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Table Of Contents.
REPORTS OF M ASONIC . MEETINGS : — Craft Masonry 3 ° ** Scotland 308 Provincial Grantl Lodge of Cornwall 308 .- " vinciai Grand Lodge of Suffolk 309 Judication of Surrey Masonic Hall 310 /•nn « ccration of Surrev Masonic Hall Lotlge 310 novs' School Festival 311
Rosicrncian Society 3 " japonic Tidings 3 " The Boys' School Anniversary 312 Tlie Admission of New Members , 312 Masonic Toleration 312 The Famine in Asia Minor 313 CiiRREsroxnExcr . : — Temperance Lodges 313 liro . C . I . Durness and the Mark Decree 313
Provincial Funds— Leicestershire and Rutland 3 > 3 Koyal Masouic Institution for Hoys » 3 M Masons' Marks . ' 314 The Dnke of Wellington 314 Hovs' School Festival 314 The Rye House 3 ' 4 Hospital Saturday Fund 314 rroviucial Grantl Lodge of Kent 314
Masonic Notes and Queries 314 Consecration of the Abercorn Lotlge , No . ijgn 31 _ 1 ' rovincial Grantl Lotlge of Leicestershire and Rutland 31- ; Koval Masonic Institution for Hoys 315 Uo ' vnl Masonic Institution for Girls 315 Koyal Mr . stmic Benevolent Institution 315 inundations in France 316 Alasonic Meetings for next week 316 Ailvertiscmonts i . ii . iii . iv . v . vi .
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
Craft tgfaaorctfi .
UURY . —PiiiNci-: OF WALKS LODOE ( NO . 1012 ) . —A meeting of this well -established lodge was held at thc bouse of Bro . Handley , thc Derby Hotel , on Thursday , the ist inst . Aa has been already intimated in these columns , this lodge is at present without W . M . and S . D ., through thc melancholy fate which befel Bro . R . W . O'Neil ( the last Worshipful Master ) and Bro . R . Battersby , S . D .,
in Whit-wcck . Among thc brethren present at the meeting were Bros . Henry Heys , I . P . M ., of Ramsbottom ; VV . P . Woodcock , S . W . ; J oseph T . Ncwbold , J . W . ; John Halliwell , P . M ., Chaplain , George Spurgeon , J . D . ; John B . J ackson , P . M ., D . C ; James Barrett , Steward ; J . H . Shcrbourne , I . G . ; James Thorman , Tyler ; Henry Maiden , ( P . M . 101 and P . Prov . G . S . B . East Lancashire ) , Sec . ;
J oseph Handley , P . Prov . G . Treas ., E . L ., Treas . ; P . M . Bro . VV . Handley . ] Visitors : Bros . Robert Wbittaker , P . Prov . G . D . C , E . L ., 078 ( Farmvorth ); H . Percival , P . M . 274 ( Ncwchurch ) ; G . A . O'Neil , W . M . 191 ; Walker , VV . M . 37 ( Bolton ); Edmund Milnes , 1253 ( Manchester ); Ireland , 1129 ( Rochdale ); Horridge , 344 ( Radcliffe ) ; T . W . Probert , S . D . 101 ; antl T . Barker , J . D . 42 . The proceedings
were opened at 4 o ' clock by Bro . Henry Heys , P . M ., after which the following were unanimously ballotted and duly initiated into the mysteries—Mr . George Ashworth , solicitor , Waterfoot , Rossendale , initiated by Bro . IL Maiden ; Mr . Geo . McCann , wine and spirit merchant , Bury , initiated by Bro . J . B . Jackson ; Mr . Wm . Henry Hoyle , manufacturer , Mossfield , Bury , initiated by Bro . Halliwell ; Mr .
Jas . T . Milnes , manufacturer , Oaklands , near Bury , initiated hy Bro . Jos . llanellcy . Bro . ] . T . Ncwbold explained thc working tools of E . A . to thc initiates . The general initiatory working was gone through by the officiating brethren in a highly creditable manner . At 7 . 15 . p . m . the brethren were called from labour to refreshment , which was served in a style worthy alike of
Bro . 1 landley ' s repute and the prestige of the hotel . The usual loyal and Masonic toasts were honoured , " Thc Initiates" and " The Visitors" receiving a due share of attention . At 8 . 13 such of the brethren as were Master Masons were recalled to labour , when thc lotlge was opened iii the- Second Degree , and Bro . I larry Woodcock was called upon to show his proficiency in the former
degrees . Having satisfied the brethren , he was duly entrusted and retired . The lodge was then opened in the Third Degree , when Bro . Woodcock was admitted anil raised to the sublime degree of a Master Mason by Bro . G . A . O'Neil , the efficient W . M . of Lodge 191 , and brother to the late W . M . of Lodge 1012 , Bro . J . T . Newbold , a worthy support to Bro . O'Neil , explained the working tools
and tracing board peculiar to the degree . On thc lodge being closed to the First Degree , a most interesting addition was made to thc evening ' s proceedings by the prei-cntntion of a complete and very elaborate set of working tools to the lotlge by Bro . Henry Heys , P . M . The tools ( wrought in silver ) were disposed in a handsome case , and had been manufactured by Bro . George Kenning ,
and that they were a real credit to his establishment there was a most unqualified admission . Bro . J . Halliwell , in appropriate terms , moved that a vote of thanks to Bro . I leys for this token of the esteem in which he held the welfare and interest of thc lotlge be passed , anil recorded on the minutes . Bro . J . T . Ncwbold seconded thc motion , which was carried with acclamation . The good wishes
of the several visiting brethren having been given , the lodge was finally closed at 9 . 30 , and the brethren adjourned to a social meet . It is understood at present that the next meeting of thc lotlge will not he held until September or October , hut , considering the amount of work in hand , with the usual contingencies , we should certainly
counsel at least one other meeting before that time . That "all work antl no play makes Jack a dull boy , " is very true * , but it is much better to mix things a little than to have a long period of relaxation , and then find one ' s bands heavily weighed down with business . TIVERTON . —ST . PI ; ' II ' LOUGH ( No . 1125 ) . —At the last regular lodge the locale chosen for the summer
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
banquet was Dulvcrton , situate about 12 miles from Tiverton , just within thc borders of the adjoining province of Somerset , and the day named thc ist of July . Accordingly on Thursday morning last a party of thc brethren started by " brake " and other conveyances for a charming drive along the banks of thc Exc and the Baric for their
destination . The richly wooded scenery of the narrow and winding vale through which they passed wore its mos ! picturesque and luxuriant aspect , and was the theme oi constant admiration , although familiar to many present . Thc course then diverged from the Dulverton road to Pixton Park , permission to visit which had been kindly accorded by the Earl of Carnarvon , Pro Grand Master , and
the Dowager Countess , who is at present residing there . Here thc brethren , alighting from their vehicles , very pleasantly passed an hour or two in exploring thc beauties of the park and gardens , under the courteous guidance ol the steward antl head gardener , and watching thc graceful movements of thc numerous deer , Bro . Gill giving additional itnerest to the short tour by observations on the
flora and topography of the district . An adjournment next took place to the Lion Hotel , where a very excellent and well appointed dinner was provided by Bro . King . Thc company comprised Bros . Parkhouse , W . M . ; Mills , P . M ., P . G . O ., Secretary ; Davey , P . M . ;
Gill , as S . W . ; Crabb , as J . W . ; Partridge , Sharland , Payne , II . Mclhuish , J . Mclhuish , Martin , Coleby , Wood , Bartlett , Snell , Sheppard , Vaughan , King , Arbery , Capron , and others . Thc after dinner speeches were of the shortest description , and the brethren returned to Tiverton in the evening , highly delighted with their day ' s outing .
MANCHESTER . —LODGE OF TRUTH ( No . 1458 ) . — Meeting for regular business at Royal Archer , Dale-street , on Saturday , July 3 rd , 1875 . Business commenced at 4 . 30 p . m . Minutes of last regular meeting read and confirmed . Bro . Kinder , P . M ., then proceeded to initiate Mr . Henry James 01 dham , which he did in such an efficient manner as to " merit thcapproval of all the brethren . The Worshipful Master
delivered the charge after initiation very impressively . The next business was to take the feeling of thc lotlge respecting the motions to be brought forward by Bro . Turner , I . P . M ., thc two most important being for the raising of the subscription to three guineas per annum , and also raising thc initiation fee to seven guineas , including proposition fee . The one for raising thc subscription was lost ,
and on the other being brought before the brethren by the I . P . M ., Bro . Pearson , S . W ., who is noted for his eloquence by all who have the pleasure of his acquaintance , very ably brought forward as an amendment that thc fee should be six guineas , including initiation fee . On thc votes being taken the amendment was carried by a small majority . The W . M . then announced that the committee appointed
to lease private premises had been successful , and concluded a lease for five years of rooms at Newton Heath . This being the neighbourhood for which the warrant was originally granted , will no doubt meet with the approval of every member ; thcleascdatesfrom December , 1875 , to December , 1880 . Business being concluded , the lodge was closed in
peace and harmony at 6 . 30 . Supper was provided by the worthy host , Bro . Potts , 'in his usual good manner , and thoroughly appreciated . The usual toasts having been given and responded to , thc brethren separated at an early hour , after spending an evening where profit and pleasure were combined . All thc officers were punctual with one exception , and the exception being from unforsecn
circumstances . EPWORTH . —ISLE OI * AXUOI . ME LODCSE ( NO . 1482 ) . — The installation of W . M . and investment of officers for the ensuing year took place on Thursday , the ist inst ., at the Masonic Hall , Epworth . Thc lodge has only been in existence one year , but we arc glad to find that it already numbers nearly a score of brethren , antl there appears
every prospect of its developing into a prosperous and and useful little lodge . On the present occasion we , noticed several brethren from neighbouring lodges who had assembled lo do honour to the W . M . elect , and to manifest their interest in the welfare of the lodge . Amongst these were Bros . F . D . Marsden , of Louth , the P . G . Secretary for Lincolnshire ; F . D . Walker , W . M . ; Rigby , P . M . ;
Bentley , P . M . ; Nicholson , P . M . ; and Heaton , S . W ., of St . George ' s Lodge , No . 242 , Doncaster ; and Alfred Kirkc , PM . ot the Yarboro' Lotlge , No . 422 , Gainsboro . Bro . Alfred Parkin , who as thc W . M . designated by the Warrant o f Constitution had filled thc chair during thc past year , wa again elected by the brethren to that honourable position-Thc ceremony of installation was admirably performed b y
Bro . Marsden , the P . G . Secretary , after which the W . M . proceeded to invest his officers for the ensuing year . These were Bros . W . E . Hewlett , I . P . M . ; Johnstone , S . W . ; Bell , J . W . ; Alfred Taylor , Sec . and Treas . ; Rev . W . M . Anderson , Chaplain ; John Campbell , S . W . ; James Benson , J . D . ; Henry Campbell , I . G . ; and Naylor , Tyler . The lodge being closed , the brethren adiourned
to the Red Lion Hotel , where an excellent banquet was provided , to which ample justice was done , Bro . Hewlett officiating as Director of Ceremonies . Thc usual loyal and Masonic toasts were given and responded to , antl the brethren separated at an early hour , having spent both as regards labour and refreshment a very enjoyable evening . ROCHFORD . —LODGE or Time FHIKNI-SIIH- ( NO .
1 CO ) . —The annual festival of St . John the Baptist was celebrated by the brethren of this old and distinguished lodge at the Old Ship Inn , Rochford , on Thursday , the 24 th June . The lotlge was opened by the W . M .., Bro . J . A . Wardell , P . M . antl Sec . icoo , and P . P . J . G . D ., assisted by
his officers . After the transaction of thc usual business , the installation cf Bro . Joseph Reeve as VV . M . for the ensuing year was proceeded with , the ceremony being most efficiently ami impressively performed by Brn . Win . Pissey , P . M . 160 , and P . P . J . G . W ., assisted by Bro . A . Lucking , W . M . 1000 , P , M . 1 G 0 , and Prov . A . G . D . C , acting as
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
Director of Ceremonies . Thc W . M . appointed antl invested the following officers : —Bros . ] . A . Wardell , P . M . and Sec . 1000 , and P . P . J . G . D ., I . P . M . ; Rev . II . I . Hatch , S . W . and Chaplain ; F . V . jillings , J . W . ; H . Wood , P . M . 160 and P . P . G . O . ( re-elected for the twentieth time ) , Treasurer ; G . Burgess , P . M . 160 , and P . P . J . G . D ., ( reappointed for the twentieth time ) , Secretary ; W .
Allen , S . D . ; T . W . Gower , J . D . ; A . Harrington , I . G . ; A . Lucking , W . M . 1000 , P . M . 1 G 0 , and Prov . A . G . D . C , Director of Ceremonies ; A . Winmill antl J . Harrington , Stewards ; J . Allen , reappointed Tyler . Besides the above the following brethren were present : — Bros . W . T . Allen , P . M . 160 , and P . P . A . G . D . O . ; G . F . Browning , P . M . 160 , and P . P . J . G . W . ; F . Wiseman , P . M .
160 ; Edward Judd , P . M . 160 , and P . P . G . R . ; E . E . Phillips , S . W . 1000 , P . M . Lodge of Honour , Bath , No . 379 i G . Goodman , G . Gosling , W . Bishop . Visitors ' . Bros . J . C . Mason , J . D ., Prince Frederick William Lotlge , No . 753 ; W . C . Bell , S . D ., St . Peter ' s Lodge , No . 1204 ; Edwin Bonner , I . G ., Eastern Star Lodge , No . 93 ; J . H . Spencer , Mount Lebanon Lodge , No . 73 ; G . F . Jones ,
Priory Lodge , No . 1000 . The lodge being closed , thc brethren , twenty-six in number , adjourned to an excellent banque t , provided by Most Bro . II . D . Brown , and- presided over by thc W . M . The usual loyal and Masouic toasts were given and duly honoured , antl the brethren spent a very enjoyable evening , which was enlivened by
some very excellent songs given by Bros . H . Wood , Hatch , Bonner , F . Wiseman , Gower , Josling , Mason , J . Harrington , and others . During the evening a telegram was received from Bro . J . W . Carr , P . M . 160 , Prov . Grand Secretary , announcing that thc Provincial Grand Lodge for 1875 would be held at Rochford on Tuesday , the 20 th
July . TEDDINGTON . —FELIX LODGE ( No . 1494 ) . —This lodge held its meeting on Saturday , 2 OH 1 ult ., at thc Clarence Hotel , Teddington , Bro . Edwanl B . Grabham , W . M ., in thc chair , assisted by Bros . C . Miles , P . M . 1363 , acting as S . W ., in the absence of Major George Barlow ( prevented by illness from attending ) ; F . S . Knyvett , J . W . ;
Rev . P . M . Holden , M . A ., Vicar of Upminster , Essex , Chaplain ; F . B . Archer , S . D . ; W . G . Moore , J . D . ; Capt . Lathbury , I . G . ; E . S . Norris , Secretary . The lodge was opened in due form with solemn prayer , and the minutes of the previous meeting were read and confirmed . Bro . J . Melville Curtis and Bro . Drew having satisfied the brethren with their proficiency in the former degree , were
then entrusted , and afterwards passed to the Second Degree by the W . M . A ballot was taken for Mr . Hanson , Mr . Lloyd , and Mr . Smith , which proved unanimous in their favour the former two gentlemen being in attendance ; were then separately initiated into the Craft . This being the regular period of installation , Bro . Knyvett , J . W ., and W . M . elect , was then presented by Bro . R . W . Little ,
Prov . Grand Secretary of Middlesex , to the W . M . for installation , the ceremony being performed by Bro . Grabham in thc most able and impressive manner , the addresses to thc W . M ., officers , and brethren , being listened to with marked attention . The W . M . invested Bros . Edward B . Grabham , I . P . M . ; Major Geo . Barlow , S . W . ; F . B . Archer , J . W . ; R . Berridge , S . D . ; W . G . Moore , J . D . ; and
E . E . Whitford , I . G . ; E . S . Norris , the able and efficient SecreLary , was again re-invested , to the satisfaction of all the brethren of thc lodge . The initiation of Mr . A . II . Smith was then proceeded with , and thc VV . M . showed great ability in the performance of the ceremony . By the unanimous vote of the lodge , it was determined to submit thc name of Bro . Grabham , retiring Master , to the
favourable notice of the R . W . Provincial Grand Master for Middlesex for Provincial Grand Office . The lodge was then closed with solemn prayer , and the brethren retired to a sumptuous banquet , presided over by the VV . M . On thc removal of the cloth , the usual loyal and Masonic toasts were duly honoured . " Thc Health of the Grand Ofliccrs " was responded to in eloquent terms bv Bro . Hyde Pullen ,
P . G . S . B ., who gracefully alluded to the valued services renderctl to the lodge by Bro . Grabham , whose year of office has been signalized by very great success . Bro . IL G . Buss , Prov . Grand Treasurer , in responding for " The Provincial Grand Ofliccrs , " congratulated the brethren in having elected Bro . Knyvett to thc W . M . chair , and wished every prosperity to the lotlge in the coming
year . Thc W . M . then proposed " The Health of the Retiring W . M ., " and in felicitious terms referred to the considerable services rendered by him during his year of office . In the name of the lodge it afforded him sincere pleasure to present Bro . Grabham with a very handsome Past Master's jewel , bearing thc following inscription : — " Presented by the Felix Lodge , No . 1494 , to Bro . Edward B .
Grabham , P . M ., as a tribute of respect for the able and courteous manner in which he discharged the duties of W . M . during 1874-5 , bcin S tllc year of Consecration of thc lodge , of which he was the principal founder . " Bro . Grabham , in thanking the VV . M . and brethren for this mark of their esteem , assured them that it gave him great pleasure to have contributed any service to the lodge , and
his assistance was always at the disposal of the W . M . and brethren whenever hc might be called upon . I le then took thc opportunity of proposing " The 1 lealth of thc VV . M ., " whom hc hatl known for some years , and assured the lotlge that in Bro . Knyvett they would find a Master in every respect worthy of their confidence . The W . M . having thanked the brethren , Bro . R . W . Little responded to the toast of "The Charities , " and expressed his feelings of
satisfaction at the present satisfactory condition of ihe lodge , which had recently been represented by the W . M . as Steward at the Girls' Festival . Bro . thc Rev . P . M . Holden returned thanks for " The Visitors , " anil in their name , as well as in his own , wished thc lodge every' prosperity . "The Health of the Officers " having been responded to by Bio . Archer , J . W ., and the Tyler ' s loast given , the meeting separated , the visitors having expressed themselves highl y pleased with the hospitality ' received .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Table Of Contents.
REPORTS OF M ASONIC . MEETINGS : — Craft Masonry 3 ° ** Scotland 308 Provincial Grantl Lodge of Cornwall 308 .- " vinciai Grand Lodge of Suffolk 309 Judication of Surrey Masonic Hall 310 /•nn « ccration of Surrev Masonic Hall Lotlge 310 novs' School Festival 311
Rosicrncian Society 3 " japonic Tidings 3 " The Boys' School Anniversary 312 Tlie Admission of New Members , 312 Masonic Toleration 312 The Famine in Asia Minor 313 CiiRREsroxnExcr . : — Temperance Lodges 313 liro . C . I . Durness and the Mark Decree 313
Provincial Funds— Leicestershire and Rutland 3 > 3 Koyal Masouic Institution for Hoys » 3 M Masons' Marks . ' 314 The Dnke of Wellington 314 Hovs' School Festival 314 The Rye House 3 ' 4 Hospital Saturday Fund 314 rroviucial Grantl Lodge of Kent 314
Masonic Notes and Queries 314 Consecration of the Abercorn Lotlge , No . ijgn 31 _ 1 ' rovincial Grantl Lotlge of Leicestershire and Rutland 31- ; Koval Masonic Institution for Hoys 315 Uo ' vnl Masonic Institution for Girls 315 Koyal Mr . stmic Benevolent Institution 315 inundations in France 316 Alasonic Meetings for next week 316 Ailvertiscmonts i . ii . iii . iv . v . vi .
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
Craft tgfaaorctfi .
UURY . —PiiiNci-: OF WALKS LODOE ( NO . 1012 ) . —A meeting of this well -established lodge was held at thc bouse of Bro . Handley , thc Derby Hotel , on Thursday , the ist inst . Aa has been already intimated in these columns , this lodge is at present without W . M . and S . D ., through thc melancholy fate which befel Bro . R . W . O'Neil ( the last Worshipful Master ) and Bro . R . Battersby , S . D .,
in Whit-wcck . Among thc brethren present at the meeting were Bros . Henry Heys , I . P . M ., of Ramsbottom ; VV . P . Woodcock , S . W . ; J oseph T . Ncwbold , J . W . ; John Halliwell , P . M ., Chaplain , George Spurgeon , J . D . ; John B . J ackson , P . M ., D . C ; James Barrett , Steward ; J . H . Shcrbourne , I . G . ; James Thorman , Tyler ; Henry Maiden , ( P . M . 101 and P . Prov . G . S . B . East Lancashire ) , Sec . ;
J oseph Handley , P . Prov . G . Treas ., E . L ., Treas . ; P . M . Bro . VV . Handley . ] Visitors : Bros . Robert Wbittaker , P . Prov . G . D . C , E . L ., 078 ( Farmvorth ); H . Percival , P . M . 274 ( Ncwchurch ) ; G . A . O'Neil , W . M . 191 ; Walker , VV . M . 37 ( Bolton ); Edmund Milnes , 1253 ( Manchester ); Ireland , 1129 ( Rochdale ); Horridge , 344 ( Radcliffe ) ; T . W . Probert , S . D . 101 ; antl T . Barker , J . D . 42 . The proceedings
were opened at 4 o ' clock by Bro . Henry Heys , P . M ., after which the following were unanimously ballotted and duly initiated into the mysteries—Mr . George Ashworth , solicitor , Waterfoot , Rossendale , initiated by Bro . IL Maiden ; Mr . Geo . McCann , wine and spirit merchant , Bury , initiated by Bro . J . B . Jackson ; Mr . Wm . Henry Hoyle , manufacturer , Mossfield , Bury , initiated by Bro . Halliwell ; Mr .
Jas . T . Milnes , manufacturer , Oaklands , near Bury , initiated hy Bro . Jos . llanellcy . Bro . ] . T . Ncwbold explained thc working tools of E . A . to thc initiates . The general initiatory working was gone through by the officiating brethren in a highly creditable manner . At 7 . 15 . p . m . the brethren were called from labour to refreshment , which was served in a style worthy alike of
Bro . 1 landley ' s repute and the prestige of the hotel . The usual loyal and Masonic toasts were honoured , " Thc Initiates" and " The Visitors" receiving a due share of attention . At 8 . 13 such of the brethren as were Master Masons were recalled to labour , when thc lotlge was opened iii the- Second Degree , and Bro . I larry Woodcock was called upon to show his proficiency in the former
degrees . Having satisfied the brethren , he was duly entrusted and retired . The lodge was then opened in the Third Degree , when Bro . Woodcock was admitted anil raised to the sublime degree of a Master Mason by Bro . G . A . O'Neil , the efficient W . M . of Lodge 191 , and brother to the late W . M . of Lodge 1012 , Bro . J . T . Newbold , a worthy support to Bro . O'Neil , explained the working tools
and tracing board peculiar to the degree . On thc lodge being closed to the First Degree , a most interesting addition was made to thc evening ' s proceedings by the prei-cntntion of a complete and very elaborate set of working tools to the lotlge by Bro . Henry Heys , P . M . The tools ( wrought in silver ) were disposed in a handsome case , and had been manufactured by Bro . George Kenning ,
and that they were a real credit to his establishment there was a most unqualified admission . Bro . J . Halliwell , in appropriate terms , moved that a vote of thanks to Bro . I leys for this token of the esteem in which he held the welfare and interest of thc lotlge be passed , anil recorded on the minutes . Bro . J . T . Ncwbold seconded thc motion , which was carried with acclamation . The good wishes
of the several visiting brethren having been given , the lodge was finally closed at 9 . 30 , and the brethren adjourned to a social meet . It is understood at present that the next meeting of thc lotlge will not he held until September or October , hut , considering the amount of work in hand , with the usual contingencies , we should certainly
counsel at least one other meeting before that time . That "all work antl no play makes Jack a dull boy , " is very true * , but it is much better to mix things a little than to have a long period of relaxation , and then find one ' s bands heavily weighed down with business . TIVERTON . —ST . PI ; ' II ' LOUGH ( No . 1125 ) . —At the last regular lodge the locale chosen for the summer
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
banquet was Dulvcrton , situate about 12 miles from Tiverton , just within thc borders of the adjoining province of Somerset , and the day named thc ist of July . Accordingly on Thursday morning last a party of thc brethren started by " brake " and other conveyances for a charming drive along the banks of thc Exc and the Baric for their
destination . The richly wooded scenery of the narrow and winding vale through which they passed wore its mos ! picturesque and luxuriant aspect , and was the theme oi constant admiration , although familiar to many present . Thc course then diverged from the Dulverton road to Pixton Park , permission to visit which had been kindly accorded by the Earl of Carnarvon , Pro Grand Master , and
the Dowager Countess , who is at present residing there . Here thc brethren , alighting from their vehicles , very pleasantly passed an hour or two in exploring thc beauties of the park and gardens , under the courteous guidance ol the steward antl head gardener , and watching thc graceful movements of thc numerous deer , Bro . Gill giving additional itnerest to the short tour by observations on the
flora and topography of the district . An adjournment next took place to the Lion Hotel , where a very excellent and well appointed dinner was provided by Bro . King . Thc company comprised Bros . Parkhouse , W . M . ; Mills , P . M ., P . G . O ., Secretary ; Davey , P . M . ;
Gill , as S . W . ; Crabb , as J . W . ; Partridge , Sharland , Payne , II . Mclhuish , J . Mclhuish , Martin , Coleby , Wood , Bartlett , Snell , Sheppard , Vaughan , King , Arbery , Capron , and others . Thc after dinner speeches were of the shortest description , and the brethren returned to Tiverton in the evening , highly delighted with their day ' s outing .
MANCHESTER . —LODGE OF TRUTH ( No . 1458 ) . — Meeting for regular business at Royal Archer , Dale-street , on Saturday , July 3 rd , 1875 . Business commenced at 4 . 30 p . m . Minutes of last regular meeting read and confirmed . Bro . Kinder , P . M ., then proceeded to initiate Mr . Henry James 01 dham , which he did in such an efficient manner as to " merit thcapproval of all the brethren . The Worshipful Master
delivered the charge after initiation very impressively . The next business was to take the feeling of thc lotlge respecting the motions to be brought forward by Bro . Turner , I . P . M ., thc two most important being for the raising of the subscription to three guineas per annum , and also raising thc initiation fee to seven guineas , including proposition fee . The one for raising thc subscription was lost ,
and on the other being brought before the brethren by the I . P . M ., Bro . Pearson , S . W ., who is noted for his eloquence by all who have the pleasure of his acquaintance , very ably brought forward as an amendment that thc fee should be six guineas , including initiation fee . On thc votes being taken the amendment was carried by a small majority . The W . M . then announced that the committee appointed
to lease private premises had been successful , and concluded a lease for five years of rooms at Newton Heath . This being the neighbourhood for which the warrant was originally granted , will no doubt meet with the approval of every member ; thcleascdatesfrom December , 1875 , to December , 1880 . Business being concluded , the lodge was closed in
peace and harmony at 6 . 30 . Supper was provided by the worthy host , Bro . Potts , 'in his usual good manner , and thoroughly appreciated . The usual toasts having been given and responded to , thc brethren separated at an early hour , after spending an evening where profit and pleasure were combined . All thc officers were punctual with one exception , and the exception being from unforsecn
circumstances . EPWORTH . —ISLE OI * AXUOI . ME LODCSE ( NO . 1482 ) . — The installation of W . M . and investment of officers for the ensuing year took place on Thursday , the ist inst ., at the Masonic Hall , Epworth . Thc lodge has only been in existence one year , but we arc glad to find that it already numbers nearly a score of brethren , antl there appears
every prospect of its developing into a prosperous and and useful little lodge . On the present occasion we , noticed several brethren from neighbouring lodges who had assembled lo do honour to the W . M . elect , and to manifest their interest in the welfare of the lodge . Amongst these were Bros . F . D . Marsden , of Louth , the P . G . Secretary for Lincolnshire ; F . D . Walker , W . M . ; Rigby , P . M . ;
Bentley , P . M . ; Nicholson , P . M . ; and Heaton , S . W ., of St . George ' s Lodge , No . 242 , Doncaster ; and Alfred Kirkc , PM . ot the Yarboro' Lotlge , No . 422 , Gainsboro . Bro . Alfred Parkin , who as thc W . M . designated by the Warrant o f Constitution had filled thc chair during thc past year , wa again elected by the brethren to that honourable position-Thc ceremony of installation was admirably performed b y
Bro . Marsden , the P . G . Secretary , after which the W . M . proceeded to invest his officers for the ensuing year . These were Bros . W . E . Hewlett , I . P . M . ; Johnstone , S . W . ; Bell , J . W . ; Alfred Taylor , Sec . and Treas . ; Rev . W . M . Anderson , Chaplain ; John Campbell , S . W . ; James Benson , J . D . ; Henry Campbell , I . G . ; and Naylor , Tyler . The lodge being closed , the brethren adiourned
to the Red Lion Hotel , where an excellent banquet was provided , to which ample justice was done , Bro . Hewlett officiating as Director of Ceremonies . Thc usual loyal and Masonic toasts were given and responded to , antl the brethren separated at an early hour , having spent both as regards labour and refreshment a very enjoyable evening . ROCHFORD . —LODGE or Time FHIKNI-SIIH- ( NO .
1 CO ) . —The annual festival of St . John the Baptist was celebrated by the brethren of this old and distinguished lodge at the Old Ship Inn , Rochford , on Thursday , the 24 th June . The lotlge was opened by the W . M .., Bro . J . A . Wardell , P . M . antl Sec . icoo , and P . P . J . G . D ., assisted by
his officers . After the transaction of thc usual business , the installation cf Bro . Joseph Reeve as VV . M . for the ensuing year was proceeded with , the ceremony being most efficiently ami impressively performed by Brn . Win . Pissey , P . M . 160 , and P . P . J . G . W ., assisted by Bro . A . Lucking , W . M . 1000 , P , M . 1 G 0 , and Prov . A . G . D . C , acting as
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
Director of Ceremonies . Thc W . M . appointed antl invested the following officers : —Bros . ] . A . Wardell , P . M . and Sec . 1000 , and P . P . J . G . D ., I . P . M . ; Rev . II . I . Hatch , S . W . and Chaplain ; F . V . jillings , J . W . ; H . Wood , P . M . 160 and P . P . G . O . ( re-elected for the twentieth time ) , Treasurer ; G . Burgess , P . M . 160 , and P . P . J . G . D ., ( reappointed for the twentieth time ) , Secretary ; W .
Allen , S . D . ; T . W . Gower , J . D . ; A . Harrington , I . G . ; A . Lucking , W . M . 1000 , P . M . 1 G 0 , and Prov . A . G . D . C , Director of Ceremonies ; A . Winmill antl J . Harrington , Stewards ; J . Allen , reappointed Tyler . Besides the above the following brethren were present : — Bros . W . T . Allen , P . M . 160 , and P . P . A . G . D . O . ; G . F . Browning , P . M . 160 , and P . P . J . G . W . ; F . Wiseman , P . M .
160 ; Edward Judd , P . M . 160 , and P . P . G . R . ; E . E . Phillips , S . W . 1000 , P . M . Lodge of Honour , Bath , No . 379 i G . Goodman , G . Gosling , W . Bishop . Visitors ' . Bros . J . C . Mason , J . D ., Prince Frederick William Lotlge , No . 753 ; W . C . Bell , S . D ., St . Peter ' s Lodge , No . 1204 ; Edwin Bonner , I . G ., Eastern Star Lodge , No . 93 ; J . H . Spencer , Mount Lebanon Lodge , No . 73 ; G . F . Jones ,
Priory Lodge , No . 1000 . The lodge being closed , thc brethren , twenty-six in number , adjourned to an excellent banque t , provided by Most Bro . II . D . Brown , and- presided over by thc W . M . The usual loyal and Masouic toasts were given and duly honoured , antl the brethren spent a very enjoyable evening , which was enlivened by
some very excellent songs given by Bros . H . Wood , Hatch , Bonner , F . Wiseman , Gower , Josling , Mason , J . Harrington , and others . During the evening a telegram was received from Bro . J . W . Carr , P . M . 160 , Prov . Grand Secretary , announcing that thc Provincial Grand Lodge for 1875 would be held at Rochford on Tuesday , the 20 th
July . TEDDINGTON . —FELIX LODGE ( No . 1494 ) . —This lodge held its meeting on Saturday , 2 OH 1 ult ., at thc Clarence Hotel , Teddington , Bro . Edwanl B . Grabham , W . M ., in thc chair , assisted by Bros . C . Miles , P . M . 1363 , acting as S . W ., in the absence of Major George Barlow ( prevented by illness from attending ) ; F . S . Knyvett , J . W . ;
Rev . P . M . Holden , M . A ., Vicar of Upminster , Essex , Chaplain ; F . B . Archer , S . D . ; W . G . Moore , J . D . ; Capt . Lathbury , I . G . ; E . S . Norris , Secretary . The lodge was opened in due form with solemn prayer , and the minutes of the previous meeting were read and confirmed . Bro . J . Melville Curtis and Bro . Drew having satisfied the brethren with their proficiency in the former degree , were
then entrusted , and afterwards passed to the Second Degree by the W . M . A ballot was taken for Mr . Hanson , Mr . Lloyd , and Mr . Smith , which proved unanimous in their favour the former two gentlemen being in attendance ; were then separately initiated into the Craft . This being the regular period of installation , Bro . Knyvett , J . W ., and W . M . elect , was then presented by Bro . R . W . Little ,
Prov . Grand Secretary of Middlesex , to the W . M . for installation , the ceremony being performed by Bro . Grabham in thc most able and impressive manner , the addresses to thc W . M ., officers , and brethren , being listened to with marked attention . The W . M . invested Bros . Edward B . Grabham , I . P . M . ; Major Geo . Barlow , S . W . ; F . B . Archer , J . W . ; R . Berridge , S . D . ; W . G . Moore , J . D . ; and
E . E . Whitford , I . G . ; E . S . Norris , the able and efficient SecreLary , was again re-invested , to the satisfaction of all the brethren of thc lodge . The initiation of Mr . A . II . Smith was then proceeded with , and thc VV . M . showed great ability in the performance of the ceremony . By the unanimous vote of the lodge , it was determined to submit thc name of Bro . Grabham , retiring Master , to the
favourable notice of the R . W . Provincial Grand Master for Middlesex for Provincial Grand Office . The lodge was then closed with solemn prayer , and the brethren retired to a sumptuous banquet , presided over by the VV . M . On thc removal of the cloth , the usual loyal and Masonic toasts were duly honoured . " Thc Health of the Grand Ofliccrs " was responded to in eloquent terms bv Bro . Hyde Pullen ,
P . G . S . B ., who gracefully alluded to the valued services renderctl to the lodge by Bro . Grabham , whose year of office has been signalized by very great success . Bro . IL G . Buss , Prov . Grand Treasurer , in responding for " The Provincial Grand Ofliccrs , " congratulated the brethren in having elected Bro . Knyvett to thc W . M . chair , and wished every prosperity to the lotlge in the coming
year . Thc W . M . then proposed " The Health of the Retiring W . M ., " and in felicitious terms referred to the considerable services rendered by him during his year of office . In the name of the lodge it afforded him sincere pleasure to present Bro . Grabham with a very handsome Past Master's jewel , bearing thc following inscription : — " Presented by the Felix Lodge , No . 1494 , to Bro . Edward B .
Grabham , P . M ., as a tribute of respect for the able and courteous manner in which he discharged the duties of W . M . during 1874-5 , bcin S tllc year of Consecration of thc lodge , of which he was the principal founder . " Bro . Grabham , in thanking the VV . M . and brethren for this mark of their esteem , assured them that it gave him great pleasure to have contributed any service to the lodge , and
his assistance was always at the disposal of the W . M . and brethren whenever hc might be called upon . I le then took thc opportunity of proposing " The 1 lealth of thc VV . M ., " whom hc hatl known for some years , and assured the lotlge that in Bro . Knyvett they would find a Master in every respect worthy of their confidence . The W . M . having thanked the brethren , Bro . R . W . Little responded to the toast of "The Charities , " and expressed his feelings of
satisfaction at the present satisfactory condition of ihe lodge , which had recently been represented by the W . M . as Steward at the Girls' Festival . Bro . thc Rev . P . M . Holden returned thanks for " The Visitors , " anil in their name , as well as in his own , wished thc lodge every' prosperity . "The Health of the Officers " having been responded to by Bio . Archer , J . W ., and the Tyler ' s loast given , the meeting separated , the visitors having expressed themselves highl y pleased with the hospitality ' received .