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" GEORGEKENNING,MASONICTUBLISHER. TheFreemason. Vols . I ., 4 s . 6 A . ; II ., 7 s . 6 d . ¦ III ., 15 s . ; 17 ., 15 s . ; V ., 15 s . Now Ready , No . 11 { May ) . Price 6 d . Post Free , yd , Annual Subscription , including postage : United Kingdom . 7 s ., America , gs . ( Payable in advance . ) TheMasonicMagazine,aMonthlyDigestofFreemasonryinallits Branches. Now Ready , Price is . Post Free is id . TheCosmopolitanMasonicCalendar,Diary,andPocketBookfor1874. Containing list of Lodges , Chapters , K . T . Preceptories , Red Cross Conclaves , and Grand Councils , with the names of Officers in ail parts of the world . The London Meetings of every degree are given in the memorandum space of each day . The Country Lodges appear in towns alphabetically arranged . It also contains the Charge and Entered Apprentice ' s Song , One vol . 800 pages 8 vo ., with an Index , Cloth gilt . Price ios , 6 d . TheHistoryofFreemasonry,fromitsOrigintothePresentDay. Drawn from the best sources and the most recent investigations . By Bro . J . G . FINDEL , Second Edition , revised and preface written by Bro . D . MURRAY LYON , P . M . and P . Z . In the Press , Third Edition . Revised and Enlarged . Price 3 . ? . 6 d . AFullColouredIllustratedBookofMasonicClothingandJewels, From Master Mason to the 30 th Degree ( inclusive ) . Imperial Octavo , bound in cloth , richly ornamented , prico &@ i lis . 6 d . HistoryoftheLodgeofEdinburgh(Mary'sChapel)No.i, Embracing an account of the Rise and Progress of Freemasonry in Scotland , by Bro . David Murray Lyon , P . M . & P . Z . With Twenty-six Fac-similes of Ancient Statutes , Minutes of various Lodges , Seals , and Orders , & c , and Authentic Portraits and Autographs . of Sixty eminent Craftsmen of the past and present time . Wilh Illustrations , Price 3 8 * ., 4 . 1 s ., and 4 . 6 s , AnEncyclopediaofFreemasonryanditsKindredSciences. Comprising the whole range of Arts , Sciences , and Literature , as connected with the Institution by Bro , Albert G . Mackay , M . D ., author of " Lexicon of Freemasonry , " " A Text Book of Masonic Jurisprudence , " " Symbolism of Freemasonrv , " & c , & c . Re ~ Issue . Now Read y . Price $ s . Post Free $ s . ^ d MasonicGatherings.Edited by Bro . GEORGE TAYLOR , P . M . Containing Historical Records of Freemasonry from the earliest to the present time , See ., & c . Fourth Edition . In the Press . Will he read y June ist . Price is . Post Free is . id . ReflectedRaysofLightuponFreemasonry;or,theFreemasons'Pocket Compendium.With an Emblematical frontispiece . A Hand-Book of the Principles of Freemasonry , and Pocket Vade Mecum and Guide to the various Ceremonies connected with Craft Masonry , so far as the same are allowed to be communicable . Now Ready , with Index and Preface , in 11 Imperial Folio Parts , 5 . ? . each , or bound in One Handsome Volume , ^ 3 . Handsome Cloth Covers , wilh Gill Lines , and Lettered , for Binding { similar to those used for the " Graphic " and " Illustrated News " ) , price 5 . ? . each . TheFreemasons'LiberMusicus, Dedicated by expressed permission to H . R . H . THE PRINCE OF WA . LE 5 , Past Grand Master of England and Wales . Edited by DR . WILLIAM SPARK , P . P . G . O ., W . Y . —_ y 8 . This work contains _ i * j pp , and 118 Musical Compositions suitable for all ths Ceremonies of the ! Masonic Order •First , Second , and Third Degrees •Consecration and Dedication of Halls and Lodges 5 Programmes , Toasts , Songs , Trios , Choruses , & c , for Banquets and other Festive Gatherings •Laying Foundation or Corner Stones ; Installation ; Mark Masonry ; Royal Arch 3 Masonic Funerals ; Voluntaries ; Marches , & c , & c . TheGrandLodgeConstitutions, With the Three Charges and the Entered Apprentice ' s Song , 2 s . ^ Richl y Coloured , e >\ b y 6 , arranged for Pocket , in Book Form , price Js . 6 d . U\iftTracingBoards. Larger Sizes in Stock , from 18 by 10 to 40 by _ , " inches . OFFli^ll) ^^^E.C.
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" GEORGEKENNING,MASONICTUBLISHER. TheFreemason. Vols . I ., 4 s . 6 A . ; II ., 7 s . 6 d . ¦ III ., 15 s . ; 17 ., 15 s . ; V ., 15 s . Now Ready , No . 11 { May ) . Price 6 d . Post Free , yd , Annual Subscription , including postage : United Kingdom . 7 s ., America , gs . ( Payable in advance . ) TheMasonicMagazine,aMonthlyDigestofFreemasonryinallits Branches. Now Ready , Price is . Post Free is id . TheCosmopolitanMasonicCalendar,Diary,andPocketBookfor1874. Containing list of Lodges , Chapters , K . T . Preceptories , Red Cross Conclaves , and Grand Councils , with the names of Officers in ail parts of the world . The London Meetings of every degree are given in the memorandum space of each day . The Country Lodges appear in towns alphabetically arranged . It also contains the Charge and Entered Apprentice ' s Song , One vol . 800 pages 8 vo ., with an Index , Cloth gilt . Price ios , 6 d . TheHistoryofFreemasonry,fromitsOrigintothePresentDay. Drawn from the best sources and the most recent investigations . By Bro . J . G . FINDEL , Second Edition , revised and preface written by Bro . D . MURRAY LYON , P . M . and P . Z . In the Press , Third Edition . Revised and Enlarged . Price 3 . ? . 6 d . AFullColouredIllustratedBookofMasonicClothingandJewels, From Master Mason to the 30 th Degree ( inclusive ) . Imperial Octavo , bound in cloth , richly ornamented , prico &@ i lis . 6 d . HistoryoftheLodgeofEdinburgh(Mary'sChapel)No.i, Embracing an account of the Rise and Progress of Freemasonry in Scotland , by Bro . David Murray Lyon , P . M . & P . Z . With Twenty-six Fac-similes of Ancient Statutes , Minutes of various Lodges , Seals , and Orders , & c , and Authentic Portraits and Autographs . of Sixty eminent Craftsmen of the past and present time . Wilh Illustrations , Price 3 8 * ., 4 . 1 s ., and 4 . 6 s , AnEncyclopediaofFreemasonryanditsKindredSciences. Comprising the whole range of Arts , Sciences , and Literature , as connected with the Institution by Bro , Albert G . Mackay , M . D ., author of " Lexicon of Freemasonry , " " A Text Book of Masonic Jurisprudence , " " Symbolism of Freemasonrv , " & c , & c . Re ~ Issue . Now Read y . Price $ s . Post Free $ s . ^ d MasonicGatherings.Edited by Bro . GEORGE TAYLOR , P . M . Containing Historical Records of Freemasonry from the earliest to the present time , See ., & c . Fourth Edition . In the Press . Will he read y June ist . Price is . Post Free is . id . ReflectedRaysofLightuponFreemasonry;or,theFreemasons'Pocket Compendium.With an Emblematical frontispiece . A Hand-Book of the Principles of Freemasonry , and Pocket Vade Mecum and Guide to the various Ceremonies connected with Craft Masonry , so far as the same are allowed to be communicable . Now Ready , with Index and Preface , in 11 Imperial Folio Parts , 5 . ? . each , or bound in One Handsome Volume , ^ 3 . Handsome Cloth Covers , wilh Gill Lines , and Lettered , for Binding { similar to those used for the " Graphic " and " Illustrated News " ) , price 5 . ? . each . TheFreemasons'LiberMusicus, Dedicated by expressed permission to H . R . H . THE PRINCE OF WA . LE 5 , Past Grand Master of England and Wales . Edited by DR . WILLIAM SPARK , P . P . G . O ., W . Y . —_ y 8 . This work contains _ i * j pp , and 118 Musical Compositions suitable for all ths Ceremonies of the ! Masonic Order •First , Second , and Third Degrees •Consecration and Dedication of Halls and Lodges 5 Programmes , Toasts , Songs , Trios , Choruses , & c , for Banquets and other Festive Gatherings •Laying Foundation or Corner Stones ; Installation ; Mark Masonry ; Royal Arch 3 Masonic Funerals ; Voluntaries ; Marches , & c , & c . TheGrandLodgeConstitutions, With the Three Charges and the Entered Apprentice ' s Song , 2 s . ^ Richl y Coloured , e >\ b y 6 , arranged for Pocket , in Book Form , price Js . 6 d . U\iftTracingBoards. Larger Sizes in Stock , from 18 by 10 to 40 by _ , " inches . OFFli^ll) ^^^E.C.