Article Reports of Masonic Meetings. Page 1 of 1 Article Reports of Masonic Meetings. Page 1 of 1 Article THE ROYAL ARCH. Page 1 of 1 Article THE ROYAL ARCH. Page 1 of 1 Article ORDERS OF CHIVALRY. RED CROSS OF ROME & CONSTANTINE. Page 1 of 1 Article THE GRAND MASONIC BALL, DUBLIN. Page 1 of 2 →
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Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
Reports of Masonic Meetings .
THE CRAFT . METROPOLITAN . Stability Lodge , No . 217 . —This lodge met at the George Hotel , Aldermanbury , on Wednesday , the 7 th inst ., at 5 . 3 U p . m ., Bro . Edward Hughes in the
chair . The lodge was opened in the first degree , and the minutes of the previous meeting were read and confirmed . Mr . Edward Lawrence and Mr .
Walter Foley were initiated into the mysteries and privileges of ancient Freemasonry . The lodge was opened in the second degree , and Bro . Thorpe was passed to the degree of Fellow Craft . —Pursuant to notice of motion , Bro . Brodie , P . M ., proposed "That the night of meeting be altered from first
Wednesday to the first Tuesday in the month . " Bro . James , S . W ., seconded the motion . After some discussion , the W . M . appointed a committee of principal officers and Past Masters to inquire into and report upon a suitable evening , the present one preventing members of Grand Lodge attending it if
they adhered to their duties in this . Bro . G . A . Taylor , P . M . and lion , sec , announced his intention of serving as steward at the Festival of the Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution for aged and distressed Freemasons and their widows . Nothing further being offered for the good of Freemasonry
in genera ] , or " Stability , 217 , " in particular , the lodge was closed in due form with solemn prayer , and the brethren proceeded to supper accompanied by the following visitors : —Bro . Rev . H . Bartlett , Grand Orator of Canada ; Bro . Heath , P . P . G . S . D ., Herts ; Bro . Lawrence , J . D ., " Neptune , " No . 22
Bro . Cunningham , " Neptune , " No . 22 ; Bro . Kenning , "Lion and Lamb , " No . 192 ; Br . Inglis , " Caveac , " No . 76 ; Bro . Newman , "Freedom , " No . 91 ; Bro . Hawker , P . M ., " Royal Oak , " No . 871 . After the usual patriotic and Masonic toasts , Bro . Taylor proposed the health of the W . M ., sneaking
m complimentary terms of the working he had displayed . In acknowledging the toast the W . M . expressed great pride that they had thought him worthy of the honour , aud assured the lodge that he would always endeavour to do his duty ; but he begged them to remember that it was mainly owing
to the high state of efficiency of his officers , and the persevering kindness of the P . M . ' s in giving them instruction that the working was so harmonious . Bro . Colcy returned thanks for the newly-initiated brethren ; Bro . Taylor , I . P . M ., for the Past Masters ; aud Bro . James , S . W ., for the ollicers . The
health of the visitors was responded to by Rev . Bro . Bartlett in an eloquent address , in which he expressed the great gratification it afforded him to witness a confirmation of the good working which he felt bound to praise ou his first visit . He congratulated the lodge on this , as it proved to the
world that they were something above the mere knife-and-fork-Masons , and held a high and glorious faith . He also congratulated them on what he bad heard of their prospects , and advised them—as lie had always urged in his orations and lectures in Canada , the United States , and tho old countryby strict investigation before initiation , and constant
advice and precept afterwards , to admit only such as might be received into their drawing-room , or saluted as real friends when met with anywhere . On his return to Canada he would be delighted to see any brother of " Stability , " who , lie assured
them , should meet with a hearty reception . —The Rev . gentleman ' s address was listened to with great interest by the brethren , who frequently applauded him .
PROVINCIAL . HALIFAX . — Feamlcy Lodge , No . 58 . — The members of this lodge held their quarterly meeting on Monday , April 12 th , when there was not a very good attendance , only fifteen being present . Bro . John Stott , AV . M . The principal business was
balloting for Bro . William James Laidlaw and Bro . Samuel Firth , of the St . James Lodge , No . 448 , who were both accepted , and subsequently advanced to the degree of Mark Master b y liro . Normanton , P . M . Two other brethren were proposed for next meeting . Bro . Charles Woollons gave in his name
to be . placed on Bro . Thomas Meggy ' * list as a Steward to represent the Fcavnley Lodge at the approaching festival of the Girls' School . Deep regret was then expressed at the death of Bro . W . K . I'Vrnr , who had been accidentally killed near Grass Valley , California , and a small sum voted
from the lodge funds towards the subscription bcin » raised by the members of No . 448 for his widow and three young children ; after which the lodge was closed in the usual manner . Li : ici : sTEit . — St . John ' s Lodge , No . 279 . — A
monthly meeting of this lodge was held at the Freemasons' Hull , Iialford-street , Leicester , on Wednesday , the 7 th instant , the W . M ., liro . Kelly , D . P . G . M ., in the chair . Among the other members present were liros . Clarke , Kinder , Morris , and Woarc , P . M . ' s ; Stretton , J . W . Crow ( Sec . and Org . ) , Thorpe , S . D ., Burton , J . D ., Adlard , Ride ,
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
Smith , Rowbotham , Pegg , Widdowson , Tarratt , Astell , Skevington , and Porter . Visitors : —Rev . N . Haycroft ( Pastor of the Victoria Road Baptist Church ) , of the Universal Lodge , No . 181 ; and Bros . Toller , S . W . ; Buzzard , J . W . ; Partridge , J . D . ; Sargeant , S . D . ; and W . Moir , of No . 523 .
The lodge having been opened , and the minutes of last regular lodge , and also of a lodge of emergency , having been read and confirmed , a letter was read from Bro . Stanley , S . W ., apologising for his absence on account of an accident , he having been thrown from his horse . A ballot was taken for Mr .
James Stannard , architect , who was duly elected j a ballot was also taken for Bro . John Frederick Klein , P . M ., No . 21 , London , and P . G . S . ( for upwards of thirty years a frequent visitor to the lodge ) , who was unanimously elected an honorary member . Bros . Astell and Skevington being
candidates for tho second degree , passed an examination as E . A . ' s , aud they having retired as F . C . ' s , lodge was opened and they were duly passed , after which the W . M . gave the lecture on the tracing board of the degree . The lodge having been closed in the second degree , Mr . James Stannard was introduced
and was initiated into the first degree of the order . On the conclusion of the ceremony , the W . M . gave the lecture on the tracing-board and the charge . A letter was read from the widow of tho late Bro . Holland , P . M . and P . P . S . G . W ., in reply to the address of condolence on his decease passed at a former meeting , and which was ordered to be
entered on the minutes . — On the following evening , at a meeting of the Lodge of Instruction attached to Lodges No . 279 and 523 , the seven sections of the first lecture were worked by Bros . Kelly , D . P . G . M ., Buzzard , Crow , Partridge , and Scalthorpe , greatly to the advantage and information of the numerous recently-initiated brethren who were present . The Rev . N . Haycroft was a
visitor on the occasion . CARNARVON . — Segontium Lodge , No . 606 . —A lodge of emergency was held at the Sportsman ' s Hotol , Carnarvon , on Wednesday , April 7 th , Present : Bros . J . C . Fonrdrinier ( P . M . No . 2 ) in the chair ; W . Maugham , S . W . ; Owen Thomas , J . W . ;
R . Humphreys , Sec . ; E . H . Williams , S . D . ; R . A . Jones , Steward ; G . C . Bradbury , J . G . ; R . W . Roberts , R . J . Davids , Llewellyn , Turner , P . Hennett , J . Hawkridge , Tyler . Visitors : J . Owen ( Sec . 384 ) , and Thomas Richards . The lodge was opened in due form with solemn prayer . A
ballot was taken for Messrs . R . Griffiths , wine merchant , Carnarvon , and Richard R , Williams , architect , Carnarvon , which proving unanimous , those gentlemen were duly initiated into Freemasonry . Bros . Llewellyn Turner and Percy Hennett , were raised to the sublime degree of M . M . It was
resolved that a letter of condolence be sent to the friends of the late Bro . It . M . Williams , Victoria Hotel , deceased . The brethren afterwards sat down to a banquet provided by Bro . Moreton . CocKEnsronTii . —Slciddaw Lodge , No . 1002 . —The usual monthly meeting of this lodge was held in the
Lodge-rooms , Market-place , on Tuesday evening , the Oth inst ., the W . M ., Bro . Skilton , Past Prov . G . S . B ., in the chair . The minutes of the former meeting being read and confirmed , the lodge was opened in the second degree , and liro . Williams duly passed ,
Bro . Banning giving the lecture with marked effect There were present Bros . Dodgson , P . M ., P . P . G . S . D ., R . Robinson , S . W ., J . Evening , I . G ., E . Thwaites , P . J . W ., J . Potts , Tyler ; R . Bailey , T . F . Taylor , Sec . ; 11 . Haminill , and J . Bolton . Visitor , Bro , Jesse Banning ( J . W . 343 , Preston .
IRELAND . Tralce Lodge , No . 379 . —The usual monthly communication of this flourishing lodge was held in the new Masonic Hall , Edward-street , on the evening of Monday , the 5 th inst . The W . M ., liro . R . II . Walpole , ft . A ., presided , the other officers present
being—Bros . Morris , H . K . T ., S . W . ; John McGillycuddy , as J . W . ; R . A . Bonner , R . A ., S . D . ; F . McCarthy , J . D . ; Wcekcs , I . G . ; J . B . Smith , R . A ., Sec ; D . De C . McGillycuddy , Jan ., II . K . T ., Treas . ; and Win . Hill , U . A ., I . P . M . The visiting brethren were — Adams , R . A . ( P . M . Lodge 73 , Limerick ,
and P . G . J . W . North Minister ) ; — Sloane , II . K . T . ( 153 , Dublin , and Willingale Lodge , St . John's , N . B ) . Bro . R . Browne , late of Lodge 500 , Dubliu , was admitted an affiliated member ; Mr . Joseph Newball , 81 st Rcgt ., was elected ; and Bro . B . O'Connor was duly initiated as an E . A . by tho Treasurer , whose abilities in conferring degrees are " household
words" with the whole Masonic world in Ireland . A vacancy having occurred by the death of Brother Raymond , late J . W ., there were five candidates for the office of I . G ., but Bro . Arthur Rowan was elected by a largo majority . The other business concluded , the lodge was closed and the brethren adjourned to refreshment , separating at an early hour after a very pleasant evening .
The Royal Arch.
Irswicu—Royal Alexandra , Chapter , 959 . —At the regular meeting held last Monday , after the pre-
The Royal Arch.
liminary business had been done , Bro . C . H . Woods ^ of the Phoenix and Prince of Wales Lodges was admitted and exalted to the sublime degree of a R . A . M . The ceremony having been beautifully rendered by the M . Excellent P . Principal , the Rev . R . N . Sanderson . This was the first Chapter held since the hall has been decorated , and the beautiful appearance of the hall elicited the admiration of all the Companions present .
Orders Of Chivalry. Red Cross Of Rome & Constantine.
METROPOLITAN . Plantageuet Conclave , No . 2 . — The fourth anniversary assembly of this conclave was held at the City Terminus Hotel , Cannon-street , on Monday the 12 th inst .. when a large number of Knight Companions attended to do honour to the incoming Sovereign , John Boyd , 30 ° , P . M ., P . Z ., P . E . C .,
amongst whom were Sir Knights T . Wescombe , M . P . S . ; D . G . Berri , V . E . ; R . W . Little , G . R . ; W . H . Hubbard , G . T . ; J . J . Marsh , G . A . ; D . R . Still , S . B . ; J . Mayo , H . : H . Parker , G . O . ; T . J . Murray ; C . Hosgood ; J . Brett , PS . ; T . Cubitt , Treas . ; B . Cook ; W . Y . Laing ; and several visitors , including Col . F . Burdett , 32 ° , G . H . C ., Ins . Gen . for
Surrey ; J . A . Horner , 30 ° , Ins . Gen . for Suffolk ; G . Kenning , P . S ., "Premier "; C . Haigh , No . 6 , & c . After the usual ballot , the following brethren were installed as Knights of the Order , viz .: —Bros . G . S . States , P . G . Steward , P . M . and P . Z . ; W . Carter , P . M . and P . Z . 145 ; F . II . Gilbart , W . M . 534 ; J . Last , 145 ; and G . Payne , 862 . The Sovereign
elect was then enthroned , and appointed the officers for the ensuing year . A letter from the R . W . Bro . Sir Edward R . Borough , Bart ., 33 ° , Deputy Grand Master of Ireland , addressed to Sir Kt . Little , was then read , in which the worthy and distinguished brother expressed great regret that he was unable to attend the meeting , a communication which was
received with equal regret on the part of the Com panions . Notices of motion to increase the installation fee and annual subscription were received , and the conclave was then closed . A splendid banquet was then served under the direction of Bro . Spencer ,
the efficient manager , and all the toasts were duly honoured . The " Red Cross Song " was sung during the evening by Sir Kt . Marsh , accompanied by Sir Kt . Parker , the music of which will shortly be published , and the Knights separated in the utmost harmony after a very pleasant evening .
SCOTLAND . St . Andrew Conclave , No . 15 . —On Thursday evening , April 8 th , a new Conclave , designated the St . Andrew Conclave , was inaugurated at Freemasons ' Hall , Edinburgh . Among the Sir Knights present were Capt . J . J . Luudy , Capt . Ramsay , Dr . Cairns , Dr . McOown , John Laurie , Wm . M . Bryce , Chas
litzgerald Matier , l ' rancis L . Law , T . II . Douglass , F . S . A ., Dr . G . Dixon , Jas . Macduff , & c . The Sir Knights elected Capt . J . J . Luudy , the first M . P . S . ; Dr . Cairns , F . E . ; Capt . Ramsay , S . G . ; Dr . Dixon , J . G . ; W . M . Bryce , Herald ; and F . L . Law , Recorder . The Order is likely to become very popular in Scotland .
The Grand Masonic Ball, Dublin.
, The grand ball which took place on Friday evening last week , in the Exhibition Palace , in connection with the Masonic body , under singularly auspicuous circumstances , was certainly one of the most brilliant and imposing events of the kind that ever took place in a city remarkable for the magnificence of its entertainments and tho splendour of its fashionable life .
Promoted by an organization which numbers in its various grades the most distinguished representatives of intellect , culture , wealth , and influence in tho empire , honoured by the presence of Royalty and the highest ranks of society , it was conceived and carried out on a scale of magnitude almost unparalleled , and was crowned with a success which must have exceeded
the most sanguine anticipations . The appearance of the grand transept was magnificent in the extreme , and the decorations certainly surpassed anything of the . kind ever before attempted in the building . At the southern end some exceedingly large standards were placed , and over these a great star of gas
jets bore the inscription "Qtns separalit ? " which , in common with the Knights of the Order of St . Patrick , tho Masonic body has adopted . At the opposite end of the grand transept was the dais , from its magnitude and beauty perhaps the principal object of interest in the Palace . It was more than 32 feet in
length , and elevated about tho usual height from tho floor , and covered with deep crimson cloth . At the back of the dais two handsome retiring rooms were specially devoted to the use of the Prince , the Lord Lieutenant and Viceregal party , and the Duke of Leinstcr , as President of the Masonic body in Ireland .
But few things attracted more admiration , or evinced more ingenuity of design , than a number of grand niilitary devices which were placed on both sides of tjbc dais . These were formed of antique and modern weapons brought from the Pigeon House Fort , and with wonderful skill made to represent a variety of
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
Reports of Masonic Meetings .
THE CRAFT . METROPOLITAN . Stability Lodge , No . 217 . —This lodge met at the George Hotel , Aldermanbury , on Wednesday , the 7 th inst ., at 5 . 3 U p . m ., Bro . Edward Hughes in the
chair . The lodge was opened in the first degree , and the minutes of the previous meeting were read and confirmed . Mr . Edward Lawrence and Mr .
Walter Foley were initiated into the mysteries and privileges of ancient Freemasonry . The lodge was opened in the second degree , and Bro . Thorpe was passed to the degree of Fellow Craft . —Pursuant to notice of motion , Bro . Brodie , P . M ., proposed "That the night of meeting be altered from first
Wednesday to the first Tuesday in the month . " Bro . James , S . W ., seconded the motion . After some discussion , the W . M . appointed a committee of principal officers and Past Masters to inquire into and report upon a suitable evening , the present one preventing members of Grand Lodge attending it if
they adhered to their duties in this . Bro . G . A . Taylor , P . M . and lion , sec , announced his intention of serving as steward at the Festival of the Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution for aged and distressed Freemasons and their widows . Nothing further being offered for the good of Freemasonry
in genera ] , or " Stability , 217 , " in particular , the lodge was closed in due form with solemn prayer , and the brethren proceeded to supper accompanied by the following visitors : —Bro . Rev . H . Bartlett , Grand Orator of Canada ; Bro . Heath , P . P . G . S . D ., Herts ; Bro . Lawrence , J . D ., " Neptune , " No . 22
Bro . Cunningham , " Neptune , " No . 22 ; Bro . Kenning , "Lion and Lamb , " No . 192 ; Br . Inglis , " Caveac , " No . 76 ; Bro . Newman , "Freedom , " No . 91 ; Bro . Hawker , P . M ., " Royal Oak , " No . 871 . After the usual patriotic and Masonic toasts , Bro . Taylor proposed the health of the W . M ., sneaking
m complimentary terms of the working he had displayed . In acknowledging the toast the W . M . expressed great pride that they had thought him worthy of the honour , aud assured the lodge that he would always endeavour to do his duty ; but he begged them to remember that it was mainly owing
to the high state of efficiency of his officers , and the persevering kindness of the P . M . ' s in giving them instruction that the working was so harmonious . Bro . Colcy returned thanks for the newly-initiated brethren ; Bro . Taylor , I . P . M ., for the Past Masters ; aud Bro . James , S . W ., for the ollicers . The
health of the visitors was responded to by Rev . Bro . Bartlett in an eloquent address , in which he expressed the great gratification it afforded him to witness a confirmation of the good working which he felt bound to praise ou his first visit . He congratulated the lodge on this , as it proved to the
world that they were something above the mere knife-and-fork-Masons , and held a high and glorious faith . He also congratulated them on what he bad heard of their prospects , and advised them—as lie had always urged in his orations and lectures in Canada , the United States , and tho old countryby strict investigation before initiation , and constant
advice and precept afterwards , to admit only such as might be received into their drawing-room , or saluted as real friends when met with anywhere . On his return to Canada he would be delighted to see any brother of " Stability , " who , lie assured
them , should meet with a hearty reception . —The Rev . gentleman ' s address was listened to with great interest by the brethren , who frequently applauded him .
PROVINCIAL . HALIFAX . — Feamlcy Lodge , No . 58 . — The members of this lodge held their quarterly meeting on Monday , April 12 th , when there was not a very good attendance , only fifteen being present . Bro . John Stott , AV . M . The principal business was
balloting for Bro . William James Laidlaw and Bro . Samuel Firth , of the St . James Lodge , No . 448 , who were both accepted , and subsequently advanced to the degree of Mark Master b y liro . Normanton , P . M . Two other brethren were proposed for next meeting . Bro . Charles Woollons gave in his name
to be . placed on Bro . Thomas Meggy ' * list as a Steward to represent the Fcavnley Lodge at the approaching festival of the Girls' School . Deep regret was then expressed at the death of Bro . W . K . I'Vrnr , who had been accidentally killed near Grass Valley , California , and a small sum voted
from the lodge funds towards the subscription bcin » raised by the members of No . 448 for his widow and three young children ; after which the lodge was closed in the usual manner . Li : ici : sTEit . — St . John ' s Lodge , No . 279 . — A
monthly meeting of this lodge was held at the Freemasons' Hull , Iialford-street , Leicester , on Wednesday , the 7 th instant , the W . M ., liro . Kelly , D . P . G . M ., in the chair . Among the other members present were liros . Clarke , Kinder , Morris , and Woarc , P . M . ' s ; Stretton , J . W . Crow ( Sec . and Org . ) , Thorpe , S . D ., Burton , J . D ., Adlard , Ride ,
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
Smith , Rowbotham , Pegg , Widdowson , Tarratt , Astell , Skevington , and Porter . Visitors : —Rev . N . Haycroft ( Pastor of the Victoria Road Baptist Church ) , of the Universal Lodge , No . 181 ; and Bros . Toller , S . W . ; Buzzard , J . W . ; Partridge , J . D . ; Sargeant , S . D . ; and W . Moir , of No . 523 .
The lodge having been opened , and the minutes of last regular lodge , and also of a lodge of emergency , having been read and confirmed , a letter was read from Bro . Stanley , S . W ., apologising for his absence on account of an accident , he having been thrown from his horse . A ballot was taken for Mr .
James Stannard , architect , who was duly elected j a ballot was also taken for Bro . John Frederick Klein , P . M ., No . 21 , London , and P . G . S . ( for upwards of thirty years a frequent visitor to the lodge ) , who was unanimously elected an honorary member . Bros . Astell and Skevington being
candidates for tho second degree , passed an examination as E . A . ' s , aud they having retired as F . C . ' s , lodge was opened and they were duly passed , after which the W . M . gave the lecture on the tracing board of the degree . The lodge having been closed in the second degree , Mr . James Stannard was introduced
and was initiated into the first degree of the order . On the conclusion of the ceremony , the W . M . gave the lecture on the tracing-board and the charge . A letter was read from the widow of tho late Bro . Holland , P . M . and P . P . S . G . W ., in reply to the address of condolence on his decease passed at a former meeting , and which was ordered to be
entered on the minutes . — On the following evening , at a meeting of the Lodge of Instruction attached to Lodges No . 279 and 523 , the seven sections of the first lecture were worked by Bros . Kelly , D . P . G . M ., Buzzard , Crow , Partridge , and Scalthorpe , greatly to the advantage and information of the numerous recently-initiated brethren who were present . The Rev . N . Haycroft was a
visitor on the occasion . CARNARVON . — Segontium Lodge , No . 606 . —A lodge of emergency was held at the Sportsman ' s Hotol , Carnarvon , on Wednesday , April 7 th , Present : Bros . J . C . Fonrdrinier ( P . M . No . 2 ) in the chair ; W . Maugham , S . W . ; Owen Thomas , J . W . ;
R . Humphreys , Sec . ; E . H . Williams , S . D . ; R . A . Jones , Steward ; G . C . Bradbury , J . G . ; R . W . Roberts , R . J . Davids , Llewellyn , Turner , P . Hennett , J . Hawkridge , Tyler . Visitors : J . Owen ( Sec . 384 ) , and Thomas Richards . The lodge was opened in due form with solemn prayer . A
ballot was taken for Messrs . R . Griffiths , wine merchant , Carnarvon , and Richard R , Williams , architect , Carnarvon , which proving unanimous , those gentlemen were duly initiated into Freemasonry . Bros . Llewellyn Turner and Percy Hennett , were raised to the sublime degree of M . M . It was
resolved that a letter of condolence be sent to the friends of the late Bro . It . M . Williams , Victoria Hotel , deceased . The brethren afterwards sat down to a banquet provided by Bro . Moreton . CocKEnsronTii . —Slciddaw Lodge , No . 1002 . —The usual monthly meeting of this lodge was held in the
Lodge-rooms , Market-place , on Tuesday evening , the Oth inst ., the W . M ., Bro . Skilton , Past Prov . G . S . B ., in the chair . The minutes of the former meeting being read and confirmed , the lodge was opened in the second degree , and liro . Williams duly passed ,
Bro . Banning giving the lecture with marked effect There were present Bros . Dodgson , P . M ., P . P . G . S . D ., R . Robinson , S . W ., J . Evening , I . G ., E . Thwaites , P . J . W ., J . Potts , Tyler ; R . Bailey , T . F . Taylor , Sec . ; 11 . Haminill , and J . Bolton . Visitor , Bro , Jesse Banning ( J . W . 343 , Preston .
IRELAND . Tralce Lodge , No . 379 . —The usual monthly communication of this flourishing lodge was held in the new Masonic Hall , Edward-street , on the evening of Monday , the 5 th inst . The W . M ., liro . R . II . Walpole , ft . A ., presided , the other officers present
being—Bros . Morris , H . K . T ., S . W . ; John McGillycuddy , as J . W . ; R . A . Bonner , R . A ., S . D . ; F . McCarthy , J . D . ; Wcekcs , I . G . ; J . B . Smith , R . A ., Sec ; D . De C . McGillycuddy , Jan ., II . K . T ., Treas . ; and Win . Hill , U . A ., I . P . M . The visiting brethren were — Adams , R . A . ( P . M . Lodge 73 , Limerick ,
and P . G . J . W . North Minister ) ; — Sloane , II . K . T . ( 153 , Dublin , and Willingale Lodge , St . John's , N . B ) . Bro . R . Browne , late of Lodge 500 , Dubliu , was admitted an affiliated member ; Mr . Joseph Newball , 81 st Rcgt ., was elected ; and Bro . B . O'Connor was duly initiated as an E . A . by tho Treasurer , whose abilities in conferring degrees are " household
words" with the whole Masonic world in Ireland . A vacancy having occurred by the death of Brother Raymond , late J . W ., there were five candidates for the office of I . G ., but Bro . Arthur Rowan was elected by a largo majority . The other business concluded , the lodge was closed and the brethren adjourned to refreshment , separating at an early hour after a very pleasant evening .
The Royal Arch.
Irswicu—Royal Alexandra , Chapter , 959 . —At the regular meeting held last Monday , after the pre-
The Royal Arch.
liminary business had been done , Bro . C . H . Woods ^ of the Phoenix and Prince of Wales Lodges was admitted and exalted to the sublime degree of a R . A . M . The ceremony having been beautifully rendered by the M . Excellent P . Principal , the Rev . R . N . Sanderson . This was the first Chapter held since the hall has been decorated , and the beautiful appearance of the hall elicited the admiration of all the Companions present .
Orders Of Chivalry. Red Cross Of Rome & Constantine.
METROPOLITAN . Plantageuet Conclave , No . 2 . — The fourth anniversary assembly of this conclave was held at the City Terminus Hotel , Cannon-street , on Monday the 12 th inst .. when a large number of Knight Companions attended to do honour to the incoming Sovereign , John Boyd , 30 ° , P . M ., P . Z ., P . E . C .,
amongst whom were Sir Knights T . Wescombe , M . P . S . ; D . G . Berri , V . E . ; R . W . Little , G . R . ; W . H . Hubbard , G . T . ; J . J . Marsh , G . A . ; D . R . Still , S . B . ; J . Mayo , H . : H . Parker , G . O . ; T . J . Murray ; C . Hosgood ; J . Brett , PS . ; T . Cubitt , Treas . ; B . Cook ; W . Y . Laing ; and several visitors , including Col . F . Burdett , 32 ° , G . H . C ., Ins . Gen . for
Surrey ; J . A . Horner , 30 ° , Ins . Gen . for Suffolk ; G . Kenning , P . S ., "Premier "; C . Haigh , No . 6 , & c . After the usual ballot , the following brethren were installed as Knights of the Order , viz .: —Bros . G . S . States , P . G . Steward , P . M . and P . Z . ; W . Carter , P . M . and P . Z . 145 ; F . II . Gilbart , W . M . 534 ; J . Last , 145 ; and G . Payne , 862 . The Sovereign
elect was then enthroned , and appointed the officers for the ensuing year . A letter from the R . W . Bro . Sir Edward R . Borough , Bart ., 33 ° , Deputy Grand Master of Ireland , addressed to Sir Kt . Little , was then read , in which the worthy and distinguished brother expressed great regret that he was unable to attend the meeting , a communication which was
received with equal regret on the part of the Com panions . Notices of motion to increase the installation fee and annual subscription were received , and the conclave was then closed . A splendid banquet was then served under the direction of Bro . Spencer ,
the efficient manager , and all the toasts were duly honoured . The " Red Cross Song " was sung during the evening by Sir Kt . Marsh , accompanied by Sir Kt . Parker , the music of which will shortly be published , and the Knights separated in the utmost harmony after a very pleasant evening .
SCOTLAND . St . Andrew Conclave , No . 15 . —On Thursday evening , April 8 th , a new Conclave , designated the St . Andrew Conclave , was inaugurated at Freemasons ' Hall , Edinburgh . Among the Sir Knights present were Capt . J . J . Luudy , Capt . Ramsay , Dr . Cairns , Dr . McOown , John Laurie , Wm . M . Bryce , Chas
litzgerald Matier , l ' rancis L . Law , T . II . Douglass , F . S . A ., Dr . G . Dixon , Jas . Macduff , & c . The Sir Knights elected Capt . J . J . Luudy , the first M . P . S . ; Dr . Cairns , F . E . ; Capt . Ramsay , S . G . ; Dr . Dixon , J . G . ; W . M . Bryce , Herald ; and F . L . Law , Recorder . The Order is likely to become very popular in Scotland .
The Grand Masonic Ball, Dublin.
, The grand ball which took place on Friday evening last week , in the Exhibition Palace , in connection with the Masonic body , under singularly auspicuous circumstances , was certainly one of the most brilliant and imposing events of the kind that ever took place in a city remarkable for the magnificence of its entertainments and tho splendour of its fashionable life .
Promoted by an organization which numbers in its various grades the most distinguished representatives of intellect , culture , wealth , and influence in tho empire , honoured by the presence of Royalty and the highest ranks of society , it was conceived and carried out on a scale of magnitude almost unparalleled , and was crowned with a success which must have exceeded
the most sanguine anticipations . The appearance of the grand transept was magnificent in the extreme , and the decorations certainly surpassed anything of the . kind ever before attempted in the building . At the southern end some exceedingly large standards were placed , and over these a great star of gas
jets bore the inscription "Qtns separalit ? " which , in common with the Knights of the Order of St . Patrick , tho Masonic body has adopted . At the opposite end of the grand transept was the dais , from its magnitude and beauty perhaps the principal object of interest in the Palace . It was more than 32 feet in
length , and elevated about tho usual height from tho floor , and covered with deep crimson cloth . At the back of the dais two handsome retiring rooms were specially devoted to the use of the Prince , the Lord Lieutenant and Viceregal party , and the Duke of Leinstcr , as President of the Masonic body in Ireland .
But few things attracted more admiration , or evinced more ingenuity of design , than a number of grand niilitary devices which were placed on both sides of tjbc dais . These were formed of antique and modern weapons brought from the Pigeon House Fort , and with wonderful skill made to represent a variety of