Article REPORTS OF MASONIC MEETINGS. ← Page 4 of 4 Article REPORTS OF MASONIC MEETINGS. Page 4 of 4 Article Ancient and Accepted Rite. Page 1 of 1 Article THE LATE BRO. R. J. SPIERS. Page 1 of 1
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Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
PAIGNTON . —Torbay Lodge ( No . 135 8 ) . —The usual monthly meeting of this lodge yvas held on Tuesday , 30 th October . The W . M ., Bro . James Greenfield , P . M ., P . P . G . J . D ., occupied thc chair , and yvas supported by his officers , Bros . J . F . Chinnock , S . W . ; F . Palk , J . W . ; Rev . N . Piatt , P . P . G . CD . S . and Chaplain ; W . E . Warren , P . M ., P . G . Org ., Sec ; A . W . Palk , * . D . ; C . Perrott , I . G . ;
T . Brooks , R . A . M ., Organist . The brethren mustered in strong force , and among thc visitors were Bros . G . Huxham , W . M . 1254 ( Semper Fidelis ) , Exeter ; S . Burton , W . M . 328 ( St . John's , Torquay ) * , Geo . T . Barry , P . M . 24 S , Brixham , Prov . G . Purs . ; B . Fullwood , S . W . 328 ; W . Taylor , 328 ; T . S . Bailey , 328 ; and J . W . Valentine , Sec . 303 ( Benevolent ) , Teignmouth . A candidate , Mr . W . W .
Ellis , was installed into the mysteries of the Order by the W . M . Bro . Cooke , passed to the degree of a Felloyv Craft by P . M . W . E . Warren , P . G . Org ., and Bro . G . T . Bany , Prov . G . Purs , balloted for as a joining member . A pleasing duty devolved upon the W . M ., viz ., that of presenting the I . P . M ., Bro . John Couldrey , yvith a P . M . ' s jewel subscribed for by the brethren . In doing so he alluded in
complimentary terms to the maimer in yvhich the duties of the office of W . M . had been discharged during the past year , and begged its acceptance as a mark of the esteem and regard of the brethren of the lodge . Bro . Couldrey thanked the W . M . and brethren fcr this expression of their fraternal feelings towards him , and assured them he felt much honoured . He should ever regard their present as a
pleasurable memento of his year of office , and hc yvould wear it yvith pride as long as he lived . Bro . Huxham , W . M . 1254 ( Exeter ) , said it gave him much gratification at being present that evening as a visitor , and to witness thc presentation that had just taken place . The lodge he represented was the mother lodge of the I . P . M ., and he was sure yvhen he reported the incident of this evening to
the members of Semper Fidelis they would feel as much pleased to hear of the honour done to one of their lodge as he yvas to witness it . He congratulated the lodge on its good yvorking , and wns glad to see so prosperous a lodge at Paignton . The brethren on the closing of the lodge adjourned to their oyvn ante-room for refreshment , and spent a very harmonious and pleasant evening .
MANCHESTER . —Lodge of Truth ( No . 1458 ) . —This lodge held its accustomed monthly meeting at Private Rooms , Newton Heath , on Saturday , November 3 rd . It being " election day " a goodly number of members presented themselves . At 3 . 30 ; -. m . Bro . Batchelder , W . M ., proved and opened his lodge , and in due course admitted into " Masonic licrht" Messrs . W . H .
Thynne and A . Thornton . Bro . R . Caldwell , P . M ., and D . of C , then passed Bros . Smith and Vincent . Bro . Batchelder , W . M ., again took up his position , and election by ballot of a VV . M . for the ensuing year yvas proceeded with , yvhich lcsulted in a large majority for Bro . G . H . Needle , J . W ., Bro . W . J . Khid . r , S . W ., being the present Master of Lodge 3 6 7 . The election of Treasurer yvas
allowed to stand over till the ni xt meeting . Bro . Tyers , P . M ., who has ably filled this office since the consecration of the lodge in 1 S 73 , expressed a desire ( much to the regret of the brethren ) not to be re-elected—persuasive powers were not available to induce him to continue , as he yvished to see some ofthe younger brethren iu harness . The Secretary therefore proposed Bro . Proctor , yvhich was
seconded by Bro . G . H . Needle , J . W ., Bro . Proctor being absent it yvas thought prudent to alloyv the matter to stand over . Bro . Beswick was again unanimously elected Tyler . Bro . R . Caldwell , P . M ., and T . Davis , were appointed auditors , the business on the circular yvas here completed ; and two candidates were proposed for initiation , one by Bro . T . Tyers , P . M ., and the other by Bro . [ . Taylor ,
J . D . Representatives from Lodges 5 81 , 667 , ion , and 1088 , accorded the usual congratulations . Charity yvas then exeicised , and the lodge closed nccevrding to ancient custom . The brethren then assembled at thc social board , business yvas there attended to with all propriety , and in due course came the usual toasts , loyal and Masonic . Then came those immediately connected yvith Lodge 145 8 .
Bro . R . Caldwell , P . M ., commencing with "The Health of the W . M . elect , " and remarked that he had hoped to have seen him occupying the proud position to which he had that ni g ht been elected , before now , but circumstances had prevented it . Bro . G . H . Needle , J . W . and W . M . elect , responded , and intimated that with the assistance of the P . M . ' s of the lodge he intended to do his yvork to the
best of his ability . Bro . Batchelder , W . M . next proposed in a neat speech "The Health of the Initiates . " During their preparation to reply , Past Master Dumville yvith his top notes of melody , gave the E . A . Song . After a fewwords from the initiates , brief but telling , the newlypassed brelhren yvere next thought of , who in due course responded . Bro . S . H . Needham haying proposed
"The health of the VV . M ., " it yvas heartily honoured . Bro . Batchelder , W . M ., in reply said , that his year of office yvas nearly completed , he fell that a successful year to any W . M . was in a great measure owing to thc abilities of his officers ; such he considered in his officers yvere good , and he felt persuaded that in relinquishing the gavel to the W . M . elect , it was in able hands , and that he yvould
receive that support from the P . M . 's and his officers in a like measure to himself . "The Visiting Brethren " yvere also thought of , and their companionship again solicited ; they responded , and returned the compliment . During the evening , Bros . Dumville , Cox , Nich Ison , Hebden , and Hyam , poured forth " inspiring thoughts in vocal strain . " Bro . W . H . Thynne also gave a recitation . In due time , 0 . 20 p . m ., came the last toast of the evening , and the
brethren separated . HAMPTON "WICK . —Wolscy Lodge ( No , 16 5 6 ) . —This recentl y formed but prosperous provincial lodge held its first meeting of the season at the White Hart Hotel , on Monday , the -jth inst . The oflicers present were Bros . W . Hammond , ' P . P . G . D . Midx ., P . M . 201 , 1326 , and 1512 , W . M . j B . Sharp , P . G . S . of the Province , I' . M ., S . W . ; Baldwin , P . G . P . of Midx . P . M . Era Lodge ,
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
acting J . W . ; J . Hammond , P . M . Jordan , W . M . 1512 , Hon . I . V . M . j T . W . Ockenden , S . D . 1512 , Secretary ; J . Hurst , P . M . 1512 , J . D . ; T . C . Walls , P . G . O . Midx ., J . W . 1381 , J . D . 1512 , I . G . ; Honeywell , P . M . Dobie Lodge , Organist ; Marvin , D . C ; and Scott , W . S . The visitors were Bros . Crawford , Kelly , Garwood , and Murphy . The minutes of the consecration and
subsequent emergency meetings having been read and confirmed , the W . M . initiated Messrs . Aylcn , Wortbington , and Murray , passed Bros . Duffell and Elphick , and raised Bros . Jackson , Masters , and Piller , the three arduous and impressive ceremonies being rendered by Bro . Hammond most ably . It is a noteworthy circumstance , and yvhich proves that the founding of a lodge in this locality yvas a
Masonic necessity , that the W . M . has never had a " maiden sitting . " In fact the number of initiates have been so large that the officers of the lodge have been under thc necessity of working from four to five hours consecutively . In this instance the lodge was summoned at half-past five o ' clock in the afternoon , and its members and visitors did not sit down to their well-earned and necessary
refreshment until the clock of Kingston Church had chimed the three-quarters after nine . The requirements of the licence of Bro . Andreyvs , mine host of the White Hart Hotel , compelling him to close at eleven , thc toasts of the evening were curtailed of their fair proportions , and given pro formn . Bro . Walls responded upon behalf of "The Deputy Provincial Grand Master and the rest of the Prov . Grand Officers , Past and Present . " " The Health of the
W . M . " yvas proposed by Bro . Bernard Sharp , S . W ., who complimented Bro . Hammond upon the great stamina and ability evinced by him that evening in rendering the three ceremonies and discharging the other duties of his position without once " calling off . " The W . M . having replied , gave "The Initiates " and " The Visitors" and those important toasts having been responded to , the proceedings terminated .
INSTHUCTION . THE LONDON MASONIC CLUB . —This Lodge of Instruction metal" the club , " 101 , Queen Victoria-street , E . C ., on Monday last , the 1 ; th inst ., when there were present Bros . W . Sharratt , VV . M . ; J . Langton , S . W . ; C . E . Smith , J . W . ; C . F . Dobbing , S . D . ; C . E . Barnett , J . D . ; J . D . Langton , I . G . ; W . Smallpeice ,
Preceptor ; C J . Hogg , Treas . ; J . E . Shand , Hon . Sec ; Edell , Runipff , Rogers , Bauman , and others . Visitors : Bros . C . F . Cooke , Strauss , and II . W . Morgan , jun . The lodge was opened in the usual manner , and the minutes of the last meeting confirmed . The First Ceremony was rehearsed . Bro . Bauman was passed to the degree
of F . C . Bro . Smallpeice gave the Lecture on the 1 racing Board of the degree . Four brethren were elected members of the lodge . S . W . Joseph Langton was voted to the chair for next meeting . Three brethren were chosen Auditors to examine the accounts of the lodge . The lodge yvas closed and adjourned until Monday , 26 th inst ., at 6 o ' clock .
SOUTHWARK LODGE ( No . 870 ) . —The Fifteen Sections yvere yvorked at the above lodge on Wednesday , 31 st October , in the presence of a good number of brethren from various lodges , including Past Masters E . Stephens , S 79 ; VV . H . Green , 619 ; J . A . Hudson ,
8 79 ; Davison , 299 ; H . Bartlett , 147 ; and others . Uro . C . W . Kent , P . M ., and Preceptor of tlie lodge , carried out the duties of W . M . for the evening in a most impressive manner , and received a cordial vote of thanks from the brethren for his kindness in presiding . The Sections were worked as follows , viz : —
FIRST LECTCW-:. ist Section Bro . Joseph Boyven , 1310 . 2 nd „ Bro . George Pulsford , 1593 . 3 rd „ Bro . W . S . Lugg , 8 79 . 4 U 1 „ Bro . J . G . Milbourn , 13 . 5 th ,, Bro . John Ives , 7 81 . 6 th „ ......... Bro . S . Bottomley , 1571 . 7 th „ Bro . Edyvard Stephens , P . M . 879 .
SECOND LECTURE . 1 st Section Bro . J . A . Hudson , P . M . 879 . 2 nd „ Bro . Thos . Parker , 753 . 3 rd „ Bro . Davison , P . M . 299 . 41 I 1 „ Bro . Wm . Beavis , 8 79 . Sth „ Bro . Jas . Taylor , S . D . 753 .
Tin no LECTIIIE . ist Section Bro . John Davis , I . G . 879 . 2 nd „ Bro . Jas . Stamp , 879 . 3 rd „ Bro . J . S . Leaper , 127 *; . GREAT YARMOUTH . —Friendship Lodge ( N'o . 100 ) . —The first meeting of this lodge yvas held at the Croyvn and Anchor Hotel , Great Yarmouth , on Friday ,
the 9 th inst ., yvhen there yvas a fair muster of the brethren . The chair was taken by Bro . Boufcllow , I . P . M . P . G . A . D . C . Norfolk , thc other oflicers bring Bros . Captain Dods , S . W . ; Howes , P . M ., J . W . ; Stembridge , S . D . ; Palk , J . D . ; A . D . Bennett , I . G . ; P . Glover , P . P . G . O . Berks and Bucks , Secretary , pro tem . The ceremony of installation was then rehearsed , Bro . W . Johnson acting as candidate . Afterwards various matters of business were settled , Bro .
. / ames Bond , I' . M ., being appointed Preceptor , and Bro . A . D . Bennett , Secretary and Treasurer . Considering that several brethren were engaged the same evening in connection with the corporation ( this being the day of appointing the Mayor of the borough ) , there was a good attendance , and the meeting was very successful . This new venture , which owes its origin entirely to the indefatigable exertions of Bro . Glover , who is always ready to give a helping hand , we wish every prosperity .
The following reports stand over—Wil-I liamson Lodge , 949 ; Tyndall Lodge , 1363 ; Panmure I Chapter , 720 ; Kcnnard Chapter , 1258 . Reminiscences of St . John ' s Lodge , " Kelso , unavoidably croweled out .
Ancient And Accepted Rite.
Ancient and Accepted Rite .
EASTBOURNE . — Albion Chapter , Rose Croix 18 ° ( No . 5 6 ) . —The annual installation rncctino- f the above chapter yvas held on Friday , the 2 nd insti" at Bro . Morris ' s , Southdown Hotel . Among the members present we noted thc 111 . Bro . T . Lane , 33 , M . W . S . Ex Bros . Capt . F . H . Huth , 18 ° , First Gen . and M . ' w S * elect ; Pidcjck , 18 ° Second Gen . ; C . W . Drake , " iS ° "
G . M . ; B . Roberts , M . D ., Reg . ; 111 . Bros . T . Trollope , M D 31 , P . M . W . S . ; G . Moren , P . M . W . S ., and others ! The visitors included V . 111 . Bro . S . Rayvson , 33 ° , r ' Gen . for the South-Eastern District j 111 . Bros . Col . Bur ' dett , 32 ( Ireland ) j John Boyd , 30 ° , P . M . W . S . Hol y p lestine Chapter j Ex . Bro . H . Dicketts , 18 , Registrar , and C . Martin , i § ° , both of the same chapter j and last , but
not least , Ex . Bro . C . J . Smith , 18 , M . W . S . of thc sister chapter in the province , the Eureka , at Brighton . After confirmation of the minutes , and the transaction of other business , including the reading of letters of apology from absent members , thc M . W . S . resigned the chair to IU . Bro . Trollope , 31 , who thereupon proceeded to install Ex . [ no . Capt . F . H . Huth , 18 ° , into the chair of M . W . S . for
the ensuing year . The officers ; having been appointed Bro . Biiscoe , P . M . South Saxon Lodge , No . 311 , yvho had been balloted for and elected at the preceding meeting , yvas duly and regularly admitted to the 1 S ., the intermediate degrees being given and the ceremony performed by 111 Bro . Trollope , at the request of the M . W . S . The concluding icrtion of the degree was then given and the
chapter duly closed . Previous to this , however , a vote of thanks yvas accorded to the illustrious visitors who had honoured the chapter with their presence . This was suitably acknowledged by III . Bros . S . Rawson and Col . Burdett , who yvere pleased to signify their approval of the way the ceremonies were conducted . A most elegant little supper folloyved , yvhich ,-as is ahvays the case at Bro . Morris's ,
gave entire satisfaction . The toasts peculiar to the Order yvere given by the newly-installed M . W . S ., Bro . Capt . Huth , in capital form , and most heartily responded to . We must congratulate our Eastbourne brethren on the facilities afforded in their town for the practice of almost every degree in connection yvith Freemasonry , and yisitors to the South Coast yvho may care to see the beautiful ceremonies cf the Rose Croix , or the impressive ritual of the
Knights Templar , properly rendered , may do yvorse than find their way to Bro . Morris ' s hospitable Southdown mansion , on any cf the stated meetings of the Albion Chapter , Rose Croix , or Sussex Prcceptery , K . T . ( vide " Cosmopolitan Calendar . " ) The Albion Chapter ha 5 had many difficulties to contend with , but , judging from the cordial tone prevailing amongst its members , and the efficient manner in yvhich the ceremonies incidental to the day were performed , we may hope a prosperous future is in store for it .
The Late Bro. R. J. Spiers.
The brethren of the Alfred Lodge , Oxford , have passed the folloyving resolutions yvith reference to the loss sustained by Ihem in the death of Bro . R . J . Spiers , Past Deputy Prov . G . Master of Oxford , P . G . S . B . " VVe , the Worshipful Master , Past Masters , Officers and Brethren of thc Alfred Lodge of Freemasons , No . 320 , assembled in
open lodge regularly held and properly dedicated , ( the brethren of the lodge rocm wearing on this occasion the sombre livery of mourning by the express command of the Provincial Grand Master of Oxfordshire , Bro . His Royal Highness Prince Leopold ) , are desirous of recording our sense of the loss wc , as Masons , have sustained by the death of our much valued brother
Richard James Spiers . Past Master tf this lodge , in yvhich he yvas initiated , Past Grand Sword-Bearer , of the Grand Lodge of England , and for many years the zealous Deputy Provincial Grand Master of the province of Oxfordshire We arc anxious to p lace 011 record the high estimation in yvhich , for more than a quarter of a century , he has been held among us as our
instructor and guide in the details of all the forms and ceremonies of Freemasonry , nnd as a correrl expounder of its laws and rules . We are impressed also yvith a grateful remembrance of the warm-hearted and indefatigable discharge of his duty , and his successful applications of the influence of his hi gh position in Masonry , in connection yvith the
administrations of the Great Masonic Charities , especially affecting the interests of the widow and thc fatherless , the aged and the afllicted , naving a distinct claim on thesympathy of the brethren of this province . This testimony of our appreciation of his services to us and to Masonry we desire to have recorded in the annals of our lodge , and a copy of it sent to the family of our deceased brother ,
hoping it may be to them a source of consolation ; and we take this opportunity of conveying the expression of our united sympathy and condolence yvith them under their recent bereavement . With us survives the memory of his yvidely felt and valued Masonic usefulness . Closing his long and chequered life of sunshine and shade , he has left to each and every member of his large and interesting
family , proving its just estimate of its importance and his fatherly care ( or their best interests in their eaily years , the priceless possession of an education of no ordinary standard , the- fruits of which rue evidenced in minds well eullivntcd and tastes refined . Armc . l yvith these efficient means of self-advancement , may it be theirs so to apply them by line and rule to the fulfilment of the duties of
active life , as under the blessing of the Great Architect of the Universe to merit and secure honourable and prosperous positions in society . We cannot doubt that the brethren of the Grand Lodge of England , of the Prov Grand Lodge of Oxfordshire , with all the lodges of this province , and the Craft generally , will heartily echo outprayer , " So mote it be . "
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Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
PAIGNTON . —Torbay Lodge ( No . 135 8 ) . —The usual monthly meeting of this lodge yvas held on Tuesday , 30 th October . The W . M ., Bro . James Greenfield , P . M ., P . P . G . J . D ., occupied thc chair , and yvas supported by his officers , Bros . J . F . Chinnock , S . W . ; F . Palk , J . W . ; Rev . N . Piatt , P . P . G . CD . S . and Chaplain ; W . E . Warren , P . M ., P . G . Org ., Sec ; A . W . Palk , * . D . ; C . Perrott , I . G . ;
T . Brooks , R . A . M ., Organist . The brethren mustered in strong force , and among thc visitors were Bros . G . Huxham , W . M . 1254 ( Semper Fidelis ) , Exeter ; S . Burton , W . M . 328 ( St . John's , Torquay ) * , Geo . T . Barry , P . M . 24 S , Brixham , Prov . G . Purs . ; B . Fullwood , S . W . 328 ; W . Taylor , 328 ; T . S . Bailey , 328 ; and J . W . Valentine , Sec . 303 ( Benevolent ) , Teignmouth . A candidate , Mr . W . W .
Ellis , was installed into the mysteries of the Order by the W . M . Bro . Cooke , passed to the degree of a Felloyv Craft by P . M . W . E . Warren , P . G . Org ., and Bro . G . T . Bany , Prov . G . Purs , balloted for as a joining member . A pleasing duty devolved upon the W . M ., viz ., that of presenting the I . P . M ., Bro . John Couldrey , yvith a P . M . ' s jewel subscribed for by the brethren . In doing so he alluded in
complimentary terms to the maimer in yvhich the duties of the office of W . M . had been discharged during the past year , and begged its acceptance as a mark of the esteem and regard of the brethren of the lodge . Bro . Couldrey thanked the W . M . and brethren fcr this expression of their fraternal feelings towards him , and assured them he felt much honoured . He should ever regard their present as a
pleasurable memento of his year of office , and hc yvould wear it yvith pride as long as he lived . Bro . Huxham , W . M . 1254 ( Exeter ) , said it gave him much gratification at being present that evening as a visitor , and to witness thc presentation that had just taken place . The lodge he represented was the mother lodge of the I . P . M ., and he was sure yvhen he reported the incident of this evening to
the members of Semper Fidelis they would feel as much pleased to hear of the honour done to one of their lodge as he yvas to witness it . He congratulated the lodge on its good yvorking , and wns glad to see so prosperous a lodge at Paignton . The brethren on the closing of the lodge adjourned to their oyvn ante-room for refreshment , and spent a very harmonious and pleasant evening .
MANCHESTER . —Lodge of Truth ( No . 1458 ) . —This lodge held its accustomed monthly meeting at Private Rooms , Newton Heath , on Saturday , November 3 rd . It being " election day " a goodly number of members presented themselves . At 3 . 30 ; -. m . Bro . Batchelder , W . M ., proved and opened his lodge , and in due course admitted into " Masonic licrht" Messrs . W . H .
Thynne and A . Thornton . Bro . R . Caldwell , P . M ., and D . of C , then passed Bros . Smith and Vincent . Bro . Batchelder , W . M ., again took up his position , and election by ballot of a VV . M . for the ensuing year yvas proceeded with , yvhich lcsulted in a large majority for Bro . G . H . Needle , J . W ., Bro . W . J . Khid . r , S . W ., being the present Master of Lodge 3 6 7 . The election of Treasurer yvas
allowed to stand over till the ni xt meeting . Bro . Tyers , P . M ., who has ably filled this office since the consecration of the lodge in 1 S 73 , expressed a desire ( much to the regret of the brethren ) not to be re-elected—persuasive powers were not available to induce him to continue , as he yvished to see some ofthe younger brethren iu harness . The Secretary therefore proposed Bro . Proctor , yvhich was
seconded by Bro . G . H . Needle , J . W ., Bro . Proctor being absent it yvas thought prudent to alloyv the matter to stand over . Bro . Beswick was again unanimously elected Tyler . Bro . R . Caldwell , P . M ., and T . Davis , were appointed auditors , the business on the circular yvas here completed ; and two candidates were proposed for initiation , one by Bro . T . Tyers , P . M ., and the other by Bro . [ . Taylor ,
J . D . Representatives from Lodges 5 81 , 667 , ion , and 1088 , accorded the usual congratulations . Charity yvas then exeicised , and the lodge closed nccevrding to ancient custom . The brethren then assembled at thc social board , business yvas there attended to with all propriety , and in due course came the usual toasts , loyal and Masonic . Then came those immediately connected yvith Lodge 145 8 .
Bro . R . Caldwell , P . M ., commencing with "The Health of the W . M . elect , " and remarked that he had hoped to have seen him occupying the proud position to which he had that ni g ht been elected , before now , but circumstances had prevented it . Bro . G . H . Needle , J . W . and W . M . elect , responded , and intimated that with the assistance of the P . M . ' s of the lodge he intended to do his yvork to the
best of his ability . Bro . Batchelder , W . M . next proposed in a neat speech "The Health of the Initiates . " During their preparation to reply , Past Master Dumville yvith his top notes of melody , gave the E . A . Song . After a fewwords from the initiates , brief but telling , the newlypassed brelhren yvere next thought of , who in due course responded . Bro . S . H . Needham haying proposed
"The health of the VV . M ., " it yvas heartily honoured . Bro . Batchelder , W . M ., in reply said , that his year of office yvas nearly completed , he fell that a successful year to any W . M . was in a great measure owing to thc abilities of his officers ; such he considered in his officers yvere good , and he felt persuaded that in relinquishing the gavel to the W . M . elect , it was in able hands , and that he yvould
receive that support from the P . M . 's and his officers in a like measure to himself . "The Visiting Brethren " yvere also thought of , and their companionship again solicited ; they responded , and returned the compliment . During the evening , Bros . Dumville , Cox , Nich Ison , Hebden , and Hyam , poured forth " inspiring thoughts in vocal strain . " Bro . W . H . Thynne also gave a recitation . In due time , 0 . 20 p . m ., came the last toast of the evening , and the
brethren separated . HAMPTON "WICK . —Wolscy Lodge ( No , 16 5 6 ) . —This recentl y formed but prosperous provincial lodge held its first meeting of the season at the White Hart Hotel , on Monday , the -jth inst . The oflicers present were Bros . W . Hammond , ' P . P . G . D . Midx ., P . M . 201 , 1326 , and 1512 , W . M . j B . Sharp , P . G . S . of the Province , I' . M ., S . W . ; Baldwin , P . G . P . of Midx . P . M . Era Lodge ,
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
acting J . W . ; J . Hammond , P . M . Jordan , W . M . 1512 , Hon . I . V . M . j T . W . Ockenden , S . D . 1512 , Secretary ; J . Hurst , P . M . 1512 , J . D . ; T . C . Walls , P . G . O . Midx ., J . W . 1381 , J . D . 1512 , I . G . ; Honeywell , P . M . Dobie Lodge , Organist ; Marvin , D . C ; and Scott , W . S . The visitors were Bros . Crawford , Kelly , Garwood , and Murphy . The minutes of the consecration and
subsequent emergency meetings having been read and confirmed , the W . M . initiated Messrs . Aylcn , Wortbington , and Murray , passed Bros . Duffell and Elphick , and raised Bros . Jackson , Masters , and Piller , the three arduous and impressive ceremonies being rendered by Bro . Hammond most ably . It is a noteworthy circumstance , and yvhich proves that the founding of a lodge in this locality yvas a
Masonic necessity , that the W . M . has never had a " maiden sitting . " In fact the number of initiates have been so large that the officers of the lodge have been under thc necessity of working from four to five hours consecutively . In this instance the lodge was summoned at half-past five o ' clock in the afternoon , and its members and visitors did not sit down to their well-earned and necessary
refreshment until the clock of Kingston Church had chimed the three-quarters after nine . The requirements of the licence of Bro . Andreyvs , mine host of the White Hart Hotel , compelling him to close at eleven , thc toasts of the evening were curtailed of their fair proportions , and given pro formn . Bro . Walls responded upon behalf of "The Deputy Provincial Grand Master and the rest of the Prov . Grand Officers , Past and Present . " " The Health of the
W . M . " yvas proposed by Bro . Bernard Sharp , S . W ., who complimented Bro . Hammond upon the great stamina and ability evinced by him that evening in rendering the three ceremonies and discharging the other duties of his position without once " calling off . " The W . M . having replied , gave "The Initiates " and " The Visitors" and those important toasts having been responded to , the proceedings terminated .
INSTHUCTION . THE LONDON MASONIC CLUB . —This Lodge of Instruction metal" the club , " 101 , Queen Victoria-street , E . C ., on Monday last , the 1 ; th inst ., when there were present Bros . W . Sharratt , VV . M . ; J . Langton , S . W . ; C . E . Smith , J . W . ; C . F . Dobbing , S . D . ; C . E . Barnett , J . D . ; J . D . Langton , I . G . ; W . Smallpeice ,
Preceptor ; C J . Hogg , Treas . ; J . E . Shand , Hon . Sec ; Edell , Runipff , Rogers , Bauman , and others . Visitors : Bros . C . F . Cooke , Strauss , and II . W . Morgan , jun . The lodge was opened in the usual manner , and the minutes of the last meeting confirmed . The First Ceremony was rehearsed . Bro . Bauman was passed to the degree
of F . C . Bro . Smallpeice gave the Lecture on the 1 racing Board of the degree . Four brethren were elected members of the lodge . S . W . Joseph Langton was voted to the chair for next meeting . Three brethren were chosen Auditors to examine the accounts of the lodge . The lodge yvas closed and adjourned until Monday , 26 th inst ., at 6 o ' clock .
SOUTHWARK LODGE ( No . 870 ) . —The Fifteen Sections yvere yvorked at the above lodge on Wednesday , 31 st October , in the presence of a good number of brethren from various lodges , including Past Masters E . Stephens , S 79 ; VV . H . Green , 619 ; J . A . Hudson ,
8 79 ; Davison , 299 ; H . Bartlett , 147 ; and others . Uro . C . W . Kent , P . M ., and Preceptor of tlie lodge , carried out the duties of W . M . for the evening in a most impressive manner , and received a cordial vote of thanks from the brethren for his kindness in presiding . The Sections were worked as follows , viz : —
FIRST LECTCW-:. ist Section Bro . Joseph Boyven , 1310 . 2 nd „ Bro . George Pulsford , 1593 . 3 rd „ Bro . W . S . Lugg , 8 79 . 4 U 1 „ Bro . J . G . Milbourn , 13 . 5 th ,, Bro . John Ives , 7 81 . 6 th „ ......... Bro . S . Bottomley , 1571 . 7 th „ Bro . Edyvard Stephens , P . M . 879 .
SECOND LECTURE . 1 st Section Bro . J . A . Hudson , P . M . 879 . 2 nd „ Bro . Thos . Parker , 753 . 3 rd „ Bro . Davison , P . M . 299 . 41 I 1 „ Bro . Wm . Beavis , 8 79 . Sth „ Bro . Jas . Taylor , S . D . 753 .
Tin no LECTIIIE . ist Section Bro . John Davis , I . G . 879 . 2 nd „ Bro . Jas . Stamp , 879 . 3 rd „ Bro . J . S . Leaper , 127 *; . GREAT YARMOUTH . —Friendship Lodge ( N'o . 100 ) . —The first meeting of this lodge yvas held at the Croyvn and Anchor Hotel , Great Yarmouth , on Friday ,
the 9 th inst ., yvhen there yvas a fair muster of the brethren . The chair was taken by Bro . Boufcllow , I . P . M . P . G . A . D . C . Norfolk , thc other oflicers bring Bros . Captain Dods , S . W . ; Howes , P . M ., J . W . ; Stembridge , S . D . ; Palk , J . D . ; A . D . Bennett , I . G . ; P . Glover , P . P . G . O . Berks and Bucks , Secretary , pro tem . The ceremony of installation was then rehearsed , Bro . W . Johnson acting as candidate . Afterwards various matters of business were settled , Bro .
. / ames Bond , I' . M ., being appointed Preceptor , and Bro . A . D . Bennett , Secretary and Treasurer . Considering that several brethren were engaged the same evening in connection with the corporation ( this being the day of appointing the Mayor of the borough ) , there was a good attendance , and the meeting was very successful . This new venture , which owes its origin entirely to the indefatigable exertions of Bro . Glover , who is always ready to give a helping hand , we wish every prosperity .
The following reports stand over—Wil-I liamson Lodge , 949 ; Tyndall Lodge , 1363 ; Panmure I Chapter , 720 ; Kcnnard Chapter , 1258 . Reminiscences of St . John ' s Lodge , " Kelso , unavoidably croweled out .
Ancient And Accepted Rite.
Ancient and Accepted Rite .
EASTBOURNE . — Albion Chapter , Rose Croix 18 ° ( No . 5 6 ) . —The annual installation rncctino- f the above chapter yvas held on Friday , the 2 nd insti" at Bro . Morris ' s , Southdown Hotel . Among the members present we noted thc 111 . Bro . T . Lane , 33 , M . W . S . Ex Bros . Capt . F . H . Huth , 18 ° , First Gen . and M . ' w S * elect ; Pidcjck , 18 ° Second Gen . ; C . W . Drake , " iS ° "
G . M . ; B . Roberts , M . D ., Reg . ; 111 . Bros . T . Trollope , M D 31 , P . M . W . S . ; G . Moren , P . M . W . S ., and others ! The visitors included V . 111 . Bro . S . Rayvson , 33 ° , r ' Gen . for the South-Eastern District j 111 . Bros . Col . Bur ' dett , 32 ( Ireland ) j John Boyd , 30 ° , P . M . W . S . Hol y p lestine Chapter j Ex . Bro . H . Dicketts , 18 , Registrar , and C . Martin , i § ° , both of the same chapter j and last , but
not least , Ex . Bro . C . J . Smith , 18 , M . W . S . of thc sister chapter in the province , the Eureka , at Brighton . After confirmation of the minutes , and the transaction of other business , including the reading of letters of apology from absent members , thc M . W . S . resigned the chair to IU . Bro . Trollope , 31 , who thereupon proceeded to install Ex . [ no . Capt . F . H . Huth , 18 ° , into the chair of M . W . S . for
the ensuing year . The officers ; having been appointed Bro . Biiscoe , P . M . South Saxon Lodge , No . 311 , yvho had been balloted for and elected at the preceding meeting , yvas duly and regularly admitted to the 1 S ., the intermediate degrees being given and the ceremony performed by 111 Bro . Trollope , at the request of the M . W . S . The concluding icrtion of the degree was then given and the
chapter duly closed . Previous to this , however , a vote of thanks yvas accorded to the illustrious visitors who had honoured the chapter with their presence . This was suitably acknowledged by III . Bros . S . Rawson and Col . Burdett , who yvere pleased to signify their approval of the way the ceremonies were conducted . A most elegant little supper folloyved , yvhich ,-as is ahvays the case at Bro . Morris's ,
gave entire satisfaction . The toasts peculiar to the Order yvere given by the newly-installed M . W . S ., Bro . Capt . Huth , in capital form , and most heartily responded to . We must congratulate our Eastbourne brethren on the facilities afforded in their town for the practice of almost every degree in connection yvith Freemasonry , and yisitors to the South Coast yvho may care to see the beautiful ceremonies cf the Rose Croix , or the impressive ritual of the
Knights Templar , properly rendered , may do yvorse than find their way to Bro . Morris ' s hospitable Southdown mansion , on any cf the stated meetings of the Albion Chapter , Rose Croix , or Sussex Prcceptery , K . T . ( vide " Cosmopolitan Calendar . " ) The Albion Chapter ha 5 had many difficulties to contend with , but , judging from the cordial tone prevailing amongst its members , and the efficient manner in yvhich the ceremonies incidental to the day were performed , we may hope a prosperous future is in store for it .
The Late Bro. R. J. Spiers.
The brethren of the Alfred Lodge , Oxford , have passed the folloyving resolutions yvith reference to the loss sustained by Ihem in the death of Bro . R . J . Spiers , Past Deputy Prov . G . Master of Oxford , P . G . S . B . " VVe , the Worshipful Master , Past Masters , Officers and Brethren of thc Alfred Lodge of Freemasons , No . 320 , assembled in
open lodge regularly held and properly dedicated , ( the brethren of the lodge rocm wearing on this occasion the sombre livery of mourning by the express command of the Provincial Grand Master of Oxfordshire , Bro . His Royal Highness Prince Leopold ) , are desirous of recording our sense of the loss wc , as Masons , have sustained by the death of our much valued brother
Richard James Spiers . Past Master tf this lodge , in yvhich he yvas initiated , Past Grand Sword-Bearer , of the Grand Lodge of England , and for many years the zealous Deputy Provincial Grand Master of the province of Oxfordshire We arc anxious to p lace 011 record the high estimation in yvhich , for more than a quarter of a century , he has been held among us as our
instructor and guide in the details of all the forms and ceremonies of Freemasonry , nnd as a correrl expounder of its laws and rules . We are impressed also yvith a grateful remembrance of the warm-hearted and indefatigable discharge of his duty , and his successful applications of the influence of his hi gh position in Masonry , in connection yvith the
administrations of the Great Masonic Charities , especially affecting the interests of the widow and thc fatherless , the aged and the afllicted , naving a distinct claim on thesympathy of the brethren of this province . This testimony of our appreciation of his services to us and to Masonry we desire to have recorded in the annals of our lodge , and a copy of it sent to the family of our deceased brother ,
hoping it may be to them a source of consolation ; and we take this opportunity of conveying the expression of our united sympathy and condolence yvith them under their recent bereavement . With us survives the memory of his yvidely felt and valued Masonic usefulness . Closing his long and chequered life of sunshine and shade , he has left to each and every member of his large and interesting
family , proving its just estimate of its importance and his fatherly care ( or their best interests in their eaily years , the priceless possession of an education of no ordinary standard , the- fruits of which rue evidenced in minds well eullivntcd and tastes refined . Armc . l yvith these efficient means of self-advancement , may it be theirs so to apply them by line and rule to the fulfilment of the duties of
active life , as under the blessing of the Great Architect of the Universe to merit and secure honourable and prosperous positions in society . We cannot doubt that the brethren of the Grand Lodge of England , of the Prov Grand Lodge of Oxfordshire , with all the lodges of this province , and the Craft generally , will heartily echo outprayer , " So mote it be . "