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Craft Masonry.
2739 ; W . H . Stone , 2647 ; L . F . Noakes , 19 S 2 ; G . W . Speth , P . A . G . D . C . ; A . D . J ollye , 2647 ; G . I . Goodhart , P . M . 1506 ; H . J . Alleyn , 2553 ; J . H . Noakes , 10 S ; M . Walters , 19 S 7 ; Rev . j . Henry Smith , P . M . 279 ; Lennox Browne , P . D . G . D . C ; T . H . Gardiner , P . A . G . D . C . ; W . Campbell , 101 ; Henry Times , P . M . 1 G 5 ; and W . Carrwasse , 1572 . The minutes of the previous meeting having been read and confirmed , Bro . Charles E . Russell , S . W ., W . M . elect , was presented to the chair by Bro . H . M . Carter , P . M ., and dulv installer" Iw Brn . R . F . Gnuld . P . M . Thp fnllnwinir nr . thr . nflior
officers for the year : Bros . John Webb , I . P . M . ; Sir Norman R . Pringle , Bart ., S . W . ; J . Norman Noakes , J . W . ; Rev . R . I . Woodhouse , P . M ., Chap . ; T . L . Wilkinson , P . M ., Treas . ; R . F . Gould , P . M ., Sec . ; Stuart B . Noakes , S . D . ; F . A . Donnison , J . D . ; Charles A . Elgood , LG . ; and George Couchman , Tyler . The sum of 10 guineas was voted to the Mansion House Fund for the Wives and Children of Soldiers , and a donation of half a guinea to that deserving object of Charity called "Our Brother's Bed . " An excellent banquet followed .
Thetoastof the evening , "The Memory of the Earl of Moira , the Patron of the Ledge , " was given , with his wonted eloquence , by the Treasurer , Bro . Wilkinson , P . M . An admirable programme of music had been arranged , and the following artistes were well and deservedly received : Bros . William Fell , Robert Grice , and Fred Cozens ; and Misses Gertrude Snow , Louise Jenkins , and Fainy Woolf ( solo violin ) . Bro . Fred Cozens presided most ably at the pianoforte .
Duke of Edinburgh Lodge , No . 1259 , The usual meeting of this lodge was held at the Three Nuns Hotel , Aldgate , on the 5 th inst ., when there were present Bros . R . O . Hindenvell , W . M . ; C . W . Chandler , S . W . ; T . Sweeting , Acting J . W . ; C . Wakefield , P . M ., Treas . ; George Parrett , P . M ., Sec . ; C . R . Warde , Asst . Sec . ; G . J . Bonner , ActingS . D . ; D . Gower , J . D . ; D . J . Lusty , I . G . ; R . T . Court , A . D . C ; C . Wakefield , jun ., Stwd . ; F . Adams , P . M . ; J . Coote , P . M . ; J . W . Westmoreland , P . M . ; H . Warner , I . P . M . ; and a
large assemblage of the brethren , though , strange to say ( for the Duke ' s ) , only two visitors ! This scarcity of welcome guests is certainly rare , as the genial hospitality extended by the lodge to all who pay it a visit is as well-known as it is unstinted , and other causes than that of good fellowship must account for the sparse attendance . This being the first occasion upon which the W . M . was called upon to occupy the chair after his installation , all present readily rendered him every assistance in the discharge of his official duties , and after the minutes of the last meeting had been read
and confirmed , a ballot was taken on behalf of Mr . Fred . Geo . Layton and Mr . Chas . Thos . Bamford for initiation , and for Bro . Cooper , 13 S 2 , as a joining member . The two candidates first named being in attendance , they were duly an J solemnly initiated . Bro . Frank Adams , P . M ., then took the chair , and passed Bros . Herdender , Clements , and Flood , also raising Bro . Davies to the S ublime Degree of a Master Mason . Before the lodge business had been _ brought to a close , the members were notified of the serious accident which had befallen Bro . J . R .
Omer , P . M ., one of the oldest members of the lodge , and several brethren to whom he is well known , having voiced the regret generally felt at his untoward misfortune , it was ordered that a letter of condolence and sympathy be sent to him on behalf ot the members present . The Secretary having inform ; d the members that the cheque for 25 guineas , voted at the last meeting as a contribution to " The Princess of Wales ' s Widows' and Orphans' Fund , " had been returned , owing to a misconception as to the exact fund intended to be benefited by the donation . Her Royal Highness not having
organised a fund of that character , it was ordered that the amount be forward ed to the Hospital Ship , of which the Princess is the Patron . The W . M . then explained the nature of the arrangements already made by the lodge oflicers as regards the annual ball , the date and place being January iGth , at Cannon-street Hotel , and he expressed the hope that one and all would exert themselves to the utmost to ensure the success of the venture , whilst he also mentioned that the wearing of Masonic clothing would be dispensed with on the occasion , and that the presence of non-members of the Craft would be cordially welcomed .
ihe lodge was then closed , and the brethren adjourned to dinner , served , as usual , in Bro . G . A . Roberts' sumptuous style . After the customary loyal and patriotic toasts had been duly honoured , the large company dispersed .
St . Ambrose Lodge , No . 1891 . The installation meeting of this well-known lodge took place at St . James ' Restaurant , Piccadilly , on the 7 th inst ., when there were present : Bros . Dr . Ivor Davis , W . M . ; Geo . May , S . W ., W . M . elect ; D . F . Norrington , J . W . ; P . P . Perry , P . M ., Treas . ; W . F . Bates , P . M ., Sec ; A . E . Gadd , S . D . ; F . Whicher , J . D . ; A . Strutt , I . G . ; G . B . Spicer , LP . M . ; F . W . Buxton , P . M ., P . Prov . G . S . of W . Berks ; W . Ham , P . M . ; J . C . Conway , P . M . ; L . Lichtwitz , P . M . ; R . W . Jones ,
P . M . ; H . J . Thwaites , E . T . Edwards , E . J . Rix , J . Shrubb , R . H . Willis , II . Smith , H . T . May , 1 . T . Rowland , A . R . Godrich , R . Sandland , F . Buck , F . W . Leeks , G . A . Fleche S . J . Ling , A . Meo , Harry Hudson , H . C . Parke , D . T . Davies , W . Worville , B . Gerald , J . Butler , W . A . Hudson , F . W . Garnham , W . M'Cutcheon , T . Hare , J . W . Brown , G . C . E . Gelardi , G . W . Thatcher , A . E . Earle , E . W . Willcox , A . Lee , R . Anderson ,
and R . Root . Visitors : Bros . E . C . Mulvey , P . G . P . ; J . W . Barker , P . M . 17 C 7 ; H . Foreman , P . M . 1275 ; J . H . Richardson , W . M . elect 1 S 2 S ; C J . Brown , P . M . 733 ; F . Kedge , P . M . 749 ; W . C . Jones , J . D . 1604 ; G . T . Hunt , 2721 ; W . R . Mead , 1 C 94 ; H . G . May , 511 ; J . Burgess , 1 C 7 C ; S . Scott , 1744 ; G . Estcourt , 2361 ; J . May , 17 G 7 ; W . H . Handover , 1642 ; P . Cooper , 1 C 94 ; A . Lichtwitz , 13 C 5 ; A . Burch , H 50 ; J . E . Wiberg , 1901 ; VV . Price , 144 ; C . B . Jones , 144 ; F . Spaulton , 6 3 ; J . Mason , 2 C 02 ; and K . T . VVest , 1744 .
I'he lodge was opened by the W . M ., Uro . Dr . Ivor Davis , when the minutes of the last meeting were read and confirmed , and the Audit Committee ' s report was received and adopted . The W . M . elect , Bro . G . May , was then presented by Bro . VV . F . Bates , P . M ., and installed into thc chair by Bro . Dr . Ivor Davis . The new Worshipful Master afterwards appointed and invested his officers , and addressed them in suitable terms as to their respective duties , but made special mention of the Treasurer , Bro . P . P . Perry , P . M ., and the indefatigable
Secretary , Bro . W . F . Bates , P . M . They were as follows : Bros . Dr . Ivor Davis , I . P . M . ; D . F . Norrington , S . W . ; F . Whicher , J . VV . ; the Rev . T . J . Filmer Bennett , M . A ., Chap . ; P . P . Perry , P . M ., Treas . ( the tenth time he had been invested as Treas . ); VV . F . Bites , P . M ., Sec ; A . Strutt , S . D . ; Ernest Rix , J . D . ; F . W . Buxton , P . M ., P . P . G . Supt . of Works Berks , H . J . Thwaites , F . Percy
Buxton , and H . Smith , Stwds . ; VV . Hoggin ? , P . M ., D . ot C . ; S . Ling , A . D . of C . ; and H . Evenden , P . M ., Tyler . All the new ' officers were in attendance with the exception of Bros , the Rev . T . J . Filmer Bennett , F . Percy Buxton , VV . Hoggins , P . M ., and H . Evenden , P . M ., who were absent through illness and other cause :. The delivery of the usual addresses was ably and eloquently rendered , by Bro . Dr . Ivor Davis , and the installation ceremonycould not have beenjbetter performed . It has seldom
Craft Masonry.
fallen to our lot to have ^ seen worked such an excellent manner , and in installing his successor Bro . Dr . Ivor Davis ended his brilliant year of office with much eclat . The W . M . then ' presented , on behalf of the lodge , a Past Master ' s jewel to Bro . Dr . Ivor Davis , I . P . M ., which , he stated , he did with much pleasure , as it was a slight return for his great and valued services . Bro . Dr . Ivor Davis , I . P . M ., in reply , tendered his sincere thanks for the jewel which he should esteem as one of the nicest things in his life . He was proud that he had filled the chair in the St . Ambrose Lodge , and he took that opportunity of thanking his very efficient officers for their great assistance , as
without which he could not have carried out his duties , and he thanked all the members for their great kindness to him during his reign as Master , which he should never forget . The jewel b ire the following inscription : "Presented by the St . Ambrose Lodge to Bro . Dr . Ivor Davis , P . M ., in recognition of his valuable services as W . M . during the year 1 S 99 . " The W . M ., Bro . Geo . May , initiated Mr . Robert Root and Mr . Richard Anderson in a rrasterly manner that delighted all who had the good fortune to witness the ceremony . The Sec , Bro . W . F . Bates , P . M ., reported that since the last meeting the lodge had sustained a loss through the death of Bro . Arthur White . and he took
upon himself , in the name of the lodge , to send a wreath to the funeral . It was resolved that the action of thc Secretary be endorsed , and that a letter of condolence be sent to the sister of the deceased brother . Bro . W . Ham , P . M ., said that he rose with a deal of pleasure to move that a hearty vote of thanks be accorded to Bro . Dr . Ivor Davis , I . P . M ., for his efficient services as W . M . and Installing Master . All the members must feel that he had not been a figure-head , but a Master as near ideal as
was possible . He had adorned the chair and added lustre to the lodge , and his grand year of ofiice would never be forgotten . The proposition was seconded by Bro . L . Lichtwitz , P . M ., and , on being put to the vote , was carried unanimously . In ( acknowledging the resolution , Bro . Dr . Ivor Davis , I . P . M ., said : " Thank you . " The W . M ., Bro . G . May , stated that he would go up as Steward at the forthcoming Festival of the Old People , and , after other business , the lodge was closed .
The brethren then partook of a superb banquet , which was admirably served , under the personal superintendence of Bro . Bertini . At the conclusion of the repast the W . M ., Bro . Geo . May , stated that the first toast he had the honour to propose was "The Queen and the Craft . " It was one that was always received with the utmost enthusiasm at every Masonic gathering . It was particularly acceptable to Masons for the reason that the illustrious lady who adorned the throne of the realm and of the Masonic Institutions had given them her son , or , he might say , her sons , to be Masons , and not that only , but her first son , their future king , to be not only a Mason , but the Most W . G . Master .
In giving "The M . W . G . M ., H . R . H . the Prince of VVales , " the W . M . said that it was unnecessary in a Masonic assembly to dilate on the merits of his Royal Highness . Most of the brethren present had attended numerous Masonic festivities , and must have heard the merits of his Royal Highness spoken in terms more eloquent than any ha could command , but he could not let that occasion pass without drawing attention to the marvellous strides made in Masonry . Since his Royal Highness became G . Master , the number of lodges had almost doubled ; at that time there were about 1500 lodges , but now there were nearly 3000 , and that wo nderful record demanded the highest appreciation .
The W . M . gave "The Grand Officers , Present and Past , " and said that those who had attended Grand Lodge and seen the working of the Grand Officers could not but say that they were the right men in the right place , and should have the support of all the brethren . iThey were honoured that evening with the presence of Bro . E . C . Mulvey , P . G . Purst ., who only wanted knowing , and it gave him much pleasure to associate his name with the toast .
At this point Miss Alice Mellish recited , with marked effect , " The Absent-Minded Beggar , " which was received with much enthusiasm , and immediately afterwards she went round the room with her "little tambourine , " and brought it to the VV . M . Bro . Dr . Ivor Davis , I . P . M ., at the request of the W . M ., put up the tambourine for sale , and after some spirited bidding , it was knocked down to Bro . A . R . Godrkh at £ 4 ios . — to be sent to the Widow and Orphan Fund . Bro . E . C . Mulvey , P . G . I ' urst ., responded to the toast of " The Grand Officers , Present and Past . " He saij that was not his first visit to the- lodge by a great
many , but on every occasion they were more than kind to him . He was glad to have had the privilege to see Bro . G . May installed as W . M ., and the excellent way he had invested his officers and performed the ceremony of initiation spoke well for the luture . He was following Bro . Dr . Ivor Davis , LP . M ., who , he felt , had done his work to the satisfaction of all the members , and he was a credit to their good lodge . Every Grand Officer was proud to be a Grand Officer , because they were associated with those who had done great things for the Craft , and , in concluding an able speerh , he said that he was delighted to attend the lodge , in which he hid so many deir friends .
Uro . Dr . Ivor Davis , I . P . M ., gave "The W . M ., Bro . Geo . May , " and slid it was a great pleasure to propose the toast , especially as Bro . Miy was destined to become a very popular and efficient W . M . He had known him for many years in Fulham , where he had attained a high character , as he had in the lodge , and his position as VV . M . was gained through sheer hard work . He was gratified that he had had the honour to instal him , because he ( Bro . Dr . Ivor Davis ) had proposed him in the lodge , and irom his excellent working that evening augured well , he thought , for the future . ( Great applause . )
Bro . Geo . May , VV . M ., responded , and stated that every man in his life time had to go through some circumstance and meets with at least one ordeal . He was face to face wi th one , perhaps the greatest ordeal of his life . He could not deny that he felt some anxiety in assuming his new , untriid and important responsibility , and all the more arduous it appeared to him to be when he remembered the able W . Ms , who had preceded him . He knew they expected great things of him , because they had been
accustomed to great things from the W . Ms ., and , knowing the great traditions of the lodge , he should strain every nerve to keep up the reputation of the lodge . He thought he might ask their indulgence in any slip he might mike , as he claimed the record of being the youngest W . M . the St . Ambrose Lodge had had . He was indeed proud to be Master of his mother lodge , and his earnest desire was that the coming year would be a happy and successful one .
The W . M ., in a few well-chosen words , proposed the toast of ; "The Initiates , " observing that he was sure they were good men and true oa account o ( their sponsors . B .-o . Robert Root responded , remarking that he was very pleased that he had been made a Mason , as he had long wanted to become one , and his earnest wish was that he would turn out to be one of the very best . The W . M . gave " The Visitors , " whom he cordially welcomed . They were honoured that with
evening a goodly number , and might he say that the lodge was renowned for the way they received and entertained their guests . He was in hopes of having a large number of brethren from the Fulham Lodge , but thit wis not to De as they were holding their lodge meeting that evening . Bros . Sergt .-Major Jones , F . Kedge , P . M . ; and J . Mason responded in so . ne good speeches . At the request ot the W . M .,
Bro . VV . Ham , P . M ., gave "The I . P . M . and Installing ] Master , Bro . Dr . Ivor Davis . " He said that he was much surprised to have been called upon to submit the toast , as it could have been well left in bettor hands , and certainly Bro . F . VV . Buxton , PM ., could have done it greater justice . Many of them wouli rememoer tut , about
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Craft Masonry.
2739 ; W . H . Stone , 2647 ; L . F . Noakes , 19 S 2 ; G . W . Speth , P . A . G . D . C . ; A . D . J ollye , 2647 ; G . I . Goodhart , P . M . 1506 ; H . J . Alleyn , 2553 ; J . H . Noakes , 10 S ; M . Walters , 19 S 7 ; Rev . j . Henry Smith , P . M . 279 ; Lennox Browne , P . D . G . D . C ; T . H . Gardiner , P . A . G . D . C . ; W . Campbell , 101 ; Henry Times , P . M . 1 G 5 ; and W . Carrwasse , 1572 . The minutes of the previous meeting having been read and confirmed , Bro . Charles E . Russell , S . W ., W . M . elect , was presented to the chair by Bro . H . M . Carter , P . M ., and dulv installer" Iw Brn . R . F . Gnuld . P . M . Thp fnllnwinir nr . thr . nflior
officers for the year : Bros . John Webb , I . P . M . ; Sir Norman R . Pringle , Bart ., S . W . ; J . Norman Noakes , J . W . ; Rev . R . I . Woodhouse , P . M ., Chap . ; T . L . Wilkinson , P . M ., Treas . ; R . F . Gould , P . M ., Sec . ; Stuart B . Noakes , S . D . ; F . A . Donnison , J . D . ; Charles A . Elgood , LG . ; and George Couchman , Tyler . The sum of 10 guineas was voted to the Mansion House Fund for the Wives and Children of Soldiers , and a donation of half a guinea to that deserving object of Charity called "Our Brother's Bed . " An excellent banquet followed .
Thetoastof the evening , "The Memory of the Earl of Moira , the Patron of the Ledge , " was given , with his wonted eloquence , by the Treasurer , Bro . Wilkinson , P . M . An admirable programme of music had been arranged , and the following artistes were well and deservedly received : Bros . William Fell , Robert Grice , and Fred Cozens ; and Misses Gertrude Snow , Louise Jenkins , and Fainy Woolf ( solo violin ) . Bro . Fred Cozens presided most ably at the pianoforte .
Duke of Edinburgh Lodge , No . 1259 , The usual meeting of this lodge was held at the Three Nuns Hotel , Aldgate , on the 5 th inst ., when there were present Bros . R . O . Hindenvell , W . M . ; C . W . Chandler , S . W . ; T . Sweeting , Acting J . W . ; C . Wakefield , P . M ., Treas . ; George Parrett , P . M ., Sec . ; C . R . Warde , Asst . Sec . ; G . J . Bonner , ActingS . D . ; D . Gower , J . D . ; D . J . Lusty , I . G . ; R . T . Court , A . D . C ; C . Wakefield , jun ., Stwd . ; F . Adams , P . M . ; J . Coote , P . M . ; J . W . Westmoreland , P . M . ; H . Warner , I . P . M . ; and a
large assemblage of the brethren , though , strange to say ( for the Duke ' s ) , only two visitors ! This scarcity of welcome guests is certainly rare , as the genial hospitality extended by the lodge to all who pay it a visit is as well-known as it is unstinted , and other causes than that of good fellowship must account for the sparse attendance . This being the first occasion upon which the W . M . was called upon to occupy the chair after his installation , all present readily rendered him every assistance in the discharge of his official duties , and after the minutes of the last meeting had been read
and confirmed , a ballot was taken on behalf of Mr . Fred . Geo . Layton and Mr . Chas . Thos . Bamford for initiation , and for Bro . Cooper , 13 S 2 , as a joining member . The two candidates first named being in attendance , they were duly an J solemnly initiated . Bro . Frank Adams , P . M ., then took the chair , and passed Bros . Herdender , Clements , and Flood , also raising Bro . Davies to the S ublime Degree of a Master Mason . Before the lodge business had been _ brought to a close , the members were notified of the serious accident which had befallen Bro . J . R .
Omer , P . M ., one of the oldest members of the lodge , and several brethren to whom he is well known , having voiced the regret generally felt at his untoward misfortune , it was ordered that a letter of condolence and sympathy be sent to him on behalf ot the members present . The Secretary having inform ; d the members that the cheque for 25 guineas , voted at the last meeting as a contribution to " The Princess of Wales ' s Widows' and Orphans' Fund , " had been returned , owing to a misconception as to the exact fund intended to be benefited by the donation . Her Royal Highness not having
organised a fund of that character , it was ordered that the amount be forward ed to the Hospital Ship , of which the Princess is the Patron . The W . M . then explained the nature of the arrangements already made by the lodge oflicers as regards the annual ball , the date and place being January iGth , at Cannon-street Hotel , and he expressed the hope that one and all would exert themselves to the utmost to ensure the success of the venture , whilst he also mentioned that the wearing of Masonic clothing would be dispensed with on the occasion , and that the presence of non-members of the Craft would be cordially welcomed .
ihe lodge was then closed , and the brethren adjourned to dinner , served , as usual , in Bro . G . A . Roberts' sumptuous style . After the customary loyal and patriotic toasts had been duly honoured , the large company dispersed .
St . Ambrose Lodge , No . 1891 . The installation meeting of this well-known lodge took place at St . James ' Restaurant , Piccadilly , on the 7 th inst ., when there were present : Bros . Dr . Ivor Davis , W . M . ; Geo . May , S . W ., W . M . elect ; D . F . Norrington , J . W . ; P . P . Perry , P . M ., Treas . ; W . F . Bates , P . M ., Sec ; A . E . Gadd , S . D . ; F . Whicher , J . D . ; A . Strutt , I . G . ; G . B . Spicer , LP . M . ; F . W . Buxton , P . M ., P . Prov . G . S . of W . Berks ; W . Ham , P . M . ; J . C . Conway , P . M . ; L . Lichtwitz , P . M . ; R . W . Jones ,
P . M . ; H . J . Thwaites , E . T . Edwards , E . J . Rix , J . Shrubb , R . H . Willis , II . Smith , H . T . May , 1 . T . Rowland , A . R . Godrich , R . Sandland , F . Buck , F . W . Leeks , G . A . Fleche S . J . Ling , A . Meo , Harry Hudson , H . C . Parke , D . T . Davies , W . Worville , B . Gerald , J . Butler , W . A . Hudson , F . W . Garnham , W . M'Cutcheon , T . Hare , J . W . Brown , G . C . E . Gelardi , G . W . Thatcher , A . E . Earle , E . W . Willcox , A . Lee , R . Anderson ,
and R . Root . Visitors : Bros . E . C . Mulvey , P . G . P . ; J . W . Barker , P . M . 17 C 7 ; H . Foreman , P . M . 1275 ; J . H . Richardson , W . M . elect 1 S 2 S ; C J . Brown , P . M . 733 ; F . Kedge , P . M . 749 ; W . C . Jones , J . D . 1604 ; G . T . Hunt , 2721 ; W . R . Mead , 1 C 94 ; H . G . May , 511 ; J . Burgess , 1 C 7 C ; S . Scott , 1744 ; G . Estcourt , 2361 ; J . May , 17 G 7 ; W . H . Handover , 1642 ; P . Cooper , 1 C 94 ; A . Lichtwitz , 13 C 5 ; A . Burch , H 50 ; J . E . Wiberg , 1901 ; VV . Price , 144 ; C . B . Jones , 144 ; F . Spaulton , 6 3 ; J . Mason , 2 C 02 ; and K . T . VVest , 1744 .
I'he lodge was opened by the W . M ., Uro . Dr . Ivor Davis , when the minutes of the last meeting were read and confirmed , and the Audit Committee ' s report was received and adopted . The W . M . elect , Bro . G . May , was then presented by Bro . VV . F . Bates , P . M ., and installed into thc chair by Bro . Dr . Ivor Davis . The new Worshipful Master afterwards appointed and invested his officers , and addressed them in suitable terms as to their respective duties , but made special mention of the Treasurer , Bro . P . P . Perry , P . M ., and the indefatigable
Secretary , Bro . W . F . Bates , P . M . They were as follows : Bros . Dr . Ivor Davis , I . P . M . ; D . F . Norrington , S . W . ; F . Whicher , J . VV . ; the Rev . T . J . Filmer Bennett , M . A ., Chap . ; P . P . Perry , P . M ., Treas . ( the tenth time he had been invested as Treas . ); VV . F . Bites , P . M ., Sec ; A . Strutt , S . D . ; Ernest Rix , J . D . ; F . W . Buxton , P . M ., P . P . G . Supt . of Works Berks , H . J . Thwaites , F . Percy
Buxton , and H . Smith , Stwds . ; VV . Hoggin ? , P . M ., D . ot C . ; S . Ling , A . D . of C . ; and H . Evenden , P . M ., Tyler . All the new ' officers were in attendance with the exception of Bros , the Rev . T . J . Filmer Bennett , F . Percy Buxton , VV . Hoggins , P . M ., and H . Evenden , P . M ., who were absent through illness and other cause :. The delivery of the usual addresses was ably and eloquently rendered , by Bro . Dr . Ivor Davis , and the installation ceremonycould not have beenjbetter performed . It has seldom
Craft Masonry.
fallen to our lot to have ^ seen worked such an excellent manner , and in installing his successor Bro . Dr . Ivor Davis ended his brilliant year of office with much eclat . The W . M . then ' presented , on behalf of the lodge , a Past Master ' s jewel to Bro . Dr . Ivor Davis , I . P . M ., which , he stated , he did with much pleasure , as it was a slight return for his great and valued services . Bro . Dr . Ivor Davis , I . P . M ., in reply , tendered his sincere thanks for the jewel which he should esteem as one of the nicest things in his life . He was proud that he had filled the chair in the St . Ambrose Lodge , and he took that opportunity of thanking his very efficient officers for their great assistance , as
without which he could not have carried out his duties , and he thanked all the members for their great kindness to him during his reign as Master , which he should never forget . The jewel b ire the following inscription : "Presented by the St . Ambrose Lodge to Bro . Dr . Ivor Davis , P . M ., in recognition of his valuable services as W . M . during the year 1 S 99 . " The W . M ., Bro . Geo . May , initiated Mr . Robert Root and Mr . Richard Anderson in a rrasterly manner that delighted all who had the good fortune to witness the ceremony . The Sec , Bro . W . F . Bates , P . M ., reported that since the last meeting the lodge had sustained a loss through the death of Bro . Arthur White . and he took
upon himself , in the name of the lodge , to send a wreath to the funeral . It was resolved that the action of thc Secretary be endorsed , and that a letter of condolence be sent to the sister of the deceased brother . Bro . W . Ham , P . M ., said that he rose with a deal of pleasure to move that a hearty vote of thanks be accorded to Bro . Dr . Ivor Davis , I . P . M ., for his efficient services as W . M . and Installing Master . All the members must feel that he had not been a figure-head , but a Master as near ideal as
was possible . He had adorned the chair and added lustre to the lodge , and his grand year of ofiice would never be forgotten . The proposition was seconded by Bro . L . Lichtwitz , P . M ., and , on being put to the vote , was carried unanimously . In ( acknowledging the resolution , Bro . Dr . Ivor Davis , I . P . M ., said : " Thank you . " The W . M ., Bro . G . May , stated that he would go up as Steward at the forthcoming Festival of the Old People , and , after other business , the lodge was closed .
The brethren then partook of a superb banquet , which was admirably served , under the personal superintendence of Bro . Bertini . At the conclusion of the repast the W . M ., Bro . Geo . May , stated that the first toast he had the honour to propose was "The Queen and the Craft . " It was one that was always received with the utmost enthusiasm at every Masonic gathering . It was particularly acceptable to Masons for the reason that the illustrious lady who adorned the throne of the realm and of the Masonic Institutions had given them her son , or , he might say , her sons , to be Masons , and not that only , but her first son , their future king , to be not only a Mason , but the Most W . G . Master .
In giving "The M . W . G . M ., H . R . H . the Prince of VVales , " the W . M . said that it was unnecessary in a Masonic assembly to dilate on the merits of his Royal Highness . Most of the brethren present had attended numerous Masonic festivities , and must have heard the merits of his Royal Highness spoken in terms more eloquent than any ha could command , but he could not let that occasion pass without drawing attention to the marvellous strides made in Masonry . Since his Royal Highness became G . Master , the number of lodges had almost doubled ; at that time there were about 1500 lodges , but now there were nearly 3000 , and that wo nderful record demanded the highest appreciation .
The W . M . gave "The Grand Officers , Present and Past , " and said that those who had attended Grand Lodge and seen the working of the Grand Officers could not but say that they were the right men in the right place , and should have the support of all the brethren . iThey were honoured that evening with the presence of Bro . E . C . Mulvey , P . G . Purst ., who only wanted knowing , and it gave him much pleasure to associate his name with the toast .
At this point Miss Alice Mellish recited , with marked effect , " The Absent-Minded Beggar , " which was received with much enthusiasm , and immediately afterwards she went round the room with her "little tambourine , " and brought it to the VV . M . Bro . Dr . Ivor Davis , I . P . M ., at the request of the W . M ., put up the tambourine for sale , and after some spirited bidding , it was knocked down to Bro . A . R . Godrkh at £ 4 ios . — to be sent to the Widow and Orphan Fund . Bro . E . C . Mulvey , P . G . I ' urst ., responded to the toast of " The Grand Officers , Present and Past . " He saij that was not his first visit to the- lodge by a great
many , but on every occasion they were more than kind to him . He was glad to have had the privilege to see Bro . G . May installed as W . M ., and the excellent way he had invested his officers and performed the ceremony of initiation spoke well for the luture . He was following Bro . Dr . Ivor Davis , LP . M ., who , he felt , had done his work to the satisfaction of all the members , and he was a credit to their good lodge . Every Grand Officer was proud to be a Grand Officer , because they were associated with those who had done great things for the Craft , and , in concluding an able speerh , he said that he was delighted to attend the lodge , in which he hid so many deir friends .
Uro . Dr . Ivor Davis , I . P . M ., gave "The W . M ., Bro . Geo . May , " and slid it was a great pleasure to propose the toast , especially as Bro . Miy was destined to become a very popular and efficient W . M . He had known him for many years in Fulham , where he had attained a high character , as he had in the lodge , and his position as VV . M . was gained through sheer hard work . He was gratified that he had had the honour to instal him , because he ( Bro . Dr . Ivor Davis ) had proposed him in the lodge , and irom his excellent working that evening augured well , he thought , for the future . ( Great applause . )
Bro . Geo . May , VV . M ., responded , and stated that every man in his life time had to go through some circumstance and meets with at least one ordeal . He was face to face wi th one , perhaps the greatest ordeal of his life . He could not deny that he felt some anxiety in assuming his new , untriid and important responsibility , and all the more arduous it appeared to him to be when he remembered the able W . Ms , who had preceded him . He knew they expected great things of him , because they had been
accustomed to great things from the W . Ms ., and , knowing the great traditions of the lodge , he should strain every nerve to keep up the reputation of the lodge . He thought he might ask their indulgence in any slip he might mike , as he claimed the record of being the youngest W . M . the St . Ambrose Lodge had had . He was indeed proud to be Master of his mother lodge , and his earnest desire was that the coming year would be a happy and successful one .
The W . M ., in a few well-chosen words , proposed the toast of ; "The Initiates , " observing that he was sure they were good men and true oa account o ( their sponsors . B .-o . Robert Root responded , remarking that he was very pleased that he had been made a Mason , as he had long wanted to become one , and his earnest wish was that he would turn out to be one of the very best . The W . M . gave " The Visitors , " whom he cordially welcomed . They were honoured that with
evening a goodly number , and might he say that the lodge was renowned for the way they received and entertained their guests . He was in hopes of having a large number of brethren from the Fulham Lodge , but thit wis not to De as they were holding their lodge meeting that evening . Bros . Sergt .-Major Jones , F . Kedge , P . M . ; and J . Mason responded in so . ne good speeches . At the request ot the W . M .,
Bro . VV . Ham , P . M ., gave "The I . P . M . and Installing ] Master , Bro . Dr . Ivor Davis . " He said that he was much surprised to have been called upon to submit the toast , as it could have been well left in bettor hands , and certainly Bro . F . VV . Buxton , PM ., could have done it greater justice . Many of them wouli rememoer tut , about
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