Article Craft Masonry. Page 1 of 2 Article Craft Masonry. Page 1 of 2 →
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Craft Masonry.
Craft Masonry .
Scientific Lodge , No . 8 S . This ancient lodge continues to maintain its prestige , and on Monday last , the 12 th inst ., held another noteworthy meeting , which was well attended . After one candidate ( Bro . J . Walker ) had been raised , Mr . Chas . F . ICernot , a student of the University , was initiated , and proved to be a " Lewis" of a " Lewis , " whilst his cousin ( Bro . Kirk , of All Saints' Lodge , Poplar ) vvas present to witness the ceremony , which vvas ably performed by the W . M ., Bro . John H . Moyes . The lodge afterwards agreed to vote a
P . M . ' s jewel to the outgoing W . M ., and unanimously elected Bro . H . S . Davison , S . W ., as W . M . for the ensuing year , the installation being on January 9 th . liro . C . H Banham , P . M ., vvas re-elected the lodge representative on the Committee of the Cambridgeshire Masonic Charity Association . Not the least pleasurable part of the gathering vvas the visit of a venerable son of No . SS , Bro . Richard Horton Smith , P . G . Reg . Eng ., P . P . G . Reg . Cambs ., vvho vvas initiated in the Scientific Lodge whilst up at the University in 1 S 57 . The reminiscences of Bro . Horton Smith vvere most entertaining ,
but they necessarily bore their tinge of sadness , as he could not recognise in the present lodge any of the brethren of his time . Many of the names he ran through vvere as familiar as household words ; but only one of them was remembered among the living , Bro . the Rt . Hon Sir John Eldon Gorst , Q C , M . P ., the Minister of Education , vvho is now resident at Howe ' s Close , Girton , near Cambridge . The Junior Warden of the province alluded to the remarkable growth of Masonic Charity during his time , and said the reproach of former days had been happily removed long ago .
Duke of Edinburgh Lodge , No . 1259 . A meeting of the above Iodge was held on Tuesday , the Gth inst ., at the Three Nuns , Aldgate , E ., when there were present Bros . Henry Warner , W . M . j John Coote , I . P . M . ; R . O . Hindervvell , S . W . ; C . W . Chandler , J . W . ; J . H . Wilson , S . D . ; D . Gower , I . G . j D . G . Lusty , D . C . j R . Court , C . Wakefield , jun ., and C . R . Warde , Stwds . ; C . Wakefield , P . M ., Treas . ; George Parrett , P . M ., Sec . ; J . R . Omer , P . M . ; Frank Adams , P . M . ; J . W . Westmoreland , P . M . ; and a numerous assemblage of the brethren . Visitors : Bros . Wagstaff , P . M . j Morrison , P . M . j Macartney , and several others .
The lodge having been opened and the minutes of the last meeting read and confirmed , a ballot vvas taken for Messrs . John Mankey and John Martin , and the same proving unanimous in their favour , they were initiated into tne secrets and mysteries of the Craft . Bros . Kitson , May , and Roberts were afterwards passed to the Degree of Fel ] ow Crafts , and Bros . Lewthwaite and Johnson vvere raised to the sublime Djgree of Master Mason in due form . The whole of the ceremonies vvere satisfactorily performed and duly appreciated by the assembled brethren .
All Masonic business being ended , the brethren sat down to a banquet , to vvhich full justice was done , and the reception given to the usual loyal and Masonic toasts was equal to that which has ever been a leading characteristic of the members of the " Duke ' s . " Touching reference vvas made to the loss sustained to the Craft in general by the death of Bro . the Earl of Lathom , and a proposition was unanimously carried that a vote of sympathy and condolence be sent to the family .
The following brethren contributed to the musical portion , and gave great satisfaction and much p leasure : Bros . Geo . Parrett , P . M . ; G . T . Bonner , C . Wakefield , jun ., and T . Harrington .
Moira Lodge , No . 92 . The anniversary meeting of this influential lodge vvas held at the Albion Tavern , Aldersgate-street , K . C , on Thursday , the Sth inst ., vvhen there vvere present Bros . Wickham F . Noakes , W . M .,- John W . bb , S . W ., W . M . elect ,- C . E . Russell , J . W . ; Rev . R . I . Woodhouse , I . P . M ., Chap , j T . L . Wilkinson , P . M ., P . D . G . R ., Treas . ; R . F . Gould , P . M ., P . G . D ., Sec . j Russell Ardagh , J . D . ; Sir N . R . Pringle , Bart ., I . G . j Wickham Noakes , P . M ., Stwd . ; M . A . Tvveedie , P . M . ; I . M . Mitchell ,
P . M . ; Haiold Carter , P . M . ; G . Greiner , P . M . ; S . Shorter , P . M . ; G . C . Andiew , P . M . ; E . Greiner , P . M . ; J . Norman Noakes , Stuart B . Noakes , F . A . Donnison , C . A . Elgood , A . J . Saunderson , and J . P . Murrough . Visitors : Bros . Hamon le Strange , Prov . G . Master Norfolk j Rev . H . R . Cooper Smith , D . D ., P . G . C . j Dr . Ralph Gooding , P . G . D . ; S . G . Kirchhoffer , P . D . G . D . C . ; T . H . Gardiner , P . A G . D . C . j G . W . Speth , P . A . G . D . C . j Edward Cutler , O . C , P . G . O . j W . H . Bale , P . M . S ?; W . H . Stone , J . W . 2 C 47 j John Dives , 1070 ; Ralph Langton , 1657 ; W . G . Poole , P . M . SGo ; A . Jolly , 2 G 47 ; | . Peeke Richards ,
15 S 4 J John Cheyneworth , 1 G 24 ; Henry Times , P . M . 165 ; Rev . J . H . Smith , P . P . G . C . Leicester and Rutland j Albert ; Cohn , 2 ioSj J . R . Brough , 23971 G . I . Gorvait , isoGj W . Soper , W . M . 209 5 j J . H . Hallows , P . M . SGi ; J . B , S . Lancaster , P . P . G . S . B . Surrey ; P . Gonell , 12 S 7 ; R . O . Mash , 12 S 7 ; Edward Micbean , P . M . 207 GJ H . N . Noakes , P . M . IOSJ C . W . Skinner , 20 . 10 j Herbert Harden , 121 G j Lawrence Stevens 2397 j T . Jefteries , P . M . 1744 ; G . Caddick , 1107 ; Charles Wells , 2323 j C . Kenzett , 1 G 91 ; James YVhitburn , 15 G 4 ; and Sir John Heron-Maxwell , Bart ., 357 . .... ... _ .
The minutes of the previous meeting having been read and confirmed , Bros . C . A . Elgood and A , J . Saunderson were passed to the Second Degree ; after vvhich , Bro . John Webb , S . W ., W . M . elect , was presented and duly installed as W . M . by Bro . R . F . Could , P . G . D . —the Prov . G . Master of Norfolk , Bro . Hamon le Strange , acting as I . P . M . ; and Rros . Ralph Gooding , P . G . D ., G . W . Speth , P . A . G . D . C , G . Greiner , P . M ., and Harold Carter , P . M ., as S . W ., J . W ., D . of C , and LG .,
respectively . The newly-installed W . M . then proceeded to invest his officers as follows : Bros . Wickham F . Noakes , I . P . M . ; C . E . Russell , S . W . j Sir Norman Robert Pringle , Bart ., J . W . j Rev . R . I . Woodhouse , P . M ., Chap ., * T . L . Wilkinson , P . M ., P . D . G . Reg ., Treas . j R . F . Gould , P . M ., P . G . D ,, Sec . j J . Norman Noakes , S . I ) , j Stuart B , Noakes , J . D . j F . A . Donnison , I . G . j Wickham Noakes , P . M ., Steward j and George Couchman , Tyler .
Letters expressing regret at inability to attend were read from Bros . Lieut .-General Sir Charles Warrtn , G . C . M . G . j Vice-Admiral A . H . Markham ; W . M . Bywater , P . G . S . B . j E . Letchworth , G . Sec . j A . H . Bowles , P . G . D . j Frank Richardson , P . G . D . j the Very Rev . William Sinclair , D . D . ( Archdeacon of London ) , P . G . C j and others . The lodge was afterwards closed , and a superb banquet followed . The toasts of "The Queen and the Craft" and " Ihe M . W . G . M ., the Prince of Wales , " having been duly honoured ,
lhe W . M ., in giving " The D . G . M ., Earl Amherst , and the rest of the G . Officers , Present and Past , " said : This toast , to the great sorrow of us all , has to be placed before you in an unfamiliar form . The deeply-lamented death of the late Pro Grand Master , the Earl of Lathom , has removed from the roll of the Grand Officeis one who was peilaps the statliest figure of them all , and without doubt one of the most respected and popular rulers of the Crait that has been known to the present generation .
Bro . Hamon le Strange , Prov . G . M . Norfolk , in responding for the toast , also pud a graceful ttibute of respect to the memory of the deceased Pro Grand Master , who hid been his contemporary at Eton , and whose wise counsel he deeply missed in the highly responsible office to which he ( Bro . le Strange ) had been so recently appointed by the Grand Master . A similar testimony to the worth of the late Karl of Lathom , vvas nude a little later in the evening by another personal friend of the deceased , Sir John Heron-Maxwell , who was his contemporary at Oxford , and vvho followed at a short interval , the lamented nobleman ( then Lord Skelmersdale ) as an initiate of the Apollo Lodge .
'lhe toast of the evening , "The Memory of Earl Moira ( ist Mirquis of Hastings ) , the Pation of the Lodge , " was next given by the 1 reasurer , Bro . T . L . Wilkinson , with all his usual power ; and in a speech of extraordinary eloquence , which vvas listened to with rapt attention by those present , he dwelt on the noble example presented by the great soldier , statesman , and ruler of the Craft , vvho , nearly a century ago , had allowed the
lodge to be distinguished by his name , and upon whose birthday they invariably met to celebrate the chief festival of the year . The toast having been drunk in solemn silence , the 1 . P . M . ( Bro . W . F . Noakes ) then proposed " The Health cf thc W . M ., "' which was received vvith much enthusiasm , and very gracefully acknowledged from the chair . The W . M . next gave "The Visitors , " and the toast was rtsp-nJed t ) by Bros . Sir
Craft Masonry.
John Heron-Maxwell , 357 ; W . Soper , W . M . 2095 ; J . B . S . Lancaster , P . M . 2317-and Edward Macbean , P . M . 207 G , and of the Lodge of Edinburgh , No . 1 ( S . C ) ' In giving " The Past M isters , " the W . M . said : We have had many distinguished brethren in the past who have ruled over this lodge , and may , indeed , congratulate ourselves on possessing at the present time a body of Past Masters of whom we may well be proud . The latest addiiion to the list is our I . P . M ., Bro . Wickham Francis Noakes with whose shall the toast
name I couple , and must congratulate him on his successful year of ofiice , no less than five initiates having joined the lodge , three of whom were introduced by himself , while two of the number , the present Deacons of the Iodge , are his own brothers in the fbsli . The Noakes family is respected everywhere , and by none more than by the members of the Moira Lodge . There are now three of our Past Masters who belong to that family , and we hope that after the lapse ofa few years there will be five .
The LP . M . having suitably replied , other toasts followed , including "The Officers of the Lodge " ( vvhich vvas responded to by the Senior and Junior Wardens ) and " The Treasurer and Secretary , " after which came the Tyler ' s toast , which brought a most " enjoyable and successful meeting to a close . The musical arrangements were under the direction of Bro . Fred . Cozens , vvho vvas ably assisted by Miss lessie Hotine , Miss Florence Venning , Miss Fanny Woolf ( solo violin ) , and Bros . C . Emlyn Jones and Murray Bermester . Bro . Fred . Cozens presided at the pianoforte .
Constitutional Lodge , No . 294 . INITIATION OF THE MAYOR OF BEVERLEY . A most interesting meeting was held on Thursday , the Sth inst ., in connection with the above lodge—interesting for three especial reasons—first , the initiation of the Mayor of Beverley ( Alderman F . G . Hobson ); second , the presentation of his portrait to Bro . G . H . Knight , I . P . M . , * and , third , the election of the W . M ., for which office Bro . F . G . Barton , D . C , received the unanimous vote of the lodge . There were nresent " amongst others , Bros . John Cooper , W . M . ; G . H . Knight , I . P . M .: I . Willi ? M ; il «' S . W . ; J . E . Elwell , J . W . ; Martin Westerby , P . M ., P . P . G . D . C , Chap SvXv Smith . P . M .. P . P . n . G . n . C : Thnmcon F 7 , l » uT P M P P r . C _ Y w £ L' * ?? " &
Park , P . M ., Orator j G . A . Ridgway , S . D . ; R . A . Litchfield , J . D . ; G . FBaL D . C . J . Gibson , Org . ; W . H . Pool , l . G . j J . Westoby , Tyler ; Dobson PMJ . Edgar , P . M ., P . P . G . D . ; J . Kemp , P . M ., P . P . G S . of W . j j . R . u £ P M D . Morley , P . M ., P . P . G . D . ; R . Pape , P . M . j Tom Turner , P . M " P ! PG Re- / ' W . IL Winpenny , P . M . j Butterell , J . Elwell , W . Green , E . Oliver , Robert Smith ' and others .- Visitors : Bros . James Work , W . M ., H . Harker , S . W . P . T BenTlev ' I . W .. F . Dixon . I . G .. G . Leiirh . P . M .. P . P . G . Std . Rr .. 1 . M „ . £ , ; i p ™ pn ^ " ^ -
Br „ Aves , T . J . Bell , C . Hudson , J . Work , and Harold Work , of 2 i u ( who oafd the lodge an official visit on this occasion ); W . C . Whiteside , P . M ., P . P G D ami F Wilson , P . P . G . Org ., of 250 J F . R . E . Elwell , 153 S j and others . C-rKj'U' > and *• After the lodge was opened and the minutes read and confirmed , the following brethren were unanimously elected to the following offices : Bros . Geo F fU ,--,,., W . M ; S . Smith P . M . Treas . ; JR . Lane P . AL Charity Representative ; and Jno . Westoby , Tyler . 1 he Mayor of Beverley , Mr . Alderman Frederick GeoHnh = «
. „ was then initiated , lhe W . M ., Bro . John Cooper , on rising to make the presentation of the portrait , said : It is now my pleasing duty to perform the next business on the summons vvhich is to present our Bro . Knight , the Immediate Past Master vvith his portrait in oils . I may say that it was originally intended and arranged that our Right Worshipful Bro . the Earl of Londes b orough was to perform this ceremony . Unfortu nately , his lordship vvas , through illness , unable to do this , conseauentlv th . , )„?„ "
devolves upon me . His lordship said that it would have afforded him very great pleasure indeed to make this presentation , but however great a pleasure his lordship would have experienced , it does not exceed that vvhich animates me on the present occasion I mav say that Bro . Knight and I vvere initiated tegether in tSSz and vve received that chanre vvhich our newly-initiated brother has just received , from our late lamented Bro Fr-nk Burrell . Since ihen our Bro . Knight has filled various offices in the lodge in the most creditable manner and to the satisfaction of all the brethren , ' but if there is one office more than another in vvhich he has conspicuously distinguished himself it is the office of Steward , in vvhich office he has entirely regardless of self , comfort , or enjoyment and without any other object than that of the comfort of the brethren waited . ™ n n ,. J : " .
, manner known to you all . It was not until the year of her Majesty's Diamond Inhiim . that Bro . Knight felt he vvas ripe for the office of W . M . and in that year he Mceoed the office and vvas unanimously elected . The admirable and able manner in which he discharged the duties of that ofiice is so well known that I am sure I am right and justified in saying that if there is one brother more popular than another it is Bro . Knight . He is one of those larrre-hearted . un «» lfUh -5 „ . _ .
, reus brethren who puis self entirely aside , and seems to live for others- and his chief delight se ems to be in contributing to the comfort and happiness of his fellow brethren As our brother is inside the lodge , so he is outside , where he takes those grand princinles taught within and tries to practise them in his official capacity fSunerintendpnt Y (
Police ) , and although he has at times disagreeable duties to perform , he has invariablv earned the thanks and gratitude of those with whom he has come into contact This speaks very highly for our brother , and therefore it is vvith the greatest pleasure that I make this presentation . In conclusion I may remark that I am only expressing and eivimr voice to the feelings of the whole of the members of this lodge when I say that we hone and trust that our worthy Bro . Knight may live for very many years to continue to take interest in and
pare ana me weuare prosperity ot our lodge . Bro . Knieht it nnw affords me very great pleasure to present you with this portrait , which I now unveil and which has been most freely and spontaneously subscribed for by the brethren and I
tninK tnat you ana they will agree with me that it is an admirable likeness and rcfWtc the greatest credit upon the artist ( Bro . Fredk . G . Elwell ) who has executed it Uro . knight , on accepting the portrait , said : Allow me to express to you my most grateful thanks for the very high compliment you have paid me . 1 have listened to the flattering remarks of our W . M ., with whom I have been associated for a period of a quarter of a century , and I cannot think for one moment that I am at all worthv nf half the
gooo minus ne nas said ot me . Well , W . M . and brethren , you will allow me to thank you Irom my heart for the very high compliment you have paid me , and I w 11 always endeavour to lead the life vvhich I know you esteem . The portrait ( an excellent one ) is three-quarter length , life size , seated , and in the regalia of W . M . ( in commemoration of his Mastership in the Diamond lubilee veari After the usual good wishes had been offered to the W . M ,, the lodge was closed and the brethren and visitors adjourned to the supper-room , where a recherche' renaVt vvas served . IBH « *" The usual loyal and Masonic toasts were honoured .
During the evening the handsome silver loving cup ( presented bv the hr » th „»„ nt Liberty Lodge , Beverly , Massachusetts , U . S . A . fto ( his lodge on attaining tscen tenary ) vvas passed round . 6 *" " Bro . Alderman Green , on rising to propose the toast of ' * The Newly-initiated Can didate , said : I feel it a privilege to propose the toast of the health of our newly-initiated brother ( Bro . F G . Hobson It is customary in the old Constitutional Lodge to heartily receive this toast , and I see on this occasion that principle is once more beinir cnthusiasticaly carried out . Weare pleased at all times to welcome into our ranks citizens who have attained an honourable position in the town ; but we more cordially welcome Bro . if . G . Hobson , as one who has received at the handsof his fellow citizens the highest and most honourable office it is in their power to confer—I mean the affirm nf Chief Magistrate and Mayor of this ancient borough-and he has shown h „ hi .,.
election to that olhce , and by the universal approbation it has received that he has gained the respect and goodwill of the whole of his fellow townsmen . But I do not con aider that it is the Mayor who is conferring an honour on this lodge , so much as we are conferring an honour upon him , by admitting him into the ranks of Freemasonry Our ritual informs us that Freemasonry dates back to great antiquity , and , alth-Wh we cannot trace it directly to the time ot King Salomon and the building of the female at Jerusalem , yet the foremost writers on the art believe it is a direct offshoot from the old and associations of medxval timesand
guilds , ; , W . M ., I think it is a great honour 0 belong to a society descended from those old workers of by-gone ages who having- in time of trouble and war , devoted themselves to the peaceful occupation ' of building those beau . ful monasteries and chu . ches in building strong castles for the defence of the country people and walled towns for the defence of the more peaceful citizens And we also know that those old societies were among the lirst to recognise and advocate religious equally and general freedom of thought . This being so , I cordially welcome Bro . Hobson into this honourable Order , and trust that he wdl appreciate and enfoy
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Craft Masonry.
Craft Masonry .
Scientific Lodge , No . 8 S . This ancient lodge continues to maintain its prestige , and on Monday last , the 12 th inst ., held another noteworthy meeting , which was well attended . After one candidate ( Bro . J . Walker ) had been raised , Mr . Chas . F . ICernot , a student of the University , was initiated , and proved to be a " Lewis" of a " Lewis , " whilst his cousin ( Bro . Kirk , of All Saints' Lodge , Poplar ) vvas present to witness the ceremony , which vvas ably performed by the W . M ., Bro . John H . Moyes . The lodge afterwards agreed to vote a
P . M . ' s jewel to the outgoing W . M ., and unanimously elected Bro . H . S . Davison , S . W ., as W . M . for the ensuing year , the installation being on January 9 th . liro . C . H Banham , P . M ., vvas re-elected the lodge representative on the Committee of the Cambridgeshire Masonic Charity Association . Not the least pleasurable part of the gathering vvas the visit of a venerable son of No . SS , Bro . Richard Horton Smith , P . G . Reg . Eng ., P . P . G . Reg . Cambs ., vvho vvas initiated in the Scientific Lodge whilst up at the University in 1 S 57 . The reminiscences of Bro . Horton Smith vvere most entertaining ,
but they necessarily bore their tinge of sadness , as he could not recognise in the present lodge any of the brethren of his time . Many of the names he ran through vvere as familiar as household words ; but only one of them was remembered among the living , Bro . the Rt . Hon Sir John Eldon Gorst , Q C , M . P ., the Minister of Education , vvho is now resident at Howe ' s Close , Girton , near Cambridge . The Junior Warden of the province alluded to the remarkable growth of Masonic Charity during his time , and said the reproach of former days had been happily removed long ago .
Duke of Edinburgh Lodge , No . 1259 . A meeting of the above Iodge was held on Tuesday , the Gth inst ., at the Three Nuns , Aldgate , E ., when there were present Bros . Henry Warner , W . M . j John Coote , I . P . M . ; R . O . Hindervvell , S . W . ; C . W . Chandler , J . W . ; J . H . Wilson , S . D . ; D . Gower , I . G . j D . G . Lusty , D . C . j R . Court , C . Wakefield , jun ., and C . R . Warde , Stwds . ; C . Wakefield , P . M ., Treas . ; George Parrett , P . M ., Sec . ; J . R . Omer , P . M . ; Frank Adams , P . M . ; J . W . Westmoreland , P . M . ; and a numerous assemblage of the brethren . Visitors : Bros . Wagstaff , P . M . j Morrison , P . M . j Macartney , and several others .
The lodge having been opened and the minutes of the last meeting read and confirmed , a ballot vvas taken for Messrs . John Mankey and John Martin , and the same proving unanimous in their favour , they were initiated into tne secrets and mysteries of the Craft . Bros . Kitson , May , and Roberts were afterwards passed to the Degree of Fel ] ow Crafts , and Bros . Lewthwaite and Johnson vvere raised to the sublime Djgree of Master Mason in due form . The whole of the ceremonies vvere satisfactorily performed and duly appreciated by the assembled brethren .
All Masonic business being ended , the brethren sat down to a banquet , to vvhich full justice was done , and the reception given to the usual loyal and Masonic toasts was equal to that which has ever been a leading characteristic of the members of the " Duke ' s . " Touching reference vvas made to the loss sustained to the Craft in general by the death of Bro . the Earl of Lathom , and a proposition was unanimously carried that a vote of sympathy and condolence be sent to the family .
The following brethren contributed to the musical portion , and gave great satisfaction and much p leasure : Bros . Geo . Parrett , P . M . ; G . T . Bonner , C . Wakefield , jun ., and T . Harrington .
Moira Lodge , No . 92 . The anniversary meeting of this influential lodge vvas held at the Albion Tavern , Aldersgate-street , K . C , on Thursday , the Sth inst ., vvhen there vvere present Bros . Wickham F . Noakes , W . M .,- John W . bb , S . W ., W . M . elect ,- C . E . Russell , J . W . ; Rev . R . I . Woodhouse , I . P . M ., Chap , j T . L . Wilkinson , P . M ., P . D . G . R ., Treas . ; R . F . Gould , P . M ., P . G . D ., Sec . j Russell Ardagh , J . D . ; Sir N . R . Pringle , Bart ., I . G . j Wickham Noakes , P . M ., Stwd . ; M . A . Tvveedie , P . M . ; I . M . Mitchell ,
P . M . ; Haiold Carter , P . M . ; G . Greiner , P . M . ; S . Shorter , P . M . ; G . C . Andiew , P . M . ; E . Greiner , P . M . ; J . Norman Noakes , Stuart B . Noakes , F . A . Donnison , C . A . Elgood , A . J . Saunderson , and J . P . Murrough . Visitors : Bros . Hamon le Strange , Prov . G . Master Norfolk j Rev . H . R . Cooper Smith , D . D ., P . G . C . j Dr . Ralph Gooding , P . G . D . ; S . G . Kirchhoffer , P . D . G . D . C . ; T . H . Gardiner , P . A G . D . C . j G . W . Speth , P . A . G . D . C . j Edward Cutler , O . C , P . G . O . j W . H . Bale , P . M . S ?; W . H . Stone , J . W . 2 C 47 j John Dives , 1070 ; Ralph Langton , 1657 ; W . G . Poole , P . M . SGo ; A . Jolly , 2 G 47 ; | . Peeke Richards ,
15 S 4 J John Cheyneworth , 1 G 24 ; Henry Times , P . M . 165 ; Rev . J . H . Smith , P . P . G . C . Leicester and Rutland j Albert ; Cohn , 2 ioSj J . R . Brough , 23971 G . I . Gorvait , isoGj W . Soper , W . M . 209 5 j J . H . Hallows , P . M . SGi ; J . B , S . Lancaster , P . P . G . S . B . Surrey ; P . Gonell , 12 S 7 ; R . O . Mash , 12 S 7 ; Edward Micbean , P . M . 207 GJ H . N . Noakes , P . M . IOSJ C . W . Skinner , 20 . 10 j Herbert Harden , 121 G j Lawrence Stevens 2397 j T . Jefteries , P . M . 1744 ; G . Caddick , 1107 ; Charles Wells , 2323 j C . Kenzett , 1 G 91 ; James YVhitburn , 15 G 4 ; and Sir John Heron-Maxwell , Bart ., 357 . .... ... _ .
The minutes of the previous meeting having been read and confirmed , Bros . C . A . Elgood and A , J . Saunderson were passed to the Second Degree ; after vvhich , Bro . John Webb , S . W ., W . M . elect , was presented and duly installed as W . M . by Bro . R . F . Could , P . G . D . —the Prov . G . Master of Norfolk , Bro . Hamon le Strange , acting as I . P . M . ; and Rros . Ralph Gooding , P . G . D ., G . W . Speth , P . A . G . D . C , G . Greiner , P . M ., and Harold Carter , P . M ., as S . W ., J . W ., D . of C , and LG .,
respectively . The newly-installed W . M . then proceeded to invest his officers as follows : Bros . Wickham F . Noakes , I . P . M . ; C . E . Russell , S . W . j Sir Norman Robert Pringle , Bart ., J . W . j Rev . R . I . Woodhouse , P . M ., Chap ., * T . L . Wilkinson , P . M ., P . D . G . Reg ., Treas . j R . F . Gould , P . M ., P . G . D ,, Sec . j J . Norman Noakes , S . I ) , j Stuart B , Noakes , J . D . j F . A . Donnison , I . G . j Wickham Noakes , P . M ., Steward j and George Couchman , Tyler .
Letters expressing regret at inability to attend were read from Bros . Lieut .-General Sir Charles Warrtn , G . C . M . G . j Vice-Admiral A . H . Markham ; W . M . Bywater , P . G . S . B . j E . Letchworth , G . Sec . j A . H . Bowles , P . G . D . j Frank Richardson , P . G . D . j the Very Rev . William Sinclair , D . D . ( Archdeacon of London ) , P . G . C j and others . The lodge was afterwards closed , and a superb banquet followed . The toasts of "The Queen and the Craft" and " Ihe M . W . G . M ., the Prince of Wales , " having been duly honoured ,
lhe W . M ., in giving " The D . G . M ., Earl Amherst , and the rest of the G . Officers , Present and Past , " said : This toast , to the great sorrow of us all , has to be placed before you in an unfamiliar form . The deeply-lamented death of the late Pro Grand Master , the Earl of Lathom , has removed from the roll of the Grand Officeis one who was peilaps the statliest figure of them all , and without doubt one of the most respected and popular rulers of the Crait that has been known to the present generation .
Bro . Hamon le Strange , Prov . G . M . Norfolk , in responding for the toast , also pud a graceful ttibute of respect to the memory of the deceased Pro Grand Master , who hid been his contemporary at Eton , and whose wise counsel he deeply missed in the highly responsible office to which he ( Bro . le Strange ) had been so recently appointed by the Grand Master . A similar testimony to the worth of the late Karl of Lathom , vvas nude a little later in the evening by another personal friend of the deceased , Sir John Heron-Maxwell , who was his contemporary at Oxford , and vvho followed at a short interval , the lamented nobleman ( then Lord Skelmersdale ) as an initiate of the Apollo Lodge .
'lhe toast of the evening , "The Memory of Earl Moira ( ist Mirquis of Hastings ) , the Pation of the Lodge , " was next given by the 1 reasurer , Bro . T . L . Wilkinson , with all his usual power ; and in a speech of extraordinary eloquence , which vvas listened to with rapt attention by those present , he dwelt on the noble example presented by the great soldier , statesman , and ruler of the Craft , vvho , nearly a century ago , had allowed the
lodge to be distinguished by his name , and upon whose birthday they invariably met to celebrate the chief festival of the year . The toast having been drunk in solemn silence , the 1 . P . M . ( Bro . W . F . Noakes ) then proposed " The Health cf thc W . M ., "' which was received vvith much enthusiasm , and very gracefully acknowledged from the chair . The W . M . next gave "The Visitors , " and the toast was rtsp-nJed t ) by Bros . Sir
Craft Masonry.
John Heron-Maxwell , 357 ; W . Soper , W . M . 2095 ; J . B . S . Lancaster , P . M . 2317-and Edward Macbean , P . M . 207 G , and of the Lodge of Edinburgh , No . 1 ( S . C ) ' In giving " The Past M isters , " the W . M . said : We have had many distinguished brethren in the past who have ruled over this lodge , and may , indeed , congratulate ourselves on possessing at the present time a body of Past Masters of whom we may well be proud . The latest addiiion to the list is our I . P . M ., Bro . Wickham Francis Noakes with whose shall the toast
name I couple , and must congratulate him on his successful year of ofiice , no less than five initiates having joined the lodge , three of whom were introduced by himself , while two of the number , the present Deacons of the Iodge , are his own brothers in the fbsli . The Noakes family is respected everywhere , and by none more than by the members of the Moira Lodge . There are now three of our Past Masters who belong to that family , and we hope that after the lapse ofa few years there will be five .
The LP . M . having suitably replied , other toasts followed , including "The Officers of the Lodge " ( vvhich vvas responded to by the Senior and Junior Wardens ) and " The Treasurer and Secretary , " after which came the Tyler ' s toast , which brought a most " enjoyable and successful meeting to a close . The musical arrangements were under the direction of Bro . Fred . Cozens , vvho vvas ably assisted by Miss lessie Hotine , Miss Florence Venning , Miss Fanny Woolf ( solo violin ) , and Bros . C . Emlyn Jones and Murray Bermester . Bro . Fred . Cozens presided at the pianoforte .
Constitutional Lodge , No . 294 . INITIATION OF THE MAYOR OF BEVERLEY . A most interesting meeting was held on Thursday , the Sth inst ., in connection with the above lodge—interesting for three especial reasons—first , the initiation of the Mayor of Beverley ( Alderman F . G . Hobson ); second , the presentation of his portrait to Bro . G . H . Knight , I . P . M . , * and , third , the election of the W . M ., for which office Bro . F . G . Barton , D . C , received the unanimous vote of the lodge . There were nresent " amongst others , Bros . John Cooper , W . M . ; G . H . Knight , I . P . M .: I . Willi ? M ; il «' S . W . ; J . E . Elwell , J . W . ; Martin Westerby , P . M ., P . P . G . D . C , Chap SvXv Smith . P . M .. P . P . n . G . n . C : Thnmcon F 7 , l » uT P M P P r . C _ Y w £ L' * ?? " &
Park , P . M ., Orator j G . A . Ridgway , S . D . ; R . A . Litchfield , J . D . ; G . FBaL D . C . J . Gibson , Org . ; W . H . Pool , l . G . j J . Westoby , Tyler ; Dobson PMJ . Edgar , P . M ., P . P . G . D . ; J . Kemp , P . M ., P . P . G S . of W . j j . R . u £ P M D . Morley , P . M ., P . P . G . D . ; R . Pape , P . M . j Tom Turner , P . M " P ! PG Re- / ' W . IL Winpenny , P . M . j Butterell , J . Elwell , W . Green , E . Oliver , Robert Smith ' and others .- Visitors : Bros . James Work , W . M ., H . Harker , S . W . P . T BenTlev ' I . W .. F . Dixon . I . G .. G . Leiirh . P . M .. P . P . G . Std . Rr .. 1 . M „ . £ , ; i p ™ pn ^ " ^ -
Br „ Aves , T . J . Bell , C . Hudson , J . Work , and Harold Work , of 2 i u ( who oafd the lodge an official visit on this occasion ); W . C . Whiteside , P . M ., P . P G D ami F Wilson , P . P . G . Org ., of 250 J F . R . E . Elwell , 153 S j and others . C-rKj'U' > and *• After the lodge was opened and the minutes read and confirmed , the following brethren were unanimously elected to the following offices : Bros . Geo F fU ,--,,., W . M ; S . Smith P . M . Treas . ; JR . Lane P . AL Charity Representative ; and Jno . Westoby , Tyler . 1 he Mayor of Beverley , Mr . Alderman Frederick GeoHnh = «
. „ was then initiated , lhe W . M ., Bro . John Cooper , on rising to make the presentation of the portrait , said : It is now my pleasing duty to perform the next business on the summons vvhich is to present our Bro . Knight , the Immediate Past Master vvith his portrait in oils . I may say that it was originally intended and arranged that our Right Worshipful Bro . the Earl of Londes b orough was to perform this ceremony . Unfortu nately , his lordship vvas , through illness , unable to do this , conseauentlv th . , )„?„ "
devolves upon me . His lordship said that it would have afforded him very great pleasure indeed to make this presentation , but however great a pleasure his lordship would have experienced , it does not exceed that vvhich animates me on the present occasion I mav say that Bro . Knight and I vvere initiated tegether in tSSz and vve received that chanre vvhich our newly-initiated brother has just received , from our late lamented Bro Fr-nk Burrell . Since ihen our Bro . Knight has filled various offices in the lodge in the most creditable manner and to the satisfaction of all the brethren , ' but if there is one office more than another in vvhich he has conspicuously distinguished himself it is the office of Steward , in vvhich office he has entirely regardless of self , comfort , or enjoyment and without any other object than that of the comfort of the brethren waited . ™ n n ,. J : " .
, manner known to you all . It was not until the year of her Majesty's Diamond Inhiim . that Bro . Knight felt he vvas ripe for the office of W . M . and in that year he Mceoed the office and vvas unanimously elected . The admirable and able manner in which he discharged the duties of that ofiice is so well known that I am sure I am right and justified in saying that if there is one brother more popular than another it is Bro . Knight . He is one of those larrre-hearted . un «» lfUh -5 „ . _ .
, reus brethren who puis self entirely aside , and seems to live for others- and his chief delight se ems to be in contributing to the comfort and happiness of his fellow brethren As our brother is inside the lodge , so he is outside , where he takes those grand princinles taught within and tries to practise them in his official capacity fSunerintendpnt Y (
Police ) , and although he has at times disagreeable duties to perform , he has invariablv earned the thanks and gratitude of those with whom he has come into contact This speaks very highly for our brother , and therefore it is vvith the greatest pleasure that I make this presentation . In conclusion I may remark that I am only expressing and eivimr voice to the feelings of the whole of the members of this lodge when I say that we hone and trust that our worthy Bro . Knight may live for very many years to continue to take interest in and
pare ana me weuare prosperity ot our lodge . Bro . Knieht it nnw affords me very great pleasure to present you with this portrait , which I now unveil and which has been most freely and spontaneously subscribed for by the brethren and I
tninK tnat you ana they will agree with me that it is an admirable likeness and rcfWtc the greatest credit upon the artist ( Bro . Fredk . G . Elwell ) who has executed it Uro . knight , on accepting the portrait , said : Allow me to express to you my most grateful thanks for the very high compliment you have paid me . 1 have listened to the flattering remarks of our W . M ., with whom I have been associated for a period of a quarter of a century , and I cannot think for one moment that I am at all worthv nf half the
gooo minus ne nas said ot me . Well , W . M . and brethren , you will allow me to thank you Irom my heart for the very high compliment you have paid me , and I w 11 always endeavour to lead the life vvhich I know you esteem . The portrait ( an excellent one ) is three-quarter length , life size , seated , and in the regalia of W . M . ( in commemoration of his Mastership in the Diamond lubilee veari After the usual good wishes had been offered to the W . M ,, the lodge was closed and the brethren and visitors adjourned to the supper-room , where a recherche' renaVt vvas served . IBH « *" The usual loyal and Masonic toasts were honoured .
During the evening the handsome silver loving cup ( presented bv the hr » th „»„ nt Liberty Lodge , Beverly , Massachusetts , U . S . A . fto ( his lodge on attaining tscen tenary ) vvas passed round . 6 *" " Bro . Alderman Green , on rising to propose the toast of ' * The Newly-initiated Can didate , said : I feel it a privilege to propose the toast of the health of our newly-initiated brother ( Bro . F G . Hobson It is customary in the old Constitutional Lodge to heartily receive this toast , and I see on this occasion that principle is once more beinir cnthusiasticaly carried out . Weare pleased at all times to welcome into our ranks citizens who have attained an honourable position in the town ; but we more cordially welcome Bro . if . G . Hobson , as one who has received at the handsof his fellow citizens the highest and most honourable office it is in their power to confer—I mean the affirm nf Chief Magistrate and Mayor of this ancient borough-and he has shown h „ hi .,.
election to that olhce , and by the universal approbation it has received that he has gained the respect and goodwill of the whole of his fellow townsmen . But I do not con aider that it is the Mayor who is conferring an honour on this lodge , so much as we are conferring an honour upon him , by admitting him into the ranks of Freemasonry Our ritual informs us that Freemasonry dates back to great antiquity , and , alth-Wh we cannot trace it directly to the time ot King Salomon and the building of the female at Jerusalem , yet the foremost writers on the art believe it is a direct offshoot from the old and associations of medxval timesand
guilds , ; , W . M ., I think it is a great honour 0 belong to a society descended from those old workers of by-gone ages who having- in time of trouble and war , devoted themselves to the peaceful occupation ' of building those beau . ful monasteries and chu . ches in building strong castles for the defence of the country people and walled towns for the defence of the more peaceful citizens And we also know that those old societies were among the lirst to recognise and advocate religious equally and general freedom of thought . This being so , I cordially welcome Bro . Hobson into this honourable Order , and trust that he wdl appreciate and enfoy