Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Craft Masonry.
, _ , „ nerhaos to the astonishment of the brethren present . In Jerusalem he met a ? V »; who was a Surrey Mason , and who believed that Province to be one of the most active . He therefore felt proud of Surrey Lodges , and particularly of the Molesey LOl 3 g Bro C G Sherwood , I . P . M ., proposed " The W . M ., " referring to Bro . Keen as M « nii of good report , true and trusty , and held in high estimation amongst his I , hr «/ and fellows . They had seen the W . M . fill the various offices , and also fill . ?» offices in lodges of instruction , and they knew , therefore , that in him they had an "'Client worker of the ritual . If Bro . Keen had done nothing but his work in connecf- „ ™> h their Benevolent Associations , he would have earned their gratitude and
, teem They were all sure that as W . M . he would carry out his duties in a nigniy creditable manner , and to the great credit of the lodge . , Bro H T . Keen , W . M ., returned thanks for the flattering terms used by the i p M ' and for their enthusiastic reception . He had , to the best of his ability , 1 ' nHeav ' oured to follow those eminent brethren who had preceded him . He hoped they Jnnld arrange the launch party as usual , and he was sure Bro . Berry , P . M ., would assist £ m as usual . He next proposed "The I . P . M ., " and referred in eulog . st . c terms to n , n Sherwood ' s work , which had entitled him to the P . M . ' s jewel so unanimous y wouia
voted In pinning that jewel on the I . P . M . ' s breast , he hoped Bro . tjherwooa long be spared to wear it and render such splendid services to the lodge as he had done '" ' Bro ! C . G . Sherwood , I . P . M ., returned thanks for the handsome jewel presented tn him It was an honour to have been W . M . of such an excellent lodge and to have hadsuch genuine support accorded him . As a Past Master , he felt in good company for they had had excellent Masters in thelodge . He could only advise the younger members to attend lodges of instruction as the only means of gaining a perfect knowledge
Bros . Rev . J . H . Smith , P . M . ; Holmes , and Wilson , P . M ., replied for "The Visitors , " which was followed by " The Treasurer , Secretary , and Past Masters , to which Bros . Buxton , Berry , Dennis , Hewett , and others made ample response . " The Officers " concluded a very enjoyable and successful gathering . Bro . H . J . Foan , Org ., had , as usual , provided a capital programme of music and presided at the piano with his usual brilliancy . He was ably assisted by Bros . Berry , Stuart , Walker , Will Edwards , Botwright , Hinds , and Carter .
Rahere Lodge , No . 2546 . The installation meeting of this eminent Iodge usually attracts a large and influential gathering of Masons , and the attendance in the Grand Hall of St . Bartholomew ' s Hospital on the 13 th instant was no exception to the rule . It is no exaggeration to say that the Rahere Lodge has speedily become known all over the world , as the members of tbe medical profession connected with St . Bartholomew ' s have been initiated in large numbersand gone out to all parts of the globe . The present membershi ^ totals 148 ,
, p including two brethren serving on the Plague Committee in India . The retiring W . M ., Bro . T . G . A . Burns , has had frequent opportunities of displaying his knowledge of the ritual during the present year , and the result has been an exhibition of working which is a credit to the lodge and to Freemasonry . The newly-installed Worshipful Master is Bro . R . j . Reece , M . D ., P . M ., who is well-known both in the medical profession and in connection with other lodges and branches of Masonry . The members included Bros . T . G . 'A . Burns , W . M . j R . J . Reece , S . W . ; W . GnPPer , i lemem ai ! ¦
1 W . ; Kev . air Borradaile savory , rsarr ., . nap . ; ^ uousun , r .., _ r . « . __ ., Treas . ; D'Arcy Power , P . P . G . W ., Sec . ; P . S . Abraham , S . D . ; G . H R . Holden , ID . ; F . Swiuford Edwards , P . M ., D . C . j W . T . Walsham , I . P . M . j Alfred Cooper , P . M ., P . G . D . j Thos . Trollope , P . M , P . G . D . j H . Mackintosh , P . A . G . D . C . j and a large number of others . Visitors : Bros . W . H . Cummings , G . Org . ; R . Gooding , P . G . D . ; J . Salter White , P . P . J . G . W . j M . L . Hughes , P . M . 1971 ; E . Casey . S . D . 570 ; W . Ratcliffe Steel , P . M . 1 , P . G . S . ; G . Elam , 2532 ; W . C 28
S . Burney , P . M . 140 ; C . A . Gompertz , P . M . 869 ; H . Newland , P . M . ; F . E . Hedges , P . P . G . Reg- ! H . J . Calder , W . M . 69 ; W . H . Hobson , P . P . G . W . ; L . C . Dobson , J . W . 69 j G . J . Marshall , P . M . 6 9 j W . O . Fenn , P . M . 14 , P . G . S . j Thos . Dutton , P . M ., Sec . 2410 j C W . A . Trollope , P . P . G . D . Surrey j H . Willes , 1593 ; F . A . Walrond , 259 ,- J . M . Flegg , P . M . IOI j W . Mathews , P . M . 1591 j Sir Chas . A . Cameron , S . G . D . Grand Lodge of Irelandj W . W . Lee , P . P . G . D . Middx . j and others . _ __ .. „ _ ...,
After the confirmation of the minutes Messrs . G . W . O . Slater , M . B . j F . W , Tunnicliffe , M . D . j and H . W . C . Austen , M . D ., were duly initiated into free . masonry . Bro . R . J . Reece , M . D ., P . M ., was next presented as W . M . elect , and impressively installed by Bro . Burns , P . P . G . D . Surrey . The following officers were invested : Bros . Walter Gripper , M . B ., S . W . j Phin . S . Abraham , M . D ., J . W . j T . G . A . Burns , I . P . M . j the Rev . Sir Borradaile Savory , Bart ., Chap . ; Clemenf Godson , M . D ., P . M ., Treas . ; D'Arcy Power , Sec . ; G . H . R . Holden , M . D ., S . D . Ernest Clarke . l . D . ; 1 . H . Gilbertson , I . G . ; F . Swinford Edwards , D . C . ; W .
Hai g Brodie , M . D ., A . G . R . Foulerton , and H . D . Lauchlan , Stewds . ; and P . F . Madden , Tyler . A Past Master ' s jewel was unanimously voted to the I . P . M ., Bro . Burns , and was presented to him on behalf of the lodge by Bro . Clement Godson , P . M ., the first W . M . of ( he lodge . The Audit Report which was adopted showed that after contributions had been made to Masonic and medical Charities , there was a balance in hand of considerably over £ 100 , in addition to £ 500 invested . Lodge was closed , and a banquet was afterwards partaken of at the Frascati Restaurantunder the personal superintendence of Bro . Kella .
, The subsequent toasts were given with heartiness and brevity by the W . M ., who presided . Bro . W . H . Cummings , G . Org ., responded for * ' The Grand Officers . " He said he was but an humble memberof Grand Lodge in his capacity as Grand Organist , but all these brethren who had attended there knew that from the Grand Master down to the humblest member all had but one desire , which was the advancement and perfection of lhe Craft . All the Grand Officers must have been delighted with the splend'd work in
the Rahere Lodge that evening . He was glad to know their lodge was one of the first lodges in the Craft , and he thanked them for the hearty reception accorded him . "The Health of the W . M . " was proposed by Bro . Burns , LP . M ., who said the toast needed no words to commend it . They had seen the W . M . ' s work in this and another lodge , and would hope he wculd have a successful year , with plenty of work , which he would doubtless perfoim in a most admirable way . Bro . R . J . Reece , P . M ., W . M ., who was heartily greeted , thanked them from the bottom of his heart for their reception of the toast . He would echo the words of the
IP . M . —that a man must be more than mortal if he did not appreciate being W . M . of a lodge , and particularly of that lodge . He could only promise them to carry out to the best of his ability the duties entrusted to him , and if he failed , it would be because he had the will , but not the capacity . He would give them the next toast , " The Installing Master . " Bro . Burns had done all the ceremonies in the same way as the brethren had s « n him do the initiation and installation that evening , and had set a very high 'tandard for his successors to follow . They had been pleased to have such a Master , and they would drink his health in a bumper to show their appreciation of him .
Craft Masonry.
Bro _ . T . G . A . Burns , I . P . M ., said he was obliged for the kindness shown him . As he said in the lodge it had . been one of the happiest years of his life , and it was with regret he left the chair , although the work had been no sinecure . He had received nothing but kindness , consideration , and good will , and he hoped to attend the Iodge as regularly in the future as in the past , and assist in carrying out the work as it had been done ever since the lodge was founded . " The Initiates " and " The Visitors " were then given .
Bro . Sir Chas .-Cameron , G . D . G . Lodge of Ireland , in responding to the latter toast , returned thanks on behalf of himself and any other brethren from his distressful country who might be present . They had enjoyed their hospitality as far as they possibly could and he had tried to reduce the profits of the caterer to a minimum as far as the solids were concerned . He had also tried to increase the profits upon the various wines . He was indebted to them for their kindly consideration in not having intimated to
him earlier that he was expected to reply , which would have interfered with the process of digestion . As true gratitude also included a sense of favours to come he should be happy to arrange his visits to England so as to be coincident with the festivities of this great lodge . Bros . Calder , W . M . 69 , and Ratcliff Steel , P . G . Stwd ., also responded . " The Officers " and the Tyler's toast closed a successful gathering .
BRO . R . GOUGH , P . M . 68 , P . Z . 68 . The funeral of the late Bro . Robert Gough took place on Friday , the 9 th instant . The first part of the service was conducted at Holy Trinity Church , Hotwells , Bristol , and was largely attended . The officiating clergymen were the Vicar ( the Rev . G . Hemming ) , and the Rev . G . D . Oakley . The hymns sung were "Peace , perfect peace "and "Thine forever . " The Vicar , in the course of
his address , mentioned that the Chancellor of the Exchequer had sent a telegram expressing sympathy and condolence with the widow of the deceased . At the conclusion of the service the organist ( Mr . Stephenson ) played " O rest in the Lord . " The mourners were as follows -. First carriage—Master Harold Gough ( son ) , Mr . A . E . Gough , Mr . E . Ralph , Mr . A . Bryant , and Mr . A . Reed ; second carriage—Mr . Charles Gillett , Mr . Fred Gough , Mr . G . Gillett , and Mr . A . Fox j
third carriage—Mr . E . Hughes , Mr . E . Brown , Master Wilfred Bryant , and Mr . Mullaney ; fourth carriage—Dr . Cook , Dr . Carter , Mr . Case , and Mr . Arrowsmith ; fifth carriage—Mr . Amos , Mr . Villiers Hunt , Mr . W . Bryant , and Mr , Beer . The Royal Clarence Lodge , No . 68 , of which deceased was a Past Mastei , was represented by Bros . G . J . Machon , W . M . ; J . Gard , P . M ., Treas . ; E . J . Grubb , P . M . ; J . Courtice , P . M . ; W . K . Thomas , P . M . ; F . G . Hatton , P . M . ;
C . J . E . Grubb , P . M ., Sec . ; W . Galpin , P . M . ; T . H . Jennings , P . M . ; J . Amos , R . C . Smart , Wiles , A . F . Villiers , G . Myers , C . Harris , T . Davey , W . C . Jarrett , S . Doresa , and Commander Cawley . The R . A . Chapter , No . 68 , was represented by Bro . E . G . Machon , the Canynge Mark Lodge by Bro . J . Lloyd , and the other brethren present included Bros . W . Jeffries , J . Owner , M . Clark , Makepeace , W . C . Bamlield , Hickman , and A . Fedden . Messrs . E . B . Wood and C . H . Mayo attended as the representatives of the Bristol Board of Guardians ; and Bro . C . P .
Billing , P . M ., and Mr . S . Shirley represented the Town Council . The interment was made at Ashton churchyard , where the second half of the service was performed in the presence of a large crowd . The floral tributes were numerous and included wreaths from the Royal Clarence Lodge , the Royal Clarence Chapter , the Canynge Mark Lodge , the Ancient Order of Foresters , the clergy of Holy Trinity Church , Hotwells , Mr . Mullaney ( Mr . Cough ' s co-churchwarden ) , Mr . Gough ' s employes , and others .
BRO . F . JACOB , P . M ., TREAS . 1851 . It is with feelings of deepest regret that we have to record the death of our lamented Bro . Frederick Jacob , late of the Elms , Hampton Wick , which occurred on Friday , the 2 nd instant , after a few hours' illness . Our late brother was initiated in the Strong Man Lodge , No . 45 as far bask as i 860 , in
, which lodge he passed the chair . He subsequently joined the Ewell Lodge , No . 1851 , in which he became P . M . last year , and w _ is elected Treasurer in succession to Bro . Baber , who had held that oflice since the foundation of the loige in 1879 . Bro . F . Jacob had stood as Steward for both Boys and Old People , of which Institutions he was Life Governor .
& SMOKERS SHOULD USE CALVERT'S DEMO-PHENOLENE . A DELICIOUS ANTISEPTIC LIQUID DENTIFRICE . A few drops in a wineglass of water makes a delicious wash , for ' sweetening tho breath and leaving a pleasant tasto and refreshing coolness in tho mouth . Editor ot Health says : — " Most effectual for strengthening tho Bums in case of tenderness and ridding tho mouth of the aroma of tobacco . " ls . 6 d . and 2 s . 6 d . Bottles , at Chemists , & o „ or Post Free for Value . Illustrated Pamphlet of Calvert ' s Carbolic Preparations sent post free on application . F . C . CALVERT & CO ., Manchester .
" ^ AX e ^ FANHar Co ., I * ra > ., 73 to 77 , COW CROSS ST ., LONDON , E . G ., and 918 , HIGH ROAD , TOTTENHAM , Manufacturers of High-Class Cigars . SAMPLES AND PRICE LIST SENT ON APPLICATION ,
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Craft Masonry.
, _ , „ nerhaos to the astonishment of the brethren present . In Jerusalem he met a ? V »; who was a Surrey Mason , and who believed that Province to be one of the most active . He therefore felt proud of Surrey Lodges , and particularly of the Molesey LOl 3 g Bro C G Sherwood , I . P . M ., proposed " The W . M ., " referring to Bro . Keen as M « nii of good report , true and trusty , and held in high estimation amongst his I , hr «/ and fellows . They had seen the W . M . fill the various offices , and also fill . ?» offices in lodges of instruction , and they knew , therefore , that in him they had an "'Client worker of the ritual . If Bro . Keen had done nothing but his work in connecf- „ ™> h their Benevolent Associations , he would have earned their gratitude and
, teem They were all sure that as W . M . he would carry out his duties in a nigniy creditable manner , and to the great credit of the lodge . , Bro H T . Keen , W . M ., returned thanks for the flattering terms used by the i p M ' and for their enthusiastic reception . He had , to the best of his ability , 1 ' nHeav ' oured to follow those eminent brethren who had preceded him . He hoped they Jnnld arrange the launch party as usual , and he was sure Bro . Berry , P . M ., would assist £ m as usual . He next proposed "The I . P . M ., " and referred in eulog . st . c terms to n , n Sherwood ' s work , which had entitled him to the P . M . ' s jewel so unanimous y wouia
voted In pinning that jewel on the I . P . M . ' s breast , he hoped Bro . tjherwooa long be spared to wear it and render such splendid services to the lodge as he had done '" ' Bro ! C . G . Sherwood , I . P . M ., returned thanks for the handsome jewel presented tn him It was an honour to have been W . M . of such an excellent lodge and to have hadsuch genuine support accorded him . As a Past Master , he felt in good company for they had had excellent Masters in thelodge . He could only advise the younger members to attend lodges of instruction as the only means of gaining a perfect knowledge
Bros . Rev . J . H . Smith , P . M . ; Holmes , and Wilson , P . M ., replied for "The Visitors , " which was followed by " The Treasurer , Secretary , and Past Masters , to which Bros . Buxton , Berry , Dennis , Hewett , and others made ample response . " The Officers " concluded a very enjoyable and successful gathering . Bro . H . J . Foan , Org ., had , as usual , provided a capital programme of music and presided at the piano with his usual brilliancy . He was ably assisted by Bros . Berry , Stuart , Walker , Will Edwards , Botwright , Hinds , and Carter .
Rahere Lodge , No . 2546 . The installation meeting of this eminent Iodge usually attracts a large and influential gathering of Masons , and the attendance in the Grand Hall of St . Bartholomew ' s Hospital on the 13 th instant was no exception to the rule . It is no exaggeration to say that the Rahere Lodge has speedily become known all over the world , as the members of tbe medical profession connected with St . Bartholomew ' s have been initiated in large numbersand gone out to all parts of the globe . The present membershi ^ totals 148 ,
, p including two brethren serving on the Plague Committee in India . The retiring W . M ., Bro . T . G . A . Burns , has had frequent opportunities of displaying his knowledge of the ritual during the present year , and the result has been an exhibition of working which is a credit to the lodge and to Freemasonry . The newly-installed Worshipful Master is Bro . R . j . Reece , M . D ., P . M ., who is well-known both in the medical profession and in connection with other lodges and branches of Masonry . The members included Bros . T . G . 'A . Burns , W . M . j R . J . Reece , S . W . ; W . GnPPer , i lemem ai ! ¦
1 W . ; Kev . air Borradaile savory , rsarr ., . nap . ; ^ uousun , r .., _ r . « . __ ., Treas . ; D'Arcy Power , P . P . G . W ., Sec . ; P . S . Abraham , S . D . ; G . H R . Holden , ID . ; F . Swiuford Edwards , P . M ., D . C . j W . T . Walsham , I . P . M . j Alfred Cooper , P . M ., P . G . D . j Thos . Trollope , P . M , P . G . D . j H . Mackintosh , P . A . G . D . C . j and a large number of others . Visitors : Bros . W . H . Cummings , G . Org . ; R . Gooding , P . G . D . ; J . Salter White , P . P . J . G . W . j M . L . Hughes , P . M . 1971 ; E . Casey . S . D . 570 ; W . Ratcliffe Steel , P . M . 1 , P . G . S . ; G . Elam , 2532 ; W . C 28
S . Burney , P . M . 140 ; C . A . Gompertz , P . M . 869 ; H . Newland , P . M . ; F . E . Hedges , P . P . G . Reg- ! H . J . Calder , W . M . 69 ; W . H . Hobson , P . P . G . W . ; L . C . Dobson , J . W . 69 j G . J . Marshall , P . M . 6 9 j W . O . Fenn , P . M . 14 , P . G . S . j Thos . Dutton , P . M ., Sec . 2410 j C W . A . Trollope , P . P . G . D . Surrey j H . Willes , 1593 ; F . A . Walrond , 259 ,- J . M . Flegg , P . M . IOI j W . Mathews , P . M . 1591 j Sir Chas . A . Cameron , S . G . D . Grand Lodge of Irelandj W . W . Lee , P . P . G . D . Middx . j and others . _ __ .. „ _ ...,
After the confirmation of the minutes Messrs . G . W . O . Slater , M . B . j F . W , Tunnicliffe , M . D . j and H . W . C . Austen , M . D ., were duly initiated into free . masonry . Bro . R . J . Reece , M . D ., P . M ., was next presented as W . M . elect , and impressively installed by Bro . Burns , P . P . G . D . Surrey . The following officers were invested : Bros . Walter Gripper , M . B ., S . W . j Phin . S . Abraham , M . D ., J . W . j T . G . A . Burns , I . P . M . j the Rev . Sir Borradaile Savory , Bart ., Chap . ; Clemenf Godson , M . D ., P . M ., Treas . ; D'Arcy Power , Sec . ; G . H . R . Holden , M . D ., S . D . Ernest Clarke . l . D . ; 1 . H . Gilbertson , I . G . ; F . Swinford Edwards , D . C . ; W .
Hai g Brodie , M . D ., A . G . R . Foulerton , and H . D . Lauchlan , Stewds . ; and P . F . Madden , Tyler . A Past Master ' s jewel was unanimously voted to the I . P . M ., Bro . Burns , and was presented to him on behalf of the lodge by Bro . Clement Godson , P . M ., the first W . M . of ( he lodge . The Audit Report which was adopted showed that after contributions had been made to Masonic and medical Charities , there was a balance in hand of considerably over £ 100 , in addition to £ 500 invested . Lodge was closed , and a banquet was afterwards partaken of at the Frascati Restaurantunder the personal superintendence of Bro . Kella .
, The subsequent toasts were given with heartiness and brevity by the W . M ., who presided . Bro . W . H . Cummings , G . Org ., responded for * ' The Grand Officers . " He said he was but an humble memberof Grand Lodge in his capacity as Grand Organist , but all these brethren who had attended there knew that from the Grand Master down to the humblest member all had but one desire , which was the advancement and perfection of lhe Craft . All the Grand Officers must have been delighted with the splend'd work in
the Rahere Lodge that evening . He was glad to know their lodge was one of the first lodges in the Craft , and he thanked them for the hearty reception accorded him . "The Health of the W . M . " was proposed by Bro . Burns , LP . M ., who said the toast needed no words to commend it . They had seen the W . M . ' s work in this and another lodge , and would hope he wculd have a successful year , with plenty of work , which he would doubtless perfoim in a most admirable way . Bro . R . J . Reece , P . M ., W . M ., who was heartily greeted , thanked them from the bottom of his heart for their reception of the toast . He would echo the words of the
IP . M . —that a man must be more than mortal if he did not appreciate being W . M . of a lodge , and particularly of that lodge . He could only promise them to carry out to the best of his ability the duties entrusted to him , and if he failed , it would be because he had the will , but not the capacity . He would give them the next toast , " The Installing Master . " Bro . Burns had done all the ceremonies in the same way as the brethren had s « n him do the initiation and installation that evening , and had set a very high 'tandard for his successors to follow . They had been pleased to have such a Master , and they would drink his health in a bumper to show their appreciation of him .
Craft Masonry.
Bro _ . T . G . A . Burns , I . P . M ., said he was obliged for the kindness shown him . As he said in the lodge it had . been one of the happiest years of his life , and it was with regret he left the chair , although the work had been no sinecure . He had received nothing but kindness , consideration , and good will , and he hoped to attend the Iodge as regularly in the future as in the past , and assist in carrying out the work as it had been done ever since the lodge was founded . " The Initiates " and " The Visitors " were then given .
Bro . Sir Chas .-Cameron , G . D . G . Lodge of Ireland , in responding to the latter toast , returned thanks on behalf of himself and any other brethren from his distressful country who might be present . They had enjoyed their hospitality as far as they possibly could and he had tried to reduce the profits of the caterer to a minimum as far as the solids were concerned . He had also tried to increase the profits upon the various wines . He was indebted to them for their kindly consideration in not having intimated to
him earlier that he was expected to reply , which would have interfered with the process of digestion . As true gratitude also included a sense of favours to come he should be happy to arrange his visits to England so as to be coincident with the festivities of this great lodge . Bros . Calder , W . M . 69 , and Ratcliff Steel , P . G . Stwd ., also responded . " The Officers " and the Tyler's toast closed a successful gathering .
BRO . R . GOUGH , P . M . 68 , P . Z . 68 . The funeral of the late Bro . Robert Gough took place on Friday , the 9 th instant . The first part of the service was conducted at Holy Trinity Church , Hotwells , Bristol , and was largely attended . The officiating clergymen were the Vicar ( the Rev . G . Hemming ) , and the Rev . G . D . Oakley . The hymns sung were "Peace , perfect peace "and "Thine forever . " The Vicar , in the course of
his address , mentioned that the Chancellor of the Exchequer had sent a telegram expressing sympathy and condolence with the widow of the deceased . At the conclusion of the service the organist ( Mr . Stephenson ) played " O rest in the Lord . " The mourners were as follows -. First carriage—Master Harold Gough ( son ) , Mr . A . E . Gough , Mr . E . Ralph , Mr . A . Bryant , and Mr . A . Reed ; second carriage—Mr . Charles Gillett , Mr . Fred Gough , Mr . G . Gillett , and Mr . A . Fox j
third carriage—Mr . E . Hughes , Mr . E . Brown , Master Wilfred Bryant , and Mr . Mullaney ; fourth carriage—Dr . Cook , Dr . Carter , Mr . Case , and Mr . Arrowsmith ; fifth carriage—Mr . Amos , Mr . Villiers Hunt , Mr . W . Bryant , and Mr , Beer . The Royal Clarence Lodge , No . 68 , of which deceased was a Past Mastei , was represented by Bros . G . J . Machon , W . M . ; J . Gard , P . M ., Treas . ; E . J . Grubb , P . M . ; J . Courtice , P . M . ; W . K . Thomas , P . M . ; F . G . Hatton , P . M . ;
C . J . E . Grubb , P . M ., Sec . ; W . Galpin , P . M . ; T . H . Jennings , P . M . ; J . Amos , R . C . Smart , Wiles , A . F . Villiers , G . Myers , C . Harris , T . Davey , W . C . Jarrett , S . Doresa , and Commander Cawley . The R . A . Chapter , No . 68 , was represented by Bro . E . G . Machon , the Canynge Mark Lodge by Bro . J . Lloyd , and the other brethren present included Bros . W . Jeffries , J . Owner , M . Clark , Makepeace , W . C . Bamlield , Hickman , and A . Fedden . Messrs . E . B . Wood and C . H . Mayo attended as the representatives of the Bristol Board of Guardians ; and Bro . C . P .
Billing , P . M ., and Mr . S . Shirley represented the Town Council . The interment was made at Ashton churchyard , where the second half of the service was performed in the presence of a large crowd . The floral tributes were numerous and included wreaths from the Royal Clarence Lodge , the Royal Clarence Chapter , the Canynge Mark Lodge , the Ancient Order of Foresters , the clergy of Holy Trinity Church , Hotwells , Mr . Mullaney ( Mr . Cough ' s co-churchwarden ) , Mr . Gough ' s employes , and others .
BRO . F . JACOB , P . M ., TREAS . 1851 . It is with feelings of deepest regret that we have to record the death of our lamented Bro . Frederick Jacob , late of the Elms , Hampton Wick , which occurred on Friday , the 2 nd instant , after a few hours' illness . Our late brother was initiated in the Strong Man Lodge , No . 45 as far bask as i 860 , in
, which lodge he passed the chair . He subsequently joined the Ewell Lodge , No . 1851 , in which he became P . M . last year , and w _ is elected Treasurer in succession to Bro . Baber , who had held that oflice since the foundation of the loige in 1879 . Bro . F . Jacob had stood as Steward for both Boys and Old People , of which Institutions he was Life Governor .
& SMOKERS SHOULD USE CALVERT'S DEMO-PHENOLENE . A DELICIOUS ANTISEPTIC LIQUID DENTIFRICE . A few drops in a wineglass of water makes a delicious wash , for ' sweetening tho breath and leaving a pleasant tasto and refreshing coolness in tho mouth . Editor ot Health says : — " Most effectual for strengthening tho Bums in case of tenderness and ridding tho mouth of the aroma of tobacco . " ls . 6 d . and 2 s . 6 d . Bottles , at Chemists , & o „ or Post Free for Value . Illustrated Pamphlet of Calvert ' s Carbolic Preparations sent post free on application . F . C . CALVERT & CO ., Manchester .
" ^ AX e ^ FANHar Co ., I * ra > ., 73 to 77 , COW CROSS ST ., LONDON , E . G ., and 918 , HIGH ROAD , TOTTENHAM , Manufacturers of High-Class Cigars . SAMPLES AND PRICE LIST SENT ON APPLICATION ,