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Provincial Grand Mark Lodge Of Middlesex.
Bro . Capt . C . J . Knightley , 2 S 4 ... ... Prov . G . D . C H . Longman , 494 ... ... ... Prov . G . L of W . " T . R . Ubsdell , 181 ... ... ... Prov . A . G . D . C . " Lieut .-Col . Leyden , 44 S ... ... Prov . G . S . B . " F . Toogood , M . D ., 357 ... ... Prov . G . Std . Br . " J . Bayne , 4 S 5 ... ... ... Prov . G . Org . ti F , J . Mitchell ... ... ... Prov . G . Tyler . Bros . George Graveley , Capt . Knightley , W . A . Scurrah , and G . J
Thomas were elected a Committee of General Purposes . Bro . A . STEWART BROWN , Prov . G . Sec , proposed a hearty vote of thanks to the Deputy Grand Master for the able manner in which he had discharged the duty of installation , which was seconded by Bro . TOWER , Prov . S . G . W ., and carried nem con .
The DEP . G . M ., in acknowledging the vote , said it always gave him p leasure to discharge the duties of Pro G . M . when the Earl of Euston was unable to be present . His pleasure had been increased that day by the fact that he had installed his old friend Sir Reginald Hanson , to whom he wished all success as Provincial Grand Master of Middlesex . Letters of regret were announced from Bros , the Earl of Onslow , the Earl of Warwick , the Earl of Yarborough , the Earl of Lathom , and many
others . The G . Officers retired in procession , and the Prov . G . Lodge was closed . The brethren were then entertained under the auspices of the St . Pancras Lodge , the members of which , particularly Bro . W . A . Scurrah , had rendered great assistance to the Prov . G . Secretary in the
arrangements for the meeting . Bro . James Irvine , the VV . M . of the lodge , Prov . J . G . W ., generously supplied the wine for the occasion . The usual loyal and Masonic toasts were afterwards given . In giving " The Grand Officers , " the PROV . G . MASTER said it was a matter of regret that Bro . the Earl of Euston , Pro G . M ., who had fixed that day to instal him , was unable to be present , as he was suffering from gout . That duty was taken at a moment ' s notice by Bro . Lord Dungarvan , the
Dep . G . M ., to whom they expressed their thanks in Prov . G . Lodge . He also wished to express thanks to those G . Officers who had been present that day , and he would ask one to respond who was the father of them all . He was not speaking from a Parliamentary point of view , although he was surrounded by five or six Members of Parliament , but Bro . Beach happened to be the father of the House of Commons . Bro . Beach was Prov . G . Master of Hants , and also a P . G . Master .
Bro . W . W . B . BEACH , M . P ., P . G . M ., Prov . G . M . Hants , in reply , said he could have wished that the Pro G . Master or the Dep . G . Master had been present to respond . Their sympathies were with the Pro G . Master in his illness , and they hoped he would be speedily restored to health . It was a time long gone by when he ( Bro . Beach ) had the honour to preside over this Order . They must all appreciate the way in which the G . Lodge
had discharged its duties , and had gained confidence in every part of the country . There was some difficulty when it was first started , but it fully deserved the entire support and confidence of every M . M . Mason in England . It was only rig ht that there should be a proper authority in charge of this important Degree , which formed a beautiful link in that chain of Masonry which they all loved so well .
Bro . T . F . HALSEY , M . P .. Prov . G . M . Herts , proposed " Ihe Health of the Prov . G . Master of Middlesex , " and said that " Bro . Sir Reginald Hanson was the man above all others who would fulfil the duties devolving upon him and maintain and uphold the hig h position he held . In heartily drinking the toast they would encourage the Prov . G . Master and give him a good " send off . "
Bro . Sir REGINALD HANSON , Bart ., M . P ., Prov . G . Master , having returned thanks , said that the brethren of Middlesex would understand that he was in a somewhat difficult position in following his dear old friend Col . Cook , who was prematurely taken away from them . They had all hoped Col . Cook would remain for many years as their Prov . G . Alaster , but the G . Overseer had . called him away suddenly . The brethren were good
enough to recommend him to the G . Master to succeed Col . Cook , and the G . Master was good enough to appoint him . He might have some energy , some knowledge , and some perseverance , but he was inferior to Col . Cook , and they must take him for better or worse . He would , however , remember the example set by his predecessor , and he did not hesitate to repeat that lhe
Province was a united Province , all difficulties had been smoothed and the way made easy by his predecessor . He could not profess to visit every lod ge in the Province in a year , owing to his many engagements , but he would try to do so . So far as he was able it would be his wish to carry out the ceremonial duties and follow in the foo ' . steps of Col . Cook .
" The Dep . Prov . G . Master and Prov . G . Officers " was next propo-ed by the PROV . G . MASTER . He said it was a matter of great satisfaction to all members of the Province when their friend Sir John Monckton accepted the position of Deputy Prov . G . M . That distinguished brother
knew so much about Masonry in every Degree , that what he did not know about Mark Masonry was not worth knowing . They felt certain that having undertaken the duties , the Deputy Prov . Grand Master would discharge them with the same zeal and ability with which he had discharged every office he had held in Masonry .
, Bro . Sir J MONCKTON , P . G . W ., Depu ' y Prov . Grand Master , said it was a favourite axiom of his that one never knew one ' s luck . He certainl y did not know his a month ago , when he was asked by the Provincial Grand Master to take that position . He was advanced in the Bon Accord Lodge , at the instance of that dear old friend , Bro . John Hervey , 26 years
ffffi l ^ e 'ate ^ r 0 , ^ y * '• -evanc er was Treasurer . The Prov . Grand pincers , he was sure , would discharge any duties imposed upon them , and back up the Prov . Grand Master . n 'l ? he Visitors" was next given , coupled with the name of Bro . Alan "e I \ Egerton , Prov . G . M . Cheshire . Bro . ALAN DE T . EGERTON responded .
fhe Worshi pful Masters of Lodges in the Province " was then proposed b y the PROV . GRAND MASTER , who said they had met not exactly under the banner of the St . Pancras Lodge , but in the place where that od gemet . They felt great satisfaction at the most successful mectirg , til l y WCre doubly obliged to the W . M ., Bro . J . Irvine , for he must _ * them they had all been that brother ' s guests , as far as the wine was concerned . se .- ' JAS > IRVINE , W . M ., in response , said he was only expressing the the f ? ntS ° ^ ever > member of the lodge when he said how highly honoured ey telt to have the Piovincial Grand Lodge meeting there that evenirg .
Provincial Grand Mark Lodge Of Middlesex.
He also desired to thank the Provincial Grand Master for the honour conferred upon the St . Pancras Lodge in his appointment as Prov . J . G . W . He was a Steward lor the Benevolent Fund Festival , and hoped his list would not be much short of 60 guineas . The proceedings then terminated . The brethren present
included—Bros . H . R . Graham , M . P ., Prov . G . S . W . ; F . Sheffield , P . G . O . ; Rev . D . Russell Finlay , Prov . G . Chap . ; Major Sheriff Clifford Probyn , P . G . T . ; A . Stewart Brown , Prov . G . Sec ; F . G . Ivey , P . J . G . D . ; Maj .-Gen . Astley Terry , G . S . B , ; W . W . B . Beach , Prov . G . M . Hants ; Edwd . S . Hill , P . G . M . S . Wales ; F . West , D . P . G . M . Surrey ; H . Lovegrove , P . G . I , of W . ; Geo . Graveley , P . G . S . B . ; Lord Dungarvan , Dep . G . M . ; C . Belton , P . G . M . O . ; F . Richardson , G . Reg . ; C . F . Matier , P . G . W ., G . Sec . ; Sir J . B . Monckton , P . G . W . ; T . F .
Halsey , M . P ., P . G . M . He-ts ; Allan de Tatton Egerton , P . G . M . M . Cheshire ; Sir Lionel Darell , P . G . W . ; lohn Ramsey , P . A . G . D . C ; H . Thomson Lyon , A . G . D . C . ; R . Clowes , P . G . S . B . ; Harry Nicholls , G . Std . Br . ; H . E . Cousans , P . G . D ., G . D . C ; Woolmer Williams , P . G . S . ; Capt . C . J . Knightiey , Prov . G . D . C ; H . Higgins , P . P . G . S . B . ; W . Fisher , P . P . G . D . C ; Geo . F . Thomas ,
P . P . G . M . O . ; Wyndham Hart , P . P . G . W . ; M . Jutsum , P . P . G . Reg . ; G . Corderoy , P . P . S . G . D . ; W . Bailey , P . P . G . S . B . ; James M . Small , P . P . G . Reg . ; F . Bonney , P . P . G . O . ; A . Scurrah , P . G . Stwd . ; Dr . F . Lawrance , P . A . G . D . C . ; W . A . Scurrah , P . G . S . B ., P . P . G . W . ; J . Irvine , W . M . 494 ; W . J . Ferguson , P . M . ; E . Styles , S . W . 357 ; T . Hue , 1 S 1 ; C D . Leyden , T . Parker , W . W . Lee , and others .
Laying Of The Corner-Stone Of New Town Hall At Henley-On-Thames.
This pretty riverside town was en fete on Friday , the 9 th instant , the houses being decorated with flags , & c , and the streets lined with spectators . The Provincial Grand Lodge was opened at the Mayor's residence by the Prov . G . Master , Bro . the Earl of Jersey , P . G . W ., with Bro . Colville Smith , S . G . D ., as Deputy Prov . G . Master , in the unavoidable absence of Bro . Lord Valentia , P . G . W ., and the brethren went in procession to the site .
The old building has been removed , and thc foundations have been laid of a very handsome structure , from a design ( selected in competition ) by Bro . Henry Hare , of London .
One stone was laid by the Hon . F . D . Smith , M . P ., a second stone was laid by Bro . Dr . Liddedale ( the Mayor of Henley ) , in the presence of a large number of spectators , for whom seats had been provided . The procession was headed by a band , and included Volunteers and firemen . The Masonic procession was as follows : Two Tylers , with drawn swords ; the lodges of the province , according to their numbers , the brethren walking two
and two ; visiting brethren ; Present and Past Prov . G . Oliicers , according to rank ; Prov . G . Officers of other provinces ; Prov . G . Registrar and Prov . G . Supt . of Works ; Prov . G . Treasurer and Prov . G . Secretary ; W . M . 18 95 ( with cornucopia ) , S . W . r 8 iJ 5 ( with ewer of wine ) , and J . W . 1895 ( with ewer of oil ) ; Prov . G . Chaplain ( with Volume of Srcred Law ) ; Prov . G . Senior Warden
( with level ) , and Prov . G . Junior Warden ( with plumb rule ); Bro . E . Owen F . R . C . S ., P . G . D . ; Bro . H . Lovegrove , P . G . S . B . ; Bro . P . Colville Smith ! S . G . D ., as Dep . Prov . G . Master ( with square ) ; Prov . G . Sword Bearer ; the Prov . G . Master ; Prov . G . Stewards ; Prov . G . Senior Deacon and Prov . G . Junior Deacon ; Prov . G . Tyler .
The stone was laid with the usual ceremony , and on returning to Northfield House the Prov . G . Lodge was closed . The Mayor aftewards entertained the company at luncheon in the grounds .
Royal Arch.
Royal Arch .
Moira Chapter , No . 92 . The regular convocation uf this chapter was held on Tuesday , the 6 th'inst ., at the Albion , Aldersgate-street , E . C , when there were present Comps . E . D . Opperr , M . E . Z . ; J . M . Mitchell , H . ; Rev . R . I . Woodhouse , J . ; R . F . Gjuld , P . Z ., Scribe K . ; T . L . Wilkinson , P . Z , Treas . ; W . H . Hooker , P . Z . ; G . . Greiner , P . Z . ; J . N . Noakes , and Charles Wells . Comp . John Dives , 1635 , was a visitor .
The following officers were clectei for the ensuing y « ar , and those present were duly installed and invested : Comps . J . M . Mitchell , M . E . Z . ; li ; v . R . I . Wjadhous-, II . ; W . K . Noakes . J . ; R . F . G > uld , P . Z ., Scribe E . ; Charles Wills , Scrib ; N . ; T . L . Wilkinson , P . Z , Ireas . ; J . N . Noakes , P . S . ; ani S . U . Noikes , and F . A . D . mnison , Asst . Sojs . Thc companions afterwards dined together .
Abbey Chapter , No . 2030 . This chapter , which has made steady progress since its consecration , held its installation meeting at the Town Hall , Westminster , when there was a good attendance of members and visitors . The former included Comps . J . R . Cleave , M . E . Z . ; E . Newland , H . j K . J . Turnbull , J . ; W . T . Po'ts , J . elect ; H . E . Herman , Prov . G . Treas . Middx . j Todman , Weedon , W . R . Djnn , Geo . White , Bonwick , and others . Visitors : Comps . Imre Kiralfy , J . 157 ; F . Kedge , P . Z . ; E . L . Berry , M . E . Z . 1321 ; W . W . Lee , P . Z . 1524 ; and others .
The chapter was opened , and the minutes confirmed . Comp . Cleave then impressively installed Comp . E . Newland as M . E . Z ., and Comp . E . J . Turnbull , after having been inducted into the chair of II ., installed Comp . W . T . Potts as J . in an admirable manner . The other officers invested were Comps . Todman , P . S . ; Montague , ist A . S . ; Weedon , 2 nd A . S . ; W . R . Dunn , S . E . ; Geo . VVhite , S . N .: Bonwick ,
Treas . ; H . E . Herman , P . Z ., D . C . ; and Kite , Janitor . Comp . Gihon , P . Z ., the late Treasurer , was unanimously elected an honorary member , in consideration of his eminent services to the chapter . Comp . J . R . Cleave , I . P . Z ., was presented with a P . Z . ' s jewel , in appreciation of his excellent work as M . E . Z ., and appropriately acknowledged the gift .
Other business was transacted , including the adoption of a satisfactory audit report , and the chapter was closed . The banquet which followed was served in first-class style , thanks to Comp . Todman , and thc proceedings which followed were of an enjoyable and unique character . Several ladies and gentlemen had kindly consented to carry out the musical programme for the M . E . Z ., and their effjrts were much apprjeiated .
In order to thoroughly en ] iy the music , and the company of the ladies in attendance , the toasts were speedily disposed of , and the musical party j lined the companions at the festive board . This arrangement altered the meeting into an impromptu ladies ' night , and was conducive of thorough enjoyment to all present . lhe ladies included Mrs . and the Misses Newland , Mrs . Turnbull , Miss Godfrey , and others .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Provincial Grand Mark Lodge Of Middlesex.
Bro . Capt . C . J . Knightley , 2 S 4 ... ... Prov . G . D . C H . Longman , 494 ... ... ... Prov . G . L of W . " T . R . Ubsdell , 181 ... ... ... Prov . A . G . D . C . " Lieut .-Col . Leyden , 44 S ... ... Prov . G . S . B . " F . Toogood , M . D ., 357 ... ... Prov . G . Std . Br . " J . Bayne , 4 S 5 ... ... ... Prov . G . Org . ti F , J . Mitchell ... ... ... Prov . G . Tyler . Bros . George Graveley , Capt . Knightley , W . A . Scurrah , and G . J
Thomas were elected a Committee of General Purposes . Bro . A . STEWART BROWN , Prov . G . Sec , proposed a hearty vote of thanks to the Deputy Grand Master for the able manner in which he had discharged the duty of installation , which was seconded by Bro . TOWER , Prov . S . G . W ., and carried nem con .
The DEP . G . M ., in acknowledging the vote , said it always gave him p leasure to discharge the duties of Pro G . M . when the Earl of Euston was unable to be present . His pleasure had been increased that day by the fact that he had installed his old friend Sir Reginald Hanson , to whom he wished all success as Provincial Grand Master of Middlesex . Letters of regret were announced from Bros , the Earl of Onslow , the Earl of Warwick , the Earl of Yarborough , the Earl of Lathom , and many
others . The G . Officers retired in procession , and the Prov . G . Lodge was closed . The brethren were then entertained under the auspices of the St . Pancras Lodge , the members of which , particularly Bro . W . A . Scurrah , had rendered great assistance to the Prov . G . Secretary in the
arrangements for the meeting . Bro . James Irvine , the VV . M . of the lodge , Prov . J . G . W ., generously supplied the wine for the occasion . The usual loyal and Masonic toasts were afterwards given . In giving " The Grand Officers , " the PROV . G . MASTER said it was a matter of regret that Bro . the Earl of Euston , Pro G . M ., who had fixed that day to instal him , was unable to be present , as he was suffering from gout . That duty was taken at a moment ' s notice by Bro . Lord Dungarvan , the
Dep . G . M ., to whom they expressed their thanks in Prov . G . Lodge . He also wished to express thanks to those G . Officers who had been present that day , and he would ask one to respond who was the father of them all . He was not speaking from a Parliamentary point of view , although he was surrounded by five or six Members of Parliament , but Bro . Beach happened to be the father of the House of Commons . Bro . Beach was Prov . G . Master of Hants , and also a P . G . Master .
Bro . W . W . B . BEACH , M . P ., P . G . M ., Prov . G . M . Hants , in reply , said he could have wished that the Pro G . Master or the Dep . G . Master had been present to respond . Their sympathies were with the Pro G . Master in his illness , and they hoped he would be speedily restored to health . It was a time long gone by when he ( Bro . Beach ) had the honour to preside over this Order . They must all appreciate the way in which the G . Lodge
had discharged its duties , and had gained confidence in every part of the country . There was some difficulty when it was first started , but it fully deserved the entire support and confidence of every M . M . Mason in England . It was only rig ht that there should be a proper authority in charge of this important Degree , which formed a beautiful link in that chain of Masonry which they all loved so well .
Bro . T . F . HALSEY , M . P .. Prov . G . M . Herts , proposed " Ihe Health of the Prov . G . Master of Middlesex , " and said that " Bro . Sir Reginald Hanson was the man above all others who would fulfil the duties devolving upon him and maintain and uphold the hig h position he held . In heartily drinking the toast they would encourage the Prov . G . Master and give him a good " send off . "
Bro . Sir REGINALD HANSON , Bart ., M . P ., Prov . G . Master , having returned thanks , said that the brethren of Middlesex would understand that he was in a somewhat difficult position in following his dear old friend Col . Cook , who was prematurely taken away from them . They had all hoped Col . Cook would remain for many years as their Prov . G . Alaster , but the G . Overseer had . called him away suddenly . The brethren were good
enough to recommend him to the G . Master to succeed Col . Cook , and the G . Master was good enough to appoint him . He might have some energy , some knowledge , and some perseverance , but he was inferior to Col . Cook , and they must take him for better or worse . He would , however , remember the example set by his predecessor , and he did not hesitate to repeat that lhe
Province was a united Province , all difficulties had been smoothed and the way made easy by his predecessor . He could not profess to visit every lod ge in the Province in a year , owing to his many engagements , but he would try to do so . So far as he was able it would be his wish to carry out the ceremonial duties and follow in the foo ' . steps of Col . Cook .
" The Dep . Prov . G . Master and Prov . G . Officers " was next propo-ed by the PROV . G . MASTER . He said it was a matter of great satisfaction to all members of the Province when their friend Sir John Monckton accepted the position of Deputy Prov . G . M . That distinguished brother
knew so much about Masonry in every Degree , that what he did not know about Mark Masonry was not worth knowing . They felt certain that having undertaken the duties , the Deputy Prov . Grand Master would discharge them with the same zeal and ability with which he had discharged every office he had held in Masonry .
, Bro . Sir J MONCKTON , P . G . W ., Depu ' y Prov . Grand Master , said it was a favourite axiom of his that one never knew one ' s luck . He certainl y did not know his a month ago , when he was asked by the Provincial Grand Master to take that position . He was advanced in the Bon Accord Lodge , at the instance of that dear old friend , Bro . John Hervey , 26 years
ffffi l ^ e 'ate ^ r 0 , ^ y * '• -evanc er was Treasurer . The Prov . Grand pincers , he was sure , would discharge any duties imposed upon them , and back up the Prov . Grand Master . n 'l ? he Visitors" was next given , coupled with the name of Bro . Alan "e I \ Egerton , Prov . G . M . Cheshire . Bro . ALAN DE T . EGERTON responded .
fhe Worshi pful Masters of Lodges in the Province " was then proposed b y the PROV . GRAND MASTER , who said they had met not exactly under the banner of the St . Pancras Lodge , but in the place where that od gemet . They felt great satisfaction at the most successful mectirg , til l y WCre doubly obliged to the W . M ., Bro . J . Irvine , for he must _ * them they had all been that brother ' s guests , as far as the wine was concerned . se .- ' JAS > IRVINE , W . M ., in response , said he was only expressing the the f ? ntS ° ^ ever > member of the lodge when he said how highly honoured ey telt to have the Piovincial Grand Lodge meeting there that evenirg .
Provincial Grand Mark Lodge Of Middlesex.
He also desired to thank the Provincial Grand Master for the honour conferred upon the St . Pancras Lodge in his appointment as Prov . J . G . W . He was a Steward lor the Benevolent Fund Festival , and hoped his list would not be much short of 60 guineas . The proceedings then terminated . The brethren present
included—Bros . H . R . Graham , M . P ., Prov . G . S . W . ; F . Sheffield , P . G . O . ; Rev . D . Russell Finlay , Prov . G . Chap . ; Major Sheriff Clifford Probyn , P . G . T . ; A . Stewart Brown , Prov . G . Sec ; F . G . Ivey , P . J . G . D . ; Maj .-Gen . Astley Terry , G . S . B , ; W . W . B . Beach , Prov . G . M . Hants ; Edwd . S . Hill , P . G . M . S . Wales ; F . West , D . P . G . M . Surrey ; H . Lovegrove , P . G . I , of W . ; Geo . Graveley , P . G . S . B . ; Lord Dungarvan , Dep . G . M . ; C . Belton , P . G . M . O . ; F . Richardson , G . Reg . ; C . F . Matier , P . G . W ., G . Sec . ; Sir J . B . Monckton , P . G . W . ; T . F .
Halsey , M . P ., P . G . M . He-ts ; Allan de Tatton Egerton , P . G . M . M . Cheshire ; Sir Lionel Darell , P . G . W . ; lohn Ramsey , P . A . G . D . C ; H . Thomson Lyon , A . G . D . C . ; R . Clowes , P . G . S . B . ; Harry Nicholls , G . Std . Br . ; H . E . Cousans , P . G . D ., G . D . C ; Woolmer Williams , P . G . S . ; Capt . C . J . Knightiey , Prov . G . D . C ; H . Higgins , P . P . G . S . B . ; W . Fisher , P . P . G . D . C ; Geo . F . Thomas ,
P . P . G . M . O . ; Wyndham Hart , P . P . G . W . ; M . Jutsum , P . P . G . Reg . ; G . Corderoy , P . P . S . G . D . ; W . Bailey , P . P . G . S . B . ; James M . Small , P . P . G . Reg . ; F . Bonney , P . P . G . O . ; A . Scurrah , P . G . Stwd . ; Dr . F . Lawrance , P . A . G . D . C . ; W . A . Scurrah , P . G . S . B ., P . P . G . W . ; J . Irvine , W . M . 494 ; W . J . Ferguson , P . M . ; E . Styles , S . W . 357 ; T . Hue , 1 S 1 ; C D . Leyden , T . Parker , W . W . Lee , and others .
Laying Of The Corner-Stone Of New Town Hall At Henley-On-Thames.
This pretty riverside town was en fete on Friday , the 9 th instant , the houses being decorated with flags , & c , and the streets lined with spectators . The Provincial Grand Lodge was opened at the Mayor's residence by the Prov . G . Master , Bro . the Earl of Jersey , P . G . W ., with Bro . Colville Smith , S . G . D ., as Deputy Prov . G . Master , in the unavoidable absence of Bro . Lord Valentia , P . G . W ., and the brethren went in procession to the site .
The old building has been removed , and thc foundations have been laid of a very handsome structure , from a design ( selected in competition ) by Bro . Henry Hare , of London .
One stone was laid by the Hon . F . D . Smith , M . P ., a second stone was laid by Bro . Dr . Liddedale ( the Mayor of Henley ) , in the presence of a large number of spectators , for whom seats had been provided . The procession was headed by a band , and included Volunteers and firemen . The Masonic procession was as follows : Two Tylers , with drawn swords ; the lodges of the province , according to their numbers , the brethren walking two
and two ; visiting brethren ; Present and Past Prov . G . Oliicers , according to rank ; Prov . G . Officers of other provinces ; Prov . G . Registrar and Prov . G . Supt . of Works ; Prov . G . Treasurer and Prov . G . Secretary ; W . M . 18 95 ( with cornucopia ) , S . W . r 8 iJ 5 ( with ewer of wine ) , and J . W . 1895 ( with ewer of oil ) ; Prov . G . Chaplain ( with Volume of Srcred Law ) ; Prov . G . Senior Warden
( with level ) , and Prov . G . Junior Warden ( with plumb rule ); Bro . E . Owen F . R . C . S ., P . G . D . ; Bro . H . Lovegrove , P . G . S . B . ; Bro . P . Colville Smith ! S . G . D ., as Dep . Prov . G . Master ( with square ) ; Prov . G . Sword Bearer ; the Prov . G . Master ; Prov . G . Stewards ; Prov . G . Senior Deacon and Prov . G . Junior Deacon ; Prov . G . Tyler .
The stone was laid with the usual ceremony , and on returning to Northfield House the Prov . G . Lodge was closed . The Mayor aftewards entertained the company at luncheon in the grounds .
Royal Arch.
Royal Arch .
Moira Chapter , No . 92 . The regular convocation uf this chapter was held on Tuesday , the 6 th'inst ., at the Albion , Aldersgate-street , E . C , when there were present Comps . E . D . Opperr , M . E . Z . ; J . M . Mitchell , H . ; Rev . R . I . Woodhouse , J . ; R . F . Gjuld , P . Z ., Scribe K . ; T . L . Wilkinson , P . Z , Treas . ; W . H . Hooker , P . Z . ; G . . Greiner , P . Z . ; J . N . Noakes , and Charles Wells . Comp . John Dives , 1635 , was a visitor .
The following officers were clectei for the ensuing y « ar , and those present were duly installed and invested : Comps . J . M . Mitchell , M . E . Z . ; li ; v . R . I . Wjadhous-, II . ; W . K . Noakes . J . ; R . F . G > uld , P . Z ., Scribe E . ; Charles Wills , Scrib ; N . ; T . L . Wilkinson , P . Z , Ireas . ; J . N . Noakes , P . S . ; ani S . U . Noikes , and F . A . D . mnison , Asst . Sojs . Thc companions afterwards dined together .
Abbey Chapter , No . 2030 . This chapter , which has made steady progress since its consecration , held its installation meeting at the Town Hall , Westminster , when there was a good attendance of members and visitors . The former included Comps . J . R . Cleave , M . E . Z . ; E . Newland , H . j K . J . Turnbull , J . ; W . T . Po'ts , J . elect ; H . E . Herman , Prov . G . Treas . Middx . j Todman , Weedon , W . R . Djnn , Geo . White , Bonwick , and others . Visitors : Comps . Imre Kiralfy , J . 157 ; F . Kedge , P . Z . ; E . L . Berry , M . E . Z . 1321 ; W . W . Lee , P . Z . 1524 ; and others .
The chapter was opened , and the minutes confirmed . Comp . Cleave then impressively installed Comp . E . Newland as M . E . Z ., and Comp . E . J . Turnbull , after having been inducted into the chair of II ., installed Comp . W . T . Potts as J . in an admirable manner . The other officers invested were Comps . Todman , P . S . ; Montague , ist A . S . ; Weedon , 2 nd A . S . ; W . R . Dunn , S . E . ; Geo . VVhite , S . N .: Bonwick ,
Treas . ; H . E . Herman , P . Z ., D . C . ; and Kite , Janitor . Comp . Gihon , P . Z ., the late Treasurer , was unanimously elected an honorary member , in consideration of his eminent services to the chapter . Comp . J . R . Cleave , I . P . Z ., was presented with a P . Z . ' s jewel , in appreciation of his excellent work as M . E . Z ., and appropriately acknowledged the gift .
Other business was transacted , including the adoption of a satisfactory audit report , and the chapter was closed . The banquet which followed was served in first-class style , thanks to Comp . Todman , and thc proceedings which followed were of an enjoyable and unique character . Several ladies and gentlemen had kindly consented to carry out the musical programme for the M . E . Z ., and their effjrts were much apprjeiated .
In order to thoroughly en ] iy the music , and the company of the ladies in attendance , the toasts were speedily disposed of , and the musical party j lined the companions at the festive board . This arrangement altered the meeting into an impromptu ladies ' night , and was conducive of thorough enjoyment to all present . lhe ladies included Mrs . and the Misses Newland , Mrs . Turnbull , Miss Godfrey , and others .