Article Reports of Masonic Meetings. ← Page 2 of 2 Article Reports of Masonic Meetings. Page 2 of 2 Article THE ROYAL ARCH. Page 1 of 1 Article MARK MASONRY. Page 1 of 1 Article MARK MASONRY. Page 1 of 1
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Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
sincerely for their many kind expressions towards "him , he " feared he was not deserving of all the praise the W . M . had given him , and to which the brethren had so heartily and kindlj ** responded . It was his -duty and ifc should always be his pleasure to contribute aU he could to the welfare of the Craft aud the happiness of the brethren , he was much pleased
to hear the very able and effective manner in which the AV . M . had rendered the ceremonies of passing and raising . He considered himself a judge in these matters having been preceptor to the Lodge of Emulation for the improvement of Master Masons for some years , and he had never heard them better rendered and seldom so well as their AV . M . had
performed them that day . And he was much pleased at the able and courteous manner he had also performed his other duties in the lodge and at the banquet . He wished also to congratulate the other officers of the lodge for the able assistance they had rendered their AV . M ., and he complimented the lodge on its happy and prosperous state . Bro .
Thos . Foxall next proposed the health of the W . M ., in most complimentary terms which the AV . M acknowleged , in the course of his address lie appealed to the brethren to support the election of H . H . Newman , son of the late Bro . AV . Newman of their lodge , in whose memory he spoke in high terms , he also appealed to them for their individual support
to the Boy ' s Charity , to which the lodge had voted ten guineas , and appointed the W . M ., Steward to the next Festival . The W . M . then proposed the health of the visiting brethren , whom he said were of that excellent class of Masons , it had always the good fortune and pleasure of the lodge to receive amongst them , and he hoped their visit that day
would be a most agreeable one to them , he should couple with the toast the name of P . G . D . Bro . TJdall , a worthy brother who contributed as liberally to our charities , devoted as much time to their welfare , and evinced as much concern for their usefulness as any living man . P . G . D . Bro . Udall responded for the visitors . He thanked the brethren
for the kind manner in which they had received them , and was fully prepared to give his support at the next election , to their candidate , the boy Newman , in reading over the list of candidates he did not think there was a more deserving case in the list . He also congratulated the lodge on being so ably conducted by their Master and officers The
AV . M . next proposed the health of the P . M . s of the lodge , a toast that was always welcome , and well received in the lodge in thc true spirit of brotherly love , and justly so , for every ono of thein had performed their duties in this lodge most admirably , and were ever ready and anxious to render their assistance in every possible way . Bro . Thos . Foxall
on behalf of the P . M . s , expressed thc pleasure it afforded the P . M . s to receive the continued expressions of kindness which the lodge had always evinced to them , and assured the brethren it was always a source of happiness to be of service to thc lodge . Thc AV . M . then proposed the health of the Officers of thc lodge , a toast he remarked was always as welcome
in that lodge , as any he had given that evening . The Officers of Crystal Palace Lodgo wero always punctual , and ably performed their duties , and the lodge was much indebted to them , for without their assistance the AV . M . would be as nothing . Bro . II . Prench , S . W ., on behalf of himself and the officers expressed thanks to the lodge for their high appreciation of their services , and assured the lodge they
• would always strive to merit their approbation . After thc T ylers toast thc brethren retired , having spent a truly pleasant evening . The visitors were the V . AV John Hervey , G . S . ; V . W . Bro . John Udall , P . G . D . ; V . W . Bro . John Enimens , P G . P . ; Bros . Tyrrel , P . M . ( 701 ) ; Horsley , P . M . ( 382 ) ; and several others whose names we are sorry to omit , but could not get them correctly .
Peckham Lodge No . 879 . —There was a select assemblage of the brethren of this lodge and a goodly array of visitors at its Installation meeting , on Monday night , at Bro . Scott ' s Maismore Arms , Park-road , Peckham . Bro . Glasspool , AV . M ., opened the lodge , and was assisted iu his labours during the evening by Bros . Evan Davies , Gard , . 1 . Allsopp ,
George Colville , H . Bushby , C . AV . Kent , Seymour Smith , J . Green , E . Stephens , T . J . Scott , E Martin , C . Rudd , D . Rose , ( W . M . ) 73 , B . Barton , ' ( AV . M . ) 45 , F . AValters , ( P . M . ) 73 , and ( W . M . ) 871 , II . Bartlett , ( J . W . ) 117 Henry Smit h , 720 , J . Howes , ( P . M . ) 76 . * > , H . Massey , ( P . M . ) 619 , Charles Lake , late of 870 , aud T . S . Truss . The
minutes of the former meeting were read and confirmed , and Bro . Glasspool passed to tho second degree Bros . Edgar Martin and Caleb Rudd . The lodge having been resumed to the first degree , Bro . J . A . Harris ( 739 ) , was elected by ballot , a joining member nf the Peckham Lodge . The VV . M . then
vacated his seat , which was taken by Bro . David Rose , AV . M ., 73 , mid presented the AA ' . M . elect , Bro . Evan Davies , S . W . for Installation . Bros . Rose performed the ceremony admirably , aud was much congratulated on his success , it being the first occasion on which he had had an opportunity of displaying his ¦ powers as au Installing Master . The oflicers in-
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
vested by the new W . M ., were : Bros . Arthur Gard . S . AV ., H . Bush by , J . W ., George Colville , Treas ., J . Allsopp , P . M ., Sec , C . AV . Kent , S . D ., E . Stephens , J . D ., J . Green , I . G ., E . Martin , D . C , Sevmour Smith , Org ., and W . Y . Laing , Tyler . The balance sheet was afterwards read and received , and a vote of thanks was carried to Bro . Rose for the able
manner iu which he had installed the AV . M . Bro . Seotts , the host , who is always famous for his liberality , accepted the office of Steward for this lodge at the forthcoming festival of the Koyal Masonic Instiution for Boys , and Bro . George Colville took upon himself the same duty for the Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution . Bro . Green
gave notice of his intention to move , at next meeting , for a committee to revise the Bye-laws , and as no further business remained to be transacted , the lodge was closed , aud a sumptuous banquet was partaken of . All the toasts were proposed and drunk , and Bro . F . Walters in thanking the lodge
on behalf of the visitors , took occasion to point out what a high position the lodge had that night reached , by sending Stewards to represent ifc at two of the Masonic festivals in oue year . Bro . Seymour Smith aud Allsopp , treated the brethren to some good songs , and Bro . Caleb Rudd played a solo on the violiu iu a masterly manner .
PROVINCIAL . SITEERNESS .- -Adam ' s Lodge , No . 158 . —The regrets of this lodge have been expressed at thc departure oftheiresteemed AV . M ., Bro . Flemining , from the town . On Tuesday last week , fche working of the lodge was under the superveillanee of the immediate P . M . Bro . Hughes . Three of the brethren were raised to
the sublime degree , and a very interesting lecture was given by the AV . M . The lodge being worked in its several degrees , a mosfc instructive lecture on the 1 st degree was rendered by Bro . Spears , P . M . The brethren subsequently adjourned to the " Britannia Tavern , " where every accommodation was afforded by their excellent host , Bro . Jno . G . Green , P . P . J . VV .
LANCASTER . —Rowley Lodge , 1051 . —The regular meeting of this lodge was held on Monday , 4 th inst ., at the Masonic Rooms , Athenaeum , Lancaster . AV . Bro . Dr . Moore , Prov . G . Sup . of AVorks , occupied the chair of K . S , and was supported by Bros . Hall , S . AV . ; John Hatch , as J . AV . ; J . Ingal , as S . D . ; Broadhurst , J . D . ; Taylor , I . G . ; Dr . de Vitro
Conlau , E . A . ; P . AVatson , & c . The lodge was opened and the formal business proceeded with ; Bro . Conlau having given proof of his proficiency in the first degree , was passed to the degree of F . C . by the acting AV . M ., the working tools being presented b y the S . W . The lodge was then closed in due form . COCKERSIOUTH . —Skiddaio Lodge , No . 1004—The
usual monthly meeting of the above lodge , was held on Tuesday evening , the 4 th inst , in the Masonic Temple , 29 , Market-place . Tbe lodge was opened in the second degree b y Bro . Richard Robinson , AV . M ., when Bro . Allison , who was a candidate for the sublime degree of a M . Mason , was examined , and being found proficient , was
entrusted and retired , thc loJge was then opened in tlie third degree , when the candidate was admitted and raised to the sublime degree of M . M . The W . M . going through the beautiful ceremony in his usual correct syle , Bro . Lenthwaite officiating as Deacon . Having resumed the first degree , it was unanimously
resolved to send the votes of the Boys' School to the Charity Committee of the province as on previous occasions There were present : Bro . Shiiton , I . P . M . ; II . F . Faithfull , PM ., J . F . Taylor , X . W . ; Jos . Mayson , J . W . ; E . Thwaites , Past J . AV . as Secretary ; Isaac Evening , S . D . ; AV . Taylor , It Brown ami J . Dodd , a visitor .
The Royal Arch.
METltOPOLITAN . Temperance Chapter , No . 169 . —This prosperous chapter held its regular meeting on Tuesday , Oct . iith , at the White " Swan Tavern , 217 , High street , Deptford . There were present Comps . J . Searle ,
M . E . Z . ; II . Moore , II . ; N . AVingfield , J ; G , Bolton , P . Z ., Treas . ; J . T . 'I ibbals , P . Z , S . E . ; F , AValters , P . Z ., S . N . ; J . Lightfoot , P . S . ; J . AVoodlaud , 1 st Asst . ; Payne , 1 st Asst . ; G . Brown , P . Z . ; Simmons , P . Z . ; A . Pulley , Truslow , AV . Andrews , Smith , R . Mills , Dussek , Shaw , Tippett , Bartlett
, Pereival , Rop . r , aud several others . Bro . Truss , ( 1155 Excelsior ) was duly exalted into Royal Arch Masonry , the ceremony , as usual , being well and ably done . Comp . F . AValters , P . Z ., S . N ., stated as the election night would be ou the next meeting , he declined holding office anv longer , as he was a P . Z .
of another chapter and did not wish to stop the promotion of the many P . M . ' s who belonged to this chapter who were anxious to become Installed Principal * . Tlie chapter was duly closed . The usual excellent banquet followed . No visitors were t ) resent .
Mark Masonry.
Southwark Lodge , No . 22—This good working Murk Lodge , held another emergencv on Saturday last , at Bro . James AV . Avery ' s , thc Queen ' s Arms , Weston-street , Bermondsey , under the presidency of
Mark Masonry.
Bro . H . Massey , W . M . Bro . T . J . Sabine , I . P . M ., advanced Bro . J . T . Trickett , of the Villiers ( Craft ) Lodge , No . 1194 , to this ancient and honourable degree , and the AV . M ., resumed the chair and closed the lodge . Bros . A . D . Loewenstark , S . W ., F . AValters , J . W . Avery , M . A . Loewenstark , G . W .
Wheeler , and Samuel Harman were present . Macdonald Lodge of Mark Master Masons , No . \ 04 t . —This lodge met at the head-quarters of the 1 st Surrey Rifles , at Camberwell , on Saturday last , when there were present : V . AV . Bros . Thomas Meggy , P . G . M . O ., W . M ., W . Bros . James Stevens ,
Grand Steward , J . W ., Bro . Eugene Cronin , M . O ., W . Bro . S . Rosenthal , Grand Steward , S . O ., Bro . J . H . Hastie , JO ., V . W . Bro . Charles Swan , P . G . S . B . Sec , Bro . C . Hanmerfcon , S . D ., Bro . G . Waterall , J . D ., & c , & c , also brother visitors Edward KAmber and Thos . Vesper of the Kent
Lodge . The lodge was opened in due form and with solemn prayer , and the minutes of the previous meeting having been confirmed , ballots were taken for Bros . Charles Fountain of the Macdonald Lodge 1216 , and Bro . William Won ell , of the William Preston Lodge for advancement , and for Bros .
Joseph Ashwell of the Bon Accord M . M . Lodge , and John Thomas of No . 11 S . C , as joining members , and which proved unanimous in favour of each candidate . Bros . Fountain and AVorrell being in attendance , were introduced and advanced to the
Honourable Degree of Mark Master Masons . The Committee appointed to decide upon the distinguishing emblem for the Lodge Jewels , reported to the lodge the design approved of by them , aud an unanimous vote in favour of their decision was
accorded by the members present . The AV . M . then appointed Bro . AVilliam AVorrell to the otlice of Org ., and Bro . Charles Fountain as Steward of the Lodge . After disposing of some further business and finally resolving tbe By-laws , the lodge was closed in due form and with solemn prayer , and the
members adjourned to refreshment . The next meeting of this lodge will be held on Saturday , the 11 th of December , next . Macdonald Mark Masters' Lodge of Instruction . — We had the p leasure to visit , and had the honour of becoming a member of , this useful Mark
Masters-Lodge of Instruction ( which meets every Monday from October to April inclusive ) , last Monday , at the Lyceum Tavern , Strand , when there were present a perfect galaxy of first-class Mark Musters , amongst whom we had the felicity of meeting Bros . Meggy , ( W . M . Macdonald ) , Mann ( AV . M . Thistle ) , Warr ( VV . M . Kent ) , R . Spencer . Rosenthal , the two
Lowenstark ' s , VVaybor , King , Vesper , Henly , and , last but not least , the Worshipful Brother C . Swan , Preceptor . The Lodge of Instruction was opened , and the ceremony of advancement was well and ably worked , the AV . Bro . Mann as Master and Bro . Henly as candidate ; after which the lodge was closed , and the brethren adjourned to refreshment . We earnestly recommend this excellent school to all aspirants in Mark Masonn \
HALIFAX . —Fearnley Lodge , No . 58 . —The regular meeting of this lodge , was held on Monday the 11 th inst ., in the Masonic Temple , recently erected by the Halifax brethren , when there was a good attendance of the members , and the following oflicers were in their places : —Bros . J . Stott , AV . M . ; J .
Firth , S . AV . ; A . Lupton , J . W . ; AV . F . AVilkinson , M . O . ; AV . Tosker , J . O . ; F . Whittaker , Reg . ; XV Cooke , P . M ., Sec . ; A . Roberts , S . D . ; G . Jennings , J . D . ; E . M . AVavell , D . of C . ; AV . Dewhirst , Stew . ; J . Greenwood , P . M ., Tyler . The other members present were : —Bros . Bates , P . M .,
Norinantoii , P . M ., G . Jackson , Laidler , Knowles , Dolan , S . Firth , AVoollons , F . Crossley , AVaddington , and visiting brother Lorke of Prince Edward Lodge , No . 14 . The minutes of the previous meeting having been confirmed , a ballot was taken for Bro . J . It . Ellis , surgeon , Mirfield , and Bro . G . E . Kent ,
of Over Hall Academy , Mirfield , which proved unanimous in their favour . This being the meeting for electing VV . M ., for the ensuing years , Bro . J . Firth , S . VV ., was chosen to fill that office , Bro . Fleming was re-elected Treas ., and Bro . Greenwood , P . M . was re-appointed Tvler . Bros . AV .
Hemingway , Ellis and Kent were then respectivelyadvanced to thc honourable degree of Mark Masters , and the lodge was called from labour to refreshment , to enable the brethren from a distance to catch the train . Supper being over , the brethren returned to the lodge room to close the lodge , and then adjourned to the dining-room to spend a social hour together .
BREAKFAST . —Errs ' s COCOA . —Grateful and Comforting . —Tlie very agreeable chiractcr of this preparation has rendered it a general favourite . The Civil Service Gazette remarks : — "The singular success which Mr . Kpps attained by his homoeopathic preparation of cocoa has never been surpassed by any experimentalist . liy a thorough knowledge of thc natural laws which govern the operation !
of digestion and nutrition , and by a careful application of the fine properties of well-selected cocoa . Mr . Kpps has provided our breakfast tables with a delicately flavoured beverage which may save us many heavy doctor ' s bills . " Made simply with boiling water or milk . Sold by the Trade only , in 41 b ., t lb ami 1 lb . tin-lined packets , labelled JAMES Errs & Co ., llo . noeopatbio Chemists , London . — AIIVT .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
sincerely for their many kind expressions towards "him , he " feared he was not deserving of all the praise the W . M . had given him , and to which the brethren had so heartily and kindlj ** responded . It was his -duty and ifc should always be his pleasure to contribute aU he could to the welfare of the Craft aud the happiness of the brethren , he was much pleased
to hear the very able and effective manner in which the AV . M . had rendered the ceremonies of passing and raising . He considered himself a judge in these matters having been preceptor to the Lodge of Emulation for the improvement of Master Masons for some years , and he had never heard them better rendered and seldom so well as their AV . M . had
performed them that day . And he was much pleased at the able and courteous manner he had also performed his other duties in the lodge and at the banquet . He wished also to congratulate the other officers of the lodge for the able assistance they had rendered their AV . M ., and he complimented the lodge on its happy and prosperous state . Bro .
Thos . Foxall next proposed the health of the W . M ., in most complimentary terms which the AV . M acknowleged , in the course of his address lie appealed to the brethren to support the election of H . H . Newman , son of the late Bro . AV . Newman of their lodge , in whose memory he spoke in high terms , he also appealed to them for their individual support
to the Boy ' s Charity , to which the lodge had voted ten guineas , and appointed the W . M ., Steward to the next Festival . The W . M . then proposed the health of the visiting brethren , whom he said were of that excellent class of Masons , it had always the good fortune and pleasure of the lodge to receive amongst them , and he hoped their visit that day
would be a most agreeable one to them , he should couple with the toast the name of P . G . D . Bro . TJdall , a worthy brother who contributed as liberally to our charities , devoted as much time to their welfare , and evinced as much concern for their usefulness as any living man . P . G . D . Bro . Udall responded for the visitors . He thanked the brethren
for the kind manner in which they had received them , and was fully prepared to give his support at the next election , to their candidate , the boy Newman , in reading over the list of candidates he did not think there was a more deserving case in the list . He also congratulated the lodge on being so ably conducted by their Master and officers The
AV . M . next proposed the health of the P . M . s of the lodge , a toast that was always welcome , and well received in the lodge in thc true spirit of brotherly love , and justly so , for every ono of thein had performed their duties in this lodge most admirably , and were ever ready and anxious to render their assistance in every possible way . Bro . Thos . Foxall
on behalf of the P . M . s , expressed thc pleasure it afforded the P . M . s to receive the continued expressions of kindness which the lodge had always evinced to them , and assured the brethren it was always a source of happiness to be of service to thc lodge . Thc AV . M . then proposed the health of the Officers of thc lodge , a toast he remarked was always as welcome
in that lodge , as any he had given that evening . The Officers of Crystal Palace Lodgo wero always punctual , and ably performed their duties , and the lodge was much indebted to them , for without their assistance the AV . M . would be as nothing . Bro . II . Prench , S . W ., on behalf of himself and the officers expressed thanks to the lodge for their high appreciation of their services , and assured the lodge they
• would always strive to merit their approbation . After thc T ylers toast thc brethren retired , having spent a truly pleasant evening . The visitors were the V . AV John Hervey , G . S . ; V . W . Bro . John Udall , P . G . D . ; V . W . Bro . John Enimens , P G . P . ; Bros . Tyrrel , P . M . ( 701 ) ; Horsley , P . M . ( 382 ) ; and several others whose names we are sorry to omit , but could not get them correctly .
Peckham Lodge No . 879 . —There was a select assemblage of the brethren of this lodge and a goodly array of visitors at its Installation meeting , on Monday night , at Bro . Scott ' s Maismore Arms , Park-road , Peckham . Bro . Glasspool , AV . M ., opened the lodge , and was assisted iu his labours during the evening by Bros . Evan Davies , Gard , . 1 . Allsopp ,
George Colville , H . Bushby , C . AV . Kent , Seymour Smith , J . Green , E . Stephens , T . J . Scott , E Martin , C . Rudd , D . Rose , ( W . M . ) 73 , B . Barton , ' ( AV . M . ) 45 , F . AValters , ( P . M . ) 73 , and ( W . M . ) 871 , II . Bartlett , ( J . W . ) 117 Henry Smit h , 720 , J . Howes , ( P . M . ) 76 . * > , H . Massey , ( P . M . ) 619 , Charles Lake , late of 870 , aud T . S . Truss . The
minutes of the former meeting were read and confirmed , and Bro . Glasspool passed to tho second degree Bros . Edgar Martin and Caleb Rudd . The lodge having been resumed to the first degree , Bro . J . A . Harris ( 739 ) , was elected by ballot , a joining member nf the Peckham Lodge . The VV . M . then
vacated his seat , which was taken by Bro . David Rose , AV . M ., 73 , mid presented the AA ' . M . elect , Bro . Evan Davies , S . W . for Installation . Bros . Rose performed the ceremony admirably , aud was much congratulated on his success , it being the first occasion on which he had had an opportunity of displaying his ¦ powers as au Installing Master . The oflicers in-
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
vested by the new W . M ., were : Bros . Arthur Gard . S . AV ., H . Bush by , J . W ., George Colville , Treas ., J . Allsopp , P . M ., Sec , C . AV . Kent , S . D ., E . Stephens , J . D ., J . Green , I . G ., E . Martin , D . C , Sevmour Smith , Org ., and W . Y . Laing , Tyler . The balance sheet was afterwards read and received , and a vote of thanks was carried to Bro . Rose for the able
manner iu which he had installed the AV . M . Bro . Seotts , the host , who is always famous for his liberality , accepted the office of Steward for this lodge at the forthcoming festival of the Koyal Masonic Instiution for Boys , and Bro . George Colville took upon himself the same duty for the Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution . Bro . Green
gave notice of his intention to move , at next meeting , for a committee to revise the Bye-laws , and as no further business remained to be transacted , the lodge was closed , aud a sumptuous banquet was partaken of . All the toasts were proposed and drunk , and Bro . F . Walters in thanking the lodge
on behalf of the visitors , took occasion to point out what a high position the lodge had that night reached , by sending Stewards to represent ifc at two of the Masonic festivals in oue year . Bro . Seymour Smith aud Allsopp , treated the brethren to some good songs , and Bro . Caleb Rudd played a solo on the violiu iu a masterly manner .
PROVINCIAL . SITEERNESS .- -Adam ' s Lodge , No . 158 . —The regrets of this lodge have been expressed at thc departure oftheiresteemed AV . M ., Bro . Flemining , from the town . On Tuesday last week , fche working of the lodge was under the superveillanee of the immediate P . M . Bro . Hughes . Three of the brethren were raised to
the sublime degree , and a very interesting lecture was given by the AV . M . The lodge being worked in its several degrees , a mosfc instructive lecture on the 1 st degree was rendered by Bro . Spears , P . M . The brethren subsequently adjourned to the " Britannia Tavern , " where every accommodation was afforded by their excellent host , Bro . Jno . G . Green , P . P . J . VV .
LANCASTER . —Rowley Lodge , 1051 . —The regular meeting of this lodge was held on Monday , 4 th inst ., at the Masonic Rooms , Athenaeum , Lancaster . AV . Bro . Dr . Moore , Prov . G . Sup . of AVorks , occupied the chair of K . S , and was supported by Bros . Hall , S . AV . ; John Hatch , as J . AV . ; J . Ingal , as S . D . ; Broadhurst , J . D . ; Taylor , I . G . ; Dr . de Vitro
Conlau , E . A . ; P . AVatson , & c . The lodge was opened and the formal business proceeded with ; Bro . Conlau having given proof of his proficiency in the first degree , was passed to the degree of F . C . by the acting AV . M ., the working tools being presented b y the S . W . The lodge was then closed in due form . COCKERSIOUTH . —Skiddaio Lodge , No . 1004—The
usual monthly meeting of the above lodge , was held on Tuesday evening , the 4 th inst , in the Masonic Temple , 29 , Market-place . Tbe lodge was opened in the second degree b y Bro . Richard Robinson , AV . M ., when Bro . Allison , who was a candidate for the sublime degree of a M . Mason , was examined , and being found proficient , was
entrusted and retired , thc loJge was then opened in tlie third degree , when the candidate was admitted and raised to the sublime degree of M . M . The W . M . going through the beautiful ceremony in his usual correct syle , Bro . Lenthwaite officiating as Deacon . Having resumed the first degree , it was unanimously
resolved to send the votes of the Boys' School to the Charity Committee of the province as on previous occasions There were present : Bro . Shiiton , I . P . M . ; II . F . Faithfull , PM ., J . F . Taylor , X . W . ; Jos . Mayson , J . W . ; E . Thwaites , Past J . AV . as Secretary ; Isaac Evening , S . D . ; AV . Taylor , It Brown ami J . Dodd , a visitor .
The Royal Arch.
METltOPOLITAN . Temperance Chapter , No . 169 . —This prosperous chapter held its regular meeting on Tuesday , Oct . iith , at the White " Swan Tavern , 217 , High street , Deptford . There were present Comps . J . Searle ,
M . E . Z . ; II . Moore , II . ; N . AVingfield , J ; G , Bolton , P . Z ., Treas . ; J . T . 'I ibbals , P . Z , S . E . ; F , AValters , P . Z ., S . N . ; J . Lightfoot , P . S . ; J . AVoodlaud , 1 st Asst . ; Payne , 1 st Asst . ; G . Brown , P . Z . ; Simmons , P . Z . ; A . Pulley , Truslow , AV . Andrews , Smith , R . Mills , Dussek , Shaw , Tippett , Bartlett
, Pereival , Rop . r , aud several others . Bro . Truss , ( 1155 Excelsior ) was duly exalted into Royal Arch Masonry , the ceremony , as usual , being well and ably done . Comp . F . AValters , P . Z ., S . N ., stated as the election night would be ou the next meeting , he declined holding office anv longer , as he was a P . Z .
of another chapter and did not wish to stop the promotion of the many P . M . ' s who belonged to this chapter who were anxious to become Installed Principal * . Tlie chapter was duly closed . The usual excellent banquet followed . No visitors were t ) resent .
Mark Masonry.
Southwark Lodge , No . 22—This good working Murk Lodge , held another emergencv on Saturday last , at Bro . James AV . Avery ' s , thc Queen ' s Arms , Weston-street , Bermondsey , under the presidency of
Mark Masonry.
Bro . H . Massey , W . M . Bro . T . J . Sabine , I . P . M ., advanced Bro . J . T . Trickett , of the Villiers ( Craft ) Lodge , No . 1194 , to this ancient and honourable degree , and the AV . M ., resumed the chair and closed the lodge . Bros . A . D . Loewenstark , S . W ., F . AValters , J . W . Avery , M . A . Loewenstark , G . W .
Wheeler , and Samuel Harman were present . Macdonald Lodge of Mark Master Masons , No . \ 04 t . —This lodge met at the head-quarters of the 1 st Surrey Rifles , at Camberwell , on Saturday last , when there were present : V . AV . Bros . Thomas Meggy , P . G . M . O ., W . M ., W . Bros . James Stevens ,
Grand Steward , J . W ., Bro . Eugene Cronin , M . O ., W . Bro . S . Rosenthal , Grand Steward , S . O ., Bro . J . H . Hastie , JO ., V . W . Bro . Charles Swan , P . G . S . B . Sec , Bro . C . Hanmerfcon , S . D ., Bro . G . Waterall , J . D ., & c , & c , also brother visitors Edward KAmber and Thos . Vesper of the Kent
Lodge . The lodge was opened in due form and with solemn prayer , and the minutes of the previous meeting having been confirmed , ballots were taken for Bros . Charles Fountain of the Macdonald Lodge 1216 , and Bro . William Won ell , of the William Preston Lodge for advancement , and for Bros .
Joseph Ashwell of the Bon Accord M . M . Lodge , and John Thomas of No . 11 S . C , as joining members , and which proved unanimous in favour of each candidate . Bros . Fountain and AVorrell being in attendance , were introduced and advanced to the
Honourable Degree of Mark Master Masons . The Committee appointed to decide upon the distinguishing emblem for the Lodge Jewels , reported to the lodge the design approved of by them , aud an unanimous vote in favour of their decision was
accorded by the members present . The AV . M . then appointed Bro . AVilliam AVorrell to the otlice of Org ., and Bro . Charles Fountain as Steward of the Lodge . After disposing of some further business and finally resolving tbe By-laws , the lodge was closed in due form and with solemn prayer , and the
members adjourned to refreshment . The next meeting of this lodge will be held on Saturday , the 11 th of December , next . Macdonald Mark Masters' Lodge of Instruction . — We had the p leasure to visit , and had the honour of becoming a member of , this useful Mark
Masters-Lodge of Instruction ( which meets every Monday from October to April inclusive ) , last Monday , at the Lyceum Tavern , Strand , when there were present a perfect galaxy of first-class Mark Musters , amongst whom we had the felicity of meeting Bros . Meggy , ( W . M . Macdonald ) , Mann ( AV . M . Thistle ) , Warr ( VV . M . Kent ) , R . Spencer . Rosenthal , the two
Lowenstark ' s , VVaybor , King , Vesper , Henly , and , last but not least , the Worshipful Brother C . Swan , Preceptor . The Lodge of Instruction was opened , and the ceremony of advancement was well and ably worked , the AV . Bro . Mann as Master and Bro . Henly as candidate ; after which the lodge was closed , and the brethren adjourned to refreshment . We earnestly recommend this excellent school to all aspirants in Mark Masonn \
HALIFAX . —Fearnley Lodge , No . 58 . —The regular meeting of this lodge , was held on Monday the 11 th inst ., in the Masonic Temple , recently erected by the Halifax brethren , when there was a good attendance of the members , and the following oflicers were in their places : —Bros . J . Stott , AV . M . ; J .
Firth , S . AV . ; A . Lupton , J . W . ; AV . F . AVilkinson , M . O . ; AV . Tosker , J . O . ; F . Whittaker , Reg . ; XV Cooke , P . M ., Sec . ; A . Roberts , S . D . ; G . Jennings , J . D . ; E . M . AVavell , D . of C . ; AV . Dewhirst , Stew . ; J . Greenwood , P . M ., Tyler . The other members present were : —Bros . Bates , P . M .,
Norinantoii , P . M ., G . Jackson , Laidler , Knowles , Dolan , S . Firth , AVoollons , F . Crossley , AVaddington , and visiting brother Lorke of Prince Edward Lodge , No . 14 . The minutes of the previous meeting having been confirmed , a ballot was taken for Bro . J . It . Ellis , surgeon , Mirfield , and Bro . G . E . Kent ,
of Over Hall Academy , Mirfield , which proved unanimous in their favour . This being the meeting for electing VV . M ., for the ensuing years , Bro . J . Firth , S . VV ., was chosen to fill that office , Bro . Fleming was re-elected Treas ., and Bro . Greenwood , P . M . was re-appointed Tvler . Bros . AV .
Hemingway , Ellis and Kent were then respectivelyadvanced to thc honourable degree of Mark Masters , and the lodge was called from labour to refreshment , to enable the brethren from a distance to catch the train . Supper being over , the brethren returned to the lodge room to close the lodge , and then adjourned to the dining-room to spend a social hour together .
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