Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Article To Correspondents. Page 1 of 1 Article Untitled Page 1 of 1 Article Original Correspondence. Page 1 of 2 Article Original Correspondence. Page 1 of 2 →
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
LONDON & NORTH WESTERN RAILWAY . EASTER HOLIDAYS . The Ticket Offices at Euston , Broad-street , Kensington , and Willesden Junction will be open throughout the day from Monday , March 19 , to Monday , March 26 , inclusive , so that passengers wishing to obtain tickets for any destinations on the London and North-Western Railway can do so at any time ot the day prior to the starting of the trains . The tickets will be dated to suit the convenience of passengers . Tickets for all thc principal stations on the London and North-Western system and its connections can be obtained at any time ( Sundays and Bank Holidays excepted ) at the following town receiving offices of the Company : Swan with Two Necks , Gresham-street , E . C ; Golden Cross , Charing Cross , W . C ; Spread Eagle , Piccadilly-circus , VV . ; 70 , St . Martin's-Iane , W . C ; 16 , Holborn , W . C ; George and Blue Boar , High Holborn , W . C ; Spread Eagle , Gracechurch-street , E . C ; Bolt-in-Tun Office , Fleet-street , E . C . ; 3 J , Albert-gate , Knightsbridge , VV . ; Griffin Green Man and Still , 24 . 1 , Oxford-street , W . ; 33 , High-street , Kensington , VV . ; 13 S , Newington-causeway , S . E . They can also be obtained at Gaze and Son ' s Tourist Office , 142 , Strand . On Thursday , March 22 , the Express Train leaving London ( Euston ) at 3 . 0 p . m ., Birmingham ( New-street ) at 5 . 30 p . m ., Liverpool ( Lime-street ) at 7 . 35 p . m ., and Manchester ( Victoria ) at 7 . 30 p . m ., will be extended to Windermere . On Good Friday the 5 . 15 a . m . Newspaper Express Train from Euston Station will run to Northampton , Birmingham , Shrewsbury , Warrington , Liverpool , Manchester , Preston , Lancaster , Carlisle , Edinburgh , Glasgow , Perth , and Aberdeen , but will have no connection to Chester . The Express Trains to and from thc City , St Albans , Watford , and Kensington will not run on Bank Holiday ( Easter Monday ) , March 26 . G . F 1 NDLAY , General Manager . Euston Station , London , March , 1 SS 3 .
OPECULATION & INVESTMENT JN STOCKS AND SHARES ^ ITH A MIN IMUM RISK HTO operate on the Stock Exchange profitably or , in other words , increase one ' s capital , limited though it be , may suggest itself as not very easy of accomplishment . Quick perception , however , tempered with experience and a true knowledge of the influences in force , will , in many cases , render the process comparatively simple . To purchase a stock or security of any description might not always prove judicious and safe , even were the position and prospects in the particular case the most sound and promising , because an immediate improvement , or , indeed , the maintenance of the prevalent market value would be improbable , if not impossible , so long as the account remained a weak one , or one showing a heavy preponderance of weak operations for the rise . In like manner a stock might be intrinsically worth little or absolutely nothing , but from the fact of it having been largely oversold the price remains apparently firm . EXPLANATORY BOOK sent post free on application . ¦ p EAD OPINIONS OF THE PRESS . WEEKLY and MONTHLY REPORT sent regularly to clients . SPECULATIVE ACCOUNTS opened on the most favourable terms . W GUTTER 1 DGE AND CO ., STOCK AND . SHARE BROKERS , 7 , DRAPERS ' -GARDENS , THROGMORTON-STREET , LONDON , E . C .
EDUCATION . —HAM BU R G . BRO . JOHN A . NEECK , 9 , Bundesstrasse , Hamburg , is prepared to receive into his famil y two or three English Youths as BOARDERS during the time they attend school in this city . Careful supervision , kind treatment , best bodily and mental care . High references in England and Hamburg . Prospectuses free .
EDUCATION . —A Brother , who is a Master in a First-grade Public School , has VACANCIES for a few BOARDERS . Inclusive terms , 35 guineas per annum . For particulars and prospectus address D . C . L ., Office of Freemason , 16 , Great Queen - street , London , W . C .
BRO . KRUMBACH receives five or six young Englishmen as BOARDERS of his establishment , which is frequented by about 20 German boys of the best families . All Grammar School subjects taught , especially German and French . Good references in England and Germany . Prospectus sent on application to Oberlehrer Krumbach , Wiirzen , near Leipzig .
COMPANION DI CASTIGLIONE ( of thc Holy Royal Arch ) . PRESTIDIGITATEUR , MAGICIAN } from the Great Theatre , Alexandra Palace , London . Parties attended , Masonic Banquets , Theatres , Halls , & c . From one to two hours' complete entertainment . —6 , Montpellier-road , Tufnell Park , London , N .
BRO . the Signor RAMACCINI , Member of thc Society of St . Cecile of Rome , and of the Conservatoire of Paris , 1 st Tenor of thc Opera Houses of Rome , Naples , St . Petersburg , and other European capitals , will , with permission of Miss Thomson , receive PUPILS for SINGING LESSONS ( Solo and Class ) at 2 S , St . Stephen ' s-square , corner of St . Stephen'sroad , on Tuesday and Friday Mornings . Thc highest references and the opinions of the Press may be seen . Fees—Class Singing—One lesson per week ( one hour-anda-half ) one-and-half guinea per term of 12 weeks ; two lessonS iper week , £ 2 1 is . 6 d . per term of 12 weeks . Solo Singing , half-guinea ( lesson of 40 minutes ) .
ORGANIST AND CHOIRMASTER . Advertiser , P . G . O ., and of the English Cathedral Church , contemplates returning" to United Kingdom on account of wife ' s health , and would be glad to hear of a good post , with teaching " . Thirty years of age , an accomplished performer , formerly diocesan choir trainer . With high references and testimonials for 10 years past . —G . H ., 136 , Strada Forni , Valetta , Malta .
A Brother an Engineer , who holds a " Board of Trade Certificate , " would be glad with a SITUATION to take charge of and run the machinery of a gentleman ' s yacht , factory machinery , machinery on an estate , or elsewhere . Has had sea and river experience . — Address Engineer , Freemason Office , 16 , Great Queenstreet , Bloomsbury , London , W . ,
TO ADVERTISERS . THE FREEMASON has a large circulation in all parts of the Globe . In it the official Reports of the Grand Lodges of England , Ireland , and Scotland are published with the special sanction of the respective Grand Masters , and it contains a complete record of Masonic wont in this country , our Indian Empire , and the Colonics . The vast accession to thc ranks of the Order during the past few years , and the increasing interest manifested in its doings , has given the Freemason a position and influence which few journals can lay claim to , and the proprietor can assert with confidence that announcements appearing in its columns challenge the attention ol a very large and influential body of readers . Advertisements for the current week's issue are received up to Six o ' clock on Wednesday evening .
Next Friday being Good Friday the j I " Freemason " will be published a day earlier—Thursday . March 22 nd .
To Correspondents.
To Correspondents .
PROVINCE . —Query . —Are Provincial Grand Pursuivants and Provincial Grand Assistant Pursuivants entitled to Past rank and to wear the clothing and jewels of the respective offices after their term of appointment has expired ? [ Yes . —ED . F . M . ] BOOKS , & c . RECEIVED . "The Broad Arrow , " "The Freemason" ( Sydney ) , "The Freemason ' s Chronicle" ( Sydney ) , " Caygill's Tourist ' s Guide , " "The New York Daily News , " "The New York Dispatch , " "The American Freemason , " "The Masonic Herald , " "LaChaine d'Union , " "Situation of Neseaux Telephoniques , " " Triunghiul , " "The Masonic Advocate , " "Allen ' s Indian Mail , " "The Hebrew Leader , " "The Warehousemen and Draper ' s Trade Journal , " "The Court Circular , " " Freimaurer-Zeitung , " "The Voice of Masonry , " "Proceedings of the Grand Lodge of Virginia , " " Hyoatopai , " "The Canadian Craftsman , " "The Pianoforte Dealer ' s Guide , " "The Freemason ' s Repository , " "The Royal Cornwall Gazette , " "The Citizen , " "The Agricultural Depression at Home , " "The Hull Packet . "
SATURDAY , MARCH 17 , 1883 .
Original Correspondence.
Original Correspondence .
r _\ Ve do not hold ourselves responsible for , or even approving of , the opinions expressed by ourcorrespondents . but we wish in aspirit of fairplay to all to permit—within certain necessary limits—free discussion . ! ——
OUR CHARITIES . To the Editor of the "Freemason . " Dear Sir and Brother , — In the Freemason of the 10 th inst ., under the above heading , a paragraph is quoted from the previous publication , viz .: " Many wealthy lodges give their
subscription of one guinea , some few two guineas , and the great majority , from want of thought let us hope , do not subscribe at all . " To rectify this lack of assistance from lodger on behalf of our Charitable Institutions , Bro . J . W . P . Salmon , P . M . 1 G 3 , P . P . G . D . C . East Lancashire , in his letter to you
suggests that an " edict should emanate from Grand Lodge making it incumbent upon every lodge to subscribe £ 2 2 s . and every chapter £ 1 is . annually to each of our three noble Institutions . " Doubtless the majority of lodges would most fraternally protest against such an edict ; first , on account of its not
being in accordance with the true spirit of Freemasonry , and secondly , that the time has not yet arrived ( whatever the . brethren of the future may think right to do ) when thc funds for our Charitable Institutions shall be collected with Grand Lodge dues , and thus leading to a general financial amalgamation under a special superintendence , from which the needful requirements for the three Masonic
Institutions may be readily supplied , as by precept for Board Schools . To the question in thc article of the 3 rd inst ., immediately preceding the above quotation : " Is there any other possible outcome of sympathy and support ? " to augment the annual income of the Charities , it may simply be stated , to evince to other lodges how one small lodge administers to
Original Correspondence.
the much needed "sympathy and support , " in 1 S 77 a byelaw was agreed to by the brethren of the Albany Lodge , No . 151 , late 176 , Newport ( I . of VV . ) , " That from the amount of each member ' s annual subscription five shillings shall be especially appropriated for the benefit of the Masonic Charities , viz ., the Royal Masonic Institutions for Boys , for
Girls , and for the Male or Female Annuitants ; the sum so collected to be voted by the lodge to one or more of the above-named institutions . " From this source £ 15 10 s . has been yearly contributed , and by annual subscriptions for several years past it has been divided thus : £ 5 5 s . to the Girls' School , £ 5 5 s . to the Boys' School , and £ 5 to the Benevolent Institution .
To multiply such willing aid from the number of lodges working under the United Grand Lodge of England would indeed supply the necessary support , and enable the managing committee to attain the much desired object of a reserve fund , besides enabling them . to extend the benefits of thc respective institutions . —Very fraternally yours , GEORGE WYATT , 151 and 340 , P . P . G . S . W . Isle of Wight .
IHE ELECTION OF-GRAND TREASURER . To the Editor of the "Freemason . " Dear Sir and Brother , — I venture to question the mode in which Earl Lathom , M . W . G . M . in the chair , at Grand Lodge on Wednesday last put to the meeting the appointment of a
Treasurer . Instead of putting it as a resolution and amendment I think it should have been by voting for the brethren nominated—those in favour of brother so and so , and then the other ; by putting it as an amendment I cannot help thinking it looked more like the invasion of an office held , whereas the office was vacant and the
election was simply to fill up that vacancy . It was thought by some that the want of precedent was against the election of any other brother during the lifetime of the then holder of the office ; but I see , on reference to thc Constitutions , that in the list of officers of Grand Lodge the members rank in the following order : 13 . Grand Treasurer .
14 . Past Grand Treasurers . Now , it must have been contemplated there would be Past Grand Treasurers ; and how could there be if one brother is elected for life , or elected annually and re-elected year by year , as some would have it ? I am glad to see thc office thrown open , and hope the practice now will be to electa fresh holder annually . —Yours fraternally , H . A . VV . R .
GRAND LODGE OF IRELAND . To the Editor of the "Freemason . " Dear Sir and Brother , — Our Scotch Masonic historian , R . W . Bro . D . Murray Lyon , is quite correct as to the Provincial Grand Lodge of Ayr , but by the contract of 1807 , the R . W . the
Provincial Grand Master must be always R . W . Master of Mother Kilwinning . R . W . Bro . Wylie is Provincial Grand Secretary of Provincial Grand Lodge of Ayr , and also Secretary of Mother Kilwinning , therefore Mother Kilwinning is still to all intents and purposes a Provincial Grand Lodge .
R . W . Bro . D . Murry Lyon's note has caused meagain to look into his most interesting and elegantly got-up work ( the perusal of which will well repay any brother ) , styled " Freemasonry in Scotland . " In afoot-note at page 409 he calls attention to the fact that Mother Kilwinning records of 20 th Dec , 1643 ( folio 7 ) , style Mother
Kilwinning " The Ancient Ludge of Scotland . " R . W . Bro . Wylie , in his excellent " History of Mother Kilwinning , " page 59 , gives the full minutes of 20 th Dec , 1643 . When reading these original minutes of Mother Kilwinning in August , 1 S 75 , 1 was myself struck with the expression , " The Ancient Ludge of Scotland , " and surely it can have
no meaning unless it means what is now known as Grand Lodge of Scotland , and if so Scotland ' s Grand Lodge is the premier by many years . R . W . Bro . Hughan says this question is a side point , and I agree with him . He also speaks of the "General Regulations" of 1723 . These General Regulations he
knows well arc the very General Regulations from which the extracts in my last note are all taken to show that the Body they speak of was the Provincial Grand Lodge of London and Westminster , and not a Grand Lodge of England . The word or name " England " is not mentioned from the first words " General Regulations " to the last words
of them— " St . John ' s Day , 1721 ; " but " for the use of the lodges in and about London and Westminster " does occur in them , as quoted in my last . This Provincial Grand Lodge of London and Westminster was unknown in Ireland in 1752 , as Bro . Laurence Dermot ' s "Ahiman Kezon , " 3 rd edition , 1752 , page 5 S , gives in
parallel columns those of "The Irish Charity Rules of 173 S , " and "The Ancient York Masons in England since 1751 , " showing clearly that thc Provincial Grand Lodge of York and its Rulers were well known in Ireland before 1752 , although the Provincial Grand Lodge of London and West minster was not .
It is a well-known rule that the junior Grand Lodge applies to the senior for recognition and exchange of representatives . The first Grand Lodge applying forsuch to Ireland was Scotland , and the second was the present United Grand Lodge of England , The Grand Lodge of Ireland never asked any Grand Lodge for recognition or exchange
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
LONDON & NORTH WESTERN RAILWAY . EASTER HOLIDAYS . The Ticket Offices at Euston , Broad-street , Kensington , and Willesden Junction will be open throughout the day from Monday , March 19 , to Monday , March 26 , inclusive , so that passengers wishing to obtain tickets for any destinations on the London and North-Western Railway can do so at any time ot the day prior to the starting of the trains . The tickets will be dated to suit the convenience of passengers . Tickets for all thc principal stations on the London and North-Western system and its connections can be obtained at any time ( Sundays and Bank Holidays excepted ) at the following town receiving offices of the Company : Swan with Two Necks , Gresham-street , E . C ; Golden Cross , Charing Cross , W . C ; Spread Eagle , Piccadilly-circus , VV . ; 70 , St . Martin's-Iane , W . C ; 16 , Holborn , W . C ; George and Blue Boar , High Holborn , W . C ; Spread Eagle , Gracechurch-street , E . C ; Bolt-in-Tun Office , Fleet-street , E . C . ; 3 J , Albert-gate , Knightsbridge , VV . ; Griffin Green Man and Still , 24 . 1 , Oxford-street , W . ; 33 , High-street , Kensington , VV . ; 13 S , Newington-causeway , S . E . They can also be obtained at Gaze and Son ' s Tourist Office , 142 , Strand . On Thursday , March 22 , the Express Train leaving London ( Euston ) at 3 . 0 p . m ., Birmingham ( New-street ) at 5 . 30 p . m ., Liverpool ( Lime-street ) at 7 . 35 p . m ., and Manchester ( Victoria ) at 7 . 30 p . m ., will be extended to Windermere . On Good Friday the 5 . 15 a . m . Newspaper Express Train from Euston Station will run to Northampton , Birmingham , Shrewsbury , Warrington , Liverpool , Manchester , Preston , Lancaster , Carlisle , Edinburgh , Glasgow , Perth , and Aberdeen , but will have no connection to Chester . The Express Trains to and from thc City , St Albans , Watford , and Kensington will not run on Bank Holiday ( Easter Monday ) , March 26 . G . F 1 NDLAY , General Manager . Euston Station , London , March , 1 SS 3 .
OPECULATION & INVESTMENT JN STOCKS AND SHARES ^ ITH A MIN IMUM RISK HTO operate on the Stock Exchange profitably or , in other words , increase one ' s capital , limited though it be , may suggest itself as not very easy of accomplishment . Quick perception , however , tempered with experience and a true knowledge of the influences in force , will , in many cases , render the process comparatively simple . To purchase a stock or security of any description might not always prove judicious and safe , even were the position and prospects in the particular case the most sound and promising , because an immediate improvement , or , indeed , the maintenance of the prevalent market value would be improbable , if not impossible , so long as the account remained a weak one , or one showing a heavy preponderance of weak operations for the rise . In like manner a stock might be intrinsically worth little or absolutely nothing , but from the fact of it having been largely oversold the price remains apparently firm . EXPLANATORY BOOK sent post free on application . ¦ p EAD OPINIONS OF THE PRESS . WEEKLY and MONTHLY REPORT sent regularly to clients . SPECULATIVE ACCOUNTS opened on the most favourable terms . W GUTTER 1 DGE AND CO ., STOCK AND . SHARE BROKERS , 7 , DRAPERS ' -GARDENS , THROGMORTON-STREET , LONDON , E . C .
EDUCATION . —HAM BU R G . BRO . JOHN A . NEECK , 9 , Bundesstrasse , Hamburg , is prepared to receive into his famil y two or three English Youths as BOARDERS during the time they attend school in this city . Careful supervision , kind treatment , best bodily and mental care . High references in England and Hamburg . Prospectuses free .
EDUCATION . —A Brother , who is a Master in a First-grade Public School , has VACANCIES for a few BOARDERS . Inclusive terms , 35 guineas per annum . For particulars and prospectus address D . C . L ., Office of Freemason , 16 , Great Queen - street , London , W . C .
BRO . KRUMBACH receives five or six young Englishmen as BOARDERS of his establishment , which is frequented by about 20 German boys of the best families . All Grammar School subjects taught , especially German and French . Good references in England and Germany . Prospectus sent on application to Oberlehrer Krumbach , Wiirzen , near Leipzig .
COMPANION DI CASTIGLIONE ( of thc Holy Royal Arch ) . PRESTIDIGITATEUR , MAGICIAN } from the Great Theatre , Alexandra Palace , London . Parties attended , Masonic Banquets , Theatres , Halls , & c . From one to two hours' complete entertainment . —6 , Montpellier-road , Tufnell Park , London , N .
BRO . the Signor RAMACCINI , Member of thc Society of St . Cecile of Rome , and of the Conservatoire of Paris , 1 st Tenor of thc Opera Houses of Rome , Naples , St . Petersburg , and other European capitals , will , with permission of Miss Thomson , receive PUPILS for SINGING LESSONS ( Solo and Class ) at 2 S , St . Stephen ' s-square , corner of St . Stephen'sroad , on Tuesday and Friday Mornings . Thc highest references and the opinions of the Press may be seen . Fees—Class Singing—One lesson per week ( one hour-anda-half ) one-and-half guinea per term of 12 weeks ; two lessonS iper week , £ 2 1 is . 6 d . per term of 12 weeks . Solo Singing , half-guinea ( lesson of 40 minutes ) .
ORGANIST AND CHOIRMASTER . Advertiser , P . G . O ., and of the English Cathedral Church , contemplates returning" to United Kingdom on account of wife ' s health , and would be glad to hear of a good post , with teaching " . Thirty years of age , an accomplished performer , formerly diocesan choir trainer . With high references and testimonials for 10 years past . —G . H ., 136 , Strada Forni , Valetta , Malta .
A Brother an Engineer , who holds a " Board of Trade Certificate , " would be glad with a SITUATION to take charge of and run the machinery of a gentleman ' s yacht , factory machinery , machinery on an estate , or elsewhere . Has had sea and river experience . — Address Engineer , Freemason Office , 16 , Great Queenstreet , Bloomsbury , London , W . ,
TO ADVERTISERS . THE FREEMASON has a large circulation in all parts of the Globe . In it the official Reports of the Grand Lodges of England , Ireland , and Scotland are published with the special sanction of the respective Grand Masters , and it contains a complete record of Masonic wont in this country , our Indian Empire , and the Colonics . The vast accession to thc ranks of the Order during the past few years , and the increasing interest manifested in its doings , has given the Freemason a position and influence which few journals can lay claim to , and the proprietor can assert with confidence that announcements appearing in its columns challenge the attention ol a very large and influential body of readers . Advertisements for the current week's issue are received up to Six o ' clock on Wednesday evening .
Next Friday being Good Friday the j I " Freemason " will be published a day earlier—Thursday . March 22 nd .
To Correspondents.
To Correspondents .
PROVINCE . —Query . —Are Provincial Grand Pursuivants and Provincial Grand Assistant Pursuivants entitled to Past rank and to wear the clothing and jewels of the respective offices after their term of appointment has expired ? [ Yes . —ED . F . M . ] BOOKS , & c . RECEIVED . "The Broad Arrow , " "The Freemason" ( Sydney ) , "The Freemason ' s Chronicle" ( Sydney ) , " Caygill's Tourist ' s Guide , " "The New York Daily News , " "The New York Dispatch , " "The American Freemason , " "The Masonic Herald , " "LaChaine d'Union , " "Situation of Neseaux Telephoniques , " " Triunghiul , " "The Masonic Advocate , " "Allen ' s Indian Mail , " "The Hebrew Leader , " "The Warehousemen and Draper ' s Trade Journal , " "The Court Circular , " " Freimaurer-Zeitung , " "The Voice of Masonry , " "Proceedings of the Grand Lodge of Virginia , " " Hyoatopai , " "The Canadian Craftsman , " "The Pianoforte Dealer ' s Guide , " "The Freemason ' s Repository , " "The Royal Cornwall Gazette , " "The Citizen , " "The Agricultural Depression at Home , " "The Hull Packet . "
SATURDAY , MARCH 17 , 1883 .
Original Correspondence.
Original Correspondence .
r _\ Ve do not hold ourselves responsible for , or even approving of , the opinions expressed by ourcorrespondents . but we wish in aspirit of fairplay to all to permit—within certain necessary limits—free discussion . ! ——
OUR CHARITIES . To the Editor of the "Freemason . " Dear Sir and Brother , — In the Freemason of the 10 th inst ., under the above heading , a paragraph is quoted from the previous publication , viz .: " Many wealthy lodges give their
subscription of one guinea , some few two guineas , and the great majority , from want of thought let us hope , do not subscribe at all . " To rectify this lack of assistance from lodger on behalf of our Charitable Institutions , Bro . J . W . P . Salmon , P . M . 1 G 3 , P . P . G . D . C . East Lancashire , in his letter to you
suggests that an " edict should emanate from Grand Lodge making it incumbent upon every lodge to subscribe £ 2 2 s . and every chapter £ 1 is . annually to each of our three noble Institutions . " Doubtless the majority of lodges would most fraternally protest against such an edict ; first , on account of its not
being in accordance with the true spirit of Freemasonry , and secondly , that the time has not yet arrived ( whatever the . brethren of the future may think right to do ) when thc funds for our Charitable Institutions shall be collected with Grand Lodge dues , and thus leading to a general financial amalgamation under a special superintendence , from which the needful requirements for the three Masonic
Institutions may be readily supplied , as by precept for Board Schools . To the question in thc article of the 3 rd inst ., immediately preceding the above quotation : " Is there any other possible outcome of sympathy and support ? " to augment the annual income of the Charities , it may simply be stated , to evince to other lodges how one small lodge administers to
Original Correspondence.
the much needed "sympathy and support , " in 1 S 77 a byelaw was agreed to by the brethren of the Albany Lodge , No . 151 , late 176 , Newport ( I . of VV . ) , " That from the amount of each member ' s annual subscription five shillings shall be especially appropriated for the benefit of the Masonic Charities , viz ., the Royal Masonic Institutions for Boys , for
Girls , and for the Male or Female Annuitants ; the sum so collected to be voted by the lodge to one or more of the above-named institutions . " From this source £ 15 10 s . has been yearly contributed , and by annual subscriptions for several years past it has been divided thus : £ 5 5 s . to the Girls' School , £ 5 5 s . to the Boys' School , and £ 5 to the Benevolent Institution .
To multiply such willing aid from the number of lodges working under the United Grand Lodge of England would indeed supply the necessary support , and enable the managing committee to attain the much desired object of a reserve fund , besides enabling them . to extend the benefits of thc respective institutions . —Very fraternally yours , GEORGE WYATT , 151 and 340 , P . P . G . S . W . Isle of Wight .
IHE ELECTION OF-GRAND TREASURER . To the Editor of the "Freemason . " Dear Sir and Brother , — I venture to question the mode in which Earl Lathom , M . W . G . M . in the chair , at Grand Lodge on Wednesday last put to the meeting the appointment of a
Treasurer . Instead of putting it as a resolution and amendment I think it should have been by voting for the brethren nominated—those in favour of brother so and so , and then the other ; by putting it as an amendment I cannot help thinking it looked more like the invasion of an office held , whereas the office was vacant and the
election was simply to fill up that vacancy . It was thought by some that the want of precedent was against the election of any other brother during the lifetime of the then holder of the office ; but I see , on reference to thc Constitutions , that in the list of officers of Grand Lodge the members rank in the following order : 13 . Grand Treasurer .
14 . Past Grand Treasurers . Now , it must have been contemplated there would be Past Grand Treasurers ; and how could there be if one brother is elected for life , or elected annually and re-elected year by year , as some would have it ? I am glad to see thc office thrown open , and hope the practice now will be to electa fresh holder annually . —Yours fraternally , H . A . VV . R .
GRAND LODGE OF IRELAND . To the Editor of the "Freemason . " Dear Sir and Brother , — Our Scotch Masonic historian , R . W . Bro . D . Murray Lyon , is quite correct as to the Provincial Grand Lodge of Ayr , but by the contract of 1807 , the R . W . the
Provincial Grand Master must be always R . W . Master of Mother Kilwinning . R . W . Bro . Wylie is Provincial Grand Secretary of Provincial Grand Lodge of Ayr , and also Secretary of Mother Kilwinning , therefore Mother Kilwinning is still to all intents and purposes a Provincial Grand Lodge .
R . W . Bro . D . Murry Lyon's note has caused meagain to look into his most interesting and elegantly got-up work ( the perusal of which will well repay any brother ) , styled " Freemasonry in Scotland . " In afoot-note at page 409 he calls attention to the fact that Mother Kilwinning records of 20 th Dec , 1643 ( folio 7 ) , style Mother
Kilwinning " The Ancient Ludge of Scotland . " R . W . Bro . Wylie , in his excellent " History of Mother Kilwinning , " page 59 , gives the full minutes of 20 th Dec , 1643 . When reading these original minutes of Mother Kilwinning in August , 1 S 75 , 1 was myself struck with the expression , " The Ancient Ludge of Scotland , " and surely it can have
no meaning unless it means what is now known as Grand Lodge of Scotland , and if so Scotland ' s Grand Lodge is the premier by many years . R . W . Bro . Hughan says this question is a side point , and I agree with him . He also speaks of the "General Regulations" of 1723 . These General Regulations he
knows well arc the very General Regulations from which the extracts in my last note are all taken to show that the Body they speak of was the Provincial Grand Lodge of London and Westminster , and not a Grand Lodge of England . The word or name " England " is not mentioned from the first words " General Regulations " to the last words
of them— " St . John ' s Day , 1721 ; " but " for the use of the lodges in and about London and Westminster " does occur in them , as quoted in my last . This Provincial Grand Lodge of London and Westminster was unknown in Ireland in 1752 , as Bro . Laurence Dermot ' s "Ahiman Kezon , " 3 rd edition , 1752 , page 5 S , gives in
parallel columns those of "The Irish Charity Rules of 173 S , " and "The Ancient York Masons in England since 1751 , " showing clearly that thc Provincial Grand Lodge of York and its Rulers were well known in Ireland before 1752 , although the Provincial Grand Lodge of London and West minster was not .
It is a well-known rule that the junior Grand Lodge applies to the senior for recognition and exchange of representatives . The first Grand Lodge applying forsuch to Ireland was Scotland , and the second was the present United Grand Lodge of England , The Grand Lodge of Ireland never asked any Grand Lodge for recognition or exchange