Article Craft Masonry. ← Page 2 of 3 Article Craft Masonry. Page 2 of 3 →
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Craft Masonry.
Prov . G . Officers , Present and Past , " coupling with the toast the names of Bros . Thompson , Roach , and Hicks , whose services as members of the Enfield Lodge had been recognised by the province . Bro . Thompson , in reply , thanked them for the hearty way the toast ofthe Prov . < J . Officers had been received , and said although the duties vvere , perhaps , slight , they vvere always performed to the very best of their abilities . Bros . Hicks and Roach having also responded ,
Bro . Humphrey , I . P . M ., rose to propose "TheHealth of the W . M ., " and said : It affords me tbe greatest pleasure to propose this toast , knowing , as I do , that the brethren who have had the opportunity of serving our W . M . in the various offices in the lodge , vvill accord it the enthusiasm it deserves . Bro . Penny , W . M ., in reply , said : I thank you , Bro . Humphrey , for the manner in vvhich you proposed my health , and the brethren for the cordiality of its reception . I can assure you that in the face of very efficient working shown by one and all of my predecessors , I , with a considerable amount of diffidence , take upon me the mantle vvill be
falling from them ; however , to sustain the prestige of the Enfield Lodge my first care and the work I have to do will be a real pleasure to me and will be done to the best of my ability . In proposing " The Health of Bro . Humphrey , I . P . M ., the W . M . referred in terms of eulogy to the able manner in vvhich he had performed his duties during the year , and expressed the pleasure it afforded him to present to Bro . Humphrey the Past Master ' s jewel vvhich had been unanimously voted him by the lodge in recognition of those services , and as a mark of the esteem and respect in which he was held by the members of the Iodge .
The remaining toasts of "The Past Masters , " "The Init ate , " "Visitors , " and " The Officers of the Lodge , " having been honoured . The Tyler's toast concluded another red-letter day in the history of the lodge . Additional enjoyment vvas derived during the evening by the vocal efforts of Bros . Kirby . Temple , Berry , and Offord , and Bro . Caiger ' s skilful manipulation of the " Glasophone . " Bro . Wilfred Davis accompanying .
Clausentum Lodge , No . 1461 . The first of the Masonic installations for 189 S-Q , in the Southampton District , took place on the 7 th inst ., vvhen the brethren ot the above lodge met at their quarters at Woolston to celebrate the Festival of St . John and to witness the installation of the W . M . elect , Bro . R . Way Rider , the Senior Warden of the past year . The ceremony
was ably performed by Bro . W . Fowler , the Masters present including Bros . Giles , 1903 and 257 , the newly appointed Prov . G . Sec ; R . W . Lees , 130 ; Capt . Berry , W . M . " ¦ -9 ; F . Fairweather , 394 ; H . Lashmore , 394 ; J . Cudlipp , W . M ., W . H . Chapman , J . Methven , A . T . Brown , R . Bell , M . F . Curtis , E . T . Wise , W . J . Miller , E A . Edwards , Crook , Ritchie , H . B . Rohss , Wentworth Shield , Amys . and Dr . Brown , allot the lodge ; Drysdall , W . M . 17 S 0 ; and G . Ward , W . M . elect 18 S 3 . invested his officers follows
At the conclusion of the ceremony the new W . M . as .-Bros . L Cudlipp , I . P . M . ; H . Slade , S . W . ; J . Kellaway , J . W . ; Rev . G . Hughes , P M ., Chap . ; A . J . Brown , P . P . G . Std . Br ., Treas . ; J . Methven , P . M ., P . P . G . S . D ., Sec ; J . Hinton , S . D . ; Nalder Roberts , J . D . j W . H . Chapman , P . M ., P P . J . G . D ., D . C ; W . Fowler , P . M ., Org . ; F . Kimber , I . G . ; G , Harris , G . Newnham , A . Warden , and S . White , Stwds . ; and C . Henley , Tyler . The W . M . ' s first duty after the installation was to propose a vote of thanks to the able and similar
Installing Master , who was highly commended for his working ; a compliment to the I . P . M . for the successful way in vvhich he had fulfilled the duties of the chair during the past year , and he at the same time pinned on his left breast a Past Master ' s jewel , voted by the lodge at the previous meeting . The W . M . next expressed on behalf of the lodge the great regret of the brethren at the absence of Bro . James Martin , and moved a vote of condolence with him in the great allliction he had sustained by the death of his wife . This was seconded by Bro . Methven , who read a sympathetic and the vote carried in silence Methven thentaking
letter from Bro . Martin , was . Bro . , the [ place of Bro . Martin , said that Madame Metcalfe , widow of Bro . Metcalfe , had wished to make a presentation to the lodge , and on her behalf he had to ask the acceptance of the handsome lodge banner the brethren now saw before them . The Worshipful Master expressed high appreciation of the gift , which was accepted for the lodge , and he said he was sure the brethren would highly value it . The banner is of Craft-blue silk , bearing the crest of the lodge
in a golden laurel wreath , above the name and number , the whole surmounting the Southampton Arms worked in colours . It is mounted on a standard , and is altogether a very handsome and appropriate gift . In acknowledging the presence of the visitors , theW . M . expressed the pleasure it gave them to see Bro . Giles present for the lirst time since his election to the important office of Provincial Grand Secretary , in the discharge of which he was sure they all wished him much success . Bro . Giles brielly resDonded , stating that he was much pleased to mike acquaintance with the Clausentum
Lodge . There would have been other Provincial Grand Olhcers present out tnat tney were attending Grand Lodge meeting in London . ..... After transacting some formal business , the lodge was closed , and the brethren afterwards partook of a banquet served in admirable style by Bro . C . Henley , under the superintendence of Bro . Chapman , D . C . of the lodge . .. . The usual round of Masonic toasts vvas gone through , and many hearty good wishes for a successful ' year of office were tendered to the newly-installed W . M ., who presided over the meeting .
Mozart Lodge , No . 1929 . Th installation meeting of this distinguished and well-known musical lodge vvas held atthe Greyhound Hotel , Croydon , on the 3 rd inst ., and was well attended . There were present Bros . Walter Wesche , W . M . ; E . Branscombe , P . P . G . O .. J . W . ; J . J . Lami-Mon , P . M ., Treas ., W . M . elect ; Fredk . Flood , P . M ., P . A . G . D . C , Sec ; R . J . Porter , S . D ; J . A ! Chalk , J . D . ; Walter Salmon , D . C . ; J . J . Kern , LG . ; H . J . MacfarlanePMP . G . O . ; R . S . TaylorP . M . ; C . II . Howlett , P . M . ; Trefelyn
. .., , David , G . C . Tegetmeier , W . W . Jaggard , H . T . Dudman , A . R . Shubrook , G . Bribes . C . W . Freeman , F . Whatley , Augustus Toop , S . F . McLevvin , J . Sinclair , A . H Stopher , P . Notcutt , T . H . B . Bolton , W . H . Bartlett , A . T . Chapman , C . W . Lloyd , L . V . Cockell , G . Melita , J . B . Sterckx , and Geo . Harrison , Tyler . Visitors : Bros , the Rt . Hon . the Earl of Onslow , Prov . G . M . ; W . M . Stiles , P . G . Treas C . Tyler , Prov . G . Sec ; W . A . Latham , Prov . Ass ' . G . Sec ; H . J . Lardner , P M Fred Dunstan , P . M . 1326 , P . A . G . D . C . Middx . ; Wills , P . M . 1901 ; Dennant , 1293
P . M . 1940 ; Croager , W . M . 1837 . J Shepherd , P . M . 140 ; S * a . n , P . M . , P . P . G . Reg . ; F . Tomlin , P . M . 1360 ; Soper , W . M . 2241 ; A . H . Cole , P . M . 1744 ; T . Jeffries . P . M . 1744 ; E . P . Waymouth , J . D . 1744 ; Walford , 705 ; Keen , 1599 ; Beckwith , 2345 ; Kusbridge , S . W . 182 S ; James , J . D . 4 < 3 j ; and R . T . West , 174 +. . The minutes of the last meeting having been read , and the Auditors report received and adopted , Bro . J . J . Lamigeon , P . M ., Worshipul Master elect , was presented and drdy installed into the chair by the outgoing Mister , Bro . Walter Wesche , whose
working vvas cirried out in an excellent manner , for which he deserves the highest praise . The new VV . M . appointed and invested his officers , and addressed suitable and appropriate words te each , making special reference in eloquent terms to the past services of the Secretary , Bro . F . Flood , P . M . They were : Bros . W . Wesche , I . P . M . ; Edward Branscombe , S . W . ; J . A . Chalk , J . W . ; H J . Macfarlane , P . M ., Treas . ; Fredk . Flood , P . M ., Sec . ; Walter Salmon , S . D . ; J . J . Kern , J . D . ; G . C . Tegetmeier , DC : Augustus Toop , A . D . C ; W . H . Shiner , Org . ; J . Sinclair , I . G . j lrefelyn
David , W . R . Dennis , G . Briggs , and C . VV . freeman , Stewards ; and u . Harrison , Tyler . The members received with regret the resignation of Bro . L . R . Dicksee , S . W ., whom nevertheless , they refused to part with , but unanimously elected him as an hon . member . Bro . E . Branscombe ' s , P . P . G . Org ., professional engagements prevented him from qualifying this year as a candidate for election to the Master ' s chair . The usual addresses vvere ably delivered by Bro . Walter Wesche , which stamped him as a master
of the art , for which he vvas heartily congratulated , ln presenting a Past Mister ' s jewel to Bro . Walter Wesche , I . P . M ., the W . M . paid a great tribute to him for the valued services rendered by him to the lodge , to which Bro . Wesche made a brief but suitable reply . Other business being disposed of , the lodge was closed . The brethren partook of an excellent banquet , which reflected the highest possible credit on the establishment , and will add to the reputation of the proprietor , Bro . F . TomlinP . M . for Masonic repasts .
, , ... „ ,... . „ . „_ , „ ... „ The VV . M . gave "The Queen and the Craft , " and afterwards "The M . W . G , Master , H . R . H . the Piince of Wales , " which were duly honoured . The W . M ., in feeling terms , referred to the great loss sustained by the Craft through the death ofthe late Pro G . Master , Bro . the Earl of Lathom .
Craft Masonry.
The toast vvas drunk in solemn silence , and vvith noiseless fire . In giving "The R . W . Dep . G . Master , Bro . the Right Hon . the Earl Amherst , and the rest of the Grand Officers , Present and Past , " the W . M . stated that they vvere honoured vvith the presence of two Grand Officers , vvho vvere both well-known in the Craft for the eminent services rendered by them , and he hoped they would live long to give them the emulation they required , and he associated with the toast the hame of Bro . W . M . Stiles , P . G . Treas .
The toast was received vvith much enthusiasm , as was Bro . W . M . Stiles , P . G . Treas ., on rising to respond . He said that he vvas very pleased to ackowledge the toast , seeing that he had Bro . Lord Onslow—who vvould respond for another toast—his senior , with him . In eloquent and pathetic terms he referred to the death of the M . W . Pro G . Master , remarking that it vvould be long before they found his like again . He vvas glad to see Bro . Lamigeon instilled into the chair of the Mozart Lodge . He vvas a very old friend of his and had worked vvith him shoulder to shoulder in another Iodge , and he knew his great worth . That was not his first visit to the lodge , in which he had many personal friends , and if given the opportunity would gladly attend again .
TheW . M . proposed "The Right W . Prov . Grand Master , the Right Hon . the Earl of Onslow , " and said they were especially favoured and honoured by the attendance of Lord Onslow and they hoped to have him there many times again . He was a jolly good fellow—that was good English —( loud applause)—but they could not expect good English from a Frenchman . The lodge , he thought , must be going on beautifully to have been honoured vvith the presence of the Prov . Grand Master , which the members very much appreciated .
Lord Onslow , on rising to respond had quite an ovation . He thanked them most heartily for their welcome that evening and said he had so many claims on his time both for State and Municipality that he had been unable to visit there before , but he was extremely pleased , not only with the strength of the lodge but the admirable way the vvork was done , and very seldom had he heard the installation ceremony and the addresses better done than by the I . P . M ., Bro . Wesche . The W . M ., Bro . Lamigeon , although he vvas a Frenchman , had been placed in the chair on two occasions , and he thought the lodge vvould prosper under his ruling , and , in conclusion , he again thanked
them most cordially for the very hearty manner they had welcomed their Prov . Grand Master . ( Loud applause . ) Bro . C . Tyler , Prov . Grand Secretary , responded for " The Dep . Prov . Grand Master and the Present and Past Prov . Grand Officers , " and said that after the eloquent speech of the Prov . Grand Master it left him but very little to add . No Prov . Grand Master could take more interest in Freemasonry than Lord Onslow did , and he endorsed all that Lord Onslow had said as to the excellent working . The Prov . Grand Officers had had a great treat in the lodge room and at the binqueting table , and he vvould gladly accept the W . M . 's kind invitation to attend the lodge again .
Bro . W . A . Latham , Prov . ] Asst . G . Sec , also acknowledged the toast in brief terms . Bro . H . J . Macfarlane , P . M ., P . G . Org ., said that the working in the lodge was always good , but it was gratifying to the members to hear from the Prov . G . M . what his opinion was as to the way they conducted the business of the Iodge and the working of the ritual . "The Health of the W . M ., Bro . Lamigeon , " was proposed by Bro . Walter Wesche , I . P . M ., vvho said it gave him much pleasure to sub-nit the toast , as Bro . Lamigeon was an excellent Mason , and what he said in Masonrv came from his heart .
Bro . Lamigeon , W . M ., on rising to respond , was received with acclamation . He said he vvas not worthy of all the good things said of him , but his great ambition vvas to be Master , and to promote harmony and good feeling and brotherly love . He was proud to be the Master of such an important lodge , and would do everything in his power to promote its interests , and any suggestion any member had to make for the welfare of the lodge he was prepared to listen to it , and , as the W . M ., would be with them . If he went wrong he hoped the ollicers and brethren would put him right . That was a great day to him , and might he say , as a Frenchman , that they had behaved as
Britons , and he vvas quite safe in their hands , and he much appreciated their kind reception , because they must not forget that he was only a foreigner . The W . M ., in giving " The Visitors , " said that a goodly number had honoured the lodge with their presence , and he was proud to see them , as they were all welcome , and he asked them to come again . The W . M . coupled with the toast the names of Bros . Croager , W . M . 1 S 37 ; Fred Dunstan , PM . 1326 , P . A . G . D . C . Middx . ; Soper ,
W . M . 2241 ; Shepherd , P . M . 140 ; Swain , P . M . 1293 , P . P . G . Reg . ; and Tomlin , P . M . 1360 . Bro . Croager responded , thanking them for the hearty welcome the visitors had had , and said they had had an excellent lesson in the ritual . The ceremony of installation was performed in a perfect manner by Bro . YVesche , and if they did not visit other lodges they could not get a general round idea of Masonic work . He had learned something that evening , and he was well pleased vvith his visit .
_ Bro . F . Dunstan , P . M ., said that he was delighted to see such excellent working , which was equal to any they had in South London . The W . M ., Bro . Lamigeon , was a good worker , and the Iodge vvould continue to flourish under his genial presidency . Bro . Soper , W . M . 2241 , stated that he was indebted to Bro . Tegetmeier for a very pleasant evening . With such an able W . M . and his good officers the future of the lodge appeared to be great and good , and he wished it every success . Bro . Shepherd , P . M ., also acknowledged the toast , remarking that the visitors had been well received and entertained , and had had a very good time .
Bro . Swain , P . M ., also responded , bearing testimony to the excellent working of the ritual and the lavish hospitality of the members .. Bro . Tomlin , P . M ., said that after the nice things said of him by the W . M . and by several of the members , he would not be human if he did not state how he appreciated their kind wishes , and if he had given satisfaction in the catering he was delighted . He would be glad to become a joining member , not in a pecuniary way as the proprietor of the establishment but because he had many friends who were members of the lodge .
In giving "The Installing and Immediate Past Master , Bra . Wesh : e , " the W . M . stated it was the toast of the evening . Bro . Wesche had done his work in an exemplary manner , and he had never seen the ceremony of installation better carried out , but he must have given a lot of time to have made himself so perfect , and he had excslled himself as W . M ., and they all agreed that he wis a jolly goad fey > w . Bro . Walter Wesche , I . P . M ., vvho vvas received with much warmth , responded . He said he had that evening been the recipient of many flattering compliments , and his heart was full of Masonic love for all the members , and he thanked them very mu : h for the many kindnesses he had received from them all during his happy year of office as Master of the Mozart Lodge .
The hour being late , the W . M . gave as one toast " The Past Masters , Treasurer , and Secretary , Masonic Charities , Musical Brethren , and Working Officers , " speaking in the highest terms of the Past Masters , who had done great things for the lod ^ e ; then as to the Secretary , Bro . Flood , P . M ., it vvould be impossible to have a better ; hs had never seen any one who took so much pains , and the prosperity of the lodge was , in a
great measure , due to him , and long might they have the benefit of his services . He thanked the musical brethren for their great services that evening ; and in referring to the officers , observed that they were all good , and would go higher with satisfaction to themselves and the lodge , and vvould keep it well to the front ; and he joined with this toast the names of Bros . R . S . Taylor , P . M . ; Fredk . Flood , P . M ., Sec . ; H . J . Macfarlane , P . M ., Treas . ; and J . A . Chalk , J . W .
Bro . R . S . Taylor , P . M ., in response , said that during the time he had been a member-he had tried to do his best for the lodge , and in passing through the chair he left it without the lodge being in a worse position , but those who followed him hid gone better . He had the honour of knowihg the late Lord , Lathom personally for 39 years , and a better Mason never lived . Bro . H . J . Macfarlane , P . M ., Treas ., said that he was always glad to do anything for the lodge , and he appreciated the honour of having been elected Treasurer . Bro . Fredk , Flood , P . M ., Sec , also acknowledged the toast , which he did in
eloquent terms , and his remarks were received with much applause . Bros . C . H . Howlett , P . M . ; J . A . Chalk , J . W . ; and J . Sinclair , LG ., also responded in glowing terms , and the Tyler ' s toast brought to a close a highly satisfactory and very happy meeting . The excellent programme of music was under the able direction of Bro . VV . H . Shiner , assisted by the following well-known artists : Miss Susetta Fenn , who received a well-deserved encore for each of her songs , and her sweet and exquisite singing was much appreciated by the large gathering ; Bros . Trefelyn David , Lewis Vincent , and J . J . Kern . Bro . Augustus Troop ably presided at the pianoforte .
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Craft Masonry.
Prov . G . Officers , Present and Past , " coupling with the toast the names of Bros . Thompson , Roach , and Hicks , whose services as members of the Enfield Lodge had been recognised by the province . Bro . Thompson , in reply , thanked them for the hearty way the toast ofthe Prov . < J . Officers had been received , and said although the duties vvere , perhaps , slight , they vvere always performed to the very best of their abilities . Bros . Hicks and Roach having also responded ,
Bro . Humphrey , I . P . M ., rose to propose "TheHealth of the W . M ., " and said : It affords me tbe greatest pleasure to propose this toast , knowing , as I do , that the brethren who have had the opportunity of serving our W . M . in the various offices in the lodge , vvill accord it the enthusiasm it deserves . Bro . Penny , W . M ., in reply , said : I thank you , Bro . Humphrey , for the manner in vvhich you proposed my health , and the brethren for the cordiality of its reception . I can assure you that in the face of very efficient working shown by one and all of my predecessors , I , with a considerable amount of diffidence , take upon me the mantle vvill be
falling from them ; however , to sustain the prestige of the Enfield Lodge my first care and the work I have to do will be a real pleasure to me and will be done to the best of my ability . In proposing " The Health of Bro . Humphrey , I . P . M ., the W . M . referred in terms of eulogy to the able manner in vvhich he had performed his duties during the year , and expressed the pleasure it afforded him to present to Bro . Humphrey the Past Master ' s jewel vvhich had been unanimously voted him by the lodge in recognition of those services , and as a mark of the esteem and respect in which he was held by the members of the Iodge .
The remaining toasts of "The Past Masters , " "The Init ate , " "Visitors , " and " The Officers of the Lodge , " having been honoured . The Tyler's toast concluded another red-letter day in the history of the lodge . Additional enjoyment vvas derived during the evening by the vocal efforts of Bros . Kirby . Temple , Berry , and Offord , and Bro . Caiger ' s skilful manipulation of the " Glasophone . " Bro . Wilfred Davis accompanying .
Clausentum Lodge , No . 1461 . The first of the Masonic installations for 189 S-Q , in the Southampton District , took place on the 7 th inst ., vvhen the brethren ot the above lodge met at their quarters at Woolston to celebrate the Festival of St . John and to witness the installation of the W . M . elect , Bro . R . Way Rider , the Senior Warden of the past year . The ceremony
was ably performed by Bro . W . Fowler , the Masters present including Bros . Giles , 1903 and 257 , the newly appointed Prov . G . Sec ; R . W . Lees , 130 ; Capt . Berry , W . M . " ¦ -9 ; F . Fairweather , 394 ; H . Lashmore , 394 ; J . Cudlipp , W . M ., W . H . Chapman , J . Methven , A . T . Brown , R . Bell , M . F . Curtis , E . T . Wise , W . J . Miller , E A . Edwards , Crook , Ritchie , H . B . Rohss , Wentworth Shield , Amys . and Dr . Brown , allot the lodge ; Drysdall , W . M . 17 S 0 ; and G . Ward , W . M . elect 18 S 3 . invested his officers follows
At the conclusion of the ceremony the new W . M . as .-Bros . L Cudlipp , I . P . M . ; H . Slade , S . W . ; J . Kellaway , J . W . ; Rev . G . Hughes , P M ., Chap . ; A . J . Brown , P . P . G . Std . Br ., Treas . ; J . Methven , P . M ., P . P . G . S . D ., Sec ; J . Hinton , S . D . ; Nalder Roberts , J . D . j W . H . Chapman , P . M ., P P . J . G . D ., D . C ; W . Fowler , P . M ., Org . ; F . Kimber , I . G . ; G , Harris , G . Newnham , A . Warden , and S . White , Stwds . ; and C . Henley , Tyler . The W . M . ' s first duty after the installation was to propose a vote of thanks to the able and similar
Installing Master , who was highly commended for his working ; a compliment to the I . P . M . for the successful way in vvhich he had fulfilled the duties of the chair during the past year , and he at the same time pinned on his left breast a Past Master ' s jewel , voted by the lodge at the previous meeting . The W . M . next expressed on behalf of the lodge the great regret of the brethren at the absence of Bro . James Martin , and moved a vote of condolence with him in the great allliction he had sustained by the death of his wife . This was seconded by Bro . Methven , who read a sympathetic and the vote carried in silence Methven thentaking
letter from Bro . Martin , was . Bro . , the [ place of Bro . Martin , said that Madame Metcalfe , widow of Bro . Metcalfe , had wished to make a presentation to the lodge , and on her behalf he had to ask the acceptance of the handsome lodge banner the brethren now saw before them . The Worshipful Master expressed high appreciation of the gift , which was accepted for the lodge , and he said he was sure the brethren would highly value it . The banner is of Craft-blue silk , bearing the crest of the lodge
in a golden laurel wreath , above the name and number , the whole surmounting the Southampton Arms worked in colours . It is mounted on a standard , and is altogether a very handsome and appropriate gift . In acknowledging the presence of the visitors , theW . M . expressed the pleasure it gave them to see Bro . Giles present for the lirst time since his election to the important office of Provincial Grand Secretary , in the discharge of which he was sure they all wished him much success . Bro . Giles brielly resDonded , stating that he was much pleased to mike acquaintance with the Clausentum
Lodge . There would have been other Provincial Grand Olhcers present out tnat tney were attending Grand Lodge meeting in London . ..... After transacting some formal business , the lodge was closed , and the brethren afterwards partook of a banquet served in admirable style by Bro . C . Henley , under the superintendence of Bro . Chapman , D . C . of the lodge . .. . The usual round of Masonic toasts vvas gone through , and many hearty good wishes for a successful ' year of office were tendered to the newly-installed W . M ., who presided over the meeting .
Mozart Lodge , No . 1929 . Th installation meeting of this distinguished and well-known musical lodge vvas held atthe Greyhound Hotel , Croydon , on the 3 rd inst ., and was well attended . There were present Bros . Walter Wesche , W . M . ; E . Branscombe , P . P . G . O .. J . W . ; J . J . Lami-Mon , P . M ., Treas ., W . M . elect ; Fredk . Flood , P . M ., P . A . G . D . C , Sec ; R . J . Porter , S . D ; J . A ! Chalk , J . D . ; Walter Salmon , D . C . ; J . J . Kern , LG . ; H . J . MacfarlanePMP . G . O . ; R . S . TaylorP . M . ; C . II . Howlett , P . M . ; Trefelyn
. .., , David , G . C . Tegetmeier , W . W . Jaggard , H . T . Dudman , A . R . Shubrook , G . Bribes . C . W . Freeman , F . Whatley , Augustus Toop , S . F . McLevvin , J . Sinclair , A . H Stopher , P . Notcutt , T . H . B . Bolton , W . H . Bartlett , A . T . Chapman , C . W . Lloyd , L . V . Cockell , G . Melita , J . B . Sterckx , and Geo . Harrison , Tyler . Visitors : Bros , the Rt . Hon . the Earl of Onslow , Prov . G . M . ; W . M . Stiles , P . G . Treas C . Tyler , Prov . G . Sec ; W . A . Latham , Prov . Ass ' . G . Sec ; H . J . Lardner , P M Fred Dunstan , P . M . 1326 , P . A . G . D . C . Middx . ; Wills , P . M . 1901 ; Dennant , 1293
P . M . 1940 ; Croager , W . M . 1837 . J Shepherd , P . M . 140 ; S * a . n , P . M . , P . P . G . Reg . ; F . Tomlin , P . M . 1360 ; Soper , W . M . 2241 ; A . H . Cole , P . M . 1744 ; T . Jeffries . P . M . 1744 ; E . P . Waymouth , J . D . 1744 ; Walford , 705 ; Keen , 1599 ; Beckwith , 2345 ; Kusbridge , S . W . 182 S ; James , J . D . 4 < 3 j ; and R . T . West , 174 +. . The minutes of the last meeting having been read , and the Auditors report received and adopted , Bro . J . J . Lamigeon , P . M ., Worshipul Master elect , was presented and drdy installed into the chair by the outgoing Mister , Bro . Walter Wesche , whose
working vvas cirried out in an excellent manner , for which he deserves the highest praise . The new VV . M . appointed and invested his officers , and addressed suitable and appropriate words te each , making special reference in eloquent terms to the past services of the Secretary , Bro . F . Flood , P . M . They were : Bros . W . Wesche , I . P . M . ; Edward Branscombe , S . W . ; J . A . Chalk , J . W . ; H J . Macfarlane , P . M ., Treas . ; Fredk . Flood , P . M ., Sec . ; Walter Salmon , S . D . ; J . J . Kern , J . D . ; G . C . Tegetmeier , DC : Augustus Toop , A . D . C ; W . H . Shiner , Org . ; J . Sinclair , I . G . j lrefelyn
David , W . R . Dennis , G . Briggs , and C . VV . freeman , Stewards ; and u . Harrison , Tyler . The members received with regret the resignation of Bro . L . R . Dicksee , S . W ., whom nevertheless , they refused to part with , but unanimously elected him as an hon . member . Bro . E . Branscombe ' s , P . P . G . Org ., professional engagements prevented him from qualifying this year as a candidate for election to the Master ' s chair . The usual addresses vvere ably delivered by Bro . Walter Wesche , which stamped him as a master
of the art , for which he vvas heartily congratulated , ln presenting a Past Mister ' s jewel to Bro . Walter Wesche , I . P . M ., the W . M . paid a great tribute to him for the valued services rendered by him to the lodge , to which Bro . Wesche made a brief but suitable reply . Other business being disposed of , the lodge was closed . The brethren partook of an excellent banquet , which reflected the highest possible credit on the establishment , and will add to the reputation of the proprietor , Bro . F . TomlinP . M . for Masonic repasts .
, , ... „ ,... . „ . „_ , „ ... „ The VV . M . gave "The Queen and the Craft , " and afterwards "The M . W . G , Master , H . R . H . the Piince of Wales , " which were duly honoured . The W . M ., in feeling terms , referred to the great loss sustained by the Craft through the death ofthe late Pro G . Master , Bro . the Earl of Lathom .
Craft Masonry.
The toast vvas drunk in solemn silence , and vvith noiseless fire . In giving "The R . W . Dep . G . Master , Bro . the Right Hon . the Earl Amherst , and the rest of the Grand Officers , Present and Past , " the W . M . stated that they vvere honoured vvith the presence of two Grand Officers , vvho vvere both well-known in the Craft for the eminent services rendered by them , and he hoped they would live long to give them the emulation they required , and he associated with the toast the hame of Bro . W . M . Stiles , P . G . Treas .
The toast was received vvith much enthusiasm , as was Bro . W . M . Stiles , P . G . Treas ., on rising to respond . He said that he vvas very pleased to ackowledge the toast , seeing that he had Bro . Lord Onslow—who vvould respond for another toast—his senior , with him . In eloquent and pathetic terms he referred to the death of the M . W . Pro G . Master , remarking that it vvould be long before they found his like again . He vvas glad to see Bro . Lamigeon instilled into the chair of the Mozart Lodge . He vvas a very old friend of his and had worked vvith him shoulder to shoulder in another Iodge , and he knew his great worth . That was not his first visit to the lodge , in which he had many personal friends , and if given the opportunity would gladly attend again .
TheW . M . proposed "The Right W . Prov . Grand Master , the Right Hon . the Earl of Onslow , " and said they were especially favoured and honoured by the attendance of Lord Onslow and they hoped to have him there many times again . He was a jolly good fellow—that was good English —( loud applause)—but they could not expect good English from a Frenchman . The lodge , he thought , must be going on beautifully to have been honoured vvith the presence of the Prov . Grand Master , which the members very much appreciated .
Lord Onslow , on rising to respond had quite an ovation . He thanked them most heartily for their welcome that evening and said he had so many claims on his time both for State and Municipality that he had been unable to visit there before , but he was extremely pleased , not only with the strength of the lodge but the admirable way the vvork was done , and very seldom had he heard the installation ceremony and the addresses better done than by the I . P . M ., Bro . Wesche . The W . M ., Bro . Lamigeon , although he vvas a Frenchman , had been placed in the chair on two occasions , and he thought the lodge vvould prosper under his ruling , and , in conclusion , he again thanked
them most cordially for the very hearty manner they had welcomed their Prov . Grand Master . ( Loud applause . ) Bro . C . Tyler , Prov . Grand Secretary , responded for " The Dep . Prov . Grand Master and the Present and Past Prov . Grand Officers , " and said that after the eloquent speech of the Prov . Grand Master it left him but very little to add . No Prov . Grand Master could take more interest in Freemasonry than Lord Onslow did , and he endorsed all that Lord Onslow had said as to the excellent working . The Prov . Grand Officers had had a great treat in the lodge room and at the binqueting table , and he vvould gladly accept the W . M . 's kind invitation to attend the lodge again .
Bro . W . A . Latham , Prov . ] Asst . G . Sec , also acknowledged the toast in brief terms . Bro . H . J . Macfarlane , P . M ., P . G . Org ., said that the working in the lodge was always good , but it was gratifying to the members to hear from the Prov . G . M . what his opinion was as to the way they conducted the business of the Iodge and the working of the ritual . "The Health of the W . M ., Bro . Lamigeon , " was proposed by Bro . Walter Wesche , I . P . M ., vvho said it gave him much pleasure to sub-nit the toast , as Bro . Lamigeon was an excellent Mason , and what he said in Masonrv came from his heart .
Bro . Lamigeon , W . M ., on rising to respond , was received with acclamation . He said he vvas not worthy of all the good things said of him , but his great ambition vvas to be Master , and to promote harmony and good feeling and brotherly love . He was proud to be the Master of such an important lodge , and would do everything in his power to promote its interests , and any suggestion any member had to make for the welfare of the lodge he was prepared to listen to it , and , as the W . M ., would be with them . If he went wrong he hoped the ollicers and brethren would put him right . That was a great day to him , and might he say , as a Frenchman , that they had behaved as
Britons , and he vvas quite safe in their hands , and he much appreciated their kind reception , because they must not forget that he was only a foreigner . The W . M ., in giving " The Visitors , " said that a goodly number had honoured the lodge with their presence , and he was proud to see them , as they were all welcome , and he asked them to come again . The W . M . coupled with the toast the names of Bros . Croager , W . M . 1 S 37 ; Fred Dunstan , PM . 1326 , P . A . G . D . C . Middx . ; Soper ,
W . M . 2241 ; Shepherd , P . M . 140 ; Swain , P . M . 1293 , P . P . G . Reg . ; and Tomlin , P . M . 1360 . Bro . Croager responded , thanking them for the hearty welcome the visitors had had , and said they had had an excellent lesson in the ritual . The ceremony of installation was performed in a perfect manner by Bro . YVesche , and if they did not visit other lodges they could not get a general round idea of Masonic work . He had learned something that evening , and he was well pleased vvith his visit .
_ Bro . F . Dunstan , P . M ., said that he was delighted to see such excellent working , which was equal to any they had in South London . The W . M ., Bro . Lamigeon , was a good worker , and the Iodge vvould continue to flourish under his genial presidency . Bro . Soper , W . M . 2241 , stated that he was indebted to Bro . Tegetmeier for a very pleasant evening . With such an able W . M . and his good officers the future of the lodge appeared to be great and good , and he wished it every success . Bro . Shepherd , P . M ., also acknowledged the toast , remarking that the visitors had been well received and entertained , and had had a very good time .
Bro . Swain , P . M ., also responded , bearing testimony to the excellent working of the ritual and the lavish hospitality of the members .. Bro . Tomlin , P . M ., said that after the nice things said of him by the W . M . and by several of the members , he would not be human if he did not state how he appreciated their kind wishes , and if he had given satisfaction in the catering he was delighted . He would be glad to become a joining member , not in a pecuniary way as the proprietor of the establishment but because he had many friends who were members of the lodge .
In giving "The Installing and Immediate Past Master , Bra . Wesh : e , " the W . M . stated it was the toast of the evening . Bro . Wesche had done his work in an exemplary manner , and he had never seen the ceremony of installation better carried out , but he must have given a lot of time to have made himself so perfect , and he had excslled himself as W . M ., and they all agreed that he wis a jolly goad fey > w . Bro . Walter Wesche , I . P . M ., vvho vvas received with much warmth , responded . He said he had that evening been the recipient of many flattering compliments , and his heart was full of Masonic love for all the members , and he thanked them very mu : h for the many kindnesses he had received from them all during his happy year of office as Master of the Mozart Lodge .
The hour being late , the W . M . gave as one toast " The Past Masters , Treasurer , and Secretary , Masonic Charities , Musical Brethren , and Working Officers , " speaking in the highest terms of the Past Masters , who had done great things for the lod ^ e ; then as to the Secretary , Bro . Flood , P . M ., it vvould be impossible to have a better ; hs had never seen any one who took so much pains , and the prosperity of the lodge was , in a
great measure , due to him , and long might they have the benefit of his services . He thanked the musical brethren for their great services that evening ; and in referring to the officers , observed that they were all good , and would go higher with satisfaction to themselves and the lodge , and vvould keep it well to the front ; and he joined with this toast the names of Bros . R . S . Taylor , P . M . ; Fredk . Flood , P . M ., Sec . ; H . J . Macfarlane , P . M ., Treas . ; and J . A . Chalk , J . W .
Bro . R . S . Taylor , P . M ., in response , said that during the time he had been a member-he had tried to do his best for the lodge , and in passing through the chair he left it without the lodge being in a worse position , but those who followed him hid gone better . He had the honour of knowihg the late Lord , Lathom personally for 39 years , and a better Mason never lived . Bro . H . J . Macfarlane , P . M ., Treas ., said that he was always glad to do anything for the lodge , and he appreciated the honour of having been elected Treasurer . Bro . Fredk , Flood , P . M ., Sec , also acknowledged the toast , which he did in
eloquent terms , and his remarks were received with much applause . Bros . C . H . Howlett , P . M . ; J . A . Chalk , J . W . ; and J . Sinclair , LG ., also responded in glowing terms , and the Tyler ' s toast brought to a close a highly satisfactory and very happy meeting . The excellent programme of music was under the able direction of Bro . VV . H . Shiner , assisted by the following well-known artists : Miss Susetta Fenn , who received a well-deserved encore for each of her songs , and her sweet and exquisite singing was much appreciated by the large gathering ; Bros . Trefelyn David , Lewis Vincent , and J . J . Kern . Bro . Augustus Troop ably presided at the pianoforte .