Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Roan , Gilt Edges , Elastic Band , Price < xs ., Post Free ( United Kingdom ) % s . % d . If sent abroad , Foreign Rate on 8 oz . Book Post to be added to the as . THE COSMOPOLITANMASONICCALENDAR, DIARY,ANDPOCKETBOOK,FOR1874. CONTAINING Lists of Lodges , Chapters , Conclaves , Grand Councils , an d K . T . Preceptories , with the Names of Officers , in England and Wales , Scotland , Ireland , France , Belgium , Germany , Italy , Denmark , Portugal , Sweden and Norway , Greece , Turkey , New Brunswick , Venezuela , Netherlands , British Columbia , Peru , Quebec , Canada , America , & c . The LONDON MEETINGS OF EVERY DEGREE are given in the Memorandum space of each day . The COUNTRY LODGES appear in Towns , alphabetically arranged . It also contains the CHARGE and ENTERED APPRENTICE ' SONG . EITHER Of THE ABOVE MAY UE ORDERED AT ALL RAILWAY BOOKSTALLS AND FROM NEWS VENDORS GHWERALLY . PUBLISHINGOFFICE,198,FLEETSTREET,LONDON,E.C.
Till ! COMPLETE FURNITURE AND APPOINTMENTS TO II ! fortieses , | OF SUPERIOR DESIGN AND WORKMANSHIP , j MANUFACTURED IN THREE DUALITIES , HY ; BRO . GEORGE KENNING , i COMPRISING Three Pedestals . 0 .. e Oak or Mahogany Knee Un )* Three CnncUc-tick-, Oak orMa- Stool . hogany . Lamp ( Star in the East ) . Two Columns , Oak or Ma- Third Decree Sheet . hogany . llihle . with Name ami No . of S . \ V . Triangle , in Oak or Lodge in (» old . Mahogany with Gilt Tripoli , Sijuare and Compass in Case . 1 ' ullev Mocks and Windlass Cushion for Bible . and Kong !) and Perfect A . li- Ten Ofh'cers' Collars . lars . Ten Ollicers' Jewel .. i Oak or Mahogany Hox , and 1 . ( 1 . Dirk . nine Tools , Plated O . G . Sword . Three Oak or Mahogany navel-. Set ol' Kight Itc . ok . - ? . One „ t > ' Maul , Three Sounding Hoards . j One „ ,, Hallot Two Pairs of Slippers . j ISox and Halls . Three Cable Tows . j One pair „ Wands . Two Hoodwinks . Three Tracing Hoards . Three Cat . dies with Emblems , : £ 30 , £ 60 , and ^ JOO . Chairs , Dais , Te » selalcd Carpeting , Hanncr . * , & c , & c , on the most moderate terms , according to material , style , J-ce . I- ' or Personal Insignia , see List of Clothing and jewels .
THE COMPLETE 1 FURNITURE AND APPOINTMENTS ! roii j Uoiial % x (\) Caters , j MANUX'ACTUREI ) , IN THREE GUALITIKS , B Y j COMP . GEORGE KENXIXG , COMPRISING j Floor Cloth Trowel Pedestal Square and Compasses I Veil Sword Set of Letters Three Robes for Principals Pivc Large Manners with Poles Three Sceptres „ and Stands Three Surplices Ft . tccn Small ditto Ten O-Titers' Collars ' Three Large Candlesticks Ten „ Jewels Three Small ditto Janitor ' s Sword Six Ornamental Candies JJallat llox , Crowbar Hihle Pickaxe Cushion for di . to Shovel JSciiplure Extracts Parchment Scroll Set ol l i \ e Hooks Set of Life Lines £ 50 , £ 100 , and £ 150 . Thrones , Chairs , Canopy , Head Ornaments , & - _ . ( if rcfjuired ) On thc most moderate terms , according tomateiial , style , ike . por Personal Jii-jgnia , see LiM _ of Llulhingand Jc ' wds . j
M^Y SCHWEITZER'SCOCOATINA, TW l § ll _ lIn ANTI-UYSI'lil'TIC COCOA OR CHOC'OLATli POWDKK . *( _ fp ) i | Guaranteed Pure Soluble Cocoa , without Sugar or any admixture . ^ A l ^^ . " ; 5 tf * hz ) This unit | iic pure preparation is pvonoumcil bv the l aciilty " the inns ' . nutritions perfectly digestible bevev-V- ^ I « P === S £ iJ £ v nV . f"r BKLAKI- 'AST . l . UNt'MKO . V , nr Sl ' i'l'lCU , nn . l invaluable I ' nr Invalids and Children . " NpSSSS ^ rSX ' ll is made Uw . tnneims . lv wilh hoilhv .- . water or milk ; lieini ; whlunii sugar it suits all palates : ^ SPA * T i ^ In tin p .-ukcl- al is . fnf ., js ., _ c . liv flu .. lists and Crorcrs . ( Samples Kmtis . ) KcgiTiercil , Cncoalina a la Vanille , at Same Prices , ll is superior to the liest Vanilla Chocolate , much cheaper , perfcc-ly digestible , and made instantaneoiislv . SOLE PROPRIETORS : II . SCHWEITZER & Co ., io , ADAM-STREET , ADELPHI , LONDON .
LOCKYER'S SULPHUR HAIR RESTORER . Is tlieliesl o-ifcst and chcapc-l It restores the former colour lo , ; rev liairin a lew days , is quite harmless , and the best hair-dressing that lan ' be ' iWcl '' 1 aree buttles , is . fid . each . Sold by all Chemists aud Hairdressers everywhere , and J . PEPPER , JJ 7 , TOTTENIIAM-COURT-ROAI ) LONDON , whose name aud address are on the label , or it is spurious . Cases o £ three bottles , packed for country , sent on receipt on 54 : Mamps . . _ . . _ _ . —
HEALTH , STRENGTH , ENERGY . PEPPER'S QUININE AND IRON TONIC . SfrenRfliens the nerves enriches , purifies , and i-ivally improves ill- blood , and vital secretions , Kivea a ( tooil appclitc , overenmes indi-eslion animales ihe spoils , counleracls tlie ellccts o ( weakness , and restores perfect robust health . Ue sure Pepper ' s Quinine and I roll ' Tonic is supplied ils ingredients bein- cheniicallv pure . Hollies , 4 s . ( id ; ne \ l si / e , lis . ; stone jars , 22 s . Older it from any Chcmbt , or r-e ' t direct from j . ' PEPPER , 2 . V 7 , TOT 1 'K . Nl I A . M-COL'RT-ROA !> , LONDON . Forwarded , safely packed , on receipt of stamps or P . O . O .
! | MASONIC'TANDLES FOR CRAFT LODGES , Ionic , Doric ancl Corinthian , EMB _ EM A TIC A L LY A RliA XG KD WORSHIPFUL MASTER , SENIOR AND JUNIOR WARDENS . 6 s . Od . PER SET OE 3 ONE POUND CANDLES . Packing Cases 6 d . each . DITTO I'Oil ROYAL ARCH CHAPTERS , ios . 6 c \ . PER SET OE 6 CANDLES . i Pat-kin **; Casts is . i _ ! VliOLl' . S . SLB . \ NI 1 RUT ML j Bro . GEORGE KENNING'S \ Masonic Dejidts , I LONDON : —2 , 3 , & 4 , Little Britain , ami 19 " , i Elect-street . LiviiRPOoL : —2 , Monument-place . GLASGOW . * —J 45 , Argyle-street . i
MASONIC FLAGS FOR HIRE . I '' iicin . * i « niib' Arms 15 ft . by 12 ft . Knights Templar Arsis 15 ft . by izft . lied Cross of Home nnd Constantine Arms 15 ft . by 12 IL Square and Coin pa : ses , with Pi inceof Wales ' s l ' caihcrs in Centre I 2 ( t . by 9 ft . City cf London Aims 1 oft . by 7 f - Union J . -u-k loft , by 6 ft . Duke of Edinburgh 9 ft . by 4 lft . Russian < jft . b y 4 ift . KENNING'S MASONIC DEPOT . 108 , I'l . HIT-STRIiET , LONDON .
TKUTH sirsr PREVAIL . "~—Common _ jense . Lamps , 13 ath _ , Cutlery , L-ru .-lie ? , Fenders and l ire irons , Electroplate and Nickel-silver Goods . R . D . PARR , General Houses Furnishing Ironmonger , 42 , ISI . AC . K . MAN S-KKliT , UOKOUGH . f ^ FFERS notliing extraordinary , but REALLY tiiiiii ) Arli'L-s at fair ainl reasonable prices . He di . es not deep an " Lnincii ^ e . Srotl ; , " bin snliiciently large for any person lo icic ' . t 111 , 111 . He I ' X'S nut . ^ ell " cheaper than every other huu ^ e in ill - Trade , " In . t ifuite as cheap as any . A vi M wiil , al all times , be very much appreciated .
j ^ OMFORT FOR TENDER FEET . — j Try Anthony S card ' s new material ! Peculiarl y Prepared i IVii I > t ) i > c Skin . l-uli a _ - ilk , shines like patent , never" cracks , hcaiin- > :-i !!' ter ami liner in wear , a perlect durable luxury and Mitiei'I .-ilivc specialti :. s , I ' ow Lane , Cheapside , K . C . Ladie _ orders skilinJIv excrutcd . On :- trial iii > uie . s satisi ' aclion .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Roan , Gilt Edges , Elastic Band , Price < xs ., Post Free ( United Kingdom ) % s . % d . If sent abroad , Foreign Rate on 8 oz . Book Post to be added to the as . THE COSMOPOLITANMASONICCALENDAR, DIARY,ANDPOCKETBOOK,FOR1874. CONTAINING Lists of Lodges , Chapters , Conclaves , Grand Councils , an d K . T . Preceptories , with the Names of Officers , in England and Wales , Scotland , Ireland , France , Belgium , Germany , Italy , Denmark , Portugal , Sweden and Norway , Greece , Turkey , New Brunswick , Venezuela , Netherlands , British Columbia , Peru , Quebec , Canada , America , & c . The LONDON MEETINGS OF EVERY DEGREE are given in the Memorandum space of each day . The COUNTRY LODGES appear in Towns , alphabetically arranged . It also contains the CHARGE and ENTERED APPRENTICE ' SONG . EITHER Of THE ABOVE MAY UE ORDERED AT ALL RAILWAY BOOKSTALLS AND FROM NEWS VENDORS GHWERALLY . PUBLISHINGOFFICE,198,FLEETSTREET,LONDON,E.C.
Till ! COMPLETE FURNITURE AND APPOINTMENTS TO II ! fortieses , | OF SUPERIOR DESIGN AND WORKMANSHIP , j MANUFACTURED IN THREE DUALITIES , HY ; BRO . GEORGE KENNING , i COMPRISING Three Pedestals . 0 .. e Oak or Mahogany Knee Un )* Three CnncUc-tick-, Oak orMa- Stool . hogany . Lamp ( Star in the East ) . Two Columns , Oak or Ma- Third Decree Sheet . hogany . llihle . with Name ami No . of S . \ V . Triangle , in Oak or Lodge in (» old . Mahogany with Gilt Tripoli , Sijuare and Compass in Case . 1 ' ullev Mocks and Windlass Cushion for Bible . and Kong !) and Perfect A . li- Ten Ofh'cers' Collars . lars . Ten Ollicers' Jewel .. i Oak or Mahogany Hox , and 1 . ( 1 . Dirk . nine Tools , Plated O . G . Sword . Three Oak or Mahogany navel-. Set ol' Kight Itc . ok . - ? . One „ t > ' Maul , Three Sounding Hoards . j One „ ,, Hallot Two Pairs of Slippers . j ISox and Halls . Three Cable Tows . j One pair „ Wands . Two Hoodwinks . Three Tracing Hoards . Three Cat . dies with Emblems , : £ 30 , £ 60 , and ^ JOO . Chairs , Dais , Te » selalcd Carpeting , Hanncr . * , & c , & c , on the most moderate terms , according to material , style , J-ce . I- ' or Personal Insignia , see List of Clothing and jewels .
THE COMPLETE 1 FURNITURE AND APPOINTMENTS ! roii j Uoiial % x (\) Caters , j MANUX'ACTUREI ) , IN THREE GUALITIKS , B Y j COMP . GEORGE KENXIXG , COMPRISING j Floor Cloth Trowel Pedestal Square and Compasses I Veil Sword Set of Letters Three Robes for Principals Pivc Large Manners with Poles Three Sceptres „ and Stands Three Surplices Ft . tccn Small ditto Ten O-Titers' Collars ' Three Large Candlesticks Ten „ Jewels Three Small ditto Janitor ' s Sword Six Ornamental Candies JJallat llox , Crowbar Hihle Pickaxe Cushion for di . to Shovel JSciiplure Extracts Parchment Scroll Set ol l i \ e Hooks Set of Life Lines £ 50 , £ 100 , and £ 150 . Thrones , Chairs , Canopy , Head Ornaments , & - _ . ( if rcfjuired ) On thc most moderate terms , according tomateiial , style , ike . por Personal Jii-jgnia , see LiM _ of Llulhingand Jc ' wds . j
M^Y SCHWEITZER'SCOCOATINA, TW l § ll _ lIn ANTI-UYSI'lil'TIC COCOA OR CHOC'OLATli POWDKK . *( _ fp ) i | Guaranteed Pure Soluble Cocoa , without Sugar or any admixture . ^ A l ^^ . " ; 5 tf * hz ) This unit | iic pure preparation is pvonoumcil bv the l aciilty " the inns ' . nutritions perfectly digestible bevev-V- ^ I « P === S £ iJ £ v nV . f"r BKLAKI- 'AST . l . UNt'MKO . V , nr Sl ' i'l'lCU , nn . l invaluable I ' nr Invalids and Children . " NpSSSS ^ rSX ' ll is made Uw . tnneims . lv wilh hoilhv .- . water or milk ; lieini ; whlunii sugar it suits all palates : ^ SPA * T i ^ In tin p .-ukcl- al is . fnf ., js ., _ c . liv flu .. lists and Crorcrs . ( Samples Kmtis . ) KcgiTiercil , Cncoalina a la Vanille , at Same Prices , ll is superior to the liest Vanilla Chocolate , much cheaper , perfcc-ly digestible , and made instantaneoiislv . SOLE PROPRIETORS : II . SCHWEITZER & Co ., io , ADAM-STREET , ADELPHI , LONDON .
LOCKYER'S SULPHUR HAIR RESTORER . Is tlieliesl o-ifcst and chcapc-l It restores the former colour lo , ; rev liairin a lew days , is quite harmless , and the best hair-dressing that lan ' be ' iWcl '' 1 aree buttles , is . fid . each . Sold by all Chemists aud Hairdressers everywhere , and J . PEPPER , JJ 7 , TOTTENIIAM-COURT-ROAI ) LONDON , whose name aud address are on the label , or it is spurious . Cases o £ three bottles , packed for country , sent on receipt on 54 : Mamps . . _ . . _ _ . —
HEALTH , STRENGTH , ENERGY . PEPPER'S QUININE AND IRON TONIC . SfrenRfliens the nerves enriches , purifies , and i-ivally improves ill- blood , and vital secretions , Kivea a ( tooil appclitc , overenmes indi-eslion animales ihe spoils , counleracls tlie ellccts o ( weakness , and restores perfect robust health . Ue sure Pepper ' s Quinine and I roll ' Tonic is supplied ils ingredients bein- cheniicallv pure . Hollies , 4 s . ( id ; ne \ l si / e , lis . ; stone jars , 22 s . Older it from any Chcmbt , or r-e ' t direct from j . ' PEPPER , 2 . V 7 , TOT 1 'K . Nl I A . M-COL'RT-ROA !> , LONDON . Forwarded , safely packed , on receipt of stamps or P . O . O .
! | MASONIC'TANDLES FOR CRAFT LODGES , Ionic , Doric ancl Corinthian , EMB _ EM A TIC A L LY A RliA XG KD WORSHIPFUL MASTER , SENIOR AND JUNIOR WARDENS . 6 s . Od . PER SET OE 3 ONE POUND CANDLES . Packing Cases 6 d . each . DITTO I'Oil ROYAL ARCH CHAPTERS , ios . 6 c \ . PER SET OE 6 CANDLES . i Pat-kin **; Casts is . i _ ! VliOLl' . S . SLB . \ NI 1 RUT ML j Bro . GEORGE KENNING'S \ Masonic Dejidts , I LONDON : —2 , 3 , & 4 , Little Britain , ami 19 " , i Elect-street . LiviiRPOoL : —2 , Monument-place . GLASGOW . * —J 45 , Argyle-street . i
MASONIC FLAGS FOR HIRE . I '' iicin . * i « niib' Arms 15 ft . by 12 ft . Knights Templar Arsis 15 ft . by izft . lied Cross of Home nnd Constantine Arms 15 ft . by 12 IL Square and Coin pa : ses , with Pi inceof Wales ' s l ' caihcrs in Centre I 2 ( t . by 9 ft . City cf London Aims 1 oft . by 7 f - Union J . -u-k loft , by 6 ft . Duke of Edinburgh 9 ft . by 4 lft . Russian < jft . b y 4 ift . KENNING'S MASONIC DEPOT . 108 , I'l . HIT-STRIiET , LONDON .
TKUTH sirsr PREVAIL . "~—Common _ jense . Lamps , 13 ath _ , Cutlery , L-ru .-lie ? , Fenders and l ire irons , Electroplate and Nickel-silver Goods . R . D . PARR , General Houses Furnishing Ironmonger , 42 , ISI . AC . K . MAN S-KKliT , UOKOUGH . f ^ FFERS notliing extraordinary , but REALLY tiiiiii ) Arli'L-s at fair ainl reasonable prices . He di . es not deep an " Lnincii ^ e . Srotl ; , " bin snliiciently large for any person lo icic ' . t 111 , 111 . He I ' X'S nut . ^ ell " cheaper than every other huu ^ e in ill - Trade , " In . t ifuite as cheap as any . A vi M wiil , al all times , be very much appreciated .
j ^ OMFORT FOR TENDER FEET . — j Try Anthony S card ' s new material ! Peculiarl y Prepared i IVii I > t ) i > c Skin . l-uli a _ - ilk , shines like patent , never" cracks , hcaiin- > :-i !!' ter ami liner in wear , a perlect durable luxury and Mitiei'I .-ilivc specialti :. s , I ' ow Lane , Cheapside , K . C . Ladie _ orders skilinJIv excrutcd . On :- trial iii > uie . s satisi ' aclion .