thiellay as D . C . to assist him in theccremony . We before have had occasion in detail to compliment Bro .
Baldwin upon the great efficiency he elisplays in the working of this important ancl beautiful ceremonial and therefore it is only necessary lo state that this his latest effort was in every way successful . Amongst the officers invested for the ensuing year were Bros . Devereux , S . W . ; Wolfe , J . W . ; Johnson , J . D . ; Wright , I . G . ; Dubois , Treas . ; Walters , Secretary ; Falconer , D . C ; J . H . Pearson , W . S . ;
Dr . Riley , A . S . Gilbert , P . G . T . of Middlesex , Tyler . A vote of thanks having been passed to the Installing Master the W . M . in a neat address presented the I . P . M , with a very handsome jewel which had been voted unanimously by the lodge . The lodge then voted ten pounds to head the list of Bro . Dubois , as Steward to the Koyal Masonic Benevolent Institution and the W . M .
gave notice that alike sum should be voted to the list of Bro . Falconer as Steward for the Royal Masonic Institution for Girls . Thc lodge was then closed and the brethren adjourned to an excellent banquet , which was well catered for by Bro . Tagg , the creature comforts being greatly enhanced by the elegant manner in which they were served . The Royal and Craft toasts having been done full
justice to , thc W . M . proposed "The Health of thc R . W . P . G . M . of Middlesex , " who , in consequence of other engagements was unable to be present . In the course of his rcmarks , which were frequently interrupted by theapplause of the brethren , the W . M ., said it appeared to bc the greatest delight of their P . G . M . to mix frequently and that without restraint with the members of his
numerous lodges . The appointment of Col . Burdett to preside over the destinies of the province marked an era in the history of English Freemasonry , because it had been attended in so short a time with such great success . His popularity in lodge , at the banquet and in the various official positions he held was very great , and he possessed all the genial and other characteristics of an " old English
gentleman . " In conclusion , the W . M . said that during the time that the gallant Colonel had held sway in Middlesex , no serious disagreement had taken place in any of bis lodges , and that the various P . G . appointments which he had from tinielo time conferred , had given universal satisfaction . " The D . P . G . M . of Middlesex , and the rest of the P . G . O . ' s Past ancl Present , " was proposed by the W . M . ' s permission , by Bro . Moss who in the course of a
Public Night Of The Prudent Brethren Chapter, No. 145.
very able speech , said that on that auspicious occasion it was only kind and seasonable that they who were in the enjoyment of good health should wish that the same ble-ssing might speedily be restored to one who hacl been sorely stricken down by the hand of affliction , namely , Bro . Little . The thought that his name had been kindly remembered by the members of the Era Lodge would
cheer their D . P . G . M . in his sick chamber . In conclusion the speaker warmly said that he considered Bio . Little to be one of the brightest and most intelligent ornaments and exponents of modern Freemasonry . The above toasts were heartily drank , and the latter was acknowledged by Bro . Hammond . Telegrams were then sent to the P . G . M .
and his Deputy , and shortly afterwards the following replies were received : — " From the P . G . M . of Middlesex to the Era Lodge . A thousand thanks for your extreme consideration , ancl I heartily return the compliment in a flowing bumper of champagne to the health of the W . M . " " From Bro . R . W . Little : —Best thanks to the Master and
brethren for kind wishes . I am happy to say that I am progressing favourably . Bro . Levander is now with me . " " The Masonic Charities " was coupled with thc name of Bro . Dubois , and was duly acknowledged by him in a speech which appealed strongly to the sympathies of his hearers upon behalf of thc objects of those excellent institutions . " Thc Visitors" toast was responded to
by Bros . Potter and Scholes . ' The Health of the W . M . " was warmly proposed by the I . P . M . and having been received with excellent " fire , " Bro . Sabine made a very biiefand modest reply to the effect that he had endeavoured throughout his Masonic career to conscientiously discharge his duties and to advance in every possible way the charitable principles of the Order . He had tried to do his best
for the " Era " from the day of its foundation to the picsent time , and he hoped to retire from the chair in the possession of their fullest amount of esteem and confidence , and in conclusion he cordially thanked them for having done him the honour of electing him to preside over them . In consceiuence of many ofthe brethren desiring to return to town the remainder of the toasts were but formally given , and for
thc same reason but briefly responded to . They were " The Past Masters , '' " The Treas . and Sec . " and " The Officers . " During the proceedings vocal and other selections were given by Bros . Enman , Walls , Graham , Scholes ancl others . NORTH WOOLWICH .-Henley Lodge ( No 1472 ) . —The last meeting of the above lodge before the
installation of its W . M . elect , Bro . A . J . Manning , took place on Tuesday , the 3 th inst ., at Bro . West ' s house , thc Three Crowns , thc VV . M . presiding , supported by thc following officers : Bros . Manning , S . W . ; W . T . Turner , J . W . ; J . 1 lenderson . Sec . ; J . Plume , S . D . ; Dr . W . Vance , J . D . ; E . ] . Lloyd , I . G . Thc Past Masters present were Bros . E . West , I' . M . 1076 and P . P . G . O . for Herts ; B . B .
Brayshaw , P . M . 1046 , 1437 , ' 462 , and P . G . S . B . for Essex ; W . Graham , P . M . 700 ; who 0 : 1 being received as an honorary member of thc lodge was as well present . The visitors included Bros . W . Page , P . M . 1076 ; T . D . Morley , 13 ; and C . Jolly , 913 ( Freemason ) . The lodge having been opened in due form and thc minutes of the last meeting passed , Mr . Morgan was , after approval , initiated
into Freemasonry . The next business before the lodge was the election of VV . M . for the ensuing year , and after an unanimous ballot , Bro . A . J . Manning was , amid applause , pronounced electee ! to that distinguisheel position , for which he gracefully returned thanks . Bro . F . Geller was then re-elected as Treasurer , and after a letter had been read by the W . M .
111 which the late respected Tyler , Bro . Steadman , begged to withdraw from that office , Bro . W . Page , an old and esteemed Past Master of the Capper Lodge , was unanimously elected for the ensuing twelve months . A Past Master ' s jewel was then voted to the W . M ., and the lodge was closed . Thc brethren then partook of one of Bro . West ' s neat and prettily served supper , and upon re-assembling
round the social board , the W . M ., with the assistance of the officers and brethren , did full justice to the usual loyal and Masonic toasts . Bro . West then proposed the toast of "The W . M ., " who responded . In response to that of the Past Masters of , and belonging to the Henley Lodge , Bro . Graham in the course ofan eloquent reply , after Bros . West and Henderson had spoken , said he hardly knew
how to express himself for the eulogiums that had been passed upon him both by thc W . M . and the Past Masters who had preceded him . He had known the lodge since its foundation , and he was happy to say that it was an offspring from thc lodge in which he hacl received , not only the benefits of initiation , but in which he had had the honour of beinij installed among its proud array of
of W . Masters , the " Nelson . " ( Cheers . ) Therefore he felt it a great honour to respond to the toast of the Past Masters of the Henley Lodge , and if at any time his humble services should or could be of any benefit to any membcr of it , he should not only feel it a pleasure but a duty ti place them at their request . ( Applause . ) After a long experience of Freemasonry , he assured them that if
they only endeavoured to carry out its beautiful teachingbe truthful , honest , upright , ancl above all charitable in their dealings with one another—acting up to their principles , and uniting brotherly love with every action of their life , they would , while not only bc doing their duty to their fellow-creatures generally , but in its best attributes , following the tenets so admirably laid down for their guidance in the pure and petfect Freemasonry so well taught them
in their sublime ritual . ( Loud cheers . ) He strongly advised every young Mason present to join the lodge of instruction attached to the house , and concluded a brilliant address by assuring them that his services were at all times , should they require them , at their call , and resumed his seat amid much applause . Several other toasts followed , and the Tyler ' s toast concluded the proceedings . BRIGHTON . —St . CeciliaLodge ( No . 1636 ) . — The annual installation and banquet of this lodge took
Public Night Of The Prudent Brethren Chapter, No. 145.
place on the 31 st ult . at thc Pavilion . The ceremony of installation took place in the afternoon , when Bro . James Ebcrall was unanimously elected ancl installed as Worshipful Master of the lodge , the ceremony being impressively rendered by Bro . John II . Scott , Deputy Prov . Grand Master . The brethren afterwards adjourned to the banqueting-room , where the annual banquet took place ,
under the presidency of the newly-elected W . M ., the vice chair being occupied by Bros . Sandeman and Foat . The usual Masonic and other toasts were given , interspersed by some excellent pianoforte solos by Bro . Kuhe , and songs by several of the brethren . "WALTHAMSTOW . — Beaconsfield Lodge ( No . 16 G 2 ) . —A general meeting of this lodge was held at
The Checkers , March-street , on Saturday , the 2 nd February . Present : Bros . W . T . Christian , W . M . ; W , Groome , S . W . ; W . G . Hallows as J . W . ; J . Pinder , P . M . ; F . Hallows , Secretary ; T . Franklin , S . D . " ; J . H . Cambridge , J . D . ; M . Hunt , as I . G . ; T . Upward , Organist ; A Delval . 'i , W . S . ; Gilchrist , Tyler . The lodge was opened in due form , and the minutes of the last meeting were
read and confirmed . The candidates for passing not having arrived , the W . M ., assisted by the brethren , worked the first section of the lecture . Bros . Harris and Putney were afterwards examined and entrusted . The lodge was opened in the Second Degree , and the two candidates were regularly introduceel ancl passed to thc degree of Fellow Craft . The lodge was resumed to the First
Degree , and the election of W . M . for the ensuing year was proceeded with . 1 he choice of the brethren being unanimous in favour of Bro . W . Groome , S . W . Bro . W . S . Christian was elected Treasurer , avid Bro . Gilchrist , Tyler . A Past Master ' s jewel was unanimously voted from the lodge funds to the outgoing W . M . for his able and efficient services to the lodge during his term of office ; a
Past Master ' s jewel was also voted to Bro . J . Pinder for his services as P . M . c [ the lodge . The Audit Committee was then appointed , and the lodge was closed in due form and adjourned until Saturday , the 5 th October . The brethren afterwards sat down to an excellent supper , after which the usual Masonic toasts were given by the W . M . Amongst thc visitors present were the following brethren ,
viz .: Bros . W . Mackey , P . M . 861 ; E . Swain , W . M . 1602 ; J . Glynn , 33 ; J . G . Baxter , jun ., 206 ; R , Shephard , 861 ; F . Middle , 645 ; R . Dallas , 860 ; G . Edwards , 907 ; VV . Snellgrove , 907 ; A . Turner , 1228 , anel ethers . The following members of the lodge were also present , viz . Bros . Bumard , Rubery , Stockweil , Moffatt , Shingle , and others
INSTRUCTION NORTH "WOOLWICH— Capper Lodge ( No . 1076 ) . —The annual banquet of the above excellent lodge of Instruction took place on Thursday , thc 3 ist of January , and thanks to thc prestige attached to the superb catering of Bro . E . West , at whose house , the Three Crowns , the lodge is held , was most satisfactory in its results , that
worthy brother , who is a Past Master of some three or four lodges and as well a Past Provincial Officer of Herts , being both in his capacity of host and teacher of Masonry , deservedly popular . After partaking of the good things so liberally provided by Bro . West , Bro . J . White , W . M . of thc mother lodge , No . 1076 , filled the chair . Bro . F . Brien , in the vice chair . Among the principal visitors and members
present were Bros . J . Dorton , I . P . M . 107 G ; S . Watkins , P . M . 1076 ; E . West , P . M . 1076 ; H . Sisley , P . M . 1076 ; J . Gaskell , P . M . 1076 ; T . Day , P . M . 1076 ; P . McCarthy , J . W . 1076 ; J . Jobb , J . D . 1076 ; Jas . Mitchell , Hon . Sec . 1076 ; A . J . Manning , S . W . 1472 ; E . J . Lloyd , I . G . 1472 ; Dr . W . Vance , J . D . 1472 ; B . Goodale , 1 * 27 ; W . Brown , Treas . ancl P . S . W . 1076 ; C . Jolly , ' 91
^ ( Freemason ); and others . The usual loyal and Masonic toasts were given by the W . M . with exceeding taste anel aplomb , never exceeding the prescribed limits by a single word , but in suave , and truly Masonic spirit , he dwelt upon the usual worn themes , and in a most felitious manner gave expression to those sentiments most welcome to Masonic hearts on such
occasions , and carried with him , as he deserved , the hearty good wishes of every one present . The toast of "The Capper Lodge of Instruction and its Preceptor , " was given with the usual honours , ancl was well received . Bros . Vance and Brown , as Treas . and Sec , receiving an ovation to which they modestly responded . To that of " The Officers of the Capper Lodge ,
No . 1076 , " Bros . White , Brien , McCarthy , and Job eloquently responded , and to Bro . Gaskell ' s call foi the suffrages of the company for their meed of praise of the W . M . ' s presiding , Bro . White , the response was most enthusiastic . After the W . M . had responded , in his own quiet but effective manner , he in felicitous terms proposed the toast of " The Masor . ic Press , " and regretted that at his
lodge , the Capper , they never had the honour of a report in that excellent paper , the Freemason of which he was a constant subscriber , and while he felt envy at seeing the Woolwich Lodges so well represented , he felt that their lodge at Tidal Basin had been neglected ; he trusted Bro . Jolly would pay them a visit , and record their doings in that valuable and
truly Masonic paper . ( Cheers . ) After an enthusiastic call , Bro . Jolly responded and expressed the gratification it would afford him to enrol the Capper Lodge among the many he had the privilege and the honour of reporting . ( Applause . ) After the worthy host had been highly complimented for his excellent menu , the company separated , pleased and satisfied with their most enjoyable evening .
EARL OF CARNARVON LODGE ( No . 1642 ) . —Thc meeting of this lodge was held on Friday , the Sth inst ., at the Mitre Hotel , Gouldbourne-road , Notting-hill . Present : Bros . Adkins , W . M . ; Spiegel , j . W . ; Woodmason , J . D , ; Smout , sen ., J . W . ; Tellerboro , J . D . ; II . Dehane , I . G . ; Savage , P . M . Perceptor ; Penn , W . M . ; Murlis , P . M . ; W . Bartle , J . Battle , Newland ,
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Public Night Of The Prudent Brethren Chapter, No. 145.
Lodge , " " Thc Worshipful Master , " "The Installing Master , " " The Visiting Brethren , " "The Retiring Master and Past Masters of the Lodge , " " The Officers of the Lodge , " "The Masonic Charities , " and thc Tyler ' s toast . "WATERLOO . —Skelmersdale Lodge ( No . 1380 ) . —Thc annual installation meeting of the members
of this thriving surburban lodge , of which Bro . Lord Skelmersdale , Deputy Grand Master of England , and R . W . P . G . M . of West Lancashire , was the first W . M . in 1872 , when it was consecrated , was held on Monday , thc 4 th inst ., at the Queen ' s Hotel , Waterloo , Bro . the Rev . T . W . Richardson , W . M ., was in his place in the E . at the opening , and the names , as per Tyler ' s book ,
embraced those of Bros . G . Broadbridge , P . M ., P . P . G . D . C , D . C ; E . Ford , jun ., S . W . ; R . Brown , P . M . 241 , Treas . ; R . H . Exton , Sec ; F . W . Barnes , S . D . ; and J . Almond , Org . Thc members present were Bros . H . A . Tobias , H . Davis , F . Smitton , J . Cobham , P . M . 241 ; R . Gittins , R . W . Hickson , S . Warner , W . Walt , ancl R . Lamb . The visitors included Bros . G . Peet , W . M . 241 ; J . W . Baker ,
P . M . 241 ; W . Harrison , I . P . M . S 97 ; W . Pughe , W . M . 1620 ; T . H . Sheen , J . W . 241 ; P . W . Juncker , 786 ; T . Smitton , 1570 ; H . Bullev , P . G . S . B . Eng . ; G . Turner , P . G . Treas " . ; and J . Wells , P . G . Purs . The lodge was opened according to ancient form , and the minutes were read and unanimously confirmed . Bro . G . Broadbridge , P . P . G . D . C , afterwards proceeded , in an effective manner ,
to instal Bro . E . Ford , jun ., as tbe W . M . of the lodge for the ensuing year ; and the usual charges weie given efficiently by Bro . R . Brown , P . M . 241 . The following were the officers invested : Bros . Rev . T . W . Richardson , I . P . M . ; J . Cobham , S . W . ; R . 11 . Exton , J . W . ; F . W . Barnes , Sec . ; R . Brown , Treas . ( re-elected ) ; John Brown , S . D . ; R . W . Hickson , J . D . ; F . Gittins , I . G . ; and W . H . Ball
Tyler . It was unanimously resolved to vote five guineas from the funds of the lodge , to be supplemented by private subscriptions , for the purchai e cf a testimonial to Bro . the Rev . T . W . Robertson , I . P . M ., in recognition of the zeal and courtesy he had displayed during his year's occupancy of the chair . The brethren after business sat down to a splendid banquet , and during the evening Bro . R .
Brown ( Treasurer ) presented the lodge with a most artistic portrait , in oil , of Bro . Lord Skelmersdale , thc work of art being executed by Bros . Brown , Barnes , and Bell , whose fame as photographic artists is known throughout the United Kingdom . HAMPTON . —Era Lodge . ( No . 1423 ) . —The installation meeting of this lodge was held on Saturday
last at "The Island Hotel , " when there were present Bro . Thiellay , P . P . G . S . B . of Middlesex , W . M . ; Sabine , P . M . P . P . G . S . B . of Middlesex , S . W . ; W . M . elect , Devereux J . W . ; Wolfe , J . D . ; Johnson , I . G . ; Dubois , P . M . 142 , P . P . G . S . D . of Middlesex , Treasurer ; F . Walters , P . M ., P . P . G . J . D . of Middlesex , Secretary ; Moss , P . M ., P . P . G . R . of Mid ilescx , Baldwin , P . M ., P . G . P . of Middlesex ; W . Hammond , P . M ,
1312 , P . P . G . D . of Middlesex ; Miller , P . M ., P . P . G . O . of Middlesex , Organist , and others . The visitors were Bros . H . Potter , P . M . ( Robert Bums ) ; T . C . Walls , ( Freemason ) , S . W . 1381 , P . G . O . Middlesex ; Ockenden , S . D . 1312 ; Aston , S . D . 165 ( 1 ; Scholcs , 19 *; Belinfantc , 435 ; Graham , 894 ; Weekes . The minutes of the previous meeting having been read and confirmed and
the report of the Audit Committee read and adopted , the ceremony of installing Bro . Sabine into the chair of K . S . was at once proceeded with . The officer elected by the lodge to perform this onerous duty was Bro . Baldwin , who appointed Bros . Dubois as S . W . Miller as J . W ., Hammond as J . G . and Thiellay as D . C . to assist him in theccremony . We before have had occasion in detail to compliment Bro .
Baldwin upon the great efficiency he elisplays in the working of this important ancl beautiful ceremonial and therefore it is only necessary lo state that this his latest effort was in every way successful . Amongst the officers invested for the ensuing year were Bros . Devereux , S . W . ; Wolfe , J . W . ; Johnson , J . D . ; Wright , I . G . ; Dubois , Treas . ; Walters , Secretary ; Falconer , D . C ; J . H . Pearson , W . S . ;
Dr . Riley , A . S . Gilbert , P . G . T . of Middlesex , Tyler . A vote of thanks having been passed to the Installing Master the W . M . in a neat address presented the I . P . M , with a very handsome jewel which had been voted unanimously by the lodge . The lodge then voted ten pounds to head the list of Bro . Dubois , as Steward to the Koyal Masonic Benevolent Institution and the W . M .
gave notice that alike sum should be voted to the list of Bro . Falconer as Steward for the Royal Masonic Institution for Girls . Thc lodge was then closed and the brethren adjourned to an excellent banquet , which was well catered for by Bro . Tagg , the creature comforts being greatly enhanced by the elegant manner in which they were served . The Royal and Craft toasts having been done full
justice to , thc W . M . proposed "The Health of thc R . W . P . G . M . of Middlesex , " who , in consequence of other engagements was unable to be present . In the course of his rcmarks , which were frequently interrupted by theapplause of the brethren , the W . M ., said it appeared to bc the greatest delight of their P . G . M . to mix frequently and that without restraint with the members of his
numerous lodges . The appointment of Col . Burdett to preside over the destinies of the province marked an era in the history of English Freemasonry , because it had been attended in so short a time with such great success . His popularity in lodge , at the banquet and in the various official positions he held was very great , and he possessed all the genial and other characteristics of an " old English
gentleman . " In conclusion , the W . M . said that during the time that the gallant Colonel had held sway in Middlesex , no serious disagreement had taken place in any of bis lodges , and that the various P . G . appointments which he had from tinielo time conferred , had given universal satisfaction . " The D . P . G . M . of Middlesex , and the rest of the P . G . O . ' s Past ancl Present , " was proposed by the W . M . ' s permission , by Bro . Moss who in the course of a
Public Night Of The Prudent Brethren Chapter, No. 145.
very able speech , said that on that auspicious occasion it was only kind and seasonable that they who were in the enjoyment of good health should wish that the same ble-ssing might speedily be restored to one who hacl been sorely stricken down by the hand of affliction , namely , Bro . Little . The thought that his name had been kindly remembered by the members of the Era Lodge would
cheer their D . P . G . M . in his sick chamber . In conclusion the speaker warmly said that he considered Bio . Little to be one of the brightest and most intelligent ornaments and exponents of modern Freemasonry . The above toasts were heartily drank , and the latter was acknowledged by Bro . Hammond . Telegrams were then sent to the P . G . M .
and his Deputy , and shortly afterwards the following replies were received : — " From the P . G . M . of Middlesex to the Era Lodge . A thousand thanks for your extreme consideration , ancl I heartily return the compliment in a flowing bumper of champagne to the health of the W . M . " " From Bro . R . W . Little : —Best thanks to the Master and
brethren for kind wishes . I am happy to say that I am progressing favourably . Bro . Levander is now with me . " " The Masonic Charities " was coupled with thc name of Bro . Dubois , and was duly acknowledged by him in a speech which appealed strongly to the sympathies of his hearers upon behalf of thc objects of those excellent institutions . " Thc Visitors" toast was responded to
by Bros . Potter and Scholes . ' The Health of the W . M . " was warmly proposed by the I . P . M . and having been received with excellent " fire , " Bro . Sabine made a very biiefand modest reply to the effect that he had endeavoured throughout his Masonic career to conscientiously discharge his duties and to advance in every possible way the charitable principles of the Order . He had tried to do his best
for the " Era " from the day of its foundation to the picsent time , and he hoped to retire from the chair in the possession of their fullest amount of esteem and confidence , and in conclusion he cordially thanked them for having done him the honour of electing him to preside over them . In consceiuence of many ofthe brethren desiring to return to town the remainder of the toasts were but formally given , and for
thc same reason but briefly responded to . They were " The Past Masters , '' " The Treas . and Sec . " and " The Officers . " During the proceedings vocal and other selections were given by Bros . Enman , Walls , Graham , Scholes ancl others . NORTH WOOLWICH .-Henley Lodge ( No 1472 ) . —The last meeting of the above lodge before the
installation of its W . M . elect , Bro . A . J . Manning , took place on Tuesday , the 3 th inst ., at Bro . West ' s house , thc Three Crowns , thc VV . M . presiding , supported by thc following officers : Bros . Manning , S . W . ; W . T . Turner , J . W . ; J . 1 lenderson . Sec . ; J . Plume , S . D . ; Dr . W . Vance , J . D . ; E . ] . Lloyd , I . G . Thc Past Masters present were Bros . E . West , I' . M . 1076 and P . P . G . O . for Herts ; B . B .
Brayshaw , P . M . 1046 , 1437 , ' 462 , and P . G . S . B . for Essex ; W . Graham , P . M . 700 ; who 0 : 1 being received as an honorary member of thc lodge was as well present . The visitors included Bros . W . Page , P . M . 1076 ; T . D . Morley , 13 ; and C . Jolly , 913 ( Freemason ) . The lodge having been opened in due form and thc minutes of the last meeting passed , Mr . Morgan was , after approval , initiated
into Freemasonry . The next business before the lodge was the election of VV . M . for the ensuing year , and after an unanimous ballot , Bro . A . J . Manning was , amid applause , pronounced electee ! to that distinguisheel position , for which he gracefully returned thanks . Bro . F . Geller was then re-elected as Treasurer , and after a letter had been read by the W . M .
111 which the late respected Tyler , Bro . Steadman , begged to withdraw from that office , Bro . W . Page , an old and esteemed Past Master of the Capper Lodge , was unanimously elected for the ensuing twelve months . A Past Master ' s jewel was then voted to the W . M ., and the lodge was closed . Thc brethren then partook of one of Bro . West ' s neat and prettily served supper , and upon re-assembling
round the social board , the W . M ., with the assistance of the officers and brethren , did full justice to the usual loyal and Masonic toasts . Bro . West then proposed the toast of "The W . M ., " who responded . In response to that of the Past Masters of , and belonging to the Henley Lodge , Bro . Graham in the course ofan eloquent reply , after Bros . West and Henderson had spoken , said he hardly knew
how to express himself for the eulogiums that had been passed upon him both by thc W . M . and the Past Masters who had preceded him . He had known the lodge since its foundation , and he was happy to say that it was an offspring from thc lodge in which he hacl received , not only the benefits of initiation , but in which he had had the honour of beinij installed among its proud array of
of W . Masters , the " Nelson . " ( Cheers . ) Therefore he felt it a great honour to respond to the toast of the Past Masters of the Henley Lodge , and if at any time his humble services should or could be of any benefit to any membcr of it , he should not only feel it a pleasure but a duty ti place them at their request . ( Applause . ) After a long experience of Freemasonry , he assured them that if
they only endeavoured to carry out its beautiful teachingbe truthful , honest , upright , ancl above all charitable in their dealings with one another—acting up to their principles , and uniting brotherly love with every action of their life , they would , while not only bc doing their duty to their fellow-creatures generally , but in its best attributes , following the tenets so admirably laid down for their guidance in the pure and petfect Freemasonry so well taught them
in their sublime ritual . ( Loud cheers . ) He strongly advised every young Mason present to join the lodge of instruction attached to the house , and concluded a brilliant address by assuring them that his services were at all times , should they require them , at their call , and resumed his seat amid much applause . Several other toasts followed , and the Tyler ' s toast concluded the proceedings . BRIGHTON . —St . CeciliaLodge ( No . 1636 ) . — The annual installation and banquet of this lodge took
Public Night Of The Prudent Brethren Chapter, No. 145.
place on the 31 st ult . at thc Pavilion . The ceremony of installation took place in the afternoon , when Bro . James Ebcrall was unanimously elected ancl installed as Worshipful Master of the lodge , the ceremony being impressively rendered by Bro . John II . Scott , Deputy Prov . Grand Master . The brethren afterwards adjourned to the banqueting-room , where the annual banquet took place ,
under the presidency of the newly-elected W . M ., the vice chair being occupied by Bros . Sandeman and Foat . The usual Masonic and other toasts were given , interspersed by some excellent pianoforte solos by Bro . Kuhe , and songs by several of the brethren . "WALTHAMSTOW . — Beaconsfield Lodge ( No . 16 G 2 ) . —A general meeting of this lodge was held at
The Checkers , March-street , on Saturday , the 2 nd February . Present : Bros . W . T . Christian , W . M . ; W , Groome , S . W . ; W . G . Hallows as J . W . ; J . Pinder , P . M . ; F . Hallows , Secretary ; T . Franklin , S . D . " ; J . H . Cambridge , J . D . ; M . Hunt , as I . G . ; T . Upward , Organist ; A Delval . 'i , W . S . ; Gilchrist , Tyler . The lodge was opened in due form , and the minutes of the last meeting were
read and confirmed . The candidates for passing not having arrived , the W . M ., assisted by the brethren , worked the first section of the lecture . Bros . Harris and Putney were afterwards examined and entrusted . The lodge was opened in the Second Degree , and the two candidates were regularly introduceel ancl passed to thc degree of Fellow Craft . The lodge was resumed to the First
Degree , and the election of W . M . for the ensuing year was proceeded with . 1 he choice of the brethren being unanimous in favour of Bro . W . Groome , S . W . Bro . W . S . Christian was elected Treasurer , avid Bro . Gilchrist , Tyler . A Past Master ' s jewel was unanimously voted from the lodge funds to the outgoing W . M . for his able and efficient services to the lodge during his term of office ; a
Past Master ' s jewel was also voted to Bro . J . Pinder for his services as P . M . c [ the lodge . The Audit Committee was then appointed , and the lodge was closed in due form and adjourned until Saturday , the 5 th October . The brethren afterwards sat down to an excellent supper , after which the usual Masonic toasts were given by the W . M . Amongst thc visitors present were the following brethren ,
viz .: Bros . W . Mackey , P . M . 861 ; E . Swain , W . M . 1602 ; J . Glynn , 33 ; J . G . Baxter , jun ., 206 ; R , Shephard , 861 ; F . Middle , 645 ; R . Dallas , 860 ; G . Edwards , 907 ; VV . Snellgrove , 907 ; A . Turner , 1228 , anel ethers . The following members of the lodge were also present , viz . Bros . Bumard , Rubery , Stockweil , Moffatt , Shingle , and others
INSTRUCTION NORTH "WOOLWICH— Capper Lodge ( No . 1076 ) . —The annual banquet of the above excellent lodge of Instruction took place on Thursday , thc 3 ist of January , and thanks to thc prestige attached to the superb catering of Bro . E . West , at whose house , the Three Crowns , the lodge is held , was most satisfactory in its results , that
worthy brother , who is a Past Master of some three or four lodges and as well a Past Provincial Officer of Herts , being both in his capacity of host and teacher of Masonry , deservedly popular . After partaking of the good things so liberally provided by Bro . West , Bro . J . White , W . M . of thc mother lodge , No . 1076 , filled the chair . Bro . F . Brien , in the vice chair . Among the principal visitors and members
present were Bros . J . Dorton , I . P . M . 107 G ; S . Watkins , P . M . 1076 ; E . West , P . M . 1076 ; H . Sisley , P . M . 1076 ; J . Gaskell , P . M . 1076 ; T . Day , P . M . 1076 ; P . McCarthy , J . W . 1076 ; J . Jobb , J . D . 1076 ; Jas . Mitchell , Hon . Sec . 1076 ; A . J . Manning , S . W . 1472 ; E . J . Lloyd , I . G . 1472 ; Dr . W . Vance , J . D . 1472 ; B . Goodale , 1 * 27 ; W . Brown , Treas . ancl P . S . W . 1076 ; C . Jolly , ' 91
^ ( Freemason ); and others . The usual loyal and Masonic toasts were given by the W . M . with exceeding taste anel aplomb , never exceeding the prescribed limits by a single word , but in suave , and truly Masonic spirit , he dwelt upon the usual worn themes , and in a most felitious manner gave expression to those sentiments most welcome to Masonic hearts on such
occasions , and carried with him , as he deserved , the hearty good wishes of every one present . The toast of "The Capper Lodge of Instruction and its Preceptor , " was given with the usual honours , ancl was well received . Bros . Vance and Brown , as Treas . and Sec , receiving an ovation to which they modestly responded . To that of " The Officers of the Capper Lodge ,
No . 1076 , " Bros . White , Brien , McCarthy , and Job eloquently responded , and to Bro . Gaskell ' s call foi the suffrages of the company for their meed of praise of the W . M . ' s presiding , Bro . White , the response was most enthusiastic . After the W . M . had responded , in his own quiet but effective manner , he in felicitous terms proposed the toast of " The Masor . ic Press , " and regretted that at his
lodge , the Capper , they never had the honour of a report in that excellent paper , the Freemason of which he was a constant subscriber , and while he felt envy at seeing the Woolwich Lodges so well represented , he felt that their lodge at Tidal Basin had been neglected ; he trusted Bro . Jolly would pay them a visit , and record their doings in that valuable and
truly Masonic paper . ( Cheers . ) After an enthusiastic call , Bro . Jolly responded and expressed the gratification it would afford him to enrol the Capper Lodge among the many he had the privilege and the honour of reporting . ( Applause . ) After the worthy host had been highly complimented for his excellent menu , the company separated , pleased and satisfied with their most enjoyable evening .
EARL OF CARNARVON LODGE ( No . 1642 ) . —Thc meeting of this lodge was held on Friday , the Sth inst ., at the Mitre Hotel , Gouldbourne-road , Notting-hill . Present : Bros . Adkins , W . M . ; Spiegel , j . W . ; Woodmason , J . D , ; Smout , sen ., J . W . ; Tellerboro , J . D . ; II . Dehane , I . G . ; Savage , P . M . Perceptor ; Penn , W . M . ; Murlis , P . M . ; W . Bartle , J . Battle , Newland ,