Article Correspondence. Page 1 of 1 Article Correspondence. Page 1 of 1 Article Craft Masonry. Page 1 of 3 →
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Correspondence .
Ve do not hold ourselves responsible for the opinions expressed by our correspondents , j bat vve wish , in a spirit of fair play to all , to permit—within certain necessary limitsfree discussion .
BOYS' SCHOOL . To the Editor of the " Freemason . " Dear Sir and Brother The following resolution was passed at a meeting of the members of the Rufford Lodge , No . 2553 :
"This meeting of the members of the Rufford Lodge , being subscribers to the Boys' School , has heard with surprise that the Committee have voted a gratuity of 1000 guineas to the Secretary , Bro . McLeod , and a further sum of ^ 300 to his assistants . It regards such a disposition of the funds of the Chari ty as a violation of trust , and feels justified in witholding its support to the Institution in future until such abuse be rectified .
" It is further resolved that a copy of this resolution be sent to the Chairman of the Committee and to the Freemason . " —Yours fraternally , GEO . CHAPMAN , Sec . 2553 . 57 , Queen ' s-walk , Nottingham , December 14 th .
THE HONORARIUM TO BRO . McLEOD . To the Editor ot the " Freemason . " Dear Sir and Brother , As one of the Stewards at the Centenary Festival of the Royal Masonic Institution for Boys I regret very much to see the very uncalled-for discussion on the gratuity voted to Bro . McLeod for his services in connection with that record event .
In your last issue you print a letter from the Secretary of Lodge No . 662 , notifying a protest on behalf of the lodge which he represents against the sum voted to Bro . McLeod . I can only account for these extraordinary outbursts of indignation by presuming that those who utter thtm are altogether ignorant of the facts . It is within my own personal knowledge that Bro . McL « od worked most assiduously for
years to gain the great end which was achieved , almost entirely in consequence of his exertions . My own Stewardship I can quote as an instance in point . Why , then , should he be begrudged the just reward of his persistency and zeal ? Who else could have achieved such an enormous and gratifying success at the small cost oi one per cent ., which was all that Bro . McLeod's gratuity amouted to ? Well he earned i t and thoroughly he deserved it , as I believe the bulk ofthe Stewards would freely testify . —Believe me , yours faithfully and fraternally ,
JOS . FARNCOMBE , P . M . No . 311 , P . G . Warden , Sussex , & c , & c . Saltwood , Spencer-road , Eastbourne , December 13 th .
RE ROYAL ARCH . To the Editor of the " Freemason . " Dear Sir and Brother , We have been in the habit here of styling Z . as M . E . and Second and Third Principals as E . We are now told that is wrong and that M . E . only applies to Grand Superintendent and Prov . Grand Superintendents , and that Z . is E ., and anything below First Principal ' s chair is simply Comp . 'i Shall esteem it a favour if you will tell us what is right . Thanking you in anticipation . —Yours fraternally , M . E . Z .
Stroud . NOMINATION OF GRAND TREASURER . To the Editor of thc "Freemason . " Dear Sir and Brother , In your necessarily compressed account of the few words I used at Grand Lodge last week in nominating Bro . Alfred H . Bevan for the Grand Treasurership , there were certain important omissions and contradictory sentences , obviously the result of abridgment and condensation , which , in justice to the candidate , 1 trust you will give me the opportunity of setting right .
I stated that Bro . Bevan was commended for the office of Grand Treasurer , not only as a Patron of the three great Masonic Charities , and having served many Stewardships ( 15 , 1 understand ) , but also mentioned that he is widely known as an active working member of the Craft , and was for two years in succession Master of the Eton Lodge , he is present Master of the Friends in Council Lodge , a founder and active member of other lodges and chapters , and a liberal supporter of many works of benevolence in the Provinces .
The omission of these facts , vvhich I distinctly stated , and the contradiction in terms attributed to me by the report ( evidently caused by cutting out several sentences ) , are matters which I am sure your sense of fairness will permit me to thus explain . —Yours fraternally ,
CHAS . O . BURGESS , Prov . S . G . W . Berks , P . P . S . G . D . Surrey . 25 , Queen's-road , Brighton . December 14 th .
THE CHARITY MAZE AND A WAY OUT . To the Editor of the "Freemason . " Dear Sir and Brother , I read your paper religiously every week , and am surprised to read tho heart burning and smouldering spirit of discontent over that IOOD guineas vote to the Secretary of the Charily Funds . I am also surprised at the constant ,
yet praiseworthy efforts you make to "whip up" renewed efforts of gifts and donations to the various Charities . But it seems to me that there should besome very simple way out of the unthankful task of beg , beg , beg . I notice in your last issue a brother states that , £ 100 , 000 yearly will keep the Charities in proper order , and it strikes me that what is wanted is some fixed sum to be subscribed equally bv every member of the Society .
I suggest that every brother ought to be under a moral obligation to subscribe one guinea perannum , no more and no less ; and as there are over 100 , 000 members , the sum would be assured yearly , without all this wretched begging , some giving nothing at all , and others hundreds and thousands of pounds . My idea is that each should do his equal share , and all ostentatious giving could then be dispensed with , and the beautiful divine spirit of Charity be generally diffused and equally indulged in by every brother . I know many will say , O , this is absurd , Charity ought not to be obligatory , but I submit that as the subscrip-
tions , dues , & c , are obligatory and brethren cheerfully submit under the present regime , so , also all would cheerfully give if they knew that their poor little guinea was not liable to be swamped and looked slightingly at by those who can easily give ten , a hundred , or a thousand guineas at certain times . Will Grand Lodge , or whatever authority is authorised , pass a law to this effect , and then the funds would always be at high water , obviate any anxiety as
to income and do away with this constant begging in the press , and also prevent big stars from the necessity of attending special functions to magnetize the lesser orbs in the Masonic firmament . —Yours fraternally , T . MAY , 754 . Tottenham , December , 14 th .
GRAND LODGE PREMISES . To Hie Editor of the "Freemason . " Dear Sir and Brother , I am pleased to learn from your paper that Grand Lodge has secured additional premises for the purpose of giving more attention to the library and
museum . Now , when the London lodges add their collections , and the Craft at large increase their contributions , vve shall be on the road to possess a library and museum worthy of the Grand Lodge ' of England . —I am , dear Sir and Brother , yours fraternall y ; P . M .
Craft Masonry.
Craft Masonry .
North York Lodge , No . 602 . VISIT OF LORD BOLTON , DEP . PROV . G . MASTER . Lord Bolton , P . G . W . Eng ., and Dep . Prov . G . Master N . and E . Ridings of York shire , visited Middlesborough recently for the purpose of attending the annual festival eif the above lodge , and of performing the ceremony of installing the W . M . elect , Bro . John Charles Imeson , S . W . The lodge was duly opened at the Masonic Hall , Martonroad , under the presidency ofthe retiring W . M ., Bro . John Morganand there was a
, large attendance of brethren and visitors , there being an especially gratifying attendance of P . Ms , of the North York , Ferrum , and Orde-Powlett Lodges . The officers of thc lodge present were : Bros . J . C . Imeson , S . W . ; G . H . Anderson , J . W .: H . Sherwood , P . M ., Treas . ; W . Snaith , Sec , acting S . D . ; T . Henderson , J . D . ; W . Thompson , I . G . ; W . J . Hanson , P . M ., D . of C ; J . F . Stewart , P . P . G . O ., Org . ; T . Prosser and W . F . Smithers , Stwds . ; J . A . Manners , P . M ., P . P . J . G . W ., Tyler : and W . J . Watson , P . M ., P . P . G . Reg ., Charity Representative . The following
fast Masters of the lodge vvere present : Bros . J . A . Manners , W . Holloway , P . P . G . Std . Br . j W . J . Bruce , P . P . G . S . of W . ; R . Braithwaite , R . W . Gibbs , P . P . G . Std . Br . ; W . R . Gensz , R . W . Williams , W . J . Watson , P . P . G . R . ; John Graham , W . H . Cowper , P . P . S . G . W . ; John Thomas , and W . J . Hanson . The membsrs of the lodge present included Bros . ; G . Lambert , R . Smurthwaite , J . C . Murray , W . Gledhill , R . Elliott , T . Sedgewick . T . Herdman , A . Sockett , T . Dent , j . J . Stephenson , J . F . Main , K . b . feel , J . H . Hill , E . R . Jones , and many visitors .
oro . Lord Bolton , who had come direct from London to attend the installation , entered the lodge-room . " accompanied by a large number of Past and Present Prov . G . Ofiicers and two G . Officers . Lord Bolton , who had been met at the station by some of the senior officers of the lodge , was received on entering the lodge vvith full Masonic honours . His lordship was accompanied by Bros . H . Neville , P . M . 2127 , G . D . C . En ? . : W . H . Cowper , P . G . Std . Br . Eng . ; S . Walker , P . P . G . S . of W . ; W . I . Watson P . P . G . R . ; J . Winterschladen , P . P . I . G . D . ; T . H . jWard , P . P . G . O . ; W . 1 . Bruce
P . P . G . S . of W . ; G . Hood , P . P . G . D . C . ; J . D . Marshall , P . M ., P . P . G . R . ( Mayorof South Shields ); R . W . Gibbs , P . P . G . S . B . ; and J . A . Manners , P . P . J . G . W . Several letters of apology for non-attendance were read , including one from Bro . Colonel Sadler , P . P . S . G . W ., wheexpressed his deep regret that he had been calledaway and was unable to attend . The Dep . Prov . G . M ., Lord Bolton , on his arrival , took the chair , and proceeded with the installation of Bro . J . C . Imeson in the chair of the Iodge for the ensuing year , the ceremony being performed by his lordshio in a hiehlv efficient
and impressive manner . Bro . Hanson ably carried out the arrangements as Director of Ceremonies . The Past Master's jewel was presented to the I . P . M ., Bro . John Morgan , by Bro . John Thomas , P . M . The newly-elected W . M . invested the following officers as his assistants for the ensuing year -. Bros . John Morgan , I . P . M . ; G . H . Anderson , S . W . ; Wm . Snaith , J . W . ; Henry Sherwood , P . M ., Treas .: Robert Gent . Sep .
A . - . * V 5 J ? ' r ^ ' * Thompson , J . D . ; Thos . Prosser , l . G . ; W . J . Hanson , P . M ., D . C ; J . F . Stewart , P . P . G . O . ; VV . F . Smithers and Alf . Sockett , Stwds JL A . Manners , P . M ., P . P . J . G . W ., Tyler ; and W . J . Watson , P . M ., P . P . G . R ., Charity Representative . At the conclusion of the installation Bro . Watson delivered the ancient charges in a feeling manner , which much impressed those present . > T ¦ - ¦ . * , *; n and visitors subsequently dined together in the banqueting hall of the Masonic Hall , the company numbering over 60 .
Enfield Lodge , No . 1237 . The installation rreeting , under the presidency of Bro . Walter Humphrey W M of this flourishing lodge was held on Monday last , at the George Hotel , Enfield with all the success that invariably attends its gatherings . The other brethren who attended were : Bros . C . H . Penny , S . W . ; J . M . Dexter , J . W . ; H . V . Clements , P . M ., "P P G Treas ., Treas . ; A . G . Fidler , PiM ., P . P . G . D ., Sec ; W . Hibberdine , S . D . ; C Gange , J . D . ; J . H . M . Myers , D . C ; H . E . Brown . LG .: A . Hrv-. nl-. P . M
Tyler ; ] . H . Thompsor ., P . M ., P . P . G . S . B . ; O . S . Oxley , P . M . ; J . A . Taverner P . M . ; H . B . May , P . M ., P . P . G . D . ; G . C . H . Jennings , P . M ., P . P . G R , BG Poulton P . M . ; J Hicks , P . M . ; H . Woodley . P . M . ; W . Marshall , P . M . ; A . ] ' Monk , P . M . ; S . T . ( Temple , J . Marshall , A . E . Millbourn , E . T . Vint , J . H . Ernst . J . H . Ruby , B . W . Binstead , and j . H . Rowland . Visitors : Bros . R . Berrid-re P . G . D . ; H . J . Adams . P . G . S . B . ; F . A . Bullock , P . G . S . B . ; H . W Dobb- l ' Moule ; Benjafield , 1579 ; W . G . Symons , 1489 ; J . Gough , 128 7 ; W . H . Berry , ' 117 and others
S ; . ' -A- A he lcdge was 0 P ened - * - •*•• - minutes of the last meeting read and confirmed The Auditors report , showing a substantial balance in hand , was adopted , after which Mr . V . G . Lacey vvas balloted for , vvhich proving favourable , the W . M . vacifd thechait in favour of Bro . Woodley , P . M ., vvho , as the proposer and friend of the candidate , wished to perform the ceremony of initiation , and , as very much wis exported of Bro Woodley , as Preceptor of the lodge of instruction , all such expectations were fully realised . Bro . Humphrey , W . M ., resuming the chair , then installed Bro . Pjnnyashis successor for the ensuing year , afterwards giving the addresses in a mann-r which left
nothing to be desired , liro . May , P . M ., acting as D . C . The following brethren were then appointed as ofiicers by the newly-installed Master : Bros . L M . Dexter SW W . Hibberdine , J . W . ; H . V . Clements , P . M ., Treas . ; A . G . Fidler , P . M * Sec G . Gange , S . D . ; H . E . Brown , J . D . ; A . E . Millbourn , I . G . ; C W . Off , rd DC J . 11 . M . Meyers , A . D . C . ; E . T . Vint , Steward ; and A . Bryant , P . M , Tyler . ' After a candidate hid been proposed for initiation , the lodge was closed , and an adjournment made to the barnuet table .
Following the usual loyal and patriotic toasts , theW . M . proposed that of " The Dep . G . M theRt . Hon . Earl Amherst , and the rest of the Grand Ollicers , Present and Past , saying that the Grand Ofiicers were deserving of the very greatest reso-ct they had the honour to have amongst them three Grand Ofiicers , and he thought that it was much to the credit of the Enfield Lodge they vvere able to ask three such Grand OfhcersasBrcs Berudge P . G . D ,, Bullock , P . G . S . B ., and Adams P . G . S . B ., to respond . .. t , ro ' . r B £ ' L' -l-JV' said ll always gave him the greatest pleasure to renlv to
tne toast 01 the UranU Ollicers , vvhich , however , on this occasion , had an alloy ; the death of the Pro G . M ., the Rt . Hon . Earl of Lathom , had removed from among them , one honoured by Queen and Craft , whose position it will be very difficult to fill , and vvho would never be forgotten . Bro . Adams and Bullock also responded . The W . M . then proposed "TheR . W . Prov . G . Master , Lord G-arire- Hamilton M . P . the V . W . De H . Prov . G . Master , Bro . Raymond H thrupp , and fhe reTof the
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Correspondence .
Ve do not hold ourselves responsible for the opinions expressed by our correspondents , j bat vve wish , in a spirit of fair play to all , to permit—within certain necessary limitsfree discussion .
BOYS' SCHOOL . To the Editor of the " Freemason . " Dear Sir and Brother The following resolution was passed at a meeting of the members of the Rufford Lodge , No . 2553 :
"This meeting of the members of the Rufford Lodge , being subscribers to the Boys' School , has heard with surprise that the Committee have voted a gratuity of 1000 guineas to the Secretary , Bro . McLeod , and a further sum of ^ 300 to his assistants . It regards such a disposition of the funds of the Chari ty as a violation of trust , and feels justified in witholding its support to the Institution in future until such abuse be rectified .
" It is further resolved that a copy of this resolution be sent to the Chairman of the Committee and to the Freemason . " —Yours fraternally , GEO . CHAPMAN , Sec . 2553 . 57 , Queen ' s-walk , Nottingham , December 14 th .
THE HONORARIUM TO BRO . McLEOD . To the Editor ot the " Freemason . " Dear Sir and Brother , As one of the Stewards at the Centenary Festival of the Royal Masonic Institution for Boys I regret very much to see the very uncalled-for discussion on the gratuity voted to Bro . McLeod for his services in connection with that record event .
In your last issue you print a letter from the Secretary of Lodge No . 662 , notifying a protest on behalf of the lodge which he represents against the sum voted to Bro . McLeod . I can only account for these extraordinary outbursts of indignation by presuming that those who utter thtm are altogether ignorant of the facts . It is within my own personal knowledge that Bro . McL « od worked most assiduously for
years to gain the great end which was achieved , almost entirely in consequence of his exertions . My own Stewardship I can quote as an instance in point . Why , then , should he be begrudged the just reward of his persistency and zeal ? Who else could have achieved such an enormous and gratifying success at the small cost oi one per cent ., which was all that Bro . McLeod's gratuity amouted to ? Well he earned i t and thoroughly he deserved it , as I believe the bulk ofthe Stewards would freely testify . —Believe me , yours faithfully and fraternally ,
JOS . FARNCOMBE , P . M . No . 311 , P . G . Warden , Sussex , & c , & c . Saltwood , Spencer-road , Eastbourne , December 13 th .
RE ROYAL ARCH . To the Editor of the " Freemason . " Dear Sir and Brother , We have been in the habit here of styling Z . as M . E . and Second and Third Principals as E . We are now told that is wrong and that M . E . only applies to Grand Superintendent and Prov . Grand Superintendents , and that Z . is E ., and anything below First Principal ' s chair is simply Comp . 'i Shall esteem it a favour if you will tell us what is right . Thanking you in anticipation . —Yours fraternally , M . E . Z .
Stroud . NOMINATION OF GRAND TREASURER . To the Editor of thc "Freemason . " Dear Sir and Brother , In your necessarily compressed account of the few words I used at Grand Lodge last week in nominating Bro . Alfred H . Bevan for the Grand Treasurership , there were certain important omissions and contradictory sentences , obviously the result of abridgment and condensation , which , in justice to the candidate , 1 trust you will give me the opportunity of setting right .
I stated that Bro . Bevan was commended for the office of Grand Treasurer , not only as a Patron of the three great Masonic Charities , and having served many Stewardships ( 15 , 1 understand ) , but also mentioned that he is widely known as an active working member of the Craft , and was for two years in succession Master of the Eton Lodge , he is present Master of the Friends in Council Lodge , a founder and active member of other lodges and chapters , and a liberal supporter of many works of benevolence in the Provinces .
The omission of these facts , vvhich I distinctly stated , and the contradiction in terms attributed to me by the report ( evidently caused by cutting out several sentences ) , are matters which I am sure your sense of fairness will permit me to thus explain . —Yours fraternally ,
CHAS . O . BURGESS , Prov . S . G . W . Berks , P . P . S . G . D . Surrey . 25 , Queen's-road , Brighton . December 14 th .
THE CHARITY MAZE AND A WAY OUT . To the Editor of the "Freemason . " Dear Sir and Brother , I read your paper religiously every week , and am surprised to read tho heart burning and smouldering spirit of discontent over that IOOD guineas vote to the Secretary of the Charily Funds . I am also surprised at the constant ,
yet praiseworthy efforts you make to "whip up" renewed efforts of gifts and donations to the various Charities . But it seems to me that there should besome very simple way out of the unthankful task of beg , beg , beg . I notice in your last issue a brother states that , £ 100 , 000 yearly will keep the Charities in proper order , and it strikes me that what is wanted is some fixed sum to be subscribed equally bv every member of the Society .
I suggest that every brother ought to be under a moral obligation to subscribe one guinea perannum , no more and no less ; and as there are over 100 , 000 members , the sum would be assured yearly , without all this wretched begging , some giving nothing at all , and others hundreds and thousands of pounds . My idea is that each should do his equal share , and all ostentatious giving could then be dispensed with , and the beautiful divine spirit of Charity be generally diffused and equally indulged in by every brother . I know many will say , O , this is absurd , Charity ought not to be obligatory , but I submit that as the subscrip-
tions , dues , & c , are obligatory and brethren cheerfully submit under the present regime , so , also all would cheerfully give if they knew that their poor little guinea was not liable to be swamped and looked slightingly at by those who can easily give ten , a hundred , or a thousand guineas at certain times . Will Grand Lodge , or whatever authority is authorised , pass a law to this effect , and then the funds would always be at high water , obviate any anxiety as
to income and do away with this constant begging in the press , and also prevent big stars from the necessity of attending special functions to magnetize the lesser orbs in the Masonic firmament . —Yours fraternally , T . MAY , 754 . Tottenham , December , 14 th .
GRAND LODGE PREMISES . To Hie Editor of the "Freemason . " Dear Sir and Brother , I am pleased to learn from your paper that Grand Lodge has secured additional premises for the purpose of giving more attention to the library and
museum . Now , when the London lodges add their collections , and the Craft at large increase their contributions , vve shall be on the road to possess a library and museum worthy of the Grand Lodge ' of England . —I am , dear Sir and Brother , yours fraternall y ; P . M .
Craft Masonry.
Craft Masonry .
North York Lodge , No . 602 . VISIT OF LORD BOLTON , DEP . PROV . G . MASTER . Lord Bolton , P . G . W . Eng ., and Dep . Prov . G . Master N . and E . Ridings of York shire , visited Middlesborough recently for the purpose of attending the annual festival eif the above lodge , and of performing the ceremony of installing the W . M . elect , Bro . John Charles Imeson , S . W . The lodge was duly opened at the Masonic Hall , Martonroad , under the presidency ofthe retiring W . M ., Bro . John Morganand there was a
, large attendance of brethren and visitors , there being an especially gratifying attendance of P . Ms , of the North York , Ferrum , and Orde-Powlett Lodges . The officers of thc lodge present were : Bros . J . C . Imeson , S . W . ; G . H . Anderson , J . W .: H . Sherwood , P . M ., Treas . ; W . Snaith , Sec , acting S . D . ; T . Henderson , J . D . ; W . Thompson , I . G . ; W . J . Hanson , P . M ., D . of C ; J . F . Stewart , P . P . G . O ., Org . ; T . Prosser and W . F . Smithers , Stwds . ; J . A . Manners , P . M ., P . P . J . G . W ., Tyler : and W . J . Watson , P . M ., P . P . G . Reg ., Charity Representative . The following
fast Masters of the lodge vvere present : Bros . J . A . Manners , W . Holloway , P . P . G . Std . Br . j W . J . Bruce , P . P . G . S . of W . ; R . Braithwaite , R . W . Gibbs , P . P . G . Std . Br . ; W . R . Gensz , R . W . Williams , W . J . Watson , P . P . G . R . ; John Graham , W . H . Cowper , P . P . S . G . W . ; John Thomas , and W . J . Hanson . The membsrs of the lodge present included Bros . ; G . Lambert , R . Smurthwaite , J . C . Murray , W . Gledhill , R . Elliott , T . Sedgewick . T . Herdman , A . Sockett , T . Dent , j . J . Stephenson , J . F . Main , K . b . feel , J . H . Hill , E . R . Jones , and many visitors .
oro . Lord Bolton , who had come direct from London to attend the installation , entered the lodge-room . " accompanied by a large number of Past and Present Prov . G . Ofiicers and two G . Officers . Lord Bolton , who had been met at the station by some of the senior officers of the lodge , was received on entering the lodge vvith full Masonic honours . His lordship was accompanied by Bros . H . Neville , P . M . 2127 , G . D . C . En ? . : W . H . Cowper , P . G . Std . Br . Eng . ; S . Walker , P . P . G . S . of W . ; W . I . Watson P . P . G . R . ; J . Winterschladen , P . P . I . G . D . ; T . H . jWard , P . P . G . O . ; W . 1 . Bruce
P . P . G . S . of W . ; G . Hood , P . P . G . D . C . ; J . D . Marshall , P . M ., P . P . G . R . ( Mayorof South Shields ); R . W . Gibbs , P . P . G . S . B . ; and J . A . Manners , P . P . J . G . W . Several letters of apology for non-attendance were read , including one from Bro . Colonel Sadler , P . P . S . G . W ., wheexpressed his deep regret that he had been calledaway and was unable to attend . The Dep . Prov . G . M ., Lord Bolton , on his arrival , took the chair , and proceeded with the installation of Bro . J . C . Imeson in the chair of the Iodge for the ensuing year , the ceremony being performed by his lordshio in a hiehlv efficient
and impressive manner . Bro . Hanson ably carried out the arrangements as Director of Ceremonies . The Past Master's jewel was presented to the I . P . M ., Bro . John Morgan , by Bro . John Thomas , P . M . The newly-elected W . M . invested the following officers as his assistants for the ensuing year -. Bros . John Morgan , I . P . M . ; G . H . Anderson , S . W . ; Wm . Snaith , J . W . ; Henry Sherwood , P . M ., Treas .: Robert Gent . Sep .
A . - . * V 5 J ? ' r ^ ' * Thompson , J . D . ; Thos . Prosser , l . G . ; W . J . Hanson , P . M ., D . C ; J . F . Stewart , P . P . G . O . ; VV . F . Smithers and Alf . Sockett , Stwds JL A . Manners , P . M ., P . P . J . G . W ., Tyler ; and W . J . Watson , P . M ., P . P . G . R ., Charity Representative . At the conclusion of the installation Bro . Watson delivered the ancient charges in a feeling manner , which much impressed those present . > T ¦ - ¦ . * , *; n and visitors subsequently dined together in the banqueting hall of the Masonic Hall , the company numbering over 60 .
Enfield Lodge , No . 1237 . The installation rreeting , under the presidency of Bro . Walter Humphrey W M of this flourishing lodge was held on Monday last , at the George Hotel , Enfield with all the success that invariably attends its gatherings . The other brethren who attended were : Bros . C . H . Penny , S . W . ; J . M . Dexter , J . W . ; H . V . Clements , P . M ., "P P G Treas ., Treas . ; A . G . Fidler , PiM ., P . P . G . D ., Sec ; W . Hibberdine , S . D . ; C Gange , J . D . ; J . H . M . Myers , D . C ; H . E . Brown . LG .: A . Hrv-. nl-. P . M
Tyler ; ] . H . Thompsor ., P . M ., P . P . G . S . B . ; O . S . Oxley , P . M . ; J . A . Taverner P . M . ; H . B . May , P . M ., P . P . G . D . ; G . C . H . Jennings , P . M ., P . P . G R , BG Poulton P . M . ; J Hicks , P . M . ; H . Woodley . P . M . ; W . Marshall , P . M . ; A . ] ' Monk , P . M . ; S . T . ( Temple , J . Marshall , A . E . Millbourn , E . T . Vint , J . H . Ernst . J . H . Ruby , B . W . Binstead , and j . H . Rowland . Visitors : Bros . R . Berrid-re P . G . D . ; H . J . Adams . P . G . S . B . ; F . A . Bullock , P . G . S . B . ; H . W Dobb- l ' Moule ; Benjafield , 1579 ; W . G . Symons , 1489 ; J . Gough , 128 7 ; W . H . Berry , ' 117 and others
S ; . ' -A- A he lcdge was 0 P ened - * - •*•• - minutes of the last meeting read and confirmed The Auditors report , showing a substantial balance in hand , was adopted , after which Mr . V . G . Lacey vvas balloted for , vvhich proving favourable , the W . M . vacifd thechait in favour of Bro . Woodley , P . M ., vvho , as the proposer and friend of the candidate , wished to perform the ceremony of initiation , and , as very much wis exported of Bro Woodley , as Preceptor of the lodge of instruction , all such expectations were fully realised . Bro . Humphrey , W . M ., resuming the chair , then installed Bro . Pjnnyashis successor for the ensuing year , afterwards giving the addresses in a mann-r which left
nothing to be desired , liro . May , P . M ., acting as D . C . The following brethren were then appointed as ofiicers by the newly-installed Master : Bros . L M . Dexter SW W . Hibberdine , J . W . ; H . V . Clements , P . M ., Treas . ; A . G . Fidler , P . M * Sec G . Gange , S . D . ; H . E . Brown , J . D . ; A . E . Millbourn , I . G . ; C W . Off , rd DC J . 11 . M . Meyers , A . D . C . ; E . T . Vint , Steward ; and A . Bryant , P . M , Tyler . ' After a candidate hid been proposed for initiation , the lodge was closed , and an adjournment made to the barnuet table .
Following the usual loyal and patriotic toasts , theW . M . proposed that of " The Dep . G . M theRt . Hon . Earl Amherst , and the rest of the Grand Ollicers , Present and Past , saying that the Grand Ofiicers were deserving of the very greatest reso-ct they had the honour to have amongst them three Grand Ofiicers , and he thought that it was much to the credit of the Enfield Lodge they vvere able to ask three such Grand OfhcersasBrcs Berudge P . G . D ,, Bullock , P . G . S . B ., and Adams P . G . S . B ., to respond . .. t , ro ' . r B £ ' L' -l-JV' said ll always gave him the greatest pleasure to renlv to
tne toast 01 the UranU Ollicers , vvhich , however , on this occasion , had an alloy ; the death of the Pro G . M ., the Rt . Hon . Earl of Lathom , had removed from among them , one honoured by Queen and Craft , whose position it will be very difficult to fill , and vvho would never be forgotten . Bro . Adams and Bullock also responded . The W . M . then proposed "TheR . W . Prov . G . Master , Lord G-arire- Hamilton M . P . the V . W . De H . Prov . G . Master , Bro . Raymond H thrupp , and fhe reTof the