Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
ROYAL MASONIC INSTITUTION FOR GIRLS . ST . J ' S HILL , BATTERSEA RISE , S . W . CHIEF PATRONESS : HER MAJESTY THE QUEEN . PATRON AND PRESIDENT : HIS ROYAL HIGHNESS THE PRINCE OF WALES , K . G ., Sc , M . W . G . M . PATRONESS : HER ROYAL HIGHNESS THE PRINCESS OF W ALES . THE NINETY-FIFTH ANNIVERSARY FESTIVAL of this Institution will place On WEDNESDAY , MAY gth , 1883 , under the Presidency of R . W . BRO . W . WITHER B . BEACH , M . P , PROVINCIAL GRAND MASTER HAMPSHIRE AND THE ISLE OF WIGHT . Brethren willing to serve the office of Steward are very greatly needed , and will much oblige by forwarding their names as early as possible to the Secretary , who will gladly give any information required . F . R . VV . HEDGES , Offices , 5 , Freemasons' Hall , Sec . Great Queen-street , London , W . C .
LORD WOLSELEY'S VISIT TO MANCHESTER . EASTER WEDNESDAY , MARCH 2 STH . CONSECRATION OF THE WOLSELEY MASONIC LODGE at MEMORIAL HALL , 2 . 30 p . m ., and GRAND BANQUET in FREE-TRADE H ALL , 5 . 30 p . m . Banquet Tickets One Guinea , for Freemasons' only ; Gallery Tickets for Ladies , 5 s . Early application necessary . —By order . Bro . D . EDWARDS , W . M . Designate , 5 , Bury New-road , Manchester . P . HOWARD DAVIS , Provisional Secretary . Tickets may also be had from Bro . S . D . M'KKLLEN , IS , Brown-street .
ROYAL MASONIC INSTITUTION FOR BOYS . ELECTION APRIL I 6 TH , 18 S 3 . Votes are earnestly solicited on behalf of GEORGE WILLIAM KING H I L L , Aged 10 V years ( No 3 on the List of Candidates ) , at this , his seventh and final application . Proxies will be thankfully received by the Mother ( Mrs . Hill ) , 17 , St . Philip ' s-road , Dalston , E . ( late of 9 , Colebrooke-row , Islington ); also by Bro . Thomas Bartlett , $ ! , Wilson-street , VinsVAwy , E . C . ,, T . S . Holland , 39 ft , Kingsland-road , N . „ James Linzell , Talbot House , Talbot-road , Page Green , Tottenham , N . „ Arthur K . Gladwell , 14 , Great Russell-st ., W . C . ,, H . J . Gabb , Holywell-row , l- 'inslmry , E . C .
METROPOLITAN and CITY POLICE ORPHANAGE . THE THIRTEENTH ANNUAL GRAND BALL will take place On WEDNESDAY , the 5 th of April next , at the CANNON STREET HOTEL , under the distinguished patronage of the Right Honourable THE LORD MAYOR , the SHERIFFS and UNDER-SHERIFFS , in aid of the Funds of the above Institution . Two ball rooms , with suite of apartments , have been engaged for the evening , and will be under the management of Thomas Butler , Esq ., and others . The Orphanage Building has been enlarged to accomodate 250 children , and a new wing has been erected to replace the iron sheds used as school rooms . Their Royal Highnesses the Prince and Princess of Wales graciously opened the new wing on the Sth July last . Her Majesty the Queen is Patron of the Institution . H . S . BOWMAN , Lieut .-Col ., 7 c . . G . BORLASE CHILDS , F . R . C . S ., 5 btc , vards - A . L . FOSTER , Supt ., Hon . Sec . 26 , Old Jewry , Feb . 20 th , 18 S 3 .
DREADNOUGHT SEAMENS ' HOSPITAL , Greenwich , S . E ., and DISPENSARY , Well-street , London Docks , E ., for Sailors of all Nations . No admission ticket or voting papers of any sort required , but both are entirely free to the whole maritime world , irrespective of race , creed , or nationality . Since establishmentupwardsof 225 , 000 have been relieved from no less than forty-two different countries , and the number of patients during 18 S 2 , was 7514 , as compared with 4713 , the average of the preceding ten years . Qualification of a governor one guinea annually , or a donation of ten guineas . New annual subscriptions or contributions will be thankfully received by the bankers , Messrs . Williams , Deacon and Co ., ao , Birchin-lane , E . C , or by the Secretary at the Hospital . Funds are urgently needed for this truly Cosmopolitan Charity , which is supported by voluntary contributions . W . T . EVANS , Secretary .
FOURTH APPLICATION . ROYAL MASONIC INSTITUTION FOR BOYS . APRIL ELECTION , 1883 . The favour of your Votes and Interest is earnestly solicited on behalf of ARTHUR JAMES TETTENBORN , Aged ioi- Years . A candidate for above election . His father , Bro . Ernest de Gleichen Tettenborn , was initiated in the Sincerity Lodge , No . _ 943 , Norwich , October 24 th , 1 S 65 ; was advanced in the Walpole Lodge of Mark Masters , No . 92 , Norwich ; exalted into Royal Arch Masonry in the Cabbell Chapter , No . S 07 , Norwich ; and installed a Knight Templar in the Cabbell Encampment , No . 6 g , Norwich ; and on his removal to London joined the Metropolitan Lodge , No . 1507 , and continued a subscribing member of the same until his death , which took place in October , 1 SS 1 , from rheumatic gout . He leaves a widow and six children totally unprovided for . The youngest child was born only a few weeks before its father ' s death . The necessities of this truly deserving family are known to but very few . No more urgent case exists . . Proxies will be thankfully received b y the widow , Mrs . Tettenborn , 45 , Chesterton-road , Notting-hill , VV . ; by Bro . S . H . Parkhouse , 152 , Lancaster-road , Notting-hill , W . ; by Bro . W . M . Stiles , 3 North End , West Kensington , W . ; by Bro . Rev . A . F . A . Woodford , 25 a , Norfolk-cresent , Hyde Park ; by Bro . J . H . Southwood , 91 , Houndsditch , E . C . ; and by Bro . J . Willing , jun ., 353 , Strand , W . C . N . B . — Votes for the Royal Masonic Institutions for Boys , Girls / . and the Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution are equally available for exchange .
ROYAL MASONIC INSTITUTION FOR BOYS , ELECTION , APRIL , 1883 . The votes and interest of the Governors and Subscribers are most earnestly solicited for ERNEST ARTHUR STEED , Aged S years ( 24 / 3 / 'S 3 )» Son of the late Bro . A . Orlando Steed , aged 42 , Professor of Music , residing at Penge and formerly at Long Melford , Suffolk , who died suddenly of typhoid fever , leaving a Widow and Seven Children , under 13 years of age , without adequate means of support . Bro . A . O . Steed was a member ( J . VV . ) of the Stour Valley Lodge , 1224 , and continued a subscribing member until his death . The case is strongly recommended by—Bro . The Right Hon . Lord Wavaney , P . G . M . Sutlblk . „ Sir | as . Douglass , Ionic Lodge , 317 . „ | . R . Stacev , P . M . 180 , Life Gov . „ Kev . » r . lirctte , t ' , P . M . 1460 , 1657 ; P . Z . 1194 ; P . G . C . Middlesex . „ I . H . lewell , P . M . 1323 ; P . P . G . O . Kent . „ ' . A . ' lell ' rics , W . M . St . John ' s , 795 . „ Theltev . C . J . Martyn , D . P . G . M . Suffolk ; t ' . G . Chaplain England : * V . Patron ,, A . l . egrand , William Preston , 766 . ,, F . Cambridge , Orpheus , 1706 . „ W . Hopekirk , P . M . 179 ; P . M . 1586 ; P . Z . 742 . ,, W . H . Cummings , Hon . Treas . of the Royal Society of Musicians . „ W . Worrel , P . M . anil Sec . William Preston , 766 . „ C . W . Holt , Holmesdale , 874 , 1556 , Addiscombe . „ W . Cook , Great City , 1426 ; P . M . and Sec . i 8 t < . Votes will be thankfully received by the following brethren : —The Rev . C . J . Martyn , Long Melford Rectory , Suffolk ; VV . H . Cummings , Esq ., Thurlow-park-road , Dulwich , S . E . ; J . H . Jewell , Esq ., Westerham , Kent ; William Cook , Esq ., St . John ' s , Penge , S . E .
TO THE GOVERNORS AND SUBSCRIBERS OF THE ROYALMASONIC BENEVOLENT INSTITUTION FOR AGED FREEMASONS AND WIDOWS OF FREEMASONS . MAY ELECTION , 1 SS 3 . Thc favour of your Votes and Interest is earnestly solicited on behalf of BRO . WILLIAM M . FORD , In his 00 th year , now ( through the Uindncss of Messrs . BARCLAY & Co ., ) residing at the * ' Blue Anchor , " 3 , Coleman Street , Bank , and previously at the " Barley Mow , " Salisbury Court , Fleet Street ( The Cogers' Discussion Hall , ) who through misfortune in business is now entirely without means ; he was initiated in the " Domatic " Lodge , No . 177 , in February , 1857 , and the " Domatic Chapter , " in March , 1 S 77 . The case is strongly recomended by the under mentioned Brethren , and who have kindly consented to receive proxies : Hro . ] as . lirctt , P . M . 177 , P . G . P . ; 14 , Sidney Road , Homerton . „ iidmd . Coste , P . M ., 9 , 1314 , P . P . G . U . C . Kent ; V . Y .. O 10 ; Distillerv , Bank Street , Gravesend . „ Thos . Cub ' , P . G . P ., P . S . G . D ., Middlesex , P . M . 157 and P . Z . 1770 & c , Norfolk House , Mariott Road , ToThngton Park . „ Geo . Kverctt , P . M . and P . Z . 177 , I 38 i , and Treasurer 177 and 1608 ; 90 , Clapham Road . „ ] . R . Foulgcr , P . M . 177 , 1613 , MS , P . Z . 177 ; 31 , Fore Street , Citv . „ T . C . Walls , P . P . G . S . D . Middlesex ; P . M . 1381 , 1512 , 174 S , P . Z ., K . T ., & c ., East Temple Chambers , Fleet Street , li . C . „ Jas . Willing , Jun ., P . M . 177 , P . M ., P . Z ., and Treas . 1507 , P . M . 1744 and 1000 : 351 , Strand .
CRAFT . —Wanted by a small Country Lodge Second Hand set of TRACING BOARDS . State price and particulars to ** M ., " care of Advertising Offices , 150 , Queen Victoria-street , London .
ACCIDENT INSURANCE COMPANY , LIMITED . 7 , BANK BUILDINGS , LOTHBURY , E . C . General Accidents . I Personal Injuries Railway Accidents . I Deaths by Accident . C . HARDING , Manager .
THE LONDON GENERAL PORTERS' BENEVOLENT ASSOCIATION , FOUNDED 1 S 5 S , For granting Pensions to Infirm or permanently disabled PORTERS AND MESSENGERS employed in WHOLESALE OR RETAIL HOUSES OK ALL TRADES ; also to Messengers or Porters employed in BANKS , INSURANCE OFFICES , HOTELS AND COMMERCIAL ESTABLISHMENTS GENERALLY , and to their necessitous WIDOWS AND ORPHANS . OFFICE : 33 , CHEAPSIDE , E . C . PRESIDENT—SAMUEL MORLEY , Esq ., M . P . TRUSTEES . J D . ALLCROFT , Esq ., 10 S , Lancaster-gate , Hyde Park , W . WILFRED A . BEVAN , Esq . ( Barclay , Bevan , Tritton , & Co . ) , 54 , Lombard-street , E . C . EDWIN BURTON , Esq ., SS , Oxford-street , W . WILLIAM S . EDGAR , Esq . ( Swan & Edgar ) , io , Piccadilly . SIR HENRY W . PEEK , Bart ., M . P . ( Peek Bros . & Co . ) , 20 , Eastcheap , E . C . GEORGE ROUTLEDGE , Esq . ( G . Routledge & Sons ) , Broadway , Ludgate , E . C . TREASURER . WILLIAM BRADBURY LEAF , Esq . ( Leaf , Sons & Co . ) , Old Change , E . C . The 16 th ANNIVERSARY DINNER In Aid of the Funds of this Institution will be held at THE ALBION TAVERN , ALDERSGATE STREET , ON WEDNESDAY , APRIL th , 1883 . The Chair will be taken by The Right Hon . The LORD MAYOR , Supported by the SHERIFFS OF LONDON AND MIDDLESEX , And the Principals of many ot the Leading Commercial Firms of the Metropolis , at Six o'clock precisely . STEWARDS . ISITT , F . T ., Esq . ( V . P . ) , Chairman of the Board ( J . & C . Boyd & Co . ) PARSEY , H ., Esq . ( V . P . ) , Deputy Chairman of the Board ( Dent , Allcroft and Co . ) BALL , J ., Esq ., New Court , Bow-lane , E . C . BARNSDALL , G ., Esq . ( Leaf , Sons & Co . ) BLEST , T . A ., Esq ., V . P . ( J . & R . Morley . ) BOKENHAM , Thomas , Esq . ( Dent , AUcrcft & Co . ) BOWYER , Edgar , Esq ., 264 , Goswell-road , E . C . BREWSTER , P . C , Esq ., 65 , Basinghall-street , E . C . BUCHANAN , lames , Esq ., ( Pawson & Co ., Lim . ) CHESTER , VV ., Esq . ( Vyse , Sons & Co . ) CLARK , J . H ., Esq . ( Richard Evans & Co . ) COLMAN , Charles , Esq . ( Selincourt & Colman . ) CORKE , John , Esq ., C . C , 44 , Milton-street , E . C Cox , S ., Esq ., 9 , Noble-street , E . C DAVIS , Percy , Esq . ( Carter , Fiddes & Co . ) DRAY , G . W ., Esq ., Great St . Thomas Apostle , E . C . EDGAR , Lewis , Esq . ( Swan & Edgar . ) EDWARDS , H ., Esq . ( G . Hitchcock , Williams & Co . ) ELLINGER , John , Esq . ( Blumberg and Co . ) FELTON , George M ., Esq ., C . C . ( Felton & Burgoyne . ) FELL , J . G ., Esq . ( V . P . ) , 3 and 4 , Prebend-street , N . FOLEY , Sydney , Esq ., Well-street , Falcon-square , E . C . FRANCIS , Dan , Esq . ( J . and C . Boyd & Co . ) FRANCIS , F . C , Esq . ( Leaf , Sons & Co . ) GAZE , R ., Esq ., 46 , Highbury New Park , N . GILBERT , Thomas H ., Esq . ( VV . Morley & Gray . ) GLASSON , R ., Esq . ( Baggallays & Spence . ( GOODWIN , N ., Esq . ( J . & C Boyd & Co . ) GRAY , James , Esq . ( Bradbury , Greatorex & Co ., Lim . )> GRAY , William , Esq . ( W . Morley & Gray . ) HAMER , H ., Esq . ( Leaf , Sons & Co . ) HARRIS , R . A ., Esq . ( Copestake , Hughes , Cramnton & Co . HAYWARD , R . H ., Esq . ( R . Birkin & Co . ) HEADON , N . B ., Esq . ( Freeman , Headon & Co . ) HIGGINS , George , Esq . ( Jones & Higgins ) , Peckham . HOOKWAY , Frank , Esq . ( Hookway & Henry . ) HOWE , H ., Esq . ( Bradbury , Greatorex & Co ., Lim . ) J ULLYAN , Walter , Esq . ( Spencer , Turner & Co . ) J , Edward , Esq . ( Vyse , Sons & Co . ) KEEBLE , Fredk ., Esq . ( Howis & Masson . ) KING , F ., Esq . ( Rylands & Sons , Limited . ) KING , Graham , Esq ., C . C , n , Siver-st ., Wood-st ., E . C . LEEFE , J . C , Esq ., 4 , Castle-sreet ., Falcon-square , E . C . LUCAS , Wm ., Esq . ( Devas , Routledge & Co ., Limited . ) MACKIE , H . R ., Esq . ( R . J . Winter & Co . ) MARSHALL , A . J ., Esq . ( V . P . ) , ( Marshall & Snellgrove . ) MARSHALL , W . S ., Esq ., 24 , Old Change , E . C . MAYFIELD , J . F . Esq . ( Silber & Fleming . ) MEIKLE , J . B . ( Ellis Jones , Son & Co . ) MEIN , Matthew , Esq . ( T . & M . Mein . ) MILLER , John H ., Esq . ( Scott , Son & Co . ) MITCHELL , John , Esq . ( Scott , Son & Co . ) MOORE , E ., Esq . ( Tubbs , Lewis & Co . ) NEal , John , Esq . ( Corn Exchange ) , Mark Lane , E . C . PEARCE , A . T ., Esq . ( Cook , Son & Co . ) PIERCE , Charles S ., Esq ., 2 , Falcon-square , E . C . PIMM , James N ., Esq ., 12 , Garlick-hill , E . C . PLENDERLEITH , John , Esq . ( Caldecott , Sons & Co . ) PRICE , W . C , Esq ., V . P . ( Kerr , Price & Co . ) RAWLINSON , Geo ., Esq . ( Rawlinsonand Van-Der Beecfce . ) RAYNER , R ., Esq . ( J . & R . Morley . ) REDDICK , C , Esq . ( L . Schwabacher ' s . ) ROGERS , Arthur , Esq . ( Leaf , Sons & Co . ) Ross , G . L ,. Esq ., ( Copestake , Hughes , Crampton & Co . ) SERGEANT , F . Esq ., Northampton-st ., Clerkenwell , E . C . SHARRATT , Francis , Esq ., 54 , Wilson-st ., Finsbury , E . C . SNELLING , B . Lee , Esq . ( Munt , Brown & Co . ) STEVENS , J . H ., Esq . ( Cook , Son & Co . ) STEVENSON , H . Esq . ( Spurgeon & Stevenson . ) TAYLOR , John , Esq . ( Spencer , Turner & Boldero . ) TERRY , E . Esq . ( Debenham & Freebody . ) THOMPSON , John H ., Esq ., 41 , Cheapside , E . C . WARD , George , Esq ., V . P . ( Copestake , Hughes & Co . ) WESTON , J . F . O ., Esq . ( Dent , Allcroft & Co . ) WHITE , Samuel , Esq . ( Spreckley , White & Lewis . ) WHITTAKER , W ., Esq . ( Spencer , Turner & Co . ) WILLIAMS , John J ., Esq . ( Ward , Sturt & Sharp . ) WILLIAMSON , James , Esq ., 18 , Noble-st ., E . C . W / NTEKTON , John , Esq . ( Spencer , Turner & Co . ) Donations and Subscriptions will be thankfully received by any of the Stewards , and also by the Scctretary at the office . VV . T . RICKVVOOD , Secretary .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
ROYAL MASONIC INSTITUTION FOR GIRLS . ST . J ' S HILL , BATTERSEA RISE , S . W . CHIEF PATRONESS : HER MAJESTY THE QUEEN . PATRON AND PRESIDENT : HIS ROYAL HIGHNESS THE PRINCE OF WALES , K . G ., Sc , M . W . G . M . PATRONESS : HER ROYAL HIGHNESS THE PRINCESS OF W ALES . THE NINETY-FIFTH ANNIVERSARY FESTIVAL of this Institution will place On WEDNESDAY , MAY gth , 1883 , under the Presidency of R . W . BRO . W . WITHER B . BEACH , M . P , PROVINCIAL GRAND MASTER HAMPSHIRE AND THE ISLE OF WIGHT . Brethren willing to serve the office of Steward are very greatly needed , and will much oblige by forwarding their names as early as possible to the Secretary , who will gladly give any information required . F . R . VV . HEDGES , Offices , 5 , Freemasons' Hall , Sec . Great Queen-street , London , W . C .
LORD WOLSELEY'S VISIT TO MANCHESTER . EASTER WEDNESDAY , MARCH 2 STH . CONSECRATION OF THE WOLSELEY MASONIC LODGE at MEMORIAL HALL , 2 . 30 p . m ., and GRAND BANQUET in FREE-TRADE H ALL , 5 . 30 p . m . Banquet Tickets One Guinea , for Freemasons' only ; Gallery Tickets for Ladies , 5 s . Early application necessary . —By order . Bro . D . EDWARDS , W . M . Designate , 5 , Bury New-road , Manchester . P . HOWARD DAVIS , Provisional Secretary . Tickets may also be had from Bro . S . D . M'KKLLEN , IS , Brown-street .
ROYAL MASONIC INSTITUTION FOR BOYS . ELECTION APRIL I 6 TH , 18 S 3 . Votes are earnestly solicited on behalf of GEORGE WILLIAM KING H I L L , Aged 10 V years ( No 3 on the List of Candidates ) , at this , his seventh and final application . Proxies will be thankfully received by the Mother ( Mrs . Hill ) , 17 , St . Philip ' s-road , Dalston , E . ( late of 9 , Colebrooke-row , Islington ); also by Bro . Thomas Bartlett , $ ! , Wilson-street , VinsVAwy , E . C . ,, T . S . Holland , 39 ft , Kingsland-road , N . „ James Linzell , Talbot House , Talbot-road , Page Green , Tottenham , N . „ Arthur K . Gladwell , 14 , Great Russell-st ., W . C . ,, H . J . Gabb , Holywell-row , l- 'inslmry , E . C .
METROPOLITAN and CITY POLICE ORPHANAGE . THE THIRTEENTH ANNUAL GRAND BALL will take place On WEDNESDAY , the 5 th of April next , at the CANNON STREET HOTEL , under the distinguished patronage of the Right Honourable THE LORD MAYOR , the SHERIFFS and UNDER-SHERIFFS , in aid of the Funds of the above Institution . Two ball rooms , with suite of apartments , have been engaged for the evening , and will be under the management of Thomas Butler , Esq ., and others . The Orphanage Building has been enlarged to accomodate 250 children , and a new wing has been erected to replace the iron sheds used as school rooms . Their Royal Highnesses the Prince and Princess of Wales graciously opened the new wing on the Sth July last . Her Majesty the Queen is Patron of the Institution . H . S . BOWMAN , Lieut .-Col ., 7 c . . G . BORLASE CHILDS , F . R . C . S ., 5 btc , vards - A . L . FOSTER , Supt ., Hon . Sec . 26 , Old Jewry , Feb . 20 th , 18 S 3 .
DREADNOUGHT SEAMENS ' HOSPITAL , Greenwich , S . E ., and DISPENSARY , Well-street , London Docks , E ., for Sailors of all Nations . No admission ticket or voting papers of any sort required , but both are entirely free to the whole maritime world , irrespective of race , creed , or nationality . Since establishmentupwardsof 225 , 000 have been relieved from no less than forty-two different countries , and the number of patients during 18 S 2 , was 7514 , as compared with 4713 , the average of the preceding ten years . Qualification of a governor one guinea annually , or a donation of ten guineas . New annual subscriptions or contributions will be thankfully received by the bankers , Messrs . Williams , Deacon and Co ., ao , Birchin-lane , E . C , or by the Secretary at the Hospital . Funds are urgently needed for this truly Cosmopolitan Charity , which is supported by voluntary contributions . W . T . EVANS , Secretary .
FOURTH APPLICATION . ROYAL MASONIC INSTITUTION FOR BOYS . APRIL ELECTION , 1883 . The favour of your Votes and Interest is earnestly solicited on behalf of ARTHUR JAMES TETTENBORN , Aged ioi- Years . A candidate for above election . His father , Bro . Ernest de Gleichen Tettenborn , was initiated in the Sincerity Lodge , No . _ 943 , Norwich , October 24 th , 1 S 65 ; was advanced in the Walpole Lodge of Mark Masters , No . 92 , Norwich ; exalted into Royal Arch Masonry in the Cabbell Chapter , No . S 07 , Norwich ; and installed a Knight Templar in the Cabbell Encampment , No . 6 g , Norwich ; and on his removal to London joined the Metropolitan Lodge , No . 1507 , and continued a subscribing member of the same until his death , which took place in October , 1 SS 1 , from rheumatic gout . He leaves a widow and six children totally unprovided for . The youngest child was born only a few weeks before its father ' s death . The necessities of this truly deserving family are known to but very few . No more urgent case exists . . Proxies will be thankfully received b y the widow , Mrs . Tettenborn , 45 , Chesterton-road , Notting-hill , VV . ; by Bro . S . H . Parkhouse , 152 , Lancaster-road , Notting-hill , W . ; by Bro . W . M . Stiles , 3 North End , West Kensington , W . ; by Bro . Rev . A . F . A . Woodford , 25 a , Norfolk-cresent , Hyde Park ; by Bro . J . H . Southwood , 91 , Houndsditch , E . C . ; and by Bro . J . Willing , jun ., 353 , Strand , W . C . N . B . — Votes for the Royal Masonic Institutions for Boys , Girls / . and the Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution are equally available for exchange .
ROYAL MASONIC INSTITUTION FOR BOYS , ELECTION , APRIL , 1883 . The votes and interest of the Governors and Subscribers are most earnestly solicited for ERNEST ARTHUR STEED , Aged S years ( 24 / 3 / 'S 3 )» Son of the late Bro . A . Orlando Steed , aged 42 , Professor of Music , residing at Penge and formerly at Long Melford , Suffolk , who died suddenly of typhoid fever , leaving a Widow and Seven Children , under 13 years of age , without adequate means of support . Bro . A . O . Steed was a member ( J . VV . ) of the Stour Valley Lodge , 1224 , and continued a subscribing member until his death . The case is strongly recommended by—Bro . The Right Hon . Lord Wavaney , P . G . M . Sutlblk . „ Sir | as . Douglass , Ionic Lodge , 317 . „ | . R . Stacev , P . M . 180 , Life Gov . „ Kev . » r . lirctte , t ' , P . M . 1460 , 1657 ; P . Z . 1194 ; P . G . C . Middlesex . „ I . H . lewell , P . M . 1323 ; P . P . G . O . Kent . „ ' . A . ' lell ' rics , W . M . St . John ' s , 795 . „ Theltev . C . J . Martyn , D . P . G . M . Suffolk ; t ' . G . Chaplain England : * V . Patron ,, A . l . egrand , William Preston , 766 . ,, F . Cambridge , Orpheus , 1706 . „ W . Hopekirk , P . M . 179 ; P . M . 1586 ; P . Z . 742 . ,, W . H . Cummings , Hon . Treas . of the Royal Society of Musicians . „ W . Worrel , P . M . anil Sec . William Preston , 766 . „ C . W . Holt , Holmesdale , 874 , 1556 , Addiscombe . „ W . Cook , Great City , 1426 ; P . M . and Sec . i 8 t < . Votes will be thankfully received by the following brethren : —The Rev . C . J . Martyn , Long Melford Rectory , Suffolk ; VV . H . Cummings , Esq ., Thurlow-park-road , Dulwich , S . E . ; J . H . Jewell , Esq ., Westerham , Kent ; William Cook , Esq ., St . John ' s , Penge , S . E .
TO THE GOVERNORS AND SUBSCRIBERS OF THE ROYALMASONIC BENEVOLENT INSTITUTION FOR AGED FREEMASONS AND WIDOWS OF FREEMASONS . MAY ELECTION , 1 SS 3 . Thc favour of your Votes and Interest is earnestly solicited on behalf of BRO . WILLIAM M . FORD , In his 00 th year , now ( through the Uindncss of Messrs . BARCLAY & Co ., ) residing at the * ' Blue Anchor , " 3 , Coleman Street , Bank , and previously at the " Barley Mow , " Salisbury Court , Fleet Street ( The Cogers' Discussion Hall , ) who through misfortune in business is now entirely without means ; he was initiated in the " Domatic " Lodge , No . 177 , in February , 1857 , and the " Domatic Chapter , " in March , 1 S 77 . The case is strongly recomended by the under mentioned Brethren , and who have kindly consented to receive proxies : Hro . ] as . lirctt , P . M . 177 , P . G . P . ; 14 , Sidney Road , Homerton . „ iidmd . Coste , P . M ., 9 , 1314 , P . P . G . U . C . Kent ; V . Y .. O 10 ; Distillerv , Bank Street , Gravesend . „ Thos . Cub ' , P . G . P ., P . S . G . D ., Middlesex , P . M . 157 and P . Z . 1770 & c , Norfolk House , Mariott Road , ToThngton Park . „ Geo . Kverctt , P . M . and P . Z . 177 , I 38 i , and Treasurer 177 and 1608 ; 90 , Clapham Road . „ ] . R . Foulgcr , P . M . 177 , 1613 , MS , P . Z . 177 ; 31 , Fore Street , Citv . „ T . C . Walls , P . P . G . S . D . Middlesex ; P . M . 1381 , 1512 , 174 S , P . Z ., K . T ., & c ., East Temple Chambers , Fleet Street , li . C . „ Jas . Willing , Jun ., P . M . 177 , P . M ., P . Z ., and Treas . 1507 , P . M . 1744 and 1000 : 351 , Strand .
CRAFT . —Wanted by a small Country Lodge Second Hand set of TRACING BOARDS . State price and particulars to ** M ., " care of Advertising Offices , 150 , Queen Victoria-street , London .
ACCIDENT INSURANCE COMPANY , LIMITED . 7 , BANK BUILDINGS , LOTHBURY , E . C . General Accidents . I Personal Injuries Railway Accidents . I Deaths by Accident . C . HARDING , Manager .
THE LONDON GENERAL PORTERS' BENEVOLENT ASSOCIATION , FOUNDED 1 S 5 S , For granting Pensions to Infirm or permanently disabled PORTERS AND MESSENGERS employed in WHOLESALE OR RETAIL HOUSES OK ALL TRADES ; also to Messengers or Porters employed in BANKS , INSURANCE OFFICES , HOTELS AND COMMERCIAL ESTABLISHMENTS GENERALLY , and to their necessitous WIDOWS AND ORPHANS . OFFICE : 33 , CHEAPSIDE , E . C . PRESIDENT—SAMUEL MORLEY , Esq ., M . P . TRUSTEES . J D . ALLCROFT , Esq ., 10 S , Lancaster-gate , Hyde Park , W . WILFRED A . BEVAN , Esq . ( Barclay , Bevan , Tritton , & Co . ) , 54 , Lombard-street , E . C . EDWIN BURTON , Esq ., SS , Oxford-street , W . WILLIAM S . EDGAR , Esq . ( Swan & Edgar ) , io , Piccadilly . SIR HENRY W . PEEK , Bart ., M . P . ( Peek Bros . & Co . ) , 20 , Eastcheap , E . C . GEORGE ROUTLEDGE , Esq . ( G . Routledge & Sons ) , Broadway , Ludgate , E . C . TREASURER . WILLIAM BRADBURY LEAF , Esq . ( Leaf , Sons & Co . ) , Old Change , E . C . The 16 th ANNIVERSARY DINNER In Aid of the Funds of this Institution will be held at THE ALBION TAVERN , ALDERSGATE STREET , ON WEDNESDAY , APRIL th , 1883 . The Chair will be taken by The Right Hon . The LORD MAYOR , Supported by the SHERIFFS OF LONDON AND MIDDLESEX , And the Principals of many ot the Leading Commercial Firms of the Metropolis , at Six o'clock precisely . STEWARDS . ISITT , F . T ., Esq . ( V . P . ) , Chairman of the Board ( J . & C . Boyd & Co . ) PARSEY , H ., Esq . ( V . P . ) , Deputy Chairman of the Board ( Dent , Allcroft and Co . ) BALL , J ., Esq ., New Court , Bow-lane , E . C . BARNSDALL , G ., Esq . ( Leaf , Sons & Co . ) BLEST , T . A ., Esq ., V . P . ( J . & R . Morley . ) BOKENHAM , Thomas , Esq . ( Dent , AUcrcft & Co . ) BOWYER , Edgar , Esq ., 264 , Goswell-road , E . C . BREWSTER , P . C , Esq ., 65 , Basinghall-street , E . C . BUCHANAN , lames , Esq ., ( Pawson & Co ., Lim . ) CHESTER , VV ., Esq . ( Vyse , Sons & Co . ) CLARK , J . H ., Esq . ( Richard Evans & Co . ) COLMAN , Charles , Esq . ( Selincourt & Colman . ) CORKE , John , Esq ., C . C , 44 , Milton-street , E . C Cox , S ., Esq ., 9 , Noble-street , E . C DAVIS , Percy , Esq . ( Carter , Fiddes & Co . ) DRAY , G . W ., Esq ., Great St . Thomas Apostle , E . C . EDGAR , Lewis , Esq . ( Swan & Edgar . ) EDWARDS , H ., Esq . ( G . Hitchcock , Williams & Co . ) ELLINGER , John , Esq . ( Blumberg and Co . ) FELTON , George M ., Esq ., C . C . ( Felton & Burgoyne . ) FELL , J . G ., Esq . ( V . P . ) , 3 and 4 , Prebend-street , N . FOLEY , Sydney , Esq ., Well-street , Falcon-square , E . C . FRANCIS , Dan , Esq . ( J . and C . Boyd & Co . ) FRANCIS , F . C , Esq . ( Leaf , Sons & Co . ) GAZE , R ., Esq ., 46 , Highbury New Park , N . GILBERT , Thomas H ., Esq . ( VV . Morley & Gray . ) GLASSON , R ., Esq . ( Baggallays & Spence . ( GOODWIN , N ., Esq . ( J . & C Boyd & Co . ) GRAY , James , Esq . ( Bradbury , Greatorex & Co ., Lim . )> GRAY , William , Esq . ( W . Morley & Gray . ) HAMER , H ., Esq . ( Leaf , Sons & Co . ) HARRIS , R . A ., Esq . ( Copestake , Hughes , Cramnton & Co . HAYWARD , R . H ., Esq . ( R . Birkin & Co . ) HEADON , N . B ., Esq . ( Freeman , Headon & Co . ) HIGGINS , George , Esq . ( Jones & Higgins ) , Peckham . HOOKWAY , Frank , Esq . ( Hookway & Henry . ) HOWE , H ., Esq . ( Bradbury , Greatorex & Co ., Lim . ) J ULLYAN , Walter , Esq . ( Spencer , Turner & Co . ) J , Edward , Esq . ( Vyse , Sons & Co . ) KEEBLE , Fredk ., Esq . ( Howis & Masson . ) KING , F ., Esq . ( Rylands & Sons , Limited . ) KING , Graham , Esq ., C . C , n , Siver-st ., Wood-st ., E . C . LEEFE , J . C , Esq ., 4 , Castle-sreet ., Falcon-square , E . C . LUCAS , Wm ., Esq . ( Devas , Routledge & Co ., Limited . ) MACKIE , H . R ., Esq . ( R . J . Winter & Co . ) MARSHALL , A . J ., Esq . ( V . P . ) , ( Marshall & Snellgrove . ) MARSHALL , W . S ., Esq ., 24 , Old Change , E . C . MAYFIELD , J . F . Esq . ( Silber & Fleming . ) MEIKLE , J . B . ( Ellis Jones , Son & Co . ) MEIN , Matthew , Esq . ( T . & M . Mein . ) MILLER , John H ., Esq . ( Scott , Son & Co . ) MITCHELL , John , Esq . ( Scott , Son & Co . ) MOORE , E ., Esq . ( Tubbs , Lewis & Co . ) NEal , John , Esq . ( Corn Exchange ) , Mark Lane , E . C . PEARCE , A . T ., Esq . ( Cook , Son & Co . ) PIERCE , Charles S ., Esq ., 2 , Falcon-square , E . C . PIMM , James N ., Esq ., 12 , Garlick-hill , E . C . PLENDERLEITH , John , Esq . ( Caldecott , Sons & Co . ) PRICE , W . C , Esq ., V . P . ( Kerr , Price & Co . ) RAWLINSON , Geo ., Esq . ( Rawlinsonand Van-Der Beecfce . ) RAYNER , R ., Esq . ( J . & R . Morley . ) REDDICK , C , Esq . ( L . Schwabacher ' s . ) ROGERS , Arthur , Esq . ( Leaf , Sons & Co . ) Ross , G . L ,. Esq ., ( Copestake , Hughes , Crampton & Co . ) SERGEANT , F . Esq ., Northampton-st ., Clerkenwell , E . C . SHARRATT , Francis , Esq ., 54 , Wilson-st ., Finsbury , E . C . SNELLING , B . Lee , Esq . ( Munt , Brown & Co . ) STEVENS , J . H ., Esq . ( Cook , Son & Co . ) STEVENSON , H . Esq . ( Spurgeon & Stevenson . ) TAYLOR , John , Esq . ( Spencer , Turner & Boldero . ) TERRY , E . Esq . ( Debenham & Freebody . ) THOMPSON , John H ., Esq ., 41 , Cheapside , E . C . WARD , George , Esq ., V . P . ( Copestake , Hughes & Co . ) WESTON , J . F . O ., Esq . ( Dent , Allcroft & Co . ) WHITE , Samuel , Esq . ( Spreckley , White & Lewis . ) WHITTAKER , W ., Esq . ( Spencer , Turner & Co . ) WILLIAMS , John J ., Esq . ( Ward , Sturt & Sharp . ) WILLIAMSON , James , Esq ., 18 , Noble-st ., E . C . W / NTEKTON , John , Esq . ( Spencer , Turner & Co . ) Donations and Subscriptions will be thankfully received by any of the Stewards , and also by the Scctretary at the office . VV . T . RICKVVOOD , Secretary .