Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Dear Ture Of Our Royal Grand Master For India.
On Saturday , pursuant to previous arrangements , a deputation from the Corporation of the City of London , headed by the Lord Mayor and Sheriffs , went in State from the Guildhall to vjailborough-house , to present an address from the Court of Common Council to his Royal
rjio-hness the Prince of Wales . Besides the Lord jVfayor and Sheriffs , with their Under Sheriffs , the deputation included Mr . Russell Gurney , the Recorder ; Sir Thomas Chambers , the Common Serjeant ; Mr . William Lawley , chairman of the City Lands Committee , and in that capacity the
diover of the address in the Court of Common Council ; six members of the Court of Aldermen , the Chamberlain of London , the Remembrancer , the Controller , the Town Clerk , and a limited number of the Common Councilmen , all ot whom wore their civic robes . The Lord Mayor was also escorted by the Sword and Mace
Bearers . His Royal Hi ghness the Prince of Wales received the civic dignitaries with his habitual courtesy and consideration on their arrival . The Right Hon . the Recorder , addressing the Prince , said , — "May it please your Royal
Highness , —We the Lord Mayor , Aldermen , and Commons of the City of London , in Common Council assembled , desire to convey to your Royal Highness the expression of the deep interest we feel in the journey you are about to undertake to Her Majesty ' s Indian dominions . " We know well the desire that has ever been
manifested by your Royal Highness to become familiar with the habits and feelings of the people of this country , and weregard it as only consistent with that desire that you should seek to become personally acquainted with the country , the customs , and the sympathies of the millions
of her Majesty ' s subjects in India over whom , if God so will , you are one day destined to rule . " We earnestly trust , as we are glad to believe , that the visit of your Royal Highuess will tend to bind together the hearts of all in a common
feeling of loyalty to our Sovereign , aud that a spirit of kindliness and goodwill will be diffused among the various races forming her Majesty ' s subjects , whatever may be their creed or their colour .
We pray that the blessing of health maybe vouchsafed to your Royal Highness during your absence from England , and that a journey , auspiciously commenced , may in due season be accomplished in happiness and safety . " Signed by order of the Court ,
¦ J B . MONCKTON , Town Clerk . " His Royal Highness , in reply , said , —My Lord Mayor , Aldermen , and Members of the Court of Common Council , I thank you most cordially for this expression of the interest you
take in the success of my journey to India . You state with truth that , with the desire 1 have ever entertained of becoming familiar with the habits and feelings of my countrymen , it is onl y consistent that I should endeavour to become better
acquainted with the several classes of the population over which our Soverein reigns in India , If the result of my visit shall conduce to unite the various races of Hindostan in a feeling of loyalty to the Queen , attachment to our country , and of goodwill towards each other , one great object will at least be gained . I thank you again
my Lord Mayor and gentlemen , for the wish that health may be vouchsafed to me during my absence from England . It will be one of my niost pleasing reflections that I carry the good wishes of my country with me , as it will also ° e a moment of sincere gratification when I return to it .
At the conclusion of this reply , the Lord Mayor presented Mr . Lawley , the mover of the address in the Common Council , and six of the Aldermen , to His Royal Highness . With that the ceremonv ended , and the civic dignitaries , escorted as before , returned to Guildhall .
H . R . H . the Prince left the Charing-cross Ration at 8 o ' clock on Monday evening , with the 1 rmcess , the Duke of Cambridge , and the Duke -Edinburgh . A large number of friends had assembled to bid him farewell ; among them were the Duke and Duchess of Teck , the Prinss Louise , the Duke of Connaught , the Russian
Dear Ture Of Our Royal Grand Master For India.
Ambassador , the German Ambassador , the Danish Minister and Madame Bulow , the Duchess of Wellington , the Duchess of Sutherland and Lady Florence Gower , Lord and Lady Sydney , Lord Hartington , Mr . and Mrs . S tonor , Lady Westmoreland , Prince Edward of
Saxe-Weimar , Count Gleichen , Prince leek and Princess Mary , the Duke of St . Albans , Lord Colville , Lord Barrington , Mr , Ward Hunt , Lord H . Lennox , Lord Hardwicke , Mr . Rothschild , M . P ., Lord John Hay , Sir G . Arthur , Sir Percy Doyle , General Doyle , Mr . H . Petre ,
General J . Macdonald , Colonel Marshall , Colonel Sturt , Mr . H . Chaplin , Mr . G . Drummond , Mr . Cockerell , and Mr . Christopher Sykes . The Royal party reached Dover at 9 . 33 ; there they were received by Captain Bruce , R . M .,
Lord and Lady Granville , and a large circle of officers . The mayor and corporation then presented a loyal address , to which H . R . H . replied , " I thank you , Mr . Mayor , " and at ten minutes past ten the " Castalia " steamed away for Calais . It reached Calais after a splendid passage at
12 . 10 . The Prince of Wales , who took leave of the Princess of Wales on board the " Castalia , " was driven from the Quai de Mairie to the station . The train left at 2 o ' clock , amid the loud cheers of those assembled , and reached Paris
punctually at 7 . 20 . Lord Lyons and Mons . Renault , Prefet de Police , received His R oyal Highness , few persons being present at that early hour . Shortly before the arrival of the train Marshal MacMahon drove up , with the Due de la
Rochefoucauld-Bisaccia , General d'Absac , Prince de la Treemouille , and other gentlemen , all in shooting attire , for they were on their way to Compiegne . The Prince , on descending from the train , shook hands heartily with the Marshal , Lord Lyons , and the Duo de Bisaccia .
Immediately after he drove in Lord Lyons carriage to the Hotel Bristol , where apartments had been prepared for him . In the afternoon he called upon the Grand Duchess Constantine of Russia . In the evening Lord Lyons-entertained the Prince at dinner , and on Wednesday Marshal MacMahon
received him at lunch at the Elysee . The " Castalia " remained all night in Calais Harbour , and at 7 a . m . on Tuesday started for Dover , arriving alongside the Admiralty Pier a few minutes after 9 o ' clock . The weather was again most favourable , and the passage involved
no disagreeable incidents to the most squeamish traveller . Her Royal Highness , who breakfasted on board , was received on her arrival by the Duke of Cambridge and Lord Sydney , and in about half an hour came ashore , leaning on the arm of the Duke , and entered the same
saloon carriage in which she had travelled from town on the previous evening . Miss Knollys , Lord Colville , General Sir William Knollys , and Colonel Teesdale were in attendance on the Princess . The Royal train started at five minutes to ten o ' clock , the Duke of Cambridge
remaining at Dover . Mr . Shaw , the manager and secretary of the South-Eastern Company , was in charge of the train , as on Monday evening , and the engine was again driven by Mr . Watkin , locomotive superintendent . No pause
was made in the journey back to London , and Charing-cross was reached in excellent time at about 11 . 40 a . m . Carriages were in waiting upon the arrival of the Princess , and at once conveyed hev Royal Highness to Marlboroughhouse .
Our Royal Grand Master left Paris on Wednesday evening for Turin and Brindisi . He lunched with Marshal MacMahon on Wednesday , having dined with Lord Lyons on Tuesday , but the weather during his stay has been most
unpropitious—a regular downpour . He left the Lyons Station at a quarter to nine , amid cries of Bon Voyage—pleasant journey . He seemed well and in good spirits , and was dressed in an Ulster and felt hat , as the correspondent tolls us . Some of his staff have already reached Brindisi .
The following prayer for the protection of our R . G . Master in India has been drawn up b y the Bishop of Lichfield : — " O God , whose never-failing Providence ordereth all things both in heaven and earth , we beseech Thee to take into Thy gracious keeping
Dear Ture Of Our Royal Grand Master For India.
Albert Edward , Prince of Wales , on the distant journey he is about to undertake . " Preserve him , we pray Thee , from all evil accidents b y land or by water , from the pestilence that walketh in darkness , and from the arrow that destroyelh in the noonday . " May he prove a messenger of goodwill to
our Indian fellow-subjects , binding them together in loyalty to our Sovereign and in peace among themselves . " Restore him , we pray Thee , in health and safety to his own land , and in the temembrance of Thy manifold mercies may he live long to ailorify Thy name , through Jesus Christ , our Lord . Amen .
Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution.
At a meeting of the General Committee ol this institution on Wednesday last , W . Bro . Major Jno . Creaton , P . G . D ., V . Patron , in the chair , the following were present : —Bros . Hy . G . Warren , James Brett , B . Head , A . H . Tattershall , S . Rawson , Jno . G . Stevens , Joseph
Smith , Wm . Stephens , R . W . Little , Thos . W . White , H . Browse , H . M . Levy , R . W . Stewart , J . Hogg , Capt . Wordsworth , Chas . F . Hogard , and James Terry , Secretary . . The minutes of the previous meeting were read and verified . The Secretary reported that H . R . H . the Prince
of Wales had fixed Wednesday , the 9 th February , 1876 , for the next festival to be held , and that Lord Skelmersdale , Dep . G . M . and Prov . G . Master of West Lancashire , had consented to preside upon the occasion . The report of the Finance Committee was received and adopted ,
and cheques ordered to be drawn in payment of certain accounts . A discussion ensued as to the erection of a new fencing at the entrance of the building at Croydon , when it was resolved that an oaken one should be placed instead of a brick
wall and iron railing . Five candidates were placed on the list for election in May next . Permission was granted to one of the annuitants to marry , Some unimportant business having been transacted , the Committee adjourned .
Establishment Of A Masonic Club In Glasgow.
An idea for some considerable time past entertained by some of the leading members of the Masonic fraternity in Glasgow has at length taken form in the establishment of " The Glasgow and West of Scotland Masonic Club and Freemasons' Hall Company , Glasgow ( Limited ) . "
The scheme originated from a consideration of the fact that Glasgow , as a large commercial centre , and the province occupying an important Masonic position in Scotland , was very much behind in the matter of accommodation for carrying on or carrying out the objects of the
brotherhood . Every other country of any consequence in a Masonic connection can boast of magnificent buildings erected and suitable for the conduct of the business of the Craft , but in the West of Scotland nothing of the kind has hitherto existed .
With a view to remedy this , the association in question has been started , on the principle , as wo have stated , of " limited liability . " It has been registered for a capital of £ 2000 , distributed in 2000 shares of sSi each . Of these , about 800 are already taken up among ia <
shareholders , holding from one to 100 shares each , there being several holding the latter number . The former portion of the scheme , as expressed in the title , has only as yet been taken up . For the use of the club one of the old self-contained houses in Windsor-place ( No . 7 ) has been rented , and a start made . On the ground floor
are a private parlour , a billiard room , and the club-master ' s department—fully equipped with all the requisites for club purposes . On the upper floor is another private parlour , 3 commodious dining room , a handsomel y furnished smoking room , and ample lavatory accommodadation .
The club is under the management of a directorate of 15 members , exclusive of treasurer and secretary , Bro , David Horn being president ,
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Dear Ture Of Our Royal Grand Master For India.
On Saturday , pursuant to previous arrangements , a deputation from the Corporation of the City of London , headed by the Lord Mayor and Sheriffs , went in State from the Guildhall to vjailborough-house , to present an address from the Court of Common Council to his Royal
rjio-hness the Prince of Wales . Besides the Lord jVfayor and Sheriffs , with their Under Sheriffs , the deputation included Mr . Russell Gurney , the Recorder ; Sir Thomas Chambers , the Common Serjeant ; Mr . William Lawley , chairman of the City Lands Committee , and in that capacity the
diover of the address in the Court of Common Council ; six members of the Court of Aldermen , the Chamberlain of London , the Remembrancer , the Controller , the Town Clerk , and a limited number of the Common Councilmen , all ot whom wore their civic robes . The Lord Mayor was also escorted by the Sword and Mace
Bearers . His Royal Hi ghness the Prince of Wales received the civic dignitaries with his habitual courtesy and consideration on their arrival . The Right Hon . the Recorder , addressing the Prince , said , — "May it please your Royal
Highness , —We the Lord Mayor , Aldermen , and Commons of the City of London , in Common Council assembled , desire to convey to your Royal Highness the expression of the deep interest we feel in the journey you are about to undertake to Her Majesty ' s Indian dominions . " We know well the desire that has ever been
manifested by your Royal Highness to become familiar with the habits and feelings of the people of this country , and weregard it as only consistent with that desire that you should seek to become personally acquainted with the country , the customs , and the sympathies of the millions
of her Majesty ' s subjects in India over whom , if God so will , you are one day destined to rule . " We earnestly trust , as we are glad to believe , that the visit of your Royal Highuess will tend to bind together the hearts of all in a common
feeling of loyalty to our Sovereign , aud that a spirit of kindliness and goodwill will be diffused among the various races forming her Majesty ' s subjects , whatever may be their creed or their colour .
We pray that the blessing of health maybe vouchsafed to your Royal Highness during your absence from England , and that a journey , auspiciously commenced , may in due season be accomplished in happiness and safety . " Signed by order of the Court ,
¦ J B . MONCKTON , Town Clerk . " His Royal Highness , in reply , said , —My Lord Mayor , Aldermen , and Members of the Court of Common Council , I thank you most cordially for this expression of the interest you
take in the success of my journey to India . You state with truth that , with the desire 1 have ever entertained of becoming familiar with the habits and feelings of my countrymen , it is onl y consistent that I should endeavour to become better
acquainted with the several classes of the population over which our Soverein reigns in India , If the result of my visit shall conduce to unite the various races of Hindostan in a feeling of loyalty to the Queen , attachment to our country , and of goodwill towards each other , one great object will at least be gained . I thank you again
my Lord Mayor and gentlemen , for the wish that health may be vouchsafed to me during my absence from England . It will be one of my niost pleasing reflections that I carry the good wishes of my country with me , as it will also ° e a moment of sincere gratification when I return to it .
At the conclusion of this reply , the Lord Mayor presented Mr . Lawley , the mover of the address in the Common Council , and six of the Aldermen , to His Royal Highness . With that the ceremonv ended , and the civic dignitaries , escorted as before , returned to Guildhall .
H . R . H . the Prince left the Charing-cross Ration at 8 o ' clock on Monday evening , with the 1 rmcess , the Duke of Cambridge , and the Duke -Edinburgh . A large number of friends had assembled to bid him farewell ; among them were the Duke and Duchess of Teck , the Prinss Louise , the Duke of Connaught , the Russian
Dear Ture Of Our Royal Grand Master For India.
Ambassador , the German Ambassador , the Danish Minister and Madame Bulow , the Duchess of Wellington , the Duchess of Sutherland and Lady Florence Gower , Lord and Lady Sydney , Lord Hartington , Mr . and Mrs . S tonor , Lady Westmoreland , Prince Edward of
Saxe-Weimar , Count Gleichen , Prince leek and Princess Mary , the Duke of St . Albans , Lord Colville , Lord Barrington , Mr , Ward Hunt , Lord H . Lennox , Lord Hardwicke , Mr . Rothschild , M . P ., Lord John Hay , Sir G . Arthur , Sir Percy Doyle , General Doyle , Mr . H . Petre ,
General J . Macdonald , Colonel Marshall , Colonel Sturt , Mr . H . Chaplin , Mr . G . Drummond , Mr . Cockerell , and Mr . Christopher Sykes . The Royal party reached Dover at 9 . 33 ; there they were received by Captain Bruce , R . M .,
Lord and Lady Granville , and a large circle of officers . The mayor and corporation then presented a loyal address , to which H . R . H . replied , " I thank you , Mr . Mayor , " and at ten minutes past ten the " Castalia " steamed away for Calais . It reached Calais after a splendid passage at
12 . 10 . The Prince of Wales , who took leave of the Princess of Wales on board the " Castalia , " was driven from the Quai de Mairie to the station . The train left at 2 o ' clock , amid the loud cheers of those assembled , and reached Paris
punctually at 7 . 20 . Lord Lyons and Mons . Renault , Prefet de Police , received His R oyal Highness , few persons being present at that early hour . Shortly before the arrival of the train Marshal MacMahon drove up , with the Due de la
Rochefoucauld-Bisaccia , General d'Absac , Prince de la Treemouille , and other gentlemen , all in shooting attire , for they were on their way to Compiegne . The Prince , on descending from the train , shook hands heartily with the Marshal , Lord Lyons , and the Duo de Bisaccia .
Immediately after he drove in Lord Lyons carriage to the Hotel Bristol , where apartments had been prepared for him . In the afternoon he called upon the Grand Duchess Constantine of Russia . In the evening Lord Lyons-entertained the Prince at dinner , and on Wednesday Marshal MacMahon
received him at lunch at the Elysee . The " Castalia " remained all night in Calais Harbour , and at 7 a . m . on Tuesday started for Dover , arriving alongside the Admiralty Pier a few minutes after 9 o ' clock . The weather was again most favourable , and the passage involved
no disagreeable incidents to the most squeamish traveller . Her Royal Highness , who breakfasted on board , was received on her arrival by the Duke of Cambridge and Lord Sydney , and in about half an hour came ashore , leaning on the arm of the Duke , and entered the same
saloon carriage in which she had travelled from town on the previous evening . Miss Knollys , Lord Colville , General Sir William Knollys , and Colonel Teesdale were in attendance on the Princess . The Royal train started at five minutes to ten o ' clock , the Duke of Cambridge
remaining at Dover . Mr . Shaw , the manager and secretary of the South-Eastern Company , was in charge of the train , as on Monday evening , and the engine was again driven by Mr . Watkin , locomotive superintendent . No pause
was made in the journey back to London , and Charing-cross was reached in excellent time at about 11 . 40 a . m . Carriages were in waiting upon the arrival of the Princess , and at once conveyed hev Royal Highness to Marlboroughhouse .
Our Royal Grand Master left Paris on Wednesday evening for Turin and Brindisi . He lunched with Marshal MacMahon on Wednesday , having dined with Lord Lyons on Tuesday , but the weather during his stay has been most
unpropitious—a regular downpour . He left the Lyons Station at a quarter to nine , amid cries of Bon Voyage—pleasant journey . He seemed well and in good spirits , and was dressed in an Ulster and felt hat , as the correspondent tolls us . Some of his staff have already reached Brindisi .
The following prayer for the protection of our R . G . Master in India has been drawn up b y the Bishop of Lichfield : — " O God , whose never-failing Providence ordereth all things both in heaven and earth , we beseech Thee to take into Thy gracious keeping
Dear Ture Of Our Royal Grand Master For India.
Albert Edward , Prince of Wales , on the distant journey he is about to undertake . " Preserve him , we pray Thee , from all evil accidents b y land or by water , from the pestilence that walketh in darkness , and from the arrow that destroyelh in the noonday . " May he prove a messenger of goodwill to
our Indian fellow-subjects , binding them together in loyalty to our Sovereign and in peace among themselves . " Restore him , we pray Thee , in health and safety to his own land , and in the temembrance of Thy manifold mercies may he live long to ailorify Thy name , through Jesus Christ , our Lord . Amen .
Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution.
At a meeting of the General Committee ol this institution on Wednesday last , W . Bro . Major Jno . Creaton , P . G . D ., V . Patron , in the chair , the following were present : —Bros . Hy . G . Warren , James Brett , B . Head , A . H . Tattershall , S . Rawson , Jno . G . Stevens , Joseph
Smith , Wm . Stephens , R . W . Little , Thos . W . White , H . Browse , H . M . Levy , R . W . Stewart , J . Hogg , Capt . Wordsworth , Chas . F . Hogard , and James Terry , Secretary . . The minutes of the previous meeting were read and verified . The Secretary reported that H . R . H . the Prince
of Wales had fixed Wednesday , the 9 th February , 1876 , for the next festival to be held , and that Lord Skelmersdale , Dep . G . M . and Prov . G . Master of West Lancashire , had consented to preside upon the occasion . The report of the Finance Committee was received and adopted ,
and cheques ordered to be drawn in payment of certain accounts . A discussion ensued as to the erection of a new fencing at the entrance of the building at Croydon , when it was resolved that an oaken one should be placed instead of a brick
wall and iron railing . Five candidates were placed on the list for election in May next . Permission was granted to one of the annuitants to marry , Some unimportant business having been transacted , the Committee adjourned .
Establishment Of A Masonic Club In Glasgow.
An idea for some considerable time past entertained by some of the leading members of the Masonic fraternity in Glasgow has at length taken form in the establishment of " The Glasgow and West of Scotland Masonic Club and Freemasons' Hall Company , Glasgow ( Limited ) . "
The scheme originated from a consideration of the fact that Glasgow , as a large commercial centre , and the province occupying an important Masonic position in Scotland , was very much behind in the matter of accommodation for carrying on or carrying out the objects of the
brotherhood . Every other country of any consequence in a Masonic connection can boast of magnificent buildings erected and suitable for the conduct of the business of the Craft , but in the West of Scotland nothing of the kind has hitherto existed .
With a view to remedy this , the association in question has been started , on the principle , as wo have stated , of " limited liability . " It has been registered for a capital of £ 2000 , distributed in 2000 shares of sSi each . Of these , about 800 are already taken up among ia <
shareholders , holding from one to 100 shares each , there being several holding the latter number . The former portion of the scheme , as expressed in the title , has only as yet been taken up . For the use of the club one of the old self-contained houses in Windsor-place ( No . 7 ) has been rented , and a start made . On the ground floor
are a private parlour , a billiard room , and the club-master ' s department—fully equipped with all the requisites for club purposes . On the upper floor is another private parlour , 3 commodious dining room , a handsomel y furnished smoking room , and ample lavatory accommodadation .
The club is under the management of a directorate of 15 members , exclusive of treasurer and secretary , Bro , David Horn being president ,