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CROWN AND ANCHOR HOTEL , LONG DITTON , SURREY . Half-way House—London to Ripley . Main Portsmouth Road ( almost adjoining the River ) ; Seven Minutes from Hamilton Court ; less than One Mile f rf m Surbiton Station ; One Mile and a Half from Sandown Park . ¦ LUNCHEONS , DINNERS AND TEAS PROVIDED ( Large Club Room , Piano , & c . ) E V E R V A C COllJIODATIO X 1 " OR CYCLISTS . ( Good Stabling , Lock-up Coach-houses . ) BILI . IAKU SALOON' . BOWLING GREEN . Bro . FREDERICK WILLIAM WOOD , PROTRIKTOR .
THE SHIP AND TURTLE ( PAINTERS ) , LTO . Best and oldest house in London for rechercht ? Masonic Banquets , Private Parties , and Dinners . ASSEMBLY ROOMS FOR COMPANIES , & C . OUR TURTLE "THE ELIXIR OF LIFE , " Vide faculty . Purveyors to H . R . H . Prince of Wales , H . l . M . Emperor of Russia , Dukes of Saxe Gotha , Connaught , Cambridge , and most ot Crowned Heads of Europe . Manager , Bro . C J . GARDNER .
MAYO'S CASTLE HOTEL , EAST MOLESEY , HAMPTON COURT STATION . BRO . JOHN MAYO . MASONIC TEMPLE . Accommodation in the new wing for Banquets for any number up to 120 . Every convenience for Ladies' Gathcrngs . Spacious landing to river , whence Steam Launches can start . Five Lodges meet here , and reference may be made to the respective Masters as to the catering , & c
TOWER BRIDGE HOTEL , TOOLEY-STREET , . S . E . Puoi'i-n-Tou : C J . BROWN . Wilhin five minutes L . B . andS . C Railway , and 3 . IL . Railway ( London Bridge ); 10 minutes from Liverpool-: 1 icet and Hioad-street Stations . 'rl . KNDIII ACCOM M ID . VIION IOR M . VSON 1 C LoiliiES AND OlAl'lEKS . LARGE BANUUKIING H . VI . L . Al up to daU * , and latest improvements . Acknowledged by the Piess to be the finest Masonic Hall in London . Telephone No . 222 Hop . Inspection invited .
Telephone No . o ' 7 c , Holborn . Established 1 S 0 S . MATTHEWS , DREW , & CO ., WHOLESALE AND RETAIL STATIONERS , PRINTERS , LITHOGRAPHERS , ACCOUNT BOOK MAKERS , 37 Si 38 , HIGH HOLBORN , LONDON , W . C . Law Department—10 , CRAY ' S INN PLACE , VV . C . A HIGH-CLASS WRITING PAPER "THE PROFESSIONAL NOTE , " V \ hite or Blue Tint , 5 quires in , 1 ream 0-, 5 reams , 2 S . G . SA .-V ! l-l , liS SENT POST FREE . M AT T 11 K W S , 1 ) R K \ V , & Co . ' s SPECIALLY SELECrED PENS , Assorted Sample Box containing 3 dozen ( ii ) varict ' es ) I'OSl- l- 'KEIi SIXPENCE . OFFICE STATIONERY OF EVERY DESCRIPTION .
A NDER ION'S HOTEL & TAVERN ri . FLEET STREET , LONDON . F . H . CLEMOW , Proprietor . In connection with the Peacock Hotel , and Royal Hotel , Boston , Lincolnshire . The central position of Andcito . i's is unequalled for Masonic Banquets , Public Dinners , Wedding Breakfast * , Meetings of Creditors , Arbitrations , Sic . The RESTAURANT on Eastern Side ut Hotel Entrince is open to the public from 7 a . m . to 7 p . m . fur Tieiklasts , Luncheons , Teas , and Dinners . The 2 s . I lot Luncheon , from 1 p . m . lo 3 p . m ., in Cilice Room , unequalled . Registered Address for Telegrams :- — CLEMOW , LONDON .
BREE'S ROYAL HOTEL , JERSEY ' Healthier , ; . situation in St . Ilelicr . 20 degree- ; , - . ¦ tiler than thc sea front . BED AND BREAKFAST 5 / 6 AND 6 / -. FULL BOARD , ROOMS & SERVICE , 8 / 6 & y / per day . . Teleiraphic Address— " Bituas , JERSEY . " ' I
• p REAT WESTERN RAILWAY . CHRISTMAS HOLIDAY EXCURSIONS . On December 17 th , and during the week preceding Christmas Day , CHEAP THIRD CLASS RETURN TICKETS available on December 21 st , 22 nd , 23 rd , 24 th , or 25 th , and for return December 20 th to December 30 th inclusive , will be issued from PADDINGTON , Clapham Junction , Victoria ( L . C . and D . R . ) , Kensington ( Addisonroad ) , Hammersmith , etc ., to Bath , BRISTOL , Taunton , Barnstaple , ILFRACOMBE , 'EXI-LTER , TORQUAY , PLYMOUTH , Falmouth , PENZANCE , YeovilT Dor-Chester , WEYMOUTH , Sc , and on December 22 nd , 23 rd , and 24 th onlv to GUERNSEY and JERSEY ( fare 25 s . ) , to return within 14 days . ADDITIONAL TRAINS will leave PADDINGTON STATION as under—SATURDAY , December 24 th . —7 . 5 p . m . for Bath , BRISTOL , EXETER , PLYMOUTH , Penzance , & c . 12 . 30 night , for Reading , Swindon , GLOUCESTER , Cheltenham , Newport , CARDIFF , Swansea , & c . CHRISTMAS DAY . —5 . 30 a . m ., as on week days , as far as EXETER and SWANSEA , with connections to Trowbridge , Frome , YEOVIL , Bridport , Dorchester , WEYMOUTH , Oxford , Banbury , Leamington , BIRMINGHAM , Worcester , Malvern , Kidderminster , WOLVERHAMPTON , & c EXCURSIONS will leave PADDINGTON STATION as under -. A FORTNIGHT IN IRELAND . —DECEMBER 22 nd to CORK and KILLARNEY . DECEMBER 23 rd . To WATERFORD , Clonmcl , LIMERICK , Tralee , Kilkenny , KILLARNEY , BELFAST , Armagh , Giant ' s Causeway , & c . DECEMBER 24 , NIGHT . To Chipping Notion , Evesham , WORCESTER , Malvern , HEREFORD , OXFORD , Banbury , Leamington , Warwick , BIRMINGHAM , Wolverhampton , Shrewsbury , CHESTER , Birkenhead , LIVERPOOL , & c , for 2 or 3 days ; to BATH and BRISTOL , for 2 or 3 days ; to Cirencester , Stroud , Stonehouse , GLOUCESTER , Cheltenham , Newport , CARDIFF , & . C ., for 3 days ; and to Swansea , Llanelly , Llandovery , Carmarthen , Tenby , NEVV MILFORD , Sic , for 2 or 3 days . For times of trains , fares , and full particulars of alterations in ordinary train arrangements , see pamphlets and bills , which can be obtained at the Company ' s Stations and usual Receiving Offices . J . L . WILKINSON , General Manager .
' r ^ REAT NORTHERN RAILWAY . CHRISTMAS AND NLW YEAR HOLIDAYS . DECEMBER 20 th , 21-it , 22 nd , 23 rd , and 24 th , additional trains will run to meet the requirements ot traffic . The 10 . 30 p . m . express from King ' s Cross on Saturday , 24 th December , will not run beyond Berwick on Christmas Day morning . Saturday , December 24 th , the 5 . 0 p . m . express from King ' s Cross will be continued to Melton Constable , calling at all stations east of Peterboro ' . A Special express , at ordinary fares , will leave London ( King ' s Cross ) at 12 . 20 midnight on Saturday , December 24 th , for Welwyn , Stevenage , Hitchin , Biggleswade , Sandy , St . Neots , Huntingdon , Holme , Peterboro' Spalding , Boston , Louth , Grimsby , Grantham , Lincoln , Nottingham , Newark , Retford , Doncaster , Wakefield , Leeds , Laisterdyke , Bradford , Halifax , Selby , York . CHRISTMAS DAY , the trains will rui as on Sundays . CHEAP EXCURSIONS . FRIDAY NIGHT , Di ' . CE . viiii-u 23 rd ( for 4 , 5 , and . s days ) and Friday night , December 30 th ( for 4 and , S days ) , cheap excursions to Northallerton , Darlington , Richmond , Durham , Newcastle , Alnwick , Berwick , Edinburgh , Glasgow , Perth , Dundee , Oban , Kurt William , Aberdeen , Inverness , and other stations in Scotland , will leave Woolwich ( Arsenal and Dockyard ) , Greenwich ( S . E . ) , Victoria ( L . C & D . ) , Ludgate Hill , Moorgate , Aldersgate , Farringdon , _ King ' s Cross ( G . N . ) , & c . Passengers by tiie excursion on December 23-d return on Monday , 20 th , Tuesday , 27 th , or Friday , 30 th December , and thoje by the excursion on December 30 th return on Monday , 2 nd , or Friday , < Li : h January , according to period of tickets take a . TICKETS AT A SINCE FIAKE FOR THE DOUIILE J OIKNEY will also be issued by above excursions to places named , available for return by one lixed train on any day within sixteen days , including days of issue and return . SATURDAY , DFXEVIIIER ; 2 . | ' 1 I ( for 3 and 4 days ) , cheap fast excursions will be run from LONDON ( VVoolwich Arsenal and Dockyard ) , Greenwich ( S . E . ) , Victoria ( L . C and D . ) , Ludgate Hill , Moorgate , AUersgate , Farringdon , and King ' s Cross ( G . N . ) to LINCOLNSHIRE , NOTTING - HAMSHIRE , SlAFI OKDSH 1 RE , L . VNC . VSHI RE , YORKSHIRE , NOKI ' H-EAITKRN DISTRICT , & C . CHEAP WEEK-END TICKETS Will be issued on FRIDAYS , DKI'K . VIIIKR _' . ; rdanJ j ,, ;) , and SATURDAYS , DECKMIIEK 24 th and . 51 st , irom LONDON ( King ' s Cross ) , ike , ti : c , to the principal seaside and health resorts on , and in connection with , the Great Northern Railway . WINTER TOURIST TICKETS , available lor two months , arc- also issued to numerous places in the Noith of England . Fur fares and full paiticulars see bills , to be obtained at the Company ' s statioas and town ollice ;; . CHARLES STEEL , General . Manager .
. I ORfiE MASON'S HYMN—THE i . MYSTIC TIE . Words and Music composed by F . J . STEIN . Price is . od . nett . I
MIDLAND RAILWAY . CHRISTMAS HOLIDAY ARRANGEMENTS CHRISTMAS EVE . Cn Christmas I'Lve relief trains will be run from St . Pancras as circumstances may require . MONDAY , DECEMBER 2 CTH and JANUARY 2 ND . On these dates certain booked trains will be DISCONTINUED as announced on spechl biils at the stations . CHRISTMAS AND NEVV YEAR EXCURSIONS From ST . PANCRAS and CITY STATIONS . TO PROVINCIAL TOWNS , & c . On SATURDAY NIGHT , December 24 m , to Leicester , BIRMINGHAM , NOTTINGHAM , Derby , Newark , Lincoln , Burton , MANCHESTER , LIVERPOOL , Blackburn , Bolton , SHEFFIELD , LEEDS , BRADFORD , York , Hull , Scarboro ' , Newcastle , Barrowin-Furness , the Lake District , & :., returning December 2 Cth or 27 th . On CHRISTMAS DAY , December 25 th ( Saturday midnight ) , to NOTTINGHAM , MANCHESTER , STOCKPORT , Warrington , LIVERPOOL , SHEFFIELD , LEEDS , and BRADFORD , returnin-r on December 2 Gth . TO THE NORTH AND SCOTLAND . On FRIDAYS , DECEMBER 23 rd , for 4 , 5 , or 8 days , and DEC . 30 th , for 4 or S days , to NEWCASTLE , Berwick , Carlisle , Appleby , Dumfries , Castle Douglas , Kirkcudbright , EDINBURGH , GLASGOW , Ayr , Kilnurnock , Stranraer , ccc , from St . Pancras at 10 5 p . m ., Kentish Town at 10 . 10 , Victoria ( L . C . & D . ) S . 20 , Moorgatestreet 9 , 12 , Aldersgate-street 9 . 14 , and Farringdon-street 9 . 1 C p . m ., and to Stirling , Perth , Dundee , Arbroath , Montrose , Aberdeen , & :., leaving ST . PANCRAS at 9 . 15 p . m ., Kentish Town 9 . 19 , Nictoria ( L . C . & D . ) S . 3 , Mjorgatestreet S . 47 , Aldersgate-street S . 49 , and Farringdon-street at S . 51 p . m . RETURN TICKETS at a THIRD CUSS SINGLE FARE for the DOUBLE JOURNEY will be issued on December 23 rd to the places mentioned , available for return on any day up to January 7 th , and on December 30 th available for return on any day up to January 14 th . TO IRELAND . There will also be cheap Excursions to DUBLIN , Ballina , Galway , Sligo , Cork , Killarney , Limerick , via Liverpool or via Morecambe , on December 23 rd ; to BELFAST , Londonderry , Portrush , & c , via Barrow or via Liverpool , on December 23 rd ; and to Londonderry , via Liverpcol or via Morecambe , on December 24 th . See bills for times of return . TO SOUTHEND-ON-SEA . Cheap Day and Week-end Excursion Tickets will be issued to Southend-on-Sea , as announced in Special Bills . CHEAP WEEK-END TICKETS . Cheap Week-end Tickets will be issued on Fridays , December 23 rd and * , oth , and Saturdays , December 24 th and 31 st , from LONDON ( ST . PANCRAS ) and other MIDLAND STATIONS to the PRINCIPAL HOLIDAY and HEALTH RESORTS for the CHRISTMAS and NEW YEAR HOLIDAYS . WINTER TOURIST TICKETS are also issued to numerous places in England and Wales . Tickets , programmes , and bills may be had at the MIDLAND STATIONS and CITY BOOKING OFFICE-. ; and from Thos . Cook and Son , Ludgate Circus and branch offices . EXCURSIONS FROM THE PROVINCES . EXCURSION TRAINS will be run from Leicester , NOTTINGHAM , BIRMINGHAM , Derby , MAN-TIESTEK , LIVERPOOL , Shellield , LEEDS , BRADFORD , and other principal towns to EDINBURGH , GLVSGOtV , and ALL PARTS OF SCOTLAND for the Christmas and New Year Holidays . NUMEROUS OTHER CHEAP EXCURSIONS have been arranged Lorn the chief Midland Stations , particulars of which may be had on application . GEO . H . TURNER , GENERAL MANAGER . Derby , December , IS JS .
Published this Day . Price 10 s . 6 d . NORTHUMBRIAN MASONRY . ( FROM B . C . TO END OF 1 S 97 . ) lieiuu ; a Mist , ry ol the Crait in tlie Uonler I'roviiice Irom the earliest time .-, ; show ine ; its hlenlily with , ami ilevelupnu-ut I nun , llie . Meili . evai Operative I . utiles as they e \ isteil throughout " liv JOHN STRACHAN , O . C , G-R . VNH REGISTRAR OK ENGLAND . ( I . Prov . 0 . Warden and P . Prov . G . Secretary of Northumberland ) . ¦ Masnnii : Tniilitinn is herein teslril 1 , ) - (' . mteiiipfjrary Itisttiry , ami hv istiTi-sIini- nlil Kivunl-. ami Cnrri'spunclencr colleetvil by tin-Ai ' illmr ululi-in lhe Ninth , ami now publishiil lor the lirsl lime , nn liuliiie lln- . Ma-, mie | uirtion oi Hie taiiioiis "llela - .- r . i | ur-, " Mimiti s nl ¦ tiiii-l l . uili-vs , . S . c . There are also in the Appemli \ , cUraits Iriinl Hie Masonic ( . ' rations of V . W . ILh " . ( . TKISIKA . i , IM' S ., I ' ast ( ir . iml chaplain , ihe I lisloriau ol lhe Hot ) I ami , icviscil l' \ Iheir Author lur tlii * work . Dedicated , by Special Permission , to II R . H . THK PRINCE OF WALES , M . W . GRAND MASTER OF ENGLAND , whose Portrait And fac-simile Autograph form the frontispieces , beautifully executed by the new Collotype process . . .. _ , London : GEORGE KENNING , IO and iGa , GREAT QUEEN STREET , W . C .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
CROWN AND ANCHOR HOTEL , LONG DITTON , SURREY . Half-way House—London to Ripley . Main Portsmouth Road ( almost adjoining the River ) ; Seven Minutes from Hamilton Court ; less than One Mile f rf m Surbiton Station ; One Mile and a Half from Sandown Park . ¦ LUNCHEONS , DINNERS AND TEAS PROVIDED ( Large Club Room , Piano , & c . ) E V E R V A C COllJIODATIO X 1 " OR CYCLISTS . ( Good Stabling , Lock-up Coach-houses . ) BILI . IAKU SALOON' . BOWLING GREEN . Bro . FREDERICK WILLIAM WOOD , PROTRIKTOR .
THE SHIP AND TURTLE ( PAINTERS ) , LTO . Best and oldest house in London for rechercht ? Masonic Banquets , Private Parties , and Dinners . ASSEMBLY ROOMS FOR COMPANIES , & C . OUR TURTLE "THE ELIXIR OF LIFE , " Vide faculty . Purveyors to H . R . H . Prince of Wales , H . l . M . Emperor of Russia , Dukes of Saxe Gotha , Connaught , Cambridge , and most ot Crowned Heads of Europe . Manager , Bro . C J . GARDNER .
MAYO'S CASTLE HOTEL , EAST MOLESEY , HAMPTON COURT STATION . BRO . JOHN MAYO . MASONIC TEMPLE . Accommodation in the new wing for Banquets for any number up to 120 . Every convenience for Ladies' Gathcrngs . Spacious landing to river , whence Steam Launches can start . Five Lodges meet here , and reference may be made to the respective Masters as to the catering , & c
TOWER BRIDGE HOTEL , TOOLEY-STREET , . S . E . Puoi'i-n-Tou : C J . BROWN . Wilhin five minutes L . B . andS . C Railway , and 3 . IL . Railway ( London Bridge ); 10 minutes from Liverpool-: 1 icet and Hioad-street Stations . 'rl . KNDIII ACCOM M ID . VIION IOR M . VSON 1 C LoiliiES AND OlAl'lEKS . LARGE BANUUKIING H . VI . L . Al up to daU * , and latest improvements . Acknowledged by the Piess to be the finest Masonic Hall in London . Telephone No . 222 Hop . Inspection invited .
Telephone No . o ' 7 c , Holborn . Established 1 S 0 S . MATTHEWS , DREW , & CO ., WHOLESALE AND RETAIL STATIONERS , PRINTERS , LITHOGRAPHERS , ACCOUNT BOOK MAKERS , 37 Si 38 , HIGH HOLBORN , LONDON , W . C . Law Department—10 , CRAY ' S INN PLACE , VV . C . A HIGH-CLASS WRITING PAPER "THE PROFESSIONAL NOTE , " V \ hite or Blue Tint , 5 quires in , 1 ream 0-, 5 reams , 2 S . G . SA .-V ! l-l , liS SENT POST FREE . M AT T 11 K W S , 1 ) R K \ V , & Co . ' s SPECIALLY SELECrED PENS , Assorted Sample Box containing 3 dozen ( ii ) varict ' es ) I'OSl- l- 'KEIi SIXPENCE . OFFICE STATIONERY OF EVERY DESCRIPTION .
A NDER ION'S HOTEL & TAVERN ri . FLEET STREET , LONDON . F . H . CLEMOW , Proprietor . In connection with the Peacock Hotel , and Royal Hotel , Boston , Lincolnshire . The central position of Andcito . i's is unequalled for Masonic Banquets , Public Dinners , Wedding Breakfast * , Meetings of Creditors , Arbitrations , Sic . The RESTAURANT on Eastern Side ut Hotel Entrince is open to the public from 7 a . m . to 7 p . m . fur Tieiklasts , Luncheons , Teas , and Dinners . The 2 s . I lot Luncheon , from 1 p . m . lo 3 p . m ., in Cilice Room , unequalled . Registered Address for Telegrams :- — CLEMOW , LONDON .
BREE'S ROYAL HOTEL , JERSEY ' Healthier , ; . situation in St . Ilelicr . 20 degree- ; , - . ¦ tiler than thc sea front . BED AND BREAKFAST 5 / 6 AND 6 / -. FULL BOARD , ROOMS & SERVICE , 8 / 6 & y / per day . . Teleiraphic Address— " Bituas , JERSEY . " ' I
• p REAT WESTERN RAILWAY . CHRISTMAS HOLIDAY EXCURSIONS . On December 17 th , and during the week preceding Christmas Day , CHEAP THIRD CLASS RETURN TICKETS available on December 21 st , 22 nd , 23 rd , 24 th , or 25 th , and for return December 20 th to December 30 th inclusive , will be issued from PADDINGTON , Clapham Junction , Victoria ( L . C . and D . R . ) , Kensington ( Addisonroad ) , Hammersmith , etc ., to Bath , BRISTOL , Taunton , Barnstaple , ILFRACOMBE , 'EXI-LTER , TORQUAY , PLYMOUTH , Falmouth , PENZANCE , YeovilT Dor-Chester , WEYMOUTH , Sc , and on December 22 nd , 23 rd , and 24 th onlv to GUERNSEY and JERSEY ( fare 25 s . ) , to return within 14 days . ADDITIONAL TRAINS will leave PADDINGTON STATION as under—SATURDAY , December 24 th . —7 . 5 p . m . for Bath , BRISTOL , EXETER , PLYMOUTH , Penzance , & c . 12 . 30 night , for Reading , Swindon , GLOUCESTER , Cheltenham , Newport , CARDIFF , Swansea , & c . CHRISTMAS DAY . —5 . 30 a . m ., as on week days , as far as EXETER and SWANSEA , with connections to Trowbridge , Frome , YEOVIL , Bridport , Dorchester , WEYMOUTH , Oxford , Banbury , Leamington , BIRMINGHAM , Worcester , Malvern , Kidderminster , WOLVERHAMPTON , & c EXCURSIONS will leave PADDINGTON STATION as under -. A FORTNIGHT IN IRELAND . —DECEMBER 22 nd to CORK and KILLARNEY . DECEMBER 23 rd . To WATERFORD , Clonmcl , LIMERICK , Tralee , Kilkenny , KILLARNEY , BELFAST , Armagh , Giant ' s Causeway , & c . DECEMBER 24 , NIGHT . To Chipping Notion , Evesham , WORCESTER , Malvern , HEREFORD , OXFORD , Banbury , Leamington , Warwick , BIRMINGHAM , Wolverhampton , Shrewsbury , CHESTER , Birkenhead , LIVERPOOL , & c , for 2 or 3 days ; to BATH and BRISTOL , for 2 or 3 days ; to Cirencester , Stroud , Stonehouse , GLOUCESTER , Cheltenham , Newport , CARDIFF , & . C ., for 3 days ; and to Swansea , Llanelly , Llandovery , Carmarthen , Tenby , NEVV MILFORD , Sic , for 2 or 3 days . For times of trains , fares , and full particulars of alterations in ordinary train arrangements , see pamphlets and bills , which can be obtained at the Company ' s Stations and usual Receiving Offices . J . L . WILKINSON , General Manager .
' r ^ REAT NORTHERN RAILWAY . CHRISTMAS AND NLW YEAR HOLIDAYS . DECEMBER 20 th , 21-it , 22 nd , 23 rd , and 24 th , additional trains will run to meet the requirements ot traffic . The 10 . 30 p . m . express from King ' s Cross on Saturday , 24 th December , will not run beyond Berwick on Christmas Day morning . Saturday , December 24 th , the 5 . 0 p . m . express from King ' s Cross will be continued to Melton Constable , calling at all stations east of Peterboro ' . A Special express , at ordinary fares , will leave London ( King ' s Cross ) at 12 . 20 midnight on Saturday , December 24 th , for Welwyn , Stevenage , Hitchin , Biggleswade , Sandy , St . Neots , Huntingdon , Holme , Peterboro' Spalding , Boston , Louth , Grimsby , Grantham , Lincoln , Nottingham , Newark , Retford , Doncaster , Wakefield , Leeds , Laisterdyke , Bradford , Halifax , Selby , York . CHRISTMAS DAY , the trains will rui as on Sundays . CHEAP EXCURSIONS . FRIDAY NIGHT , Di ' . CE . viiii-u 23 rd ( for 4 , 5 , and . s days ) and Friday night , December 30 th ( for 4 and , S days ) , cheap excursions to Northallerton , Darlington , Richmond , Durham , Newcastle , Alnwick , Berwick , Edinburgh , Glasgow , Perth , Dundee , Oban , Kurt William , Aberdeen , Inverness , and other stations in Scotland , will leave Woolwich ( Arsenal and Dockyard ) , Greenwich ( S . E . ) , Victoria ( L . C & D . ) , Ludgate Hill , Moorgate , Aldersgate , Farringdon , _ King ' s Cross ( G . N . ) , & c . Passengers by tiie excursion on December 23-d return on Monday , 20 th , Tuesday , 27 th , or Friday , 30 th December , and thoje by the excursion on December 30 th return on Monday , 2 nd , or Friday , < Li : h January , according to period of tickets take a . TICKETS AT A SINCE FIAKE FOR THE DOUIILE J OIKNEY will also be issued by above excursions to places named , available for return by one lixed train on any day within sixteen days , including days of issue and return . SATURDAY , DFXEVIIIER ; 2 . | ' 1 I ( for 3 and 4 days ) , cheap fast excursions will be run from LONDON ( VVoolwich Arsenal and Dockyard ) , Greenwich ( S . E . ) , Victoria ( L . C and D . ) , Ludgate Hill , Moorgate , AUersgate , Farringdon , and King ' s Cross ( G . N . ) to LINCOLNSHIRE , NOTTING - HAMSHIRE , SlAFI OKDSH 1 RE , L . VNC . VSHI RE , YORKSHIRE , NOKI ' H-EAITKRN DISTRICT , & C . CHEAP WEEK-END TICKETS Will be issued on FRIDAYS , DKI'K . VIIIKR _' . ; rdanJ j ,, ;) , and SATURDAYS , DECKMIIEK 24 th and . 51 st , irom LONDON ( King ' s Cross ) , ike , ti : c , to the principal seaside and health resorts on , and in connection with , the Great Northern Railway . WINTER TOURIST TICKETS , available lor two months , arc- also issued to numerous places in the Noith of England . Fur fares and full paiticulars see bills , to be obtained at the Company ' s statioas and town ollice ;; . CHARLES STEEL , General . Manager .
. I ORfiE MASON'S HYMN—THE i . MYSTIC TIE . Words and Music composed by F . J . STEIN . Price is . od . nett . I
MIDLAND RAILWAY . CHRISTMAS HOLIDAY ARRANGEMENTS CHRISTMAS EVE . Cn Christmas I'Lve relief trains will be run from St . Pancras as circumstances may require . MONDAY , DECEMBER 2 CTH and JANUARY 2 ND . On these dates certain booked trains will be DISCONTINUED as announced on spechl biils at the stations . CHRISTMAS AND NEVV YEAR EXCURSIONS From ST . PANCRAS and CITY STATIONS . TO PROVINCIAL TOWNS , & c . On SATURDAY NIGHT , December 24 m , to Leicester , BIRMINGHAM , NOTTINGHAM , Derby , Newark , Lincoln , Burton , MANCHESTER , LIVERPOOL , Blackburn , Bolton , SHEFFIELD , LEEDS , BRADFORD , York , Hull , Scarboro ' , Newcastle , Barrowin-Furness , the Lake District , & :., returning December 2 Cth or 27 th . On CHRISTMAS DAY , December 25 th ( Saturday midnight ) , to NOTTINGHAM , MANCHESTER , STOCKPORT , Warrington , LIVERPOOL , SHEFFIELD , LEEDS , and BRADFORD , returnin-r on December 2 Gth . TO THE NORTH AND SCOTLAND . On FRIDAYS , DECEMBER 23 rd , for 4 , 5 , or 8 days , and DEC . 30 th , for 4 or S days , to NEWCASTLE , Berwick , Carlisle , Appleby , Dumfries , Castle Douglas , Kirkcudbright , EDINBURGH , GLASGOW , Ayr , Kilnurnock , Stranraer , ccc , from St . Pancras at 10 5 p . m ., Kentish Town at 10 . 10 , Victoria ( L . C . & D . ) S . 20 , Moorgatestreet 9 , 12 , Aldersgate-street 9 . 14 , and Farringdon-street 9 . 1 C p . m ., and to Stirling , Perth , Dundee , Arbroath , Montrose , Aberdeen , & :., leaving ST . PANCRAS at 9 . 15 p . m ., Kentish Town 9 . 19 , Nictoria ( L . C . & D . ) S . 3 , Mjorgatestreet S . 47 , Aldersgate-street S . 49 , and Farringdon-street at S . 51 p . m . RETURN TICKETS at a THIRD CUSS SINGLE FARE for the DOUBLE JOURNEY will be issued on December 23 rd to the places mentioned , available for return on any day up to January 7 th , and on December 30 th available for return on any day up to January 14 th . TO IRELAND . There will also be cheap Excursions to DUBLIN , Ballina , Galway , Sligo , Cork , Killarney , Limerick , via Liverpool or via Morecambe , on December 23 rd ; to BELFAST , Londonderry , Portrush , & c , via Barrow or via Liverpool , on December 23 rd ; and to Londonderry , via Liverpcol or via Morecambe , on December 24 th . See bills for times of return . TO SOUTHEND-ON-SEA . Cheap Day and Week-end Excursion Tickets will be issued to Southend-on-Sea , as announced in Special Bills . CHEAP WEEK-END TICKETS . Cheap Week-end Tickets will be issued on Fridays , December 23 rd and * , oth , and Saturdays , December 24 th and 31 st , from LONDON ( ST . PANCRAS ) and other MIDLAND STATIONS to the PRINCIPAL HOLIDAY and HEALTH RESORTS for the CHRISTMAS and NEW YEAR HOLIDAYS . WINTER TOURIST TICKETS are also issued to numerous places in England and Wales . Tickets , programmes , and bills may be had at the MIDLAND STATIONS and CITY BOOKING OFFICE-. ; and from Thos . Cook and Son , Ludgate Circus and branch offices . EXCURSIONS FROM THE PROVINCES . EXCURSION TRAINS will be run from Leicester , NOTTINGHAM , BIRMINGHAM , Derby , MAN-TIESTEK , LIVERPOOL , Shellield , LEEDS , BRADFORD , and other principal towns to EDINBURGH , GLVSGOtV , and ALL PARTS OF SCOTLAND for the Christmas and New Year Holidays . NUMEROUS OTHER CHEAP EXCURSIONS have been arranged Lorn the chief Midland Stations , particulars of which may be had on application . GEO . H . TURNER , GENERAL MANAGER . Derby , December , IS JS .
Published this Day . Price 10 s . 6 d . NORTHUMBRIAN MASONRY . ( FROM B . C . TO END OF 1 S 97 . ) lieiuu ; a Mist , ry ol the Crait in tlie Uonler I'roviiice Irom the earliest time .-, ; show ine ; its hlenlily with , ami ilevelupnu-ut I nun , llie . Meili . evai Operative I . utiles as they e \ isteil throughout " liv JOHN STRACHAN , O . C , G-R . VNH REGISTRAR OK ENGLAND . ( I . Prov . 0 . Warden and P . Prov . G . Secretary of Northumberland ) . ¦ Masnnii : Tniilitinn is herein teslril 1 , ) - (' . mteiiipfjrary Itisttiry , ami hv istiTi-sIini- nlil Kivunl-. ami Cnrri'spunclencr colleetvil by tin-Ai ' illmr ululi-in lhe Ninth , ami now publishiil lor the lirsl lime , nn liuliiie lln- . Ma-, mie | uirtion oi Hie taiiioiis "llela - .- r . i | ur-, " Mimiti s nl ¦ tiiii-l l . uili-vs , . S . c . There are also in the Appemli \ , cUraits Iriinl Hie Masonic ( . ' rations of V . W . ILh " . ( . TKISIKA . i , IM' S ., I ' ast ( ir . iml chaplain , ihe I lisloriau ol lhe Hot ) I ami , icviscil l' \ Iheir Author lur tlii * work . Dedicated , by Special Permission , to II R . H . THK PRINCE OF WALES , M . W . GRAND MASTER OF ENGLAND , whose Portrait And fac-simile Autograph form the frontispieces , beautifully executed by the new Collotype process . . .. _ , London : GEORGE KENNING , IO and iGa , GREAT QUEEN STREET , W . C .