Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Masonic And General Tidings
Bro . Sir Philip Cunliffe-Owen , K . C . M . G , C . B , arrived at Windsor Castle on Saturday last , and had the honour of being included in Her Majesty ' s dinner party . H . R . H . the Duke of Albany was present at a special meeting , on Saturday Iast ,. of . the trustees of the British Museum . Admiral Lord Alcester reached Windsor Castle
on Saturday afternoon on his return from . the Mediterranean , and had the honour of kissing hands on being created a peer . His lordship dined and slept at the Castle and returned to towr . on Monday for the purpose of taking his seat at the Board of Admiralty . Bro . Richardson - Gardner , M . P , and Mrs . Richardson-Gardner are now on a tour among the
principal cities in Spain , their object being to inspect the different institutions established in that country for the care of the blind . Bro . the Earl of Dalhousie , in company with other members of the Royal Commission on Reformatories and Industrial Schools , visited some of the institutions of that character in Liverpool and the neighbourhood on the
Sth inst . On Friday they were engaged in taking evidence , and on Saturday they completed their round of visits . Bro . Lord Claud Hamilton , M . P , was among those present at the launch in Earle's Shipbuilding Yard , Hull , of a twin-screw steamer named the Norwich , and which has been built for the service of the Great Eastern Railway Company between Harwich and Antwerp .
Saturday last was the 20 th anniversary of the marriage of their Royal Highnesses the Prince and Princess of Wales , and the auspicious event was celebrated with the customary honours at Windsor and Sandringham and in London . We regret to announce the death of Mr . Ashton Dilkc , lately Member of Parliament for
Newcastle-on-Tyne , and brother of Bro . Sir Charles Dilke , Bart , M . P . Bros . Earl Granville , the Earl of Derby , the Marquis of Hartington , A'J . P , the Earl of Kimberley , tbe Right Hon . J . G . Dodson , M . P , and Sir Charles Dilke , Bart , M . P , were present at the Cabinet Council held on Saturday last in Mr . Gladstone ' s private room in the House of Commons .
The members of the Royal Academy will hold a meeting on Thursday , the 29 th inst , in order to elect a successor to Mr . C VV . Cope , R . A , who has resigned and accepted the position of a retired Royal Academician . The Duke and Duchess of Connaught , who are travelling incognito under thc title of the Earl and Countess of Sussex , arrived at Florence on Friday evening last , and
alighted at the Hotel Royal de VArno . Her Majesty , who is Patroness of the Royal National Lifeboat Institution , has recently forwarded , through General Ponsonby , her annual subscription to its funds of £ 50 . Bro . the Marquis of Tweeddale presided on Saturday evening last at a meeting of the members and friends of the Working Men's College , Great
Ormondstreet . In the course of the proceedings Mr . Pender , M . P , read a paper , entitled "An Autumn Holiday in the United States . " Bro . H . B . Marshall , C . C , will preside at the annual election of inmates of the Asylum for Idiots , Earlswood , which will be held at the Cannon-street Hotel on Thursday , April 26 th . H . R . H . the Prince of Wales has been appointed
a Field Marshal in the Prussian army , the baton of his rank having been handed to His Royal Highness in person by the Emperor William of Germany . It is stated that the families of Bros , the Earl of Hardwicke , P . G . M . Cambridgeshire , and Lord Alington of Wimborne , Dorsetshire , are about to be connected by the marriage of the Hon . Humphrey Sturt , only son of the latter , with the Lady Feodore Yorke , only daughter of the former .
At the Court of Aldermen held on Tuesday , under the presidency of Bro . the Lord Mayor , a vote of condolence with the family of our late Bro . Alderman Sir Thomas White was proposed by Alderman Finnis and seconded by Alderman Sir Robert Carden , the latter remarking that though a similar duty had devolved on him on many previous occasions , he had never experienced so he had sat to his
much pain as in this instance , as opposite deceased brother Alderman at dinner at the Mansion House only on the evening previous to his death . It goes without saying that the vote was passed unanimousiy . A meeting was held on Saturday last at the United Service Institution for the purpose of considering the unsatisfactory condition of the British cemeteries in the
Crimea , with a view to putting them in better condition and preventing further desecration . The Commander-in-Chief , H . R . H . the Duke of Cambridge , occupied the chair . Among those present were H . R . H . the Prince of Wales , who advocated the collection of the remains of our gallant soldiers in a mausoleum , and Bros . Lord Wolseley , Sir Henry Keppel , Admiral of the Fleet ; and Colonel
Stanley , M . P , ex-Secretary of State for War . Letters of sympathy and regret at their inability to attend were read from , amongst others , Bros . G . J . Shaw-Lefevre , M . P , and Sir W . W . Wynn , Bart , M . P . TRUSSES , ELASTIC BANDAGES , ETC . —S EELF . Y ' HARD RUUHER TRUSSES . —The world ' s recognition of unequalled excellence , Iteceving the only award of merit granted for trusses at the late international Medical Exhibition , 1881 . Made in every desirable
and latest improved pattern , line steel springs , neatly covered with highly-polished hard rubber , light , cool , cleanly ; unaffected by time , use , or climate . Free from all sour , rusty , dialing , or strapping unpleasantness . Used in bathing . Always reliable . Tbe correct and skilful mechanical treatment of hernia or rupture a specialty . Under patronage oi ihe world ' s most distinguished surgeons . Choice assortment of elastic surgical hosiery . Helta , improved suspensory bandages , shoulder braces . Establishments —54 , Fleet-street , London , B . C ., and 1317 , Chestnut-street , Philadelphia , U . S . A .-IAovr . ]
Masonic And General Tidings
The Prince and Princess of Wales were present at some amateur theatricals given by the 2 nd Battalion Coldstream Guards , at Chelsea Barracks on Tuesday evening . Bros , the Hon . F . Leveson-Gower , M . P , and Right Hon . J . G . Dodson , M . P , were among the guests at the dinner given by the Duke of Bedford on Tuesday evening .
The Queen and the Princess Beatrice , attended by the usual suite , arrived at Buckingham Palace from Windsor on Monday . In the evening Her Majesty ' s dinner party included the Duke of Albany , the Marquis of Hertford , Bro . Lord Methuen , P . G . M , Wiltshire , and Lord Alcester , G . C . B . The funeral of our late Bro . W . G . Harrison
Q . C , Grand Senior Deacon of England , took place at Highgate cemetery on Saturday morning last , in the presence of a numerous gathering of his friends and brethren of the long robe . The late Lord Sherborne , Past Provincial Grand Master of Gloucestershire , was buried at Sherborne on Wednesday . The great bell of Gloucester Cathedral
was tolled and a muffled peal was rung out of respect to the memory of our deceased brother . On Monday , by command of Her Majesty , a levee was held by the Prince of Wales at St . James ' s Palace . Amongst the officers of state in attendance on
His Royal Highness were Bros , the Earl of Breadalbane , Treasurer of ' the Household , Lord Kensington , M . P , Comptroller of the Household ; the Earljof Cork , K . P ., Master of the Buckbounds ; Lord Methuen , Lord in Waiting ; and the Marquis of Hamilton , Lord of the Bed Chamber in Waiting to the Prince of Wales .
The Borough of Portsmouth Freemasons' Club have issued their balance-sheet for the past year , and the members are to be congratulated on the progress made and the position it is now in . Arrangements are now made with the Press Association for a regular supply of telegrams
after six o'clock in the evening , the time the club is mostly used . The Masonic Charity Fund in connection with the club has given twenty-five guineas during the year to Masonic Charities . The annual dinner will be held at the club on Monday next . On the tst Jan ., 1 SS 2 , the cash balance was £ 263 Cs . 3 d , and on the 31 st December last it was £ 400 iSs . 2 d .
The Earl of Carnarvon , Pro Grand Master , has consented to preside at the anniversary festival of the United Kingdom Railway Officers' and Servants' Association and Railway Orphan Fund on Wednesday , the 11 th of April next . The Great City Lodge met on Saturday , the 10 th inst .. and it beine the anniversary of the Most
Worshipful Grand Master ' s wedding day , a telegram was forwarded as follows : "To H . R . H . the Prince of Wales , M . W . G . M , Marlborough House . Hearty congratulations of the lodge on the 20 th anniversary of your wedding day . " To which the following reply was promptly received ; " From the Prince of Wales to the Great City Lodge . Thank you very much for your congratulations . "
We call attention to an announcement elsewhere relative to Bro . Professor Ramaccini . We understand that both foreign and American newspapers speak very highly of his artistic acquirements and we believe he is not altogether unknown to some of our London brethren . Bro . Edgar Bowyer , VV . M . of the Clerkenwell Lodge , No ; 1964 , and P . P . S . G . W . Herts , and Mrs .
Bowyer , celebrated their silver wedding on the Sth inst , by entertaining a large circle of friends at dinner at the Freemasons' Tavern , followed by a ball . In our report of Grand Lodge proceedings last week we stated that the Neptune Lodge was represented by Bros . P . M . Britten and Storr . We learn that the W . M ,
Bro . Povey , and the J . VV , Bro . R . VV . Couleter , were also present . As we are desirous on future occasions of printing a list of those brethren who represent their respective lodges at the Quarterly Communications , we fraternally invite our readers to aid us by sending in their names to the Freemason office .
The Raglan Hotel , St . Martin s-le-Grand , has been purchased b y Bro . Thomas Benskin , of the Castle and Falcon Hotel , which is situated next door . This arrangement will increase the present facilities of each establishment considerably . The Prince of Wales occupied the chair on Wednesday evening on the occasion of the dinner given by the M ^ rlKryf ^ nfrli r * lnh fn AAm \ ra \ f . nrrt Alrpctpr . G . C It . nn hiQ WUV - « % ., — . .. ~ , ..
... a . ' —u . u .. ^ .. . * — . * ...... — ..... wu . v v w ..... return from Egypt . , On the motion of the Prince of Wales , it was resolved on Monday , at a meeting of the committee for erecting a suitable memorial to the late Mr . Street , R . A , to approve of the design submitted by Mr . Armstead , R . A , and the committee were authorised to carry it out , subject to such modifications in the pedestal as may be deemed
advisable . Baron H . de Worms , M . P , presided at a monthly meeting of the Council of the Anglo-Jewish Association on Sunday , at which the business transacted included the appointment of a committee , among whom are Mr . 1 . Seligman , Mr . E . J . Emanuel , and Mr . Ellis A . Franklin , to formulate a scheme to improve the financial
position of the association . We regret to hear that Bro . George Sims , of Aldersgate-street , has been compelled , by reason of the weak state of his health , to leave London for the Riviera . Bros . Earl Percy , M . P , P . G . M . Northumberland , Lord Claud Hamilton , M . P , P . G . W ., Hon . F . Leveson-Gower , M . P , and Sir John Mowbray were present at
the Speaker's third Parliamentary full dress dinner on Wednesday . HOI-LOWAV ' OIKTMIXT Attn PILI . S . —Diseases of Advanced Years . —The grand climacteric being passed , mankind passes to old age . Then the digestion becomes impaired , the nervous system grows feeble , and tbe phtsical powers become enervated . Now arise congestion of tbe liver , lungs , or bead , followed by dropsy ,
asthma , or apoplexy , which frequently alllict and often destroy tbe aged . As thc liver usually becomes torpid , its activity may speedily lie revived by rubu ' mg Holloway ' s Ointment thoroughly over the pit of tbe stomach and right side , at least twice a day , and taking the Pills at the same time . This treatment also disperses all oilier congestions by varying the parts rubbed according to the situations of the mischict . —[ ADVTO
Masonic And General Tidings
Ihe Oxford and Cambridge boat-race was rowed on Thursday afternoon from Putney to Mortlake , in the presence of an , immense number of spectators , Oxford being the winner . The consecration of the Stirling Lodge , No . 1 QS 9 , will take place at the Market Hall , Cleator Moor , on Wednesday next . . Bro . J . J . Robinson , 1267 , P . M . S 72 ,
P . P . ti . 1 , is the W . M . designate , and the ceremony will be performed by the Deputy Provincial Grand Master , Bro . L . F . B . Dykes . The Consecration of the St . Michael ' s Chapter , No . 1273 , took place at Sittingbourne , on 'Thursday , the 15 th inst . We shall give a fulf report of the proceedings in our next .
The Princess of Wales , the Duchess of Marlborough , the Marchioness of Bath , the Countess of Cork , Mrs . G . O . Trevelyan , and other ladies have offered to lend some valuable specimens of Irish lace for the Irish Lace Exhibition to be held in the latter end of June . Bro . the Lord Mayor is President of the Committee , and Bro . Sir P . Cuncliffe-Owen , Vice-President .
At the National Hospital for Diseases of the Heart and Paralysis , Soho-square , the number of patients under treatment for the week was S 70 . The Lady Mayoress has consented to have her name added to the list of patronesses of the forthcoming fancy dress ball which is to take place at Willis ' s Rioms , on the 26 th of April next , in aid of the funds of the National
Hospital for Diseases of the Heart and Paralysis , Sohosquare . Bro . F . B . Chatterton , late lessee of Drury Lane Theatre , recited "A Christmas Carol " and "The Trial from Pickwick , " in the banquet-room of St . James ' s Hall , or . Wednesday . Bro . Chatterton was very cordially received , and if these recitals are approved , intends permanently adopting the profession of a public reader .
Bro . Sir John Bennett on Tuesday ni ght lectured on the House of Lords before the members of the Hastings Junior Liberal Club . Bro . Lord Carlingford , Lord Bramwell , and Mr . Mundella , M . P , the Arbitrators appointed to consider whether the proposed college for South Wales should be at Cardiff or Swansea , have decided in favour of the former .
Bro . the Lord Mayor presided on Wednesday evening at a meeting in the Guildhall of the National Temperance League , his lordship frankly acknowledging he was not and never intended to be a total abstainer , but stating at the same time that he fully sympathised with whatever was done to promote the cause of sobriety . Bro . Lord Claud Hamilton , M . P , was also present and took part in the proceedings .
Bro . Captain Bedford Pirn , R . N , has resigned his position as Prime Minister of the Sydenham and Foresthill House of Commons . The resignation was brought about by a Bill which he introduced with referrence to corrupt practices at elections . The Ministry go with him , and Mr . Corner has undertaken the formation of a Liberal Ministry . The " House " consists of upwards of 700 members , and the Lord Mayor is one of them .
Bro . H . Baldwin , Secretary of the Royal Hanover Lodge , No . 1777 , desires us to state that the first regular meeting of this highly prosperous summer lodge will be held at the Albany Hotel , Twickenham , on the 24 th inst , at 3 . 30 p . m ., under the rule of Bro . Charles C . Cruikshanks , VV . M .
We are requested to announce thai , the meetings of the Sincerity Lodge of Instruction , No . 174 , on Monday eveniligs will in future be held at the Railway Tavern , adjoining Fenchurch-street railway station . Bro . C . H . Webb , P . M . 1607 and 174 , is the esteemed Preceptor , and Bro . H . J . Cant , the Hon . Secretary , both of whom offer a cordial welcome to the brethren .
Bro . General Lord Wolseley has consented to preside to-morrow ( Saturday ) at Freemasons' Tavern at the Centenary Festival of the Benevolent Society of St . Patrick , which clothes , educates , and partly feeds some 450 of the poorest children in London . As the school buildings stand in need of extensive repairs , there is of course a
proportionately urgent need for liberal subscriptions in order to defray the cost , and we trust the influence and advocacy of the gallant general will be successful in securing a large measure of support for this excellent institution , the more especially as the anniversary of the school is coincident in point of time with the anniversery of the saint to whose honour it is dedicated .
Mr . J . G . Chambers who , though he had been ill for a long time past , died somewhat unexpectedly at the beginning of last week , was buried in Brompton Cemetery on Thursday , the Sth inst , a large number of friends being present in order to pay their last tribute of respect to the deceased . Mr . Chambers , who was a conspicuous figure in athletic and aquatic circles , and was known
also as editor of Land and Water and proprietor of Lillie Bridge Grounds , was educated at Eton and afterwards at Trinity College , Cambridge . He was a fine oarsman , having rowed two years running for his university , and having some years later played the part of coach to the light blues and taught them how to achieve the victory . He was moreover a good athlete , and one who did his utmost to encourage every kind of sport for the honour of the
thing and not for any profit that might be made out of it . He was the determined enemy of anything that had about it eventhc semblance of chicanery , and as a consequence there was no one who was more generally respected by genuine sportsmen . His loss will be felt not only by his relatives , friends , and intimate acquaintances , but likewise by the athletic world generally , for whom at Lillie Bridge he had worked so hard and achieved so much .
MONEY LENT . Advances on Property . Loans Negotiated . — £ 5 to £ 1000 , with and without securities , at moderate Interest upon Promissory Notes , repayable at a fixed period , or by instalments ; also upon Deeds , Life Policies , Furniture , Jewellery , Shares , Warrants , Stocks ,
& c . Prompt attention , with secrecy . Trade bills discounted . Deposits received . THE LONDON BANK , 71 , Fleet-street , h . C ; 88 , High-street , Islington , N . ; and 113 , Church-street , Edgware-road , W . Open daily Forms gratis . Established 18 3 S . E . J . READ , Secretary . — [ ADVT . ]
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Masonic And General Tidings
Bro . Sir Philip Cunliffe-Owen , K . C . M . G , C . B , arrived at Windsor Castle on Saturday last , and had the honour of being included in Her Majesty ' s dinner party . H . R . H . the Duke of Albany was present at a special meeting , on Saturday Iast ,. of . the trustees of the British Museum . Admiral Lord Alcester reached Windsor Castle
on Saturday afternoon on his return from . the Mediterranean , and had the honour of kissing hands on being created a peer . His lordship dined and slept at the Castle and returned to towr . on Monday for the purpose of taking his seat at the Board of Admiralty . Bro . Richardson - Gardner , M . P , and Mrs . Richardson-Gardner are now on a tour among the
principal cities in Spain , their object being to inspect the different institutions established in that country for the care of the blind . Bro . the Earl of Dalhousie , in company with other members of the Royal Commission on Reformatories and Industrial Schools , visited some of the institutions of that character in Liverpool and the neighbourhood on the
Sth inst . On Friday they were engaged in taking evidence , and on Saturday they completed their round of visits . Bro . Lord Claud Hamilton , M . P , was among those present at the launch in Earle's Shipbuilding Yard , Hull , of a twin-screw steamer named the Norwich , and which has been built for the service of the Great Eastern Railway Company between Harwich and Antwerp .
Saturday last was the 20 th anniversary of the marriage of their Royal Highnesses the Prince and Princess of Wales , and the auspicious event was celebrated with the customary honours at Windsor and Sandringham and in London . We regret to announce the death of Mr . Ashton Dilkc , lately Member of Parliament for
Newcastle-on-Tyne , and brother of Bro . Sir Charles Dilke , Bart , M . P . Bros . Earl Granville , the Earl of Derby , the Marquis of Hartington , A'J . P , the Earl of Kimberley , tbe Right Hon . J . G . Dodson , M . P , and Sir Charles Dilke , Bart , M . P , were present at the Cabinet Council held on Saturday last in Mr . Gladstone ' s private room in the House of Commons .
The members of the Royal Academy will hold a meeting on Thursday , the 29 th inst , in order to elect a successor to Mr . C VV . Cope , R . A , who has resigned and accepted the position of a retired Royal Academician . The Duke and Duchess of Connaught , who are travelling incognito under thc title of the Earl and Countess of Sussex , arrived at Florence on Friday evening last , and
alighted at the Hotel Royal de VArno . Her Majesty , who is Patroness of the Royal National Lifeboat Institution , has recently forwarded , through General Ponsonby , her annual subscription to its funds of £ 50 . Bro . the Marquis of Tweeddale presided on Saturday evening last at a meeting of the members and friends of the Working Men's College , Great
Ormondstreet . In the course of the proceedings Mr . Pender , M . P , read a paper , entitled "An Autumn Holiday in the United States . " Bro . H . B . Marshall , C . C , will preside at the annual election of inmates of the Asylum for Idiots , Earlswood , which will be held at the Cannon-street Hotel on Thursday , April 26 th . H . R . H . the Prince of Wales has been appointed
a Field Marshal in the Prussian army , the baton of his rank having been handed to His Royal Highness in person by the Emperor William of Germany . It is stated that the families of Bros , the Earl of Hardwicke , P . G . M . Cambridgeshire , and Lord Alington of Wimborne , Dorsetshire , are about to be connected by the marriage of the Hon . Humphrey Sturt , only son of the latter , with the Lady Feodore Yorke , only daughter of the former .
At the Court of Aldermen held on Tuesday , under the presidency of Bro . the Lord Mayor , a vote of condolence with the family of our late Bro . Alderman Sir Thomas White was proposed by Alderman Finnis and seconded by Alderman Sir Robert Carden , the latter remarking that though a similar duty had devolved on him on many previous occasions , he had never experienced so he had sat to his
much pain as in this instance , as opposite deceased brother Alderman at dinner at the Mansion House only on the evening previous to his death . It goes without saying that the vote was passed unanimousiy . A meeting was held on Saturday last at the United Service Institution for the purpose of considering the unsatisfactory condition of the British cemeteries in the
Crimea , with a view to putting them in better condition and preventing further desecration . The Commander-in-Chief , H . R . H . the Duke of Cambridge , occupied the chair . Among those present were H . R . H . the Prince of Wales , who advocated the collection of the remains of our gallant soldiers in a mausoleum , and Bros . Lord Wolseley , Sir Henry Keppel , Admiral of the Fleet ; and Colonel
Stanley , M . P , ex-Secretary of State for War . Letters of sympathy and regret at their inability to attend were read from , amongst others , Bros . G . J . Shaw-Lefevre , M . P , and Sir W . W . Wynn , Bart , M . P . TRUSSES , ELASTIC BANDAGES , ETC . —S EELF . Y ' HARD RUUHER TRUSSES . —The world ' s recognition of unequalled excellence , Iteceving the only award of merit granted for trusses at the late international Medical Exhibition , 1881 . Made in every desirable
and latest improved pattern , line steel springs , neatly covered with highly-polished hard rubber , light , cool , cleanly ; unaffected by time , use , or climate . Free from all sour , rusty , dialing , or strapping unpleasantness . Used in bathing . Always reliable . Tbe correct and skilful mechanical treatment of hernia or rupture a specialty . Under patronage oi ihe world ' s most distinguished surgeons . Choice assortment of elastic surgical hosiery . Helta , improved suspensory bandages , shoulder braces . Establishments —54 , Fleet-street , London , B . C ., and 1317 , Chestnut-street , Philadelphia , U . S . A .-IAovr . ]
Masonic And General Tidings
The Prince and Princess of Wales were present at some amateur theatricals given by the 2 nd Battalion Coldstream Guards , at Chelsea Barracks on Tuesday evening . Bros , the Hon . F . Leveson-Gower , M . P , and Right Hon . J . G . Dodson , M . P , were among the guests at the dinner given by the Duke of Bedford on Tuesday evening .
The Queen and the Princess Beatrice , attended by the usual suite , arrived at Buckingham Palace from Windsor on Monday . In the evening Her Majesty ' s dinner party included the Duke of Albany , the Marquis of Hertford , Bro . Lord Methuen , P . G . M , Wiltshire , and Lord Alcester , G . C . B . The funeral of our late Bro . W . G . Harrison
Q . C , Grand Senior Deacon of England , took place at Highgate cemetery on Saturday morning last , in the presence of a numerous gathering of his friends and brethren of the long robe . The late Lord Sherborne , Past Provincial Grand Master of Gloucestershire , was buried at Sherborne on Wednesday . The great bell of Gloucester Cathedral
was tolled and a muffled peal was rung out of respect to the memory of our deceased brother . On Monday , by command of Her Majesty , a levee was held by the Prince of Wales at St . James ' s Palace . Amongst the officers of state in attendance on
His Royal Highness were Bros , the Earl of Breadalbane , Treasurer of ' the Household , Lord Kensington , M . P , Comptroller of the Household ; the Earljof Cork , K . P ., Master of the Buckbounds ; Lord Methuen , Lord in Waiting ; and the Marquis of Hamilton , Lord of the Bed Chamber in Waiting to the Prince of Wales .
The Borough of Portsmouth Freemasons' Club have issued their balance-sheet for the past year , and the members are to be congratulated on the progress made and the position it is now in . Arrangements are now made with the Press Association for a regular supply of telegrams
after six o'clock in the evening , the time the club is mostly used . The Masonic Charity Fund in connection with the club has given twenty-five guineas during the year to Masonic Charities . The annual dinner will be held at the club on Monday next . On the tst Jan ., 1 SS 2 , the cash balance was £ 263 Cs . 3 d , and on the 31 st December last it was £ 400 iSs . 2 d .
The Earl of Carnarvon , Pro Grand Master , has consented to preside at the anniversary festival of the United Kingdom Railway Officers' and Servants' Association and Railway Orphan Fund on Wednesday , the 11 th of April next . The Great City Lodge met on Saturday , the 10 th inst .. and it beine the anniversary of the Most
Worshipful Grand Master ' s wedding day , a telegram was forwarded as follows : "To H . R . H . the Prince of Wales , M . W . G . M , Marlborough House . Hearty congratulations of the lodge on the 20 th anniversary of your wedding day . " To which the following reply was promptly received ; " From the Prince of Wales to the Great City Lodge . Thank you very much for your congratulations . "
We call attention to an announcement elsewhere relative to Bro . Professor Ramaccini . We understand that both foreign and American newspapers speak very highly of his artistic acquirements and we believe he is not altogether unknown to some of our London brethren . Bro . Edgar Bowyer , VV . M . of the Clerkenwell Lodge , No ; 1964 , and P . P . S . G . W . Herts , and Mrs .
Bowyer , celebrated their silver wedding on the Sth inst , by entertaining a large circle of friends at dinner at the Freemasons' Tavern , followed by a ball . In our report of Grand Lodge proceedings last week we stated that the Neptune Lodge was represented by Bros . P . M . Britten and Storr . We learn that the W . M ,
Bro . Povey , and the J . VV , Bro . R . VV . Couleter , were also present . As we are desirous on future occasions of printing a list of those brethren who represent their respective lodges at the Quarterly Communications , we fraternally invite our readers to aid us by sending in their names to the Freemason office .
The Raglan Hotel , St . Martin s-le-Grand , has been purchased b y Bro . Thomas Benskin , of the Castle and Falcon Hotel , which is situated next door . This arrangement will increase the present facilities of each establishment considerably . The Prince of Wales occupied the chair on Wednesday evening on the occasion of the dinner given by the M ^ rlKryf ^ nfrli r * lnh fn AAm \ ra \ f . nrrt Alrpctpr . G . C It . nn hiQ WUV - « % ., — . .. ~ , ..
... a . ' —u . u .. ^ .. . * — . * ...... — ..... wu . v v w ..... return from Egypt . , On the motion of the Prince of Wales , it was resolved on Monday , at a meeting of the committee for erecting a suitable memorial to the late Mr . Street , R . A , to approve of the design submitted by Mr . Armstead , R . A , and the committee were authorised to carry it out , subject to such modifications in the pedestal as may be deemed
advisable . Baron H . de Worms , M . P , presided at a monthly meeting of the Council of the Anglo-Jewish Association on Sunday , at which the business transacted included the appointment of a committee , among whom are Mr . 1 . Seligman , Mr . E . J . Emanuel , and Mr . Ellis A . Franklin , to formulate a scheme to improve the financial
position of the association . We regret to hear that Bro . George Sims , of Aldersgate-street , has been compelled , by reason of the weak state of his health , to leave London for the Riviera . Bros . Earl Percy , M . P , P . G . M . Northumberland , Lord Claud Hamilton , M . P , P . G . W ., Hon . F . Leveson-Gower , M . P , and Sir John Mowbray were present at
the Speaker's third Parliamentary full dress dinner on Wednesday . HOI-LOWAV ' OIKTMIXT Attn PILI . S . —Diseases of Advanced Years . —The grand climacteric being passed , mankind passes to old age . Then the digestion becomes impaired , the nervous system grows feeble , and tbe phtsical powers become enervated . Now arise congestion of tbe liver , lungs , or bead , followed by dropsy ,
asthma , or apoplexy , which frequently alllict and often destroy tbe aged . As thc liver usually becomes torpid , its activity may speedily lie revived by rubu ' mg Holloway ' s Ointment thoroughly over the pit of tbe stomach and right side , at least twice a day , and taking the Pills at the same time . This treatment also disperses all oilier congestions by varying the parts rubbed according to the situations of the mischict . —[ ADVTO
Masonic And General Tidings
Ihe Oxford and Cambridge boat-race was rowed on Thursday afternoon from Putney to Mortlake , in the presence of an , immense number of spectators , Oxford being the winner . The consecration of the Stirling Lodge , No . 1 QS 9 , will take place at the Market Hall , Cleator Moor , on Wednesday next . . Bro . J . J . Robinson , 1267 , P . M . S 72 ,
P . P . ti . 1 , is the W . M . designate , and the ceremony will be performed by the Deputy Provincial Grand Master , Bro . L . F . B . Dykes . The Consecration of the St . Michael ' s Chapter , No . 1273 , took place at Sittingbourne , on 'Thursday , the 15 th inst . We shall give a fulf report of the proceedings in our next .
The Princess of Wales , the Duchess of Marlborough , the Marchioness of Bath , the Countess of Cork , Mrs . G . O . Trevelyan , and other ladies have offered to lend some valuable specimens of Irish lace for the Irish Lace Exhibition to be held in the latter end of June . Bro . the Lord Mayor is President of the Committee , and Bro . Sir P . Cuncliffe-Owen , Vice-President .
At the National Hospital for Diseases of the Heart and Paralysis , Soho-square , the number of patients under treatment for the week was S 70 . The Lady Mayoress has consented to have her name added to the list of patronesses of the forthcoming fancy dress ball which is to take place at Willis ' s Rioms , on the 26 th of April next , in aid of the funds of the National
Hospital for Diseases of the Heart and Paralysis , Sohosquare . Bro . F . B . Chatterton , late lessee of Drury Lane Theatre , recited "A Christmas Carol " and "The Trial from Pickwick , " in the banquet-room of St . James ' s Hall , or . Wednesday . Bro . Chatterton was very cordially received , and if these recitals are approved , intends permanently adopting the profession of a public reader .
Bro . Sir John Bennett on Tuesday ni ght lectured on the House of Lords before the members of the Hastings Junior Liberal Club . Bro . Lord Carlingford , Lord Bramwell , and Mr . Mundella , M . P , the Arbitrators appointed to consider whether the proposed college for South Wales should be at Cardiff or Swansea , have decided in favour of the former .
Bro . the Lord Mayor presided on Wednesday evening at a meeting in the Guildhall of the National Temperance League , his lordship frankly acknowledging he was not and never intended to be a total abstainer , but stating at the same time that he fully sympathised with whatever was done to promote the cause of sobriety . Bro . Lord Claud Hamilton , M . P , was also present and took part in the proceedings .
Bro . Captain Bedford Pirn , R . N , has resigned his position as Prime Minister of the Sydenham and Foresthill House of Commons . The resignation was brought about by a Bill which he introduced with referrence to corrupt practices at elections . The Ministry go with him , and Mr . Corner has undertaken the formation of a Liberal Ministry . The " House " consists of upwards of 700 members , and the Lord Mayor is one of them .
Bro . H . Baldwin , Secretary of the Royal Hanover Lodge , No . 1777 , desires us to state that the first regular meeting of this highly prosperous summer lodge will be held at the Albany Hotel , Twickenham , on the 24 th inst , at 3 . 30 p . m ., under the rule of Bro . Charles C . Cruikshanks , VV . M .
We are requested to announce thai , the meetings of the Sincerity Lodge of Instruction , No . 174 , on Monday eveniligs will in future be held at the Railway Tavern , adjoining Fenchurch-street railway station . Bro . C . H . Webb , P . M . 1607 and 174 , is the esteemed Preceptor , and Bro . H . J . Cant , the Hon . Secretary , both of whom offer a cordial welcome to the brethren .
Bro . General Lord Wolseley has consented to preside to-morrow ( Saturday ) at Freemasons' Tavern at the Centenary Festival of the Benevolent Society of St . Patrick , which clothes , educates , and partly feeds some 450 of the poorest children in London . As the school buildings stand in need of extensive repairs , there is of course a
proportionately urgent need for liberal subscriptions in order to defray the cost , and we trust the influence and advocacy of the gallant general will be successful in securing a large measure of support for this excellent institution , the more especially as the anniversary of the school is coincident in point of time with the anniversery of the saint to whose honour it is dedicated .
Mr . J . G . Chambers who , though he had been ill for a long time past , died somewhat unexpectedly at the beginning of last week , was buried in Brompton Cemetery on Thursday , the Sth inst , a large number of friends being present in order to pay their last tribute of respect to the deceased . Mr . Chambers , who was a conspicuous figure in athletic and aquatic circles , and was known
also as editor of Land and Water and proprietor of Lillie Bridge Grounds , was educated at Eton and afterwards at Trinity College , Cambridge . He was a fine oarsman , having rowed two years running for his university , and having some years later played the part of coach to the light blues and taught them how to achieve the victory . He was moreover a good athlete , and one who did his utmost to encourage every kind of sport for the honour of the
thing and not for any profit that might be made out of it . He was the determined enemy of anything that had about it eventhc semblance of chicanery , and as a consequence there was no one who was more generally respected by genuine sportsmen . His loss will be felt not only by his relatives , friends , and intimate acquaintances , but likewise by the athletic world generally , for whom at Lillie Bridge he had worked so hard and achieved so much .
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