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Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
Reports of Masonic Meetings .
Stanhope Lodge , No . 1269 . —This lodge met on Tuesday at Bro . Lassam ' s , Thicket Hotel , Anerley , under the presidency of Bro . H . W . Lindus , AV . M . There were also present : Bros . J . Kench , J . W . ; J . Hart , S . D . and Sec . ; T . E . Hardy , J . D . ; Seymour Smith , Org . ; J . C . Ring , I . G . : T . Linfield , H . Wood , J . W . Lassam , W . F .
Goddard , H . Webster , T . Marriott , Waiter J . Tliiclce , F . Croydon ; and visitors : H . Massey , P . M . No . 619 ; Thomas Goodman , No . 4 6 3 ; and James H . Rabson , No . 4 63 . After the opening of the lodge , and the reading and confirmation of the minutes , the W . M . passed Bro . . Henry Wood and raised Bro . J . II . Rabson . The election of the W . M . for next year gave the unanimous
choice of the brethren to Bro . Kench , who replied to the compliment , and assured his electors that he should follow the example of Bro . Lindus , as he was sure there was no better example to be had in governing the lodge and susta ining the hig h reputation it had acquired during the past year and a half as a well-worked and admirably conducted body . — Bro . Lindus was chosen Treasurer ,
Bro . Woodstock Tyler , and Bros . Thicke , Webster , and Saunders were elected Auditors . Bro . Kench afterwards rose to move , "That a P . M . jewel of the value of ten guineas be presented to Bro . Lindus , W . M . _ " and reminded the brethren that , although five-guinea jewels were ordinarily presented , the services of Bro . Lindus to the lodge in founding it , in sustaining a large portion of its
expenses , in acting as Treasurer , and in performing the duties of the chair with such great ability , were extraordinary services , and consequently deserved more than ordinary recognition . —Bro . John Hart , S . D ., seconded the motion , and the brethren , without the slightest hesitation , adopted it .- Bro . Lindus made a very modest reply in return for the kindness of his brethren , and assured them that their ready perception of his desire to give
satisfaction was an ample reward for any services he had been the means of rendering . —As there was no further work remaining to be done , the lodge was closed , and a banquet , which deserved the highest praise in every respect , was provided in an adjoining room by Bro . Lassam , and the remainder ofthe evening was passed most cheerfully , with the assistance of the organist , Bro . Seymour Smith , and other musical brethren .
Bcacontree Lodge , A o . 122 S . The conclusion of the second and commencement of the third ; ear of this lodge was celebrated on Wednesday , at the Cannon-street Terminus Hotel , by the installation of Bro . AV . A . Tharp , S . W ., as W . M . There was a capital attendance of the brethren on the occasion , consisting of Bros . W . Wrenn , AV . M . ; W . A . Tharp ,
S . W . ; R . J . Chillingworth , J . W . ; George E . Snow , P . M ., Secretary ; C . Vile , Treasurer ; Thomas Alcock , S . D . ; Ulysses Latreille , J . D . ; W . Morris , D . C . ; Robt . J . Chappell , I . G . ; W . Masterman , G . Mugglcston , T . Fisher , j . Chapman , C . Gilford , W . Mundy , George Jones , Anthony Wadcson , A . Day , P . M . S 61 ; II . O . Oldham , S . W . Excelsior , Colchester ; W . Kibble , No .
715 ; F . A " . Latreille , P . M . 1056 ; A . Robbins , J . W . 1056 ; AV . Ashby , S . D . 1056 ; K . P . Atkins , W . M . 55 ; H . Massey , P . M . 619 ; and J . Tisen , No . 1056 . A letter from the Earl of Carnarvon , D . G . M ., and a telegram from the Earl de Grey ancl Ripon , M . W . G . M ., were received , granting permission for the holding of the lodge at the Cannon-street Hotel , in consequence of the
Archery Subscription Rooms al Leytonstone , where the lodge had always been held since its consecration , having been disposed of by the proprietors . Before the next meeting of thc lodge , however , which takes place in May , the members of the lodge are promised a Masonic Hall of their own , in Leytonstone , no way inferior to their former habitation .
Bro . Wrenn , having opened the lodge and disposed of the usual routine business , passed Bro . C . Gilford to the second degree ; after which Bro . Barford , I . P . M ., presented to him Bro . W . A . Tharp , S . W . and W . M .-elect , to receive the benefit of installation . Bro . Wrenn formally placed him in the chair of thc lodge , and the brethren having saluted liro . Tharp in the various decrees
he appointed the undermentioned brethren as his oflicers Bros . W . Wrenn , I . P . M . ; R . J . Chillingworth , S . W T . Alcock , J . W . ; C . Vile , Treasurer ; G . E . Snow P . M ., Secretary ; Robert J . Chappell , S . D . ; W . Mundy , J . D . ; L . Angell , I . G . ; and — - Hoare , T . After the charges had been delivered , the whole ol the ceremony having been performed in an exemplary manner , Bro .
Barford proposed that a guinea be taken from the charity fund and given to thc Aged Freemasons' Institution , and a like sum to the Girls' School . Thc motion was seconded by Bro . AVrenn , and carried item . con . Bro . W . Masterman proposed that a guinea bc taken from the general funds of the lodge ancl added to thc benevolent fund , and then the sum of two guineas be taken from that
fund and given to the Society for Relieving the Sick and Wounded in War . Bio . Wrenn seconded this motion also , and the AV . M . having put it , it was unanimously agreed to . The W . M ., before closing the lodge , rose and said : A duly devolves upon me , of which all the members of the lodge who were present when the minutes were
read are aware . A resolution was come 10 at last meeting that a P . M . jewel should bc given to Bro . AVrenn for his valuable services in the chair . I am sure it is a vote in which every member of thc lodge concurred , and I am rather pleased , in one sense , that the duty of presenting il has fallen to me . The •ewel in itself is a handsome one , but it is no better
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
than others , he has fairly earned belore ; and , therefore , he can only wear this in conjunction with them . I only hope he will be spared for many years to the Beacontree Lodge , and that he will wear this as a mark of the respect and gratitude of the brethren for the services he has rendered to Masonry in general , and to this lodge in particular .
Bro . Wrenn : AV . M . and brethren , I thank you . The lodge was then closed , and the brethren adjourned to a choice banquet supplied by Bro . Sydney Spencer , the manager of the hotel . At its conclusion the customary toasts were given and honoured . Bro . Wrenn in proposing "The health of the AV . M ., " informed the brethren that for tlie next twelve months they
would enjoy themselves very much under his rule . The AV . M . said in reply , that his position was one which every member of a lodge ought to aspire to . When he first joined the Beacontree Lodge , he aspired to the Master's chair , and he hoped every initiate would look forward to the time when he too mig ht sit in that exalted station . The more the initiates knew of Masonry the better they would appreciate it , and they had it in their power to
sustain the high character of this lodge . It was a young lodge , but he believed it had such elements in it that its future would be very far superior to its bril . iant past and present . He viewed with confidence the lodge's position . He saw brethren coming up after him , who would carry the lodge to a far greater point of excellence than he could during his year . However , he was exceedingly obliged to Bro . AVrenn for the information he had given the brethren , and also to the brethren for their response to the
toast . The W . M . proposed " The Visitors , " a body of brethren whom lodges were always pleased to see . The interchange of visits between lodges swept away many of the abuses and prejudices in Masonry . It was natural , that il a brother confined himself to his own lodge . and was always working round in the same circle he would come
to look upon it as the lodge par excellence , and no other lodge like it . Hence , ihey had the Smithfield fire , and the Ludgate-hill fire , and the various fires lodges were pleased to indulge in . But by visiting other lodges , and comparing them with one ' s own , all narrow prejudices were overcome , and excellence was attained . Bro . A . Day replied , and complimented the lodge on
its excellent working . The W . M . : AVe have now a special duty to perform , and therefore I hope every brother will be charged . Thc next toast I have to propose is that of your Past Masters . Of course in a lodge so young as ours , we cannot say much ofthe duties the Past Masters to a very great extent have performed ; but if wc only take as a sample the P . M . 's
that preceded me , we have a specimen of 1 ' . M . s such as few lodges possess . The P .. M . 's are only two , but they have rendered essential service to Masonry ancl this lodge . The Master who has just left lhc chair , you are all witnesses of what he can do . He has performed his duties up to the latest moment o " a Master ' s life , he has installed his successor . Some of you have visited other lodges ,
some of you have passed the chair in other lodges , and you know how thc ceremony of installation is usually performed . 1 say without exception , that that ceremony has been performed by Bro . Wrenn , as well as I have heard it worked in my life . He has discharged his duties in a most admirable manner , and I hope that any future Masters we may have , will be able to perform it in a like
creditable way . I know I shall not . ( "Oh ! ) It is all very well to say " oh , " 1 have tried it and 1 know exactly where I shall break down . I give you , "The Past Masters of ihe Beacontree Lodge , " and may they be spared several years to see many other Masters rise up , anh do better than they have done . Bro . AVrenn : On behalf of myself and Bro . Barford ,
allow mc lo return you our best thanks for the vciy kind terms in which , you sir ,. have proposed , and thc cordiality with which the brethren have responded to the toast of our health . When I say that 1 shall always be ready lo render every possible assistance in my power , I know 1 am expressing liro . Harford's sentiments as well as my own . We shall always be prepared to do our duty as Past
Masters . Bro . George Snow , replying as Secretary to thc toast of " The Treasurer and Secretary , " said : I am very much obliged to you , and am deeply sensible of the effect of some of ihe remarks you have made with reference to ihe office 1 hold . Vour by-laws state lhat the" reward ofthe Secretary shall bc something ; thevsay he shall be free of
his subscriptions ; but ever since 1 have been utt . i tin ., lodge 1 have paid my subscription , and I think the sooner all the emoluments of Masonry are abolished the better . As regards the duties of Secretary , they are onerous . I think since last meeting I have sent seventy or eighty letters out , besides messages to Freemasons ' Hall and our D . G . M ., Lord Carnarvon , for permission
to meet here . I hope in future lo see a clear course before us , and when we meet under our own roof—our own freehold , where we care not for any society—out wc don ' t go ; we are our own landlords , and anybody else may be our tenants—that we shall commence our labour next year , in six or seven months' time , with plain even sailing . Any man understanding the duties of Secretary
of this lodge cannot do so without much trouble ; but that no doubt will be to him as it has been to me , a source of greater pleasure than anything else . I do say this much--for the kind and hearty way in which my name has been received , I thank you sincerely . Anything I have asked for has been given with thc greatest kindness , and our Bro . Treasurer will also tell you thai
as far as his office is concerned the members of thc lodge have always been most ready in thc payment of their subscriptions . The S . W ., responding for himself and brother officers , said : Permit me to return our sincere thanks . I assure you that no effort on our , part shall be wanting to uphold the working of the Beacontree Lodge ; and so far as our
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
attendance is concerned , the punctuality we > have hitherto observed will be maintained during the W . M . 's year of office . We are pleased that our visitors are kind enough to have noticed the good working of the lodge , and we promise that we will at least try to maintain that good working , and we hor ; we shall succeed in doing so .
1 'ROVINCIAL . EWELL , SURREY . —Grove Lodge , No . 410 . —The last meeting of the year of this prosperous lodge was held on Saturday , September 10 th , at the Spring Hotel , Ewell , Surrey . Bro . Parsons , W . M ., opened the lodge , when the minutes of the previous meeting were read and confirmed . Bro . H . Dumas , P . M . and S . AV ., took the
chair , and in an admirable and faultless manner raised Bro . Sercombe . Bro . Parsons then resumed the chair , arid the lodge was closed . Banquet and dessert was served up under Bro . Goddard's personal supervision , and proved how well he was able to cater—it reflected the greatest credit upon him ; the wines also were
excellent . The usual loyal toasts were given and responded to , when , after a few hours spent in an agreeable manner , coffee was served and the brethren separated . Present , besides those named : Bros . Leitchfield , P . M . ; C . Greenwood , P . M . and Sec . ; J . Hart , P . M . ; Blake , jun ., P . M . ; Captain Hastie , P . M ., and others . A ^ isitor : F * Walters , AV . M . 1309 , P . M . 73 , P . M . 871 .
Chigwell Lodge , No . 453 , Woodford , Essex . The last meeting for the season of this lodge was held on Saturday last , at the Castle Hotel , Woodford , Essex . Bro . Raynham AV . Stewart , W . M ., presided , and opened the lodge , when ballots were taken , after the reading and confirmation of the minutes , for Mr . W . N . Trent and Mr . John Egan for initiates , and for Bros . C .
Saunders ancl Gabriel Pinedo for joining members . The ballots having been favourable to the reception of all , the W . M . ceded his chair to Bro . Joseph Tanner , Prov . G . D ., whose friends the proposed initiates were , and that brother , in an efficient manner , entrusted those gentlemen with the earliest of the Masonic mysteries . This havinsr been done , the W . M . resumed his seat , and
passed Bro . Clench lo the second degree . 1 he installation of Bro . C . R . O . Tatham , S . W ., as W . M ., was the next business on the paper , and this duly was also ably discharged by Bro . Raynham Stewart , who was , on its completion , invested as I . P . M . by the AV . M . After salutation in ihe different degrees , the W . M . invested the following brethren as his officers : Bros . Joseph Tanner ,
S . W . ; F . J . Cox , J . W . ; Store , P . M ., Treasurer ; R . W . Motion , " P . M ., Secretary ; Day , S . D . ; Hogard , J . D . ; Jeffrey , LU . ; Read , D . C . ; and George Smith , T . The ceremony was afterwards completed by Bro . Stewart entirely to the satisfaction of the brethren , as was evinced by the applause which greeted him on his taking his seat . He immediately afterwards proposed , and Bro . Jager ,
P . M ., seconded , that a five-guinea P . M . jewel be presented from the lodge funds to Bro . Giles , who had filled the office of W . M . twice since he had been a member of the lodge . Bro . Joseph Tanner proposed to take the office of Steward for the Girls' School Festival ncxt year , and Bro . Motion volunteered to represent the lodge in the same capacity at the next festival of the Boys ' . This
concluded ihe lodge business , and the W . M . immediatel y closed clown . Thc brethren then repaired to an admirably selected banquet , and at its conclusion adjourned to the room where thc dessert was arranged , and there drank those loyal , patriotic , and Masonic toasts with which it is thc practice ofthe Craft to conclude iheir proceedings .
Bro . J . Wright Carr replied for the Prov . G . M . and officers , and stated that Bro . Bagshaw had so late as the previous Monday expressed to him thc gratification he felt at the hospitable reception given by the Chigwell Lodge to the Provincial Grand Lodge al its visit in May , and how heartily he wished all ihe brethren prosperity . The name of Iho . Andrew Meggy , the D . G . M ., had
been named in connection with llus toast , and he ( Bro . Wright Carr ) would not omit to inform him of the kind and hearty way in which this toast had been drank . Bro . Raynham AV . Stewart proposed "The Health ol ihe W . M . " , a brother whom he had had thc happiness to know for some time past . Bro . Tatham had won the esteem and regard of thc brethren of the lodge , and all
were delighted at lm preferment , lo digress a little , he [ tiro . Stewart ) would appeal to thenewly-initiatedbrethren to lake the earliest opportunity of becoming members of the . Masonic Institutions . Masonry was a Society which did not live for itself , but for thc benefit of others . This lodge had been very liberal to the Institutions ; it had thus given Essex a proud place in the list of their
supporters , and he trusted lhat charity would always bc its predominant principle . Returning to the toast of the W . M . 's health , he might inform thc initiates that the W . M . was a man of large heart , who would always follow that principle , and would faithfully discharge his duties while in thc chair . The W . M . : Brethren , I cannot thank you sufficiently
for the kindness you have evinced in drinking so warmly thc toast proposed in such flattering terms by our Bro . Stewart . I hope I shall be able , as Master cf this lodge , to carry out his views in as full a manner as he could wish . The toast of " The Visitors " elicited a reply from Bro . II . . Muggeridge , and that of "The Initiates " one from Bro . Trent , in which he assured the brethren that the
ceremony which he and Bro . Egan had gone through would make a lasting impression on his mind . Bro . Raynham W . Stewart , responding for " The P . M . ' s , " said : If I did not know the brethren ofthe Chigwell Lodge , I mig ht be at a loss to find words to express what I meant ; but having occupied the chair for two years ( not two successive years , but having been elected to preside over this lodge for a scco ncj time ) , I
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Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
Reports of Masonic Meetings .
Stanhope Lodge , No . 1269 . —This lodge met on Tuesday at Bro . Lassam ' s , Thicket Hotel , Anerley , under the presidency of Bro . H . W . Lindus , AV . M . There were also present : Bros . J . Kench , J . W . ; J . Hart , S . D . and Sec . ; T . E . Hardy , J . D . ; Seymour Smith , Org . ; J . C . Ring , I . G . : T . Linfield , H . Wood , J . W . Lassam , W . F .
Goddard , H . Webster , T . Marriott , Waiter J . Tliiclce , F . Croydon ; and visitors : H . Massey , P . M . No . 619 ; Thomas Goodman , No . 4 6 3 ; and James H . Rabson , No . 4 63 . After the opening of the lodge , and the reading and confirmation of the minutes , the W . M . passed Bro . . Henry Wood and raised Bro . J . II . Rabson . The election of the W . M . for next year gave the unanimous
choice of the brethren to Bro . Kench , who replied to the compliment , and assured his electors that he should follow the example of Bro . Lindus , as he was sure there was no better example to be had in governing the lodge and susta ining the hig h reputation it had acquired during the past year and a half as a well-worked and admirably conducted body . — Bro . Lindus was chosen Treasurer ,
Bro . Woodstock Tyler , and Bros . Thicke , Webster , and Saunders were elected Auditors . Bro . Kench afterwards rose to move , "That a P . M . jewel of the value of ten guineas be presented to Bro . Lindus , W . M . _ " and reminded the brethren that , although five-guinea jewels were ordinarily presented , the services of Bro . Lindus to the lodge in founding it , in sustaining a large portion of its
expenses , in acting as Treasurer , and in performing the duties of the chair with such great ability , were extraordinary services , and consequently deserved more than ordinary recognition . —Bro . John Hart , S . D ., seconded the motion , and the brethren , without the slightest hesitation , adopted it .- Bro . Lindus made a very modest reply in return for the kindness of his brethren , and assured them that their ready perception of his desire to give
satisfaction was an ample reward for any services he had been the means of rendering . —As there was no further work remaining to be done , the lodge was closed , and a banquet , which deserved the highest praise in every respect , was provided in an adjoining room by Bro . Lassam , and the remainder ofthe evening was passed most cheerfully , with the assistance of the organist , Bro . Seymour Smith , and other musical brethren .
Bcacontree Lodge , A o . 122 S . The conclusion of the second and commencement of the third ; ear of this lodge was celebrated on Wednesday , at the Cannon-street Terminus Hotel , by the installation of Bro . AV . A . Tharp , S . W ., as W . M . There was a capital attendance of the brethren on the occasion , consisting of Bros . W . Wrenn , AV . M . ; W . A . Tharp ,
S . W . ; R . J . Chillingworth , J . W . ; George E . Snow , P . M ., Secretary ; C . Vile , Treasurer ; Thomas Alcock , S . D . ; Ulysses Latreille , J . D . ; W . Morris , D . C . ; Robt . J . Chappell , I . G . ; W . Masterman , G . Mugglcston , T . Fisher , j . Chapman , C . Gilford , W . Mundy , George Jones , Anthony Wadcson , A . Day , P . M . S 61 ; II . O . Oldham , S . W . Excelsior , Colchester ; W . Kibble , No .
715 ; F . A " . Latreille , P . M . 1056 ; A . Robbins , J . W . 1056 ; AV . Ashby , S . D . 1056 ; K . P . Atkins , W . M . 55 ; H . Massey , P . M . 619 ; and J . Tisen , No . 1056 . A letter from the Earl of Carnarvon , D . G . M ., and a telegram from the Earl de Grey ancl Ripon , M . W . G . M ., were received , granting permission for the holding of the lodge at the Cannon-street Hotel , in consequence of the
Archery Subscription Rooms al Leytonstone , where the lodge had always been held since its consecration , having been disposed of by the proprietors . Before the next meeting of thc lodge , however , which takes place in May , the members of the lodge are promised a Masonic Hall of their own , in Leytonstone , no way inferior to their former habitation .
Bro . Wrenn , having opened the lodge and disposed of the usual routine business , passed Bro . C . Gilford to the second degree ; after which Bro . Barford , I . P . M ., presented to him Bro . W . A . Tharp , S . W . and W . M .-elect , to receive the benefit of installation . Bro . Wrenn formally placed him in the chair of thc lodge , and the brethren having saluted liro . Tharp in the various decrees
he appointed the undermentioned brethren as his oflicers Bros . W . Wrenn , I . P . M . ; R . J . Chillingworth , S . W T . Alcock , J . W . ; C . Vile , Treasurer ; G . E . Snow P . M ., Secretary ; Robert J . Chappell , S . D . ; W . Mundy , J . D . ; L . Angell , I . G . ; and — - Hoare , T . After the charges had been delivered , the whole ol the ceremony having been performed in an exemplary manner , Bro .
Barford proposed that a guinea be taken from the charity fund and given to thc Aged Freemasons' Institution , and a like sum to the Girls' School . Thc motion was seconded by Bro . AVrenn , and carried item . con . Bro . W . Masterman proposed that a guinea bc taken from the general funds of the lodge ancl added to thc benevolent fund , and then the sum of two guineas be taken from that
fund and given to the Society for Relieving the Sick and Wounded in War . Bio . Wrenn seconded this motion also , and the AV . M . having put it , it was unanimously agreed to . The W . M ., before closing the lodge , rose and said : A duly devolves upon me , of which all the members of the lodge who were present when the minutes were
read are aware . A resolution was come 10 at last meeting that a P . M . jewel should bc given to Bro . AVrenn for his valuable services in the chair . I am sure it is a vote in which every member of thc lodge concurred , and I am rather pleased , in one sense , that the duty of presenting il has fallen to me . The •ewel in itself is a handsome one , but it is no better
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
than others , he has fairly earned belore ; and , therefore , he can only wear this in conjunction with them . I only hope he will be spared for many years to the Beacontree Lodge , and that he will wear this as a mark of the respect and gratitude of the brethren for the services he has rendered to Masonry in general , and to this lodge in particular .
Bro . Wrenn : AV . M . and brethren , I thank you . The lodge was then closed , and the brethren adjourned to a choice banquet supplied by Bro . Sydney Spencer , the manager of the hotel . At its conclusion the customary toasts were given and honoured . Bro . Wrenn in proposing "The health of the AV . M ., " informed the brethren that for tlie next twelve months they
would enjoy themselves very much under his rule . The AV . M . said in reply , that his position was one which every member of a lodge ought to aspire to . When he first joined the Beacontree Lodge , he aspired to the Master's chair , and he hoped every initiate would look forward to the time when he too mig ht sit in that exalted station . The more the initiates knew of Masonry the better they would appreciate it , and they had it in their power to
sustain the high character of this lodge . It was a young lodge , but he believed it had such elements in it that its future would be very far superior to its bril . iant past and present . He viewed with confidence the lodge's position . He saw brethren coming up after him , who would carry the lodge to a far greater point of excellence than he could during his year . However , he was exceedingly obliged to Bro . AVrenn for the information he had given the brethren , and also to the brethren for their response to the
toast . The W . M . proposed " The Visitors , " a body of brethren whom lodges were always pleased to see . The interchange of visits between lodges swept away many of the abuses and prejudices in Masonry . It was natural , that il a brother confined himself to his own lodge . and was always working round in the same circle he would come
to look upon it as the lodge par excellence , and no other lodge like it . Hence , ihey had the Smithfield fire , and the Ludgate-hill fire , and the various fires lodges were pleased to indulge in . But by visiting other lodges , and comparing them with one ' s own , all narrow prejudices were overcome , and excellence was attained . Bro . A . Day replied , and complimented the lodge on
its excellent working . The W . M . : AVe have now a special duty to perform , and therefore I hope every brother will be charged . Thc next toast I have to propose is that of your Past Masters . Of course in a lodge so young as ours , we cannot say much ofthe duties the Past Masters to a very great extent have performed ; but if wc only take as a sample the P . M . 's
that preceded me , we have a specimen of 1 ' . M . s such as few lodges possess . The P .. M . 's are only two , but they have rendered essential service to Masonry ancl this lodge . The Master who has just left lhc chair , you are all witnesses of what he can do . He has performed his duties up to the latest moment o " a Master ' s life , he has installed his successor . Some of you have visited other lodges ,
some of you have passed the chair in other lodges , and you know how thc ceremony of installation is usually performed . 1 say without exception , that that ceremony has been performed by Bro . Wrenn , as well as I have heard it worked in my life . He has discharged his duties in a most admirable manner , and I hope that any future Masters we may have , will be able to perform it in a like
creditable way . I know I shall not . ( "Oh ! ) It is all very well to say " oh , " 1 have tried it and 1 know exactly where I shall break down . I give you , "The Past Masters of ihe Beacontree Lodge , " and may they be spared several years to see many other Masters rise up , anh do better than they have done . Bro . AVrenn : On behalf of myself and Bro . Barford ,
allow mc lo return you our best thanks for the vciy kind terms in which , you sir ,. have proposed , and thc cordiality with which the brethren have responded to the toast of our health . When I say that 1 shall always be ready lo render every possible assistance in my power , I know 1 am expressing liro . Harford's sentiments as well as my own . We shall always be prepared to do our duty as Past
Masters . Bro . George Snow , replying as Secretary to thc toast of " The Treasurer and Secretary , " said : I am very much obliged to you , and am deeply sensible of the effect of some of ihe remarks you have made with reference to ihe office 1 hold . Vour by-laws state lhat the" reward ofthe Secretary shall bc something ; thevsay he shall be free of
his subscriptions ; but ever since 1 have been utt . i tin ., lodge 1 have paid my subscription , and I think the sooner all the emoluments of Masonry are abolished the better . As regards the duties of Secretary , they are onerous . I think since last meeting I have sent seventy or eighty letters out , besides messages to Freemasons ' Hall and our D . G . M ., Lord Carnarvon , for permission
to meet here . I hope in future lo see a clear course before us , and when we meet under our own roof—our own freehold , where we care not for any society—out wc don ' t go ; we are our own landlords , and anybody else may be our tenants—that we shall commence our labour next year , in six or seven months' time , with plain even sailing . Any man understanding the duties of Secretary
of this lodge cannot do so without much trouble ; but that no doubt will be to him as it has been to me , a source of greater pleasure than anything else . I do say this much--for the kind and hearty way in which my name has been received , I thank you sincerely . Anything I have asked for has been given with thc greatest kindness , and our Bro . Treasurer will also tell you thai
as far as his office is concerned the members of thc lodge have always been most ready in thc payment of their subscriptions . The S . W ., responding for himself and brother officers , said : Permit me to return our sincere thanks . I assure you that no effort on our , part shall be wanting to uphold the working of the Beacontree Lodge ; and so far as our
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
attendance is concerned , the punctuality we > have hitherto observed will be maintained during the W . M . 's year of office . We are pleased that our visitors are kind enough to have noticed the good working of the lodge , and we promise that we will at least try to maintain that good working , and we hor ; we shall succeed in doing so .
1 'ROVINCIAL . EWELL , SURREY . —Grove Lodge , No . 410 . —The last meeting of the year of this prosperous lodge was held on Saturday , September 10 th , at the Spring Hotel , Ewell , Surrey . Bro . Parsons , W . M ., opened the lodge , when the minutes of the previous meeting were read and confirmed . Bro . H . Dumas , P . M . and S . AV ., took the
chair , and in an admirable and faultless manner raised Bro . Sercombe . Bro . Parsons then resumed the chair , arid the lodge was closed . Banquet and dessert was served up under Bro . Goddard's personal supervision , and proved how well he was able to cater—it reflected the greatest credit upon him ; the wines also were
excellent . The usual loyal toasts were given and responded to , when , after a few hours spent in an agreeable manner , coffee was served and the brethren separated . Present , besides those named : Bros . Leitchfield , P . M . ; C . Greenwood , P . M . and Sec . ; J . Hart , P . M . ; Blake , jun ., P . M . ; Captain Hastie , P . M ., and others . A ^ isitor : F * Walters , AV . M . 1309 , P . M . 73 , P . M . 871 .
Chigwell Lodge , No . 453 , Woodford , Essex . The last meeting for the season of this lodge was held on Saturday last , at the Castle Hotel , Woodford , Essex . Bro . Raynham AV . Stewart , W . M ., presided , and opened the lodge , when ballots were taken , after the reading and confirmation of the minutes , for Mr . W . N . Trent and Mr . John Egan for initiates , and for Bros . C .
Saunders ancl Gabriel Pinedo for joining members . The ballots having been favourable to the reception of all , the W . M . ceded his chair to Bro . Joseph Tanner , Prov . G . D ., whose friends the proposed initiates were , and that brother , in an efficient manner , entrusted those gentlemen with the earliest of the Masonic mysteries . This havinsr been done , the W . M . resumed his seat , and
passed Bro . Clench lo the second degree . 1 he installation of Bro . C . R . O . Tatham , S . W ., as W . M ., was the next business on the paper , and this duly was also ably discharged by Bro . Raynham Stewart , who was , on its completion , invested as I . P . M . by the AV . M . After salutation in ihe different degrees , the W . M . invested the following brethren as his officers : Bros . Joseph Tanner ,
S . W . ; F . J . Cox , J . W . ; Store , P . M ., Treasurer ; R . W . Motion , " P . M ., Secretary ; Day , S . D . ; Hogard , J . D . ; Jeffrey , LU . ; Read , D . C . ; and George Smith , T . The ceremony was afterwards completed by Bro . Stewart entirely to the satisfaction of the brethren , as was evinced by the applause which greeted him on his taking his seat . He immediately afterwards proposed , and Bro . Jager ,
P . M ., seconded , that a five-guinea P . M . jewel be presented from the lodge funds to Bro . Giles , who had filled the office of W . M . twice since he had been a member of the lodge . Bro . Joseph Tanner proposed to take the office of Steward for the Girls' School Festival ncxt year , and Bro . Motion volunteered to represent the lodge in the same capacity at the next festival of the Boys ' . This
concluded ihe lodge business , and the W . M . immediatel y closed clown . Thc brethren then repaired to an admirably selected banquet , and at its conclusion adjourned to the room where thc dessert was arranged , and there drank those loyal , patriotic , and Masonic toasts with which it is thc practice ofthe Craft to conclude iheir proceedings .
Bro . J . Wright Carr replied for the Prov . G . M . and officers , and stated that Bro . Bagshaw had so late as the previous Monday expressed to him thc gratification he felt at the hospitable reception given by the Chigwell Lodge to the Provincial Grand Lodge al its visit in May , and how heartily he wished all ihe brethren prosperity . The name of Iho . Andrew Meggy , the D . G . M ., had
been named in connection with llus toast , and he ( Bro . Wright Carr ) would not omit to inform him of the kind and hearty way in which this toast had been drank . Bro . Raynham AV . Stewart proposed "The Health ol ihe W . M . " , a brother whom he had had thc happiness to know for some time past . Bro . Tatham had won the esteem and regard of thc brethren of the lodge , and all
were delighted at lm preferment , lo digress a little , he [ tiro . Stewart ) would appeal to thenewly-initiatedbrethren to lake the earliest opportunity of becoming members of the . Masonic Institutions . Masonry was a Society which did not live for itself , but for thc benefit of others . This lodge had been very liberal to the Institutions ; it had thus given Essex a proud place in the list of their
supporters , and he trusted lhat charity would always bc its predominant principle . Returning to the toast of the W . M . 's health , he might inform thc initiates that the W . M . was a man of large heart , who would always follow that principle , and would faithfully discharge his duties while in thc chair . The W . M . : Brethren , I cannot thank you sufficiently
for the kindness you have evinced in drinking so warmly thc toast proposed in such flattering terms by our Bro . Stewart . I hope I shall be able , as Master cf this lodge , to carry out his views in as full a manner as he could wish . The toast of " The Visitors " elicited a reply from Bro . II . . Muggeridge , and that of "The Initiates " one from Bro . Trent , in which he assured the brethren that the
ceremony which he and Bro . Egan had gone through would make a lasting impression on his mind . Bro . Raynham W . Stewart , responding for " The P . M . ' s , " said : If I did not know the brethren ofthe Chigwell Lodge , I mig ht be at a loss to find words to express what I meant ; but having occupied the chair for two years ( not two successive years , but having been elected to preside over this lodge for a scco ncj time ) , I