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Consecration Of Tee Saint Laurence Lodge, No. 2724.
A banquet followed , when the usual toasts were honoured , prominen t among them being that of " The Acting P . M . of the St . Laurence Lodge , Bro . Lister , P . M . 482 . " A selection of music was given by the Clef Quartette and several musical brethren . The locale of the new lodge is in the Church Schools , and there can be little doubt that Freemasonry at Northfield will have a prosperous and harmonious future .
Seventh Annual Supper Of The Blackheath Lodge Of Instruction, No. 1320.
This pleasing event took place at the Athen-eum , Camberwell New-road , S . E ., on Saturday , the ioth instant , under the able presidency of Bro . Thomas Hobley , W . M . of the mother Iodge , ably supported by Bros . William Dawson , P . M . 7 8 S and 1622 , Preceptor ; T . R . Cass , P . M . 1320 , Treas . ; Charles Hy . Stone , P . M . 507 , Sec . ; Hy . Cornford , W . M . elect 1922 , Asst . Sec . ; E . A . Rice , I . P . M . 1320 ; J . Hooper , P . M . 1320 ; A . W . Le Cren , P . M . 1320 ; H . A . Stunt ,
P . M ., Sec , 1320 and 1641 ; G . Pike , P . M . 1320 ; H . C . Turner , P . M . 1662 ; F . Swinford , W . M . 2272 ; C . Martin , 1320 ; Brown , 1320 ; Wastie , 1320 ; Benton ; W . H . Harper , P . M . 2182 ; E . J . Ware , J . W . 1922 ; Tempest , i £ 20 ; Bliss , 1320 ; Audy , Blake , Harris , S . W . Ballard , P . M . 1622 ; S . J . Derham , P . M . 1622 ; Everill , Falkner , Pascoe , Frith , Crisp , Morris , Sobel , Holton , Hesekiel , I . G . 1320 , and others .
An excellent supper was provided by Bro . C . Martin , the proprietor , which was highly appreciated , and justice done thereto . The loyal and Masonic toasts were duly honoured , as also that of " The G Officers . " Bro . E . A . RICE , I . P . M . 1320 , next proposed "The Health of the Bro ,
President , " vvho vvas an excellent man and Mason , and had proved himself most able in the chair . It was the seventh annual supper and though the numbers were smaller than usual yet those present were of the right good stuff . He hoped the event vvould be yearly repeated , and each succeeding Master of the Blackheath Lodge would preside over the meeting in the same courteous manner as Bro . T . Hobley , the W . M . of the mother lodge .
Bro . T . HOULEY , in reply , thanked the brethren for their kind reception , and said he had the greatest pleasurein occupying the chair . Although the number was rather small , he had received replies regretting unavoidable absence from several brethren . The PRESIDENT next proposed the toast of the evening , that of "Success to the Blackheath Lodge of Instruction" which had been established over seven
years , and had attained a high state of excellence under such an able Preceptor as Bro . Wm . Dawson , one whom it would be impossible to excel , for his kindness , courtesy , and obliging manner in every way . He was heartily supported by two worthy brethren , Bros . T . R . Cass , P . M ., Treas ., and C . H . Stone " , P . M ., Sec , both of whom had supported the lodge from its inception , and had done everything in their power also to bring the lodge up to its present excellence . The lodge mus t succeed while under the able guidance of three such worthy brethren .
Bro . WM . DAWSON , P . M ., Preceptor , most cordially thanked the brethren for their greeting , and said the success of the lodge was mainly due to the brethren who so well and willingly attended , and especially several P . Ms ., who showed their great interest in the lodge by their very regular attendance , which gave the zest to younger brethren . Personally he thanked them , and also the lodge , in placing him in the proud position of Preceptor , and so long as he was entrusted with that honour he vvould most readily and as regularly as possible place himself at the disposal of the brethren of the Blackheath Lodge of Instruction .
Bro . T . R . CASS , P . M ., Treas ., remarked he should like lo say a few words after the able speech of the distinguished schoolmaster . He should like to recall to the memory of the brethren two worthy Past Masters of the Blackheath Lodge , Bros . Rice and Pike , who had been most assiduous in the form ation of the lodge , and had firmly supported it ( to the present time . As the Treasurer of the lodge , it
was a most pleasant 'duty to receive with one hand and disburse vvith the other , especially as to the money paid into the excellent Charities , which the brethren so well supported . The worthy Preceptor he considered the acme of perfection , and so long as he was associated * with him and Bro . C . H . Stone , Sec , who was one of the very best that could be , he should take a delight in serving the brethren of the Blackheath Lodge of Instruction .
Bro . C . H . STONE , Sec , most heartily thanked the brethren for their kind remarks and for again electing him to the position , and also mentioned the able Assistant Secretary in Bro . H . Cornford . He should like to give a few statistics connected with the lodge for the past year . It had been opened 40 times , with an average for the year of nearly 18 per meeting , which vvas a notable number , considering there were two other lodges of instruction in the same meeting place .
There vvere 315 members on the roll , and he vvould apply the word acme in another sense to that of the Treasurer , namely that of Freemasonry which was " Benevolence . " There had been three Charitable Associations connected vvith the lodge which had sent up to the various Institutions about £ 500 , which was worthy of note . He hoped the same spirit would continue to be carried out and so long should he be proud of being the Secretary .
The toast of " The Visitors " was ably presented and responded to by Bros , HARRIS and EVERILL . That of " The Stewards and the worthy Host , " called forth just eulogiums from the P RESIDENT , and cordially replied to by Bros . C . MARTIN and HY CORNFORD , Asst . Sec , who remarked the great pleasure he had in serving the lodge . The Tyler ' s toast closed a very happy meeting .
A capital programme was arranged by Bro . Harper , P . M . 2182 , most efficiently assisted by Miss Kate Willey , loudly encored , Bros . Frank Swinford , H . A . Stunt , Thos . Hobley , Arthur Grover , and F . Everill ( humorist ) . Bro . Harper , P . M ., ably presided at thc piano .
Annual Supper Of The Percy Lodge Of Instruction, No. 198.
This lodge of instruction had a supper at Bro . Hollingbery ' s , the Perseverance Tavern , Southgate-road , N ., on Thursday , the ist instant , which was presided over by Bro . R . W . Barber , the W . M . ofthe parent lodge , who was supported by the following brethren : Bros . Walter Martin , P . M ., P . A . G . P . ; J . Almond , P . M . 36 and 2500 , P . P . G . D . ; G . Hawkins , 198 ; lloyston , S . W . 19 S ; Fuller , J . W . 198 ; J . A . Powell , 186 , Preceptor ; J . Anley , J . W . 177 , Treas . ; F . Stallard , P . M . 1613 , Sec .: H . G . Gush , P . M . 1541 ; H . Hall , P . M . 1603 ; H .
Annual Supper Of The Percy Lodge Of Instruction, No. 198.
Park , W . M . 1327 ; G . A . Peters , P . M . 1227 ; Oakley , P . M . 1524 ; S . Wright , P . M . 242 ( 3 ; J . H . Wood , W . M . 145 ; P . M . Recknell , P . M ., Treas . 212 ; R . W . Galer , P . M . 1366 ; S . Saumier , P . M . 1423 ; A . W . Fenner , P . M . 1227 and 1693 ; R . Bescoby , 1185 and 1287 ; E . G . Platt , J . W . 1827 ; W . E . Jeanes , 548 ; J . Witte , S . D . 1327 ; E . W . Yeoman , 1489 ; J . Joyce , 2626 ; H . Sheffield , 1585 , W . L . Harding , " 1135 ; W . B . Hutton , 1524 ; A . Collins , 1962 ; J . Jacobs , 205 ; H . Reed , 2552 ; P . Steens , 1327 ; T . C . Berg , P . M . 1613 ; A . F . Scott , 1613 ;
C . J . Malins , 146 ; J . Carter , 1507 ; H . Kemp , I . P . M . S 62 ; E . Henry , Org . 793 ; and several other brethren whose names we did not catch . Ample justice was done to the good things placed before the brethren by the active host , who was ably supported by Mrs . Hollingbery , whose united efforts in catering for the brethren were highly appreciated .
Grace having been said , the usual loval toasts were given and duly honoured . Bro . W . MARTIN , P . A . G . P ., responded to the toast of " The Grand Officers , " and in the course of his remarks referred in touching terms to the late Pro Grand Master , the Earl of Lathom , and , in concluding , proposed , in felicitous terms , " The Health of Bro . R . W . Barber , their respected President that evening . " The toast was cordially received .
Bro . BARBER , in reply , thanked Bro . Martin for the kind things he had said of him , and also thanked the brethren for their cordiality in accepting the toast so enthusiastically . He begged to be excused from making a long speech then , as he vvould have more to say later on . The next toast was the toast of the evening— " The Percy Lodge of Instruction , No . 19 S "—which was proposed by Bro . BAKHER in a speech of a very exhaustive character , in which he stated that he thought that lodge of instruciion
vvas the oldest in existence , it being brought into life somewhere about 1750 , but was not sure ; but he wrote Bro . Sadler , the Grand Tyler , who he hoped vvould be able to give the desired information . This Bro . Sadler could not do ; but wrote saying he knew the Percy Lodge of Instruction was meeting in 1846 in Wellsstreet , Oxford-street , also saying that Bro . Col . Lambert , P . G . S . B ., some years ago told him its history , but he quite fofgot the particulars now , and stated that Bro . Lambert was not now , unfortunately , in a condition to repeat its history with
accuracy . Anyhow , if it was not the oldest in existence , it was one of a very few others who could trace its age to be 100 years . Bro . Barber also alluded to the great necessity of lodges of instruction for instructing those brethren vvho desired to emulate the excellent working of the W . Ms , of their various lodges , and gave a humorous description of the shortcomings of a brother vvho should be nameless , who thought he could " star " it in his lodge quite equal to any of his brother officers without troubling himself to attend a lodge of instruction ; but , alas 1
when the time came to exhibit his knowledge , and dim the brightness of his brother ollicers , like unto Bob Acres with his courage , so did the knowledge "disappear from this unfortunate brother on his being put to the test ; then only did he begin to feel that he had made a serious mistake in not attending a lodge of instruction , since vvhich time he has been a regular attendant and profited by its teaching that he had been unanimously elected W . M . of his mother lodge , and is now , at the present moment , its W . Master . " Concluding his remarks , Bro . Barber
expressed the pleasure it gave him to preside that evening , and wished " Success to the Percy Lodge oi Instruction , No . 198 , " coupling the names of Bro . J . A Powell , the respected Preceptor , and F . Stallard , tie hon . Sec . Bro . POWELL , in rising to respond , was received with chejrs , thanked theW . M . for the kind manner he had included his name in the toast of the evening , also the brethren for their cordial reception of it . It gave him great pleasurein presenting a few facts before them relating to the lodge of instruction during the pist 21
years—in doing vvhich Bro . Powell proved to all present the benefits resulting to brethren by attending lodges of instruction—lodges of instruction were the backbone of Freemasonry , and the only legitimate means of brethren perfecting themselves in the beautiful rituals of the ceremonies . He referred to its resuscitation in 18 77 , when Bro . Jas . Terry , P . G . S . B ., rehearsed the ceremonies of consecration
and installation , at which meeting there vvere over So brethren present . Ssction working vvas not ignored , it being a useful and instructive change of programme . He tendered his thanks to Bro . H . G . Gush , who kindly acted as Preceptor since the decease of Bro . I . P . Cohen , until he ( Bro . Powell ) was elected . Many interesting episodes were made by Bro . Powell in his speech , vvhich was listened to with great inter : st .
Bro . F . STALLARD said that after the excellent speech of Bro . Powell he could add nothing , only to thank the W . M . and the brethren for ths kind and fraternal manner they had drunk his health , and assured them he would do his utmost to assist J 3 ro . Powell to make the lodge as successful in the future as it had been in the past . The toast of " The Mother Lodge" wasgivenby Bro . POWELL in a very telling speech , and was received with great cordiality .
To which Hro BARHER replied in a short speech ( as time was short , and trains wait for no man ) by thanking Bro . Powell and all the members of the lodge of instruction for the kind manner he had been received , and hoped to be amongst them again soon . The following brethren contributed very much to the evening ' s enjoyment by
some excellent music , singing , and recitations ; Bros . Henry , song ; Wood , recitation ; Berg , song ; Oakley , recitation ; Harding , song ; Bescoby , reading ; Park , song ; and Peters , recitation . Not forgetting the excellent Bro . Henry ( who presided at the piano ) , accompanied by the brethren , also for the sweet music he discoursed as well . * -- Ta'ien altogether , the supper was allowed , on all hands , to have been very enjoyable , and was a decided success , and we say , so mote it be .
Service At St. Lawrence's Church, Bolton Woods, Bradford.
An i-Ieresting service took place at this church on the 5 th inst ., when brethren from the St . Lawrence Lodge No . 2330 , Pudsey , took occasion to attend in ] a large body , accompanied by other Masonic friends of the Curate-in-Charge , Bro . the Rev . J . W . Clough , M . A . The brethren of the St . Lawrence Lodge have subscribed for , and presented to the church , a handsome set of silver communion vessels , consisting of chalice , flagon , paten , and plate , bearing the
following inscription : " Presented by Brethren of the St . Lawrence Lodge , No . 2330 , Pudsey , of Antient , Free , and Accepted Masons to the St . Lawrence Church , Bolton Woods , Bradford , for the use of the Church in perpetuity as a mark of esteem and respect to Bro . the Rev . John William Clough , M . A ., lirst Curate-in . Charge , Sunday , 4 th December , A . D ., 18 9 8 , A . L ., 5 . H 98 . " Bro . Clough preached an eloquent and impressive sermon , taking his text from Haggai ii ., 4 , " Work , for I am with you . "
The sermon was listened to vvith evident interest by a large and appreciative congregation . Bro . George Martin , Chaplain of the Old York ( I \ l . ) Lodge of Mark Masons , read the lessons ,
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Consecration Of Tee Saint Laurence Lodge, No. 2724.
A banquet followed , when the usual toasts were honoured , prominen t among them being that of " The Acting P . M . of the St . Laurence Lodge , Bro . Lister , P . M . 482 . " A selection of music was given by the Clef Quartette and several musical brethren . The locale of the new lodge is in the Church Schools , and there can be little doubt that Freemasonry at Northfield will have a prosperous and harmonious future .
Seventh Annual Supper Of The Blackheath Lodge Of Instruction, No. 1320.
This pleasing event took place at the Athen-eum , Camberwell New-road , S . E ., on Saturday , the ioth instant , under the able presidency of Bro . Thomas Hobley , W . M . of the mother Iodge , ably supported by Bros . William Dawson , P . M . 7 8 S and 1622 , Preceptor ; T . R . Cass , P . M . 1320 , Treas . ; Charles Hy . Stone , P . M . 507 , Sec . ; Hy . Cornford , W . M . elect 1922 , Asst . Sec . ; E . A . Rice , I . P . M . 1320 ; J . Hooper , P . M . 1320 ; A . W . Le Cren , P . M . 1320 ; H . A . Stunt ,
P . M ., Sec , 1320 and 1641 ; G . Pike , P . M . 1320 ; H . C . Turner , P . M . 1662 ; F . Swinford , W . M . 2272 ; C . Martin , 1320 ; Brown , 1320 ; Wastie , 1320 ; Benton ; W . H . Harper , P . M . 2182 ; E . J . Ware , J . W . 1922 ; Tempest , i £ 20 ; Bliss , 1320 ; Audy , Blake , Harris , S . W . Ballard , P . M . 1622 ; S . J . Derham , P . M . 1622 ; Everill , Falkner , Pascoe , Frith , Crisp , Morris , Sobel , Holton , Hesekiel , I . G . 1320 , and others .
An excellent supper was provided by Bro . C . Martin , the proprietor , which was highly appreciated , and justice done thereto . The loyal and Masonic toasts were duly honoured , as also that of " The G Officers . " Bro . E . A . RICE , I . P . M . 1320 , next proposed "The Health of the Bro ,
President , " vvho vvas an excellent man and Mason , and had proved himself most able in the chair . It was the seventh annual supper and though the numbers were smaller than usual yet those present were of the right good stuff . He hoped the event vvould be yearly repeated , and each succeeding Master of the Blackheath Lodge would preside over the meeting in the same courteous manner as Bro . T . Hobley , the W . M . of the mother lodge .
Bro . T . HOULEY , in reply , thanked the brethren for their kind reception , and said he had the greatest pleasurein occupying the chair . Although the number was rather small , he had received replies regretting unavoidable absence from several brethren . The PRESIDENT next proposed the toast of the evening , that of "Success to the Blackheath Lodge of Instruction" which had been established over seven
years , and had attained a high state of excellence under such an able Preceptor as Bro . Wm . Dawson , one whom it would be impossible to excel , for his kindness , courtesy , and obliging manner in every way . He was heartily supported by two worthy brethren , Bros . T . R . Cass , P . M ., Treas ., and C . H . Stone " , P . M ., Sec , both of whom had supported the lodge from its inception , and had done everything in their power also to bring the lodge up to its present excellence . The lodge mus t succeed while under the able guidance of three such worthy brethren .
Bro . WM . DAWSON , P . M ., Preceptor , most cordially thanked the brethren for their greeting , and said the success of the lodge was mainly due to the brethren who so well and willingly attended , and especially several P . Ms ., who showed their great interest in the lodge by their very regular attendance , which gave the zest to younger brethren . Personally he thanked them , and also the lodge , in placing him in the proud position of Preceptor , and so long as he was entrusted with that honour he vvould most readily and as regularly as possible place himself at the disposal of the brethren of the Blackheath Lodge of Instruction .
Bro . T . R . CASS , P . M ., Treas ., remarked he should like lo say a few words after the able speech of the distinguished schoolmaster . He should like to recall to the memory of the brethren two worthy Past Masters of the Blackheath Lodge , Bros . Rice and Pike , who had been most assiduous in the form ation of the lodge , and had firmly supported it ( to the present time . As the Treasurer of the lodge , it
was a most pleasant 'duty to receive with one hand and disburse vvith the other , especially as to the money paid into the excellent Charities , which the brethren so well supported . The worthy Preceptor he considered the acme of perfection , and so long as he was associated * with him and Bro . C . H . Stone , Sec , who was one of the very best that could be , he should take a delight in serving the brethren of the Blackheath Lodge of Instruction .
Bro . C . H . STONE , Sec , most heartily thanked the brethren for their kind remarks and for again electing him to the position , and also mentioned the able Assistant Secretary in Bro . H . Cornford . He should like to give a few statistics connected with the lodge for the past year . It had been opened 40 times , with an average for the year of nearly 18 per meeting , which vvas a notable number , considering there were two other lodges of instruction in the same meeting place .
There vvere 315 members on the roll , and he vvould apply the word acme in another sense to that of the Treasurer , namely that of Freemasonry which was " Benevolence . " There had been three Charitable Associations connected vvith the lodge which had sent up to the various Institutions about £ 500 , which was worthy of note . He hoped the same spirit would continue to be carried out and so long should he be proud of being the Secretary .
The toast of " The Visitors " was ably presented and responded to by Bros , HARRIS and EVERILL . That of " The Stewards and the worthy Host , " called forth just eulogiums from the P RESIDENT , and cordially replied to by Bros . C . MARTIN and HY CORNFORD , Asst . Sec , who remarked the great pleasure he had in serving the lodge . The Tyler ' s toast closed a very happy meeting .
A capital programme was arranged by Bro . Harper , P . M . 2182 , most efficiently assisted by Miss Kate Willey , loudly encored , Bros . Frank Swinford , H . A . Stunt , Thos . Hobley , Arthur Grover , and F . Everill ( humorist ) . Bro . Harper , P . M ., ably presided at thc piano .
Annual Supper Of The Percy Lodge Of Instruction, No. 198.
This lodge of instruction had a supper at Bro . Hollingbery ' s , the Perseverance Tavern , Southgate-road , N ., on Thursday , the ist instant , which was presided over by Bro . R . W . Barber , the W . M . ofthe parent lodge , who was supported by the following brethren : Bros . Walter Martin , P . M ., P . A . G . P . ; J . Almond , P . M . 36 and 2500 , P . P . G . D . ; G . Hawkins , 198 ; lloyston , S . W . 19 S ; Fuller , J . W . 198 ; J . A . Powell , 186 , Preceptor ; J . Anley , J . W . 177 , Treas . ; F . Stallard , P . M . 1613 , Sec .: H . G . Gush , P . M . 1541 ; H . Hall , P . M . 1603 ; H .
Annual Supper Of The Percy Lodge Of Instruction, No. 198.
Park , W . M . 1327 ; G . A . Peters , P . M . 1227 ; Oakley , P . M . 1524 ; S . Wright , P . M . 242 ( 3 ; J . H . Wood , W . M . 145 ; P . M . Recknell , P . M ., Treas . 212 ; R . W . Galer , P . M . 1366 ; S . Saumier , P . M . 1423 ; A . W . Fenner , P . M . 1227 and 1693 ; R . Bescoby , 1185 and 1287 ; E . G . Platt , J . W . 1827 ; W . E . Jeanes , 548 ; J . Witte , S . D . 1327 ; E . W . Yeoman , 1489 ; J . Joyce , 2626 ; H . Sheffield , 1585 , W . L . Harding , " 1135 ; W . B . Hutton , 1524 ; A . Collins , 1962 ; J . Jacobs , 205 ; H . Reed , 2552 ; P . Steens , 1327 ; T . C . Berg , P . M . 1613 ; A . F . Scott , 1613 ;
C . J . Malins , 146 ; J . Carter , 1507 ; H . Kemp , I . P . M . S 62 ; E . Henry , Org . 793 ; and several other brethren whose names we did not catch . Ample justice was done to the good things placed before the brethren by the active host , who was ably supported by Mrs . Hollingbery , whose united efforts in catering for the brethren were highly appreciated .
Grace having been said , the usual loval toasts were given and duly honoured . Bro . W . MARTIN , P . A . G . P ., responded to the toast of " The Grand Officers , " and in the course of his remarks referred in touching terms to the late Pro Grand Master , the Earl of Lathom , and , in concluding , proposed , in felicitous terms , " The Health of Bro . R . W . Barber , their respected President that evening . " The toast was cordially received .
Bro . BARBER , in reply , thanked Bro . Martin for the kind things he had said of him , and also thanked the brethren for their cordiality in accepting the toast so enthusiastically . He begged to be excused from making a long speech then , as he vvould have more to say later on . The next toast was the toast of the evening— " The Percy Lodge of Instruction , No . 19 S "—which was proposed by Bro . BAKHER in a speech of a very exhaustive character , in which he stated that he thought that lodge of instruciion
vvas the oldest in existence , it being brought into life somewhere about 1750 , but was not sure ; but he wrote Bro . Sadler , the Grand Tyler , who he hoped vvould be able to give the desired information . This Bro . Sadler could not do ; but wrote saying he knew the Percy Lodge of Instruction was meeting in 1846 in Wellsstreet , Oxford-street , also saying that Bro . Col . Lambert , P . G . S . B ., some years ago told him its history , but he quite fofgot the particulars now , and stated that Bro . Lambert was not now , unfortunately , in a condition to repeat its history with
accuracy . Anyhow , if it was not the oldest in existence , it was one of a very few others who could trace its age to be 100 years . Bro . Barber also alluded to the great necessity of lodges of instruction for instructing those brethren vvho desired to emulate the excellent working of the W . Ms , of their various lodges , and gave a humorous description of the shortcomings of a brother vvho should be nameless , who thought he could " star " it in his lodge quite equal to any of his brother officers without troubling himself to attend a lodge of instruction ; but , alas 1
when the time came to exhibit his knowledge , and dim the brightness of his brother ollicers , like unto Bob Acres with his courage , so did the knowledge "disappear from this unfortunate brother on his being put to the test ; then only did he begin to feel that he had made a serious mistake in not attending a lodge of instruction , since vvhich time he has been a regular attendant and profited by its teaching that he had been unanimously elected W . M . of his mother lodge , and is now , at the present moment , its W . Master . " Concluding his remarks , Bro . Barber
expressed the pleasure it gave him to preside that evening , and wished " Success to the Percy Lodge oi Instruction , No . 198 , " coupling the names of Bro . J . A Powell , the respected Preceptor , and F . Stallard , tie hon . Sec . Bro . POWELL , in rising to respond , was received with chejrs , thanked theW . M . for the kind manner he had included his name in the toast of the evening , also the brethren for their cordial reception of it . It gave him great pleasurein presenting a few facts before them relating to the lodge of instruction during the pist 21
years—in doing vvhich Bro . Powell proved to all present the benefits resulting to brethren by attending lodges of instruction—lodges of instruction were the backbone of Freemasonry , and the only legitimate means of brethren perfecting themselves in the beautiful rituals of the ceremonies . He referred to its resuscitation in 18 77 , when Bro . Jas . Terry , P . G . S . B ., rehearsed the ceremonies of consecration
and installation , at which meeting there vvere over So brethren present . Ssction working vvas not ignored , it being a useful and instructive change of programme . He tendered his thanks to Bro . H . G . Gush , who kindly acted as Preceptor since the decease of Bro . I . P . Cohen , until he ( Bro . Powell ) was elected . Many interesting episodes were made by Bro . Powell in his speech , vvhich was listened to with great inter : st .
Bro . F . STALLARD said that after the excellent speech of Bro . Powell he could add nothing , only to thank the W . M . and the brethren for ths kind and fraternal manner they had drunk his health , and assured them he would do his utmost to assist J 3 ro . Powell to make the lodge as successful in the future as it had been in the past . The toast of " The Mother Lodge" wasgivenby Bro . POWELL in a very telling speech , and was received with great cordiality .
To which Hro BARHER replied in a short speech ( as time was short , and trains wait for no man ) by thanking Bro . Powell and all the members of the lodge of instruction for the kind manner he had been received , and hoped to be amongst them again soon . The following brethren contributed very much to the evening ' s enjoyment by
some excellent music , singing , and recitations ; Bros . Henry , song ; Wood , recitation ; Berg , song ; Oakley , recitation ; Harding , song ; Bescoby , reading ; Park , song ; and Peters , recitation . Not forgetting the excellent Bro . Henry ( who presided at the piano ) , accompanied by the brethren , also for the sweet music he discoursed as well . * -- Ta'ien altogether , the supper was allowed , on all hands , to have been very enjoyable , and was a decided success , and we say , so mote it be .
Service At St. Lawrence's Church, Bolton Woods, Bradford.
An i-Ieresting service took place at this church on the 5 th inst ., when brethren from the St . Lawrence Lodge No . 2330 , Pudsey , took occasion to attend in ] a large body , accompanied by other Masonic friends of the Curate-in-Charge , Bro . the Rev . J . W . Clough , M . A . The brethren of the St . Lawrence Lodge have subscribed for , and presented to the church , a handsome set of silver communion vessels , consisting of chalice , flagon , paten , and plate , bearing the
following inscription : " Presented by Brethren of the St . Lawrence Lodge , No . 2330 , Pudsey , of Antient , Free , and Accepted Masons to the St . Lawrence Church , Bolton Woods , Bradford , for the use of the Church in perpetuity as a mark of esteem and respect to Bro . the Rev . John William Clough , M . A ., lirst Curate-in . Charge , Sunday , 4 th December , A . D ., 18 9 8 , A . L ., 5 . H 98 . " Bro . Clough preached an eloquent and impressive sermon , taking his text from Haggai ii ., 4 , " Work , for I am with you . "
The sermon was listened to vvith evident interest by a large and appreciative congregation . Bro . George Martin , Chaplain of the Old York ( I \ l . ) Lodge of Mark Masons , read the lessons ,