Article TABLE OF CONTENTS. Page 1 of 1 Article REPORTS OF MASONIC MEETINGS. Page 1 of 1 Article Royal Arch. Page 1 of 1 Article Mark Masonry. Page 1 of 1 Article GRAND LODGE OF SCOTLAND. Page 1 of 2 Article GRAND LODGE OF SCOTLAND. Page 1 of 2 →
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Table Of Contents.
R EPORTS OF MASONIC MEETI . \<_ S : — Craft Masonry 529 Royal Arch : 529 Mark Masonry 4 > S 9 Grand Lodge of Scotland 529 Grand Lodge of Iteland 530 Jlasonic Tidings 530
Freemasonry in South Africa , 530 Official Bulletin Grand Council S . J . United States 530 Freemasonry in Australia 532 P OETRY : — The Masonic Apron 533 Provincial Grand Lodge of thc Western Division of
South Wales 523 Freemasonry in Ireland 53 + Royal Masonic Educational Institution 534 Provincial Grand Lodge of Hampshire and the Isle of Wight 535 ConRESPONDNCE : —
. Jachin and Boaz $ 3 8 The Order of the Temple 53 8 Spiritualists 53 S Opening of a New Masonic Hall in Glasgow 339 Lodge Meetings for next week 539 Advertisements 527 528 540541 542
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
draft Utasomru . . HAMPTON * COURT . —Era Lodge ( No . 142 . 3 ) - —The regular meeting of this lodge was held at the King ' s Arms Hotel . In consequence of the AV . M ., Bro . J . T . Moss , P . Prov . G . S . D . Middlesex , being at his sea-side residence in Margate , Bro . F . Walters , Prov . G . Steward , Middlesex ,
P . M . and Secretary , opened the lodge . The minutes of the previous meeting were read and unanimously conlirmed . The Ballot proved unanimous in favour of the admission of all the candidates for initiation into Freemasonrv , and joining members to the lodge . Bro . Benjamin
Wright was passed to the second decgree . Bro . E . W . Mackney . Org ., W . M . 134 , took the chair , and raised Bros . F . B . Williams ( 1275 ) and W . K . Gardiner (\ - > l ^ " "' - > ' ¦ third den" - .- m ^ i « H" 5 members w . — ... idiumously recommended for office in the Provincial Grand
Lodge of Middlesex for 1 S 74 , namely , Bros . H . A . Dubois , P . G . Stewd . Midx ., S . W ., for higher honours ; T . J . Sabine , P . M ., Treas ., for office ; Rev . T . Miller , for Chaplain ; E . AV . Mackney , Org ., for Org . ; J . S . W . Sweasey , J . D ., was unanimousl y elected to represent the lodge as its
Steward at the forthcoming festival , to be held in January , 1874 . The usual large number of propositions have been given in , both for candidates for intiation and for joining members , the lodge ^ as closed , refreshment following labour .
" here were present besides those aboved named , J- AA ' . Baldwin , J . AV . ; E . H . Thiellay , S . D . j J . Baxter Langley , I . G . ; S . Wooltf , Faulkner , Loos , and others . The visitors were Bros . H . E . Francis , P . M ., 857 ; A . J . Adams , 857 ; H . J . Green , 1273 ; R . W . Williams , Org ., 132 ^ .
Royal Arch.
Royal Arch .
PANMURE CHAPTER ( No . 720 ) . —This Chapter met on Monday last at the Horns Tavein , Kennington , Comp . Samuel Davison , M . E . Z ., presiding , supported b y Comps . Henry Smith ,
"•;Charles Hammerson , J . ; James Stevens . P -Z . and Scribe E . ; H . C . Levander , P . Z . and T reasurer $ Rev . W . B . Church , P . S . j M . S . gilham , ist A . S . ; R . N . Field , Thomas Jones , Joseph Nunn , P . Z ., and others . The business
comprised the confirmation of the minutes b y which Comp . Bradley , the late Janitor , was v » tej a retiring- pension , and the election and appointment of Comp . John Gilbert ( Provincial wand T yler for Middlesex ) as Janitor in his
'ead . Br 0 > Benaiah Ranney Bryant , of the ¦ P' | , nx Lod ge , was unanimously approved in iP > and was exalted into the Supreme Degree . le chapter was then closed and adjourned to fr , T mlX'r n"Xt ' : lftL'r a br'L'f pei i ( , d of re " ( s hriiL'nt the companions separated .
c < ° » Saturday , 9 th inst ., ihe Gladstone Hall , in ^"" ection with the Woolston Convalescent Th ,. ' 1 ! 11 ' 1 ' ' W £ 1 S ° l ' enecl by tlie Mayor of Liverpool . . I ; hall was erected from the funds contributed in tS 6 S kiUff " men t 0 a t < % imonial t 0 tho l rcmicr
Mark Masonry.
Mark Masonry .
MACDONAID MARK MASTERS LODGE ( No . 104 ) . —This lodge met at the Head Quarters of the First Surrey Rifles at Camberwell , on Saturday , the 9 th inst . The W . Bro . Arthur Wolton , Prov . G . Deacon for Middlesex and Surrey , W . M ., was well supported , amongst those present
being the V . \ A . Bros . Thomas Meggy , P . G . O . and Treasurer ; James Stevens , P . G . O . and Prov . G . Secretary for Middlesex and Surrev ; Alfred Williams , P . G . S . ; Edgar Drewet , P . Prov . G . D . ; W . C . Hale , P . Prov . S . B . ; Edward Moody , P . G . Standard Bearer ; F . W . Cozens , P . G . Org . ;
] . W . O Neill , Prov . G . Steward ; W . B . Collins , J . Basnett , and others . Ballots were taken for ei ght candidates for advancement and a joining brother , the whole of which proved unanimously favourable . The following brethren being in attendance were severally introduced and advanced with perfect musical ceremony , viz : —Bros .
George Yarley , John Close , and J . K . Pitt , all of the East Surrey Lodge of Concord , and Bros . Charles Chard and J . Hayward . The remaining approved candidates had communicated their intention to be present at the ensuing meeting , and with other brethren proposed will receive the benefit of advancement . On full discussion .
and taking into consideration the present strength and satisfactory position of the lodge , it was unanimousl y resolved that after the next regular meeting , in October , the advancement fee should be raised to the sum of two guineas , the annual subscription to two guineas , and that the meetings shall be held four times in each year . The lodge
was then closed in sacred harmony , and the brethren adjourned to a frugal supper , characterised , as usual , by a joviality for which all gatherings at the First Surrey Head Quarters are famous . Bro . Cozens , as pianist , had but little interval from exertion during the period devoted to song and mnrrlnicnt . ¦>«'' n most agreeable evening was spent by all present .
Grand Lodge Of Scotland.
A quarterly meeting of the Grand Lod ge of Scotland was held on Monday , 4 th inst , in the Freemasons' Hall , George Street , Edinburgh . The M . AV . Grand Master Mason of Scotland , the Ri ght Hon . the Earl of Rosslyn , occupied the throne , and was supported by Bros , the Ri ght Hon .
the Earl of Dalhousie , K . T .. Past Grand Master ; Sir Michael Shaw Stewart , Bart , Depute Grand Master ; Henry Inglis of Torsonce , Substitute Grand Master ; William Mann , R . W . Senior Grand Warden ; Major Hamilton Ramsey R . AV . Junior Grand Warden ; the Ri ght Hon .
Lord James Murray , representative to the Grand Lodge of England ; Mr . George Home Drummond , of Ardoch , representative of the Netherlands ; Col . Campbell , of Blythswood , Provincial Grand Master for Renfrew ; Dr . Somerville , of Ampherlaw , representative of the
Grand Lodge of Ireland ; Charles W . M . Muller , representative of the Grand Lodgeof Saxony ; George Laurie , Grand Secretary ; John Coghill , Grand Director of Ceremonies ; Alexander Hay , Grand Jeweller ; F . A . Barrow , Junior Grand Deacon ; James Ballantine . Grand
Bard j M . Mackenzie , Chief Grand Marshal ; F . S . Melville , President of the Board of Grand Stewards , & c . The Grand Lodge was dul y opened , and sundry proxy commissions were sustained , one from the Provincial Grand Lod ge of New South AVales being delayed till next quarterly meeting . After the minutes of last
meeting had been read , , 1 long discussion ensued , and it was ultimatel y ruled , by a majority of 85 to 49 , that the motion for the abolition of the proxy system , submitted to last meeting , was ultra vires of the Grand Lodge and of no effect . The motion was therefore cancelled . The Grand Master intimated the decease of the Ri ght Hon . the Earl of Zetland , and stated that he had
instructed the Grand Secretary to send the following letters of condolence to the Grand Lodge of England and totlv family of the late nobleman . — "To the Most Worshi p ful the Grand Master Mason and the United Grand Lodge of Ancient , Free , and Accepted Masons of England and AVales" Illustrious and well-beloved Brethren , —It
Grand Lodge Of Scotland.
has been with a true feeling of sorrow that we have learned the demise of our right worshipful and much honoured brother , the Right Hon . the late Earl of Zetland , Past Grand Master of your illustrious Grand Lodge , whose nobility of character and long distinguished career as a
Craftsman had justl y endeared him to all Scotch Freemasons . We shall long mourn the loss of one whose bright example of charity and benevolence shed so much lustre on our Order , and we desire to mingle our sorrow with yours , and give expression to the deep sympathy we feel
with our English brethren throughout the world in the bereavement they have sustained . " Given at Freemasons' Hall , in the City of Edinburgh , in name and under the seal of the Grand Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons of Scotland , this nth day of June , A . D . 1873 , A . L .
. ^ 877 . ( Signed ) " ROSSLYN , "Grand Master Mason of Scotland . " To the Right Hon . the Earl of Zetland . " My Lord , —I beg leave in my own name , as Most Worshi p ful Grand Master Mason of Scotland , and on behalf of the Grand Lodge of Free
and Accepted Masons of Scotland , to offer to you and to the members of your Lordship ' s family , the assurance of our deepest sympathy on the melancholy bereavement your house has sustained in the demise of our much beloved and honoured brother the late Earl of Zetland ,
whose distinguished worth had endeared him to all who had the privilege of his acquaintance ; more especiall y do we , as Freemasons , mourn the loss of a brother who during a long life did so much to advance , elevate , and adorn our Craft . His unceasing labours in the promotion of the
benevolent institutions of our society will send down his memory to future generations , ever fresh , honoured , and revered . We devoutly pray the Great Architect of the Universe to alford your Lordship and the members of your Lordships ' s family all consolation under your affliction
and bereavement , and we trust that you may be cheered with the knowledge that the wide-spread sorrowers of our Order have mingled affectionatel y with those of your lordship and family . " Given at Freemasons' Hall , in the City of Edinburgh , in name and under the seal of the
Grand Lodge of Scotland , this nth day of June , A . n . 1873 . . T .. 3 O 77 . ( Signed ) " ROSSLYN , " Grand Master Mason of Scotland . " The following reply from the Earl of Zetland was then read to the meetinii . —
" To the Right Hon . the Earl of Rosslyn and the Members of the Grand Lodge of Scotland" My Lord , —I take upon myself , on my own behalf and on that of the other members of my family , to express to you and to the officers and
brethren of the Grand Lodge of Scotland , our most heartfelt thanks for your most kind and considerate assurance of sympathy on the loss we have sustained . It is most gratif ying to us to feel that we have so many to sympathise with us under our bereavement . The late Earl of
Zetland was indeed a good and true friend , and beloved most sincerely by his famil y and friends . We cannot but feel that his loss will be felt by all with whom he came in contact , especiall y by the Freemasons both of England and Scotland . — "I have the honour to be , My Lord , yours
faithfully and fraternally , ( Signed ) "ZETIAND . " The Secretary intimated the decease of . Bro . Alexander Mitchell of Stow , Provincial Grand Master of Berwickshire ; and of Bro . Thomas Drummond , representative at the Grand Lodge
Canada . Bro . Sotires Georgiades vvas unanimously nominated as representative from the Grand Lod ge of Greece . On the recommendation of the lodges in the Wtst India Islands , Bro . Chief Justice Joseph Wattley was unanimously
appointed Provincial Grand Master . of that province . Bro . William Hay , as •representative of the Grand Lodge of Nova Scotia , and Bro . Alexander Hay , as representative of the Grand Lod ge of New Br . ms . vick , presented their credentials , and were installed into ollice with the
usual honours . On the recommendation of the Grand Committee , charters were ordered to be expede to new lodges— " St . John , " Crossgatesj and " Marie Stuart , " Crossbill . A petition for a new lodge at Coatbridge was remitted to the
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Table Of Contents.
R EPORTS OF MASONIC MEETI . \<_ S : — Craft Masonry 529 Royal Arch : 529 Mark Masonry 4 > S 9 Grand Lodge of Scotland 529 Grand Lodge of Iteland 530 Jlasonic Tidings 530
Freemasonry in South Africa , 530 Official Bulletin Grand Council S . J . United States 530 Freemasonry in Australia 532 P OETRY : — The Masonic Apron 533 Provincial Grand Lodge of thc Western Division of
South Wales 523 Freemasonry in Ireland 53 + Royal Masonic Educational Institution 534 Provincial Grand Lodge of Hampshire and the Isle of Wight 535 ConRESPONDNCE : —
. Jachin and Boaz $ 3 8 The Order of the Temple 53 8 Spiritualists 53 S Opening of a New Masonic Hall in Glasgow 339 Lodge Meetings for next week 539 Advertisements 527 528 540541 542
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
draft Utasomru . . HAMPTON * COURT . —Era Lodge ( No . 142 . 3 ) - —The regular meeting of this lodge was held at the King ' s Arms Hotel . In consequence of the AV . M ., Bro . J . T . Moss , P . Prov . G . S . D . Middlesex , being at his sea-side residence in Margate , Bro . F . Walters , Prov . G . Steward , Middlesex ,
P . M . and Secretary , opened the lodge . The minutes of the previous meeting were read and unanimously conlirmed . The Ballot proved unanimous in favour of the admission of all the candidates for initiation into Freemasonrv , and joining members to the lodge . Bro . Benjamin
Wright was passed to the second decgree . Bro . E . W . Mackney . Org ., W . M . 134 , took the chair , and raised Bros . F . B . Williams ( 1275 ) and W . K . Gardiner (\ - > l ^ " "' - > ' ¦ third den" - .- m ^ i « H" 5 members w . — ... idiumously recommended for office in the Provincial Grand
Lodge of Middlesex for 1 S 74 , namely , Bros . H . A . Dubois , P . G . Stewd . Midx ., S . W ., for higher honours ; T . J . Sabine , P . M ., Treas ., for office ; Rev . T . Miller , for Chaplain ; E . AV . Mackney , Org ., for Org . ; J . S . W . Sweasey , J . D ., was unanimousl y elected to represent the lodge as its
Steward at the forthcoming festival , to be held in January , 1874 . The usual large number of propositions have been given in , both for candidates for intiation and for joining members , the lodge ^ as closed , refreshment following labour .
" here were present besides those aboved named , J- AA ' . Baldwin , J . AV . ; E . H . Thiellay , S . D . j J . Baxter Langley , I . G . ; S . Wooltf , Faulkner , Loos , and others . The visitors were Bros . H . E . Francis , P . M ., 857 ; A . J . Adams , 857 ; H . J . Green , 1273 ; R . W . Williams , Org ., 132 ^ .
Royal Arch.
Royal Arch .
PANMURE CHAPTER ( No . 720 ) . —This Chapter met on Monday last at the Horns Tavein , Kennington , Comp . Samuel Davison , M . E . Z ., presiding , supported b y Comps . Henry Smith ,
"•;Charles Hammerson , J . ; James Stevens . P -Z . and Scribe E . ; H . C . Levander , P . Z . and T reasurer $ Rev . W . B . Church , P . S . j M . S . gilham , ist A . S . ; R . N . Field , Thomas Jones , Joseph Nunn , P . Z ., and others . The business
comprised the confirmation of the minutes b y which Comp . Bradley , the late Janitor , was v » tej a retiring- pension , and the election and appointment of Comp . John Gilbert ( Provincial wand T yler for Middlesex ) as Janitor in his
'ead . Br 0 > Benaiah Ranney Bryant , of the ¦ P' | , nx Lod ge , was unanimously approved in iP > and was exalted into the Supreme Degree . le chapter was then closed and adjourned to fr , T mlX'r n"Xt ' : lftL'r a br'L'f pei i ( , d of re " ( s hriiL'nt the companions separated .
c < ° » Saturday , 9 th inst ., ihe Gladstone Hall , in ^"" ection with the Woolston Convalescent Th ,. ' 1 ! 11 ' 1 ' ' W £ 1 S ° l ' enecl by tlie Mayor of Liverpool . . I ; hall was erected from the funds contributed in tS 6 S kiUff " men t 0 a t < % imonial t 0 tho l rcmicr
Mark Masonry.
Mark Masonry .
MACDONAID MARK MASTERS LODGE ( No . 104 ) . —This lodge met at the Head Quarters of the First Surrey Rifles at Camberwell , on Saturday , the 9 th inst . The W . Bro . Arthur Wolton , Prov . G . Deacon for Middlesex and Surrey , W . M ., was well supported , amongst those present
being the V . \ A . Bros . Thomas Meggy , P . G . O . and Treasurer ; James Stevens , P . G . O . and Prov . G . Secretary for Middlesex and Surrev ; Alfred Williams , P . G . S . ; Edgar Drewet , P . Prov . G . D . ; W . C . Hale , P . Prov . S . B . ; Edward Moody , P . G . Standard Bearer ; F . W . Cozens , P . G . Org . ;
] . W . O Neill , Prov . G . Steward ; W . B . Collins , J . Basnett , and others . Ballots were taken for ei ght candidates for advancement and a joining brother , the whole of which proved unanimously favourable . The following brethren being in attendance were severally introduced and advanced with perfect musical ceremony , viz : —Bros .
George Yarley , John Close , and J . K . Pitt , all of the East Surrey Lodge of Concord , and Bros . Charles Chard and J . Hayward . The remaining approved candidates had communicated their intention to be present at the ensuing meeting , and with other brethren proposed will receive the benefit of advancement . On full discussion .
and taking into consideration the present strength and satisfactory position of the lodge , it was unanimousl y resolved that after the next regular meeting , in October , the advancement fee should be raised to the sum of two guineas , the annual subscription to two guineas , and that the meetings shall be held four times in each year . The lodge
was then closed in sacred harmony , and the brethren adjourned to a frugal supper , characterised , as usual , by a joviality for which all gatherings at the First Surrey Head Quarters are famous . Bro . Cozens , as pianist , had but little interval from exertion during the period devoted to song and mnrrlnicnt . ¦>«'' n most agreeable evening was spent by all present .
Grand Lodge Of Scotland.
A quarterly meeting of the Grand Lod ge of Scotland was held on Monday , 4 th inst , in the Freemasons' Hall , George Street , Edinburgh . The M . AV . Grand Master Mason of Scotland , the Ri ght Hon . the Earl of Rosslyn , occupied the throne , and was supported by Bros , the Ri ght Hon .
the Earl of Dalhousie , K . T .. Past Grand Master ; Sir Michael Shaw Stewart , Bart , Depute Grand Master ; Henry Inglis of Torsonce , Substitute Grand Master ; William Mann , R . W . Senior Grand Warden ; Major Hamilton Ramsey R . AV . Junior Grand Warden ; the Ri ght Hon .
Lord James Murray , representative to the Grand Lodge of England ; Mr . George Home Drummond , of Ardoch , representative of the Netherlands ; Col . Campbell , of Blythswood , Provincial Grand Master for Renfrew ; Dr . Somerville , of Ampherlaw , representative of the
Grand Lodge of Ireland ; Charles W . M . Muller , representative of the Grand Lodgeof Saxony ; George Laurie , Grand Secretary ; John Coghill , Grand Director of Ceremonies ; Alexander Hay , Grand Jeweller ; F . A . Barrow , Junior Grand Deacon ; James Ballantine . Grand
Bard j M . Mackenzie , Chief Grand Marshal ; F . S . Melville , President of the Board of Grand Stewards , & c . The Grand Lodge was dul y opened , and sundry proxy commissions were sustained , one from the Provincial Grand Lod ge of New South AVales being delayed till next quarterly meeting . After the minutes of last
meeting had been read , , 1 long discussion ensued , and it was ultimatel y ruled , by a majority of 85 to 49 , that the motion for the abolition of the proxy system , submitted to last meeting , was ultra vires of the Grand Lodge and of no effect . The motion was therefore cancelled . The Grand Master intimated the decease of the Ri ght Hon . the Earl of Zetland , and stated that he had
instructed the Grand Secretary to send the following letters of condolence to the Grand Lodge of England and totlv family of the late nobleman . — "To the Most Worshi p ful the Grand Master Mason and the United Grand Lodge of Ancient , Free , and Accepted Masons of England and AVales" Illustrious and well-beloved Brethren , —It
Grand Lodge Of Scotland.
has been with a true feeling of sorrow that we have learned the demise of our right worshipful and much honoured brother , the Right Hon . the late Earl of Zetland , Past Grand Master of your illustrious Grand Lodge , whose nobility of character and long distinguished career as a
Craftsman had justl y endeared him to all Scotch Freemasons . We shall long mourn the loss of one whose bright example of charity and benevolence shed so much lustre on our Order , and we desire to mingle our sorrow with yours , and give expression to the deep sympathy we feel
with our English brethren throughout the world in the bereavement they have sustained . " Given at Freemasons' Hall , in the City of Edinburgh , in name and under the seal of the Grand Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons of Scotland , this nth day of June , A . D . 1873 , A . L .
. ^ 877 . ( Signed ) " ROSSLYN , "Grand Master Mason of Scotland . " To the Right Hon . the Earl of Zetland . " My Lord , —I beg leave in my own name , as Most Worshi p ful Grand Master Mason of Scotland , and on behalf of the Grand Lodge of Free
and Accepted Masons of Scotland , to offer to you and to the members of your Lordship ' s family , the assurance of our deepest sympathy on the melancholy bereavement your house has sustained in the demise of our much beloved and honoured brother the late Earl of Zetland ,
whose distinguished worth had endeared him to all who had the privilege of his acquaintance ; more especiall y do we , as Freemasons , mourn the loss of a brother who during a long life did so much to advance , elevate , and adorn our Craft . His unceasing labours in the promotion of the
benevolent institutions of our society will send down his memory to future generations , ever fresh , honoured , and revered . We devoutly pray the Great Architect of the Universe to alford your Lordship and the members of your Lordships ' s family all consolation under your affliction
and bereavement , and we trust that you may be cheered with the knowledge that the wide-spread sorrowers of our Order have mingled affectionatel y with those of your lordship and family . " Given at Freemasons' Hall , in the City of Edinburgh , in name and under the seal of the
Grand Lodge of Scotland , this nth day of June , A . n . 1873 . . T .. 3 O 77 . ( Signed ) " ROSSLYN , " Grand Master Mason of Scotland . " The following reply from the Earl of Zetland was then read to the meetinii . —
" To the Right Hon . the Earl of Rosslyn and the Members of the Grand Lodge of Scotland" My Lord , —I take upon myself , on my own behalf and on that of the other members of my family , to express to you and to the officers and
brethren of the Grand Lodge of Scotland , our most heartfelt thanks for your most kind and considerate assurance of sympathy on the loss we have sustained . It is most gratif ying to us to feel that we have so many to sympathise with us under our bereavement . The late Earl of
Zetland was indeed a good and true friend , and beloved most sincerely by his famil y and friends . We cannot but feel that his loss will be felt by all with whom he came in contact , especiall y by the Freemasons both of England and Scotland . — "I have the honour to be , My Lord , yours
faithfully and fraternally , ( Signed ) "ZETIAND . " The Secretary intimated the decease of . Bro . Alexander Mitchell of Stow , Provincial Grand Master of Berwickshire ; and of Bro . Thomas Drummond , representative at the Grand Lodge
Canada . Bro . Sotires Georgiades vvas unanimously nominated as representative from the Grand Lod ge of Greece . On the recommendation of the lodges in the Wtst India Islands , Bro . Chief Justice Joseph Wattley was unanimously
appointed Provincial Grand Master . of that province . Bro . William Hay , as •representative of the Grand Lodge of Nova Scotia , and Bro . Alexander Hay , as representative of the Grand Lod ge of New Br . ms . vick , presented their credentials , and were installed into ollice with the
usual honours . On the recommendation of the Grand Committee , charters were ordered to be expede to new lodges— " St . John , " Crossgatesj and " Marie Stuart , " Crossbill . A petition for a new lodge at Coatbridge was remitted to the