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BRIDGE HOUSE HOTEL ; LONDON BRIDGE , Opposite the South Eastern , and London , Brighton , and South Coast Raihvays . 'T'HIS Hotel has great facilities for Masonic - ^ Meetings , Charitable Institutions , Wedding Breakfasts , Public Dinners , Balls , Soirees , and is allowed to be in real domestic comfort , one of the Best in the Metropolis , he tariff on application to J OSEPH H . SPENCER .
GROSVENOR GALLERY RESTAURANT , NEW BOND STREET . In addition to the advantages this Restaurant possesses , is a suite of rooms admirably adopted for the requirements of Masonic Lodges . For particulars , & c , apply to F . C , Michel ' s , Manager .
NEW MARKET HOTEL , KING STREET , WEST SMITHFIELD , EC . BRO . THOMAS BUTT , PROPRIETOR . Every accommodation for Masonic or other Lodge Dinners or Suppers provided for large or small parties . "Wines and Spirits of the Best Quality . Lodge 1623 held here . The regular meetings of the West Smithfield Lodge of Instruction are held at this Hotel on Monday evenings at 8 o ' clock .
DOLLY'S CHOP HOUSE , QUEEN'S HEAD PASSAGE , E . G ., Will in two minutes' of General Post Office , St . Martin ' sle-Grand . Entrance , Newgate St . & Paternoster Row . THE GRILL ROOM having recently undergone extensive alterations and remodelling , is now , from the complete improvements , second to none in the City for accommodation . Winer , Spirits , and Malt Liquors of the first quality . Cigars choicest brands . W . L . G . FISH LEIGII , Proprietor .
( PAFE MONICO , PICCADILLY CIRCUS . Must be seen to be appreciated . Crowded from mid-Jay till midnight , and pronounced by all to be unparalleled . The Grand Cafe Saloon , the Grand Billiard Saloon , and the Capital Grill Room and Appointments are the admiration of the public . Call and see it at once . Success unprecedented . Comfortable , cheerful , and charming .
WHELPTWS VEGETABLE PURIFYING PILLS : A DIRKCT PURIFIER OF THE BLOOD , by which MANY THOUSANDS OF CURES have been effected ; numbers of yvhich cases lad been pronounced INCURABLE . DURING THE LAST FORTY YEARS the numerous wcll-authenticatcd Testimonials in disorders of the HEAD , CHEST , BOWELS , LIVER , and KIDNEYS , also in RHEUMATISM , ULCEUS . SORES , and all SKIN DISEASES , arc sufficient to prove the great value of this most useful Family Medicine . * ^ Cf ^ ° A £ M v E GEr > \ As 0 NE / 0 >^ 7 fikir ' ^ h THE {*( ESTA Wsli 2 £ 5 > , 835 : )*) BEST y ^ j ^ A ^ s ^ s ^^^^^^/ MEDICINES ^^ Z ^ JJi c ^^^ - '^ KNOWN . Many persons have found these Pills of great service both in preventing and relieving SEA-SICKNESS , and in warm climates they arc very beneficial in all Bilious Complaints . Sold in Boxes , pike i \ i , is iJJ . and 2 s od , by G . WHE 1 . PTON & SON , 3 , Crane Court , Pleet-street , London . and by all Chemists and Medicine Vendors at home and abroad . Sent free by post in the United Kingdom for 8 , 14 , or 33 Stamps .
<& THE kjmk CITY «^^ if » vi » *> - . . r , i ¦ SrrJTJS ^ S ? III III l \ fill COMPANY I I ' n ^ Mi 3 § Hf Make CLOCKSA SPECIALITY . 1 ( l ^ Sn - ^^ J I | l They buy largely and sell at S [/^ P ^ Kvi !? » tbe smallest possible profits , ^ Bfllnlls giving a Two Years' - 11 KWrtlSfm lift ranty . 1000 Clocks of every If ft « fl "" lffl 1 ' I description to select from . A 111 fr ^* M ! discount to brethren of 2 s . in I 1 1 fu ( CSv ) ill ' i t ' P ount * ex'ra discount for J a ^ o *^^ * ^ JI | . presentations . i | y ! Pfcg | l |;^ 7 , CULLUM STREET , C % * 5 ^ £ 3 ' FENCHURCH STREET , CITY , ^^^ f ^ f ^^ LONDON . ¦ ^ O ^^^^ J ^ y ^ , B ll 0 < G p WEHLEN —Estab-W f ^ -ic' ** lished 1859 .
FURNISH THROUGHOUT . OETZMANN & Co ., 67 , 69 , 71 , 73 , 77 & 79 , HAMPSTEAD ROAD , Near Tottenham Court Road . ( Aml $ W ^^^^^^^^ JPBJST r ^ f ^ ^ r' . r ^ mr ^ gml ^ Oetzmann and Co ., have the exclusive sale , are of first-class British Manu- IFalnul Cabinet . Spring Seat , good Castors 25 s od facture , have all the style and appearance of real Turkey Superior do ., stuffed all Carpets , at little more than the price of good Brussels , anil 1 niaiil Mamuetcrie and Ormolu ri * 7 "V ••• 3 'S fid arc very durable . Price lists free on application . For the m 0 ' un ! cd Vmed inside yvith Velvet llle Vienna , Gent s Easy convenience of those residing at a distance , a large piece . ^ . ' jc 42 s od Chair , larger size , to shoyving the border and centre of carpet yvill be sent on re- " * : ' : i with' » doors 73 s Gil match 35 s od ccipt of Js ., which will be deducted from price of carpet , or * Jl [* jVh . doors " Sis od Superior do ., stuffed all refunded upon return of pattern . Hearth-iugs to match , 6 ft . - ' *• Hair 42 s od long by 2 ft . Sin . wide , £ 1 is . fid . DESCRIPTIVE CATALOGUE , THE BEST FURNISHING GUIDE EXTANT , POST FREE . Lowest prices consistent yvith guaranteed quality . Orders per post receive prompt and faithful attention .
THE FREEMASONS' TAVERN , GREAT QUEEN ST ., LONDON W , C . THE ADMIRABLE AND UNRIVALLED ACCOMMODATION FOR MASONIC BANQUETS , PUBLIC AND PRIVATE DINNERS , Wedding Breakfasts , Balls , & c , Is too well known to need comment . The entire management changed , and the establishment in all it branches thoroughly re-organised . The attention of the MASONIC BODY is directed to the many advantages offered . CUISINE OF THE HIGHEST CHARACTER . WINES PERFECT IN CONDITION AND QUALITY . RESTAURANT , WINE , SMOKING AND RETIRING ROOMS . The fullest measure of public confidence and support ensured . ALFRED BEST , Proprietor .
GANNON STREET HOTEL , CANNON STREET , LONDON , E . C . The Railway advantages , in direct communication yvith the Hotel , * renders this establishment unequalled in the Metropolis for MASONIC BANQUETS , PUBLIC AND PRIVATE DINNERS , BREAKFASTS , & c , DRAMATIC ENTERTAINMENTS , PUBLIC MEETINGS , ARBITRATIONS . THE LARGE HALL is capable of seating upwards of Twelve Hundred people . FAMILIES AND VISITORS visiting London for long or short periods yvill find all the appointments , ana accomodation , unrivalled . E . H . RAND , Superintendent .
GREEN'S , ST . JAMES'S PLACE HOTEL , 17 , ST . JAMES'S PLACE , ST . JAMES'S STREET , S . W . The advantages possessed by this Hotel arc rarely to be found . Situated in the most fashionable , and at the same time most quiet part of Toyvn ( no traffic through St . James's Place ) , it contains elegant suites of rooms , also single apartments , with use of Coffee Room . Thc attention of Masonic Brethren , Noblemen , Gentlemen , and Families Is directed to the superior excellence and comfort of the above Hotel . Under personal supervision great care has been devoted to the CUISINE , and choice selection of FIRST QUALITY WINES . Visitors to the Hotel have the privilege of a PRIVATE and DIRECT entry to the GREEN PARK . Families and Gentlemen visiting London should communicate yvith BRO . ANTON HEROLD .
ASHLEY'S HOTEL , HENRIETTA STREET AND MAIDEN LANE , COVENT GARDEN , LONDON . This yvell known homely and comfortable FAMILY AND MASONIC HOTEL , Situated in the most central and commercial part of thc metropolis , has been Rebuilt and Newly Furnishul . Visitors obtain all the comforts and convenience of a First-class Modern Hotel at prices long noted for combining Comfort with Economy . LADIES' COFFEE ROOM . BILLIARDS . Night Porter . LODGE COVENT GARDEN , 1 G 14 , and the PISCATORIAL SOCIETY'S MEETINGS are held here . Room Complete in Appointments for MASONIC BANQUETS and other Meetings . ^^ Bro . RICHARD MICHELL , Proprietor .
THE LONDON AND GENERALWATER PURIFYING COMPANY X ( LIMITED ) . PATENT CISTERN FILTERS CHARGED SOLELY WITH ANIMAL CHARCOAL . Requiring , when pnee fixed , no attention yvhatever . vrttlfa Cistern ' rlftcf . THE LATEST PATENTED FILTER IN GENERAL USE . And superior to all others , Vide Professor Frankland's Reports to the Registrar General , ] uly 1866 , N ° " , T 3 S § gf ®^ m- > f *'< rfi ber , 1867 , and May , i 87 o ; the " Lancet , " January 12 , 1867 , and Testimonials from Dr . Hassall , September 1 } , I B 5 ^ 5 B ! ¥ & ' . VJ pij I lS 6 2 i fr . Letheby , February ij , i 8 ; j , and December , 1872 . ! i iSffgffii & Sst lllj 1 Price £ 1 ios . and upwards . PORTABLE FILTERS on this System , £ 1 Is . to £ 3 . I ^ S ] : ? CSalfe illll Patronized and used hy Her Majesty the Queen , at Osborne ; by H . R . H . the Prince of Wales , M . W . G . M ., *> l ' * SH iffvlSHl li ! llll Sandringham- by H . R . H . the Duke of Cambridge ; the elite of the Medical Profession , and at the London , ' jgSJ -aJyljllllMiT lllJIQ St . George ' s , Fever , and German Hospitals , and various Lunatic Asylums , H ^ 3 ^ 90 \ kO v ^ jH ^ Institutions , llreyveries , & c . ,, ^ nfT ^—~^ POCKET FILTERS , 4 s . fid . and 6 s . each . HOUSEHOLD and FANCY FILTERS from us . 6 d . WATER TESTING APPARATUS FOR DETECTING THE IMPURITIES IN WATER , 10 s . 6 d . and 2 is . & £ < £ Danchell ' s 'iTesting Apparatus for Discovering the Presence o £ Impurities in Water , " is a most convenient and portable one-D yke on the Preliminary Duties of Health Officers . .. ai This is a very handy case for the Study Table or Carpet Bag . It contains the Chief Chemical Tests for Qualitive Water Anaiy «»» j ^ , will be found of use by medical and other men yvho may have occasion to ascertain in a ready manner whether any of the more A I impurities are present or not in water . Vide the " Medical Record , " January > 9 , 1873 . 157 , STRAND ( four doors from Somerset House ) , LONDON ,
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
BRIDGE HOUSE HOTEL ; LONDON BRIDGE , Opposite the South Eastern , and London , Brighton , and South Coast Raihvays . 'T'HIS Hotel has great facilities for Masonic - ^ Meetings , Charitable Institutions , Wedding Breakfasts , Public Dinners , Balls , Soirees , and is allowed to be in real domestic comfort , one of the Best in the Metropolis , he tariff on application to J OSEPH H . SPENCER .
GROSVENOR GALLERY RESTAURANT , NEW BOND STREET . In addition to the advantages this Restaurant possesses , is a suite of rooms admirably adopted for the requirements of Masonic Lodges . For particulars , & c , apply to F . C , Michel ' s , Manager .
NEW MARKET HOTEL , KING STREET , WEST SMITHFIELD , EC . BRO . THOMAS BUTT , PROPRIETOR . Every accommodation for Masonic or other Lodge Dinners or Suppers provided for large or small parties . "Wines and Spirits of the Best Quality . Lodge 1623 held here . The regular meetings of the West Smithfield Lodge of Instruction are held at this Hotel on Monday evenings at 8 o ' clock .
DOLLY'S CHOP HOUSE , QUEEN'S HEAD PASSAGE , E . G ., Will in two minutes' of General Post Office , St . Martin ' sle-Grand . Entrance , Newgate St . & Paternoster Row . THE GRILL ROOM having recently undergone extensive alterations and remodelling , is now , from the complete improvements , second to none in the City for accommodation . Winer , Spirits , and Malt Liquors of the first quality . Cigars choicest brands . W . L . G . FISH LEIGII , Proprietor .
( PAFE MONICO , PICCADILLY CIRCUS . Must be seen to be appreciated . Crowded from mid-Jay till midnight , and pronounced by all to be unparalleled . The Grand Cafe Saloon , the Grand Billiard Saloon , and the Capital Grill Room and Appointments are the admiration of the public . Call and see it at once . Success unprecedented . Comfortable , cheerful , and charming .
WHELPTWS VEGETABLE PURIFYING PILLS : A DIRKCT PURIFIER OF THE BLOOD , by which MANY THOUSANDS OF CURES have been effected ; numbers of yvhich cases lad been pronounced INCURABLE . DURING THE LAST FORTY YEARS the numerous wcll-authenticatcd Testimonials in disorders of the HEAD , CHEST , BOWELS , LIVER , and KIDNEYS , also in RHEUMATISM , ULCEUS . SORES , and all SKIN DISEASES , arc sufficient to prove the great value of this most useful Family Medicine . * ^ Cf ^ ° A £ M v E GEr > \ As 0 NE / 0 >^ 7 fikir ' ^ h THE {*( ESTA Wsli 2 £ 5 > , 835 : )*) BEST y ^ j ^ A ^ s ^ s ^^^^^^/ MEDICINES ^^ Z ^ JJi c ^^^ - '^ KNOWN . Many persons have found these Pills of great service both in preventing and relieving SEA-SICKNESS , and in warm climates they arc very beneficial in all Bilious Complaints . Sold in Boxes , pike i \ i , is iJJ . and 2 s od , by G . WHE 1 . PTON & SON , 3 , Crane Court , Pleet-street , London . and by all Chemists and Medicine Vendors at home and abroad . Sent free by post in the United Kingdom for 8 , 14 , or 33 Stamps .
<& THE kjmk CITY «^^ if » vi » *> - . . r , i ¦ SrrJTJS ^ S ? III III l \ fill COMPANY I I ' n ^ Mi 3 § Hf Make CLOCKSA SPECIALITY . 1 ( l ^ Sn - ^^ J I | l They buy largely and sell at S [/^ P ^ Kvi !? » tbe smallest possible profits , ^ Bfllnlls giving a Two Years' - 11 KWrtlSfm lift ranty . 1000 Clocks of every If ft « fl "" lffl 1 ' I description to select from . A 111 fr ^* M ! discount to brethren of 2 s . in I 1 1 fu ( CSv ) ill ' i t ' P ount * ex'ra discount for J a ^ o *^^ * ^ JI | . presentations . i | y ! Pfcg | l |;^ 7 , CULLUM STREET , C % * 5 ^ £ 3 ' FENCHURCH STREET , CITY , ^^^ f ^ f ^^ LONDON . ¦ ^ O ^^^^ J ^ y ^ , B ll 0 < G p WEHLEN —Estab-W f ^ -ic' ** lished 1859 .
FURNISH THROUGHOUT . OETZMANN & Co ., 67 , 69 , 71 , 73 , 77 & 79 , HAMPSTEAD ROAD , Near Tottenham Court Road . ( Aml $ W ^^^^^^^^ JPBJST r ^ f ^ ^ r' . r ^ mr ^ gml ^ Oetzmann and Co ., have the exclusive sale , are of first-class British Manu- IFalnul Cabinet . Spring Seat , good Castors 25 s od facture , have all the style and appearance of real Turkey Superior do ., stuffed all Carpets , at little more than the price of good Brussels , anil 1 niaiil Mamuetcrie and Ormolu ri * 7 "V ••• 3 'S fid arc very durable . Price lists free on application . For the m 0 ' un ! cd Vmed inside yvith Velvet llle Vienna , Gent s Easy convenience of those residing at a distance , a large piece . ^ . ' jc 42 s od Chair , larger size , to shoyving the border and centre of carpet yvill be sent on re- " * : ' : i with' » doors 73 s Gil match 35 s od ccipt of Js ., which will be deducted from price of carpet , or * Jl [* jVh . doors " Sis od Superior do ., stuffed all refunded upon return of pattern . Hearth-iugs to match , 6 ft . - ' *• Hair 42 s od long by 2 ft . Sin . wide , £ 1 is . fid . DESCRIPTIVE CATALOGUE , THE BEST FURNISHING GUIDE EXTANT , POST FREE . Lowest prices consistent yvith guaranteed quality . Orders per post receive prompt and faithful attention .
THE FREEMASONS' TAVERN , GREAT QUEEN ST ., LONDON W , C . THE ADMIRABLE AND UNRIVALLED ACCOMMODATION FOR MASONIC BANQUETS , PUBLIC AND PRIVATE DINNERS , Wedding Breakfasts , Balls , & c , Is too well known to need comment . The entire management changed , and the establishment in all it branches thoroughly re-organised . The attention of the MASONIC BODY is directed to the many advantages offered . CUISINE OF THE HIGHEST CHARACTER . WINES PERFECT IN CONDITION AND QUALITY . RESTAURANT , WINE , SMOKING AND RETIRING ROOMS . The fullest measure of public confidence and support ensured . ALFRED BEST , Proprietor .
GANNON STREET HOTEL , CANNON STREET , LONDON , E . C . The Railway advantages , in direct communication yvith the Hotel , * renders this establishment unequalled in the Metropolis for MASONIC BANQUETS , PUBLIC AND PRIVATE DINNERS , BREAKFASTS , & c , DRAMATIC ENTERTAINMENTS , PUBLIC MEETINGS , ARBITRATIONS . THE LARGE HALL is capable of seating upwards of Twelve Hundred people . FAMILIES AND VISITORS visiting London for long or short periods yvill find all the appointments , ana accomodation , unrivalled . E . H . RAND , Superintendent .
GREEN'S , ST . JAMES'S PLACE HOTEL , 17 , ST . JAMES'S PLACE , ST . JAMES'S STREET , S . W . The advantages possessed by this Hotel arc rarely to be found . Situated in the most fashionable , and at the same time most quiet part of Toyvn ( no traffic through St . James's Place ) , it contains elegant suites of rooms , also single apartments , with use of Coffee Room . Thc attention of Masonic Brethren , Noblemen , Gentlemen , and Families Is directed to the superior excellence and comfort of the above Hotel . Under personal supervision great care has been devoted to the CUISINE , and choice selection of FIRST QUALITY WINES . Visitors to the Hotel have the privilege of a PRIVATE and DIRECT entry to the GREEN PARK . Families and Gentlemen visiting London should communicate yvith BRO . ANTON HEROLD .
ASHLEY'S HOTEL , HENRIETTA STREET AND MAIDEN LANE , COVENT GARDEN , LONDON . This yvell known homely and comfortable FAMILY AND MASONIC HOTEL , Situated in the most central and commercial part of thc metropolis , has been Rebuilt and Newly Furnishul . Visitors obtain all the comforts and convenience of a First-class Modern Hotel at prices long noted for combining Comfort with Economy . LADIES' COFFEE ROOM . BILLIARDS . Night Porter . LODGE COVENT GARDEN , 1 G 14 , and the PISCATORIAL SOCIETY'S MEETINGS are held here . Room Complete in Appointments for MASONIC BANQUETS and other Meetings . ^^ Bro . RICHARD MICHELL , Proprietor .
THE LONDON AND GENERALWATER PURIFYING COMPANY X ( LIMITED ) . PATENT CISTERN FILTERS CHARGED SOLELY WITH ANIMAL CHARCOAL . Requiring , when pnee fixed , no attention yvhatever . vrttlfa Cistern ' rlftcf . THE LATEST PATENTED FILTER IN GENERAL USE . And superior to all others , Vide Professor Frankland's Reports to the Registrar General , ] uly 1866 , N ° " , T 3 S § gf ®^ m- > f *'< rfi ber , 1867 , and May , i 87 o ; the " Lancet , " January 12 , 1867 , and Testimonials from Dr . Hassall , September 1 } , I B 5 ^ 5 B ! ¥ & ' . VJ pij I lS 6 2 i fr . Letheby , February ij , i 8 ; j , and December , 1872 . ! i iSffgffii & Sst lllj 1 Price £ 1 ios . and upwards . PORTABLE FILTERS on this System , £ 1 Is . to £ 3 . I ^ S ] : ? CSalfe illll Patronized and used hy Her Majesty the Queen , at Osborne ; by H . R . H . the Prince of Wales , M . W . G . M ., *> l ' * SH iffvlSHl li ! llll Sandringham- by H . R . H . the Duke of Cambridge ; the elite of the Medical Profession , and at the London , ' jgSJ -aJyljllllMiT lllJIQ St . George ' s , Fever , and German Hospitals , and various Lunatic Asylums , H ^ 3 ^ 90 \ kO v ^ jH ^ Institutions , llreyveries , & c . ,, ^ nfT ^—~^ POCKET FILTERS , 4 s . fid . and 6 s . each . HOUSEHOLD and FANCY FILTERS from us . 6 d . WATER TESTING APPARATUS FOR DETECTING THE IMPURITIES IN WATER , 10 s . 6 d . and 2 is . & £ < £ Danchell ' s 'iTesting Apparatus for Discovering the Presence o £ Impurities in Water , " is a most convenient and portable one-D yke on the Preliminary Duties of Health Officers . .. ai This is a very handy case for the Study Table or Carpet Bag . It contains the Chief Chemical Tests for Qualitive Water Anaiy «»» j ^ , will be found of use by medical and other men yvho may have occasion to ascertain in a ready manner whether any of the more A I impurities are present or not in water . Vide the " Medical Record , " January > 9 , 1873 . 157 , STRAND ( four doors from Somerset House ) , LONDON ,