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Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
trusting that brother would in the language of Shake ; speare " set naught down in malice and nothing extenuate . The talents of the musical brethren , Bros . J . H . Greenwood and N . Dumvillc , were also enlarged upon by Bro . Hollins , who in conclusion gave the visitors a hearty welcome and asked the brethren of the lodge to drink their
health in a bumper . . . . The brethren cheerfully responded to the invitation , after which Bros . VV . Brown , VV . M . 1633 ; J ; M . Sinclair , I . P . M . 163 ; VV . M . Bostock , P . M . 1633 ; and R . R . Lisenden , S . D . 317 , replied . .... , Bro . Wm . Jaffray , P . M ., in eulogistic terms proposed " The Health " of the I . P . M ., Bro . Brewer , " in the course of
which he said no brother had ever done more to promote the welfare of the lodge and the happiness of the brethren both in the lodge and at the social board than he had , and in acknowledging such services he felt extreme pleasure in presenting him in the name of the lodge with a Past Master's gold jewel , which he trusted would adorn the breast ot Bro . Brewer for many years to come .
The jewel was manufactured by Bro . George Kenning , 47 , Bridge-street , Manchester , and was much admired . Bro . Brewer in reply said there had been a good many quotations from Shakespeare that evening uttered , good , bad , and indifferent . One passage , however , hit off his feelings in responding to this toast , which was lhou has bereft me of all speech . " Bro . Brewer went on to say that but at all times
it was not merely on the present occasion , he had met with the hearty good fellowship in the lodge , which was a most pleasant reflection , and these feelings would in the future be enhanced by the handsome token ot affectionate regard which he had received from their hands that evening , and which he should highly appreciate and value . He felt however there was one blot upon his year
of office which was the want of opportunity to exhibit his capacity of performing a ceremony , and whilst much regretting this want of opportunity , he was perfectly sure that no fault in himself , either as a man or a Mason , had brousrht it about , and he sincerely hoped should there arise
such opportunities during the ensuing twelve months that the VV . M . would grant him the privilege of working one or more of the ceremonies , and showing what he could do . Several other toasts were proposed and responded to , and a pleasant and enjoyable evening terminated shortly before eleven o ' clock .
MANCHESTER . —Lodge of Affability ( No . 317 ) . —The usual monthly meeting of this lodge was held " in the Freemasons' Hall , Cooper-street , on Thursday , the 1 st inst . Present : Bros . J . VVilson , VV . M . ; VV . J . Cunliffe , S . W . ; J . VV . Edwards , J . W . j VV . NichoH , P . M ., Treas . ; J . Smith , Sec . ; J . G . Elderton , J . D . ; J . Bladon , P . ' M ., P . P . G . A . D . C , D . C ; J . Garside , I . G . ; J . Smethurst , P . M . ; J . Dawson , P . M .. Reg . ; G . C . Fruhling , Org . ; Daniel Donbavand , P . M . ; L . 1 . Kex , Walter WoodSteward ; J . Eckersley , Mark Vickers ,
, P . M . ; J . R . Lever , P . M . ; Charles Hart , Isaac Pearson , and R . R . Lisendcn , S . D . ( Freemason ) . Visitor : Bro . Ernest Neame , 1126 . . The lodge wasduly opened , and after the confirmation of the minutes of last meeting Bro . Isaac Pearson was passed to the Degree of F . C . by the VV . M . Bro . John Bladon , P . M ., P . P . G . A . D . C , delivered the corner-stone address and the lecture on the tracing board to thc candidate , after which the lodge was closed in peace and harmony .
PORTSMOUTH . — Portsmouth Lodge ( No . 4 S 7 ) . —On Thursday , the Sth- inst ., the installation of the W . M ., Bro . VV . M . Outridgc , took place , when a large number of brethren assembled . Bro . Palsgrave , P . M ., performed the ceremony in a very impressive style . The W . M . appointed and invested his officers for the ensuing year as follows : Bros . R . W . Beale , l . P . M . ; H . P . Hoiley , S . W . t F . H . de Rheims , l . W . ; H . Threadingham , 'Ireas . ;
T . Thackara , Sec ; W . E . Bond , Asst . Sec . ; Cowd , S . D . ; G . E . Cousens , J . D . ; VV . Shotter , I . G . ; Meredith and Ray , Dirs . of Cer . ; G . Pcarman , Org . ; G . Bevis and Hill , Stewards . Bio . Beal , I . P . M ., was presented with a handsome jewel in token of the appreciation of his valuable services to the lodge , and of the able manner in which he had discharged his duties during his year of office . The brethren afterwards adjourned to the banquet room where the usual Masanic toasts were honoured .
SEAHAM HARBOUR . —Fawcett Lodge ( No . 661 ) . —On Monday afternoon the brethren of this lodge met at the Masonic Hall , North-road , for the purpose of installing Bro . Joseph Scorfield , S . W ., as the W . M . for the ensuing year . The lodge was opened by Bro . 1 . Shepherd , the VV . M ., who was supported by Bros . W . Foster , P . P . G . S . of W . ; J . J . Clay , P . P . G . S . of VV . ; Wells
H . B . Wright , P . P . G . R . ; Sinclair , P . G . D . ; J . B . , P . M . J M . Douglas , P . M . j S . Cockburn , P . M . ; J . Richardson , P . M . ; ri . VV . Emerson , P . M . ; and J . C . Moor , S . W . 97 ( Freemason ) . ,,,,-.. n . The VV . M . elect was presented by Bro . VV . I'oster to the Installing Master , Bro . James Ayre , P . M ., by whom Bro . Scorfield was duly installed in the chair of K . S . The investiture of officers afterwards took place as follows : Bros .
T . Shepherd , I . P . M . ; E . Atkinson , S . W . ; D . Smith , T W . ; the Rev . D . James , Chap . ; J . Richardson , P . M ., Treas . ; T . C Beatty , jun , Hon . Sec . ; H . Wright , S . D .-, T . Mitchell , J . D . ; H . W . Emerson , P . M ., D . of C . ; T . Taylor , T . R . Candlish and G . Stokell , Auditors ; and I . Richardson and B . Wells , jun . Stewards . The lodge was afterwards duly closed , and the annual banquet was afterwards held at the Lord Seaham Hotel , the W . M , Bro . Scorfield , presiding .
DERBY . —Hartington Lodge ( No . 1085 ) . —The ordinary meeting of this lodge was held on the ith inst , at the Masonic Hall , when there were present Bros . W . Butterficld , VV . M . ; J . O . Manton , I . P . M . ; C D . Hart , S . W ; VV . B . Hextall , P . P . S . G . W , J VV . ; P Wallis , P . M ., ' P . G . D . of C , Sec . ; H . Carr , S . D . ; J . H . Richardson , J . D . ; J . H . Clarke , I . G . ; K Wright , Stwd . ; K Camoion . P . P . G . S . W . ; F . Orrel , P . G . Chap . ; VV . tteatneote
Whittaker . P . G . R . ; S . Steele , P . Ul ' . ; w . , P . P . G . D . of C . j Johnson , Lane , Mole , Bland ( W . M . elect 731 ) , Webster , and others . . The lodge was opened , thc circular convening the meeting was read , and the minutes of the last lodge read and confirmed . Letters of apology for non-attendance were read from Bros . T . Russell , P . G . J . D , Ireas . ; W . W . Popplewcll , J . W . ; and F . Stone , Stwd . The candidate for initiation had recently been admitted into the mysteries and
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
privileges of a married life , and being from home on his honeymoon could not attend . The Treasurer ' s accounts for the past year were received and passed ; the balance in hand is only very small , but this is partly accounted for as follows : 10 guineas given to the Boys' School , 10 guineas to the Girls' School , 10 guineas to assist in clearing the debt off the Masonic Hall 12 guineas for the rent of a
, cellar , and £ 10 towards furnishing it . The Refreshment Committee ' s accounts were received and ordered to be printed and circulated amongst the brethren . The W . M . received the hearty congratulations of the visiting brethren and the lodge was closed . The brethren afterwards adjourned to a ' substantial
repast provided by Bro . Popplcwell , J . VV ., and the usual loyal and Masonic toasts were given . The toast of " The Visitors " was ably proposed by Bro . P . Wallis , P . G . D . of C . and acknowledged by Bvo . Mole . After songs from several of the brethren the Tyler's toast concluded the proceedings .
LEIGH . —Marquis of Lome Lodge ( No . 1354 . ) —The usual monthly meeting of this Lancashire lodge was held on the 7 th inst . The lodge was opened by the W . M , Bro . Charles Freeman , and the following officers were present : Bros . J . Kerfoot , S . W . j Yanvood , acting J . W . j W . H . Horrocks , S . D . j W . H . Pennington , J . D . j T . Banks , I . G . j W . Bryce , Treas . ; Davies , acting Sec ;
and T . Coupe , Tyler . Bro . J . Charlton , J . W ., officiated at the organ in the absence of the Organist of the lodge . A considerable number of brethren and visitors were present . After the minutes had been read and passed , the ballot was taken for Mr . John Wallshaw , a candidate for initiation , and being unanimously elected he was subsequently initiated by Bro . VV . Duncan , P . M ., in an effective manner .
During the evening two candidates were raised to the degree of M . M , the first by the W . M . the other by Bro . Starkie , P . M . The W . M . explained the working tools to both candidates . After the lodge had been closed in due form the brethren adjourned to refreshment . The usual loyal and Masonic
toasts were well received . Bro . Bowden , P . P . G . S . B , responded to the toast of "The Provincial Grand Officers Present and Past , " and Bro . Martin , l . P . M . Wesley Lodge , for " The Visitors . " Both bore testimony to the good working of thc lodge and particularly referred to the impressiveness of the musical
ceremonies . Bro . Duncan , P . M ., proposed "The Health of the W . M . " and congratulated him upon the increasing prosperity of the lodge , and stated that he was convinced that the VV . M . was adopting a course which must be productive of good in securing the regular attendance of the Past
Masters by inviting them to assist him with the ceremonies and allotting them work as far aspossible . He felt grateful for having been requested to initiate a candidate that evening . A number of excellent songs and recitations were given and a convivial and pleasant evening was brought to a close with the Tyler ' s toast .
NORTH WOOLWICH . —Henley Lodge ( No . 1472 ) . —The installation meeting of the above flourishing lodge took place at the Three Crowns Hotel , Bro . E . West ' s famous hostelry , and was well attended by both the brethren of the lodge and a distinguished array of visitors . The lodge was opened by Bro . West , P . M ., P . P . G . P .
Herts , and the minutes of the previous meeting were passed . The ballot was then taken for Messrs . J . Gladmg and C . VV . Genery , and proved unanimous . Bro . Jas . Elder , the W . M , having arrived then took the chair , and proceeded to install his successor , Bro . V . J . Holloway , S . W , VV . M . elect , which he did in a most admirable
manner . Bro . Holloway invested his officers as follows : Bros . C T . Lewis , S . W . ; A . Ives , J . VV . ; A . J . Manning , P . M ., P G . S . D . Essex , Treas . ; T . Ives , P . M ., Sec ; C Jolly ( Freemason ) , S . D . ; C Guy , J . D . ; Smith , Org . ; J . Paul , I . G . ; J . Savage , D . C ; M . Kaul and R . Morgan , Wine Stewards ; and W . Page , P . M ., Tyler . Bro . Elder
then gave the two first charges , and Bro . Manning ( by request ) the third in good style , and the ceremony was concluded . The new W . M . commenced his year of office by initiating Messrs . Glading and Genery ( already approved of ) without a hitch . It was then unanimously resolved that a testimonial , engrossed on vellum , of the value of five pounds , should be presented to Bro . Elder for his admirable
work both during his year of office and also for installing his successor , for which Bro . Elder returned thanks . The lodge was then closed and the brethren partook of a superb banquet , the menu comprising all the delicacies of the season , while thc wines were " chic , " the whole reflecting the greatest credit upon Bro . West , who personally superintended the service . Among those present beside the brethren above enumerated were Bros . Turner , P . M . ; Dr . VV . Vance , P . M . ;
W . Gilbert , P . M . 1327 , P . P . G . J . W . Herts ; J . Gaskell , P . M . 1076 ; R . J . Warren , P . M . 1437 ; E . W . Mackney , P . M . 144 ; G . Lambert , W . M . 720 ; J . H . Roberts , S . W . 700 ; E . Ayres , S . W . 742 ; W . Nevin , J . W . 1076 ; Campbell , 975 ; VV . Brown , 225 ; E . Bithry , G . Humphreys , and J . Russell , of 173 ; and the following members of the lodge Bros . VV . iWien , I . W . Baker , I . Brightmore , A . Wright
W . Weilard , J . Smith , C . H . Canning , R . Caley , C . Hefford , J . Fulford , G . Plume , J . B . Brown , W . H . Cheverton , VV . Ball , J . Palmer , and G . Weaver . The usual loyal and Masonic toasts having been given and responded to , Bro . Elder , I . P . M , rose to propose " The Health of the W . M . " He said it was a great honour for him to propose such a toast ; he felt it so especially as it was
the first toast he had ever had the opportunity of proposing . Their esteemed W . M . who that day had been placed in the chair of K . S . had honourably and well won his way there by steadfast , earnest , and good work , in every office he had filled in thc lodge , and none could better appreciate the dignity he had arrived at , —a position that every good Mason hoped to fill some day better or more , —that those who had cone through the duties and responsibilites that
were attached to it . 'Their W . M . had shown them that day , by the style in which he had initiated two candidates , what they might expect from him , and surrounded as he was by a good and capable staff of officers , he had no doubt at the end of his year of office they would say that it had been a successful one , and worthy of the honour and prestige of the Henley Lodge . 'The Worshisful Master in response could only thank Bro . Elder and thc brethren generally for the warmth with
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
which they had received the toast of his name . He need hardly say that he felt proud of the position he now held , and thanked the G . A . O . T . U . for giving him health and strength to arrive at it . He should endeavour to prove himself worthy of their confidence , and hope to receive their congratulations as heartily given at the end of his year of office as they had been on his commencing
it that day . He then proceeded to present the l . P . M . with thc jewel of his office , and in pinning it on Bro . Elder ' s breast , said they all agreed that Bro . Elder had richly earned it . He in the name of the lodge wished Bro . Elder many years of health to wear it , and then , when with him time should be no more , might it be handed down to his posterity as a
token of the esteem and affectionate regard in which he was held by the members of the lodge . Bro . Elder in returning thankssaid he could scarcely find words to express how much their great kindness moved him , especially when he remembered how ill-health had precluded him from doing his duty as he should have liked to have done it ; but that jewel should be prized by him
above all on earth , because he felt that with it came their best wishes for his future welfare , and that it was given him with a full and free good will . He could only again thank them , and should always look back to his year of office as one of the happiest in his life . " The Initiates " were then honoured and suitably returned thanks .
The next toast was that of " The Past Masters , " and Bro . Ives , as the senior P . M ., briefly responded . Bro . Manning was proud to see one of his initiates in the chair that day , and hoped to see others there soon . It laid with themselves in a great measure—if they showed themselves worthy of promotion they got it in their turn , and if not they had to be passed over . So far as the Past Masters
were concerned , it showed how excellent an institution they were , especially in cases of emergency ; for if at any time through illness or delay the VV . M . could not , or was not present to carry out the ceremonies , there was always a Past Master present able and ready to do the work , and keep the lodge going . He was pleased to see so many Past Masters present , and wished them and the lodge every
success . Bros . Turner and Vance also responded . In reply to the toast of "The Visitors , " Bro . Gilbert referred with pleasure to the good working and good feeling that evidently existed in the lodge , and cordially wished the lodge and the VV . M . continued prosperity . Bros . Ayre and Roberts also responded eloquently .
" The Officers" was the next toast , and Bros . Lewis , Ives , and Jolly returned thanks . The Tyler's toast concluded the proceedings , which were rendered doubl y enjoyable by the fine playing of Bro . Baker on the violin , accompanied by Bro . Smith on the piano , while Bro . Mackney absolutely convulsed the brethren by his side-splitting comicalities . The whole affair was both enjoyable and memorable .
SWANSEA—Caradoc Lodge ( No . 1573 ) . —On Monday , the 5 th inst , the installation meeting of this lodge took place in thc Masonic Hall , Cacr-street . There was a very large attendance of brethren , and the proceedings were honoured with the presence of the Worshipful Deputy Prov . Grand Master , Bro . Marmaduke Tennant , and the Prov . Grand Officers , tog-ether with brethren from
all parts of the Eastern and Western Division of the province , a large muster from Bristol , several foreign and colonial lodges being also represented . The lodge was opened at four o'clock by the VV . M , Bro . the Rev . Dr . Walters , vicar of Llansamlet , whose year of office in the chair has been one of the most ably-worked periods of the lodge since its consecration . The several
chairs were occupied at the opening as follows : Bros , the Rev . Dr . Walters , W . M . ; J . L . Perrin , S . W . ; G . W . Clare , Prov . Grand Steward , J . W . ; J . R . Davies , Treas . ; W . A . Essery , Sec ; T . Sandbrook , S . D . ; Morgan Williams , J . D . ; J . Blight , Org . ; N . Leitch . I . G . ; W . A . Rosser , James Hughes , E . Everingham , R . Parry , Stwds . ; G . Bullerwell , Tyler . The following Past Masters of the lodge were also present : D . C . Jones , P . P . G . Treas .
J . C Sladen , P . P . G . Dir . of Cers . ; W . Dobbs , P . P . G . Supt . ofWks . j John Rogers , P . P . G . J . W . ; and W . E . Brown , P . P . S . G . D . The following brethren were also present : Bros . B . Daniell , P . M . S 33 ; John Leworthy , P . M . 237 ; T . W . Jones , I . G . 237 ; Robert lones , P . M . S 33 ; James Jones , 237 j D . A . Davis , 1323 ; Henry Simons , P . M . and Treas . 237 , P . P . G . Dir . of Cers . j
Rowland 1 homas , P . M . 3 ( 54 ; Wm . Welsford , VV . M . 1429 j W . T . Canton , P . M . 237 , P . G . Treas . ; J . Jones Hewson , P . P . G . Reg . ; J . G . Hall , P . M . 1323 , P . G . S . W . ; E-Roberts , P . M . 172 , P . P . G . R . ( Western Division ); John Jones , P . M . S 3 , Prov . G . Sec . ; T . Williams . Abraham H . Thomas , J . H . Taylor , P . Dorrell , D . Rosser , VV . Terrill , F . T . Millman , N . Trotter , B . Behrens , B . P . Davies , Llewellyn Davies , W . C Thomas , D . Powell , B . Evans , W . E . Jenkins , F . D . Trower , VV . F . Bull , L . L . Howell , T . R . Jones , 237
G . E . Dowman , D . j . Kennard , P . M . 1358 , G . S . D . ; H . Perdycomb , E . C . Squance , Greenwood , 569 ( Brooklyn , New York ); T . Wake , no ; John F . Harvey , Henry R . Lee , 247 ; J . Evens , W . M . 103 , P . G . R . Somerset ; VV G . Nicholls , 237 ; J . Marsden , P . M . 476 , P . Prov . G . C . ; T . Thomas , P . M . 1323 ; VV . Whittington , P . Prov . G . W . -, VV . L . Hughes , 476 ; T . Phillips , 3 G 4 ; N . S . Marks , 368 ( Melbourne ); T . R . Walters , 606 ; John VV . Lloyd , W . M . 237 ; T . McKim , 237 ; Henry P . Charles , W . M . 1323 ;
J . . W . Gunn , no ; J . barvis , 125 S ; R . R . Davies , Sec . 110 ; J . L . Lewis , W . M . 6 51 , Prov . G . Org . ; G . Allen , P . M . Talbot , P . Prov . G . J . W . ; T . Powell , 237 , P . Prov . G . D . C ; H . Fargus , 187 , P . Prov . G . S . B . ; J . Jenkyn Jones , P . M . 47 C , Prov . G . Treas . ( Western Division ); VV . F . Betty , J . W . 13 SS ; G . A . Burgess , S . W . 138 S ; C . E . Williams , 138 S ; J . F . Langdon , I . Rudman , W . Mitchell ,
J . H . Beale , J . C . Manning , T . Phillips , P . M . C 79 ; F . R , Howell , W . M . C 79 ; D . Hopkins , P . M . 9 C 0 , P . Prov . G . S . W . ; J . C . Bringham , P . M . 13 S 8 , P . Prov . G . P . Bristol ; R . Capper , S . W . 1323 and 1176 ; Fred Watkins , SiS ; H . C Evans , C 71 ; W . Morgan , P . M . 237 , P . Prov . G . R . ; Silvanus Phillips , 3 G 4 ; Joseph North , P . M . 1098 . P . G . J . D . Mon . ; B . Phillips , 1028 ; and D . R . David , P . M ,
S 33 ; Ihe ordinary business of the lodge having been gone thcough , and the W . D . Prov . Grand Master and Prov . Grand Officers having been received in due form , the installation ot Bro . Perrin was proceeded with . The duties of Installing Master were taken by Bro . John Rogers , the first W . M . of the lodge , who performed the task irv
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
trusting that brother would in the language of Shake ; speare " set naught down in malice and nothing extenuate . The talents of the musical brethren , Bros . J . H . Greenwood and N . Dumvillc , were also enlarged upon by Bro . Hollins , who in conclusion gave the visitors a hearty welcome and asked the brethren of the lodge to drink their
health in a bumper . . . . The brethren cheerfully responded to the invitation , after which Bros . VV . Brown , VV . M . 1633 ; J ; M . Sinclair , I . P . M . 163 ; VV . M . Bostock , P . M . 1633 ; and R . R . Lisenden , S . D . 317 , replied . .... , Bro . Wm . Jaffray , P . M ., in eulogistic terms proposed " The Health " of the I . P . M ., Bro . Brewer , " in the course of
which he said no brother had ever done more to promote the welfare of the lodge and the happiness of the brethren both in the lodge and at the social board than he had , and in acknowledging such services he felt extreme pleasure in presenting him in the name of the lodge with a Past Master's gold jewel , which he trusted would adorn the breast ot Bro . Brewer for many years to come .
The jewel was manufactured by Bro . George Kenning , 47 , Bridge-street , Manchester , and was much admired . Bro . Brewer in reply said there had been a good many quotations from Shakespeare that evening uttered , good , bad , and indifferent . One passage , however , hit off his feelings in responding to this toast , which was lhou has bereft me of all speech . " Bro . Brewer went on to say that but at all times
it was not merely on the present occasion , he had met with the hearty good fellowship in the lodge , which was a most pleasant reflection , and these feelings would in the future be enhanced by the handsome token ot affectionate regard which he had received from their hands that evening , and which he should highly appreciate and value . He felt however there was one blot upon his year
of office which was the want of opportunity to exhibit his capacity of performing a ceremony , and whilst much regretting this want of opportunity , he was perfectly sure that no fault in himself , either as a man or a Mason , had brousrht it about , and he sincerely hoped should there arise
such opportunities during the ensuing twelve months that the VV . M . would grant him the privilege of working one or more of the ceremonies , and showing what he could do . Several other toasts were proposed and responded to , and a pleasant and enjoyable evening terminated shortly before eleven o ' clock .
MANCHESTER . —Lodge of Affability ( No . 317 ) . —The usual monthly meeting of this lodge was held " in the Freemasons' Hall , Cooper-street , on Thursday , the 1 st inst . Present : Bros . J . VVilson , VV . M . ; VV . J . Cunliffe , S . W . ; J . VV . Edwards , J . W . j VV . NichoH , P . M ., Treas . ; J . Smith , Sec . ; J . G . Elderton , J . D . ; J . Bladon , P . ' M ., P . P . G . A . D . C , D . C ; J . Garside , I . G . ; J . Smethurst , P . M . ; J . Dawson , P . M .. Reg . ; G . C . Fruhling , Org . ; Daniel Donbavand , P . M . ; L . 1 . Kex , Walter WoodSteward ; J . Eckersley , Mark Vickers ,
, P . M . ; J . R . Lever , P . M . ; Charles Hart , Isaac Pearson , and R . R . Lisendcn , S . D . ( Freemason ) . Visitor : Bro . Ernest Neame , 1126 . . The lodge wasduly opened , and after the confirmation of the minutes of last meeting Bro . Isaac Pearson was passed to the Degree of F . C . by the VV . M . Bro . John Bladon , P . M ., P . P . G . A . D . C , delivered the corner-stone address and the lecture on the tracing board to thc candidate , after which the lodge was closed in peace and harmony .
PORTSMOUTH . — Portsmouth Lodge ( No . 4 S 7 ) . —On Thursday , the Sth- inst ., the installation of the W . M ., Bro . VV . M . Outridgc , took place , when a large number of brethren assembled . Bro . Palsgrave , P . M ., performed the ceremony in a very impressive style . The W . M . appointed and invested his officers for the ensuing year as follows : Bros . R . W . Beale , l . P . M . ; H . P . Hoiley , S . W . t F . H . de Rheims , l . W . ; H . Threadingham , 'Ireas . ;
T . Thackara , Sec ; W . E . Bond , Asst . Sec . ; Cowd , S . D . ; G . E . Cousens , J . D . ; VV . Shotter , I . G . ; Meredith and Ray , Dirs . of Cer . ; G . Pcarman , Org . ; G . Bevis and Hill , Stewards . Bio . Beal , I . P . M ., was presented with a handsome jewel in token of the appreciation of his valuable services to the lodge , and of the able manner in which he had discharged his duties during his year of office . The brethren afterwards adjourned to the banquet room where the usual Masanic toasts were honoured .
SEAHAM HARBOUR . —Fawcett Lodge ( No . 661 ) . —On Monday afternoon the brethren of this lodge met at the Masonic Hall , North-road , for the purpose of installing Bro . Joseph Scorfield , S . W ., as the W . M . for the ensuing year . The lodge was opened by Bro . 1 . Shepherd , the VV . M ., who was supported by Bros . W . Foster , P . P . G . S . of W . ; J . J . Clay , P . P . G . S . of VV . ; Wells
H . B . Wright , P . P . G . R . ; Sinclair , P . G . D . ; J . B . , P . M . J M . Douglas , P . M . j S . Cockburn , P . M . ; J . Richardson , P . M . ; ri . VV . Emerson , P . M . ; and J . C . Moor , S . W . 97 ( Freemason ) . ,,,,-.. n . The VV . M . elect was presented by Bro . VV . I'oster to the Installing Master , Bro . James Ayre , P . M ., by whom Bro . Scorfield was duly installed in the chair of K . S . The investiture of officers afterwards took place as follows : Bros .
T . Shepherd , I . P . M . ; E . Atkinson , S . W . ; D . Smith , T W . ; the Rev . D . James , Chap . ; J . Richardson , P . M ., Treas . ; T . C Beatty , jun , Hon . Sec . ; H . Wright , S . D .-, T . Mitchell , J . D . ; H . W . Emerson , P . M ., D . of C . ; T . Taylor , T . R . Candlish and G . Stokell , Auditors ; and I . Richardson and B . Wells , jun . Stewards . The lodge was afterwards duly closed , and the annual banquet was afterwards held at the Lord Seaham Hotel , the W . M , Bro . Scorfield , presiding .
DERBY . —Hartington Lodge ( No . 1085 ) . —The ordinary meeting of this lodge was held on the ith inst , at the Masonic Hall , when there were present Bros . W . Butterficld , VV . M . ; J . O . Manton , I . P . M . ; C D . Hart , S . W ; VV . B . Hextall , P . P . S . G . W , J VV . ; P Wallis , P . M ., ' P . G . D . of C , Sec . ; H . Carr , S . D . ; J . H . Richardson , J . D . ; J . H . Clarke , I . G . ; K Wright , Stwd . ; K Camoion . P . P . G . S . W . ; F . Orrel , P . G . Chap . ; VV . tteatneote
Whittaker . P . G . R . ; S . Steele , P . Ul ' . ; w . , P . P . G . D . of C . j Johnson , Lane , Mole , Bland ( W . M . elect 731 ) , Webster , and others . . The lodge was opened , thc circular convening the meeting was read , and the minutes of the last lodge read and confirmed . Letters of apology for non-attendance were read from Bros . T . Russell , P . G . J . D , Ireas . ; W . W . Popplewcll , J . W . ; and F . Stone , Stwd . The candidate for initiation had recently been admitted into the mysteries and
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
privileges of a married life , and being from home on his honeymoon could not attend . The Treasurer ' s accounts for the past year were received and passed ; the balance in hand is only very small , but this is partly accounted for as follows : 10 guineas given to the Boys' School , 10 guineas to the Girls' School , 10 guineas to assist in clearing the debt off the Masonic Hall 12 guineas for the rent of a
, cellar , and £ 10 towards furnishing it . The Refreshment Committee ' s accounts were received and ordered to be printed and circulated amongst the brethren . The W . M . received the hearty congratulations of the visiting brethren and the lodge was closed . The brethren afterwards adjourned to a ' substantial
repast provided by Bro . Popplcwell , J . VV ., and the usual loyal and Masonic toasts were given . The toast of " The Visitors " was ably proposed by Bro . P . Wallis , P . G . D . of C . and acknowledged by Bvo . Mole . After songs from several of the brethren the Tyler's toast concluded the proceedings .
LEIGH . —Marquis of Lome Lodge ( No . 1354 . ) —The usual monthly meeting of this Lancashire lodge was held on the 7 th inst . The lodge was opened by the W . M , Bro . Charles Freeman , and the following officers were present : Bros . J . Kerfoot , S . W . j Yanvood , acting J . W . j W . H . Horrocks , S . D . j W . H . Pennington , J . D . j T . Banks , I . G . j W . Bryce , Treas . ; Davies , acting Sec ;
and T . Coupe , Tyler . Bro . J . Charlton , J . W ., officiated at the organ in the absence of the Organist of the lodge . A considerable number of brethren and visitors were present . After the minutes had been read and passed , the ballot was taken for Mr . John Wallshaw , a candidate for initiation , and being unanimously elected he was subsequently initiated by Bro . VV . Duncan , P . M ., in an effective manner .
During the evening two candidates were raised to the degree of M . M , the first by the W . M . the other by Bro . Starkie , P . M . The W . M . explained the working tools to both candidates . After the lodge had been closed in due form the brethren adjourned to refreshment . The usual loyal and Masonic
toasts were well received . Bro . Bowden , P . P . G . S . B , responded to the toast of "The Provincial Grand Officers Present and Past , " and Bro . Martin , l . P . M . Wesley Lodge , for " The Visitors . " Both bore testimony to the good working of thc lodge and particularly referred to the impressiveness of the musical
ceremonies . Bro . Duncan , P . M ., proposed "The Health of the W . M . " and congratulated him upon the increasing prosperity of the lodge , and stated that he was convinced that the VV . M . was adopting a course which must be productive of good in securing the regular attendance of the Past
Masters by inviting them to assist him with the ceremonies and allotting them work as far aspossible . He felt grateful for having been requested to initiate a candidate that evening . A number of excellent songs and recitations were given and a convivial and pleasant evening was brought to a close with the Tyler ' s toast .
NORTH WOOLWICH . —Henley Lodge ( No . 1472 ) . —The installation meeting of the above flourishing lodge took place at the Three Crowns Hotel , Bro . E . West ' s famous hostelry , and was well attended by both the brethren of the lodge and a distinguished array of visitors . The lodge was opened by Bro . West , P . M ., P . P . G . P .
Herts , and the minutes of the previous meeting were passed . The ballot was then taken for Messrs . J . Gladmg and C . VV . Genery , and proved unanimous . Bro . Jas . Elder , the W . M , having arrived then took the chair , and proceeded to install his successor , Bro . V . J . Holloway , S . W , VV . M . elect , which he did in a most admirable
manner . Bro . Holloway invested his officers as follows : Bros . C T . Lewis , S . W . ; A . Ives , J . VV . ; A . J . Manning , P . M ., P G . S . D . Essex , Treas . ; T . Ives , P . M ., Sec ; C Jolly ( Freemason ) , S . D . ; C Guy , J . D . ; Smith , Org . ; J . Paul , I . G . ; J . Savage , D . C ; M . Kaul and R . Morgan , Wine Stewards ; and W . Page , P . M ., Tyler . Bro . Elder
then gave the two first charges , and Bro . Manning ( by request ) the third in good style , and the ceremony was concluded . The new W . M . commenced his year of office by initiating Messrs . Glading and Genery ( already approved of ) without a hitch . It was then unanimously resolved that a testimonial , engrossed on vellum , of the value of five pounds , should be presented to Bro . Elder for his admirable
work both during his year of office and also for installing his successor , for which Bro . Elder returned thanks . The lodge was then closed and the brethren partook of a superb banquet , the menu comprising all the delicacies of the season , while thc wines were " chic , " the whole reflecting the greatest credit upon Bro . West , who personally superintended the service . Among those present beside the brethren above enumerated were Bros . Turner , P . M . ; Dr . VV . Vance , P . M . ;
W . Gilbert , P . M . 1327 , P . P . G . J . W . Herts ; J . Gaskell , P . M . 1076 ; R . J . Warren , P . M . 1437 ; E . W . Mackney , P . M . 144 ; G . Lambert , W . M . 720 ; J . H . Roberts , S . W . 700 ; E . Ayres , S . W . 742 ; W . Nevin , J . W . 1076 ; Campbell , 975 ; VV . Brown , 225 ; E . Bithry , G . Humphreys , and J . Russell , of 173 ; and the following members of the lodge Bros . VV . iWien , I . W . Baker , I . Brightmore , A . Wright
W . Weilard , J . Smith , C . H . Canning , R . Caley , C . Hefford , J . Fulford , G . Plume , J . B . Brown , W . H . Cheverton , VV . Ball , J . Palmer , and G . Weaver . The usual loyal and Masonic toasts having been given and responded to , Bro . Elder , I . P . M , rose to propose " The Health of the W . M . " He said it was a great honour for him to propose such a toast ; he felt it so especially as it was
the first toast he had ever had the opportunity of proposing . Their esteemed W . M . who that day had been placed in the chair of K . S . had honourably and well won his way there by steadfast , earnest , and good work , in every office he had filled in thc lodge , and none could better appreciate the dignity he had arrived at , —a position that every good Mason hoped to fill some day better or more , —that those who had cone through the duties and responsibilites that
were attached to it . 'Their W . M . had shown them that day , by the style in which he had initiated two candidates , what they might expect from him , and surrounded as he was by a good and capable staff of officers , he had no doubt at the end of his year of office they would say that it had been a successful one , and worthy of the honour and prestige of the Henley Lodge . 'The Worshisful Master in response could only thank Bro . Elder and thc brethren generally for the warmth with
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
which they had received the toast of his name . He need hardly say that he felt proud of the position he now held , and thanked the G . A . O . T . U . for giving him health and strength to arrive at it . He should endeavour to prove himself worthy of their confidence , and hope to receive their congratulations as heartily given at the end of his year of office as they had been on his commencing
it that day . He then proceeded to present the l . P . M . with thc jewel of his office , and in pinning it on Bro . Elder ' s breast , said they all agreed that Bro . Elder had richly earned it . He in the name of the lodge wished Bro . Elder many years of health to wear it , and then , when with him time should be no more , might it be handed down to his posterity as a
token of the esteem and affectionate regard in which he was held by the members of the lodge . Bro . Elder in returning thankssaid he could scarcely find words to express how much their great kindness moved him , especially when he remembered how ill-health had precluded him from doing his duty as he should have liked to have done it ; but that jewel should be prized by him
above all on earth , because he felt that with it came their best wishes for his future welfare , and that it was given him with a full and free good will . He could only again thank them , and should always look back to his year of office as one of the happiest in his life . " The Initiates " were then honoured and suitably returned thanks .
The next toast was that of " The Past Masters , " and Bro . Ives , as the senior P . M ., briefly responded . Bro . Manning was proud to see one of his initiates in the chair that day , and hoped to see others there soon . It laid with themselves in a great measure—if they showed themselves worthy of promotion they got it in their turn , and if not they had to be passed over . So far as the Past Masters
were concerned , it showed how excellent an institution they were , especially in cases of emergency ; for if at any time through illness or delay the VV . M . could not , or was not present to carry out the ceremonies , there was always a Past Master present able and ready to do the work , and keep the lodge going . He was pleased to see so many Past Masters present , and wished them and the lodge every
success . Bros . Turner and Vance also responded . In reply to the toast of "The Visitors , " Bro . Gilbert referred with pleasure to the good working and good feeling that evidently existed in the lodge , and cordially wished the lodge and the VV . M . continued prosperity . Bros . Ayre and Roberts also responded eloquently .
" The Officers" was the next toast , and Bros . Lewis , Ives , and Jolly returned thanks . The Tyler's toast concluded the proceedings , which were rendered doubl y enjoyable by the fine playing of Bro . Baker on the violin , accompanied by Bro . Smith on the piano , while Bro . Mackney absolutely convulsed the brethren by his side-splitting comicalities . The whole affair was both enjoyable and memorable .
SWANSEA—Caradoc Lodge ( No . 1573 ) . —On Monday , the 5 th inst , the installation meeting of this lodge took place in thc Masonic Hall , Cacr-street . There was a very large attendance of brethren , and the proceedings were honoured with the presence of the Worshipful Deputy Prov . Grand Master , Bro . Marmaduke Tennant , and the Prov . Grand Officers , tog-ether with brethren from
all parts of the Eastern and Western Division of the province , a large muster from Bristol , several foreign and colonial lodges being also represented . The lodge was opened at four o'clock by the VV . M , Bro . the Rev . Dr . Walters , vicar of Llansamlet , whose year of office in the chair has been one of the most ably-worked periods of the lodge since its consecration . The several
chairs were occupied at the opening as follows : Bros , the Rev . Dr . Walters , W . M . ; J . L . Perrin , S . W . ; G . W . Clare , Prov . Grand Steward , J . W . ; J . R . Davies , Treas . ; W . A . Essery , Sec ; T . Sandbrook , S . D . ; Morgan Williams , J . D . ; J . Blight , Org . ; N . Leitch . I . G . ; W . A . Rosser , James Hughes , E . Everingham , R . Parry , Stwds . ; G . Bullerwell , Tyler . The following Past Masters of the lodge were also present : D . C . Jones , P . P . G . Treas .
J . C Sladen , P . P . G . Dir . of Cers . ; W . Dobbs , P . P . G . Supt . ofWks . j John Rogers , P . P . G . J . W . ; and W . E . Brown , P . P . S . G . D . The following brethren were also present : Bros . B . Daniell , P . M . S 33 ; John Leworthy , P . M . 237 ; T . W . Jones , I . G . 237 ; Robert lones , P . M . S 33 ; James Jones , 237 j D . A . Davis , 1323 ; Henry Simons , P . M . and Treas . 237 , P . P . G . Dir . of Cers . j
Rowland 1 homas , P . M . 3 ( 54 ; Wm . Welsford , VV . M . 1429 j W . T . Canton , P . M . 237 , P . G . Treas . ; J . Jones Hewson , P . P . G . Reg . ; J . G . Hall , P . M . 1323 , P . G . S . W . ; E-Roberts , P . M . 172 , P . P . G . R . ( Western Division ); John Jones , P . M . S 3 , Prov . G . Sec . ; T . Williams . Abraham H . Thomas , J . H . Taylor , P . Dorrell , D . Rosser , VV . Terrill , F . T . Millman , N . Trotter , B . Behrens , B . P . Davies , Llewellyn Davies , W . C Thomas , D . Powell , B . Evans , W . E . Jenkins , F . D . Trower , VV . F . Bull , L . L . Howell , T . R . Jones , 237
G . E . Dowman , D . j . Kennard , P . M . 1358 , G . S . D . ; H . Perdycomb , E . C . Squance , Greenwood , 569 ( Brooklyn , New York ); T . Wake , no ; John F . Harvey , Henry R . Lee , 247 ; J . Evens , W . M . 103 , P . G . R . Somerset ; VV G . Nicholls , 237 ; J . Marsden , P . M . 476 , P . Prov . G . C . ; T . Thomas , P . M . 1323 ; VV . Whittington , P . Prov . G . W . -, VV . L . Hughes , 476 ; T . Phillips , 3 G 4 ; N . S . Marks , 368 ( Melbourne ); T . R . Walters , 606 ; John VV . Lloyd , W . M . 237 ; T . McKim , 237 ; Henry P . Charles , W . M . 1323 ;
J . . W . Gunn , no ; J . barvis , 125 S ; R . R . Davies , Sec . 110 ; J . L . Lewis , W . M . 6 51 , Prov . G . Org . ; G . Allen , P . M . Talbot , P . Prov . G . J . W . ; T . Powell , 237 , P . Prov . G . D . C ; H . Fargus , 187 , P . Prov . G . S . B . ; J . Jenkyn Jones , P . M . 47 C , Prov . G . Treas . ( Western Division ); VV . F . Betty , J . W . 13 SS ; G . A . Burgess , S . W . 138 S ; C . E . Williams , 138 S ; J . F . Langdon , I . Rudman , W . Mitchell ,
J . H . Beale , J . C . Manning , T . Phillips , P . M . C 79 ; F . R , Howell , W . M . C 79 ; D . Hopkins , P . M . 9 C 0 , P . Prov . G . S . W . ; J . C . Bringham , P . M . 13 S 8 , P . Prov . G . P . Bristol ; R . Capper , S . W . 1323 and 1176 ; Fred Watkins , SiS ; H . C Evans , C 71 ; W . Morgan , P . M . 237 , P . Prov . G . R . ; Silvanus Phillips , 3 G 4 ; Joseph North , P . M . 1098 . P . G . J . D . Mon . ; B . Phillips , 1028 ; and D . R . David , P . M ,
S 33 ; Ihe ordinary business of the lodge having been gone thcough , and the W . D . Prov . Grand Master and Prov . Grand Officers having been received in due form , the installation ot Bro . Perrin was proceeded with . The duties of Installing Master were taken by Bro . John Rogers , the first W . M . of the lodge , who performed the task irv