Article CONSTANTINE THE GREAT. ← Page 2 of 2 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1
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Constantine The Great.
oo years . ) It may be stated before we proceed further , that Constantine had a son by Mincrvina , called Crispus , before he married Fausta , and that she fell in love with him , but Crispus refusing to gratify her passion , she accused him to his father ofattempting her chastity ; he put him to death without
examination , but afterwards discovering her falsehood , caused her to be smothered in a hot bath . Constantine died thc same year as his mother , on thc 22 nd of May 337 . AA e now comcto Eusebius , Bishop of Nicomedia , and afterwards of Constantinople , when he had got
Paul , his predecessor , banished . According to Bro . Matier's quotation he was born in 324 . I find however that he died in 342 , and that Arius his friend whose doctrines he upheld , "voided his bowels with his excrements , and died in inexpressible torment , anno . 336 . " Arius was a priest of Alexandria , and
excommunicated by Alexander , then bishop , but he had gained many bishops and inferior clergy to his side , " and amongst thc others Eusebius , Bishop of Nicomedia , a crafty and . lewd person in great familiarity with Constantia , Sister of Constantine . " As he would not retract his errors , he was condemned
by the first Council of Nice , in 325 , to be banished and his writings burned . But Constantia and Eusebius prevailed upon thc Emperor to recall him , and give him a new hearing , for which purpose thc Bishops were summoned to Constantinople , where Arius died as stated . Thc Emperor Julian ( the
Apostate ) was the son of Julius Constantius , halfbrother to Constantino the Great , his mother ' s name was Basilina and Bishop Eusebius was his uncle by his mother ' s side . I will now leave you to judge between us , as I consider I have only done my duty to Bros . Little aud Matier . Trusting , however ,
that Bro . Matier will in future be more brotherly and less scurrilous in his language to his brethren in Masonry , "I will not quarrel with a slight mistake Such as our nature ' s frailty . may excuse . "—Roscommon . Yours fraternally , AV . G . DORIC .
THE PROPOSED MOTION BY BRO . R . AA ' . STEAA'ART . ( To the Editor of The Freemason . ) DEAR SIR AND BROTHER , —In your last issue I perceive a notice of motion by Bro . R . AA . Stewart , relative to the qualification of candididates for the Boys ' and also for the Girls' School , viz .: — "That
thc father shall have personally subscribed £ 5 5 s . " Now , sir , this is striking at the fundamental principle of charity , and it is a manifest injustice to many . A brother may have been hard working ancl a regular contributor to his lodge for thirty years or more , and thus an indirect subscriber to these noble charities , and everv way worthy of support , but by
this motion his children would be disfranchised ; whereas thc brother of a few years' standing would be entitled , provided he had subscribed £ -, 5 s . 1 hope some more influential voice will be raised against this , and prevent its coming into operation . Else they will cease to be institutions for the children of indigent Masons . Yours fraternally , NORTHERN LIGHTS .
A FINE marble statue of Hercules has just been found in the Roman cisterns discovered at Constantina , in Algeria . It has been deposited in the museum of that town . GALVANISM . — Pulvermacher ' s Monthly Record of Cures is 110 : 0 ready for the benefit of . Sufferers , containing documentary evidence of remarkable Cures effected
by Pulvei'machcr s Improved Talent Self-applicable Yolla-Elcclric Chain-Band * and Pocket Batteries , ami may be had on application to ihe Sole Inventor nnd Patentee—J . L . Pulverniacher , 200 , Regcnl-slrcct , London , W . A Test on Loan sent gratis if required . Caution . —Spurious Electric Appliances being adverlUed by Quack Doctors , Patients should consult
Pulvcrmachcr ' s Pamphlet on that subject ( free by post ) , embodying oilier most interesting mailer fur th .,, e suffering from Rheumatic and Neuralgic Pains , Functional Disorders , & c , ¦ X . 'c —[ Ailvt . ] THE Bi . oon IN OLD AGE . — As age advances the blood becomes ihin and cloudy—or , iu a full habit , thick and cloudy . The failing of tiic powers of life
requires extra nutrition and support , and the blood yielding Ihe excess required is soon overcharge ' . ! with carbon , which gives to it tlie cloudy appearance . Being then i in pure , day by day the vitiale . l mailer increases , and ihe body suiters from a thousand ailments . "The Wood Purifier , " old I Jr . Jacob Town ^ ev Is S-. w-aparilla , supplies , the extra nutrition to the blood aad ivv . or ,: ; to ii its llovi 1 hue , aa I then the progress of decay is arr . sir 1 and ( lie ailment
disappear —man lives mil his days , an i the ' unsvi of life is unattended wilh suffering . Te .-. ; im mials wilh each bottle from the lion , the Dean of l . isinore . Central V . ill . C _ ilb . it , of the Indian Army ; and Kev . Francis Monck , of " The ( .--p-1 Ev . ing . li .-il . " Ur . lciv . l stls > for Apolbccarics' Hall , London . Sold by all druggists , in hollies 2 s . 6 d ., 4 s ., 4 s . 6 d ., 75 . Cd ., lis . Pills aad Ointment , each in boxes is . I J _ tl ., 2 s . gd ,, 4 s . 6 . 1 . —Caution : Get the red and blue wrappers , with the old Doctor ' s head in the centre , No other genuine . —[ Advt . ]
^ biicrtiscinciits . Picture Frame Makers , & c , H MORELL , direct Importer of the best •Foreign Frame and Room Mouldings , can now offer to his numerous customers every requisite required in the trade at a great reduction . H . M . has opened another establishment , 68 , Gray's-inn-road , opposite the entrance to Gray ' s-inn-square , where all orders will receive the same attention as usual . Country customers would do well by writing cither to iS , Great St . Andrew-street , Bloomsbury ; 63 , King-street , Long-acre ; or 68 , Gray ' sinn-road , Holborn , thus saving traveller ' s commission . For trade list send stamped directed envelope , Veneered Maple , Walnut , Rosewood , at the lowest prices .
A YOUNG LADY , residing in Clapham , is desirous of obtaining JUNIOR MUSIC PUPILS ( Instrumental ) . Terms , One Guinea per Quarter . Lessons given at her own or Pupil ' s residence . —Address , Office of this Paper .
WANTED , by a Daughter of a Mason and Lincensed Victualler , a SITUATION as Housekeeper , or thc Management of a Bar ; has had great experience . Age 34 , good references given . —Address , Mr . Francis , A . B . C ., 8 , Red Lion Square , London .
WANTED , by a Brother ( P . M . ) and his AVife ( no incumbrance ) a SITUATION as Housekeepers . Could manage a House of Business in the AVine and Spirit Trade , or an Hotel , or any place where confidence and trust are required , having had many years' experience ; can produce first-class testimonials from the Craft . Security if required . —Address , Bro . Francis , 8 , Red Lion Square , London .
BRO . JOHN BECKETT , Carver and Gilder , and General Decorator- has REMOVED from 16 , ARTIIUR-STRKKT , New Oxford-street , to No . 53 , NEW COMPTON-STREET , SOHO
BRIXTON . —TO LET , near the main road , a GENTEEL HOUSE , containing seven rooms , kitchen and scullery ; good garden . Moderate rent to a responsible tenant . —Apply al the ofiice of this Paper , 2 , 3 & 4 , Little Britain .
TV / I ONEY ADVANCED upon all kinds of IV X Securities , Mortgages , Leases , Reversions , and Furniture , without removal , upon easy repayments . Advances on goods , and good Bills discounted . —Apply to VAXE and Co ., 13 . Godlim . in-strcct , St . Paul ' s . Established 1 S 60 .
T ^ EBTS RECOVER ED . — Debts Recovered j •* and Claims Prosecuted by a Professional Gentleman of practice and respectability , free of charge lo the creditor , upon a commission of 10 per cent , on the amount recovered . Apply for address , or bv letter , Mr . PlNEUO , No . 320 , High Holborn , AV . C . ^
T UXURIANT AVHISKERS , Moustaches , JL- / and a Fine Head of Hair . —Mrs . MEI'KIAM , Springfield , Mass . U . S ., will send , through her English agents , Messrs . Wesley < . \ : Knox , Fealhu'slonc-buiMhigs , London , W . C , her Recipe ( Formula ) for nine stamps antl . stamped envelope , producing' hair on face or head in a month . A pint bottle sent by rail ( carriage paid ) for 36 . stamps . — May be ordered through any Chemist .
CROSBY'S BALSAMIC GOUGH ELIXIR . OPIATES , Narcotics , ancl Squills , are too often invoked to give relief in Coughs , Colds , and all Pulmonary Diseases . Instead of such fallacious remedies , which yield momentary relief al the expense of enfeebling the digestive organs antl thus increasing thai debility which lies at the root of the maladv , modern . science points lo CKOSI 1 VS BALSAMIC COUGH ELIXIR as ihe true remedy . SKI . EOT TESTIMONIAL . Dr . Rooke , Scarborough , author of the "Anti-Lancet , " says : — "I have repeatedly observed how very rapidly antl invariably it subdued Cough , Pain , and Irritation of the Chest in cases of Pulmonary Consumplion , and I can , with the greatest confidence , recommend it as a most valuable adjunct to au otherwise strengthening treatment for lilts disease . " This medicine , which is free from opium and squills , not only allays ihe local iril . ition , but improves digestion and strengthens the constitution . Hence il is used with the 1110-t signal success in Asthmas , Bronchitis , Consumplion , Coughs , Influenza , Night Sweats ol Consumption , 'Juinsy , and all affections of the throat and chest . Sold by all respectable Chemists ami Patent Medicine Dealers , in bottles at is . f )* . ! ., 4 s . 61 ., and Its . each , and wholesale by J . M . Clto .-iliv , t'lieinisl , Scarborough . ' V Invalids should read Crosby ' s Prize Treatise on " Diseases of ilie Lungs and Air-Vessels , " a copy of which can lie obtained gratis of any respectable Chemist .
C TAMMERIXG . —Rev . E . Dan / . iger ( M . M . ) , v _ ) 2 . ) , Welbecl ' -slreel , Cavendish-square , London ; . Nurlli Field Villa , Leeds ; and 71 , Cai'tcr-. '•li'L'et , liiv .-nhav .., . Manchester , effectual !" . * and permanently CURES ALL IMPEDIMENT UF . SPEECH , whether due to nervousness or oilier cau-cs , irrespective of age or sex . No mechanical appliance used . The highest references and testimonials can be obtained on application , No fee if no benefit derived .
SUMMER BANQUETS . BRO . AVAL HOLLAND respectfully informs the Brethren that he is now prepared to RECEIVE LODGES , at his Summer Retreat , NORTH WOOLWICH GARDENS . Having catered successfully during thc past year , he has such confidence that he will in every respect fully realise all the Brethren require . For terms , & c , apply to Bro . AV . HOLLAND , Royal Hotel , North Woolwich .
" RADLEY'S , »» BLACKFRIARS . BRO . JOHN HART begs to inform the Craft he has several open days in each month foi MASONIC MEETINGS , and will be glad to submit his terms to Lod ges about to move . N . B . —No charge for Lodge Rooms , exceot emerm-ncies .
MASONS' HALL TAVERN , MASONS' AVENUE , CITY . THE above old-established Tavern will be OPENED in a few weeks , newly decorated , by Bro . CHARLES GOSDEN , late Manager of the Freemasons ' Tavern Company . Every accommodation will be found for Lodges , Chapters , Mark , and other degrees for their meetings , dinners , suppers , & c , and every attention will be paid to their comfort and enjoyment by the new Proprietor , Due notice will be given ' of the date of opening .
BRIDGE-HOU SE HOTEL , LONDON BRIDGE . THIS Hotel has great facilities for MASONIC MEETINGS , Arbitrations , Public Dinners , Balls , & c , and is allowed to be in real domestic comfort one of the best in the Metropolis , possessing the advantage of - ** . moderate scale of charges , which , with excellent cuisine , Wines of the first quality , and the care and attention shown to guests , justifies the preference accorded to it . Tariffs on application to JOSEPH H . SPENCER .
CITY TERMINUS HOTEL , CANNON STREET , LONDON . WELL adapted for Banquets , Balls , Amateur Dramatic Entertainments , Public Meetings , and Arbitrations . The large Hall is capable of seating upwards of Twelve Hundred people . All communications lo be addressed to SIDNEY SPENCER , Manager .
GUILDHALL TAVERN , GRESHAM STREET , E . C . SPACIOUS Dining-rooms , Chop and Steakrooms , Luncheon-bars , anil Smoking-rooms , Rooms of all sizes , suitable for Auction Sales , Consultations , Arbitrations , Building Societies , & c . ; also for Freemasons' Lodgesand Banquets , Private Dinners , & c . GUILDHALL TAVERNS COMPANY ( Limited ) , 32 and 33 , GRESHAM STREET , E . C . GEO . CRAWFORD , Manager and Secretary .
BIR . UiAGHAM . NEW GREAT WESTERN HOTEL ( S . SOW-HILI . STATION ) . " One of the most elegant , comfortable , and economicaholds in the three kingdoms . "— The Field , July 31 , 1 S 69 . G L I F T O N V I L L E HOTEL , " NEAR MARGATE . SIDNEY SPENCER , Proprietor .
Tlie Strand Turkish Baths , No . 335 < r , OPPOSITE SOMERSET HOUSE , OPEN DAILY FOR GENTLEMEN . Warm , Cold , Shower & Douche Baths . LADIES' MORNINGS . — Mondays , Wednesdays , and Fridays , from . till 12 a . m . Close at One . Mr . & Mrs . SMITH , from the Ilammam , Jerymn-street . Open on Sundays from Twelve until Four .
HTHE BEST HOUSE in London fot JL CORDIALS , Spirit Colouring , Cappellaire and Spruce , is 258 , High Holborn , the old-established DanUic Stores . ADAM HILL is the original maker of Ale Spice and Fettle , Syrup of Limes , or Conccntr . il ed Lemonade , Syrup of Pine Apple for Rum , Syrup of Grape for Brandy , Honey Cream for Gin ; and many other useful articles were lirst introduced in the S pirit trade by Adam Hill . A printed list with prices ami directions for use . Order by post .
WILLIAM AVINSOR , of 8 , Miles ' s-lane , London-bridge , imports CIGARS of thc very Finest Brands ,, nl y , and iiiaiiiifacliiers Cigars from the Choicest Tobaccos . Wholesale and retail .
T 7 JN 1 . HEAD of HAIR , AVHISKERS , I MOUSTACHES , and EVE-BROWS . —A retired apothecary , from Wales , will send his noted FORMULA for 13 stamps and stamp-directed envelope , to produce Hair on the Head . AVhiskers and Moustaches on the Face in three wc-des , — Mr , EVAN EVANS , M . D ., CM ,, Dorking , Surrey .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Constantine The Great.
oo years . ) It may be stated before we proceed further , that Constantine had a son by Mincrvina , called Crispus , before he married Fausta , and that she fell in love with him , but Crispus refusing to gratify her passion , she accused him to his father ofattempting her chastity ; he put him to death without
examination , but afterwards discovering her falsehood , caused her to be smothered in a hot bath . Constantine died thc same year as his mother , on thc 22 nd of May 337 . AA e now comcto Eusebius , Bishop of Nicomedia , and afterwards of Constantinople , when he had got
Paul , his predecessor , banished . According to Bro . Matier's quotation he was born in 324 . I find however that he died in 342 , and that Arius his friend whose doctrines he upheld , "voided his bowels with his excrements , and died in inexpressible torment , anno . 336 . " Arius was a priest of Alexandria , and
excommunicated by Alexander , then bishop , but he had gained many bishops and inferior clergy to his side , " and amongst thc others Eusebius , Bishop of Nicomedia , a crafty and . lewd person in great familiarity with Constantia , Sister of Constantine . " As he would not retract his errors , he was condemned
by the first Council of Nice , in 325 , to be banished and his writings burned . But Constantia and Eusebius prevailed upon thc Emperor to recall him , and give him a new hearing , for which purpose thc Bishops were summoned to Constantinople , where Arius died as stated . Thc Emperor Julian ( the
Apostate ) was the son of Julius Constantius , halfbrother to Constantino the Great , his mother ' s name was Basilina and Bishop Eusebius was his uncle by his mother ' s side . I will now leave you to judge between us , as I consider I have only done my duty to Bros . Little aud Matier . Trusting , however ,
that Bro . Matier will in future be more brotherly and less scurrilous in his language to his brethren in Masonry , "I will not quarrel with a slight mistake Such as our nature ' s frailty . may excuse . "—Roscommon . Yours fraternally , AV . G . DORIC .
THE PROPOSED MOTION BY BRO . R . AA ' . STEAA'ART . ( To the Editor of The Freemason . ) DEAR SIR AND BROTHER , —In your last issue I perceive a notice of motion by Bro . R . AA . Stewart , relative to the qualification of candididates for the Boys ' and also for the Girls' School , viz .: — "That
thc father shall have personally subscribed £ 5 5 s . " Now , sir , this is striking at the fundamental principle of charity , and it is a manifest injustice to many . A brother may have been hard working ancl a regular contributor to his lodge for thirty years or more , and thus an indirect subscriber to these noble charities , and everv way worthy of support , but by
this motion his children would be disfranchised ; whereas thc brother of a few years' standing would be entitled , provided he had subscribed £ -, 5 s . 1 hope some more influential voice will be raised against this , and prevent its coming into operation . Else they will cease to be institutions for the children of indigent Masons . Yours fraternally , NORTHERN LIGHTS .
A FINE marble statue of Hercules has just been found in the Roman cisterns discovered at Constantina , in Algeria . It has been deposited in the museum of that town . GALVANISM . — Pulvermacher ' s Monthly Record of Cures is 110 : 0 ready for the benefit of . Sufferers , containing documentary evidence of remarkable Cures effected
by Pulvei'machcr s Improved Talent Self-applicable Yolla-Elcclric Chain-Band * and Pocket Batteries , ami may be had on application to ihe Sole Inventor nnd Patentee—J . L . Pulverniacher , 200 , Regcnl-slrcct , London , W . A Test on Loan sent gratis if required . Caution . —Spurious Electric Appliances being adverlUed by Quack Doctors , Patients should consult
Pulvcrmachcr ' s Pamphlet on that subject ( free by post ) , embodying oilier most interesting mailer fur th .,, e suffering from Rheumatic and Neuralgic Pains , Functional Disorders , & c , ¦ X . 'c —[ Ailvt . ] THE Bi . oon IN OLD AGE . — As age advances the blood becomes ihin and cloudy—or , iu a full habit , thick and cloudy . The failing of tiic powers of life
requires extra nutrition and support , and the blood yielding Ihe excess required is soon overcharge ' . ! with carbon , which gives to it tlie cloudy appearance . Being then i in pure , day by day the vitiale . l mailer increases , and ihe body suiters from a thousand ailments . "The Wood Purifier , " old I Jr . Jacob Town ^ ev Is S-. w-aparilla , supplies , the extra nutrition to the blood aad ivv . or ,: ; to ii its llovi 1 hue , aa I then the progress of decay is arr . sir 1 and ( lie ailment
disappear —man lives mil his days , an i the ' unsvi of life is unattended wilh suffering . Te .-. ; im mials wilh each bottle from the lion , the Dean of l . isinore . Central V . ill . C _ ilb . it , of the Indian Army ; and Kev . Francis Monck , of " The ( .--p-1 Ev . ing . li .-il . " Ur . lciv . l stls > for Apolbccarics' Hall , London . Sold by all druggists , in hollies 2 s . 6 d ., 4 s ., 4 s . 6 d ., 75 . Cd ., lis . Pills aad Ointment , each in boxes is . I J _ tl ., 2 s . gd ,, 4 s . 6 . 1 . —Caution : Get the red and blue wrappers , with the old Doctor ' s head in the centre , No other genuine . —[ Advt . ]
^ biicrtiscinciits . Picture Frame Makers , & c , H MORELL , direct Importer of the best •Foreign Frame and Room Mouldings , can now offer to his numerous customers every requisite required in the trade at a great reduction . H . M . has opened another establishment , 68 , Gray's-inn-road , opposite the entrance to Gray ' s-inn-square , where all orders will receive the same attention as usual . Country customers would do well by writing cither to iS , Great St . Andrew-street , Bloomsbury ; 63 , King-street , Long-acre ; or 68 , Gray ' sinn-road , Holborn , thus saving traveller ' s commission . For trade list send stamped directed envelope , Veneered Maple , Walnut , Rosewood , at the lowest prices .
A YOUNG LADY , residing in Clapham , is desirous of obtaining JUNIOR MUSIC PUPILS ( Instrumental ) . Terms , One Guinea per Quarter . Lessons given at her own or Pupil ' s residence . —Address , Office of this Paper .
WANTED , by a Daughter of a Mason and Lincensed Victualler , a SITUATION as Housekeeper , or thc Management of a Bar ; has had great experience . Age 34 , good references given . —Address , Mr . Francis , A . B . C ., 8 , Red Lion Square , London .
WANTED , by a Brother ( P . M . ) and his AVife ( no incumbrance ) a SITUATION as Housekeepers . Could manage a House of Business in the AVine and Spirit Trade , or an Hotel , or any place where confidence and trust are required , having had many years' experience ; can produce first-class testimonials from the Craft . Security if required . —Address , Bro . Francis , 8 , Red Lion Square , London .
BRO . JOHN BECKETT , Carver and Gilder , and General Decorator- has REMOVED from 16 , ARTIIUR-STRKKT , New Oxford-street , to No . 53 , NEW COMPTON-STREET , SOHO
BRIXTON . —TO LET , near the main road , a GENTEEL HOUSE , containing seven rooms , kitchen and scullery ; good garden . Moderate rent to a responsible tenant . —Apply al the ofiice of this Paper , 2 , 3 & 4 , Little Britain .
TV / I ONEY ADVANCED upon all kinds of IV X Securities , Mortgages , Leases , Reversions , and Furniture , without removal , upon easy repayments . Advances on goods , and good Bills discounted . —Apply to VAXE and Co ., 13 . Godlim . in-strcct , St . Paul ' s . Established 1 S 60 .
T ^ EBTS RECOVER ED . — Debts Recovered j •* and Claims Prosecuted by a Professional Gentleman of practice and respectability , free of charge lo the creditor , upon a commission of 10 per cent , on the amount recovered . Apply for address , or bv letter , Mr . PlNEUO , No . 320 , High Holborn , AV . C . ^
T UXURIANT AVHISKERS , Moustaches , JL- / and a Fine Head of Hair . —Mrs . MEI'KIAM , Springfield , Mass . U . S ., will send , through her English agents , Messrs . Wesley < . \ : Knox , Fealhu'slonc-buiMhigs , London , W . C , her Recipe ( Formula ) for nine stamps antl . stamped envelope , producing' hair on face or head in a month . A pint bottle sent by rail ( carriage paid ) for 36 . stamps . — May be ordered through any Chemist .
CROSBY'S BALSAMIC GOUGH ELIXIR . OPIATES , Narcotics , ancl Squills , are too often invoked to give relief in Coughs , Colds , and all Pulmonary Diseases . Instead of such fallacious remedies , which yield momentary relief al the expense of enfeebling the digestive organs antl thus increasing thai debility which lies at the root of the maladv , modern . science points lo CKOSI 1 VS BALSAMIC COUGH ELIXIR as ihe true remedy . SKI . EOT TESTIMONIAL . Dr . Rooke , Scarborough , author of the "Anti-Lancet , " says : — "I have repeatedly observed how very rapidly antl invariably it subdued Cough , Pain , and Irritation of the Chest in cases of Pulmonary Consumplion , and I can , with the greatest confidence , recommend it as a most valuable adjunct to au otherwise strengthening treatment for lilts disease . " This medicine , which is free from opium and squills , not only allays ihe local iril . ition , but improves digestion and strengthens the constitution . Hence il is used with the 1110-t signal success in Asthmas , Bronchitis , Consumplion , Coughs , Influenza , Night Sweats ol Consumption , 'Juinsy , and all affections of the throat and chest . Sold by all respectable Chemists ami Patent Medicine Dealers , in bottles at is . f )* . ! ., 4 s . 61 ., and Its . each , and wholesale by J . M . Clto .-iliv , t'lieinisl , Scarborough . ' V Invalids should read Crosby ' s Prize Treatise on " Diseases of ilie Lungs and Air-Vessels , " a copy of which can lie obtained gratis of any respectable Chemist .
C TAMMERIXG . —Rev . E . Dan / . iger ( M . M . ) , v _ ) 2 . ) , Welbecl ' -slreel , Cavendish-square , London ; . Nurlli Field Villa , Leeds ; and 71 , Cai'tcr-. '•li'L'et , liiv .-nhav .., . Manchester , effectual !" . * and permanently CURES ALL IMPEDIMENT UF . SPEECH , whether due to nervousness or oilier cau-cs , irrespective of age or sex . No mechanical appliance used . The highest references and testimonials can be obtained on application , No fee if no benefit derived .
SUMMER BANQUETS . BRO . AVAL HOLLAND respectfully informs the Brethren that he is now prepared to RECEIVE LODGES , at his Summer Retreat , NORTH WOOLWICH GARDENS . Having catered successfully during thc past year , he has such confidence that he will in every respect fully realise all the Brethren require . For terms , & c , apply to Bro . AV . HOLLAND , Royal Hotel , North Woolwich .
" RADLEY'S , »» BLACKFRIARS . BRO . JOHN HART begs to inform the Craft he has several open days in each month foi MASONIC MEETINGS , and will be glad to submit his terms to Lod ges about to move . N . B . —No charge for Lodge Rooms , exceot emerm-ncies .
MASONS' HALL TAVERN , MASONS' AVENUE , CITY . THE above old-established Tavern will be OPENED in a few weeks , newly decorated , by Bro . CHARLES GOSDEN , late Manager of the Freemasons ' Tavern Company . Every accommodation will be found for Lodges , Chapters , Mark , and other degrees for their meetings , dinners , suppers , & c , and every attention will be paid to their comfort and enjoyment by the new Proprietor , Due notice will be given ' of the date of opening .
BRIDGE-HOU SE HOTEL , LONDON BRIDGE . THIS Hotel has great facilities for MASONIC MEETINGS , Arbitrations , Public Dinners , Balls , & c , and is allowed to be in real domestic comfort one of the best in the Metropolis , possessing the advantage of - ** . moderate scale of charges , which , with excellent cuisine , Wines of the first quality , and the care and attention shown to guests , justifies the preference accorded to it . Tariffs on application to JOSEPH H . SPENCER .
CITY TERMINUS HOTEL , CANNON STREET , LONDON . WELL adapted for Banquets , Balls , Amateur Dramatic Entertainments , Public Meetings , and Arbitrations . The large Hall is capable of seating upwards of Twelve Hundred people . All communications lo be addressed to SIDNEY SPENCER , Manager .
GUILDHALL TAVERN , GRESHAM STREET , E . C . SPACIOUS Dining-rooms , Chop and Steakrooms , Luncheon-bars , anil Smoking-rooms , Rooms of all sizes , suitable for Auction Sales , Consultations , Arbitrations , Building Societies , & c . ; also for Freemasons' Lodgesand Banquets , Private Dinners , & c . GUILDHALL TAVERNS COMPANY ( Limited ) , 32 and 33 , GRESHAM STREET , E . C . GEO . CRAWFORD , Manager and Secretary .
BIR . UiAGHAM . NEW GREAT WESTERN HOTEL ( S . SOW-HILI . STATION ) . " One of the most elegant , comfortable , and economicaholds in the three kingdoms . "— The Field , July 31 , 1 S 69 . G L I F T O N V I L L E HOTEL , " NEAR MARGATE . SIDNEY SPENCER , Proprietor .
Tlie Strand Turkish Baths , No . 335 < r , OPPOSITE SOMERSET HOUSE , OPEN DAILY FOR GENTLEMEN . Warm , Cold , Shower & Douche Baths . LADIES' MORNINGS . — Mondays , Wednesdays , and Fridays , from . till 12 a . m . Close at One . Mr . & Mrs . SMITH , from the Ilammam , Jerymn-street . Open on Sundays from Twelve until Four .
HTHE BEST HOUSE in London fot JL CORDIALS , Spirit Colouring , Cappellaire and Spruce , is 258 , High Holborn , the old-established DanUic Stores . ADAM HILL is the original maker of Ale Spice and Fettle , Syrup of Limes , or Conccntr . il ed Lemonade , Syrup of Pine Apple for Rum , Syrup of Grape for Brandy , Honey Cream for Gin ; and many other useful articles were lirst introduced in the S pirit trade by Adam Hill . A printed list with prices ami directions for use . Order by post .
WILLIAM AVINSOR , of 8 , Miles ' s-lane , London-bridge , imports CIGARS of thc very Finest Brands ,, nl y , and iiiaiiiifacliiers Cigars from the Choicest Tobaccos . Wholesale and retail .
T 7 JN 1 . HEAD of HAIR , AVHISKERS , I MOUSTACHES , and EVE-BROWS . —A retired apothecary , from Wales , will send his noted FORMULA for 13 stamps and stamp-directed envelope , to produce Hair on the Head . AVhiskers and Moustaches on the Face in three wc-des , — Mr , EVAN EVANS , M . D ., CM ,, Dorking , Surrey .