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Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Note—ALTERATION OF DATE OF FESTIVAL . ROYAL MASONIC INSTITUTION FOR BOYS , WOOD GREEN , LONDON , N . Patron -. HER MAJESTY THE QUEEN . President : His ROYAL HIGHNESS THE PRINCE ov WALES , K . G ., M . W . G . M . THE EIGHTY-FIFTH ANNIVERSARY FESTIVAL , Will be held at THE CRYSTAL PALACE , SYDENHAM , On WEDNESDAY , 20 th JUNE , 1 SS 3 . THE Rt . Hon . Viscount HOLMESDALE , R . W . PROVINCIAL GRAND MASTER OF KENT , IN THE CHAIR . BOARD OF STEWARDS : PRESIDENT : R . W . Bro . Col . LE GENDRE NICHOLAS STARKIE , Vice-President of Institution , Provincial Grand Master of East Lancashire . HONORARY PRESIDENTS : R . W . Bro . Lieut .-Col . Sir HENKV EDIVARDES , Bart ., Vice-Patron of Institution , Provincial Grand Master of West Yorkshire . R . W . Bro . Col . MALET DE CARTERET , Vice-President of Institution , Prov . Grand Master of Jersey . V . W . Bro . Rev . A . F . A . WOODFORD , P . G . Chaplain , Vice-President of Institution . XV . Bro . THOMAS W . TEW , J . P ., G . S . D ., Deputy Prov . Grand Master of West Yorkshire . ACTING PRESIDENTS : W . Bro . J AMES SMITH EASTES , Deputy Prov . Grand Master of Kent . W . Bro . EDGAR BOWYER , Grand Standard Bearer , Vice-Patron of Institution . VICE-PRESIDENTS : Vice-Patronsand Vice-Presidents of the Institution—Present and Past Grand Officers—Presentand Past Grand Stewards Present and Past Provincial Grand Officers . HONORARY TREASURER : W . Bro . HORACE BROOKS MARSHALL , C . C , W . M . No . 194- *! , Vice-Patron of Institution . With 33 S Brethren representing the Metropolitan and Provincial Lodges . The services of Brethren as Stewards arc still most earnestly solicited . TICKETS—Ladies iGs ; Brethren 22 s . ( includingadmission to the Palace ) . Dinner will be on the Table at Five o ' clock , and , including Dessert and Wines , will be provided by Messrs . Bertram and Roberts . Brethren to appear without Masonic Clothing . Morning Dress . Particulars and every information on application to the Honorary Secretary , FREDERICK BINCKES , ¦ 'P . G . S ., V . Patron ) , Secretary of the Institution . Office : —6 , FREEMASONS' HALL , VV . C . 15 th May , 1 SS 3 .
ELECTRICITY . —A quantity of Electrical and Scientific APPARATUS to be disposed of . Suitable for Institutions , Schools , Private Gentlemen , or for Presentation . Full particulars on application , by letter addressed to S . G ., at the office of the Freemason , 16 , Great Queen-street , W . C .
( SPECULATION & INVESTMENT JN STOCKS AND SHARES ^/* ITH A MINIMUM RISK Hro operate on the Stock Exchange profitably or , in other words , increase one's capital , limited thouRh it be , may suggest itself as not very easy of accomplishment . Quick perception , however , tempered with experience and a true knowledge of the influences in force , will , in many cases , render the process comparatively simple . To purchase a stock or security of any description might not always prove judicious and safe , even were the position and prospects in the particular case the most sound and promising , because an immediate improvement , or , indeed , the maintenance of the prevalent market value would be improbable , if not impossible , so long as the account remained a weak one , or one showing a heavy preponderance of weak operations forthe rise . In like manner a . stock might be intrinsically worth little or absolutely nothing , but from the fact of it having been largely oversold the price remains apparently firm . -pXPLANATORY BOOK sent post free on application . "DEAD OPINIONS OF THE PRESS . - \ ATEEKLY and MONTHLY REPORT sent regularly VV to clients * . CPECULATIVE ACCOUNTS opened on the most favourable terms . W GUTTERIDGE AND CO ., STOCK AND . SHARE BROKERS , 7 , DRAPERS ' -GARDENS , THROGMORTON-STREIil ' , LONDON , E . C .
A GOOD PLAN . J _ * -T / - \ and upwards judiciously in-_ 7 Zi J- \ J vested in Options on Stocks and Shares often give handsome profits in a few days . Full details in Explanatory Book gratis and post free . — Address GEORGE EVANS and Co ., Stockbrokers , Gresham House , Old Broad-street , London , E . C . Best and safest plan ever devised .
Notice is hereby given that a
will be held at the OATLAND'S HOTEL , WALTON - ON - THAMES On Thursday , thc sSth day of June , 1 S 83 , at 1 . 30 o ' clock in thc afternoon . N . B . —Morning Dress . Bv command , CHARLES GREENWOOD , P . M ., P . G . S . B ., Prov . Grand Sec . Gi , Nelson-square , Blackfriars-road , S . E ., June 14 th , 1 SS 3 . A dinner will be provided at thc Hotel ; application for Tickets ( 15 s . each ) to be made to Dr . G . B . BRODIE , 3 , Ches terfield-street , Mayfair , W .
R . W . COL . SIR FRANCIS BURDETT , BART ., Provincial Grand Master .
A PROVINCIAL GRAND LODGE Will be held in the NEW ROOMS , MITRE HOTEL , HAMPTON COURT , On Saturday , June 30 th , at 2 . 30 precisely . By command of the Prov . G . Master . H . C . LEVANDER , P . G . D ., June 6 th , 1 S 83 . Prov . Grand Secretary .
A MEETING of THE PROVINCIAL GRAND LODGE & CHAPTER OF LONDON will be held early in July , under the Presidency of V . W . COL . SHADWELL H . CLERKE , P . G . M . Candidates for the Degree are requested to communicate at once with the P . G . Sec , Bro . FRANK RICHARDSON . 2 S , Golden-square , W .
INTERIOR OF GRAND LODGE AFTER THE FIRE , 4 th May . Photographed June , 1 S 83 . THE ROYAL MASONIC BENEVOLENT INSTITUTION . Photographed June , 1 SS 3 . T HE ROYAL MASONIC SCHOOL FOR GIRLS . Photographed June , 1 SS 3 . - "PHE ROYAL MASONIC SCHOOL FOR 1 BOYS . Photographed June , 1883 . 12 in . by 10 in ., Price 4 s . each , Post free to any part of the world . Small size , ls . Photographed by Bros . BEDFORD LEMERE & Co . 147 , STRAND . Published by G . KENNING , 16 , Great Queen Street , London , W . C .
BRITISH EQUITABLE ASSURANCE COMPANY , 4 , Queen-street-place London , E . C . Capital—A Quarter of a Million Sterling . TWENTY-EIGHTH ANNUAL REPORT , MAY , 18 S 3 . NEW BUSINESS . 2070 Policies issued for A < l 0 o , 375 New Premium Income £ " , 9 S < 5 BUSINESS IN FORCE . 26 , 000 Policies , Assuring £ 4 > 5 i 3 J 7 REVENUE OF THE YEAR . Premiums £ 140 , 809 Interest , & c £ 35 > ' 3 i „ £ * 7 S , < J 40 ACCUMULATED FUND . Laidby in the year £ 69 , 772 Accumulated Fund on 31 st January , 18 S 3 ( equal to 73 per cent , of the net premiums received upon policies in force ) £ 873 , 102 Average Reversionary Bonus for 27 years about i \ percent per annum . MUTUAL ASSURANCE WITHOUT MUTUAL LIABILITY .
A LADY desires re-engagement as BOOK-KEEPER , or would take the Management of a branch business ; understands Stationery , Fancy , & c . Age 35 . —G . E . D ., 70 , Overstone-road , Hammersmith , W .
WAREHOUSE LAD "Wanted at GEORGE KENNlNG'S , Ji 9 S , 196 , and 197 , Aldersgate-street , E . C .
WINE SHIPPERS and DISTILLERS . —A Mark and R . A . Brother is open to represent a good and well-known firm , London or Country , or would accept Agencies ; age 32 ; married ; highest references ; security . — " Veritas , " care oflice of Freemason , Great Oueen-street , W . C .
©0 ££Orrespnl3imts≪
© 0 ££ orrespnl 3 imts <
The following have been received but stand over until until ncxt week for want of space : St . Hilda ' s Lodge , No . 240 . United Military Lodge , No . 153 C . Provincial Grand Chapter of Oxfordshire .
BOOKS , & c . RECEIVED . " The Royal Cornwall Gazette , " "The Citizen , " "Allen's Indian Mail , " "Die Bauhiitte , " "The Court Circular , " de Espana , " " The Voice of Masonry , " " Keystone , " "The American Freemason , " " Boletin Oficial del Gr . Or . "The Jewish Chronicle , " "The Canadian Craftsman , " "The Hull Packet . "
Original Correspondence.
Original Correspondence .
[ We do not hold ourselves responsible for , or even approving of , the opinions expressed by our correspondents , but we wish in a spirit of fair p lay to all to permit—within certain necessary limits—free discussion . !
ORDER OF PRECEDENCE . Dear Sir and Brother , — To the Editor of thc " Freemason . " The report of the proceedings at the last Quarterly Communication on the above subject will be read with amazement by the Craft at large .
That it is within the prerogative of the M . W . G . M . to vary at his will and pleasure the order of precedence of the Grand Officers is a doctrine so monstrously absurd and mischievous that it almost take one ' s breath away to hear it seriously propounded . If there is one thing more than another on which Masons
are sensitive—I can speak from experience—it is precedence . Sir , it is making "ducks and drakes" of the Constitutions to say that the order of precedence is not fixed and unchangeable except at the will of Grand Lodge itself . Where is the thing to end ? Is it to stop at the precedence of Grand Oflicers ? Will it be within the
prerogative of the Grand Master to vary the precedence of the oflicers of a private lodge ? And if the Grand Master is entitled to vary precedence , I presume Provincial and District Grand Masters in their respective provinces will be entitled to a similar privilege . Sir , it is appalling to contemplate the fearful " muddle" the Craft will be landed in
if this doctrine is to hold good . I am afraid , sir , the Craft at large will come to the unpleasant conclusion that our M . W . G . M is being badly advised . There is something more in this matter than appears on the surface . It struck me so at the time this * ' new departure " was made . Is it a "feeler" put forth
by the revisers of our Constitutions to see how the thing would "take" before incorporating it in their amended draft ? Who is responsible for this " new departure ? " That it has not been done at the instance of our M . W . G . M . we may be morally certain . Who then are the instigators of this ill-conceived movement ? It is right the Craft should know . —Yours truly and fraternally , A PROVINCIAL G . D . C .
To the Editor of the "Freemason . " Dear Sir and Brother , — From your wide field of observation and extended sources of information concerning all that effects our Craft it will be no news to you that the brethren throughout our lodges are deeply stirred by the words spoken by the
Grand Registrar in Grand Lodge on Wednesday , the Sth inst ., as . reported—and very accurately reported—in your last number . But to feci deeply upon any subject is of but little use unless the feeling finds expression . Let that expression bc of course as temperate as possible—courteous and
forbearing to the last degree—but there must be utterance if anything is to be done . I therefore trust you will allow me through your columns to call upon all those brethren who are now only thinking to themselves or saying privately to one another " how monstrous this theory of Bro . Mclntyre ' s is" — how utterly opposed to the regulations for thc
government of the Craft " as set forth at pages 16 and 17 of the Book of Constitutions" to send to you such expressions of their feeling and opinion so that the Grand Registrar and the other executive officers who are known to hold similar views as to the nonentity of Grand Lodge in respect to power over its own laws and landmarks may sec
clearly how very dangerous to the peace of the Order is the path which they are treading . It is the more necessary that a very strong expression of opinion should be outspokenly expressed , seeing that thc line of action which has for some time been silently followed by the chief executive officets has now been hy the Grand Registrar openly and daringly declared from the
dais of Grand Lodge . The gage of absolute despotism ( such as I am sure , and our brethren throughout the world feel sure , the Grand Master himself would utterly repudiate ) has been deliberately thrown down by Bro . Mclntyre . Let it , I say , be as deliberately taken up by all who , while rejoicing in the fact of being ruled by such a Grand Master as is now our honoured head are still bent upon an adherence * to our CONSTITUTIONS .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Note—ALTERATION OF DATE OF FESTIVAL . ROYAL MASONIC INSTITUTION FOR BOYS , WOOD GREEN , LONDON , N . Patron -. HER MAJESTY THE QUEEN . President : His ROYAL HIGHNESS THE PRINCE ov WALES , K . G ., M . W . G . M . THE EIGHTY-FIFTH ANNIVERSARY FESTIVAL , Will be held at THE CRYSTAL PALACE , SYDENHAM , On WEDNESDAY , 20 th JUNE , 1 SS 3 . THE Rt . Hon . Viscount HOLMESDALE , R . W . PROVINCIAL GRAND MASTER OF KENT , IN THE CHAIR . BOARD OF STEWARDS : PRESIDENT : R . W . Bro . Col . LE GENDRE NICHOLAS STARKIE , Vice-President of Institution , Provincial Grand Master of East Lancashire . HONORARY PRESIDENTS : R . W . Bro . Lieut .-Col . Sir HENKV EDIVARDES , Bart ., Vice-Patron of Institution , Provincial Grand Master of West Yorkshire . R . W . Bro . Col . MALET DE CARTERET , Vice-President of Institution , Prov . Grand Master of Jersey . V . W . Bro . Rev . A . F . A . WOODFORD , P . G . Chaplain , Vice-President of Institution . XV . Bro . THOMAS W . TEW , J . P ., G . S . D ., Deputy Prov . Grand Master of West Yorkshire . ACTING PRESIDENTS : W . Bro . J AMES SMITH EASTES , Deputy Prov . Grand Master of Kent . W . Bro . EDGAR BOWYER , Grand Standard Bearer , Vice-Patron of Institution . VICE-PRESIDENTS : Vice-Patronsand Vice-Presidents of the Institution—Present and Past Grand Officers—Presentand Past Grand Stewards Present and Past Provincial Grand Officers . HONORARY TREASURER : W . Bro . HORACE BROOKS MARSHALL , C . C , W . M . No . 194- *! , Vice-Patron of Institution . With 33 S Brethren representing the Metropolitan and Provincial Lodges . The services of Brethren as Stewards arc still most earnestly solicited . TICKETS—Ladies iGs ; Brethren 22 s . ( includingadmission to the Palace ) . Dinner will be on the Table at Five o ' clock , and , including Dessert and Wines , will be provided by Messrs . Bertram and Roberts . Brethren to appear without Masonic Clothing . Morning Dress . Particulars and every information on application to the Honorary Secretary , FREDERICK BINCKES , ¦ 'P . G . S ., V . Patron ) , Secretary of the Institution . Office : —6 , FREEMASONS' HALL , VV . C . 15 th May , 1 SS 3 .
ELECTRICITY . —A quantity of Electrical and Scientific APPARATUS to be disposed of . Suitable for Institutions , Schools , Private Gentlemen , or for Presentation . Full particulars on application , by letter addressed to S . G ., at the office of the Freemason , 16 , Great Queen-street , W . C .
( SPECULATION & INVESTMENT JN STOCKS AND SHARES ^/* ITH A MINIMUM RISK Hro operate on the Stock Exchange profitably or , in other words , increase one's capital , limited thouRh it be , may suggest itself as not very easy of accomplishment . Quick perception , however , tempered with experience and a true knowledge of the influences in force , will , in many cases , render the process comparatively simple . To purchase a stock or security of any description might not always prove judicious and safe , even were the position and prospects in the particular case the most sound and promising , because an immediate improvement , or , indeed , the maintenance of the prevalent market value would be improbable , if not impossible , so long as the account remained a weak one , or one showing a heavy preponderance of weak operations forthe rise . In like manner a . stock might be intrinsically worth little or absolutely nothing , but from the fact of it having been largely oversold the price remains apparently firm . -pXPLANATORY BOOK sent post free on application . "DEAD OPINIONS OF THE PRESS . - \ ATEEKLY and MONTHLY REPORT sent regularly VV to clients * . CPECULATIVE ACCOUNTS opened on the most favourable terms . W GUTTERIDGE AND CO ., STOCK AND . SHARE BROKERS , 7 , DRAPERS ' -GARDENS , THROGMORTON-STREIil ' , LONDON , E . C .
A GOOD PLAN . J _ * -T / - \ and upwards judiciously in-_ 7 Zi J- \ J vested in Options on Stocks and Shares often give handsome profits in a few days . Full details in Explanatory Book gratis and post free . — Address GEORGE EVANS and Co ., Stockbrokers , Gresham House , Old Broad-street , London , E . C . Best and safest plan ever devised .
Notice is hereby given that a
will be held at the OATLAND'S HOTEL , WALTON - ON - THAMES On Thursday , thc sSth day of June , 1 S 83 , at 1 . 30 o ' clock in thc afternoon . N . B . —Morning Dress . Bv command , CHARLES GREENWOOD , P . M ., P . G . S . B ., Prov . Grand Sec . Gi , Nelson-square , Blackfriars-road , S . E ., June 14 th , 1 SS 3 . A dinner will be provided at thc Hotel ; application for Tickets ( 15 s . each ) to be made to Dr . G . B . BRODIE , 3 , Ches terfield-street , Mayfair , W .
R . W . COL . SIR FRANCIS BURDETT , BART ., Provincial Grand Master .
A PROVINCIAL GRAND LODGE Will be held in the NEW ROOMS , MITRE HOTEL , HAMPTON COURT , On Saturday , June 30 th , at 2 . 30 precisely . By command of the Prov . G . Master . H . C . LEVANDER , P . G . D ., June 6 th , 1 S 83 . Prov . Grand Secretary .
A MEETING of THE PROVINCIAL GRAND LODGE & CHAPTER OF LONDON will be held early in July , under the Presidency of V . W . COL . SHADWELL H . CLERKE , P . G . M . Candidates for the Degree are requested to communicate at once with the P . G . Sec , Bro . FRANK RICHARDSON . 2 S , Golden-square , W .
INTERIOR OF GRAND LODGE AFTER THE FIRE , 4 th May . Photographed June , 1 S 83 . THE ROYAL MASONIC BENEVOLENT INSTITUTION . Photographed June , 1 SS 3 . T HE ROYAL MASONIC SCHOOL FOR GIRLS . Photographed June , 1 SS 3 . - "PHE ROYAL MASONIC SCHOOL FOR 1 BOYS . Photographed June , 1883 . 12 in . by 10 in ., Price 4 s . each , Post free to any part of the world . Small size , ls . Photographed by Bros . BEDFORD LEMERE & Co . 147 , STRAND . Published by G . KENNING , 16 , Great Queen Street , London , W . C .
BRITISH EQUITABLE ASSURANCE COMPANY , 4 , Queen-street-place London , E . C . Capital—A Quarter of a Million Sterling . TWENTY-EIGHTH ANNUAL REPORT , MAY , 18 S 3 . NEW BUSINESS . 2070 Policies issued for A < l 0 o , 375 New Premium Income £ " , 9 S < 5 BUSINESS IN FORCE . 26 , 000 Policies , Assuring £ 4 > 5 i 3 J 7 REVENUE OF THE YEAR . Premiums £ 140 , 809 Interest , & c £ 35 > ' 3 i „ £ * 7 S , < J 40 ACCUMULATED FUND . Laidby in the year £ 69 , 772 Accumulated Fund on 31 st January , 18 S 3 ( equal to 73 per cent , of the net premiums received upon policies in force ) £ 873 , 102 Average Reversionary Bonus for 27 years about i \ percent per annum . MUTUAL ASSURANCE WITHOUT MUTUAL LIABILITY .
A LADY desires re-engagement as BOOK-KEEPER , or would take the Management of a branch business ; understands Stationery , Fancy , & c . Age 35 . —G . E . D ., 70 , Overstone-road , Hammersmith , W .
WAREHOUSE LAD "Wanted at GEORGE KENNlNG'S , Ji 9 S , 196 , and 197 , Aldersgate-street , E . C .
WINE SHIPPERS and DISTILLERS . —A Mark and R . A . Brother is open to represent a good and well-known firm , London or Country , or would accept Agencies ; age 32 ; married ; highest references ; security . — " Veritas , " care oflice of Freemason , Great Oueen-street , W . C .
©0 ££Orrespnl3imts≪
© 0 ££ orrespnl 3 imts <
The following have been received but stand over until until ncxt week for want of space : St . Hilda ' s Lodge , No . 240 . United Military Lodge , No . 153 C . Provincial Grand Chapter of Oxfordshire .
BOOKS , & c . RECEIVED . " The Royal Cornwall Gazette , " "The Citizen , " "Allen's Indian Mail , " "Die Bauhiitte , " "The Court Circular , " de Espana , " " The Voice of Masonry , " " Keystone , " "The American Freemason , " " Boletin Oficial del Gr . Or . "The Jewish Chronicle , " "The Canadian Craftsman , " "The Hull Packet . "
Original Correspondence.
Original Correspondence .
[ We do not hold ourselves responsible for , or even approving of , the opinions expressed by our correspondents , but we wish in a spirit of fair p lay to all to permit—within certain necessary limits—free discussion . !
ORDER OF PRECEDENCE . Dear Sir and Brother , — To the Editor of thc " Freemason . " The report of the proceedings at the last Quarterly Communication on the above subject will be read with amazement by the Craft at large .
That it is within the prerogative of the M . W . G . M . to vary at his will and pleasure the order of precedence of the Grand Officers is a doctrine so monstrously absurd and mischievous that it almost take one ' s breath away to hear it seriously propounded . If there is one thing more than another on which Masons
are sensitive—I can speak from experience—it is precedence . Sir , it is making "ducks and drakes" of the Constitutions to say that the order of precedence is not fixed and unchangeable except at the will of Grand Lodge itself . Where is the thing to end ? Is it to stop at the precedence of Grand Oflicers ? Will it be within the
prerogative of the Grand Master to vary the precedence of the oflicers of a private lodge ? And if the Grand Master is entitled to vary precedence , I presume Provincial and District Grand Masters in their respective provinces will be entitled to a similar privilege . Sir , it is appalling to contemplate the fearful " muddle" the Craft will be landed in
if this doctrine is to hold good . I am afraid , sir , the Craft at large will come to the unpleasant conclusion that our M . W . G . M is being badly advised . There is something more in this matter than appears on the surface . It struck me so at the time this * ' new departure " was made . Is it a "feeler" put forth
by the revisers of our Constitutions to see how the thing would "take" before incorporating it in their amended draft ? Who is responsible for this " new departure ? " That it has not been done at the instance of our M . W . G . M . we may be morally certain . Who then are the instigators of this ill-conceived movement ? It is right the Craft should know . —Yours truly and fraternally , A PROVINCIAL G . D . C .
To the Editor of the "Freemason . " Dear Sir and Brother , — From your wide field of observation and extended sources of information concerning all that effects our Craft it will be no news to you that the brethren throughout our lodges are deeply stirred by the words spoken by the
Grand Registrar in Grand Lodge on Wednesday , the Sth inst ., as . reported—and very accurately reported—in your last number . But to feci deeply upon any subject is of but little use unless the feeling finds expression . Let that expression bc of course as temperate as possible—courteous and
forbearing to the last degree—but there must be utterance if anything is to be done . I therefore trust you will allow me through your columns to call upon all those brethren who are now only thinking to themselves or saying privately to one another " how monstrous this theory of Bro . Mclntyre ' s is" — how utterly opposed to the regulations for thc
government of the Craft " as set forth at pages 16 and 17 of the Book of Constitutions" to send to you such expressions of their feeling and opinion so that the Grand Registrar and the other executive officers who are known to hold similar views as to the nonentity of Grand Lodge in respect to power over its own laws and landmarks may sec
clearly how very dangerous to the peace of the Order is the path which they are treading . It is the more necessary that a very strong expression of opinion should be outspokenly expressed , seeing that thc line of action which has for some time been silently followed by the chief executive officets has now been hy the Grand Registrar openly and daringly declared from the
dais of Grand Lodge . The gage of absolute despotism ( such as I am sure , and our brethren throughout the world feel sure , the Grand Master himself would utterly repudiate ) has been deliberately thrown down by Bro . Mclntyre . Let it , I say , be as deliberately taken up by all who , while rejoicing in the fact of being ruled by such a Grand Master as is now our honoured head are still bent upon an adherence * to our CONSTITUTIONS .