Article Obituary. Page 1 of 1 Article PROVINCIAL GRAND LODGE OF SUFFOLK. Page 1 of 1 Article PROVINCIAL GRAND LODGE OF SUFFOLK. Page 1 of 1
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Obituary .
•: R . W . BROTHER STEPHEN BLAIR , Prov . Grand Master , E . Lancashire . This estimable brother , whose decease we announced in our last issue , was initiated in the St . John ' s Lodge , No . 327 , Wigton ,
on the 7 th March , 1832 , and joined the Anchor and Hope , No . 37 , Bolton , on the 27 th May , 1834 , in which he served the office of W . Master in 1835 and 1845 ,
continuing a member until the day of his death . Bro . Blair was appointed Prov . Grand Master for East Lancashire on the 30 th of
April , 1856 , and subsequently Provincial Grand Superintendent of Royal Arch Masons for both divisions of Lancashire .
He also represented Bolton in Parliament from 1848 to 1852 , and was greatly esteemed and beloved by his neighbours and friends . His devotion to the Craft was unwavering
during his long career as a Mason , the most recent proof of his- zeal being a splendid donation of one thousand guineas to the Royal Masonic Institution for Boys , and
few present will readily forget the ringing cheers with which the generous donor was greeted upon the occasion of the Festival in 1869 , when the amount was announced .
Under his sway , and that of Sir Thomas G . Hesketh , Bart ., M . P ., Prov . Grand Master for West Lancashire , our Lancastrian
brethren have become most munificent supporters of all the Masonic charities and it is to be hoped that Bro . Blair ' s successor will emulate so noble an example .
M . W . BROTHER JACOB CHRISTIAN COSMOS BRASTRUP , Grand Master of Denmark . We deeply regret having to announce the decease of M . W . Bro . Jacob Christian Cosmos Briistrup , the Grand Master of
Denmark , who departed this life at Copenhagen , on the afternoon of Monday , the nth inst . Bro . Brastrup occupied the position of a Privy Councillor , and was also
the Minister of Justice and Public Worship for the Danish Kingdom . He was chosen Grand Master of the Masonic Order in succession to his late Majesty , King Frederick
VII ., and ruled the Craft with great judgment and success . M . W . Bro Briistrup was , we understand , a member of the Lodge " Cubus Frederici VII . " , at Copenhagen ,
and his loss is one which will be profoundly felt by the Danish brethren generally , who entertained for their lamented deceased Grand Master the warmest sentiments of affection and esteem .
Provincial Grand Lodge Of Suffolk.
On Monday , the 4 th inst ., the Provincial Grand Lodge of Suffolk held its annual meeting at Aldeburgh , and the inhabitants of the little watering place accorded the brethren a cordial welcome . In the neighbourhood of the railway-station there was a liberal display of bunting , and on the road leading
to the town were erected two neat arches bearing the mottoes " Welcome " and " Union is Love . " In part of the Town Hall and White Lion Hotel large poles covered with evergreens and bearing flags were fixed at regular distances , and altogether the town wore quite a festive appearance . The majority
of the brethren arrived by the early train from Ipswich , and at this period of the day prospects of pleasant weather looked rather distant , as a steady rain was falling with indicfions of lasting . However , shortly after 10 o ' clock , the clouds dispersed and the remainder of the day was fine and warm . On
arriving at Aldeburgh the brethren at once went to Aide House , were they were hospitably entertained at breakfast by Bro . Newson Garrett . At 10 o'clock a meeting of the Finance Board was held at the Lion Hotel , and at half-past ten lodge was opened at the Town Hall . The brethren having
robed in the lower room of this quaint building , took their positions in the lodge-room above , to receive the R . W . P . G . M . Col . Sir Shafto Adair . There were upwards of 130 brethren present , being a larger number than for some years past . Lodge having been opened in due and ancient form , the
minutes of the last Provincial Grand Lodge were read by the P . G . Secretary and confirmed . The minutes of the Finance Board were also read , and on their recommendation a sum of , £ 5 was granted as temporary relief to a distressed brother in the province . It was also agreed , at the
recommendation of the board , that the sum of , £ 10 10 s . should be granted to the Boys' and Girls' School , belonging to the Craft , and £ -, each to the Institutions for Aged Men and Women . The P . G . Sec . reported that the balance in hand now was , £ 9 1 7 s . i id . The P . G . M . then addressed the brethren at some
length on matters connected with the Province and Freemasonry generally . He congratulated them upon the large attendance , as it showed an increased interest in Masonry , and a desire to suffer inconvenience rather than forsake its duties . He regretted that they were about to lose their P . G . Sec , Bro .
Marriott , from whom he had received the greatest assistance , but he hoped they they should not entirely lose his services for the future . He was also sorry to receive the resignation of the P . G . A . S ., Bro . Tidd , who had left the county , and , therefore , could no longer hold office in the Province ; but he
had to inform them that he had appointed a P . G . A . Sec . in Bro . Tidd ' s place , and that they would thus continue to have what was very desirable , a correct record preserved of their proceedings . The brethren then formed procession , and , headed by the band of the Saxmundham Rifle Corps ,
marched to the parish church . They arranged themselves under their respective lodge banners , the junior lodge of the Province going first , and the other lodges according to their more recent formation . On arriving at the church the brethren opened right and left , and the P . G . Officers , preceded by
the P . G . Chaplain , carrying the volume of the sacred law , advanced through and entered the church , being followed by the lodges in seniority . The lodges represented were ;—Unity , Lowestoft ; Doric , Woodbridge ; British Union , Ipswich ; St . Luke's , Ipswich ; Apollo , Beccles ; Virtue and
Silence , Hadleigh ; Perfect Friendship , Ipswich ; Prudence , Ilalcsworlh ; Phcenix , Stcwmarket ; Fidelity , Framlingham ; Waveney , Bungay ; Adair , Aldeburgh ; Prince of Wales , Ipswich ; and Royal St . Edmund ' s , Bury . The church was completely filled , there being a large number of other persons
present . There was also a large number of spectators to witness the procession , and the day seemed to be regarded quite as a holiday in the town . The prayers at the church were read by the Vicar , the Rev . H . T . Dowlcr , and the lessons by the P . G . Chaplain , the Rev . R . F . Palmer . The
anthem was " Behold how good and joyful , " ( "Dr . Clarke Whitfield ) , the solo being nicely sung by Bro , Emra Holmes . The hymns were selected for the occasion , and were Nos . 123 and 142 , "Hymns Ancient and Modern . " The musical arrangements were under the direction of the P . G . O ., Bro . A . J .
Barber , who presided at the organ . The sermon was preached by the G . Chaplain of England , Bro . the Rev . C . J . Martyn , from xvii . Prov ., 24 : "A man that hath friends must show himself friendly ; but there is a Friend that sticketh closer than a brother . '' The rev . gentleman , in the course of a
most eloquent antl impressive discourse , 111 turn addressed himself to those who were connected with the binding tie of brotherly love and affection one to another arid those outside the Craft . Freemasonry , he said , derived its teaching from God himself , and its special object was to explain the excellence and
Provincial Grand Lodge Of Suffolk.
beauty of true practical benevolence in its noblest and most comprehensive form . Many of the uninitiated were accustomed to think lightly of Freemasonry , and ridicule it , and consider it merely as a better sort of benefit club , or as a great society pretending to do great things and doing very little , or an excuse for social gatherings ; but it was
nothing of the sort—it had a life-giving power cf its own , and had acted and did act as one of Christianity ' s truest and most potent handmaids . A good Mason must be a good man , although it would be futile to expect all Masons to be good men . He spoke of the benefits brethren received from the Craft when in distress and trouble , and urged all
Masons , if they desired to draw others into the Brotherhood , to show by their lives that right principles had been instilled into them . The offertory , which amounted to , £ 14 5 s . 6 d ., was devoted to the British Schools and District Visiting Society . After the service the procession was reformed , and the brethren returned to the Town Hall , and
the rest of the lodge business was proceeded with The P . G . M . referred to the admirable sermon that they had just listened to , and thanked Bro . Martyn on behalf of the lodge , and hoped that he would consent to have the sermon published . Bro . Martyn expressed his willingness to comply with the request , and the sermon should be printed and published if
it was really desired . The P . G . M . then appointed his officers for the ensuing year as follows : —Bros , the Rev . E . I . Lockwood , D . P . G . M . ; F . Jennings , P . S . G . W . ; Harper , P . J . G . W . ; S . B . King , P . T . G . D . ; the Rev . R . F . Palmer , P . G . C . ; Sheridan , P . G . Reg . ; F . R . Burtsall , P . G . Purs . ; W . H . Lucia , P . G . Sec . ; E . Hay ward , P . G . A . Sec . ; W . A . Smith ' P . G . D . C . ; W . Boby , E . F . Adams , P . G . I . G . ;
Spencer Freeman , P . G . Treas . ; Syer , P . G . Tyler ; P . G . Stewards , Bros . Whitbread , Cornell , Byford Joslin , W . Hayward and Riches . On the motion of Bro . HEAD , seconded by Bro . NEWSON GARRETT , a vote of thanks was accorded to Bro . Marriott , for his efficient services as P . G . Secretary , and it was ordered to be entered on the minutes .
Bro . MARRIOTT briefly acknowledged the compliment , and assured them that it was only from his not having the time to properly attend to the duties of the office that he was led to resign it . Votes of thanks were passed to the Vicar of Aldeburgh for allowing the use of his church ; to the P . G . O ., and the ladies and gentlemen who assisted in the choir ; and last but not least , to Bro . Newman Garrett for his generous hospitality .
The lodge was then closed in solemn form , and the brethren adjourned from labour to refreshment . The banquet took place in a large tent , erected on the green in front of the White Lion Hotel , and was supplied by Bro . Moore , the landlord of the hotel . Over 100 brethren sat down , under the presidency of the R . W . P . G . M . Upon the removal of
the cloth , the usual loyal and Masonic toasts followed . "The Queen , " and "The Prince and Princess of Wales , " having been duly acknowledged , the P . G . M . gave the "The Grand Master of England , the Earl De Grey and Ripon , " which was drank with honours ; " The Past Grand Masters of England , " and "The D . G . M . and the Officers cf
Grand Lodge of England " were next proposed . To the latter toast Bro . the Rev . C . J . Martyn responded on behalf on the present officers , and Bro . Head for P . G . Officers . The R . W . D . P . G . M . Bro . the Rev . E . I . Lockwood proposed "The health of the R . W . P . G . M . Sir Shafto Adair , " which was most enthusiastically drank . The remaining toasts were
"The D . P . G . M . of Suffolk ; " "The P . G . Chaplain and the Clergy of the Province" ( responded to by Bro . the Rev . R . F . Palmer ) ; " The Wardens and Officers Past and Present of Provincial Grand Lodge , " ( acknowledged by Bro . F . Jennings ) ; " The Visiting Brethren of other Provinces , " ( responded to by Bro . S . Bloomficld ) ;
"The Masonic Charities , " ( proposed by Bro . Gissing and responded to by Bro . Head ); " Bro . Newson Garrett , " ( proposed by Bro . Adams ); "The W . M . ' s of the Province , " ( coupled with the name of Bro . Harper , who responded ) ; " The P . G . Sec , " and
' •The Ladies , " on whose behalf Bro . James returned thanks . As usual , the Tyler ' s toast brought the proceedings to a close . Some excellent songs were sung during the evening , by Bros . Montem Smith , Fearnside , Capon , W . O . Smith , Woodwards , & c . The fr . t-named brother's well-known abilities as a
singer were throughly appreciated . Thus ended one of the most successful meetings of the P . G . Lodge . Next year it will hold its annual meeting at Ipswich .
I HAVE one word more to say , before I close , of the Pain Killer , which I consider a most valuable medicine . I have travelled a good deal since I have b ; en in Kansas , and never without taking it with me . I used it freely in my practice for cholera in 1 S 49 and 1855 , and with better success than any other medicine . —A . HUNTER , M . D ., Manhattan , Kansas , April 17 , 1866 . —To Perry Davis & Son , London . "
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Obituary .
•: R . W . BROTHER STEPHEN BLAIR , Prov . Grand Master , E . Lancashire . This estimable brother , whose decease we announced in our last issue , was initiated in the St . John ' s Lodge , No . 327 , Wigton ,
on the 7 th March , 1832 , and joined the Anchor and Hope , No . 37 , Bolton , on the 27 th May , 1834 , in which he served the office of W . Master in 1835 and 1845 ,
continuing a member until the day of his death . Bro . Blair was appointed Prov . Grand Master for East Lancashire on the 30 th of
April , 1856 , and subsequently Provincial Grand Superintendent of Royal Arch Masons for both divisions of Lancashire .
He also represented Bolton in Parliament from 1848 to 1852 , and was greatly esteemed and beloved by his neighbours and friends . His devotion to the Craft was unwavering
during his long career as a Mason , the most recent proof of his- zeal being a splendid donation of one thousand guineas to the Royal Masonic Institution for Boys , and
few present will readily forget the ringing cheers with which the generous donor was greeted upon the occasion of the Festival in 1869 , when the amount was announced .
Under his sway , and that of Sir Thomas G . Hesketh , Bart ., M . P ., Prov . Grand Master for West Lancashire , our Lancastrian
brethren have become most munificent supporters of all the Masonic charities and it is to be hoped that Bro . Blair ' s successor will emulate so noble an example .
M . W . BROTHER JACOB CHRISTIAN COSMOS BRASTRUP , Grand Master of Denmark . We deeply regret having to announce the decease of M . W . Bro . Jacob Christian Cosmos Briistrup , the Grand Master of
Denmark , who departed this life at Copenhagen , on the afternoon of Monday , the nth inst . Bro . Brastrup occupied the position of a Privy Councillor , and was also
the Minister of Justice and Public Worship for the Danish Kingdom . He was chosen Grand Master of the Masonic Order in succession to his late Majesty , King Frederick
VII ., and ruled the Craft with great judgment and success . M . W . Bro Briistrup was , we understand , a member of the Lodge " Cubus Frederici VII . " , at Copenhagen ,
and his loss is one which will be profoundly felt by the Danish brethren generally , who entertained for their lamented deceased Grand Master the warmest sentiments of affection and esteem .
Provincial Grand Lodge Of Suffolk.
On Monday , the 4 th inst ., the Provincial Grand Lodge of Suffolk held its annual meeting at Aldeburgh , and the inhabitants of the little watering place accorded the brethren a cordial welcome . In the neighbourhood of the railway-station there was a liberal display of bunting , and on the road leading
to the town were erected two neat arches bearing the mottoes " Welcome " and " Union is Love . " In part of the Town Hall and White Lion Hotel large poles covered with evergreens and bearing flags were fixed at regular distances , and altogether the town wore quite a festive appearance . The majority
of the brethren arrived by the early train from Ipswich , and at this period of the day prospects of pleasant weather looked rather distant , as a steady rain was falling with indicfions of lasting . However , shortly after 10 o ' clock , the clouds dispersed and the remainder of the day was fine and warm . On
arriving at Aldeburgh the brethren at once went to Aide House , were they were hospitably entertained at breakfast by Bro . Newson Garrett . At 10 o'clock a meeting of the Finance Board was held at the Lion Hotel , and at half-past ten lodge was opened at the Town Hall . The brethren having
robed in the lower room of this quaint building , took their positions in the lodge-room above , to receive the R . W . P . G . M . Col . Sir Shafto Adair . There were upwards of 130 brethren present , being a larger number than for some years past . Lodge having been opened in due and ancient form , the
minutes of the last Provincial Grand Lodge were read by the P . G . Secretary and confirmed . The minutes of the Finance Board were also read , and on their recommendation a sum of , £ 5 was granted as temporary relief to a distressed brother in the province . It was also agreed , at the
recommendation of the board , that the sum of , £ 10 10 s . should be granted to the Boys' and Girls' School , belonging to the Craft , and £ -, each to the Institutions for Aged Men and Women . The P . G . Sec . reported that the balance in hand now was , £ 9 1 7 s . i id . The P . G . M . then addressed the brethren at some
length on matters connected with the Province and Freemasonry generally . He congratulated them upon the large attendance , as it showed an increased interest in Masonry , and a desire to suffer inconvenience rather than forsake its duties . He regretted that they were about to lose their P . G . Sec , Bro .
Marriott , from whom he had received the greatest assistance , but he hoped they they should not entirely lose his services for the future . He was also sorry to receive the resignation of the P . G . A . S ., Bro . Tidd , who had left the county , and , therefore , could no longer hold office in the Province ; but he
had to inform them that he had appointed a P . G . A . Sec . in Bro . Tidd ' s place , and that they would thus continue to have what was very desirable , a correct record preserved of their proceedings . The brethren then formed procession , and , headed by the band of the Saxmundham Rifle Corps ,
marched to the parish church . They arranged themselves under their respective lodge banners , the junior lodge of the Province going first , and the other lodges according to their more recent formation . On arriving at the church the brethren opened right and left , and the P . G . Officers , preceded by
the P . G . Chaplain , carrying the volume of the sacred law , advanced through and entered the church , being followed by the lodges in seniority . The lodges represented were ;—Unity , Lowestoft ; Doric , Woodbridge ; British Union , Ipswich ; St . Luke's , Ipswich ; Apollo , Beccles ; Virtue and
Silence , Hadleigh ; Perfect Friendship , Ipswich ; Prudence , Ilalcsworlh ; Phcenix , Stcwmarket ; Fidelity , Framlingham ; Waveney , Bungay ; Adair , Aldeburgh ; Prince of Wales , Ipswich ; and Royal St . Edmund ' s , Bury . The church was completely filled , there being a large number of other persons
present . There was also a large number of spectators to witness the procession , and the day seemed to be regarded quite as a holiday in the town . The prayers at the church were read by the Vicar , the Rev . H . T . Dowlcr , and the lessons by the P . G . Chaplain , the Rev . R . F . Palmer . The
anthem was " Behold how good and joyful , " ( "Dr . Clarke Whitfield ) , the solo being nicely sung by Bro , Emra Holmes . The hymns were selected for the occasion , and were Nos . 123 and 142 , "Hymns Ancient and Modern . " The musical arrangements were under the direction of the P . G . O ., Bro . A . J .
Barber , who presided at the organ . The sermon was preached by the G . Chaplain of England , Bro . the Rev . C . J . Martyn , from xvii . Prov ., 24 : "A man that hath friends must show himself friendly ; but there is a Friend that sticketh closer than a brother . '' The rev . gentleman , in the course of a
most eloquent antl impressive discourse , 111 turn addressed himself to those who were connected with the binding tie of brotherly love and affection one to another arid those outside the Craft . Freemasonry , he said , derived its teaching from God himself , and its special object was to explain the excellence and
Provincial Grand Lodge Of Suffolk.
beauty of true practical benevolence in its noblest and most comprehensive form . Many of the uninitiated were accustomed to think lightly of Freemasonry , and ridicule it , and consider it merely as a better sort of benefit club , or as a great society pretending to do great things and doing very little , or an excuse for social gatherings ; but it was
nothing of the sort—it had a life-giving power cf its own , and had acted and did act as one of Christianity ' s truest and most potent handmaids . A good Mason must be a good man , although it would be futile to expect all Masons to be good men . He spoke of the benefits brethren received from the Craft when in distress and trouble , and urged all
Masons , if they desired to draw others into the Brotherhood , to show by their lives that right principles had been instilled into them . The offertory , which amounted to , £ 14 5 s . 6 d ., was devoted to the British Schools and District Visiting Society . After the service the procession was reformed , and the brethren returned to the Town Hall , and
the rest of the lodge business was proceeded with The P . G . M . referred to the admirable sermon that they had just listened to , and thanked Bro . Martyn on behalf of the lodge , and hoped that he would consent to have the sermon published . Bro . Martyn expressed his willingness to comply with the request , and the sermon should be printed and published if
it was really desired . The P . G . M . then appointed his officers for the ensuing year as follows : —Bros , the Rev . E . I . Lockwood , D . P . G . M . ; F . Jennings , P . S . G . W . ; Harper , P . J . G . W . ; S . B . King , P . T . G . D . ; the Rev . R . F . Palmer , P . G . C . ; Sheridan , P . G . Reg . ; F . R . Burtsall , P . G . Purs . ; W . H . Lucia , P . G . Sec . ; E . Hay ward , P . G . A . Sec . ; W . A . Smith ' P . G . D . C . ; W . Boby , E . F . Adams , P . G . I . G . ;
Spencer Freeman , P . G . Treas . ; Syer , P . G . Tyler ; P . G . Stewards , Bros . Whitbread , Cornell , Byford Joslin , W . Hayward and Riches . On the motion of Bro . HEAD , seconded by Bro . NEWSON GARRETT , a vote of thanks was accorded to Bro . Marriott , for his efficient services as P . G . Secretary , and it was ordered to be entered on the minutes .
Bro . MARRIOTT briefly acknowledged the compliment , and assured them that it was only from his not having the time to properly attend to the duties of the office that he was led to resign it . Votes of thanks were passed to the Vicar of Aldeburgh for allowing the use of his church ; to the P . G . O ., and the ladies and gentlemen who assisted in the choir ; and last but not least , to Bro . Newman Garrett for his generous hospitality .
The lodge was then closed in solemn form , and the brethren adjourned from labour to refreshment . The banquet took place in a large tent , erected on the green in front of the White Lion Hotel , and was supplied by Bro . Moore , the landlord of the hotel . Over 100 brethren sat down , under the presidency of the R . W . P . G . M . Upon the removal of
the cloth , the usual loyal and Masonic toasts followed . "The Queen , " and "The Prince and Princess of Wales , " having been duly acknowledged , the P . G . M . gave the "The Grand Master of England , the Earl De Grey and Ripon , " which was drank with honours ; " The Past Grand Masters of England , " and "The D . G . M . and the Officers cf
Grand Lodge of England " were next proposed . To the latter toast Bro . the Rev . C . J . Martyn responded on behalf on the present officers , and Bro . Head for P . G . Officers . The R . W . D . P . G . M . Bro . the Rev . E . I . Lockwood proposed "The health of the R . W . P . G . M . Sir Shafto Adair , " which was most enthusiastically drank . The remaining toasts were
"The D . P . G . M . of Suffolk ; " "The P . G . Chaplain and the Clergy of the Province" ( responded to by Bro . the Rev . R . F . Palmer ) ; " The Wardens and Officers Past and Present of Provincial Grand Lodge , " ( acknowledged by Bro . F . Jennings ) ; " The Visiting Brethren of other Provinces , " ( responded to by Bro . S . Bloomficld ) ;
"The Masonic Charities , " ( proposed by Bro . Gissing and responded to by Bro . Head ); " Bro . Newson Garrett , " ( proposed by Bro . Adams ); "The W . M . ' s of the Province , " ( coupled with the name of Bro . Harper , who responded ) ; " The P . G . Sec , " and
' •The Ladies , " on whose behalf Bro . James returned thanks . As usual , the Tyler ' s toast brought the proceedings to a close . Some excellent songs were sung during the evening , by Bros . Montem Smith , Fearnside , Capon , W . O . Smith , Woodwards , & c . The fr . t-named brother's well-known abilities as a
singer were throughly appreciated . Thus ended one of the most successful meetings of the P . G . Lodge . Next year it will hold its annual meeting at Ipswich .
I HAVE one word more to say , before I close , of the Pain Killer , which I consider a most valuable medicine . I have travelled a good deal since I have b ; en in Kansas , and never without taking it with me . I used it freely in my practice for cholera in 1 S 49 and 1855 , and with better success than any other medicine . —A . HUNTER , M . D ., Manhattan , Kansas , April 17 , 1866 . —To Perry Davis & Son , London . "