Article Craft Masonry. ← Page 3 of 3 Article Instruction. Page 1 of 1 Article Instruction. Page 1 of 1 Article Our portrait Gallery. Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1
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Craft Masonry.
Guildhall School of Music Lodge , No . 2454 . The installation meeting of this Iodge vvas held at the Holborn Restaurant on Monday , the 12 th inst . There were present : Bros . W . H . Cummings , W . M . ; W . J . Buton , S . W . ; VV . H . Wheeler , J . VV ., W . M . elect ; Hy . Guy , I . P . M . ; W . Morrow , P . M ., Treas . ; G . F . Smith , P . M ., Sec ; Svckelmore , S . D . ; D . Beardwell , J . D . ; W . Rogers , I . G . ; Hastings Miller , P . M ., D . ofC ; W . J . Batho , Org . ; A . E . Roworth , Std . ; W . H . Patrick , Tyler ; Sir J . B . Monckton , P . G . W ., hon . member ;
Hy . Gadsby , P . M . ; W . H . Thomas , P . M . ; R . Clowes , P . M . ; G . H . Dawson , C H . L . Brook , H . Carter , J . R . Busby , H . Turpenny , M . Borrell , B . W . Kenyon , G . Fon . tan , H . E . Cummings , A . A . Lanes , H . G . Gordon , E . B . Skeet , H . J . Gcrdon , E . A . H . Hinchliff , R . J . Trigg , J . R . Webbe , A . Rimo , E . Preston , H . J . Swindles , H . Simmons , Walter Wells , and David Strong . Visitors : Bros . J . H . Jenks , S . W . S ; D . C . Wright , 357 ; J . Welford , P . M . 733 ; Prof . F . W . Driver , M . A ., P . M . 45 ; R . G . Merrill , S . VV . 170 S ; J . T . Hawkins ,
P . M . 25 ; T . A . Griddage , P . M . 170 S ; Dr . Mortimer Mcintosh , 22 G 6 ; H . Hill , P . M . 1305 , ' E . W . Dickson , 1549 ; J . L . Barrett , P . M . 1201 and 2369 ; W . T . Neal , 409 ; F . A . Zeppenfeld , H . VV . Bates , VV . M ., P . G . S . ; F . J . Perks , P . M ., Sec . 1507 ; E . Pugh , I . P . M . 2565 ; VV . Windsor , 1693 ; and W . H . Pocklington , P . M . 128 S . The minutes of the last regular meeting vvere read and conlirmed . The Auditors ' report was received , adopted , and ordered to be entered on the minutes . The W . M . elect was presented by the VV . M . to Bro . Sir John Monckton , P . G . W ., vvho installed
him as W . M . Bro . Cummings was invested as I . P . M . by tho W . M ., who vvas saluted by the Installed Masters , of whom 25 vvere present . The W . M . invested his officers : Bros . Syckelmore , S . W . ; Beardwell , J . W . ; Morrow , P . M ., Treas . ; G . Smith , P . M ., Sec ; John Rogers , P . M ., S . D . ; John Batho , J . D . ; Rowarth , I . G . ; Hastings Miller , P . M ., D . of C .: Rimo , Org . ; Busby and Kenyon , Stwds . ; and Patrick , Tyler . The Installing Master gave the three addresses in an impressive manner . The
W . M . presented to the I . P . M . a Past Master ' s jewel , voted to him by the lodge at their last meeting . The I . P . M . then returned thanks in a few appropriate phrases . Two candidates vvere proposed for the next meeting . A vote of thanks was unanimously passed to Bro . Sir John Monckton for his eminent services as Installing Master . Sir John returned thanks . The correspondence vvas read by the Secretary . ' The lodge vvas closed .
At the conclusion of the well-served banquet in the Caledonian Saloon , the customary toasts were submitted and duly honoured . " Non nobis Domine " being previously sung by the brethren , " The Queen and the Craft " was drunk . The National Anthem vvas sung by Miss Amy Sargent . "The Health of the M . W . G . M ., H . R . H . the Prince of Wales , " vvas then given by the W . M ,
Bro . E . Triggs sang " God bless the Prince of Wales . " In giving the toast of " The Grand Officers , Present and Past , " the W . M .. feelingly alluded to the great loss the Craft had sustained in the death of ithe Earl of Lathom . Song , " Loving smile of sister kind , " by Bro . Herbert Simmons . Bro . Hastings Miller replied on behalf of the Grand Officers The I . P . M . gave "The Health of the W . M . " in warm and glowing terms . He stated that up to the present time the chair had been filled in succession by the
Professors of the School , that they had a new departure that evening which he fully believed would bear the lodge on a f resh tide of prosperity . Song , " The Swallows , " by Miss Amy Sargent . The W . M . replied , thanking the brethren for the hearty reception of the toast . He said he vvas the first student who had attained to the chair of the lodge . He assured them that their interests would not suffer at his hands . Violin solo by Bro . Rowarth .
The W . M . gave "The Health of the Installing Master , " and sincerely regretted that an important engagement had prevented Sir John Monckton from being present at the banquet . Song , " I'll sing thee songs of Araby , " by Bro . H . Turpenny . "The Visitors" vvas then given . Bros . Hill , Syckelmore , and Overed replied . Song , " The Yeoman's Wedding , " by Bro . M . Boswell .
"The Past Masters" having been toasted , Bros . Cummings , Thomas , Hastings Miller , Gadsby , and Smith replied . Song , " Sunshine and rain , " by Miss Lillian Close . "The Health of the Treasurer and Secretary " vvas then drunk . Violincello Madrigal and Allegro Perpetuo by Mr . Arthur D . Strong . The Treasurer and Secretary replied respectively .
" The Masonic Charities " was i . ext given . Song , " I vvould I vvere a king , " by Bro . Abel Hustler . The Secretary replied on behalf of the Charities . "The Officers "followed . Song , "Thy Thone , " by the composer , Bro . R . Triggs . The S . W . replied . The Tyler ' s toast concluded the entertainment .
Instruction .
STAR CHAPTER , No . 1275 . A meeting was held on Friday , the 9 th inst ., at the Stirling Castle Hotel , Churchstreet , Camberwell , S . E . Present : Comps . Wm . Dawson , M . E . Z . ; J . H . Cureton , H . ; G . H . Lfvvis , J . ; C . II . Stone , P . Z ., Scribe E . ; C . Plant , Scribe N . ; J . A . Braik , P . S . ; Garner , and Frampton .
The minutes of the previous convocation were read and confirmed . The ceremony of exaltation was rehearsed , Comp . P . H . Garner personating the candidate . Comp . J . If . Cureton , P . / .., was elected M . E . Z . for to-day ( Friday ) . Comp . Wm . Dawson installed Comp . G . H . Lewis into the chair of J ., for vvhich he had hearty thanks , and the chapter was closed .
ISLINGTON LODGE , No . 1471 . A meeting was held on the 13 th inst ., at the Cock 'Tavern , Highbury , vvhen there were present Bros . C . C . Renaud , W . M . ; C . Islei , S . VV . ; S . Cload , J . W . ; W . Hancock , P . M ., Preceptor ; J . Pelch , P . M ., P . P . G . S . B . Herts , Treas . ; C . M . Coxon , P . M ., P . P . G . D . Herts , and J . Duncan , P . M ., Sees . ; A . F . Hardyment , S . D . ; and others .
The lodge was opened , and the vninutes read and confirmed . The ceremony of initiation was rehearsed , Bro . Ewings being the candidate . The W . M . vacated the chair in favour of Bro . J . H . Whadcoat , P . M ., Prov . S . G . W . Dorset ( lately Mayor of Poole ) , vvho gave a very interesting address on points of working in provincial and Irish lodges . He then rehearsed the ceremony of raising , Bro . Fulbrook . being the candidate . Bro . Whadcoat , an old member of the Iodge of instruction , delighted the brethren by a perfect working ot the ceremony , and a hearty vote of thanks vvas accorded him by the brethren . Bro . Isler vvas elected W . M . for the ensuing week , and appointed his officers in rotation . The lodge vvas then closed .
BRONDESBURY LODGE , No . 269 S . A meeting of this Iodge vvas held on Monday , the 5 th inst , at the Earl Derby ( Bro . W . G . Coxen ' s ) , High-road , Kilburn . Present : Bros . J . Gawthrop , W . M . ; Batchelor , S . W .,- Oldrey , P . M ., J . VV . ; Hardyment , Preceptor ; Campbell , P . M ., Treasurer ; Willsmer , Sec ; Knowles , S . D . ; Curtis , j . D . ; Wheeler , l . G . ; Spiegel , Smith , Clemens , Battrums , Palmer , G . Coxen , W . G . Coxen , Matthews , Leavers , Horstead , Davis , Fraser , Hawdon , Hammerton , Sexton , Liddall ,
P . M ., and others . The lodge vvas opened in the Second Degree , when the ceremony of passing was rehearsed , Bro . Hammerton being candidate . The lodge resumed to the First Degree . The ceremony of initiation vvas rehearsed , Bro . Matthews acting as candidate . The W . M . delivered the ancient charge . Bros . Hammerton and Alsop were accepted as joining members . Bro . Batchelor having been elected W . M . for the next meeting , the Iodge was closed .
Our Portrait Gallery.
Our portrait Gallery .
BRO . THOMAS GAUKROGER HOWELL . Bro . Thomas Gaukroger Howell , W . M . 1102 , whose portrait heads this notice , was initiated in the Savile Lodge , No . 1231 , in 1892 , and joined that of Mirfield in the following year . Commencing as I . G ., Bro . Howell passed step by step through all the offices , and has now met with the reward due to industry and
merit by being placed in the chair of his Iodge on the 9 th instant . Particulars of his installation will be found in another column . In due course Bro . Howell joined the Royal Arch , and at present fills the ofiice of S . N . in Ryburn Chapter , No . 128 3 , He has passed the chair in the Truth , No . 137 , and Eland , No . 493 , Mark Lodges , and is a Past Grand Deacon of the Province . He is also a member
of the Hope Preceptory and the R . A . Mariners . B .-o . Howell has distinguished himself by his munificent donations to the Masonic Institutions . Of the Royal Masonic Institution for Boys , Bro . Howell is a Vice-Patron ; to that of the Girls he has three times served Stewardships , and has sent in his name for 1 S 99 , whilst of the Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution he is a Vice-President , and has six times gone up as Steward . He is a Life Member of the West Yorkshire Craft Charity Committee , and has subscribed 10 guineas to the local Benevolent and
Educational Institution of the province . Of the Mark Benevolent he is also a Vice-Patron . Such a record is not often shown by a brother whose Masonic career docs not extend over seven years , and is an evidence of the spirit with which Bro . Howell has entered into Freemasonry . It also shows a kindly disposition , and a sympathy vvith those in need whicii cannot be too highly commended . We trust Bro . Howell ' s lifeol usefulness may long be continued , and that he may enjoy to the full that happiness which must follow upon good deeds done .
COUNTY ——— — - m ^ ^ FOUNDED 1807 . SO REGENT ST , W , & JFUCJES ^_™ 14 CORNHILL , E . G ., LONDON . OFFICE , The Distinguishing Feature of this Office is THE RETURN SYSTEM . On Ordinary Insurances , under which Policyholders who have been insured i ' or Seven Years und vvho continue insured—whether under un An 1111 : 11 or Seplennial Policy—become entitled lo u RETURN OF 25 PER CENT , of the Premiums they have paid during each Seven Yours , provided no loss bus arisen under Iheir Policies in that Period . Insurances on farming Stocks nnd on oilier than Ordinary Risks do not participate in tlie Returns , nor are tho Returns given on amounts which , being in excess ot its yvvn holding , arc not retained by the Ollice . Policies may bo -effected or transferred without any extra expenses . G , yy . STEVENS . ) T , < -, 1 ¦ B . E . KATLIFFE . j Jomt Secretaries
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Craft Masonry.
Guildhall School of Music Lodge , No . 2454 . The installation meeting of this Iodge vvas held at the Holborn Restaurant on Monday , the 12 th inst . There were present : Bros . W . H . Cummings , W . M . ; W . J . Buton , S . W . ; VV . H . Wheeler , J . VV ., W . M . elect ; Hy . Guy , I . P . M . ; W . Morrow , P . M ., Treas . ; G . F . Smith , P . M ., Sec ; Svckelmore , S . D . ; D . Beardwell , J . D . ; W . Rogers , I . G . ; Hastings Miller , P . M ., D . ofC ; W . J . Batho , Org . ; A . E . Roworth , Std . ; W . H . Patrick , Tyler ; Sir J . B . Monckton , P . G . W ., hon . member ;
Hy . Gadsby , P . M . ; W . H . Thomas , P . M . ; R . Clowes , P . M . ; G . H . Dawson , C H . L . Brook , H . Carter , J . R . Busby , H . Turpenny , M . Borrell , B . W . Kenyon , G . Fon . tan , H . E . Cummings , A . A . Lanes , H . G . Gordon , E . B . Skeet , H . J . Gcrdon , E . A . H . Hinchliff , R . J . Trigg , J . R . Webbe , A . Rimo , E . Preston , H . J . Swindles , H . Simmons , Walter Wells , and David Strong . Visitors : Bros . J . H . Jenks , S . W . S ; D . C . Wright , 357 ; J . Welford , P . M . 733 ; Prof . F . W . Driver , M . A ., P . M . 45 ; R . G . Merrill , S . VV . 170 S ; J . T . Hawkins ,
P . M . 25 ; T . A . Griddage , P . M . 170 S ; Dr . Mortimer Mcintosh , 22 G 6 ; H . Hill , P . M . 1305 , ' E . W . Dickson , 1549 ; J . L . Barrett , P . M . 1201 and 2369 ; W . T . Neal , 409 ; F . A . Zeppenfeld , H . VV . Bates , VV . M ., P . G . S . ; F . J . Perks , P . M ., Sec . 1507 ; E . Pugh , I . P . M . 2565 ; VV . Windsor , 1693 ; and W . H . Pocklington , P . M . 128 S . The minutes of the last regular meeting vvere read and conlirmed . The Auditors ' report was received , adopted , and ordered to be entered on the minutes . The W . M . elect was presented by the VV . M . to Bro . Sir John Monckton , P . G . W ., vvho installed
him as W . M . Bro . Cummings was invested as I . P . M . by tho W . M ., who vvas saluted by the Installed Masters , of whom 25 vvere present . The W . M . invested his officers : Bros . Syckelmore , S . W . ; Beardwell , J . W . ; Morrow , P . M ., Treas . ; G . Smith , P . M ., Sec ; John Rogers , P . M ., S . D . ; John Batho , J . D . ; Rowarth , I . G . ; Hastings Miller , P . M ., D . of C .: Rimo , Org . ; Busby and Kenyon , Stwds . ; and Patrick , Tyler . The Installing Master gave the three addresses in an impressive manner . The
W . M . presented to the I . P . M . a Past Master ' s jewel , voted to him by the lodge at their last meeting . The I . P . M . then returned thanks in a few appropriate phrases . Two candidates vvere proposed for the next meeting . A vote of thanks was unanimously passed to Bro . Sir John Monckton for his eminent services as Installing Master . Sir John returned thanks . The correspondence vvas read by the Secretary . ' The lodge vvas closed .
At the conclusion of the well-served banquet in the Caledonian Saloon , the customary toasts were submitted and duly honoured . " Non nobis Domine " being previously sung by the brethren , " The Queen and the Craft " was drunk . The National Anthem vvas sung by Miss Amy Sargent . "The Health of the M . W . G . M ., H . R . H . the Prince of Wales , " vvas then given by the W . M ,
Bro . E . Triggs sang " God bless the Prince of Wales . " In giving the toast of " The Grand Officers , Present and Past , " the W . M .. feelingly alluded to the great loss the Craft had sustained in the death of ithe Earl of Lathom . Song , " Loving smile of sister kind , " by Bro . Herbert Simmons . Bro . Hastings Miller replied on behalf of the Grand Officers The I . P . M . gave "The Health of the W . M . " in warm and glowing terms . He stated that up to the present time the chair had been filled in succession by the
Professors of the School , that they had a new departure that evening which he fully believed would bear the lodge on a f resh tide of prosperity . Song , " The Swallows , " by Miss Amy Sargent . The W . M . replied , thanking the brethren for the hearty reception of the toast . He said he vvas the first student who had attained to the chair of the lodge . He assured them that their interests would not suffer at his hands . Violin solo by Bro . Rowarth .
The W . M . gave "The Health of the Installing Master , " and sincerely regretted that an important engagement had prevented Sir John Monckton from being present at the banquet . Song , " I'll sing thee songs of Araby , " by Bro . H . Turpenny . "The Visitors" vvas then given . Bros . Hill , Syckelmore , and Overed replied . Song , " The Yeoman's Wedding , " by Bro . M . Boswell .
"The Past Masters" having been toasted , Bros . Cummings , Thomas , Hastings Miller , Gadsby , and Smith replied . Song , " Sunshine and rain , " by Miss Lillian Close . "The Health of the Treasurer and Secretary " vvas then drunk . Violincello Madrigal and Allegro Perpetuo by Mr . Arthur D . Strong . The Treasurer and Secretary replied respectively .
" The Masonic Charities " was i . ext given . Song , " I vvould I vvere a king , " by Bro . Abel Hustler . The Secretary replied on behalf of the Charities . "The Officers "followed . Song , "Thy Thone , " by the composer , Bro . R . Triggs . The S . W . replied . The Tyler ' s toast concluded the entertainment .
Instruction .
STAR CHAPTER , No . 1275 . A meeting was held on Friday , the 9 th inst ., at the Stirling Castle Hotel , Churchstreet , Camberwell , S . E . Present : Comps . Wm . Dawson , M . E . Z . ; J . H . Cureton , H . ; G . H . Lfvvis , J . ; C . II . Stone , P . Z ., Scribe E . ; C . Plant , Scribe N . ; J . A . Braik , P . S . ; Garner , and Frampton .
The minutes of the previous convocation were read and confirmed . The ceremony of exaltation was rehearsed , Comp . P . H . Garner personating the candidate . Comp . J . If . Cureton , P . / .., was elected M . E . Z . for to-day ( Friday ) . Comp . Wm . Dawson installed Comp . G . H . Lewis into the chair of J ., for vvhich he had hearty thanks , and the chapter was closed .
ISLINGTON LODGE , No . 1471 . A meeting was held on the 13 th inst ., at the Cock 'Tavern , Highbury , vvhen there were present Bros . C . C . Renaud , W . M . ; C . Islei , S . VV . ; S . Cload , J . W . ; W . Hancock , P . M ., Preceptor ; J . Pelch , P . M ., P . P . G . S . B . Herts , Treas . ; C . M . Coxon , P . M ., P . P . G . D . Herts , and J . Duncan , P . M ., Sees . ; A . F . Hardyment , S . D . ; and others .
The lodge was opened , and the vninutes read and confirmed . The ceremony of initiation was rehearsed , Bro . Ewings being the candidate . The W . M . vacated the chair in favour of Bro . J . H . Whadcoat , P . M ., Prov . S . G . W . Dorset ( lately Mayor of Poole ) , vvho gave a very interesting address on points of working in provincial and Irish lodges . He then rehearsed the ceremony of raising , Bro . Fulbrook . being the candidate . Bro . Whadcoat , an old member of the Iodge of instruction , delighted the brethren by a perfect working ot the ceremony , and a hearty vote of thanks vvas accorded him by the brethren . Bro . Isler vvas elected W . M . for the ensuing week , and appointed his officers in rotation . The lodge vvas then closed .
BRONDESBURY LODGE , No . 269 S . A meeting of this Iodge vvas held on Monday , the 5 th inst , at the Earl Derby ( Bro . W . G . Coxen ' s ) , High-road , Kilburn . Present : Bros . J . Gawthrop , W . M . ; Batchelor , S . W .,- Oldrey , P . M ., J . VV . ; Hardyment , Preceptor ; Campbell , P . M ., Treasurer ; Willsmer , Sec ; Knowles , S . D . ; Curtis , j . D . ; Wheeler , l . G . ; Spiegel , Smith , Clemens , Battrums , Palmer , G . Coxen , W . G . Coxen , Matthews , Leavers , Horstead , Davis , Fraser , Hawdon , Hammerton , Sexton , Liddall ,
P . M ., and others . The lodge vvas opened in the Second Degree , when the ceremony of passing was rehearsed , Bro . Hammerton being candidate . The lodge resumed to the First Degree . The ceremony of initiation vvas rehearsed , Bro . Matthews acting as candidate . The W . M . delivered the ancient charge . Bros . Hammerton and Alsop were accepted as joining members . Bro . Batchelor having been elected W . M . for the next meeting , the Iodge was closed .
Our Portrait Gallery.
Our portrait Gallery .
BRO . THOMAS GAUKROGER HOWELL . Bro . Thomas Gaukroger Howell , W . M . 1102 , whose portrait heads this notice , was initiated in the Savile Lodge , No . 1231 , in 1892 , and joined that of Mirfield in the following year . Commencing as I . G ., Bro . Howell passed step by step through all the offices , and has now met with the reward due to industry and
merit by being placed in the chair of his Iodge on the 9 th instant . Particulars of his installation will be found in another column . In due course Bro . Howell joined the Royal Arch , and at present fills the ofiice of S . N . in Ryburn Chapter , No . 128 3 , He has passed the chair in the Truth , No . 137 , and Eland , No . 493 , Mark Lodges , and is a Past Grand Deacon of the Province . He is also a member
of the Hope Preceptory and the R . A . Mariners . B .-o . Howell has distinguished himself by his munificent donations to the Masonic Institutions . Of the Royal Masonic Institution for Boys , Bro . Howell is a Vice-Patron ; to that of the Girls he has three times served Stewardships , and has sent in his name for 1 S 99 , whilst of the Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution he is a Vice-President , and has six times gone up as Steward . He is a Life Member of the West Yorkshire Craft Charity Committee , and has subscribed 10 guineas to the local Benevolent and
Educational Institution of the province . Of the Mark Benevolent he is also a Vice-Patron . Such a record is not often shown by a brother whose Masonic career docs not extend over seven years , and is an evidence of the spirit with which Bro . Howell has entered into Freemasonry . It also shows a kindly disposition , and a sympathy vvith those in need whicii cannot be too highly commended . We trust Bro . Howell ' s lifeol usefulness may long be continued , and that he may enjoy to the full that happiness which must follow upon good deeds done .
COUNTY ——— — - m ^ ^ FOUNDED 1807 . SO REGENT ST , W , & JFUCJES ^_™ 14 CORNHILL , E . G ., LONDON . OFFICE , The Distinguishing Feature of this Office is THE RETURN SYSTEM . On Ordinary Insurances , under which Policyholders who have been insured i ' or Seven Years und vvho continue insured—whether under un An 1111 : 11 or Seplennial Policy—become entitled lo u RETURN OF 25 PER CENT , of the Premiums they have paid during each Seven Yours , provided no loss bus arisen under Iheir Policies in that Period . Insurances on farming Stocks nnd on oilier than Ordinary Risks do not participate in tlie Returns , nor are tho Returns given on amounts which , being in excess ot its yvvn holding , arc not retained by the Ollice . Policies may bo -effected or transferred without any extra expenses . G , yy . STEVENS . ) T , < -, 1 ¦ B . E . KATLIFFE . j Jomt Secretaries