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Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
T . Cairns , S . D . ; T . G . Garrick , J . D . ; J . Todd , I . G . ; J . W . Brown , Tyler ; A . Burton and R . Child , Stewards . The attendance of members and visitors was large , lodges No . 80 , 97 , 94 . 9 , and 960 being represented . CHELMSFORD . —Lodge of Good Fclloxoship , No . 276 . — The members of this lodge met at the Shire Hall , Chelmsford , on Thursday , the 8 th instant , to witness the
installation of Bro . the Rev . B . S . Barnes as W . M . for the ensuing year . There were present : Bros . Andrew Meggy , D . Prov . G . M . ; J . Burton , P . G . Treas . ; John Wright Carr , Prov . G . Sec . ; W . S . Pavitt , W . M . 276 ; Arthur Goodchild , W . M . 1312 : Rev . F . B . Shepherd , George Wakering , Thomas IT . Wood , J . P . Sarel , Wm . Butler , Andrew Durrant , and J . F . Bold , P . M . ' s 276 ;
Rev . B . S . Barnes , S . W . ; James Nicholls , J . W . ; A . C . Veley , S . D . ; Thomas Smee , J . D . ; Tohn W . Hair , Sec . ; George F . Skill , I . G . ; T . Sarel , Tyler ; G . C . Matthams , F . Whitmore , and F . A . Jones , Stewards ; W . Tippler , E . H . Carter , C . Toolney , Stephen Kendall , A . Clarke , C . Josling , and W . IT . Luard Pattison . Visitors : Bros , Hen . Bird , M . D ., P . M . ; S . Chaplin and T . J . Railing ,
51 ; George Cooper , S . W . 214 ; Fred . Dawson , S . D . and Org . 211 ; and Joseph F . Richardson , W . M . and J . E . Wiseman , Sec . 433 . The ceremony of installation was impressively performed by Bro . Peter Matthews , P . P . G . J . W ., G . D . C , and P . M . 11 and 276 , and the W . M . then appointed his ofiicers for the ensuing year as follows : Bros , fames Nicholls , S . W . ; A . C . Veley , J . W . ; Rev . F . B . Shepherd , Chaplain ; John W . Hair ,
Sec . ; J . Burton , Treas . ; T . Smee , S . D . ; G . F . Skill , J . D . ; C . Josling , I . G . ; and T . Sarel , Tyler . On the proposition of the R . W . D . P . G . M ., Bro . A . Meggy , a cordial vote of congratulation was passed to the R . W . P . G . M ., Bro . Bagshaw , on his recent marriage . The brethren subsequently adjourned to the White Hart Hotel , where an excellent banquet was partaken of . During the evening the usual loyal and Masonic toasts were given and responded to .
Southport Lodge of Unity , No . 613 . On December 5 th there was a very numerous gathering of the brethren of the above lodge in the Masonic Hall , Southport , for the purpose of transacting the annual business of the lodge , and especially to pay honour to the W . M .-elect , Bro . Wm . Dodd , who is universally and deservedly esteemed , and who had received the unanimous
suffrages of the brethren as the occupant of the chair foi the ensuing year . Bro . James Hamer , W . Prov . G . Treasurer , acted as Installing Master , and most ably discharged his duties , being assisted by Bros , G . B . Scholes , P . M . 613 , asS . W . ; James Piatt , P . M . 613 and W . M . 1313 , as f . W . There were also present Bros . J . B . Lambert . P . Prov . G . S . D . E . L ., P . M . 613 , 349580 ; W .
, Ho wells , P . Prov . G . S . W . of Staffordshire and Wocestershire , P . G . Treasurer Staffordshire ; Fredk . Green , P . M . 86 ; Rev . J . F . Groggin , 32 , 314 ; Arthur Mayhew , W . M . 613 ; Robert Sharrock , P . M . 613 and Prov . G . Steward ; R . Jeffries , P . M . 613 ; W . Roberts , 167 S ; & c . The beautiful hall was crowded with brethren , the majority of whom were connected with the two
Southport Lodges 613 and 1313 , both of which are in a most flourishing condition . The lodge having been duly opened , the minutes were read , and the names of two candidates were balloted for and duly elected to be initiated . The lodge was then opened in the second degree , and tlie ceremony of installation was proceeded with , Bro . Hamer officiating in his
usual effective style . During the absence of the brethren , Bro . W . Dodd was obligated , and in a Board of Installed Masters , placet ! in the chair of K . S . in accordance with ancient usages . On the return of the brethren , the W . M . was proclaimed . Bro . J . B . Lambert delivered the charge to the W . M ., and Bro . Hamer gave the usual charges to the newly-appointed officers , who were invested as
follows : —Bros . J . Wainwright , S . W . ; II . E . Cullingworth , J . W . ; C . II . Brown , Treas . ; G . Bailev , Sec . ; t . P . Griffiths , S . D . ; T . S . Cory , T . D . ; J . Pl ' att , P . M ., M . C . ; R . Ellison , Organist ; J . Witham , I . G . ; F . Brown and S . Kershaw , Stewards ; and J . Hartley , Tyler . The lodge being closed down to the first degree , the two candidates who had been balloted for , Mr . Leigh L .
Heyward and Mr . James Heyvvnrd . were initiated by the W . M ., the effect of the ceremony being considerably increased by the introduction of Masonic music , compiled by Bro . Younghusband , P . Prov . J . G . D . Liverpool . Five candidates were then proposed for initiation . The W . M ., in an appropiate manner , then presented to Bro . Arthur Mayhew , I . P . M ., a P . M . ' s jewel , as an expression of the esteem of brethren , and in
acknowledgment of the many practical manifestations of his interest in Freemasonry , and in Lodge 613 . Bro . Mayhew suitably responded . The lodge was then closedjthe brethren adjourned to the Victoria Hotel , where the Festival of St . John was celebrated by a banquet , Bro . W . Dodd presiding . The banquet was provided by Bro . F . Baker in the sumptuous style for which this hotel is famed .
At the close of the repast , the usual loyal toasts were given with much enthusiasm . The health of the M . W . G . M . of England followed , and was most cordiall y received . The W . M . then proposed "The Health of Sir Thomas G . Fermor-Hesketh , Bart ., M . P , R . W . Prov . G . M ., and the Prov . G . Officers , " and in doing so referred to the great interest the R . W . G . M . took in the Craftand
, his earnest desire for its promotion . Bros . James Hamer , W . Prov . G . Treas ., and Robert Sharrock , Prov . G . Steward , responded . Bro . Mayhew , I . P . M ., then proposed "Thc Health of Bro . Dodd , W . M ., " who , he said , was justly entitled to the honour that day conferred upon him as a proper return for the time , the energy , and patience , the brotherly kindness , and various other good qualities he had dis-
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
played ever since his introduction into Masonry . He ( the speaker ) hoped that it would not be long before such an earnest and sanguine Mason would hold a provincial position , which his devotion to Masonry richly merited . ( The toast was enthusiastically received . ) The W . M ., in responding , acknowledged thankfully the very cordial expression of the esteem manifested by
his brother Masons . He must admit that since the day of his initiation he had been increasingly delighted with the principles of the Craft , and had done his utmost to understand the why and the wherefore of its mysteries . Masonry must commend itself to every intelligent person who , without prejudice , inquired into its tenets and influence . It was , in his opinion , the most gloiious
system for the guidance of human conduct on the face of the earth—except relig ion itself . ( Cheers . ) If the principles of Masonry had pervaded the nations dwelling upon the Continent , the frightful scourge of war would be unknown , and peace and amity would prevail . ( Hear , hear . ) The longer he lived the more was he impressed with the beauty of the system , and he would use all the
influence connected with the honourable position they had so kindly given to him for the extension of the pure and elevating principles it inculcated . In this high endeavour he felt sure that he should be very materially assisted by the officers who had that day been invested , and who had been selected , not from peisonal motives , but on account of their efficient discharge of the duties of other offices
they had previously held . ( Hear , hear . ) If they went on as they had begun the ensuing year would be one of hard work . Of this he should not complain , and he should spare no effort to make his period of office happy for themselves and successful for Masonry . ( Cheers . ) The W . M . then said he had great pleasure in giving them "The Health of one of his Masonic Schoolmasters ,
Bro . James Hamer , W . Prov . G . Treasurer , " who had so ably officiated as Installing Master . Bro . Hamer was always ready to aid them on every occasion ; he hoped he would live long , and often favour them with his presence . Bro . Hamer , in responding , said he had only done his duty . When he was initiated he was told to make progress in Masonry every day , always provided that attention
to it did not interfere with his business , or other important duties . He had tried to practise this advice , and he was still progressing , for new lights were continually springing up , and the more he studied the more he discovered fresh beauties . Though he had been connected with Masonry for many years he was not tired of it , and he was very glad to be of any service to his Southport brethren , for whom he had a high regard . ( Hear , hear . ) What he had
witnessed that day of the love and harmony which prevailed had greatly pleased him , and he hoped it would long com time and , if possible , increase . ( Cheers . ) The W . M ., in giving "The I . P . M . of Lodge 613 , " referred to the many proofs of good feeling exhibited by Bro . Arthur Mayhew in the prosperity of the lodge . Among these he might mention the gift of new collars , and his handsome donation towards the debt fund .
( Cheers . ) Bro Mayhew said he was very sensible of their great kindness to him that day , especially in the gift of the beautiful jewel which had been presented to him as a token of their respect . He had a high regard for Masonry , which he looked upon as a most powerful agent in diffusing genuine and hearty brotherly love . He could not class
Freemasonry with religion , but it ranks next to it , for just as religion introduced into a district permeates the whole and produces the highest good , so in a lesser degree does Freemasonry , with its sublime and beautiful ceremonies , tend to make them better men . It was a mistake to suppose thai Freemasonry taught or encouraged revelry or impropriety of any kind ; it inculcated the principles of
brotherly love , relief , and truth ; the hand of fellowship was ever to be outstretched , especially to brethren in need , their feet were always ready to run for thc relief of distress , and their hearts quick to feel and sympathise with those in trouble . ( Cheers . ) The W . M . then gave "The Past Masters of Lodge 613 , " which was responded to by Bros . Lambert , Geo .
Woods , P . M . ; G . B . Scholes , P . M . ; and Robt . Jeffries , P . M . The remaining toasts were , "Thencwly-invested Officers of Lodge 613 , " " The Retiring Officers of Lodge 613 , " "The Health of Bro . James Piatt , P . M . of 613 , as W . M . of 1313 ; " "The Visiting Brethren , " responded to by Bros . Rev . J . F . Groggin , llowells , P . Prov . S . G . W . of
Staffordshire and Worcestershire , P . G Treas ., Staffordshire , and Newett , 1313 ; "TheNewly-initiated Brethren , " responded to by Bros . Leigh Leyland Heyward and James Heyward . Bro . Hartley , Tyler , then gave " Poor and Distressed Masons , and speedy Relief , " which brought the toasts to an end about eleven o ' clock .
1 he proceedings were most pleasantly diversified with songs rendered by several of the brethren iu most admirable style . Bros . Turvey and Ellison presided at the pianoforte . The evening was most agreeably spent , several of the older brethren saying that they did not remember a more delightful gathering in the history of Freemasonry in Southport .
WEST LANCASHIRE . —Ulvcrston Lodge of Furness , No . 995 . —The usual monthly meeting of this lodge was held on Tuesday , the 6 th instant , at the Masonic Temple , Theatre-street . Thc lodge was opened in due form by the W . M ., Bro . Case , supported by his officers : —Bros . R . Rawson , S . W . ; Thomas Dodgson , as J . W . ; G . Butcher , Treas . ; R . James , Sec . ; R . Dodgson , S . D . ;
J . Paxton , J . D . ; R . Carson , Org . ; M . Wilson , I . G . ; H . Crook and F . J . Blacklock , Stewards ; Henry Barber , P . M . ; G . Remington , D . C . ; Thomas Roper , P . M ., and upwards of forty other members . The visitors were Bros . Mills Lewis , No . S 72 ; James Bradshaw , J . D . 150 ; and J . P . Poole , Concord Lodge , 343 . A ballot was taken for Mr . li . P . Parker , and proved unanimous in his
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
favour . He was then initiated into the mysteries of the Order by the W . M . Bro . Hudson proved his efficiency as a F . C , and was raised to the sublime degree of M . M . by Bro . Barber , P . M . Bro . Dodgson , P . S . W ., was ( bar one ) unanimously elected W . M . for the ensuing year . Bro Crook was elected Treas ., and Bro . Robinson Tyler .
CHESHIRE . —Rock Lodge , No . 1289 . —The above lodge met on Friday , the 9 th instant , at the Albert-rooms , Rock Ferry , for the purpose of installing the W . Mr for the ensuing year . There was a good attendance of brethren , amongst the visitors being Bros . J . P . Piatt , P . P . J . G . W . Cheshire ; E . Crane , P . M ., Monte Video ; Perkis , H . M . S . "Resistance ; " T . Johnson , P . M . 1013 ;
and Henley , Sec . 1013 . The minutes of the previous meeting having been read and confirmed , Mr . J . H . Holtaway was initiated as a serving brother , by dispensation , by the W . M ., Bro . Friend , who also delivered the charge , the working tools being presented by Bro . Stevenson , S . W ., in very impressive style . Bro . Stevenson , P . M ., 537 , then took the chair , and Bro . Friend having been presented , was re-installed as W . M ., and appointed
his officers for the ensuing year as follows : Bros . R . H . Moore ( unavoidably absent ) , S . W . by proxy ; Simon Lewis , J . W . ; F . L . Bolton , Sec , ; T . W . Oakshott , S . D . ; P . J . Pearson , J . D . ; and E . Hankinson , I . G . Bro . F . K . Stevenson was unanimously elected Treasurer . The lodge having been closed after some little private business , " the brethren adjourned to supper at the Rock Station Hotel , and a most harmonious evening closed the fust year of existence of the Rock Lodge .
Royal Arch.
Rose of Denmark Chapter , No . 975 . —This chapter held its Quarterly Communication at the Star and Garter Hotel , Kew-bridge , on Saturday , the 3 rd inst . Comp . A . A . Pendlebury , P . Z ., presided as M . E . Z . ; supported by Comps . G . Powell , IT . ; J . Terry , P . Z ., as J . ; K . W . Little , P . Z ., E . ; IT . G . Buss , P . Z ., Treas . ;! . PriceS . N . ; W . DoddP . S . ; J . E . Walford , and W .
, , F . N . Quilty . Assts . ; A . IT . Longhurst , R . Montagu , G . Everett , J . Newton , W . Tinkler , A . R . Colls C . Braid , T . B . Poole , T . Shepherd , G . C . Banks , E . Collins , D A Chudleigh , and C . IT . Gardner . Visitors , Comps . W . Mann , P . Z ., 1 S 6 ; D . R . Adams , J . P . Autram , 1 . Ridley , and another Companion , The only business election of ofiicers for the
before the chapter was the etisuiti" year , which resulted as follows : Comps . Powell , Z . ; Tanner , II . ; Price , J . ; Little , E . ; Dodd , N . ; Buss , Treas . ; Walford , P . S . ; and Gilbert , Janitor . The chapter was then closed , and the Companions sat down to an excellent dinner , and enjoyed themselves thoroughly until the railway whistle told the hour for retiring .
MANCHESTER— Rectitude Chapter , No . 581 . —A meeting of this chapter was held on Thursday , the 24 th ult ., at the Corporation Hotel , Ardwick , Manchester , being the fust since its removal from the New Inn , Openshaw , which took place in consequence of a requisition having been presented in open chapter , and signed by upwards
of thirty Ardwick brethren belonging to the Earl de Orey and Ripon Lodge , No . 1161 , praying that the chapter mi"ht be removed , in order that they , along with others , might be enabled lo join it , which after due consideration , and receiving the usual Masonic sanctions , was acceded to . The chapter was opened in antient and solemn form by Comps . Dobson , Z . ; Tyers , IT . ; Bridge , J . ; and James Frederick East
Hardon , E ; assisted Comps . George , P . Z . Virtue Chapter , No . 152 ; John Cove Hind , I . Z . Caledonian Chapter , No . 204 ; Elias Fathan , I . / .. Derby Chapter , No , 1055 ; Wm . Wayne , J . Alexander Chapter , No . 993 ; and other companions . The minutes of the previous chapters were read and confirmed , after which all companions below the respective ranks were Frst
ordered to retire , when a Conclave of Principals was formed , ami Comp . George Frederick East installed Comp . Thomas Tyers into the chair of Z . On the formation of a Conclave of Second Principals , he installed Comp . Budge into the chair of II . The conclave was lowered to the Third Principals ' , but owing to the absence of Comp . Pritchardhe could not be installed into the chair
, of j ., to which he was appointed . Thc officers were then invested . Thc conclave was then closed , and the companions admitted , when no less than six joining companions and eig ht brethren for exaltation were proposed . The chapter was then closed in due form , and the companions adjourned to refreshment , when the toasts of the Principals were given and responded to . The admirable East
and splendid manner in which Comp . George F . performed the duty of installation was observed by all . In proposing success to the chapter , Comp . Dobson , P . Z ., remarked that he was glad the chapter had been removed , because the inconvenience , and almost impossibility , of brethren going to Openshaw to be exalted prevented it acquiring that success which it deserved , lie was ,
however , proud that he had been succeeded by Comp . 1 yres , for he was sure that under his auspices , and assisted as he would be by the principals and the other companions of the chapter , that a glorious future was before them , and particularly when so many worthy brethren were waiting But from the know
as it were their turn for exaltation . - ledge he had of Comp . Tyers , whilst holding the two chairs of IT . ami T- at Openshaw , he was certain that in him all the necessary energy , skill , and ability would be forthcoming , and that the companions would find their confidence had not been misplaced .
The report of the meeting of the Grand Conclave of K . Templars ; the Mount Calvary and William de la More Encampments ; reports of Lodges 1 S 0 , 193 , and 53 8 , London j 132 , Kingwood ; 200 and 124 S , Scarborough ; 279 , Leicester ; 40 S , Ha worth ; 69 , Scotland ; Chapter , 834 ; Obituary of Captain Chambers , and various other matter unavoidably remain over till next week .
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Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
T . Cairns , S . D . ; T . G . Garrick , J . D . ; J . Todd , I . G . ; J . W . Brown , Tyler ; A . Burton and R . Child , Stewards . The attendance of members and visitors was large , lodges No . 80 , 97 , 94 . 9 , and 960 being represented . CHELMSFORD . —Lodge of Good Fclloxoship , No . 276 . — The members of this lodge met at the Shire Hall , Chelmsford , on Thursday , the 8 th instant , to witness the
installation of Bro . the Rev . B . S . Barnes as W . M . for the ensuing year . There were present : Bros . Andrew Meggy , D . Prov . G . M . ; J . Burton , P . G . Treas . ; John Wright Carr , Prov . G . Sec . ; W . S . Pavitt , W . M . 276 ; Arthur Goodchild , W . M . 1312 : Rev . F . B . Shepherd , George Wakering , Thomas IT . Wood , J . P . Sarel , Wm . Butler , Andrew Durrant , and J . F . Bold , P . M . ' s 276 ;
Rev . B . S . Barnes , S . W . ; James Nicholls , J . W . ; A . C . Veley , S . D . ; Thomas Smee , J . D . ; Tohn W . Hair , Sec . ; George F . Skill , I . G . ; T . Sarel , Tyler ; G . C . Matthams , F . Whitmore , and F . A . Jones , Stewards ; W . Tippler , E . H . Carter , C . Toolney , Stephen Kendall , A . Clarke , C . Josling , and W . IT . Luard Pattison . Visitors : Bros , Hen . Bird , M . D ., P . M . ; S . Chaplin and T . J . Railing ,
51 ; George Cooper , S . W . 214 ; Fred . Dawson , S . D . and Org . 211 ; and Joseph F . Richardson , W . M . and J . E . Wiseman , Sec . 433 . The ceremony of installation was impressively performed by Bro . Peter Matthews , P . P . G . J . W ., G . D . C , and P . M . 11 and 276 , and the W . M . then appointed his ofiicers for the ensuing year as follows : Bros , fames Nicholls , S . W . ; A . C . Veley , J . W . ; Rev . F . B . Shepherd , Chaplain ; John W . Hair ,
Sec . ; J . Burton , Treas . ; T . Smee , S . D . ; G . F . Skill , J . D . ; C . Josling , I . G . ; and T . Sarel , Tyler . On the proposition of the R . W . D . P . G . M ., Bro . A . Meggy , a cordial vote of congratulation was passed to the R . W . P . G . M ., Bro . Bagshaw , on his recent marriage . The brethren subsequently adjourned to the White Hart Hotel , where an excellent banquet was partaken of . During the evening the usual loyal and Masonic toasts were given and responded to .
Southport Lodge of Unity , No . 613 . On December 5 th there was a very numerous gathering of the brethren of the above lodge in the Masonic Hall , Southport , for the purpose of transacting the annual business of the lodge , and especially to pay honour to the W . M .-elect , Bro . Wm . Dodd , who is universally and deservedly esteemed , and who had received the unanimous
suffrages of the brethren as the occupant of the chair foi the ensuing year . Bro . James Hamer , W . Prov . G . Treasurer , acted as Installing Master , and most ably discharged his duties , being assisted by Bros , G . B . Scholes , P . M . 613 , asS . W . ; James Piatt , P . M . 613 and W . M . 1313 , as f . W . There were also present Bros . J . B . Lambert . P . Prov . G . S . D . E . L ., P . M . 613 , 349580 ; W .
, Ho wells , P . Prov . G . S . W . of Staffordshire and Wocestershire , P . G . Treasurer Staffordshire ; Fredk . Green , P . M . 86 ; Rev . J . F . Groggin , 32 , 314 ; Arthur Mayhew , W . M . 613 ; Robert Sharrock , P . M . 613 and Prov . G . Steward ; R . Jeffries , P . M . 613 ; W . Roberts , 167 S ; & c . The beautiful hall was crowded with brethren , the majority of whom were connected with the two
Southport Lodges 613 and 1313 , both of which are in a most flourishing condition . The lodge having been duly opened , the minutes were read , and the names of two candidates were balloted for and duly elected to be initiated . The lodge was then opened in the second degree , and tlie ceremony of installation was proceeded with , Bro . Hamer officiating in his
usual effective style . During the absence of the brethren , Bro . W . Dodd was obligated , and in a Board of Installed Masters , placet ! in the chair of K . S . in accordance with ancient usages . On the return of the brethren , the W . M . was proclaimed . Bro . J . B . Lambert delivered the charge to the W . M ., and Bro . Hamer gave the usual charges to the newly-appointed officers , who were invested as
follows : —Bros . J . Wainwright , S . W . ; II . E . Cullingworth , J . W . ; C . II . Brown , Treas . ; G . Bailev , Sec . ; t . P . Griffiths , S . D . ; T . S . Cory , T . D . ; J . Pl ' att , P . M ., M . C . ; R . Ellison , Organist ; J . Witham , I . G . ; F . Brown and S . Kershaw , Stewards ; and J . Hartley , Tyler . The lodge being closed down to the first degree , the two candidates who had been balloted for , Mr . Leigh L .
Heyward and Mr . James Heyvvnrd . were initiated by the W . M ., the effect of the ceremony being considerably increased by the introduction of Masonic music , compiled by Bro . Younghusband , P . Prov . J . G . D . Liverpool . Five candidates were then proposed for initiation . The W . M ., in an appropiate manner , then presented to Bro . Arthur Mayhew , I . P . M ., a P . M . ' s jewel , as an expression of the esteem of brethren , and in
acknowledgment of the many practical manifestations of his interest in Freemasonry , and in Lodge 613 . Bro . Mayhew suitably responded . The lodge was then closedjthe brethren adjourned to the Victoria Hotel , where the Festival of St . John was celebrated by a banquet , Bro . W . Dodd presiding . The banquet was provided by Bro . F . Baker in the sumptuous style for which this hotel is famed .
At the close of the repast , the usual loyal toasts were given with much enthusiasm . The health of the M . W . G . M . of England followed , and was most cordiall y received . The W . M . then proposed "The Health of Sir Thomas G . Fermor-Hesketh , Bart ., M . P , R . W . Prov . G . M ., and the Prov . G . Officers , " and in doing so referred to the great interest the R . W . G . M . took in the Craftand
, his earnest desire for its promotion . Bros . James Hamer , W . Prov . G . Treas ., and Robert Sharrock , Prov . G . Steward , responded . Bro . Mayhew , I . P . M ., then proposed "Thc Health of Bro . Dodd , W . M ., " who , he said , was justly entitled to the honour that day conferred upon him as a proper return for the time , the energy , and patience , the brotherly kindness , and various other good qualities he had dis-
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
played ever since his introduction into Masonry . He ( the speaker ) hoped that it would not be long before such an earnest and sanguine Mason would hold a provincial position , which his devotion to Masonry richly merited . ( The toast was enthusiastically received . ) The W . M ., in responding , acknowledged thankfully the very cordial expression of the esteem manifested by
his brother Masons . He must admit that since the day of his initiation he had been increasingly delighted with the principles of the Craft , and had done his utmost to understand the why and the wherefore of its mysteries . Masonry must commend itself to every intelligent person who , without prejudice , inquired into its tenets and influence . It was , in his opinion , the most gloiious
system for the guidance of human conduct on the face of the earth—except relig ion itself . ( Cheers . ) If the principles of Masonry had pervaded the nations dwelling upon the Continent , the frightful scourge of war would be unknown , and peace and amity would prevail . ( Hear , hear . ) The longer he lived the more was he impressed with the beauty of the system , and he would use all the
influence connected with the honourable position they had so kindly given to him for the extension of the pure and elevating principles it inculcated . In this high endeavour he felt sure that he should be very materially assisted by the officers who had that day been invested , and who had been selected , not from peisonal motives , but on account of their efficient discharge of the duties of other offices
they had previously held . ( Hear , hear . ) If they went on as they had begun the ensuing year would be one of hard work . Of this he should not complain , and he should spare no effort to make his period of office happy for themselves and successful for Masonry . ( Cheers . ) The W . M . then said he had great pleasure in giving them "The Health of one of his Masonic Schoolmasters ,
Bro . James Hamer , W . Prov . G . Treasurer , " who had so ably officiated as Installing Master . Bro . Hamer was always ready to aid them on every occasion ; he hoped he would live long , and often favour them with his presence . Bro . Hamer , in responding , said he had only done his duty . When he was initiated he was told to make progress in Masonry every day , always provided that attention
to it did not interfere with his business , or other important duties . He had tried to practise this advice , and he was still progressing , for new lights were continually springing up , and the more he studied the more he discovered fresh beauties . Though he had been connected with Masonry for many years he was not tired of it , and he was very glad to be of any service to his Southport brethren , for whom he had a high regard . ( Hear , hear . ) What he had
witnessed that day of the love and harmony which prevailed had greatly pleased him , and he hoped it would long com time and , if possible , increase . ( Cheers . ) The W . M ., in giving "The I . P . M . of Lodge 613 , " referred to the many proofs of good feeling exhibited by Bro . Arthur Mayhew in the prosperity of the lodge . Among these he might mention the gift of new collars , and his handsome donation towards the debt fund .
( Cheers . ) Bro Mayhew said he was very sensible of their great kindness to him that day , especially in the gift of the beautiful jewel which had been presented to him as a token of their respect . He had a high regard for Masonry , which he looked upon as a most powerful agent in diffusing genuine and hearty brotherly love . He could not class
Freemasonry with religion , but it ranks next to it , for just as religion introduced into a district permeates the whole and produces the highest good , so in a lesser degree does Freemasonry , with its sublime and beautiful ceremonies , tend to make them better men . It was a mistake to suppose thai Freemasonry taught or encouraged revelry or impropriety of any kind ; it inculcated the principles of
brotherly love , relief , and truth ; the hand of fellowship was ever to be outstretched , especially to brethren in need , their feet were always ready to run for thc relief of distress , and their hearts quick to feel and sympathise with those in trouble . ( Cheers . ) The W . M . then gave "The Past Masters of Lodge 613 , " which was responded to by Bros . Lambert , Geo .
Woods , P . M . ; G . B . Scholes , P . M . ; and Robt . Jeffries , P . M . The remaining toasts were , "Thencwly-invested Officers of Lodge 613 , " " The Retiring Officers of Lodge 613 , " "The Health of Bro . James Piatt , P . M . of 613 , as W . M . of 1313 ; " "The Visiting Brethren , " responded to by Bros . Rev . J . F . Groggin , llowells , P . Prov . S . G . W . of
Staffordshire and Worcestershire , P . G Treas ., Staffordshire , and Newett , 1313 ; "TheNewly-initiated Brethren , " responded to by Bros . Leigh Leyland Heyward and James Heyward . Bro . Hartley , Tyler , then gave " Poor and Distressed Masons , and speedy Relief , " which brought the toasts to an end about eleven o ' clock .
1 he proceedings were most pleasantly diversified with songs rendered by several of the brethren iu most admirable style . Bros . Turvey and Ellison presided at the pianoforte . The evening was most agreeably spent , several of the older brethren saying that they did not remember a more delightful gathering in the history of Freemasonry in Southport .
WEST LANCASHIRE . —Ulvcrston Lodge of Furness , No . 995 . —The usual monthly meeting of this lodge was held on Tuesday , the 6 th instant , at the Masonic Temple , Theatre-street . Thc lodge was opened in due form by the W . M ., Bro . Case , supported by his officers : —Bros . R . Rawson , S . W . ; Thomas Dodgson , as J . W . ; G . Butcher , Treas . ; R . James , Sec . ; R . Dodgson , S . D . ;
J . Paxton , J . D . ; R . Carson , Org . ; M . Wilson , I . G . ; H . Crook and F . J . Blacklock , Stewards ; Henry Barber , P . M . ; G . Remington , D . C . ; Thomas Roper , P . M ., and upwards of forty other members . The visitors were Bros . Mills Lewis , No . S 72 ; James Bradshaw , J . D . 150 ; and J . P . Poole , Concord Lodge , 343 . A ballot was taken for Mr . li . P . Parker , and proved unanimous in his
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
favour . He was then initiated into the mysteries of the Order by the W . M . Bro . Hudson proved his efficiency as a F . C , and was raised to the sublime degree of M . M . by Bro . Barber , P . M . Bro . Dodgson , P . S . W ., was ( bar one ) unanimously elected W . M . for the ensuing year . Bro Crook was elected Treas ., and Bro . Robinson Tyler .
CHESHIRE . —Rock Lodge , No . 1289 . —The above lodge met on Friday , the 9 th instant , at the Albert-rooms , Rock Ferry , for the purpose of installing the W . Mr for the ensuing year . There was a good attendance of brethren , amongst the visitors being Bros . J . P . Piatt , P . P . J . G . W . Cheshire ; E . Crane , P . M ., Monte Video ; Perkis , H . M . S . "Resistance ; " T . Johnson , P . M . 1013 ;
and Henley , Sec . 1013 . The minutes of the previous meeting having been read and confirmed , Mr . J . H . Holtaway was initiated as a serving brother , by dispensation , by the W . M ., Bro . Friend , who also delivered the charge , the working tools being presented by Bro . Stevenson , S . W ., in very impressive style . Bro . Stevenson , P . M ., 537 , then took the chair , and Bro . Friend having been presented , was re-installed as W . M ., and appointed
his officers for the ensuing year as follows : Bros . R . H . Moore ( unavoidably absent ) , S . W . by proxy ; Simon Lewis , J . W . ; F . L . Bolton , Sec , ; T . W . Oakshott , S . D . ; P . J . Pearson , J . D . ; and E . Hankinson , I . G . Bro . F . K . Stevenson was unanimously elected Treasurer . The lodge having been closed after some little private business , " the brethren adjourned to supper at the Rock Station Hotel , and a most harmonious evening closed the fust year of existence of the Rock Lodge .
Royal Arch.
Rose of Denmark Chapter , No . 975 . —This chapter held its Quarterly Communication at the Star and Garter Hotel , Kew-bridge , on Saturday , the 3 rd inst . Comp . A . A . Pendlebury , P . Z ., presided as M . E . Z . ; supported by Comps . G . Powell , IT . ; J . Terry , P . Z ., as J . ; K . W . Little , P . Z ., E . ; IT . G . Buss , P . Z ., Treas . ;! . PriceS . N . ; W . DoddP . S . ; J . E . Walford , and W .
, , F . N . Quilty . Assts . ; A . IT . Longhurst , R . Montagu , G . Everett , J . Newton , W . Tinkler , A . R . Colls C . Braid , T . B . Poole , T . Shepherd , G . C . Banks , E . Collins , D A Chudleigh , and C . IT . Gardner . Visitors , Comps . W . Mann , P . Z ., 1 S 6 ; D . R . Adams , J . P . Autram , 1 . Ridley , and another Companion , The only business election of ofiicers for the
before the chapter was the etisuiti" year , which resulted as follows : Comps . Powell , Z . ; Tanner , II . ; Price , J . ; Little , E . ; Dodd , N . ; Buss , Treas . ; Walford , P . S . ; and Gilbert , Janitor . The chapter was then closed , and the Companions sat down to an excellent dinner , and enjoyed themselves thoroughly until the railway whistle told the hour for retiring .
MANCHESTER— Rectitude Chapter , No . 581 . —A meeting of this chapter was held on Thursday , the 24 th ult ., at the Corporation Hotel , Ardwick , Manchester , being the fust since its removal from the New Inn , Openshaw , which took place in consequence of a requisition having been presented in open chapter , and signed by upwards
of thirty Ardwick brethren belonging to the Earl de Orey and Ripon Lodge , No . 1161 , praying that the chapter mi"ht be removed , in order that they , along with others , might be enabled lo join it , which after due consideration , and receiving the usual Masonic sanctions , was acceded to . The chapter was opened in antient and solemn form by Comps . Dobson , Z . ; Tyers , IT . ; Bridge , J . ; and James Frederick East
Hardon , E ; assisted Comps . George , P . Z . Virtue Chapter , No . 152 ; John Cove Hind , I . Z . Caledonian Chapter , No . 204 ; Elias Fathan , I . / .. Derby Chapter , No , 1055 ; Wm . Wayne , J . Alexander Chapter , No . 993 ; and other companions . The minutes of the previous chapters were read and confirmed , after which all companions below the respective ranks were Frst
ordered to retire , when a Conclave of Principals was formed , ami Comp . George Frederick East installed Comp . Thomas Tyers into the chair of Z . On the formation of a Conclave of Second Principals , he installed Comp . Budge into the chair of II . The conclave was lowered to the Third Principals ' , but owing to the absence of Comp . Pritchardhe could not be installed into the chair
, of j ., to which he was appointed . Thc officers were then invested . Thc conclave was then closed , and the companions admitted , when no less than six joining companions and eig ht brethren for exaltation were proposed . The chapter was then closed in due form , and the companions adjourned to refreshment , when the toasts of the Principals were given and responded to . The admirable East
and splendid manner in which Comp . George F . performed the duty of installation was observed by all . In proposing success to the chapter , Comp . Dobson , P . Z ., remarked that he was glad the chapter had been removed , because the inconvenience , and almost impossibility , of brethren going to Openshaw to be exalted prevented it acquiring that success which it deserved , lie was ,
however , proud that he had been succeeded by Comp . 1 yres , for he was sure that under his auspices , and assisted as he would be by the principals and the other companions of the chapter , that a glorious future was before them , and particularly when so many worthy brethren were waiting But from the know
as it were their turn for exaltation . - ledge he had of Comp . Tyers , whilst holding the two chairs of IT . ami T- at Openshaw , he was certain that in him all the necessary energy , skill , and ability would be forthcoming , and that the companions would find their confidence had not been misplaced .
The report of the meeting of the Grand Conclave of K . Templars ; the Mount Calvary and William de la More Encampments ; reports of Lodges 1 S 0 , 193 , and 53 8 , London j 132 , Kingwood ; 200 and 124 S , Scarborough ; 279 , Leicester ; 40 S , Ha worth ; 69 , Scotland ; Chapter , 834 ; Obituary of Captain Chambers , and various other matter unavoidably remain over till next week .