Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Article Untitled Page 1 of 1 Article Masonic Notes. Page 1 of 1 Article Masonic Notes. Page 1 of 1 Article Masonic Notes. Page 1 of 1
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CONNOISSEURS SMOKE TEOFANl'S HIGHEST-CLASS CIGARETTES . TEOFANl'S CIGARETTES have been awarded Two Gold Medals for Quality and Make , International Tobacco Exhibition , 1 S 95 TEOFANl'S are sold at the leading Hotels , Restaurants , and Tobacconists throughout the United Kingdom .
THE CRITERION RESTAURANT , PICCADILLY . THE EAST ROOM REOPENED , For the service of the highest class cuisine and wines . The East Room has been entirely Re-modelled and Re-decorated in Louis XV . style , and the windows lowered to the ground . The East Room approached either from Piccadilly or Jermyn-street , is now one of The most comfortable and elegant salons in Europe . THE EAST ROOM , THE CRITERION RESTAURANT , PICCADILLY .
l ^ p ^ fflasoii ^ SATURDAY , J 17 , 1899 .
Masonic Notes.
Masonic Notes .
Saturday , the 24 th instant , will be Ex-Pupils' Day , and , as usual , the House Committee of the Royal Masonic Institution for Girls will be pleased to see as
many ex-pupils as can make it convenient to attend between the hours of 3 and 7 p . m . The Committee , however , wish to impress upon ex-pupils that the day 's set apart for them , and them only , and that visitors are not invited or expected to attend .
* » Heme Bay was the scene of a very interesting gathering on Monday , when the ceremony of laying the foundation stone of a new Convalescent Horn : was performed by Bro . Earl Amherst , Pro G . Master , Prov . G . Master of Kent , assisted by the officers of his P 1 rovince , in the presence of a large concourse of spec-
Masonic Notes.
tators . The Home is intended for the benefit of railway servants of every grade and connected with every service in the country . It owes its establishment principally to the munificent grant of £ 6000 made by Bro . Passmore Edwards ; while it is satisfactory to know that of the . £ 1500 required over and above this ,
more than two-thirds has already been subscribed . The site of the proposed building is on the Beltinge Estate , lying to the east of Heme Bay itself , and adjoins the Passmore Edwards Home for Friendly Societies ; and when erected the Home will accommodate between 50 and 60 patients ., It is almost needless
to say that under the auspices of Earl Amherst , and with so experienced and energetic a Mason as Bro . Horatio Ward , Past Dep . G . S . B ., discharging the duties of Prov . G . Director of Ceremonies , the ceremony was most successfully carried out . # * *
Next week—on Friday , the 23 rd instant—his lordship will visit Margate for the purpose of consecrating the new St . John's Lodge , No . 2753 , for the constitution of which the M . W . Grand Master has been pleased to grant his warrant . This will increase the number of lodges in Kent to 65 , of which fully two-thirds have
been founded during the Provincial Grand Mastership of Earl Amhei st . It also adds greatly to the strength of Masonry in Margate itself , which for the last 80 or 90 years has had only the one lodge—the Union , No . 127—for the accommodation of those desirous of
becoming members of our Order . The Union has been numerically very strong for many years , and the provision of this new lodge in this favourite and increasingly-populous seaside resort will offer facilities for those who may desire office , which in a single lodge are on ly available after years of waiting .
* * A worthy successor to the late Bro . Col . A . B . Cook as Prov . G . Mark Master of Middlesex has been found in the person of Bro . Sir Reginald Hanson , Bart ., M . P ., who was installed in office at the Midland Grand Hotel in the presence of a numerous gathering of the
brethren on Monday . The ceremony was performed by Bro . Viscount Dungarvan , R . W . Dep . G . Master , assisted by the officers of Mark Grand Lodge , and as soon as the new Prov . G . M . M . had been invested and placed in the chair , and received the salutations of the
brethren , he appointed Bro . Sir J . B . Monckton his Dep . Prov . G . M . M ., and then the rest of the Prov . G . Officers . The other business of Prov . G . Lodge having been disposed of , the brethren dined together under the presidency of their new chief .
# * * Another of the numerous class lodges , the formation of which has found so much favour with the Grand Lodge authorities for several years , has just been consecrated by Bro . E . Letchworth , G . Secretary , who was assisted in his duties by Bros . Rear-Admiral
W . H . C . St . Clair and Dr . Henry Sutherland as Wardens , the Rev . Canon Brownrigg as Chaplain , and Frank Richardson as Director of Ceremonies . The ceremony took place at Freemasons' Hall on the 13 th instant , and the lodge , which is intended for painters and sculptors , will be known as "The Arts Lodge , " No . 2751 . The principal officers designate
were Bros . George Simonds , Past G . Stwd ., W . M , j Graham G . Nicholas , S . W ., and Francis J . Short , J . W . , and when the lodge was constituted Bro . G . Simonds was installed in the chair , invested his Wardens , and appointed and invested the rest of the officers . The new lodge has made a brave start , and we wish it every success .
» » » The ordinary routine of business in the Kennington Lodge of Instruction , No . 1381 , meeting at the Horns , Kennington , S . E ., will be departed from on Friday , the 23 rd instant , when Bro . Robert Bowers , P . M . 15 , W . M . 1321 , M . E . Z . 21 QI , will deliver a lecture on
"King Solomon ' s Temple ; its Builders and Destroyers , " which Bro . W . C . Tyler , W . M . 862 and 1567 , & c , has kindly censented to illustrate by Oxy-Hydrogen Limelight views . The chair will be taken by the Preceptor , Bro . J . O'Dea , W . M . 2683 , < fec , at 7 . 45 p . m .,
and brethren , including E . A . P . ' s , are cordially invited to attend . Full particulars respecting the meetingand , indeed , as to the Kennington Lodge of Instruction —will be readily furnished by the Hon . Secretary , Bro . Bernard Cohen , of 160 , New Kent-road , S . E .
» * * We are very glad to find that that fine old Iodge the Strong Man , No . 45 , which was founded in 1733—it is said by Dr . Desaguliers—has at length a chapter attached to it . The latter was consecrated on Thursday , the 25 th May , by the Grand Scribe E ., and starts
Masonic Notes.
on its career under the auspices , as its first M . E . Z ., of Comp . W . Briggs , who in the past has done such excellent Masonic work at Cambridge . Indeed , the Cambridge element is strong in the new
chapter , and as the Scribe E . and the Treasurer are P . Ms , of the mother Iodge , there can , we think , be little doubt as to the Strong Man Chapter having before it a long and prosperous career . It has our heartiest wishes for its success .
* According to the Canadian Craftsman for last month , the meeting of the Grand Couucil of Royal and Select Masters and Allied Degrees , which was held at the Masonic Hall , Toronto , on the 6 th April , was " in many respects the most important that has
taken place for many years , whether considered from the standpoint of attendance , of enthusiasm , or of the probable practical results . " All the councils were represented except the Cyrus , of Winnepeg , but the Grand Master , M . I . Comp . J . C . Morgan , read an excellent report from its T . I . M ., which showed that if
it continued to progress as it had done latterly , it promised to be the premier council in the Jurisdiction . As for the main part of the business , we remark that a representative Committee was charged with the consideration of the amendments to the Constitution ;
and that arrangements were also made for an exchange of representatives with other Grand Councils . We hail with pleasure the statement that there is every prospect of Cryptic Masonry in Canada being restored , in the near future , to its former position .
* * * But , to judge from many of the other contents of the same number of our worthy contemporary , gala proceedings appear to have been the order of the day in the Dominion during the month of April . On the 28 th of the month , at the invitation of the Zetland
Lodge , No . 326 , Toronto , the Grand Master , M . W . Bro . E . T . Malone , and all the Past Grand Masters of Canada , except one , who was kept away by illness , were present at a meeting of the lodge , and when the business portion of the proceedings , which included an exemplification of the ceremony of initiation , was
over , the members and their guests , to the number of about 300 , dined together under the presidency of the W . Master . On the removal of the cloth a number of loyal and Masonic toasts were enthusiastically honoured . On the 20 th April the members of the Ottawa Preceptory of Knights Templar extended a hearty
welcome to Sir Knight D . F . McWatt , M . E . Supreme G . Master of Canada , and some 20 Sir Knights of the Richard Coeur de Lion Preceptory of Montreal . Here also , some business was first transacted , and then the members and their guests dined together , and did honour to the usual toasts . On Thursday , the 27 th
April , the brethren of Ottawa entertained M . W . Grand Master E . T . Malone at a grand banquet , the gathering on the occasion being pronounced to be " the largest and most representative meeting of the Craft ever held in the fair city . " * * *
At the last-mentioned gathering quite a number of Masonic notabilities were present , including the Grand Master of Nova Scotia and representatives of the Grand Lodges of New Brunswick , Prince Edward Island , and Manitoba , and local brethren of distinction without number . An illuminated address of welcome
was presented to Grand Master Malone , who acknowledged it in a graceful speech , and in doing so declared himself to be " a firm believer in Masonry , in its power Eor good , its power to make better men and better citizens , its power to abolish all distinctions that
oppress and separate the human famil y , rather striving to promote and advance goodwill to all mankind . " A grand banquet followed , at which the utmost enthusiasm prevailed , the meeting being declared to be " one long to be remembered by the Craft . "
* * By the way , it may be as well , while describing to our readers some of the more noticeable reports contained in the Craftsman for last month , to mention that with the June number our respected contemporary will complete ' its 33 rd volume , and to congratulate it
on having maintained its position as the leading organ of the Craft in the Dominion of Canada for so long a period . As we have said in reference to previous anniversaries , our contemporary is one of the best written , best edited , and best informed of our many
exchanges . It does not always coincide with us in matters of opinion , but we respect its views as it respects ours , and we trust that for many many years we may enjoy the privilege of reading its articles and the abundant information it contains about Canadian Masonry in its several branches .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
CONNOISSEURS SMOKE TEOFANl'S HIGHEST-CLASS CIGARETTES . TEOFANl'S CIGARETTES have been awarded Two Gold Medals for Quality and Make , International Tobacco Exhibition , 1 S 95 TEOFANl'S are sold at the leading Hotels , Restaurants , and Tobacconists throughout the United Kingdom .
THE CRITERION RESTAURANT , PICCADILLY . THE EAST ROOM REOPENED , For the service of the highest class cuisine and wines . The East Room has been entirely Re-modelled and Re-decorated in Louis XV . style , and the windows lowered to the ground . The East Room approached either from Piccadilly or Jermyn-street , is now one of The most comfortable and elegant salons in Europe . THE EAST ROOM , THE CRITERION RESTAURANT , PICCADILLY .
l ^ p ^ fflasoii ^ SATURDAY , J 17 , 1899 .
Masonic Notes.
Masonic Notes .
Saturday , the 24 th instant , will be Ex-Pupils' Day , and , as usual , the House Committee of the Royal Masonic Institution for Girls will be pleased to see as
many ex-pupils as can make it convenient to attend between the hours of 3 and 7 p . m . The Committee , however , wish to impress upon ex-pupils that the day 's set apart for them , and them only , and that visitors are not invited or expected to attend .
* » Heme Bay was the scene of a very interesting gathering on Monday , when the ceremony of laying the foundation stone of a new Convalescent Horn : was performed by Bro . Earl Amherst , Pro G . Master , Prov . G . Master of Kent , assisted by the officers of his P 1 rovince , in the presence of a large concourse of spec-
Masonic Notes.
tators . The Home is intended for the benefit of railway servants of every grade and connected with every service in the country . It owes its establishment principally to the munificent grant of £ 6000 made by Bro . Passmore Edwards ; while it is satisfactory to know that of the . £ 1500 required over and above this ,
more than two-thirds has already been subscribed . The site of the proposed building is on the Beltinge Estate , lying to the east of Heme Bay itself , and adjoins the Passmore Edwards Home for Friendly Societies ; and when erected the Home will accommodate between 50 and 60 patients ., It is almost needless
to say that under the auspices of Earl Amherst , and with so experienced and energetic a Mason as Bro . Horatio Ward , Past Dep . G . S . B ., discharging the duties of Prov . G . Director of Ceremonies , the ceremony was most successfully carried out . # * *
Next week—on Friday , the 23 rd instant—his lordship will visit Margate for the purpose of consecrating the new St . John's Lodge , No . 2753 , for the constitution of which the M . W . Grand Master has been pleased to grant his warrant . This will increase the number of lodges in Kent to 65 , of which fully two-thirds have
been founded during the Provincial Grand Mastership of Earl Amhei st . It also adds greatly to the strength of Masonry in Margate itself , which for the last 80 or 90 years has had only the one lodge—the Union , No . 127—for the accommodation of those desirous of
becoming members of our Order . The Union has been numerically very strong for many years , and the provision of this new lodge in this favourite and increasingly-populous seaside resort will offer facilities for those who may desire office , which in a single lodge are on ly available after years of waiting .
* * A worthy successor to the late Bro . Col . A . B . Cook as Prov . G . Mark Master of Middlesex has been found in the person of Bro . Sir Reginald Hanson , Bart ., M . P ., who was installed in office at the Midland Grand Hotel in the presence of a numerous gathering of the
brethren on Monday . The ceremony was performed by Bro . Viscount Dungarvan , R . W . Dep . G . Master , assisted by the officers of Mark Grand Lodge , and as soon as the new Prov . G . M . M . had been invested and placed in the chair , and received the salutations of the
brethren , he appointed Bro . Sir J . B . Monckton his Dep . Prov . G . M . M ., and then the rest of the Prov . G . Officers . The other business of Prov . G . Lodge having been disposed of , the brethren dined together under the presidency of their new chief .
# * * Another of the numerous class lodges , the formation of which has found so much favour with the Grand Lodge authorities for several years , has just been consecrated by Bro . E . Letchworth , G . Secretary , who was assisted in his duties by Bros . Rear-Admiral
W . H . C . St . Clair and Dr . Henry Sutherland as Wardens , the Rev . Canon Brownrigg as Chaplain , and Frank Richardson as Director of Ceremonies . The ceremony took place at Freemasons' Hall on the 13 th instant , and the lodge , which is intended for painters and sculptors , will be known as "The Arts Lodge , " No . 2751 . The principal officers designate
were Bros . George Simonds , Past G . Stwd ., W . M , j Graham G . Nicholas , S . W ., and Francis J . Short , J . W . , and when the lodge was constituted Bro . G . Simonds was installed in the chair , invested his Wardens , and appointed and invested the rest of the officers . The new lodge has made a brave start , and we wish it every success .
» » » The ordinary routine of business in the Kennington Lodge of Instruction , No . 1381 , meeting at the Horns , Kennington , S . E ., will be departed from on Friday , the 23 rd instant , when Bro . Robert Bowers , P . M . 15 , W . M . 1321 , M . E . Z . 21 QI , will deliver a lecture on
"King Solomon ' s Temple ; its Builders and Destroyers , " which Bro . W . C . Tyler , W . M . 862 and 1567 , & c , has kindly censented to illustrate by Oxy-Hydrogen Limelight views . The chair will be taken by the Preceptor , Bro . J . O'Dea , W . M . 2683 , < fec , at 7 . 45 p . m .,
and brethren , including E . A . P . ' s , are cordially invited to attend . Full particulars respecting the meetingand , indeed , as to the Kennington Lodge of Instruction —will be readily furnished by the Hon . Secretary , Bro . Bernard Cohen , of 160 , New Kent-road , S . E .
» * * We are very glad to find that that fine old Iodge the Strong Man , No . 45 , which was founded in 1733—it is said by Dr . Desaguliers—has at length a chapter attached to it . The latter was consecrated on Thursday , the 25 th May , by the Grand Scribe E ., and starts
Masonic Notes.
on its career under the auspices , as its first M . E . Z ., of Comp . W . Briggs , who in the past has done such excellent Masonic work at Cambridge . Indeed , the Cambridge element is strong in the new
chapter , and as the Scribe E . and the Treasurer are P . Ms , of the mother Iodge , there can , we think , be little doubt as to the Strong Man Chapter having before it a long and prosperous career . It has our heartiest wishes for its success .
* According to the Canadian Craftsman for last month , the meeting of the Grand Couucil of Royal and Select Masters and Allied Degrees , which was held at the Masonic Hall , Toronto , on the 6 th April , was " in many respects the most important that has
taken place for many years , whether considered from the standpoint of attendance , of enthusiasm , or of the probable practical results . " All the councils were represented except the Cyrus , of Winnepeg , but the Grand Master , M . I . Comp . J . C . Morgan , read an excellent report from its T . I . M ., which showed that if
it continued to progress as it had done latterly , it promised to be the premier council in the Jurisdiction . As for the main part of the business , we remark that a representative Committee was charged with the consideration of the amendments to the Constitution ;
and that arrangements were also made for an exchange of representatives with other Grand Councils . We hail with pleasure the statement that there is every prospect of Cryptic Masonry in Canada being restored , in the near future , to its former position .
* * * But , to judge from many of the other contents of the same number of our worthy contemporary , gala proceedings appear to have been the order of the day in the Dominion during the month of April . On the 28 th of the month , at the invitation of the Zetland
Lodge , No . 326 , Toronto , the Grand Master , M . W . Bro . E . T . Malone , and all the Past Grand Masters of Canada , except one , who was kept away by illness , were present at a meeting of the lodge , and when the business portion of the proceedings , which included an exemplification of the ceremony of initiation , was
over , the members and their guests , to the number of about 300 , dined together under the presidency of the W . Master . On the removal of the cloth a number of loyal and Masonic toasts were enthusiastically honoured . On the 20 th April the members of the Ottawa Preceptory of Knights Templar extended a hearty
welcome to Sir Knight D . F . McWatt , M . E . Supreme G . Master of Canada , and some 20 Sir Knights of the Richard Coeur de Lion Preceptory of Montreal . Here also , some business was first transacted , and then the members and their guests dined together , and did honour to the usual toasts . On Thursday , the 27 th
April , the brethren of Ottawa entertained M . W . Grand Master E . T . Malone at a grand banquet , the gathering on the occasion being pronounced to be " the largest and most representative meeting of the Craft ever held in the fair city . " * * *
At the last-mentioned gathering quite a number of Masonic notabilities were present , including the Grand Master of Nova Scotia and representatives of the Grand Lodges of New Brunswick , Prince Edward Island , and Manitoba , and local brethren of distinction without number . An illuminated address of welcome
was presented to Grand Master Malone , who acknowledged it in a graceful speech , and in doing so declared himself to be " a firm believer in Masonry , in its power Eor good , its power to make better men and better citizens , its power to abolish all distinctions that
oppress and separate the human famil y , rather striving to promote and advance goodwill to all mankind . " A grand banquet followed , at which the utmost enthusiasm prevailed , the meeting being declared to be " one long to be remembered by the Craft . "
* * By the way , it may be as well , while describing to our readers some of the more noticeable reports contained in the Craftsman for last month , to mention that with the June number our respected contemporary will complete ' its 33 rd volume , and to congratulate it
on having maintained its position as the leading organ of the Craft in the Dominion of Canada for so long a period . As we have said in reference to previous anniversaries , our contemporary is one of the best written , best edited , and best informed of our many
exchanges . It does not always coincide with us in matters of opinion , but we respect its views as it respects ours , and we trust that for many many years we may enjoy the privilege of reading its articles and the abundant information it contains about Canadian Masonry in its several branches .