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Provincial Grand Lodge Of East Lancashire.
Many and many a day will have to pass away ere the remembrance of Wednesday , 6 th May , can be eradicated from the memory of some of the good people of Bolton , and it will be a long time ere the part which was played at the same time by the Provincial Grand Lodge of Free and
Accepted Masons of the province of kast Lancashire can possibly be forgotten by the members of the Order who participated in the grand festival . The gathering was held under the auspices of the Bolton Lodges , and no pains had been spared by the committee to give effect
to the pageantry . Circulars were issued to the Officers , Masters , Wardens , and all whom it might concern , inviting their attendance ; and in short everything that could be done to ensure a large and brilliant gathering , together with a bright and an imposing demonstration , was
effected . The weather , although showery in the early part of the day , was fine , and large numbers of people were on the look-out , the streets presenting a somewhat livelier appearance than usual . Ladies especially were very numerous , and most of them being dressed in the striking
and elegant fashions of the day , the thoroughfares exhibited a busy and gay appearance . Shortly after twelve o ' clock , the Anchor and Hope Ledge , No . 3 7 , opened in the three degrees , in the Baths' Assembly Rooms , Lower Bridgman-sfreet , by Bro . William Slater , W . M . ;
James Walker . S . W . ; Dr . Robinson , J . W . * R . K . Freeman , S . D . ; [ as . Brown , J . D . ; Samuel Crowther , I . G . ; and Charles Walker , Tyler . Shortly before one o ' clock , the Right Worshipful Provincial Grand Master , Colonel Le Gendre N . Starkie and his Provincial Grand Officers , were
announced , and were received with the usual salutations ; and immediately afterwards the Provincial Grand Lodge was opened by the Provincial Grand Master , in the presence of Bros . J . L . Hine ( sitting as Deputy P . G . M ) C . R . N . Beswicke-Royds , P . S . G . W . ; John
William Maclure . P . J . G . W . ; J . A . Elliott , P . G . R . ; John Tunnah , P . G . Sec . ; T . J . Lancashire , P . S . G . D . ; Herod Turner , P . J . G . D . ; Thomas Entwislle , P . G . Sup . of W . James Pollitt , P . G . D . C ; Robert Wbittaker , P . G . A . D . C ; Jas . Holroyd ., P . G . S . B . ; Ralph Collingwood ,
P . G . O . ; Thos . Hargreaves , P . G . Pur . ; R . C J . Duckworth , P . G . A . P . ; and other provincial officers and brcthien , to the number of * joo . After the divine blessing had been invoked by the Chaplain , the Provincial Grand Master announced a letter of apology from the D . P . G . M .,
W . Romaine Callender , M . P ., owing to parliamentary engagements , the minutes of the last Prov . Grand Lodge meeting having been read and agreed to , and the roll of lodges called over , the Provincial Grand Master pointed out that the minutes contained a paragraph to the
effect that each lodge not represented at the Provincial Grand Lodge was fined £ 1 each , unless they gave some acknowledgment for not putting in an appearance . It appeared , however , that only two had so offended . The accounts , which show a balance of £ 210 17 s . rod ., were
taken as read , and unanimously confirmed . Bro . Samuel Isherwood , P . M . 37 , Bolton , was unanimously elected Prov . G . Treasurer for the ensuing year . The investiture of the officers of the Provincial Grand Lodge for the ensuing year was then proceeded with as follows : —
Thos . Glaister P . S . G . W . J . A . Birch P . J . G . W . liev . F , A . Cave-Browne-Cave P . G . C . Rev . Charles James Bowen P . G . C . T . A . Winder P . G . Reg .
S . Isherwood ( elected ) P . G . Treas . John Tunnah P . G . Sec . William Slater P . G . S . D . J . L . Barrett P . G . J . D . Robert Harwood P . G . Sup . of Wks .
Robert Wbittaker P . G . D . C . George Lofthouse P . G . A . D . C . W . Whewell P . G . S . B J osiah Wm . Taylor P . G . O . James Hall P . G . Pur . Robert Butterworth P . G . A . Pur .
Provincial Grand Lodge Of East Lancashire.
James Newton P . G . Steward Frank Ainsworth P . G . Steward John Morris P . G . Steward R . Horridge P . G . Steward James Horrocks P . G . Steward James M . Rutter P . G . Steward
Charles Walker P . G . Tyler During the investiture of the officers a very pleasing incident occurred . The Provincial Grand Master , after investing P . G . Sec . Tunnah with his badge of office , presented that gentleman with a jewel in commemoration of his past faithful services as P . G . S . for a period of
twentyone years . The . report of the charity committee was next taken and agreed to , it being considered a very satisfactory one . A grant of £ 200 was voted to the Institution
for aged Freemasons and Widows , and a committee was appointed to consider the desirableness of establishing a local institution for the education and advancement of the children of Masons .
The lodge was shortly afterwards duly closed . Shortly after three o ' clock the procession was marshalled by Bro . Robert Wbittaker ( of Farnworth ) , the Prov . Grand Director of Ceremonies ; assisted by Bro . Lofthouse , P . G . A . D . C . The splendid band of the 7 th Dragoon Guards
headed the procession , the appearance of which was hi ghly imposing , the aprons , gold lace , and bright insignia of the officers having a reall y magnificent effect . The line of route from the Assembly Rooms , via Newport-street , was crowded with spectators , who , one and all , seemed thoroughly charmed with all they saw ,
as well as delighted with the occasion that had brought them together . At the foot of the steps of the Town Hall , the brethren opened to the right and left , and preceded by his Standard Bearer , the Provincial Grand Master walked up to the hall doors , the brethren following in procession from the rear , thus inverting the order of procession .
Shortly after four o ' clock 400 of the brethren sat down to a banquet in the Albert HaU , at the Town Hall . The galleries were crowded by a large concourse of ladies , who were admitted immediately after the banquet . The band of the 7 th Dragoon Guards occupied the orchestra , and between them and the principal table were
a number of choice plants , in full bloom , which had a very pretty effect . The Right Worshipful Provincial Grand Master , Le Gendre N . Starkie , occupied the chair , and after the repast he proposed " The Health of her Majesty the Queen" in very appropriate terms . Solo , band and chorus , " God save the Queen . ' '
The Prov . Grand Master proposed "The Health of his Royal Highness the Prince of Wales , M . W . Past Grand Master . " The Prince , he said , had been received in Bolton on the occasion of the opening of the beautiful building
they were then assembled in , in a true Lancashire fashion , and with a demonstration of feeling which no other body of men could give . He asked them to drink the toast with true Masonic feeling , and he hoped that heaven would bless the Prince of Wales .
1 lie next toast proposed b y the Prov . Grand Master was " The Most Hon . the Marquess of Ripon , M . W . Grand Master , " whom he hi ghly extolled , and afterwards he alluded to the services rendered to the Craft b y the Earl of Zetland .
Song , " The Grand Master , " Bro . Dumville . In proposing the next toast , viz ., " The Right Hon . the Earl of Carnarvon , R . W . Deputy Grand Master , and the Grand Officers present and past , " the Prov . Grand Master briefly alluded to his own installation . He said he was sure
that all who witnessed that ceremony by the Earl of Carnarvon must have felt deeply interested in it . As regarded himself he should never forget the good counsel the Earl gave him , and he hoped he would be able to follow the
rules he had laid down , not only to his own advantage , but to the advantage of all the brethren . He trusted that circumstances would bring the Earl of Carnarvon into this province again , and that they would give him that Masonic welcome which he deserved .
Provincial Grand Lodge Of East Lancashire.
The toast was well received , and responded to by Bro . Binckes , Past Grand Steward . Glee , " Prosper the Art . " P . P . G . W . J . L . Hine gave "The Health of Col . Le Gendre N . Starkie , R . W . Provincial Grand Master . " He referred to the manner in
which it appeared the Prov . Grand Master had been educated in all that appertained to the Craft , and said there was no Prov . Grand Master whose heart was more open , or whose purse was always more ready . The toast was drunk in a most enthusiastic
manner , and upon rising to acknowledge the compliment the Prov . Grand Master was loudly cheered . He remarked that that was the largest assembly of Freemasons it had ever been his privilege to preside over . It was with feelings of no small agitation , and feelings which he
could scarcely repress , that he addressed them upon that occasion . Knowing , as he did , that he stood in the place of one who was their townsman , one who was highly respected and beloved by every member [ of the fraternity , and a man in whose footsteps in Masonry he hoped
he should always tread . He then alluded to that province , which he said was the largest in England , and it was now in a most flourishing state . He was at that time , he might almost say , in his native town , for if they read history they would find that some of his ancestors were
interred in the churchyard adjoining the old Parish Church in Bolton , and when he remembered that fact it was sufficient to raise in him feelings which could onl y beat in the heart of a Lancashire lad . He then alluded to Freemasonry , and to its charities , after which he
proposed " The Health of W . Romaine Callender , Esq ., M . P ., Woishi pful Deputy Provincial Grand Master , and the Provincial Grand Officers , present and past . " He remarked that the name of Wm . Romaine Callender , Esq ., was a household word in that province , and that no man had done more than he in elevating Masonry .
Prov . J . G . W . J . A . Birch , responded on behalf of W . Romaine Callender , Esq ., and the Provincial Grand Officers , and in doing so alluded to the noble and eminent men connected with Freemasonry .
" Glee , " O Hills , O Vales of Pleasure . " The Prov . Grand Master next proposed " The Mayor and Corporation and Town and Trade of Bolton . " They were all , he said , indebted to the Mayor and Corporation of Bolton for the use of that hall that evening . He wished the toast had
fallen into the hands of a worth y brother who was unable to be with them . that evening , but , like Bro . Callender , he was in London attending to the duties of the State . He ( the Prov . Grand Master ) saw one present that evening whom he had that day appointed Senior
Grand Warden , namely , Bro . Glaister—( hear , hear)—a gentleman who was connected with the Corporation of Bolton . All the brethren were deeply indebted to some persons for accommodating them in that magnificient civic erection . Such a building as that was a credit
to the town of Bolton . He did not know the Mayor of Bolton , but he believed that he was a good citizen of his native town . He trusted that the trade of Bolton would flourish , for he did not know any town that concerned him more . The toast was drunk with three times three . Song , " John Anderson my Jo , John . "
Prov . S . G . W . T . Glaister thanked them for the manner in which they had received the toast He had not long been a member of the Corporation of Bolton , but he had endeavoured to do his duty while connected with it , and he believed that the whole Corporation were trying to do their duty to the best of their skill and ability .
They had now extensive waterworks , and he was sure that that beautiful Town Hall was a credit to Bolton . Ha trusted that the trade of the town would continue to flourish , for if it did not , he would suffer with thc rest . P . Prov . G . W . T . G . Gibbons proposed , " The Masters of the Bolton Lodges , " which was
responded to by Prov . S . G . D . W . Slater , W . M . _ 7-" The Visiting Brethren" was next proposed by the Prov . Grand Master , and responded to by P . Prov . G . W . West Lancashire , Col . Birchal of Preston . The Proy . Grand Master then Jeft tlie hall , and
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Provincial Grand Lodge Of East Lancashire.
Many and many a day will have to pass away ere the remembrance of Wednesday , 6 th May , can be eradicated from the memory of some of the good people of Bolton , and it will be a long time ere the part which was played at the same time by the Provincial Grand Lodge of Free and
Accepted Masons of the province of kast Lancashire can possibly be forgotten by the members of the Order who participated in the grand festival . The gathering was held under the auspices of the Bolton Lodges , and no pains had been spared by the committee to give effect
to the pageantry . Circulars were issued to the Officers , Masters , Wardens , and all whom it might concern , inviting their attendance ; and in short everything that could be done to ensure a large and brilliant gathering , together with a bright and an imposing demonstration , was
effected . The weather , although showery in the early part of the day , was fine , and large numbers of people were on the look-out , the streets presenting a somewhat livelier appearance than usual . Ladies especially were very numerous , and most of them being dressed in the striking
and elegant fashions of the day , the thoroughfares exhibited a busy and gay appearance . Shortly after twelve o ' clock , the Anchor and Hope Ledge , No . 3 7 , opened in the three degrees , in the Baths' Assembly Rooms , Lower Bridgman-sfreet , by Bro . William Slater , W . M . ;
James Walker . S . W . ; Dr . Robinson , J . W . * R . K . Freeman , S . D . ; [ as . Brown , J . D . ; Samuel Crowther , I . G . ; and Charles Walker , Tyler . Shortly before one o ' clock , the Right Worshipful Provincial Grand Master , Colonel Le Gendre N . Starkie and his Provincial Grand Officers , were
announced , and were received with the usual salutations ; and immediately afterwards the Provincial Grand Lodge was opened by the Provincial Grand Master , in the presence of Bros . J . L . Hine ( sitting as Deputy P . G . M ) C . R . N . Beswicke-Royds , P . S . G . W . ; John
William Maclure . P . J . G . W . ; J . A . Elliott , P . G . R . ; John Tunnah , P . G . Sec . ; T . J . Lancashire , P . S . G . D . ; Herod Turner , P . J . G . D . ; Thomas Entwislle , P . G . Sup . of W . James Pollitt , P . G . D . C ; Robert Wbittaker , P . G . A . D . C ; Jas . Holroyd ., P . G . S . B . ; Ralph Collingwood ,
P . G . O . ; Thos . Hargreaves , P . G . Pur . ; R . C J . Duckworth , P . G . A . P . ; and other provincial officers and brcthien , to the number of * joo . After the divine blessing had been invoked by the Chaplain , the Provincial Grand Master announced a letter of apology from the D . P . G . M .,
W . Romaine Callender , M . P ., owing to parliamentary engagements , the minutes of the last Prov . Grand Lodge meeting having been read and agreed to , and the roll of lodges called over , the Provincial Grand Master pointed out that the minutes contained a paragraph to the
effect that each lodge not represented at the Provincial Grand Lodge was fined £ 1 each , unless they gave some acknowledgment for not putting in an appearance . It appeared , however , that only two had so offended . The accounts , which show a balance of £ 210 17 s . rod ., were
taken as read , and unanimously confirmed . Bro . Samuel Isherwood , P . M . 37 , Bolton , was unanimously elected Prov . G . Treasurer for the ensuing year . The investiture of the officers of the Provincial Grand Lodge for the ensuing year was then proceeded with as follows : —
Thos . Glaister P . S . G . W . J . A . Birch P . J . G . W . liev . F , A . Cave-Browne-Cave P . G . C . Rev . Charles James Bowen P . G . C . T . A . Winder P . G . Reg .
S . Isherwood ( elected ) P . G . Treas . John Tunnah P . G . Sec . William Slater P . G . S . D . J . L . Barrett P . G . J . D . Robert Harwood P . G . Sup . of Wks .
Robert Wbittaker P . G . D . C . George Lofthouse P . G . A . D . C . W . Whewell P . G . S . B J osiah Wm . Taylor P . G . O . James Hall P . G . Pur . Robert Butterworth P . G . A . Pur .
Provincial Grand Lodge Of East Lancashire.
James Newton P . G . Steward Frank Ainsworth P . G . Steward John Morris P . G . Steward R . Horridge P . G . Steward James Horrocks P . G . Steward James M . Rutter P . G . Steward
Charles Walker P . G . Tyler During the investiture of the officers a very pleasing incident occurred . The Provincial Grand Master , after investing P . G . Sec . Tunnah with his badge of office , presented that gentleman with a jewel in commemoration of his past faithful services as P . G . S . for a period of
twentyone years . The . report of the charity committee was next taken and agreed to , it being considered a very satisfactory one . A grant of £ 200 was voted to the Institution
for aged Freemasons and Widows , and a committee was appointed to consider the desirableness of establishing a local institution for the education and advancement of the children of Masons .
The lodge was shortly afterwards duly closed . Shortly after three o ' clock the procession was marshalled by Bro . Robert Wbittaker ( of Farnworth ) , the Prov . Grand Director of Ceremonies ; assisted by Bro . Lofthouse , P . G . A . D . C . The splendid band of the 7 th Dragoon Guards
headed the procession , the appearance of which was hi ghly imposing , the aprons , gold lace , and bright insignia of the officers having a reall y magnificent effect . The line of route from the Assembly Rooms , via Newport-street , was crowded with spectators , who , one and all , seemed thoroughly charmed with all they saw ,
as well as delighted with the occasion that had brought them together . At the foot of the steps of the Town Hall , the brethren opened to the right and left , and preceded by his Standard Bearer , the Provincial Grand Master walked up to the hall doors , the brethren following in procession from the rear , thus inverting the order of procession .
Shortly after four o ' clock 400 of the brethren sat down to a banquet in the Albert HaU , at the Town Hall . The galleries were crowded by a large concourse of ladies , who were admitted immediately after the banquet . The band of the 7 th Dragoon Guards occupied the orchestra , and between them and the principal table were
a number of choice plants , in full bloom , which had a very pretty effect . The Right Worshipful Provincial Grand Master , Le Gendre N . Starkie , occupied the chair , and after the repast he proposed " The Health of her Majesty the Queen" in very appropriate terms . Solo , band and chorus , " God save the Queen . ' '
The Prov . Grand Master proposed "The Health of his Royal Highness the Prince of Wales , M . W . Past Grand Master . " The Prince , he said , had been received in Bolton on the occasion of the opening of the beautiful building
they were then assembled in , in a true Lancashire fashion , and with a demonstration of feeling which no other body of men could give . He asked them to drink the toast with true Masonic feeling , and he hoped that heaven would bless the Prince of Wales .
1 lie next toast proposed b y the Prov . Grand Master was " The Most Hon . the Marquess of Ripon , M . W . Grand Master , " whom he hi ghly extolled , and afterwards he alluded to the services rendered to the Craft b y the Earl of Zetland .
Song , " The Grand Master , " Bro . Dumville . In proposing the next toast , viz ., " The Right Hon . the Earl of Carnarvon , R . W . Deputy Grand Master , and the Grand Officers present and past , " the Prov . Grand Master briefly alluded to his own installation . He said he was sure
that all who witnessed that ceremony by the Earl of Carnarvon must have felt deeply interested in it . As regarded himself he should never forget the good counsel the Earl gave him , and he hoped he would be able to follow the
rules he had laid down , not only to his own advantage , but to the advantage of all the brethren . He trusted that circumstances would bring the Earl of Carnarvon into this province again , and that they would give him that Masonic welcome which he deserved .
Provincial Grand Lodge Of East Lancashire.
The toast was well received , and responded to by Bro . Binckes , Past Grand Steward . Glee , " Prosper the Art . " P . P . G . W . J . L . Hine gave "The Health of Col . Le Gendre N . Starkie , R . W . Provincial Grand Master . " He referred to the manner in
which it appeared the Prov . Grand Master had been educated in all that appertained to the Craft , and said there was no Prov . Grand Master whose heart was more open , or whose purse was always more ready . The toast was drunk in a most enthusiastic
manner , and upon rising to acknowledge the compliment the Prov . Grand Master was loudly cheered . He remarked that that was the largest assembly of Freemasons it had ever been his privilege to preside over . It was with feelings of no small agitation , and feelings which he
could scarcely repress , that he addressed them upon that occasion . Knowing , as he did , that he stood in the place of one who was their townsman , one who was highly respected and beloved by every member [ of the fraternity , and a man in whose footsteps in Masonry he hoped
he should always tread . He then alluded to that province , which he said was the largest in England , and it was now in a most flourishing state . He was at that time , he might almost say , in his native town , for if they read history they would find that some of his ancestors were
interred in the churchyard adjoining the old Parish Church in Bolton , and when he remembered that fact it was sufficient to raise in him feelings which could onl y beat in the heart of a Lancashire lad . He then alluded to Freemasonry , and to its charities , after which he
proposed " The Health of W . Romaine Callender , Esq ., M . P ., Woishi pful Deputy Provincial Grand Master , and the Provincial Grand Officers , present and past . " He remarked that the name of Wm . Romaine Callender , Esq ., was a household word in that province , and that no man had done more than he in elevating Masonry .
Prov . J . G . W . J . A . Birch , responded on behalf of W . Romaine Callender , Esq ., and the Provincial Grand Officers , and in doing so alluded to the noble and eminent men connected with Freemasonry .
" Glee , " O Hills , O Vales of Pleasure . " The Prov . Grand Master next proposed " The Mayor and Corporation and Town and Trade of Bolton . " They were all , he said , indebted to the Mayor and Corporation of Bolton for the use of that hall that evening . He wished the toast had
fallen into the hands of a worth y brother who was unable to be with them . that evening , but , like Bro . Callender , he was in London attending to the duties of the State . He ( the Prov . Grand Master ) saw one present that evening whom he had that day appointed Senior
Grand Warden , namely , Bro . Glaister—( hear , hear)—a gentleman who was connected with the Corporation of Bolton . All the brethren were deeply indebted to some persons for accommodating them in that magnificient civic erection . Such a building as that was a credit
to the town of Bolton . He did not know the Mayor of Bolton , but he believed that he was a good citizen of his native town . He trusted that the trade of Bolton would flourish , for he did not know any town that concerned him more . The toast was drunk with three times three . Song , " John Anderson my Jo , John . "
Prov . S . G . W . T . Glaister thanked them for the manner in which they had received the toast He had not long been a member of the Corporation of Bolton , but he had endeavoured to do his duty while connected with it , and he believed that the whole Corporation were trying to do their duty to the best of their skill and ability .
They had now extensive waterworks , and he was sure that that beautiful Town Hall was a credit to Bolton . Ha trusted that the trade of the town would continue to flourish , for if it did not , he would suffer with thc rest . P . Prov . G . W . T . G . Gibbons proposed , " The Masters of the Bolton Lodges , " which was
responded to by Prov . S . G . D . W . Slater , W . M . _ 7-" The Visiting Brethren" was next proposed by the Prov . Grand Master , and responded to by P . Prov . G . W . West Lancashire , Col . Birchal of Preston . The Proy . Grand Master then Jeft tlie hall , and