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Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
T EICESTER . —ST . JOHN ' Loner : ( No . 279 ) . —The r ii ' nary meeting of this lodge was held at Freemason ' s Hill ' Leicester , " on Wednesday , the 7 th of April , under . he .-. ' residency of Bra * J . W . Smith , W . M ., P . G . S . B . There were present , Bros . A . Palmer , I . P . M ., P . P . G . A . P . ; J . M . McAllister , S . W ., P . G . S . D . ; G . W . Statham , J . W ., P . G . Steward W . Weaver , Treasurer , P . P . G . S . D . ; Clement
Edwin Stretton , Secretary , P . G . A . P . ; William Kelly , P . M ., PPGM . -, Clement Stretton , P . M ., P . P . G . W . ; George Tolled I "" - 2 79 . - - 5 2 . * i . P-l ' -G . S . W . ; R . Waite , P . M . PG . J . W . ; S . S . Partridge , 279 , W . M . 523 , P . G . Sec ; W B . Smith , P . M . 523 , P . G . Treas . ; W . Sculthorpe , V M 1 * 3 . P-P . G . S . D . ; F . J . Baines , I . P . M . 523 , P . P . G . P . ; The Rev . T . W . Gordon , W . E . Buck ; J . Farndale , J .
lessop , J . F . L- Rolleston , E . Mason , Sec . 1391 , and others . The lodge was opened in due form , and the minutes read and confirmed . The ballot was then taken for Bro . J . G . F . Richardson as a joining member , proposed by Bro . Stretton , P . M ., seconded by Bro . Waite , P . M ., and he was unanimously elected . Bros . W . E . Buck and the Rev . T . Gordon were passed to the second degree , the
ceremony being very impressively performed by the W . M . The usual routine business having been concluded , the brethren partook of refreshment , after which the loyal and Masonic toasts were duly honoured . CHIPPENHAM . —LANSDOWN LODGE OF UNITY ( NO . 626 ) . —On Tuesday , April 13 th , the regular monthly meeting was held at 4 p . m ., at the Town Hall . The
W . M . being absent , by rapiest the chair was taken by Bro . Dr . Hopkins , P . P . G . S . W . for Warwickshire , who had been specially invited from Bath for thc occasion . He was supported by Bros . Gale , acting as I . P . M , ; Milsom , P . M . ; Watts , S . "W . ; Hearne , acting as J . W . ; Lane , Treas . ; Eyres , Sec . ; Scott , S . D . ; Tomkins . acting as J . D . ; Bailey , I . G . ; Monday , Tyler . There were also present , Bros .
Howell , Briscoe , Careless , Drewc , Collins , and Pilenden . The lodge having been opened in the first degree , the circular of summons , and the minutes of the previous meeting , were read by the Secretary . The latter were confirmed . The lodge was opened in the second degree , and Bro . A . A . Headly was examined , entrusted , and dismissed for preparation . The lodge was opened in the
third degree , and the eanditate being re-introduced , was raised to the sublime degree of M . M . by the acting W . M ., who also gave him the traditionary history of the degree , illustrated the working tools , delivered the charge , and also a lecture on the third degree , which was listened to with great attention by the members . The lodge was closed down to the first degree , and the Master ' s Chair was
taken by Bro . Milsom , P . M . Several matters of business , of great interest to the members of the lodge , were postponed on account of the absence of the W . M . A cordial vote of thanks to Bro . Dr . Hopkins for bis assistance , proposed and seconded by the Wardens , was carried by acclamation , and appropriately responded to . The ' proceedings concluded , and the lodge was closed soon after 6 p . m .
DUIIY ST . EDMUNDS . —ROYAL ST . EDMUND ' LODGE ( NO . 1008 ) . —On Friday 2 nd inst , the eleventh anniversary and installation of the W . M . of the Royal St . Edmund's Lodge , 1008 , took place at the Angel Hotel . The brethren , to the number of about 50 , assembled in the lodge room at half-past three , and a candidate was duly initiated into Freemasonry , the impressive ceremony
being very ably performed by Bro . the Rev . C . J . Martyn , P . G . Chaplain of England . The ceremony of Installation was then proceeded with , Bro . Capt . J . N . York , P . G . S . W ., Cambs ., acting as Installing Master . Thc W . M . elect , Bro . J . Medley Bevan , was conducted to the pedestal by two P . M . ' s , and after taking the obligation , was duly proclaimed in the several degrees . Thc new W . M . elected
and invested his officers as follows : —S . W ., Bro . F . Fearnside ; J . W ., Bro . W . Patrick ; S . D ., Bro . II . Miller ; J . D ., Bro . T . F . Lucia ; I . G ., Bro . E . M . Fyson ; D . of C . Bro . J . D . Perrott , P . M . ; Chaplain Bro . the Rev . R . Evans ; Steward , Bro . E . J . Griffiths ; Organist , Bro . W . J Nunn ; Secretary , Bro . W . H . Lucia , P . M ., P . G . Secretary . On the motion of Bro . W . E . Bailey , P . M ., seconded by
Bro . G . Thompson , P . M ., Bro . Major T . J . Huddleston was elected Treasurer . Bro . Gooch was then re-elected Tyler . The admonitory address to the new W . M ., the officers , and the brethren , was admirably given by Bro . W . H . Lucia . On the motion of the "W . M ., seconded by Bro . the Rev . J . Martyn , a vote of thanks was carried unanimously to Bro . York for the excellent manner in
which he had performed his duties as Installing Master . After lodge was closed the brethren sat down to a recherche banquet , well worthy of the high reputation of Bro . W . G . Guy as a caterer . The chair was occupied by the W . M ., Bro . J . Hedley Bevan , and among those present were Bro . J . N . York , P . M . ; Bro . Major , T . J . Huddleston , P . G . S . W . ; Bro . G . Thompson , P . M ., Bro .
J . D . Perrott , P . G . S . W ., South Wales ; Bro . the Rev . — Famham , P . P . D . G . M . Bombay ; Bro . the Rev . C . J . Martvn , P . G . C ; Bro . Wheeler , W . M ., 1224 ; Bro . J . F . Hills ; P . M . 1224 ; Bro . J . T . Smith , W . M . 514 ; Bro W . H . Lucia , P . G . Sec , & c , & c . The usual Masonic toasts were given , and the evening was greatly enlivened by a number of glees and songs given by the brethren ,
Bro . F * . Fearnside presiding at thc pianoforte . During the evening the Secretary stated that he had received a letter from P . G . M ., Lord Waveney , expressing his regret that absence from England would prevent his being present . At midnight , one of the most successful anniversaries ever held in connection with this prosperous lodge , was brought to a close .
ECCLESHILL . —ECCLESHILL LODGE ( NO . 1034 ) . —The brethren of this young , but enterprising lodge , assembled on Friday , the 19 th March , to celebrate the festival of St . John the Evangelist , and the tenth anniversary of consecration . A large number of members and visiting brethren were present , amongst whom were the R . W . Bro . Bentley Shaw , P . G . W ., Deputy Prov . G . M . of West Yorkshire Bros . Henry Smith , Prov . G- Sec . ; Thos . Hill , P . Prov .
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
G . W ., Chairman of Charity Committee ; C . II . Taylor P . Prov . G . D . ; Wm . Beanland , P . G . Supt . of Wks ., Christopher Pratt , V . Prov . G . Supt . of Wks . ; John Clark ; W . M . Hope , 302 ; Thos . Riley , W . M . I larmony , 600 ; S ., W . Monckman , W . M . 1018 . The lodge was opened by the W . M . ( Bro . William Pratt ) at 2 . 30 p . m ., when Mr . Thos . Watcrhouse and Air . James Southworth , of Bradford ,
were ballotted for and unanimously elected , and afterwards initiated by the W . M ., assisted by Bro . Wm . Beanland , P . M . The lodge was then opened in the second degree , when Bro . James Hargreaves and Abraham Elsworth were passed to the degree of Fellow Craft by the W . M ., assisted by BrO . Jno . Procter , I . P . M . The W . M . afterwards announced that thc installation of the W . M . and
officers for the ensuing year would bc proceeded with , and called upon Bro . Christopher Pratt , P . M ., to perform the ceremony . Bro . Wm . Beanland , P . M ., then presented Bro , Geo . Pearson , W . M . elect , and he was duly and properly installed Worshipful Master in a very impressive and able manner by the Installing Master . The W . M . invested his officers as follows : —Bros . Wm . Pratt , I . P . M . ; Rev . Jno .
Cartman , Chaplain ; B . W . Feascingten , S . W . ; Geo . Bail , J . W . ; Jno . Procter , P . M ., Treas . ; James Arnold , Sec . ; josh . liardwick , S . D . ; I- " . W . Nicholson , J . D . ; Wm . Thos . Croft , Org . ; F . Smart , M . C ; E . G . Rhodes , I . G . ; Josh . Lightfoot , Tyler ; John Cuss and Josh . Wilson , Stewards . The business being concluded , the R . W . Bro . Bentley Shaw , P . G . W ., Deputy Prov . Grand Master , rose to address
the brethren , who received him with acclamation . He first congratulated thc W . M . upon the honour which the brethren had conferred upon him , by placing him in the chair , and he hoped that the Great Architect would bless him wilh health to discharge the important and responsible duties of that honourable position . Me congratulated the Installing Master on the impressive and solemn manner in
which he had performed the ceremony of installation ; and then referred to the time , ten years ago , when amongst the first of his official duties as Deputy Prov . Grand Master of West Yorkshire , he had the pleasure to consecrate the Eccleshill Lodge , and he had always retained a lively recollection of the kind and hearty reception he received from the first W . M . and the brethren on that occasion ,
and the pleasure he felt in meeting them in such a beautiful and appropriate lodge-room . Looking back upon those ten years of official life , he felt he had much reason to be grateful for the kindness he had invariably received from thc brethren of the province , but at the same time he could not fail of being reminded that those ten years were ten years taken from the lives of himself and the brethren , and
that many active Provincial Officers , some of whom assisted in the ceremony of the consecration of that lodge were now no more . In visiting thc Eccleshill Lodge for the second time , and speaking to the brethren , who completely filled every part of that beautiful lodge room , it seemed to him that it would probably be the last occasion he should have the opportunity of joining them within those walls , or meeting them in his present official capacity , he conclueled by
wishing the lodge every prosperity , and with a full heart he bid his brethren an affectionate farewell . After the usual collection for poor and distressed Masons , the lodge was closed in accordance with ancient custom , and the brethren adjourned to thc banquet , before the conclusion of which the Dep . Prov . G . M , rose to take his leave , and , quoting from the old couplet : " Inclination bids me stay ,
" But duty calls mc hence away . " he again thanked the brethren , and withdrew amidst the most enthusiastic cheering . After thc banquet , thc usual loyal and Masonic toasts were proposed by thc W . M . Bro . Chris . Pratt , P . M ., proposed the toast of "The R . W . Bro . Bentley Shaw , D . P . G . M ., of West Yorks ., and the rest of the Officers of Provincial Grand Lodge , " nnd Bro . Henry Smith ,
Prov . Grand Secretary , responded . In the absence of the Chaplain , the toast of "Thc Immortal Memory of St . John the Evangelist , " was proposed from thc chair , and honoured by the brethren in the usual manner . Bro . John Procter , P . M ., Treas ., proposcd . 'The Health of the retiring W . M . " in very eulogistic terms , he said it was unnecessary to enter into a detailed account of the many eminent qualities
which characterized this worthy brother , as the brethren were already thoroughly acquainted with them , but he might be allowed to remark to thc visitors who were present that Bro . Wm . Pratt , I . P . M ., was a brother of whom the lodge might be justly proud . He had discharged the onerous duties of his exalted position with much credit and satisfaction , and had paid due regard to the correct working
of the lodge , and by his uniform kindness and urbanity had secured the lasting esteem of his brethren . Bro . Wm . Pratt , I . P . M ., thanked the brethren for the hearty manner in which they had honoured the toast , and for the kindness and courtesy he had always received at their hands . He expressed his obligation to thc officers for the assiduity and punctual attendance they had given to their respective
duties during the year . He said it would no doubt , on that occasion , be interesting to the brethren if he reverted to the history of their lodgesince its commencement . The Eccleshill Lodge was founded by the nine members and four honorary Past Masters whose names were engraven on the marble tablet in the lodge room , and who at thc time were all members , ( principally past officers ) , of the Lodge of
Hope , 302 . It was consecrated on the 10 th of March , 1865 , by the Dep . Prov . Grand Master , ( who had again honoured them with his much esteemed presence on this their 10 th anniversary . ) Since its consecration , 6 9 members had been initiated within its precincts , and 6 brethren had become joining members , the number of members on
its roll at the present time being 6 3 , which included the three hon . P . M . ' s who are left of the four associates with the founders . And the best proof that proper care had been exercised in the admission of candidates was the right noble manner in which " the sacred claims of charity" had always been received by them . It would be the province of their much esteemed charity representative ( Bro . S . G .
Hutchison , P . M . ) to tell them of thc support which he and bis predecessors in the office had received . During the year of Bio . P . M . Procter , who preceded him in the chair , and to whose untiring efforts the lodge was indebted , the large , convenient , anil well-ventilated " refreshment room in which they were now met was built , and the brethren had been able during thc past year to enjoy its superior comfort
and convenience . He concluded by calling upon tbe brethren to drink with him thc health of the highly respected brother , ( Bro . George Pearson ) , who , possessin g in an eminent degree the able and generous qualities befitting the important office , the brethren had unanimously selected to rule over them for the year , and he confidently trusted that the same harmony , love and charity , which had hitherto characterized thc
members of the Eccleshill Lodge , and contributed so much to its success , would still be continued under his auspices as Worshipful Master . Thc toast was received with the warmest approval , and Bro . George Pearson , W . M ., in responding , begged to tender his sincere thanks to the I . P . M ., for the very kind sentiments he had expressed towartls him in proposing the toast , and to the Past Masters , officers , and
brethren , for thc hearty and Masonic manner in which they had received it . Having conferred upon him their highest honour , and knowing he had their best wishes , it would be his earnest desire , along with his brother officers , to endeavour to discharge the duties appertaining to the lodge in as faithful and satisfactory a manner in the future , as it had been all their good fortune to enjoy in the past . He
hoped those Masonic principles which had animated the brethren towards the charities in thc past , would stimulate them in the future . Bro . Thos . Shackleton , P . M ., proposed in suitable terms "The Masonic Charities , " coupling with the toast their newly re-elected Charity Representative , Bro . L G . Hutchinson , P . M ., and their distinguished brother , Thos . Hill , the Chairman of the Charity Committee of
West Yorks . Brother J . G . Hutchison , P . M ., in reply to the toast , thanked the brethren for re-electing him to the honourable office of their Charity Representative , an office which he regarded as a very important one , and having duties requiring careful attention ; he also thanked the brethren fo- \ their liberal support of the Charities . The amount subscri bed by members of the lodge since its foundation in 1865
exceeded £ 570 , and at the present time the lodge was possessed of twenty-three votes in perpetuity , anil members of the lodge had fifty-three votes , making a total number of seventy-five votes for the Masonic charities . During thc year nine officers of the lodge had been endowed for the Boys'School , representing a payment of £ 94 ios ., and the brethren had also , during the same period , contributed £ 63 ,
as a donation to the widow of a deceased member . I hese facts shewed the spirit which animated the brethren of this lodge , in exercising thc true characteristic of Masonry , viz ., charity , which he had confidence would be continued , and intimated that in the coming year he would make an appeal to the brethren for the endowment of the remaining offices for thc Girl ' s School . Bro . Thos . Hill , P . M ., also responded
to the toast . He congratulated thc brethren of the Eccleshill Lodge upon the distinction they had gained in the province for their liberality in support of the Masonic Charities , and he was proud of being identified with the lodge as an honorary member from its foundation . The " Visiting Brethren , " was proposed by the W . M .. and responded
to by Bro . Jno . Clark , W . M . 302 ; Thos . Riley , W . M . 600 ; J . W . Monckman , W . M . loi ' g , and A . Anty , 3 87 . Other toasts , including thc Past Masters , Past Oflicers and Present Officers of the lodge , were proposed and responded to , and the meeting enlivened by glees and solos sung by musical brethren present . This very happy celebration was brought to a successful conclusion by the customary last toast of the
evening . DERBY . —HARTINGTON LODGE ( NO . 1085 ) . — On Wednesday evening , the 7 th inst ., the usual monthly meeting of this lodge was held at the Masonic Hall . There were present—Bros . Henry T . Bobart , P . Prov . G . S . B ., W . M . ; F . Iliffe , I . P . M . ; S . Pipes , S . W . ; W . Heathcote , J . W . ; M . H . Bobart , P . M ., Treas . ; J . Worsnop , P . M .,
Sec . ; Geo . Pipes , as S . D . ; T . Gadsey , J . D . ; J . Heathcote , I . G . ; VV . Stone , Tyler , P . Maiiiprize , J . P . Eaton , J . H . Biggs , W . B . Hextall , C . D . Hart , F . Rippon , Edgar Taylor , J . E . Russell , J . O . Manton , Henry Mills , A . A . Newnham , Jon . Whales ; visitors—F . Gadsby , 360 ; A . Fraser , 731 . The lodge was opened in the first degree . The circular convening the meeting was read , and the
minutes of the last lodge were confirmed . Mr . Richard Daniel , and Mr . Jas . Parkins , jun ., being in attendance , were duly initiated into the mysteries and privileges of ancient Freemasonry by the W . M . The lodge unanimously voted funds for a Past Master ' s jewel , to be presented to Bro . M . H . Bobart , P . M ., Treas ., as a small recognition of the appreciation of the lodge of his great
services . Nothing further offering , the lodge was closed according to ancient custom , and adjourned till thc first Wednesday in the ensuing month . HAMPTON COURT—THE ERA LODGE ( NO . 1423 ) held its regular meeting on Saturday , April 10 th , 1875 , at the King ' s Arms Hotel , Hampton Court . The lodge was opened by Bro . James William Baldwin , W . M .
There were present Bros . E . II . Thiellay , S . W . ; J . Baxter Langley , J . W . ; F . Walters , P . E . P ., Middlesex ; Sec . E . W . Devereux , S . D . ; S . Wolff , J . D . ; A . F . Loos , I . G . ; B . Wright , M . C ; W . A . Simmons , W . S . ; II . A . Dubois , P . G . A . D . C . Middlesex , P . M . ; M . Underwood , J . H . Pearson , J . Mason , H . Haija , J . A . Mcore , W . Chartres , and others . The visitors were Bros . W . Hammond , P . G . S . Middlesex , P . M . 201 , W . M . 1326 , W . M . 1 512 ; 11 . Keeble ,
P . M . 1275 , S . D . 73 ; E . J . Drew , 1269 ; J . Brogden , 1326 , and others . The minutes of the previous meeting were read and unanimously confirmed . The ballot was unanimous in favour of the admission of Mr . William Eagle . The W . M . proved his proficiency as a good worker in the Craft by doing all the ceremonies in an admirable manner . He raised Bros . W . Chartres and J . Brogden , 1326 ; passed Bro . J . A . Moore , and initiated Mr . Arthur Rumbelow .
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Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
T EICESTER . —ST . JOHN ' Loner : ( No . 279 ) . —The r ii ' nary meeting of this lodge was held at Freemason ' s Hill ' Leicester , " on Wednesday , the 7 th of April , under . he .-. ' residency of Bra * J . W . Smith , W . M ., P . G . S . B . There were present , Bros . A . Palmer , I . P . M ., P . P . G . A . P . ; J . M . McAllister , S . W ., P . G . S . D . ; G . W . Statham , J . W ., P . G . Steward W . Weaver , Treasurer , P . P . G . S . D . ; Clement
Edwin Stretton , Secretary , P . G . A . P . ; William Kelly , P . M ., PPGM . -, Clement Stretton , P . M ., P . P . G . W . ; George Tolled I "" - 2 79 . - - 5 2 . * i . P-l ' -G . S . W . ; R . Waite , P . M . PG . J . W . ; S . S . Partridge , 279 , W . M . 523 , P . G . Sec ; W B . Smith , P . M . 523 , P . G . Treas . ; W . Sculthorpe , V M 1 * 3 . P-P . G . S . D . ; F . J . Baines , I . P . M . 523 , P . P . G . P . ; The Rev . T . W . Gordon , W . E . Buck ; J . Farndale , J .
lessop , J . F . L- Rolleston , E . Mason , Sec . 1391 , and others . The lodge was opened in due form , and the minutes read and confirmed . The ballot was then taken for Bro . J . G . F . Richardson as a joining member , proposed by Bro . Stretton , P . M ., seconded by Bro . Waite , P . M ., and he was unanimously elected . Bros . W . E . Buck and the Rev . T . Gordon were passed to the second degree , the
ceremony being very impressively performed by the W . M . The usual routine business having been concluded , the brethren partook of refreshment , after which the loyal and Masonic toasts were duly honoured . CHIPPENHAM . —LANSDOWN LODGE OF UNITY ( NO . 626 ) . —On Tuesday , April 13 th , the regular monthly meeting was held at 4 p . m ., at the Town Hall . The
W . M . being absent , by rapiest the chair was taken by Bro . Dr . Hopkins , P . P . G . S . W . for Warwickshire , who had been specially invited from Bath for thc occasion . He was supported by Bros . Gale , acting as I . P . M , ; Milsom , P . M . ; Watts , S . "W . ; Hearne , acting as J . W . ; Lane , Treas . ; Eyres , Sec . ; Scott , S . D . ; Tomkins . acting as J . D . ; Bailey , I . G . ; Monday , Tyler . There were also present , Bros .
Howell , Briscoe , Careless , Drewc , Collins , and Pilenden . The lodge having been opened in the first degree , the circular of summons , and the minutes of the previous meeting , were read by the Secretary . The latter were confirmed . The lodge was opened in the second degree , and Bro . A . A . Headly was examined , entrusted , and dismissed for preparation . The lodge was opened in the
third degree , and the eanditate being re-introduced , was raised to the sublime degree of M . M . by the acting W . M ., who also gave him the traditionary history of the degree , illustrated the working tools , delivered the charge , and also a lecture on the third degree , which was listened to with great attention by the members . The lodge was closed down to the first degree , and the Master ' s Chair was
taken by Bro . Milsom , P . M . Several matters of business , of great interest to the members of the lodge , were postponed on account of the absence of the W . M . A cordial vote of thanks to Bro . Dr . Hopkins for bis assistance , proposed and seconded by the Wardens , was carried by acclamation , and appropriately responded to . The ' proceedings concluded , and the lodge was closed soon after 6 p . m .
DUIIY ST . EDMUNDS . —ROYAL ST . EDMUND ' LODGE ( NO . 1008 ) . —On Friday 2 nd inst , the eleventh anniversary and installation of the W . M . of the Royal St . Edmund's Lodge , 1008 , took place at the Angel Hotel . The brethren , to the number of about 50 , assembled in the lodge room at half-past three , and a candidate was duly initiated into Freemasonry , the impressive ceremony
being very ably performed by Bro . the Rev . C . J . Martyn , P . G . Chaplain of England . The ceremony of Installation was then proceeded with , Bro . Capt . J . N . York , P . G . S . W ., Cambs ., acting as Installing Master . Thc W . M . elect , Bro . J . Medley Bevan , was conducted to the pedestal by two P . M . ' s , and after taking the obligation , was duly proclaimed in the several degrees . Thc new W . M . elected
and invested his officers as follows : —S . W ., Bro . F . Fearnside ; J . W ., Bro . W . Patrick ; S . D ., Bro . II . Miller ; J . D ., Bro . T . F . Lucia ; I . G ., Bro . E . M . Fyson ; D . of C . Bro . J . D . Perrott , P . M . ; Chaplain Bro . the Rev . R . Evans ; Steward , Bro . E . J . Griffiths ; Organist , Bro . W . J Nunn ; Secretary , Bro . W . H . Lucia , P . M ., P . G . Secretary . On the motion of Bro . W . E . Bailey , P . M ., seconded by
Bro . G . Thompson , P . M ., Bro . Major T . J . Huddleston was elected Treasurer . Bro . Gooch was then re-elected Tyler . The admonitory address to the new W . M ., the officers , and the brethren , was admirably given by Bro . W . H . Lucia . On the motion of the "W . M ., seconded by Bro . the Rev . J . Martyn , a vote of thanks was carried unanimously to Bro . York for the excellent manner in
which he had performed his duties as Installing Master . After lodge was closed the brethren sat down to a recherche banquet , well worthy of the high reputation of Bro . W . G . Guy as a caterer . The chair was occupied by the W . M ., Bro . J . Hedley Bevan , and among those present were Bro . J . N . York , P . M . ; Bro . Major , T . J . Huddleston , P . G . S . W . ; Bro . G . Thompson , P . M ., Bro .
J . D . Perrott , P . G . S . W ., South Wales ; Bro . the Rev . — Famham , P . P . D . G . M . Bombay ; Bro . the Rev . C . J . Martvn , P . G . C ; Bro . Wheeler , W . M ., 1224 ; Bro . J . F . Hills ; P . M . 1224 ; Bro . J . T . Smith , W . M . 514 ; Bro W . H . Lucia , P . G . Sec , & c , & c . The usual Masonic toasts were given , and the evening was greatly enlivened by a number of glees and songs given by the brethren ,
Bro . F * . Fearnside presiding at thc pianoforte . During the evening the Secretary stated that he had received a letter from P . G . M ., Lord Waveney , expressing his regret that absence from England would prevent his being present . At midnight , one of the most successful anniversaries ever held in connection with this prosperous lodge , was brought to a close .
ECCLESHILL . —ECCLESHILL LODGE ( NO . 1034 ) . —The brethren of this young , but enterprising lodge , assembled on Friday , the 19 th March , to celebrate the festival of St . John the Evangelist , and the tenth anniversary of consecration . A large number of members and visiting brethren were present , amongst whom were the R . W . Bro . Bentley Shaw , P . G . W ., Deputy Prov . G . M . of West Yorkshire Bros . Henry Smith , Prov . G- Sec . ; Thos . Hill , P . Prov .
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
G . W ., Chairman of Charity Committee ; C . II . Taylor P . Prov . G . D . ; Wm . Beanland , P . G . Supt . of Wks ., Christopher Pratt , V . Prov . G . Supt . of Wks . ; John Clark ; W . M . Hope , 302 ; Thos . Riley , W . M . I larmony , 600 ; S ., W . Monckman , W . M . 1018 . The lodge was opened by the W . M . ( Bro . William Pratt ) at 2 . 30 p . m ., when Mr . Thos . Watcrhouse and Air . James Southworth , of Bradford ,
were ballotted for and unanimously elected , and afterwards initiated by the W . M ., assisted by Bro . Wm . Beanland , P . M . The lodge was then opened in the second degree , when Bro . James Hargreaves and Abraham Elsworth were passed to the degree of Fellow Craft by the W . M ., assisted by BrO . Jno . Procter , I . P . M . The W . M . afterwards announced that thc installation of the W . M . and
officers for the ensuing year would bc proceeded with , and called upon Bro . Christopher Pratt , P . M ., to perform the ceremony . Bro . Wm . Beanland , P . M ., then presented Bro , Geo . Pearson , W . M . elect , and he was duly and properly installed Worshipful Master in a very impressive and able manner by the Installing Master . The W . M . invested his officers as follows : —Bros . Wm . Pratt , I . P . M . ; Rev . Jno .
Cartman , Chaplain ; B . W . Feascingten , S . W . ; Geo . Bail , J . W . ; Jno . Procter , P . M ., Treas . ; James Arnold , Sec . ; josh . liardwick , S . D . ; I- " . W . Nicholson , J . D . ; Wm . Thos . Croft , Org . ; F . Smart , M . C ; E . G . Rhodes , I . G . ; Josh . Lightfoot , Tyler ; John Cuss and Josh . Wilson , Stewards . The business being concluded , the R . W . Bro . Bentley Shaw , P . G . W ., Deputy Prov . Grand Master , rose to address
the brethren , who received him with acclamation . He first congratulated thc W . M . upon the honour which the brethren had conferred upon him , by placing him in the chair , and he hoped that the Great Architect would bless him wilh health to discharge the important and responsible duties of that honourable position . Me congratulated the Installing Master on the impressive and solemn manner in
which he had performed the ceremony of installation ; and then referred to the time , ten years ago , when amongst the first of his official duties as Deputy Prov . Grand Master of West Yorkshire , he had the pleasure to consecrate the Eccleshill Lodge , and he had always retained a lively recollection of the kind and hearty reception he received from the first W . M . and the brethren on that occasion ,
and the pleasure he felt in meeting them in such a beautiful and appropriate lodge-room . Looking back upon those ten years of official life , he felt he had much reason to be grateful for the kindness he had invariably received from thc brethren of the province , but at the same time he could not fail of being reminded that those ten years were ten years taken from the lives of himself and the brethren , and
that many active Provincial Officers , some of whom assisted in the ceremony of the consecration of that lodge were now no more . In visiting thc Eccleshill Lodge for the second time , and speaking to the brethren , who completely filled every part of that beautiful lodge room , it seemed to him that it would probably be the last occasion he should have the opportunity of joining them within those walls , or meeting them in his present official capacity , he conclueled by
wishing the lodge every prosperity , and with a full heart he bid his brethren an affectionate farewell . After the usual collection for poor and distressed Masons , the lodge was closed in accordance with ancient custom , and the brethren adjourned to thc banquet , before the conclusion of which the Dep . Prov . G . M , rose to take his leave , and , quoting from the old couplet : " Inclination bids me stay ,
" But duty calls mc hence away . " he again thanked the brethren , and withdrew amidst the most enthusiastic cheering . After thc banquet , thc usual loyal and Masonic toasts were proposed by thc W . M . Bro . Chris . Pratt , P . M ., proposed the toast of "The R . W . Bro . Bentley Shaw , D . P . G . M ., of West Yorks ., and the rest of the Officers of Provincial Grand Lodge , " nnd Bro . Henry Smith ,
Prov . Grand Secretary , responded . In the absence of the Chaplain , the toast of "Thc Immortal Memory of St . John the Evangelist , " was proposed from thc chair , and honoured by the brethren in the usual manner . Bro . John Procter , P . M ., Treas ., proposcd . 'The Health of the retiring W . M . " in very eulogistic terms , he said it was unnecessary to enter into a detailed account of the many eminent qualities
which characterized this worthy brother , as the brethren were already thoroughly acquainted with them , but he might be allowed to remark to thc visitors who were present that Bro . Wm . Pratt , I . P . M ., was a brother of whom the lodge might be justly proud . He had discharged the onerous duties of his exalted position with much credit and satisfaction , and had paid due regard to the correct working
of the lodge , and by his uniform kindness and urbanity had secured the lasting esteem of his brethren . Bro . Wm . Pratt , I . P . M ., thanked the brethren for the hearty manner in which they had honoured the toast , and for the kindness and courtesy he had always received at their hands . He expressed his obligation to thc officers for the assiduity and punctual attendance they had given to their respective
duties during the year . He said it would no doubt , on that occasion , be interesting to the brethren if he reverted to the history of their lodgesince its commencement . The Eccleshill Lodge was founded by the nine members and four honorary Past Masters whose names were engraven on the marble tablet in the lodge room , and who at thc time were all members , ( principally past officers ) , of the Lodge of
Hope , 302 . It was consecrated on the 10 th of March , 1865 , by the Dep . Prov . Grand Master , ( who had again honoured them with his much esteemed presence on this their 10 th anniversary . ) Since its consecration , 6 9 members had been initiated within its precincts , and 6 brethren had become joining members , the number of members on
its roll at the present time being 6 3 , which included the three hon . P . M . ' s who are left of the four associates with the founders . And the best proof that proper care had been exercised in the admission of candidates was the right noble manner in which " the sacred claims of charity" had always been received by them . It would be the province of their much esteemed charity representative ( Bro . S . G .
Hutchison , P . M . ) to tell them of thc support which he and bis predecessors in the office had received . During the year of Bio . P . M . Procter , who preceded him in the chair , and to whose untiring efforts the lodge was indebted , the large , convenient , anil well-ventilated " refreshment room in which they were now met was built , and the brethren had been able during thc past year to enjoy its superior comfort
and convenience . He concluded by calling upon tbe brethren to drink with him thc health of the highly respected brother , ( Bro . George Pearson ) , who , possessin g in an eminent degree the able and generous qualities befitting the important office , the brethren had unanimously selected to rule over them for the year , and he confidently trusted that the same harmony , love and charity , which had hitherto characterized thc
members of the Eccleshill Lodge , and contributed so much to its success , would still be continued under his auspices as Worshipful Master . Thc toast was received with the warmest approval , and Bro . George Pearson , W . M ., in responding , begged to tender his sincere thanks to the I . P . M ., for the very kind sentiments he had expressed towartls him in proposing the toast , and to the Past Masters , officers , and
brethren , for thc hearty and Masonic manner in which they had received it . Having conferred upon him their highest honour , and knowing he had their best wishes , it would be his earnest desire , along with his brother officers , to endeavour to discharge the duties appertaining to the lodge in as faithful and satisfactory a manner in the future , as it had been all their good fortune to enjoy in the past . He
hoped those Masonic principles which had animated the brethren towards the charities in thc past , would stimulate them in the future . Bro . Thos . Shackleton , P . M ., proposed in suitable terms "The Masonic Charities , " coupling with the toast their newly re-elected Charity Representative , Bro . L G . Hutchinson , P . M ., and their distinguished brother , Thos . Hill , the Chairman of the Charity Committee of
West Yorks . Brother J . G . Hutchison , P . M ., in reply to the toast , thanked the brethren for re-electing him to the honourable office of their Charity Representative , an office which he regarded as a very important one , and having duties requiring careful attention ; he also thanked the brethren fo- \ their liberal support of the Charities . The amount subscri bed by members of the lodge since its foundation in 1865
exceeded £ 570 , and at the present time the lodge was possessed of twenty-three votes in perpetuity , anil members of the lodge had fifty-three votes , making a total number of seventy-five votes for the Masonic charities . During thc year nine officers of the lodge had been endowed for the Boys'School , representing a payment of £ 94 ios ., and the brethren had also , during the same period , contributed £ 63 ,
as a donation to the widow of a deceased member . I hese facts shewed the spirit which animated the brethren of this lodge , in exercising thc true characteristic of Masonry , viz ., charity , which he had confidence would be continued , and intimated that in the coming year he would make an appeal to the brethren for the endowment of the remaining offices for thc Girl ' s School . Bro . Thos . Hill , P . M ., also responded
to the toast . He congratulated thc brethren of the Eccleshill Lodge upon the distinction they had gained in the province for their liberality in support of the Masonic Charities , and he was proud of being identified with the lodge as an honorary member from its foundation . The " Visiting Brethren , " was proposed by the W . M .. and responded
to by Bro . Jno . Clark , W . M . 302 ; Thos . Riley , W . M . 600 ; J . W . Monckman , W . M . loi ' g , and A . Anty , 3 87 . Other toasts , including thc Past Masters , Past Oflicers and Present Officers of the lodge , were proposed and responded to , and the meeting enlivened by glees and solos sung by musical brethren present . This very happy celebration was brought to a successful conclusion by the customary last toast of the
evening . DERBY . —HARTINGTON LODGE ( NO . 1085 ) . — On Wednesday evening , the 7 th inst ., the usual monthly meeting of this lodge was held at the Masonic Hall . There were present—Bros . Henry T . Bobart , P . Prov . G . S . B ., W . M . ; F . Iliffe , I . P . M . ; S . Pipes , S . W . ; W . Heathcote , J . W . ; M . H . Bobart , P . M ., Treas . ; J . Worsnop , P . M .,
Sec . ; Geo . Pipes , as S . D . ; T . Gadsey , J . D . ; J . Heathcote , I . G . ; VV . Stone , Tyler , P . Maiiiprize , J . P . Eaton , J . H . Biggs , W . B . Hextall , C . D . Hart , F . Rippon , Edgar Taylor , J . E . Russell , J . O . Manton , Henry Mills , A . A . Newnham , Jon . Whales ; visitors—F . Gadsby , 360 ; A . Fraser , 731 . The lodge was opened in the first degree . The circular convening the meeting was read , and the
minutes of the last lodge were confirmed . Mr . Richard Daniel , and Mr . Jas . Parkins , jun ., being in attendance , were duly initiated into the mysteries and privileges of ancient Freemasonry by the W . M . The lodge unanimously voted funds for a Past Master ' s jewel , to be presented to Bro . M . H . Bobart , P . M ., Treas ., as a small recognition of the appreciation of the lodge of his great
services . Nothing further offering , the lodge was closed according to ancient custom , and adjourned till thc first Wednesday in the ensuing month . HAMPTON COURT—THE ERA LODGE ( NO . 1423 ) held its regular meeting on Saturday , April 10 th , 1875 , at the King ' s Arms Hotel , Hampton Court . The lodge was opened by Bro . James William Baldwin , W . M .
There were present Bros . E . II . Thiellay , S . W . ; J . Baxter Langley , J . W . ; F . Walters , P . E . P ., Middlesex ; Sec . E . W . Devereux , S . D . ; S . Wolff , J . D . ; A . F . Loos , I . G . ; B . Wright , M . C ; W . A . Simmons , W . S . ; II . A . Dubois , P . G . A . D . C . Middlesex , P . M . ; M . Underwood , J . H . Pearson , J . Mason , H . Haija , J . A . Mcore , W . Chartres , and others . The visitors were Bros . W . Hammond , P . G . S . Middlesex , P . M . 201 , W . M . 1326 , W . M . 1 512 ; 11 . Keeble ,
P . M . 1275 , S . D . 73 ; E . J . Drew , 1269 ; J . Brogden , 1326 , and others . The minutes of the previous meeting were read and unanimously confirmed . The ballot was unanimous in favour of the admission of Mr . William Eagle . The W . M . proved his proficiency as a good worker in the Craft by doing all the ceremonies in an admirable manner . He raised Bros . W . Chartres and J . Brogden , 1326 ; passed Bro . J . A . Moore , and initiated Mr . Arthur Rumbelow .